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Dec 19th, 2014
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  1. abductive reasoning task
  2. abstractive meeting summarization task
  3. acoustic cues technique
  4. active learning task
  5. active learning technique
  6. adaboost technique
  7. adaboost classifiers technique
  8. adaptive chinese word segmentation task
  9. adaptive models technique
  10. adaptive topic model technique
  11. adaptively learnt patterns technique
  12. adjacency pair analysis technique
  13. adjacent nonterminals technique
  14. affix-based rule selection technique
  15. aligning formal meaning representations task
  16. alignment-based local features technique
  17. alignment-based reordering technique
  18. all-fragments grammar technique
  19. alternating structure optimization technique
  20. amazon mechanical turk technique
  21. amazon’s mechanical turk technique
  22. analysis of discourse structure task
  23. analysis of nps task
  24. analysis of rhythmic poetry task
  25. analyzing chinese synthetic words task
  26. animacy detection task
  27. annotated semantic information technique
  28. annotating a japanese text corpus task
  29. annotating anaphoric shell nouns task
  30. annotating chinese collocations task
  31. annotation of wordnet verbs task
  32. answer extraction task
  33. answer typing task
  34. answering clinical questions task
  35. answering opinion questions task
  36. apposition extraction task
  37. approximate inference task
  38. arabic base phrase chunking task
  39. arabic dependency parsing task
  40. arabic language modeling task
  41. arabic word segmentation task
  42. arbitrary features technique
  43. arc-standard transitions technique
  44. argument mapping technique
  45. argumentative zoning task
  46. articulatory dynamics technique
  47. artificial data technique
  48. aspect detection task
  49. asr scoring technique
  50. assocating facial displays task
  51. asynchronous fixed-grid scanning task
  52. attitude technique
  53. attribute information technique
  54. augmenting a bilingual lexicon task
  55. augmenting wikipedia task
  56. augmenting wordnet-based inference task
  57. austkin ii technique
  58. author-aware topic models technique
  59. authorship attribution task
  60. authorship attribution and verification task
  61. automatically acquired selectional preferences technique
  62. automatically derived rules technique
  63. automatically extracted paraphrase rules technique
  64. automatically generated examples technique
  65. automatically learned rules technique
  66. automatically mined patterns technique
  67. average perceptron technique
  68. average semantic orientation score technique
  69. back-off grammars technique
  70. background knowledge technique
  71. backward n-grams technique
  72. bagging technique
  73. basilica technique
  74. bayesian classifier technique
  75. bayesian multi-task learning technique
  76. bayesian probabilistic models technique
  77. bayesian tree transducers technique
  78. beam search technique
  79. belief propagation technique
  80. bi-multigram model technique
  81. bidirectional incremental construction technique
  82. bidirectional perceptron edit models technique
  83. bilingual constraints technique
  84. bilingual graph-based projections technique
  85. bilingual projections technique
  86. bilingual sentiment classification task
  87. bilingual subtree constraints technique
  88. bilingual synonym identification task
  89. bilingual vector spaces technique
  90. biomedical event annotation task
  91. biomedical event extraction task
  92. biomedical text mining task
  93. bitext dependency parsing task
  94. bmcl technique
  95. body area networks technique
  96. bootcat technique
  97. bootstrapped dictionaries technique
  98. boxer technique
  99. branching entropy technique
  100. branching markov clustering technique
  101. bridge language technique
  102. bridge languages technique
  103. buffer transitions technique
  104. bve technique
  105. c\&c and boxer technique
  106. capturing salience task
  107. cascaded finite state models technique
  108. cascaded hybrid model technique
  109. categorization of turkish news documents task
  110. ccg technique
  111. centering technique
  112. centroid technique
  113. chained classifiers technique
  114. chaining algorithms technique
  115. change curves technique
  116. character alignment technique
  117. chart mining-based lexical acquisition task
  118. chinese dependency parsing task
  119. chinese dictionary technique
  120. chinese grammatical relations features technique
  121. chinese human-annotated corpus technique
  122. chinese lexicon extraction task
  123. chinese named entity recognition task
  124. chinese segmentation task
  125. chinese semantic role labeling task
  126. chinese word segmentation task
  127. chinese word sense disambiguation task
  128. chinese word sense induction task
  129. cky technique
  130. cky-style decoder technique
  131. class-class selectional preference model technique
  132. classifying articles task
  133. classifying factored genres task
  134. classifying message board posts task
  135. classifying opinion sentences task
  136. classifying temporal relations task
  137. clustering task
  138. clustering algorithms technique
  139. clustering related terms task
