
Death (FiE: 11)

Jun 29th, 2012
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  1. Part 11 (Death):
  2. >You look at the flower stand attendant.
  3. >”Hide. Now.”
  4. >She doesn't need to be told twice.
  5. >Gripping your scythe, you realize that you are far outnumbered.
  6. >Charging in and swinging madly, your death would be quick and rather painful.
  7. >Fortunately, you are not a being of impulse
  8. >You are a being of logic, but more importantly, a being of fear.
  9. >Diving into a nearby bush, you watch the actions of the dogs and bug p0nies.
  10. >The battlefield here is complete chaos.
  11. >The attackers are in squads of 3 or 4
  12. >Doing a quick count, you figure there to be 30 dogs, and about 20 or so black p0nies.
  13. >One of the dogs walks right in front of the bush you are taking residence in.
  14. >You grab him by the scruff of his neck, and pull him into the bush, quickly cutting his throat from ear to ear with the scythe.
  15. >The other dogs didn't even turn around.
  16. >That will have to change immediately.
  17. >You make quick work to cut off the dog's head, and throw it as hard as you can over their heads.
  18. >It lands with a squishy thud in front of the dogs.
  19. >Then you sense it.
  20. >The fear.
  22. >You step out of the bushes calmly as ever, scythe in hand.
  23. >Crimson fluid drops from the edge of the fine blade as you approach the dogs, who haven't turned around yet.
  24. >You kick the back of the leg of the largest dog, grabbing the back of his head as you do.
  25. >Slamming him into the ground, you quickly stab your scythe into his throat, a gurgling whimper escaping before he finally passes.
  26. >The dog to the right turns around and faces you, staring you in the eyes.
  27. >Bad move.
  28. >You lunge at him, holding him by the throat, and pull up his fear as quickly as possible.
  29. >You conjure a dark magic, and throw it at the final standing dog.
  30. >It forms into a crow in mid-air, and begins tearing at the diamond dog's face.
  31. >The yelps of fear and pain carry far into the wind.
  32. >They expected to take the town without a fight.
  33. >How stupid.
  34. >You leave the image of a scarecrow in the terrified dog's foremost memory, and turn to face the dog being attacked by your faithful avian companion.
  35. >You swing your scythe from down low, and literally cut him in half.
  36. >You look around at your handy work.
  37. >There's blood, fur, organs, and feathers everywhere, not to mention the terrified dog mumbling about crows and scythes
  38. >Perfect.
  39. >You let out a loud, maniacal laugh, and dive into the nearby bushes again.
  41. >After a few minutes, a few other packs of dogs walk into the gory scene you have left for them.
  42. >A couple of the dogs look at each other with fear, others sadness, and one with fierce determination.
  43. >”FIND HIM! KILL HIM!” the ferocious canine shouts.
  44. >You usually aren't one for showmanship, but just this once, you'll make an exception.
  45. >You walk out of the bush, and hold your hands up, scythe on your hip.
  46. >*Ahem*
  47. >All the dogs turn and look at you, some dumbstruck, others holding their weapons towards you.
  48. >”If you leave now, I'll let you live” You are facing the ground, focusing.
  49. >”And what are you going to do, monkey?” The dog with a helmet approaches towards you, sword in hand.
  50. >”What am I going to do?” You let out a chuckle. “I am going to teach you fear!” With glowing eyes you look up towards the dog.
  51. >With a crack, you disappear from sight, and reappear in the middle of them all.
  52. >Scythe in hand, you begin your assault.
  53. >You cut through 2 dogs before they finally realize what is going on, and strike back.
  54. >One of the dogs swings his club at you, and you quickly jump backwards, chopping off the dogs paw.
  55. >You turn on your heel, and drive your scythe into the body of a dog behind you.
  56. >Another dog juts a spear at your side, and you quickly sidestep it
  57. >Grabbing the shaft of the spear, you drive it into the face of a dog on the opposite side of your attacker.
  58. >You snap, and your one handed spear appears in time for you to deflect a blade.
  59. >You duck below a halberd swing, and lunge at another dog, stabbing your scythe into his chest.
  60. >With a sickening crunch, you tear through his side, and back up a little, facing the remaining dogs.
  61. >You stare at them, and they at you.
  62. >”And to think that I have only just begun.” you say through an ear to ear grin.
  64. >A dog charges you with reckless abandon, and you sidestep him, slicing his stomach open.
  65. >With a sickening wet plop, the dog and his internals drop to the ground.
  66. >”Next” you say with a smile.
  67. >The dogs look at each other, as if to say 'you first'
  68. >There is a pause.
  69. >You don't have time for this.
  70. >You throw your scythe with full force into a dogs face while taking a step forwards.
  71. >The scythe reappears in your hand, and you drive it through the chin of another dog.
  72. >Willing it to be 2 handed, you raise your scythe horizontally, and block a strike from a sword.
  73. >You kick the dog in the chest, and turn around quickly, slicing a dog that was trying to sneak up on you
  74. >You continue charging forwards into another dog, who is shouting for help as you cut him down.
