
#Flarp2 - Session 11

May 22nd, 2012
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  1. <humanJaspers>: *** The party awakens in the Sacaraba inn as the sun rises over the horizon. The building itself is essentially made out of sandstone and wood, the beds... not the MOST plush and comfortable, but still so infinitely better than taking a nap in the sand.
  2. <Phenom>: whoops, hi
  3. <Nitro>: [pff]
  4. humanJaspers patpats Phenom yes hello. uvu]]
  5. <Phenom>: (mIRC doesn't ping me, sorry :c)
  6. <Nitro>: Halley stretched and rolled over for another five minutes of sleep. That lazy dog.
  7. humanJaspers Pff]]
  8. <Nitro>: He, were he a dog who could speak English, would suggest going around and looking for smaller quests in the town -- maybe asking Mr. Mayor if he had any tasks they could do or knew of anyone who might -- before heading for the desert ruins.
  9. <Nitro>: Of course, as he was a dog, he could not suggest such a thing and instead snored quietly.
  10. <humanJaspers>: [[Hiya, Non. uvu]]
  11. <non>: hey :3)
  12. *** non is now known as tenaciouslyCrunknasty
  13. <humanJaspers>: [[We just about started; Jake and Halley are at the inn, and that's about it for now. uvu]]
  14. <Nitro>: [I am imagining Halley just. Sprawled across Jake. Refusing to get up.]
  15. <humanJaspers>: [[Snrk]]
  16. <JakeEnglish>: (( Shit sorry I just spaced out ))
  17. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: pff)
  18. <Nitro>: [It's cool bro. P:]
  19. <JakeEnglish>: (( Woah that was an intense one too ))
  20. <JakeEnglish>: (( What the fuck ))
  21. <Nitro>: [Weird.]
  22. <JakeEnglish>: (( I think im on a trip guys ))
  23. <humanJaspers>: [[Huh. o:]]
  24. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: jakey what did i tell you about them drugs)
  25. JakeEnglish snores alongside his dog, one arm under Halley's side and his other one stretched out over the bed, sheets around his waist and one of his legs hanging off to the floor.
  26. <humanJaspers>: [[Drugs are bad, mm'kay. B1]]
  27. <Nitro>: [> Gamzee: Be the responsible one. Awaken the crew.]
  28. <humanJaspers>: [[Oh-- someone's recording this, yes? .o.]]
  29. <Nitro>: [Yes.]
  30. <Nitro>: [I am all over it.]
  31. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: coo)
  32. <humanJaspers>: [[Ah, good. Thanks Nitro! ^w^]]
  33. <Nitro>: [^u^]
  34. tenaciouslyCrunknasty the responsible one, awakens the crew by mashing his sleeping face into the middle of the van's steering wheel.
  36. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: This surprises him so much that he launches himself out of the window in a fit of sheer nerves.
  37. JakeEnglish jerks away with a startled noise, pistols at the ready and waving around. "Wuhoozat."
  38. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee sits upright in the dust, blinking owlishly.
  39. <Nitro>: Halley jumped at the sudden noise and growled before rolling over to bury his ears into the bed. Go 'way still sleepy.
  40. JakeEnglish glares when he notices the source of the noise, muttering about clowns waking up too early and rolling onto his stomach to shove the pistols back under his pillow, snoring with his head next to Halley's.
  41. <humanJaspers>: [[>Session: Be entirely about sleeping.]]
  42. <JakeEnglish>: (( yes good ))
  43. <JakeEnglish>: (( Gus is asleep on my knee and I really just want to snuggle him and take a nap ))
  44. <Nitro>: [I took a nap on our hammock a while ago, it was niiice, and awwwww puppy]
  45. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee unfolds into his proper upright position and completes his morning ritual, which consists of contorting into a series of unnatural shapes and also smoking.
  46. JakeEnglish can't fall back asleep and goes out of the van to take a leak, pausing to make a face at Gamzee, who is currently twisted so he could theoretically sniff his own butt. "....Yeah, not gonna ask." He returns to the van after a few minutes, looking more awake, and reaches inside to scratch his dog.
  47. <Nitro>: [lmao]
  48. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: He walks on his hands back to the van and slips his legs into the open driver's side window, springing himself into the seat.
  49. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: "Good morning, brother," he tells Jake.
  50. <Nitro>: Halley flipped semi-upright in his half-asleep state to lean into the scratching. He leaned most of his weight into it and oops there goes the dog off of the edge of the back of the van, tumbling onto the ground.
  51. JakeEnglish gives Gamzee a tired, flat look before patting the dust off Halley. "That's what you get for rolling around in your sleep, you ol' flea bag." Bending low, he kisses the top of the dog's head, climbing back into the van and patting the seat next to him.
  52. <Nitro>: He laid there quietly for a stunned moment, now markedly more awake, before shrugging it off as Jake gave him an affectionate kiss. He pushed himself to his paws, shook the dust from his fur, and jumped back into the vehicle and up beside his master, licking the boy's cheek affectionately. Good boy. Best human.
  53. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: "Y'all got all arms and motherfuckin' legparts inside the vehicle?"
  54. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: He cranks the van into gear.
  55. <JakeEnglish>: Indeed, Gamzee. Let us go forth and adventure.
  56. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Honk.
  57. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: The van makes its rumbly way through the early morning streets to Appledapple's Applecart
  58. <Nitro>: [> Applejack: Send heroes on a quest to recover...~*~The Golden Apple~*~.]
  59. <humanJaspers>: [[Snrrrrrk]]
  60. <humanJaspers>: *** The party arrives at Applejack's Wagon. She welcomes Gamzee once again with a bright, welcoming smile, politely tipping her hat to the adventurers. She even has the gasoline that he asked for all nice and ready!
  61. <humanJaspers>: *** The armored van is in top condition. The fuel gauge is at 80%.
  62. *** MidnAlt is now known as Midna
  63. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: is that after adding the gas?)
  64. <humanJaspers>: [[Yep! o:]]
  65. <JakeEnglish>: (( that was like zero gas. ))
  66. <humanJaspers>: [[It's gasoline made out of apples.]]
  67. <humanJaspers>: [[Appline only goes so far.]]
  68. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: heehee)
  69. JakeEnglish raises an eyebrow as he looks out the window at the pony, frowning a bit, his stomach rumbling at the sight of the apples, but he is hesitant to try his method of persuasion with.. a horse.
  70. <humanJaspers>: [[On the plus side the exhaust is going to smell /remarkable/. ouo]]
  71. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: mmmm)
  72. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: "Thanks, applesis," says the clown as he tips an imaginary stetson at the pony.