  140. co-parsing task
  141. co-training technique
  142. cofi technique
  143. collective entity linking task
  144. collective semantic role labelling task
  145. collocations technique
  146. combinatory categorial grammar technique
  147. combinatory categorial grammars technique
  148. command relation features technique
  149. compara technique
  150. comparable corpora technique
  151. competitive models technique
  152. compositional distributional semantics technique
  153. compositional semantics technique
  154. compositional vector grammars technique
  155. computing implicit entities and events task
  156. computing lexical chains task
  157. concept classification task
  158. conditional random fields technique
  159. confidence-weighted classification technique
  160. confusion networks technique
  161. conjunction graph technique
  162. constituent parsing task
  163. constraint-driven learning technique
  164. content models task
  165. context dependent deep neural network technique
  166. context distribution clustering technique
  167. context features technique
  168. context management task
  169. context similarity technique
  170. context vector projection technique
  171. context-based unknown word identifier technique
  172. context-free parsing task
  173. context-sensitive structured parse tree information technique
  174. continuous space translation models task
  175. controlled translations technique
  176. conversational agents task
  177. conversational cohesion technique
  178. coordinate structure analysis task
  179. coreference resolution task
  180. corpus-derived lexical information technique
  181. correcting errors in speech recognition task
  182. correcting semantic collocation errors task
  183. corroborating text evaluation results task
  184. cosine similarity technique
  185. counseling dialog system task
  186. count-induced tree substitution grammars technique
  187. crf model technique
  188. crfs technique
  189. cross-lingual language modeling task
  190. cross-linguistic information technique
  191. cross-market model adaptation task
  192. crowdsourcing technique
  193. cst technique
  194. cube pruning technique
  195. cubic time biparsing algorithm technique
  196. cumulative penalty technique
  197. data augmentation technique
  198. data intensive text processing task
  199. data-driven parsing task
  200. data-intensive text processing task
  201. dbpedia technique
  202. deceptive answer prediction task
  203. decipherment task
  204. decision history technique
  205. decoding task
  206. deep processing grammar technique
  207. depbank technique
  208. dependency based word spaces technique
  209. dependency constraints technique
  210. dependency contexts technique
  211. dependency grammar technique
  212. dependency graphs technique
  213. dependency heterogeneity technique
  214. dependency measures technique
  215. dependency parser adaptation task
  216. dependency parsing task
  217. dependency structure technique
  218. dependency structures technique
  219. detecting hedge cues and their scopes task
  220. detecting opinion sentences task
  221. detecting opinions task
  222. detecting text reuse task
  223. deterministic rules technique
  224. developing a tt-mctag for german task
  225. developing parallel sense-tagged corpora task
  226. dialect identification task
  227. dialog acts technique
  228. dialog examples technique
  229. dialog management task
  230. dialogue act tagging task
  231. dialogue segmentation task
  232. dialogue system localization task
  233. dialogue systems technique
  234. dictionaries technique
  235. differential semantics annotation technique
  236. dimensionality reduction task
  237. discontiguous rules technique
  238. discourse and dialogue task
  239. discourse constraints technique
  240. discourse relations technique
  241. discovering sociolinguistic associations task
  242. discriminating non-native english task
  243. discriminative modeling technique
  244. discriminative preference ranking technique
  245. discriminative reordering task
  246. discriminative sequence models technique
  247. discriminative word alignment task
  248. disease mention recognition task
  249. distant supervision technique
  250. distinguishing descriptions technique
  251. distributional kernels technique
  252. distributional prior knowledge technique
  253. distributional similarity technique
  254. doctors and patients user groups technique
  255. document boundaries technique
  256. document classification task
  257. document clustering task
  258. document indexing task
  259. document-level classification task
  260. domain adaptation task
  261. domain dictionary technique
  262. domain-specific coreference resolution task
  263. dop model technique
  264. dual decomposition technique
  265. dynamic codes technique
  266. dynamic conditional random fields technique
  267. dynamic features technique
  268. dynamic programming technique
  269. echo-state networks technique
  270. em training technique
  271. embedding models technique
  272. embodied dialogue system task
  273. emotion cause detection task
  274. emotion-reading technology technique
  275. empty elements technique
  276. encyclopedic knowledge technique
  277. energy-based reinforcement learning technique
  278. enriching frame semantic resources task
  279. enriching germanet task
