
Yoshi's Story OST Mabinogi Port Progress

Mar 11th, 2018
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  1. YS soundtrack rip checklist Y=yes N=no O=in-progress X=unlikely but possible *=see notes
  2. _________________________________________________________________________
  3. | track list: | MML? | Notes (if applicable) |
  4. -------------------------------------------------------+-------------+------------------------------------------------------|
  5. 01 Nintendo! |N | SFX, also its just a voice clip
  6. 02 Title Screen |Y |
  7. 03 Yoshi's Song |Y |
  8. 04 On the Beach |Y |
  9. 05 Curry in a Hurry |Y |
  10. 06 Yo-Yo-Yoshi! |Y | i basically did this as a joke, i don't think this song is possible to make in mabinogi without sounding bad due to lack of proper instruments (the song kinda sucks anyway lmao) if you want it it's here:
  11. 07 Love in the Air |Y* | the tropical-sounding bass thing (idk what its called) doesn't match any instrument in mabinogi, rapid tuba notes are the only thing i can do for that and even that isnt ideal
  12. 08 Sneak into the Tall Tower! |Y |
  13. 09 Alpina Blue |Y |
  14. 10 Come Back to Me |Y* | i technically have a valid mml for this, but it's unreleased because it isn't very good (i can release it if people really want it though i guess) this song's bass features acoustic guitar strumming, emulated by playing 3 different notes at the same time on one channel. mml doesnt allow note overlap on a single channel, so unless i were to manually make a jam scroll with 3 lutes just for the bass (which would likely have its own share of issues) this song is unlikely to sound decent in mabinogi.
  15. 11 Jungle Fever |N | this song is literally all drum beats and singing (plus exactly 27 notes on a xylophone), mabinogi's drums suck and the vocal range doesnt come anywhere near what is required for this song
  16. 12 Yoshis in the Wind |Y* | i also have a legal mml for this, but its unreleased for the same reason as "Come Back to Me" - a major part of the song features doubled notes that don't work with mml. i tried to emulate the effect and it backfired enough that i dont think its even worth asking for this one tbh
  17. 13 Games of Happiness |Y | i made two versions of this one, one that's shorter, but more "accurate", and one with some of the flair in the song removed to allow it to loop once. this song is complex enough that i dont think its possible to have both an accurate port and a longer scroll.
  18. 14 Tough Guys Don't Cry |N | this song is just drum beats with 7 guitar riffs, its barely even a song i dont even remember this being used
  19. 15 Spider Swing |Y |
  20. 16 Yoshi's Story Interlude |N | sound effect
  21. 17 Page 1: The Story Begins |Y |
  22. 18 Page 2: Heartbeat Caverns |Y |
  23. 19 Page 3: The Summit |Y |
  24. 20 Page 4: Alone in the Jungle |Y |
  25. 21 Page 5: Mermaid's Tears |Y |
  26. 22 Page 6: Grande Finale |Y |
  27. 23 30 Fruits!! |X |
  28. 24 Yoshi's Mood |Y |
  29. 25 Growing a Little Happier |N | sound effect
  30. 26 Into the Boss Room |N | sound effect
  31. 27 Boss Appears! |N | sound effect
  32. 28 Duel with the Boss |Y |
  33. 29 Yoshi's Victory! |N | sound effect
  34. 30 Yoshi's Disco |X |
  35. 31 Baby Bowser's Lullaby |Y |
  36. 32 The Riddle |Y |
  37. 33 Baby Koopa Appears! |N | sound effect
  38. 34 Duel with Baby Koopa |Y |
  39. 35 Baby Koopa Strikes Back |X |
  40. 36 Baby Koopa's Bluff |X |
  41. 37 Baby Koopa Escapes |X |
  42. 38 Yoshi's Happiness |X | this is just a slower version of yoshi's mood with fewer instruments, is it really necessary
  43. 39 Let's Try! |X | if i can find this track in the rom i'll do it, i may not be able to since the instruments are all broken when i extract them, so it'd be hard to pick this one out from it's drum beat
  44. 40 Hard Times |Y |
  45. 41 Goal!! |Y* | i included this at the end of the hard times mml
  46. 42 Obtaining 7 Melons! |X | variant of goal!!; i do have a midi for it so i could whip up a scroll for it in like 4 minutes but i see no point
  47. 43 Falling Down |X | sort of a sound effect? i mean it could count as a song i guess but its like 16 seconds long
  48. 44 Everyone Is Gone |X | see above
  49. 45 Thank You White Shy Guy! |X | see above
  50. 46 Yoshi Room |X | theres 10 notes in this song, the rest of it is yoshi noises and random dings, this would not make a good scroll why would anyone want this
  51. 47 Which "Option"? |X | i didnt find this song in the rom but i do faintly recall it being used (though i havent played this game in around 10 years and my copy doesnt work anymore) idk if it would be possible/practical though considering most of the song is drum and theres no instrument to replace the squeak
  52. 48 Yoshi's Story |N | custom ver. already exists on mabibeats, N64 sequence rip is too complex for MML
  53. 49 Yoshi's Staff |Y | i know i've been skipping short ones like this but theres no way i can not do this one
  54. 50 The Voice of Yoshi's Staff (Bonus) |N/A | this is just developer commentary exclusive to the japanese soundtrack release, if you really want this just make a scroll with a bunch of notes in the vocal track and its basically the same thing
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