  73. <Nitro>: Halley sniffed at the pony curiously before tilting his head at the creature, wagging his tail. What a weird animal. And it seemed to be communicating with the humans. Why could all the animals except him exchange that gibberish noise with them? Sure, doing so would be an insult to his intelligence -- speaking gibberish, pff -- but still. It was weird.
  74. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: brb)
  75. <Nitro>: [M'kay.]
  76. <humanJaspers>: *** The southern pony simply nods affirmatively to Gamzee and Jake respectively. "Don't go hesitatin' to come by some time to get yourself somethin' t'snack on, y'hear?"
  77. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: bak)
  78. <Nitro>: [Welcome back.]
  79. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: danke)
  80. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Sounds like a motherfuckin' plan, chica.
  81. <humanJaspers>: *** Double apples and a wink. uvu
  82. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: You got everything you want to get in town before we up and get to followin' the miracle device, brother?
  83. <Nitro>: Halley maintained that they should find some smaller side-quests to do until they had a larger party. Assuming that he really cared about or had a proper grasp on such things.
  84. <Nitro>: But hey, he'd be up for whatever his master's doing, being a loyal and simple dog.
  85. <JakeEnglish>: (( Back. ))
  86. <humanJaspers>: [[Welcome back, JE. ^u^]]
  87. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee closes his eyes and listens to the stoic wisdom of the dog, or maybe he just spaces out for a bit.
  88. <JakeEnglish>: (( Sorry I had to fold clothes. ))
  89. <Nitro>: [uvu It's cool.]
  90. JakeEnglish looks down at his dog, completely understanding him through dog-master ESPN. After a moment he looks back at Gamzee. "To be honest, sir clown, I think we ought to look around this town for some odd-jobs or side-quests until all of us are prepared to set out. We used a lot of boon dollars upgrading things and it would be best to rack up some more before we
  91. <JakeEnglish>: find ourselves in a desperate situation."
  92. <Nitro>: Hey, there's always the remaining arena fights that Halley and Gamzee were signed up for.
  93. <Nitro>: [at least I think they signed up for it]
  94. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: bluh!)
  95. <humanJaspers>: [[They did. uvu Also welcome back, Non!]]
  96. <Nitro>: [Did you catch Jake's post?]
  97. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: We're on the same motherfuckin' wavelength, brother. I was getting the same motherfuckin' inkling, like some other force was trying to bestow some miracle wisdom into my nug.
  98. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: I believe so, the whole 'we should find sidequests!)
  99. <Nitro>: [Yup.]
  100. <JakeEnglish>: Excellent. Then let us be off in search of small deeds!
  101. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Big deeds ain't nothin' but a bunch of small ones all mashed together, bro.
  102. JakeEnglish pauses, looking at Gamzee.
  103. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: He parks the van somewhere out of the sun and hops out.
  104. <JakeEnglish>: .......I can't tell if that's really deep or really obvious.
  105. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee returns the look, grinning dreamily.
  106. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Shit, can't it be both?
  107. <Nitro>: Halley looked up at Applejack inquiringly. Would a pegasister help a dog out and point him towards someone who might be in need of assistance from some heroes? Or maybe he was just staring at her boredly.
  108. <Nitro>: It was hard to tell.
  109. JakeEnglish hops out and follows the tall clown.
  110. <JakeEnglish>: (( i thought we drove away from aj or is she still stalking us thats creepy as hell ))
  111. <Nitro>: [oh crap that was late]
  112. <Nitro>: [It has happened.]
  113. <Nitro>: [The stalking bit.]
  114. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Miraculous shit ain't always hidden away in words and higher thinking and complicated-ass equations.
  115. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: we parked near aj)
  116. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: you can still talk to a sister)
  117. <Nitro>: [Oh ok.]
  118. <Nitro>: [Das coo'.]
  119. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Sometimes it's just out in the open, waiting for a motherfucker to up and recognize it for what it is.
  120. JakeEnglish feels a headache coming on.
  121. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee lopes his happy way back to the dog.
  122. <humanJaspers>: *** Applejack politely waves a hoof at the dog as he ogles her aimlessly. Sup, yo. As for where to find people and consorts in need, simply asking in the stores or nakodiles roaming the streets is definietly one of the more simple ways to find out! The inn is always an option as well, of course. People tend to keep advertisements posted up in there from time
  123. <humanJaspers>: to time for oddball jobs. Or for missing dogs. Or if you're just looking for a good time.
  124. <Nitro>: "Missing things" was right up Halley's alley. Missing /dogs/ though? That would be the /best/ quest.
  125. JakeEnglish whaps Halley, waggling a finger at him. "No time for girlfriends, mister.
  126. <JakeEnglish>: "
  127. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: "What you up to, dogbro? You gonna lead us to some motherfuckin' good times or adventure or someshit?"
  128. <Nitro>: Halley gave him a look that was either suave (can't be tamed, Master) or blank. At Gamzee's question, though, he did indeed up and lead them in the direction of...the inn. What, was the dog going back to bed or something?
  129. <Nitro>: That dog.
  130. JakeEnglish trots after Halley, looking around, and he brightens when he sees the advertisement poster. "Perfect! Let's set to work!"
  131. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee pauses to admire the conglomeration of colorful paper scraps. Gotta appreciate the little things in life, bro. All these little bright pieces of paper glommed together are the closest thing this town's gonna see to a flower meadow.
  132. <Nitro>: (Halley belatedly noted to himself to telepathically communicate to Jake if the boy ever opened a shop of some kind that he had to name it "Halley's Alley".]
  133. <Nitro>: )
  134. <Nitro>: [ffff]
  135. <humanJaspers>: [[Pfffffffff]]
  136. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Is that sad? Naw. Every place has it's own motherfuckin' beauty. Shit, the sun's rising. Miracles.
  137. JakeEnglish starts tearing said flower meadow apart in search of small jobs.
  138. <humanJaspers>: *** The advertisement posters were plastered liberally just near the Inn's front door. It wasn't entirely covering the wall, not by a long shot, but it was still pretty cluttered. While most of them were advertisements for other town shops or local stores, there were still a lot of actual tasks posted as well. It's hard times, man. It's hard times and nobody
  139. <humanJaspers>: understands.
  140. <humanJaspers>: *** Loading...
  141. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: The little pieces flutter to the ground like flower petals. Gamzee fondly regards them.
  142. <Nitro>: Halley regarded them with his clowny companion. Or he was just waiting for something better to do.