  280. enriching spoken language translation task
  281. enriching the venice italian treebank task
  282. ensemble classifier technique
  283. ensemble methods technique
  284. entailment and fusion technique
  285. entailment features technique
  286. entity coherence technique
  287. entity-aspect model technique
  288. entropic priors technique
  289. equivalent language model state maintenance technique
  290. evaluation of commonsense knowledge task
  291. event extraction task
  292. event schema induction task
  293. event-aspect model technique
  294. event-enriched semantics technique
  295. expectation maximization algorithm technique
  296. expectation propagation technique
  297. expert systems technique
  298. experts’ retrieval task
  299. explicit multiple topics technique
  300. exponentially decaying cache technique
  301. extending a thesaurus task
  302. extensive feature engineering technique
  303. extra phrase features technique
  304. extracted lexicon technique
  305. extracting bacteria biotopes task
  306. extracting complex biological events task
  307. extracting events task
  308. extracting opinion expressions task
  309. extracting phrase patterns task
  310. extracting word sets task
  311. extrinsic features technique
  312. eye gaze technique
  313. f-structures technique
  314. f1-score maximization technique
  315. factored deterministic automata technique
  316. factored pcfgs task
  317. factored translation task
  318. factorized grammar technique
  319. fb-ltag technique
  320. feature grouping technique
  321. feature hashing technique
  322. feature induction technique
  323. feature marginals technique
  324. feature structures technique
  325. feature-based lexicalized tree adjoining grammar technique
  326. finding opinion sentences task
  327. finite state transducers technique
  328. finite-state methods technique
  329. finite-state transducers technique
  330. first story detection task
  331. flexible word ordering technique
  332. focus-tracking technique
  333. focusing framework technique
  334. follower graph technique
  335. forests technique
  336. frequency-adaptive learning rates technique
  337. function labels technique
  338. function word reordering model technique
  339. function words technique
  340. functional words technique
  341. gene information extraction task
  342. gene name entity extraction task
  343. general domain knowledge technique
  344. generalized additive models technique
  345. generalized composition technique
  346. generating referring expressions task
  347. generating templates of entity summaries task
  348. generation task
  349. generation of referring expression task
  350. generative latent variable model technique
  351. generative model technique
  352. generative score technique
  353. generative statistical parsing task
  354. genetic algorithms technique
  355. geodesic grids technique
  356. georeferenced rules technique
  357. german hpsg grammar technique
  358. germanet senses technique
  359. getaruns technique
  360. gf resource grammar library technique
  361. global constraints technique
  362. global features technique
  363. global margin maximization technique
  364. global role ordering technique
  365. global structural constraints technique
  366. graded constraints technique
  367. grammar error detection task
  368. grammar prototyping and testing task
  369. grammar-informed initialization technique
  370. grammatical dependencies technique
  371. grammatical error correction task
  372. grammatical post-processing technique
  373. grammatical relations technique
  374. graph algorithms technique
  375. graph clustering technique
  376. graph co-ranking technique
  377. graph kernels technique
  378. graph partitioning technique
  379. graph transducers technique
  380. graph-based algorithms technique
  381. graph-based dependency parsing task
  382. graph-based feature sets technique
  383. graph-based word sense induction technique
  384. ground-truth links to wikipedia technique
  385. group l1 regularization technique
  386. hat categories technique
  387. head-driven transition-based parsing task
  388. hedge classification task
  389. heterogeneous annotations technique
  390. heuristic entity list searching technique
  391. heuristic search technique
  392. hidden markov modeling technique
  393. hidden markov models technique
  394. hidden semi-markov models technique
  395. hidden variables technique
  396. hierarchical bayesian language model technique
  397. hierarchical bayesian model technique
  398. hierarchical dirichlet language model technique
  399. hierarchical feature selection strategy technique
  400. hierarchical phrase-based translation task
  401. hierarchical pitman-yor language model technique
  402. hierarchical semantic knowledge technique
  403. hierarchical text classification task
  404. hierarchical topic model technique
  405. hierarchical word clustering technique
  406. high-level structures technique
  407. higher-order projective dependency parser technique
  408. higher-order unification technique
  409. highly ambiguous lexicons technique
  410. highly ambiguous supervision technique
  411. historical analysis of legal opinions task
  412. hobbs algorithm technique
  413. hownet technique
  414. hpsg technique
  415. hpsg grammar technique
  416. hpsg parsing task