  75. >More dogs are appearing out of the woodwork now. It would seem you've gathered quite a bit of attention.
  76. >You now face a wall of muscle and fur, with somewhere around 20 dogs facing you.
  77. >You back up, right into something soft and fuzzy.
  78. >You turn around in time to see the dog stab the blade into your stomach.
  79. >Just as planned.
  81. >Looking down at the sword, you stumble back a bit as the dog pulls it back out.
  82. >You let out a smile, and look at the dog who stabbed you, who is now completely terrified.
  83. >Who the hell gets stabbed and smiles about it?
  84. >Taking a short step forward, you focus on making his life force your own.
  85. >A green aura wraps around your wound, and around the dog.
  86. >The wound starts healing before your eyes, and a deep stomach wound appears on the dog.
  87. >Once the aura fades, you tap the dogs head.
  88. >He falls over with a thud, and you let out a menacing cackle, not turning around quite yet.
  89. >”I will never die. You see, there's something you must understand. You can kill the man...”
  90. >You focus more, and imagine your burlap form.
  91. >”But you cannot kill the fear!”
  92. >You disappear with another crack, and reappear among them, this time in your scarecrow form.
  93. >Terror is your business.
  94. >And oh man, is business good.
  95. >You summon dark magics again ,and imbue the idea of terror into it and throw it at a dog.
  96. >Summoning another wad of magic, you toss it into the air, where it forms into a crow, and begins to strike the dogs.
  97. >You need to end this quickly.
  98. >”You will know fear before the day is through!” You let out that signature terrifying smile, and hold your arms out, and dark green magics start to float around you.
  99. >A few dogs take this opportunity to strike at you. Not that it matters. This form is a bit tougher than the human one.
  100. >With a boom, a wall of crows circle around you, the murderous flock tearing at the eyes and flesh of the dogs.
  101. >You start laughing maniacally, and begin slicing, a wide, sickening smile on your face.
  102. >After not but a few seconds, all the dogs around you are dead and their flesh being picked off by your avian friends.
  104. >You quickly glance around, and see that the black bug p0nies are nowhere to be found.
  105. >Did they run away from your terrifying display?
  106. >”Oh! You're ok!” you hear a familiar voice from behind you.
  107. >You turn to see Rarity.
  108. >How did she get here so fast?
  109. >”I'm so glad to see you're alright!” she jumps at you, and wraps her hooves around your burlap neck.
  110. >Something about this doesn't sit right.
  111. >”Of course I am, Twi. Why wouldn't I be?” Your incorrect name drop was not on accident.
  112. >She backs her head up and looks at you, avoiding your eyes.
  113. >”Well, when you went from ape form to your current form, I was afraid it would have hurt you.” her smile seems forced.
  114. >She didn't mention her name being misspoken.
  115. >Your jimmies are rustled enough to justify your next action.
  116. >You grab her by the throat and slam her into the ground.
  117. >”I can't wait to feast on your soul, you wretch” you smile inches above her face, black ooze dripping onto her pristine white coat.
  118. >You stare into her eyes, and search for her fear.
  119. >It's a completely different mind, and therefore, a different fear.
  120. >You see her coat begin to melt away, and turn into black hardened armor.
  121. >The eyes change into giant insect-like orbs. The fear is still there though.
  122. >You pick this insect p0ny thing up by its neck, and slam it into a wall
  123. >”What are you? Tell me, or I will end your feeble existence.” You frown at it.
  124. >This being's fear went up tenfold when you frowned.
  125. >”Changeling. I'm a changeling! Please, don't hurt me!” It says with tears in its eyes.
  127. >Well, this being looked like a splitting image of Rarity. That fact fuels your next question.
  128. >”How can I see through your disguises?” You ask as you tighten your grip slightly.
  129. >It isnt saying anything, opting to stare at you instead.
  130. >You will your scythe to be one handed, and stab into one its wing.
  131. >It cries out in pain
  132. >”Tell me what I want to know, or your death will be... horrifyingly slow.” you say with a slight smile.
  133. >His gaze shifts from you and his wing.
  134. >You grab the scythe, and give it a twist.
  135. >Another distorted yelp of pain comes from the changeling.
  136. >”Tell me!” You shout.
  137. >”Look beyond what you see, and the truth will be set free.” the changeling starts crying.
  138. >”Do not speak in riddles with me, insect. Speak simply, or face my wrath!” You are an inch from it's face.
  139. >”I dont know! I haven't figured it out myself!” it says.
  140. >”Is that so?”
  141. >He nods in response.
  142. >Putting your mouth near his ear, you whisper in a chilling voice.
  143. >”Then you are of no use to me.” You pull your scythe out of its wing, and quickly slit its throat.
  144. >The gurgling form hits the ground with a thud.
  145. >Shifting back to human form, you grab the dead changeling, and walk toward the center of town with it slung over your shoulder.
  147. >Hitting the center of town, you drop the form down with a thud, and shout into the wind.
  148. >”I, Fiddlesticks, challenge your leader to a duel.”
  149. >You wait around a minute before a large red p0ny approaches.
  150. >”Are you the leader of this pathetic invasion?” You say with disgust.