  143. humanJaspers casually gets distracted by things whupsies y:]]
  144. chthonianGunslinger how could you guys flarp without meeeeeee
  145. chthonianGunslinger YOU GUYS ARE JERKS
  146. humanJaspers shhh shh shh cG unu]]
  147. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: i told you about it biiiitch)
  148. chthonianGunslinger okay what did i miss
  149. <Nitro>: [Nothing much.]
  150. chthonianGunslinger please say not much x:
  151. <Nitro>: [Halley, Jake, and Gamzee are looking for odd jobs at the inn.]
  152. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee, Jake and the dog are standing in front of the inn at some sort of messageboard. Jake is tearing off bits of it while Gamzee and Halley stare dazedly in different directions.
  153. chthonianGunslinger is still in the car :y
  154. <Nitro>: [pf.]
  155. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: It's visible from the van.
  156. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: For convenience's sake.
  157. auroraAuxillatrix is also still in the car! Has night fallen away yet? She's getting rather tired of hiding in the trunk.
  158. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: The sun is rising and Gamzee has his face turned rapturously towards it.
  159. <humanJaspers>: *** MISSING DOG: Last seen outside of the forest near Havre. His name is Jackie, and he has really shiny black fur. Please return him to the Inn when you find him! REWARD: 500 BD
  160. <humanJaspers>: *** EXTERMINATOR WANTED: We have a bit of an infestation in the basement of the Sawdust Workshop. To those interested, please stop by for further details. REWARD: 600 BD, Ameture Tinkerer Pamphlet
  161. auroraAuxillatrix feels the sun rise, past the sheer metal walls, and slowly pushes the trunk open. Not quite a coffin, but it had served her well. Her dress was a /mess/, but she took care of that quickly. Within a blink of an eye, it had changed into a rather sporting outfit.
  162. auroraAuxillatrix Mm yes, rather sporting indeed.
  163. JakeEnglish hums thoughtfully, digging through the pamphlets for anything else.
  164. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: ADORABLE)
  165. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: man, kan needs to make gamzee a pretty pretty princess asap)
  166. auroraAuxillatrix She smoothed her hair, cursing the lack of a comb or hairbrush on their person. Had night not fallen so quickly last night, she would have gotten one herself. Ah well, these things do happen. Idly, she glanced back into the car. The boy was still sleeping, face pressed up against the window; those headphones must have played all through the night. Her
  167. <humanJaspers>: *** POSTAL DELIVERY SERVICE: I need a bit of assistance in delivering a package to a friend of mine in Havre named Scottie, due to the weather. Please stop by the Oasis Cantina for the pick up. REWARD: 500 BD, Tiring Regisword
  168. humanJaspers casually gets distracted by other tabs whupsies. y:]]
  169. <JakeEnglish>: (( How far are they from Havre? ))
  170. <Nitro>: [Pretty far, I think? They could probably get there pretty quickly with the van but it would take a bit of gas.]
  171. auroraAuxillatrix natural meddling instincts bristled, but she refrained. Let the boy have some sleep; he probably wouldn't appreciate a 'vampire' giving him consolement, anyway. Not right now, at least. Instead, she squinted at the inn in the horizon. Was that...ah yes, it was!
  172. <humanJaspers>: [[Yeah, you could. It's not THAT far, but it'll still take up a bit of gas. o:]]
  173. auroraAuxillatrix helpfully waves, a glowing lightbulb by the van.
  174. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: if there's fuel there, they could do those two quests and come out on top)
  175. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: if there isn't, they might not have enough to make it back to the desert+ruins)
  176. JakeEnglish frowns, looking at the postal delivery flyer and the Missing Dog flyer. "Hmn. We could do both of these on the same trip, but.. It would take quite a bit of gas.
  177. <JakeEnglish>: "*
  178. <humanJaspers>: [[There's a fuel store in Havre, yeah. .o.]]
  179. chthonianGunslinger mutters to himself, shifting a bit in his sleep. Hopefully not a nightmare. A nightmare involving the entire town lynching him.
  180. chthonianGunslinger ...Nah, of course not.
  181. JakeEnglish nods and squares his shoulders. "Okay, here's what we do. We do the extermination quest, get it over quickly, use the money to fill up the tank and buy gas for the way back here, then go on to the desert. Sound good?"
  182. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: The shining beacon that is Kanaya catches Gamzee's attention and he turns to greet her. "Hey, girl. We decided to do some motherfuckin' odd jobs before we headed out to them mystery ruins."
  183. <Nitro>: Halley would recommend, in his ageless wisdom, that they check out the local extermination job first -- yes Jake best boy.
  184. <Nitro>: ESPN.
  185. <Nitro>: Perhaps they could even pick up equipment from the vet while in Havre.
  186. <Nitro>: Since that is an exclusively Havre thing so far.
  187. auroraAuxillatrix hurries over, scrambling in her heels. Damn, look at her go. "Good Morning Gamzee" she nodded, before turning towards the other two. A gentle pat on Halley's head, and another nod to the new boy. "And You Two Halley And Jake."
  188. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I See Weve Decided To Try Our Hand At Some Odd Job Adventuring
  189. JakeEnglish nods back, grinning happily and holding up a flyer. "We're going exterminating. Coming along?"
  190. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I Cant Say I Disagree With This As My Financial Funds Are Quite...Low
  191. <Nitro>: Halley accepted the petting graciously. All these humans/humanoids wanting to pet him. He was so kind to allow it.
  192. <auroraAuxillatrix>: You Wouldnt Another Helping Hand By Perchance
  193. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: The more the motherfuckin' merrier, sis.
  194. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Excellent I Will Gather My Things
  195. <auroraAuxillatrix>: ...If I Had Things To Gather That Is
  196. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee swaggers his way over to the van and taps on the window. "Hey, little brother. We're gonna go do a thing in the workshop, you wanna keep gettin' your motherfuckin' sleep on or come with?"
  197. <Nitro>: [Brb, taking care of the horse. Assume Halley's following Jake.]
  198. JakeEnglish snorts, patting Halley and watching Gamzee swagger to the van. "Hurry up, we need to get this done fast so we can get to Havre."
  199. chthonianGunslinger awakes to a start, eyes wide and shaking. They were after him, with pitchforks and- Oh, just Gamzee. The adrenaline died down, leaving him a bleary mess. Rubbing a hand through his hair, he grumbled "...what? i..." He took a tired look at his surroundings; still the same town, where everyone'd had seen. That soured his mood, a glum looking falling on his
  200. chthonianGunslinger face.
  201. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: "We're gonna head out soon, bro, we just need cash for gas."
  202. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: "Just wanted to let you know where we be, wakin' up alone sucks motherfuckin' donkey chode."
  203. chthonianGunslinger grumbles something, before giving the juggalo a weary smile. "well, least someone taught you some manners." Gamzee was still his friend, right? Of course.