  417. hybrid character information technique
  418. hybrid document indexing technique
  419. hybrid mt task
  420. hybrid mt approaches technique
  421. hybrid word/character information technique
  422. hyperedge replacement grammars technique
  423. hypergraphs technique
  424. hyperlex technique
  425. hypertagging technique
  426. hyponym pattern linkage graphs technique
  427. identifying metaphorical word use task
  428. identifying opinion holders and targets task
  429. identifying temporal relations task
  430. in-domain relation discovery task
  431. incomplete knowledge base technique
  432. incomplete tag dictionaries technique
  433. incremental parsing task
  434. incremental sigmoid belief networks technique
  435. incremental text structuring task
  436. indirect feature voting technique
  437. individual imprint technique
  438. inducing combinatory categorial grammars task
  439. inducing synchronous grammars task
  440. induction of linguistic structure task
  441. induction of translation lexicons task
  442. inductive logic programming technique
  443. inexact search technique
  444. inferring tutorial dialogue structure task
  445. informal temporal references technique
  446. information extraction task
  447. information significance technique
  448. information-state update rules technique
  449. inherently parallel structure technique
  450. integer linear programming technique
  451. integer programming technique
  452. interactive annotation learning task
  453. interactive machine translation system task
  454. interpolated kneser-ney technique
  455. inversion transduction grammars technique
  456. is-fp technique
  457. is-fp-gt technique
  458. is-gt technique
  459. iterative training technique
  460. itg priors technique
  461. jane technique
  462. japanese-specific heuristics technique
  463. jena annotation environment technique
  464. joint model technique
  465. joint structural inference technique
  466. judging grammaticality task
  467. kneser-ney technique
  468. knowledge base technique
  469. l1 regularization technique
  470. l1-induced paraphrases technique
  471. label propagation technique
  472. labeling chinese predicates task
  473. lambda calculus technique
  474. langauge modeling task
  475. langlog technique
  476. language model technique
  477. language model based confidence scores technique
  478. language model look-ahead technique
  479. language-independent compound splitting task
  480. language-independent hybrid mt task
  481. language-independent parsing task
  482. latent annotations technique
  483. latent annotations across languages technique
  484. latent concepts technique
  485. latent dirichlet allocation task
  486. latent dirichlet allocation technique
  487. latent semantic association technique
  488. latent structural svm technique
  489. latent variable grammars technique
  490. latent variables technique
  491. latent-variable pcfgs technique
  492. lattice encodings technique
  493. lattices technique
  494. lda technique
  495. lda topic modeling technique
  496. lda-based fisher kernel technique
  497. learning biological processes task
  498. learning combination features task
  499. learning decision lists task
  500. learning morphology task
  501. learning script knowledge task
  502. learning semantic correspondences task
  503. learning semantic textual similarity task
  504. learning subregular classes of languages task
  505. learning summary content units task
  506. learning to link entities task
  507. learning to predict engagement task
  508. learning to simplify sentences task
  509. learning to translate task
  510. learning tractable word alignment models task
  511. learning translation consensus task
  512. left-to-right tree-to-string decoding task
  513. lexical and inflectional features technique
  514. lexical and inflectional morphological features technique
  515. lexical cohesion technique
  516. lexical links technique
  517. lexical prior knowledge technique
  518. lexical resources technique
  519. lexical semantic relatedness task
  520. lexicalising ccgbank task
  521. lexicalized features technique
  522. lexicalized tree adjoining grammars technique
  523. lexicon expansion task
  524. lightweight dependency analyzer technique
  525. linear context-free rewriting systems technique
  526. linear kernel support vector machines technique
  527. linear-time decoding technique
  528. lingo grammar matrix technique
  529. linguistic and semantic features technique
  530. linguistic annotations technique
  531. linguistic constructions technique
  532. linguistic heuristics technique
  533. linguistic knowledge technique
  534. linguistically expressive grammars technique
  535. linguistically informed bilingual n-grams technique
  536. linguistically interpreted corpus technique
  537. linguistically rich models technique
  538. linguistically-based pronunciation rules technique
  539. link analysis technique
  540. linking entities to a knowledge base task
  541. literary authorship attribution task
  542. lithuanian dependency parsing task
  543. local alignment technique
  544. local features technique
  545. local language models technique
  546. local lda technique
  547. local topic model technique
  548. locating noun phrases task
  549. log-linear models technique
  550. logical constraints technique