  151. >It's red fur begins to melt away into black armor like plating.
  152. >This particular changeling is much larger than the other one you just killed.
  153. >”Yes. Did you murder this changeling?” His voice is distorted.
  154. >You smile.
  155. >”You wish to duel me, potato man?” He spits out in anger.
  156. >*nod*
  157. >”Alright. What are the terms?” he begins pacing around you.
  158. >”If you win, the town is yours to do with as you please. And if I win, you and your fighting force leave forever. Deal?” you say unmoving as the changeling walks around you.
  159. >”I, Ditto, first commander of the Change Marines, accept your challenge and your terms.” He places himself in front of you, snorting and kicking his front hoof on the ground.
  160. >You grip your scythe in your hand, and face your opponent.
  161. >”Then let us begin.”
  162. >No sooner than you finish, he is charging at you.
  163. >Sidestepping him, you knock his body aside with the handle of your scythe.
  164. >Ditto lands on his side with a thud.
  165. >”You must try harder than that.” You smile again towards him.
  166. >He shudders at your smile, then charges you again.
  167. >You sidestep, but he follows suit, and runs into you.
  169. >Grabbing his horn, you twist your body aside, throwing him behind you.
  170. >Facing him, you see his horn starting to glow.
  171. >Damn, forgot to mention “no magic” in the terms. Oh well, you'll make due.
  172. >Smoke clouds your vision for a moment.
  173. >Taking a step back, you focus on the sounds that surround you.
  174. >You quickly raise your scythe to deflect a weapon.
  175. >Is that a scythe?
  176. >Weapons crossed, a face appears in front of yours.
  177. >You are staring at your burlap form's face, only this impersonation has blue eyes.
  178. >”Your end is near!” It says with a smile.
  179. >A wave of unease and nervousness wash over you.
  180. >Those feelings are quickly replaced by unbridled rage.
  181. >With the efficiency of a machine, you swing your scythe to and fro, striking his scythe and his body high and low.
  182. >From the wounds, green blood emerges.
  183. >Ditto blocks another shot, tying up your scythe with his own, and tosses both asides.
  184. >You kick him square in the chest, and watch as he fades into the could of smoke.
  185. >Lunging towards the smoke, you bring your fist up to beat the hell out of this scarecrow.
  186. >You tackle something soft, rolling on the ground for a moment.
  187. >Your hand is on Rarity's throat, your fist poised over your head.
  188. >Stopping for a second, you bring your fist down on her face.
  189. >Every time you punch her, it kills you a little more inside.
  191. >You are sitting on her chest, and punching repeatedly with both fists.
  192. >Your knuckles are covered in blood, and most of it is not your's.
  193. >She is simply crying as you continue to punch slowly and steadily.
  194. >”Please, stop this Fid! Please! Why are you doing this?” she pleads, her hooves doing hardly anything to block your fists.
  195. >'This isn't Rarity, this is a fake.' you tell yourself as you punch again and again
  196. >”Please, Fid, stop! You're killing me!”
  197. >Your timing between punches is further and further apart.
  198. >”Stop, Fid! Stop hurting the p0ny that loves you!”
  199. >You freeze.
  200. >She is looking at you through a black and blue eye, a smile on her face.
  201. >”I love you, Fid.” Her blue eyes are quite a sight in this light.
  202. >”Re...really?” you lower your fist slightly.
  203. >”Yes, really!”
  204. >”I've... seen what you do with the ones you love. Will you do that with me?” you ask, a hint of a smile on you face.
  205. >”Yes, I will. I promise I'll do all that and more!” Her smile is missing a couple teeth.
  206. >Your smile drops.
  207. >”Then I want nothing to do with you.”
  208. >Her smile fades “What do you mea-” She doesn't finish her sentence before your fist is in her face again.
  209. >This time, you do not stop striking until the thing under you stops moving.
  211. >You rise from the bloody mess you've made to find yourself surrounded by changelings.
  212. >You look into the eyes of the largest of the group.
  213. >”I defeated your pathetic leader. Leave now, before you suffer a similar fate.” your voice is a low growl.
  214. >The changeling picks up Ditto with its magic, and hoists it on its back, and takes off into the air, the others following suit.
  215. >You snap, your scythe appearing in hand, and head to the boutique
  216. >Once there, you enter, and walk into the bathroom.
  217. >You turn on the shower, and strip from your burlap poncho.
  218. > The warm water washes away the crimson red fluid that covered your arms and face, and you watch as it drains away
  219. >You lean on the sliding glass door, water running down your back.
  220. >Thoughts flash in your head of causing so much pain and hurt to your sweetest friend.
  221. >She has shown nothing but generosity and kindness to you, and yet you did not hesitate to beat her to a pulp.
  222. >In the end, you were no better than the monster with blue eyes.
  223. >Even after she told you she loved you, you continued to beat her.
  224. >With a scream, you drive your fist into the glass door
  225. >It shatters from the impact.
  226. >Sliding down the wall of the shower, you sit down, and stare at your bloody knuckles.
  227. >For the second time in your life, you cry.
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