  204. JakeEnglish frowns and leans over to Kanaya, raising an eyebrow. "What's donkey chode?"
  205. auroraAuxillatrix looks over to Jake, shrugging. She's about as lost as you, dear.
  206. <chthonianGunslinger>: so what was this bout exterminatin again
  207. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: I picked some up along that long and dusty road we call life, bro. And yeah, the workshop's got some weird shit happenin' in the basement and they're payin' folks to check it out I guess."
  208. chthonianGunslinger gives it some thought, before sighing "not like weve got anythin left to lose." Of course, by 'we' he meant 'he'. Chances were likely the rumor had already spread by wildfire; whoever haven't seen no doubt knew. But he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life in this shitty little van, dubstep or no. Turning off his mp3 player, he pushed open the door
  209. chthonianGunslinger and hopped out. Noticeably insecure about his surroundings, but trying his /damnedest/ to hide it. At least someone had the courtesy of re-bandaging his arm while he slept.
  210. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee scrawls a note for Roxy on the window of the van with his face paint.
  211. chthonianGunslinger ...Creepy as that might be.
  212. <Phenom>: (is the entire party in the inn?)
  213. auroraAuxillatrix by the van, actually))
  214. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: "GoNe To ThE wOrKsHoP, cHiCa, Be BaCk SoOn (o:"
  215. <humanJaspers>: [[Oh, hey Phenom. ^u^]]
  216. auroraAuxillatrix isn't so sure Gamzee's message won't melt in the sun, so she decides to pop in and grab some pen and paper from the dashboard. Scribbling a similar message, she snuggled it into the window underneath the face paint.
  217. auroraAuxillatrix "Exterminating At The Workshop, Be Back Soon. Will Bring Something Nice!"
  218. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee, his work done, starts off for the shop.
  219. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: He waves at every nakkodile. Every single one.
  220. <humanJaspers>: *** And every single nakodile naks back approvingly to Gamzee. BV
  221. chthonianGunslinger Goddamnit, Gamzee. You're making it hard for him. Every single wave only brought more attention, and another set of eyes boring down at him. He couldn't help but to cover his arm, trying to hide it away.
  222. JakeEnglish claps Nero on the shoulder, walking up to the head Nak in charge. "We're here about the advertisement for extermination!"
  223. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: A stretch strongarm drapes itself across Nero's shoulders reassuringly.
  224. chthonianGunslinger stretch armstrong, therapist extraordinaire.
  225. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: yee
  226. <humanJaspers>: *** The party arrives at the Sawdust Workshop. The same bearded nakodile from earlier stands valiantly behind the store's counter, drubbing his claws against the surface idly. He noticably perked up at the sight of the adventurers, questioningly nakking in their general direction. As Jake approached, he clerk nodded understandingly, taking a moment to open th
  227. auroraAuxillatrix is slightly perturbed by the display, giving him an encouraging pat. If it's any reassurance, she didn't think you were very freaky. In fact, she's probably seen a lot worse! Always the helpful Henrietta, she strode beside Jake and placed her hands on the desk.
  228. <humanJaspers>: e gate closing off the other side of the store from behind the counter. "Nak nak nak naknak. Nak nak. Nak nak naknak nak nak nak nak nak nak. Nak nak nak, nak. Nak." (They're in the basement. They're big. I'd be careful if I were you. But I'm not, so. Yeah. BV~~~)
  229. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I Would Imagine That Theyd Be Quite Enormous Yes
  230. <auroraAuxillatrix>: But I Assure You Were Professionals When It Comes To Exterminating Enormous Things
  231. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: What even are the things we're trying to get out of your fly-ass establishment?
  232. chthonianGunslinger Ugh, all these /pats/. What was this, cuddling hour? He gave a noncommittal grunt, but allowed the rubbery arm to drape around his shoulder. Secretly he appreciated it, though he'd never let it show. Except, maybe...maybe he'd stop hiding that arm so much. Just a little bit.
  233. <humanJaspers>: *** He proceeds to promptly point a single crimson talon helpfully to a wooden hatch in the floor, no doubt leading to the infested basement in question. "Nak. Nak nak. Naaaak. Nak nak nak. Nak nak. Nak." (Rats. Big rats. Huuuuge. They bite too. Which hurts. Nak. Bl~~~)
  234. <Nitro>: Halley sniffed at the area, trying to get a whiff of what exactly they were dealing with, but started for the basement door without hesitation a moment later. Who needs information?
  235. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Damn, I /know, right/?"
  236. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Motherfuckin' rats all biting you when you wanna get your chill on. Got no respect for a brother's sleep.
  237. JakeEnglish looks between Gamzee and the Nakodile, before turning to follow Halley, as he has no idea what the thing just said.
  238. <chthonianGunslinger>: rats /again/?
  239. <Nitro>: Always rats.
  240. <chthonianGunslinger>: ugh
  241. <Nitro>: Hey, at least you get the tails to use as ropes or something like that.
  242. <Nitro>: That can be useful.
  243. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Squeakbeasts Are Understandably Quite Infuriating To Deal With
  244. <auroraAuxillatrix>: We Will Take Care Of It Promptly This I Promise You
  245. <Nitro>: [Promptly And In Style]
  246. auroraAuxillatrix takes out her lipstick stick, unrolling it.
  247. auroraAuxillatrix What lipstick stick? You don't see a lipstick stick here. All you see is a roaring monstrosity of a chainsaw, vibrating in her hands. Kanaya suggests you might be seeing things.
  248. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Miracles.
  249. <humanJaspers>: *** "Nak nak. Nak nak nak nak nak nak. Naknak? Nak." (Good luck. Come back here in one piece. Okay? Cool.) He simply replies to Kanaya. BV~~~
  250. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: To the basement they go.
  251. <Nitro>: Halley would open the hatch except teeth don't really work well on these kinds of things.
  252. chthonianGunslinger bounds along, Ripper in hand. He gives a backhanded wave to the keeper, non-nonchalantly promising their survival, before pulling open the basement hatch.
  253. <chthonianGunslinger>: well, lets get this show on the road.
  254. <humanJaspers>: *** The creaky wooden stairs lead down to the dark basement below the shop, the occasional foreboding squeak and chitter eminating from the shadows.
  255. JakeEnglish pulls his pistols out, breathing and loading them from his ammo belt, before following after his dog.
  256. auroraAuxillatrix peeks down the hatch, before looking at the others. "Ill Go First As My Natural Pa-"
  257. auroraAuxillatrix Oh, /nevermind/. Making up for lost time, she hurriedly hops down to follow them. Hopefully, she wasn't too late!