  551. logical document structure technique
  552. logistic regression technique
  553. loose transitivity constraints technique
  554. loss functions technique
  555. low-order n-gram models technique
  556. lr models technique
  557. ltag technique
  558. ltag dependency parsing task
  559. mace technique
  560. machine learning task
  561. machine learning technique
  562. machine translation task
  563. machine translation evaluation task
  564. machine translation system combination task
  565. machine transliteration task
  566. maltoptimizer technique
  567. manually labeled discourse connectives technique
  568. mapreduce technique
  569. markov chain monte carlo technique
  570. markov clustering technique
  571. markov logic technique
  572. markov models technique
  573. markov random fields technique
  574. matrix factorization technique
  575. max-margin learning technique
  576. maxent model technique
  577. maxent-lda hybrid technique
  578. maximum bleu training technique
  579. maximum entropy models technique
  580. mdl technique
  581. measuring semantic relatedness task
  582. mechanical turk technique
  583. medical resources technique
  584. meta-constraints technique
  585. minimal domain adaptation technique
  586. minimal recursion semantics technique
  587. minimum error rate training technique
  588. minimum redundancy technique
  589. mining bilingual data from the web task
  590. mining monolingual web pages technique
  591. mining syntactically annotated corpora task
  592. mixed-collection topic models technique
  593. mixture modelling technique
  594. model combination technique
  595. model-refinement technique
  596. modeling aspects and opinions task
  597. modeling chinese documents task
  598. modeling dialogue structure task
  599. modeling scientific impact task
  600. modeling user satisfaction task
  601. modeling wsd and srl task
  602. modelling compression task
  603. modelling fixated discourse in chats task
  604. modelling sequential text task
  605. modernizing historical slovene words task
  606. modified kneser-ney technique
  607. monolingual collocation technique
  608. monolingual corpora technique
  609. monolingual key phrase technique
  610. monolingual resources technique
  611. monolingual topic information technique
  612. monotonic adjoining operation technique
  613. monte carlo analysis technique
  614. morphological analysis technique
  615. morphological features technique
  616. morphological linguistic resources technique
  617. morphological operations technique
  618. multi-engine machine translation task
  619. multi-faceted event recognition task
  620. multi-label text categorization task
  621. multi-level questions technique
  622. multi-modal features technique
  623. multi-party dialog task
  624. multi-pass sieves technique
  625. multi-sensor speech database task
  626. multi-task learning technique
  627. multidisciplinary instruction task
  628. multilingual dependency parses technique
  629. multilingual features technique
  630. multilingual parsing task
  631. multilingual resource technique
  632. multilingual semantic parsing task
  633. multilingual semantic role labelling task
  634. multimodal menu-based dialogue task
  635. multimodal signals technique
  636. multiple alignment of citation sentences task
  637. multiple annotations technique
  638. multiple contexts technique
  639. multiple experts technique
  640. multiple features technique
  641. multiple monolingual signals technique
  642. multiple objectives technique
  643. multiple parsers technique
  644. multiple postprocessors technique
  645. multiple ranks technique
  646. multiple surface linguistic cues technique
  647. multiple task learning technique
  648. multiple translation models technique
  649. multiple weighted reordering hypotheses technique
  650. multiple word alignment task
  651. multistream prediction feedback technique
  652. multitagging technique
  653. multiword expressions technique
  654. multiword-enhanced author topic model technique
  655. muse technique
  656. mutual information triggers technique
  657. n-best hypotheses technique
  658. n-gram reference distribution technique
  659. naive bayes technique
  660. naive bayes classifier technique
  661. name origin recognition task
  662. name perplexity estimates technique
  663. name transliteration task
  664. named entities technique
  665. named entity recognition task
  666. named entity tags technique
  667. named entity transcription task
  668. native language detection task
  669. native language identification task
  670. natural language generation task
  671. nbest dependency parsing task
  672. nested part-of-speech tags technique
  673. nested pitman-yor language modeling technique
  674. network features technique
  675. neural language models technique
  676. neural network language models technique
  677. neural networks technique
  678. noisy training data technique
  679. nombank technique
  680. non-expert annotations technique
  681. non-local features technique
  682. non-parallel multilingual guidance technique
  683. non-projective head automata technique
  684. on-the-fly ontology matching technique
  685. one-versus-all adaboost classifiers technique
  686. online hierarchical ranking technique
  687. online learning technique
  688. online passive-aggressive algorithm technique