  258. <chthonianGunslinger>: he- wait up, lady!
  259. <Nitro>: Halley didn't really take the stairs slowly, paws hitting the even floor quickly. He blinked, eyes adjusting to the lower lighting rapidly, before letting out a low growl.
  260. chthonianGunslinger swiftly follows after her, sword in hand. He'd do just fine in the dark, right? Kanaya was like a living night-vision, and demons had natural night vision. Or rather...Nero had /impartial/ night vision. Less like an owl, more like a very weakened pair of goggles.
  261. <Nitro>: [Still going in order for fights, I presume?]
  262. chthonianGunslinger Man, being a halfbreed was /awesome/. All of the weaknesses, none of the benefits.
  263. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee lights up his wax candle. Aww yee.
  264. <JakeEnglish>: (( what is the order ))
  265. <Nitro>: [The order of the names in the sidebar -- Kanaya, Nero, Jake, Halley, Gamzee.]
  266. chthonianGunslinger we go by name order))
  267. <JakeEnglish>: (( Okay. :3 ))
  268. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: And the messiah said, yo motherfucker's it's dark as hell in here, we should light up. And the universe said awww yeee, brother, let's get some photons up in this bitch.
  269. chthonianGunslinger which means i go twice in a row 8y))
  270. <humanJaspers>: *** The party treads down the wooden stairs leading into the blackness that was the workshop's basement, and thanks to the illumination of Gamzee's candle, clearly see that without much fanfare at all, they're immediately confronted with a group of five-- no, six, outrageously large vermin! The party is confronted by a group of Giant Rats!
  271. <humanJaspers>: ***
  272. <JakeEnglish>: (( DUN DUN DUNNNNNN ))
  273. <chthonianGunslinger>: i swear if this adventures gonna be nothin but one long string of /rat/ battles
  274. <Nitro>: [Six, it ain't even one-on-one. This is gonna be fun.]
  275. <chthonianGunslinger>: im just gonna shoot myself right here and now
  276. <humanJaspers>: [[FINAL BOSS: 100 GIANT RATS]]
  277. <JakeEnglish>: (( OH BALLS DAS A LOT ))
  278. auroraAuxillatrix gives the a boy a slightly worried look, before registering it as sarcasm. Oh, humans. Either way, time to get to work. Revving up the chainsaw, she picked what looked like the strongest of the bunch. Stepping ahead, she tore into its side.
  279. chthonianGunslinger nope, not doin this
  280. chthonianGunslinger game over
  281. JakeEnglish closes his eyes and focuses, before his pistols spark in the dim light and he's off and firing at a second rat, quickly emptying his magazines and reloading.
  282. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: final boss- a rat king)
  283. <humanJaspers>: [[Snrk yes]]
  284. chthonianGunslinger rolls his eyes. Yes, that was /sarcasm/. Should he teach her what irony is, too? God, /aliens/. Shooting one last look, he takes his new toy and swings it down on the third rat.
  285. chthonianGunslinger oH GOD
  286. <JakeEnglish>: (( oh sorry i thought that was your rp ))
  287. <JakeEnglish>: (( agh shit i suck at this ))
  288. <Nitro>: Halley dove at the nearest rat that had not yet been engaged, which shall from this point forward be known as Rat 4 for differentiation purposes. He aimed for its head, looking fully ready to tear it a new one. Or to tear it off. Whichever came first.
  289. <Nitro>: [shh no it's ok]
  290. <Nitro>: [we get out of order sometimes a lot so nbd]
  291. auroraAuxillatrix yeah, np))
  292. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee goes 'whoa motherfuck' and thrusts his candle at the remaning rats, attempting to frighten them off. Shoo! Get! Blahgahblah!
  293. <Nitro>: [Man that was]
  294. <Nitro>: [Really fast, considering our usual pace. o:]
  295. <JakeEnglish>: (( PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT ))
  296. <humanJaspers>: [[You don't suck at all, JE! I don't even think that anyone alerted you of the turn system anyway. o: Also yes snrk good]]
  297. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: i usually ignore it in favor of being useless in combat, tbh)
  298. <Nitro>: [We know, bro. We know.]
  299. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: :3c)
  300. <Nitro>: [One day you will successfully frighten away an entire horde of rats.]
  301. <Nitro>: [And then you will be the most vital.]
  302. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: honk)
  303. <humanJaspers>: *** Kanaya brings her chainsaw down onto one of the strongest bunch, which will be dubbed 'Rat A' to lessen the confusion. The devastating strike certainly does it's job, but unfortunately doesn't manage to slice clean through the vermin. Nice try, however. Nero brings the unrevved Rotary Ripper onto Rat C, digging the blade into it's tough hide, causing it t
  304. <humanJaspers>: o emit a loud hiss of frustration. Then comes Jake, firing a round from his dual pistols and hitting Rat B dead on, drawing a squeak of pain from it. Halley then follows up behind, sinking his sharp canine's into the overly large rodent's cranium. Gamzee thrusts his wax candle at one of the Giant Rats, not exactly scaring it away but instead frightening it in
  305. <humanJaspers>: to a state of FEAR!
  306. <humanJaspers>: *** Enemy turn.
  307. <Nitro>: [claps for Gamzee]
  308. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: helping!)
  309. chthonianGunslinger GO GAMZEE GO
  310. tenaciouslyCrunknasty HONK
  311. <JakeEnglish>: (( Wait, then we go backwards? ))
  312. <humanJaspers>: *** Rat A swings it's tail around full circle, hitting Kanaya /damn/ hard with a helping hand from momentum. Because, you know, he isn't really taking kindly to getting chainsawed. Then comes Rat B, quickly regaining understanding of the situation at hand and making a charge /straight/ for the gung-ho adventurer, ramming it's head clean into the boy's gut! Ra
  313. <JakeEnglish>: (( oh you were just cheering on gamz ))
  314. <JakeEnglish>: (( ouch rat you damn asshole ))
  315. <humanJaspers>: t C doesn't necessarily take kind to the part-demon preteen's attack either, hissing loudly and swinging it's tail at Nero-- but he deftly manages to avoid! Lucky. Rat D on the other hand finds it pretty difficult to do much with a mangy mutt's teeth stuck into his neck. It promptly decides to return the gesture, however, biting into the pooch's torso! Rat E
  316. <humanJaspers>: is currently affected by FEAR, finding it pretty difficult to do much at all. Those adventurers are /scary/! Finally, Rat F, the unaffected one of the bunch, chooses to promptly make a charge for that glowing one, making a clean dive for Kanaya and headbutting her knee! Not the biggest spot for hard hitting, but hey, he's a rat.
  317. <humanJaspers>: *** End turn.
  318. auroraAuxillatrix is getting quite a /bit/ of attention, isn't she? Perhaps she deserves it, with her glowing pallor. Still, she doesn't take kindly to being mobbed. Kicking the F# Rat away, she madding a roaring lunge over the stronger rat's tail. Intending to slice it off?
  319. auroraAuxillatrix Perhaps.
  320. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: next is either jake or cg again, rite)
  321. <Nitro>: [Nero.]
  322. chthonianGunslinger Meanwhile, a certain pre-teen boy doesn't appreciate being /two/-/timed/. Knocked back into the gut, he grumbled a word or two about 'damn rats', and flipped himself back up. "two against one?" he breathed, giving the blade a testy swing. "that's hardly fair." With a lunge he hopped onto the charging rat's head, vaulting off it to plummet onto Rat D's
  323. chthonianGunslinger torso. Sword first. Let's see it whip its tail back and forth /now/.
  324. <Nitro>: [Two against one???]
  325. <Nitro>: [The gut-ramming was for Jake, I believe.]
  326. chthonianGunslinger WHOOPS
  327. chthonianGunslinger I AM
  328. chthonianGunslinger A DERP
  329. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: other gung-ho adventurer, lad)
  330. chthonianGunslinger too many gung-ho adventurers in this room.
  331. chthonianGunslinger is just
  332. chthonianGunslinger going to hide
  333. <JakeEnglish>: (( I AM THE GUNG-HO-EST. ))
  334. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: it's also your turn motherfucker GUNG HO GUNG HO)
  335. chthonianGunslinger is the stupidest
  336. chthonianGunslinger argh argh argh
  337. humanJaspers patpats Nero no no shhhh it is okay unu]]
  338. <Nitro>: [ff CG no shh]
  339. <Nitro>: [Easy mistake to make.]
  340. <JakeEnglish>: (( wait is it my turn now? ))
  341. auroraAuxillatrix yup
  342. <JakeEnglish>: (( ))
  343. JakeEnglish lets out an oof and points down at the now close-range Rat B, putting one of the barrels of his gun against the beast's forehead and pulling the trigger. His other gun gets busy on Rat E, while he mutters something about "useless clowns."
  344. chthonianGunslinger is just going to
  345. chthonianGunslinger revise her post :v
  346. <Nitro>: [So wait it's]
  347. <Nitro>: [Kanaya v. Rats A and F, Nero v. Rat C, Jake v. Rat B, Halley v. Rat D, Gamzee v. Nobody but Rat E is all FEARified.]
  348. <Nitro>: Halley yelped and writhed in the rat's grip, struggling to move properly. Angered, pained, and still tenaciously holding onto his opponent, he tried his damnedest to twist its neck painfully, if not damagingly. It was awkward and probably would end with further damage to himself, but there wasn't much he could do. Even if he let go, he didn't think the rat
  349. <Nitro>: would.
  350. chthonianGunslinger *fEaRiFiEd
  351. <humanJaspers>: [[Just about, yes. o:]]
  352. <JakeEnglish>: (( And Jake is peppering Rat E with bullets. ))
  353. chthonianGunslinger Yeah, nice try. Two more strikes, and you're out. Quickly seizing his opportunity, he snatched the rat by its scummy tail. Holding tightly with bandaged claws, he lifted the Ripper and aimed it threateningly above its head. "sorry kid, but i dont think youre cut out for the big leagues." And with that, he impaled the rat tip first. Let's see it squirm
  354. chthonianGunslinger underneath /that/.
  355. chthonianGunslinger did the reviving thing
  356. <chthonianGunslinger>: *revising
  357. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee runs after rat F. You're supposed to be all fearified, motherfucker! He whips out his horn and tries to get it to focus on him instead. HornXcandle distract combo!
  358. <humanJaspers>: *** Kanaya slashes her chainsaw at Rat F-- and hits HARD, doing just what she intended and chopping the Rat Tail clean off, the dismembering causing the rodent to let out a shrill squeak of horror. Nero promptly impales Rat C's tailtip underneath his motorblade, causing it to sharply hiss from the pain. Jake then proceeds to start painting part of the basemen
  359. <humanJaspers>: t floor with lead and rat brains, firing a bullet clear into Rat B's noggin, finishing him off at that! Meanwhile, utilizing his second pistol, he shoots off a round at Rat E, not finishing him off as he did with the other but certainly hitting alright. Gamzee, taking the more humane-ish method, attempts to frighten Rat F with the combined efforts of his cand
  360. <humanJaspers>: le and his horn... and succeeds, inflicting FEAR onto the oversized pest!
  361. <humanJaspers>: *** Enemy turn.
  362. <JakeEnglish>: (( BAM. ))
  363. <JakeEnglish>: (( ONE DOWN FIVE TO GO YOU ARE ALL WELCOME. ))
  364. <JakeEnglish>: (( Except now you're covered in brains. whoops. ))
  365. <JakeEnglish>: (( WAIT WAIT WAAAAAAAAAAAAIT ))
  366. <JakeEnglish>: (( WHAT ABOUT RAT E AND HALLEY? ))
  367. <humanJaspers>: [[OH. WHUPSIES.]]
  368. <JakeEnglish>: (( fuck sorry it spazzed ))
  369. <humanJaspers>: *** Halley rips and tears with it's own sharp fangs, dealing further damage to the pretty badly damaged rodent as they proceeded to get into a biting fight. Like wild animals, wouldn't you know.
  370. <humanJaspers>: [[Also it's fine, JE. uvu]]
  371. <humanJaspers>: *** FOR SRS Enemy turn.
  372. <Nitro>: [Hold on, I think there was a misunderstanding with Nero's move.]
  373. <humanJaspers>: [[Hrp a drp what was the misunderstanding x:']]
  374. chthonianGunslinger oh yeah, i just looked it over. he was trying to impale their body, not their tail.
  375. <Nitro>: ["Tip first" as in the tip of the blade first, CG? It seemed like he was aiming for its head.]
  376. <Nitro>: [Oh ok.]
  377. chthonianGunslinger head is okay too
  378. chthonianGunslinger in fact, head is better. :y
  379. <humanJaspers>: [[/Whoops/. I'm]]
  380. <humanJaspers>: [[Fuckin' up a lot I'm sorry guys. .n.]]
  381. auroraAuxillatrix it's fiiiiine
  382. <Nitro>: [Shh, it's a'ight. uvu No big deal.]