  689. online reordering technique
  690. online training task
  691. ontology search task
  692. ontoselect ontology library technique
  693. open ie task
  694. open information extraction task
  695. open-domain information access task
  696. opinion summarization task
  697. optional null arcs technique
  698. ordering phrases task
  699. ordering prenominal modifiers task
  700. out-of-domain text data technique
  701. outside scores technique
  702. overlapping components technique
  703. packed forests technique
  704. pagerank technique
  705. pair n-gram models technique
  706. pairwise preference data technique
  707. parallel corpora technique
  708. parallel dialogue and task streams technique
  709. parallel multiple context-free grammars technique
  710. paraphrasing task
  711. parse correction task
  712. parse selection task
  713. parser adaptation task
  714. parser ensembles technique
  715. parser evaluation task
  716. parsing task
  717. parsing chinese task
  718. parsing directed acyclic graphs task
  719. parsing german task
  720. parsing graphs task
  721. parsing heuristics technique
  722. parsing noun phrase structure task
  723. part-of-speech technique
  724. part-of-speech categories technique
  725. part-of-speech equivalences technique
  726. part-of-speech equivalencies technique
  727. part-of-speech histograms technique
  728. part-of-speech restrictions technique
  729. part-of-speech tag technique
  730. part-of-speech tagging task
  731. part-of-speech tags technique
  732. partial manual alignments technique
  733. particle filters technique
  734. pattern mining technique
  735. pause duration technique
  736. pcfg technique
  737. perceptron technique
  738. perceptron hmms technique
  739. period disambiguation task
  740. person cross document coreference task
  741. phoneme segmentation task
  742. phonetic conflation technique
  743. phrase entailment and aggregation technique
  744. phrase indicators technique
  745. phrase structure parsing task
  746. phrase-based translation task
  747. phrase-structure fragments technique
  748. phylogenetic tools technique
  749. pipeline approach technique
  750. pipeline of linear classifiers technique
  751. pitman-yor process technique
  752. pitman-yor processes technique
  753. poly2 technique
  754. pos tagging for historical texts task
  755. pos-based restructuring technique
  756. pos-tag based poetry generation task
  757. post-editing operations technique
  758. posterior decoding technique
  759. posterior regularization technique
  760. ppm technique
  761. precision grammars technique
  762. predicate-argument and coreference relations technique
  763. predicate-argument structures technique
  764. predict-self reestimation technique
  765. predicting risk from financial reports task
  766. predicting text quality task
  767. predicting text readability task
  768. presemt technique
  769. prior domain knowledge technique
  770. prior knowledge technique
  771. probabilistic context free grammar technique
  772. probabilistic dialogue models task
  773. probabilistic entity-driven model technique
  774. probabilistic features technique
  775. probabilistic linear context-free rewriting systems technique
  776. probabilistic tree-edit models task
  777. procedural feature selection technique
  778. product-free lambek calculus technique
  779. products of latent variable grammars technique
  780. profile hidden markov models technique
  781. pronoun resolution task
  782. pronoun translation task
  783. pronunciation lexicon technique
  784. propbank technique
  785. prosodic labeling task
  786. prototypes of short phrases technique
  787. pruning technique
  788. pseudo references technique
  789. pseudo-negative samples technique
  790. punctuation prediction task
  791. punctuation processing technique
  792. quantifying constructional productivity task
  793. quasi-synchronous grammar technique
  794. quasi-synchronous grammar features technique
  795. quasi-synchronous grammars technique
  796. query expansion technique
  797. query log analysis task
  798. question & answer archives technique
  799. quotient algebras technique
  800. raft/rapr technique
  801. random graph walks technique
  802. random indexing technique
  803. random restarts technique
  804. random walk technique
  805. random walks technique
  806. random walks on graphs technique
  807. range concatenation grammars technique
  808. rasp4uima technique
  809. rating computer-generated questions task
  810. rcg technique
  811. readability prediction task
  812. reading the web task
  813. reasoning technique
  814. recognizing authority in dialogue task
  815. recognizing identical events task
  816. recognizing textual relatedness task
  817. recurrent neural network language models technique
  818. recurrent neural networks technique
  819. recursive neural networks technique
  820. reference domain theory technique
  821. refining grammars task
  822. regression task
  823. regression technique
  824. regression equation technique
  825. related and unrelated meanings technique
  826. relation extraction task
  827. relation topics technique
  828. relaxed textual constraints technique
  829. reordering task
  830. reordering rules technique
  831. reranking task
  832. reranking technique
  833. restrictive antecedent accessibility technique
  834. revised algorithms for focus tracking and revised algorithms for pronoun resolution technique
  835. rich acoustic features technique
  836. rich linguistic features technique
  837. right-corner transform technique
  838. sampling by uncertainty and density technique
  839. scarce resources technique
  840. search engine query logs technique
  841. second-order feature maps technique
  842. segmentation task
  843. selectional branching technique
  844. selectional preferences technique
  845. semantic affinity patterns technique
  846. semantic class learning from the web task
  847. semantic classes technique
  848. semantic classification task
  849. semantic composition task
  850. semantic enrichment of text task
  851. semantic features technique
  852. semantic information technique
  853. semantic knowledge technique
  854. semantic lexicon induction task
  855. semantic negation rephrasing technique
  856. semantic parsing task
  857. semantic redundancy technique
  858. semantic representation task
  859. semantic role classification task
  860. semantic role constraints technique
  861. semantic role label substitution rules technique
  862. semantic role labeling task
  863. semantic roles technique
  864. semantic-based distances between sentences technique
  865. semi-markov conditional random fields technique
  866. semi-supervised relation extraction task
  867. semi-supervised word alignment task
  868. semi-supervised word clustering technique
  869. sense disambiguation technique
  870. sense information technique
  871. sentence compression task
  872. sentence ordering task
  873. sentence realisation task
  874. sentiment analysis task
  875. sentiment detection task
  876. sentiment vector space model technique
  877. sentiwordnet technique
  878. sequence labeling technique
  879. sexual predator detection in chats task
  880. shallow dependency constraints technique
  881. shallow parsing technique
  882. shallow-n grammars technique
  883. sidgrid technique
  884. sign language generation task
  885. similarity based hierarchical fusion learning technique
  886. simple heuristics technique
  887. simplification task
  888. simulated users technique
  889. slice sampling technique
  890. smoothed priors technique
  891. smoothing technique
  892. smt task
  893. smt phrase aligners technique
  894. soft-constraints technique
  895. softmax-margin technique
  896. source and target syntax technique
  897. source constituency and dependency trees technique
  898. source language collocations technique
  899. source syntax labels technique
  900. source-side syntax technique
  901. sparse mixed-effects latent variable model technique
  902. sparsity-inducing penalties technique
  903. spectral embedding technique
  904. spectral learning technique
  905. speech translation task
  906. spelling variations technique
  907. spmt technique
  908. spoken dialogue interpretation task
  909. spreading activation technique
  910. srl task
  911. stacking technique
  912. statistical machine translation task
  913. statistical parsing of french task
  914. statistical phrase-based post-editing technique
  915. statistical sequence classifiers technique
  916. statistical word alignment task
  917. stem translation task
  918. stochastic bracketing linear inversion transduction grammar technique
  919. stochastic grammatical channel technique
  920. stochastic multi-level realizer technique
  921. stochastic tree substitution grammar technique
  922. stratified lookup interface technique
  923. stretchy patterns technique
  924. structural representations technique
  925. structured label propagation technique
  926. structured latent variables technique
  927. structured preference modeling technique
  928. structured sparsity technique
  929. structured svms technique
  930. structured syntactic knowledge technique
  931. structured syntactic parse features technique
  932. structured topic model technique
  933. stsg technique
  934. substitute vectors technique
  935. subtrees from auto-parsed data technique
  936. subtrees from auto-parsed target domain data technique
  937. sucre technique
  938. suffix arrays technique
  939. summarization task
  940. summarizing emails task
  941. supertag disambiguation task
  942. supertagging task
  943. supertagging technique
  944. supervised bilingual lexicon induction task
  945. supervised coreference resolution task
  946. supervised document geolocation task
  947. supervised itg models technique
  948. supervised machine-learning technique
  949. supervised model learning task
  950. support vector machines technique
  951. supporting rule-based representations task
  952. surface realization task
  953. surface strings technique
  954. svms technique
  955. syllabification task
  956. synchronous adaptor grammars technique
  957. synchronous context-free grammar technique
  958. synchronous parsing technique
  959. synonym regularization technique
  960. syntactic and non-syntactic phrases technique
  961. syntactic and semantic constraints technique
  962. syntactic and semantic features technique
  963. syntactic constituents technique
  964. syntactic dependencies technique
  965. syntactic dependency features technique
  966. syntactic features technique
  967. syntactic language modeling task
  968. syntactic reordering task
  969. syntactic reordering technique