  383. auroraAuxillatrix you're best gm
  384. <humanJaspers>: *Nero promptly drives his motorized blade into the rodent's cranium, hitting the bone but not quite impaling him in entirety. Still, that shit /hurt/, more than any mouse trap he's encountered yet, leaving him in a pretty heavily injured state.
  385. <humanJaspers>: *** /NOW/ ENEMY TURN OKAY. ;^;
  386. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: *patpat*)
  387. auroraAuxillatrix hugs all around
  388. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: you just get your rage on, ratbros)
  389. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: whenever you motherfuckin feel it is right in your hearts)
  390. <humanJaspers>: *** Rat F... he was already pretty terrified from getting his tail butchered the way it was, and that damn clown certainly wasn't helping by any means. Avenging his now missing apendage, he... okay yeah he just can't pull himself to do it. He's dealing with a lot of things right now, man. He just. Can't. B'[ Meanwhile, Rat C writhes and squirms underneath the
  391. <humanJaspers>: motorblade, hissing and squeaking like mad. He was /far/ from appreciative from this state, and shows his dislike by sinking his teeth into the flesh with a sound that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up. Rat E, none too keen on the other rat's demise brought by that teenage boy, finally chooses to take the initiative despite his terrori
  392. <humanJaspers>: zed state, bringing his tail around full circle and smacking it square into Jake's side! The rat currently tearing into Halley continues to do just that, finding further action a little tricky. Rat A, on the other hand, stands up for the other oversized rodent, making a charge for Kanaya with bared fangs... and misses entirely! Man, they're really off today.
  393. <humanJaspers>: But in their defense, chainsaw injuries are distracting things.
  394. <humanJaspers>: *** End turn.
  395. <JakeEnglish>: (( Wait which one did i kill ))
  396. <JakeEnglish>: (( i am so confused right now ))
  397. <humanJaspers>: [[Rat B. o:]]
  398. <JakeEnglish>: (( B, right? And A's with Kan, C's with Nero, D's with Halley, E's on me, and F's just poopin himself. ))
  399. <JakeEnglish>: (( Gotchya. ))
  400. auroraAuxillatrix is just getting all the attention tonight, isn't she? She must be the belle of the ball, with her trendy tartan dress. Watching Rat F scuttle away, she decides not to persue them. They'd get their own, soon enough. Instead, she focuses on the rat that just charged her so bullheadedly. Grinning, she revealed her own pair of tiny fangs. She'd show them .
  401. auroraAuxillatrix a thing or two about /dental/ work. Swinging around in a flourish, she tore the chainsaw across their side. Hopefully weakening it, revealing all that salivating crimson blood...
  402. auroraAuxillatrix Oops, getting a little too carried away!
  403. chthonianGunslinger Son of a /bitch/, that rat knew how to bite. It snapped at his hand, sinking into his wrist. With a grunt, he shoved the knife further into its skull. It might have stung, like a row of knives stabbing his skin, but he wasn't about to let go of his grip. Shoving a boot on top of it, he pulled out his revolver and aimed it for Rat E. Three bullets left,
  404. chthonianGunslinger might as well use it for /something/.
  405. chthonianGunslinger don't worry adventurebro, i've got your back.
  406. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: pssst jake)
  407. chthonianGunslinger hey, listen!)
  408. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: jakeenglish)
  409. <Nitro>: [I'll bet she's typing.]
  410. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: k)
  411. chthonianGunslinger oh
  412. chthonianGunslinger and assume he shot a bullet))
  413. JakeEnglish appreciates the shots from Nero as he stumbles, holding onto his side with a breathless wince. Blimey, that stung. He reloads, kicking the rat in the face with a boot and following it up with a few shots to the head area. He turns, nodding at Nero, and runs over to help Halley, ignoring his aching side in favor of holstering and ripping the rat off his
  414. chthonianGunslinger sorry if i didn't make that clear :y))
  415. chthonianGunslinger /adventurebros/!
  416. <JakeEnglish>: dog. "Stupid beast!" He repeats his action from earlier, firing at close range and leaving the rest of the rats to the others as he kneels beside his dog worriedly.
  417. <JakeEnglish>: (( okay okay was that okay did i mess up ))
  418. <humanJaspers>: [[Shhhh JE no you did just beautifully. *u*]]
  419. <Nitro>: Halley was bleeding fairly profusely, but found it in him to keep his grip for another turn. If nothing else, he was disabling the rat and keeping it from catching any of his companions off-guard. But then Master (best Master) came to his aid, ripping the beast away. Halley released its head and his left foreleg, which had taken the brunt of the bite,
  420. <Nitro>: promptly informed him that it wouldn't be bearing weight for a while by giving out as soon as he tentatively put some pressure on it. He gave his master a reassuring tail-wag while catching his balance on his three remaining legs. Better not expect him to sit out the rest of the fight, though he probably wouldn't be doing anything else this turn.
  421. <Nitro>: [breaks fourth wall, acknowledges turn-based system]
  422. <Nitro>: [fuq da police]
  423. <Nitro>: [also this is assuming Jake does manage to pull Rat C off. I dunno if you're rolling for that or something, Jaspy?]
  424. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Aww damn, rat F, Gamzee knows that feel. He casts doze on the motherfucker. Shoosh, brah. Get your nap on.
  425. <JakeEnglish>: (( Oh shit i forgot ))
  426. <JakeEnglish>: (( that you have to roll and shit ))
  427. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: nahh it's cool, if jasps rolls against it it will just negate your action and halley will just continue being chewed on)
  428. <humanJaspers>: [[He was on pretty low health and that was close range. I don't think it'll be that difficult. uvu]]
  429. <JakeEnglish>: (( Uh ))
  430. <JakeEnglish>: (( Did it connect? ))
  431. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: eh?)
  432. <humanJaspers>: [[Yeppers, it did. Sorry for taking so long with the responses, getting a leeeetle bit distracted. <c>]]
  433. <Nitro>: [It's cool. c:]
  434. <humanJaspers>: *** Kanaya swings her chainsaw across the Rat A's oversized side with much fanfare, bringing the rodent to it's last legs indefinitely with a splash of pest blood. Nero pushes their motorized sword into the skull and, with a crimson splatter, pushes it clear through Rat C's noggin, causing the overly large rodent's body to go limp, and not only that, but firi
  435. <humanJaspers>: ng a round at Rat E in succession! Meanwhile, Jake does one of the most picture perfect boy to dog moment-- kicking off a giant rat chowing down on Halley's torso and blowing Rat D's brains out with a single shot. Halley gets back to his feet. He's seen better days, the poor pooch, but he'll be right as rain. Gamzee casts DOZE on Rat F... but unfortunately e
  436. <humanJaspers>: nough, the spell fizzles out and fails. Drat!