  970. syntactic-semantic inference rules technique
  971. syntactified target language phrases technique
  972. syntax technique
  973. syntax-based rules technique
  974. synthetic phrases technique
  975. synthetic translation options technique
  976. tag structure technique
  977. target dependency language model technique
  978. tarsqi toolkit technique
  979. temporal collocations technique
  980. temporal ordering information technique
  981. temporal processing task
  982. temporal relation identification task
  983. ter technique
  984. term alignment information technique
  985. terp technique
  986. text readability task
  987. text segmentation task
  988. text simplification task
  989. text-level discourse parsing task
  990. textual entailment features technique
  991. tf-idf weighting technique
  992. three-stage approximate max-margin linear models technique
  993. threshold adjustment technique
  994. time mapping task
  995. timeml event classes technique
  996. title generation task
  997. top-down prediction technique
  998. topic labeling task
  999. topic modeling technique
  1000. topic models technique
  1001. topic segmentation task
  1002. topic-in-set knowledge technique
  1003. topical influence regression technique
  1004. topical word-character models technique
  1005. trainable cache model technique
  1006. transfer learning technique
  1007. transformation-based learning technique
  1008. translation task
  1009. translation lexicon induction task
  1010. translation recommendation technique
  1011. translation span alignment technique
  1012. transliteration task
  1013. transliteration generation and mining task
  1014. transliteration mining task
  1015. tree conditional random fields technique
  1016. tree edit distance technique
  1017. tree kernels technique
  1018. tree substitution grammar derivations technique
  1019. tree substitution grammars task
  1020. tree substitution grammars technique
  1021. tree-based information technique
  1022. tree-based structural alignment technique
  1023. tree-to-tree translation task
  1024. treelets technique
  1025. trigram language model technique
  1026. tropical polynomial weights technique
  1027. tweet recommendation task
  1028. twitter polarity classification task
  1029. two single-stage maximum entropy models technique
  1030. two-layered clustering technique
  1031. type-raising technique
  1032. unambiguous non-terminally separated grammars technique
  1033. unannotated bilingual text technique
  1034. unannotated corpora technique
  1035. undirected graphs technique
  1036. unfold-fold technique
  1037. universal schemas technique
  1038. unlabeled data technique
  1039. unlabeled parallel corpora technique
  1040. unlabelled data technique
  1041. unseen slot members technique
  1042. unsupervised acquisition of morphology task
  1043. unsupervised algorithm technique
  1044. unsupervised bilingual pos tagging task
  1045. unsupervised classification task
  1046. unsupervised concept-to-text generation task
  1047. unsupervised dependency parsing task
  1048. unsupervised information extraction task
  1049. unsupervised learning task
  1050. unsupervised morphological segmentation task
  1051. unsupervised parsing task
  1052. unsupervised part of speech inference task
  1053. unsupervised part-of-speech tagging task
  1054. unsupervised pattern clusters technique
  1055. unsupervised pos tagging task
  1056. unsupervised relation discovery task
  1057. unsupervised relation extraction task
  1058. unsupervised semantic role induction task
  1059. unsupervised structure prediction task
  1060. unsupervised syntactic alignment task
  1061. unsupervised word alignment task
  1062. unsupervised word clusters technique
  1063. unsupervised word segmentation task
  1064. user preference graph technique
  1065. user simulations technique
  1066. vector space model technique
  1067. vector space models technique
  1068. verb clustering task
  1069. verbal srl information technique
  1070. verbnet technique
  1071. visual attributes technique
  1072. voting models technique
  1073. vsm technique
  1074. weakly supervised selection of keywords technique
  1075. weakly supervised supertagging task
  1076. weakly synchronized grammars technique
  1077. web search relevance task
  1078. web texts technique
  1079. web-based corroboration technique
  1080. web-based language models technique
  1081. web-scale n-gram models technique
  1082. weighted finite state transducers technique
  1083. weighted finite-state transducers technique
  1084. weighted fsts technique
  1085. weighted n-grams technique
  1086. wide-coverage nlp task
  1087. wide-coverage semantic analysis task
  1088. word alignment task
  1089. word alignments task
  1090. word boundary markers technique
  1091. word clustering technique
  1092. word clusters technique
  1093. word representations task
  1094. word segmentation task
  1095. word sense disambiguation task
  1096. word-based perceptron algorithm technique
  1097. word-based reordering model technique
  1098. word-to-phrase alignment task
  1099. wordnet technique
  1100. wordnet kernels technique
  1101. wordnets technique
  1102. words from pan-chinese sources technique
  1103. world knowledge technique
  1104. wsd task
  1105. zoomed learning technique
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