  437. <humanJaspers>: *** Enemy turn.
  438. <humanJaspers>: [[For the record, Rat A, E and F are still standing, but barely. uvu]]
  439. auroraAuxillatrix barely standing?
  440. auroraAuxillatrix perfect :B
  441. <humanJaspers>: [[Yep! <w>]]
  442. <humanJaspers>: *** Rat A, having had just about /enough/ of these brutes, takes the offensive once more, bringing it's hefty rodent tail around once again and whipping hard into Kanaya's glowing body in retaliation for the previous slashes. As for Rat E, it simply does it's best to retain consciousness, teeth gritted as it makes yet another blind charge at Gamzee-- and goin
  443. <humanJaspers>: g right past the juggalo. He's having a hard time staying alive, /sue/ /him/ for missing ONCE. Last and probably least, the overly large rodent, Rat F, simply cowers in it's fear-afflicted tailless state.
  444. <humanJaspers>: *** End turn.
  445. auroraAuxillatrix The tail caught her off guard, whipping right into her side. With a wince, she clutched a hand at the bruise. But the was nearly too intoxicating. Licking away a speckle of of blood on her lips, she decided to do away with the chainsaw for now.
  446. auroraAuxillatrix Wait, what chainsaw? I only see a tube of lipstick here.
  447. auroraAuxillatrix You must be seeing things!
  448. auroraAuxillatrix pockets the lipstick, before hounding onto her unfortunate victim. Fangs glinting in the soft light, she lunged straight for the jugular. She was /starving/, and it was far better than feeding on her teammates. Regardless, she'd tried to feed in the most graceful fashion possible. Which is to say, not at all.
  449. auroraAuxillatrix Rainbow drinking was a rather bloody business.
  450. chthonianGunslinger flexes his hand, still bleeding from the wound, before ripping the great knife out of the rat's cranium. Covered in gore and brainy bits, even he couldn't help but to make a face it. /Smelled/ awful too. But only three more to go, and none of them were looking too good. Setting his sights on Rat E, he chased after it. 'Cause /no/ /one/ charged after his
  451. chthonianGunslinger soul bro. Lunging in, he pierced the vermin from the behind. But not before a soft light caught his eye, causing him to glance for just a moment. What...
  452. chthonianGunslinger ...Oh she is /not/ doing that now, is she?
  453. <JakeEnglish>: (( You done? :3 ))
  454. <JakeEnglish>: (( Jake ==> Bond with with dog. ))
  455. <Nitro>: [yesss]
  456. <JakeEnglish>: (( I'mma assume that's a yes. ))
  457. <humanJaspers>: [[Pfff]]
  458. <Nitro>: [all of the bonding]
  459. chthonianGunslinger what? oh, yeah. carry on!
  460. JakeEnglish presses his hand into Halley's wound, pulling his overshirt off and pressing it into the dog's side. He wraps it around Halley and ties it off to keep pressure on the wound, ruffing his dog happily with a bloody set of hands. "Shh.. Are you alright, old boy? You did great, Hals." He kisses Halley's snout, petting him soothingly.
  461. <Nitro>: Halley wagged his tail in response, licking his master's nose, more than happy to please. He thought the boy did fantastically too, from the killshot that took out the dog's former opponent. Noting the cowering Rat F in the corner, Halley took only a couple steps toward it before barking viciously at it. It was /something/, at least, but he'd happily stay by
  462. <Nitro>: his boy rather than taking the offensive for now.
  463. humanJaspers nuuudges tenaciouslyCrunknasty to make sure they're still with us. .o.]]
  464. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: whoops sorry!)
  465. <humanJaspers>: [[Don't be! uvu]]
  466. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee blinks after the disoriented rat as it charges past him. Aw, damn. That motherfucker is done for, might as well help little bro put it out of its misery. He twirls his new augmented club out of his strife specibus and follows Nero, casually testing the weight.
  467. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: This should be heavy enough to pop the poor motherfucker's pan all quick and painless like, hopes Gamzee as he aims a vicious downswing at the fuzzy nug in question.
  468. <humanJaspers>: *** Kanaya digs her own vampiric, lethally sharp fangs into the rodent's neck. Standing on it's last legs, the strike to the jugular proves to be too much, causing the unfortunate vermin to collapse and go limp. Meanwhile, Nero brought his modified monstrosity of a motorblade down onto Rat E, and onto it /hard/, slaying the vermin in an instant. Jake and Hall
  469. <humanJaspers>: ey have a tender boy-dog moment that brings a tear to your eye. So precious. Gamzee's club is /more/ than heavy enough to do the deed, the fuzzy nug no longer that, instead a bashed in bloodied mess.
  470. <humanJaspers>: *** V I C T O R Y .
  471. <humanJaspers>: *** The following items remain:
  472. auroraAuxillatrix wait
  473. auroraAuxillatrix what about rat f?
  474. auroraAuxillatrix did it away? :?
  475. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: gamzee is going to nurse it back to health and release it into the wild)
  476. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: shhh)
  477. <humanJaspers>: [[Oh-- I]]
  478. auroraAuxillatrix gamzee the rat doctor
  479. <Nitro>: [Halley did bark at it. It might get scared away? Idk.]
  480. <humanJaspers>: [[wHUPS]]
  481. <humanJaspers>: *** N E V E R M I N D .
  482. chthonianGunslinger hahahaha
  483. <humanJaspers>: *** F A L S E A L A R M P E O P L E .
  484. <Nitro>: *** J U S T M A K I N G S U R E Y O U W E R E P A Y I N G A T T E N T I O N
  485. <humanJaspers>: *** Rat F lets out a shrill squeak of terror as Halley's barking and current terrorized state pushes it over the edge, the rodent darting clear past the party members, up the stairs and some other oddball place. The rodent flees!
  486. <humanJaspers>: *** V I C T O R Y O N L Y F O R S R S .
  487. <humanJaspers>: *** The following items remain:
  488. <Nitro>: *** T H I S I S N O T A D R I L L
  489. <humanJaspers>: [[Pfffff]]
  490. <humanJaspers>: *** (6) Rat Tail
  491. chthonianGunslinger more fuckin rat tails
  492. chthonianGunslinger amen
  494. <humanJaspers>: *** 400 BD Each.
  495. <JakeEnglish>: (( ))
  496. <humanJaspers>: *** End list.
  497. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: ewwww)
  498. <JakeEnglish>: (( WOO SWEET I HAVE MONEY ))
  499. <humanJaspers>: [[Pffff]]
  500. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: you're making it in the world, jakey boy)
  501. <humanJaspers>: [[>Party Members: All wear rat tails on the back of your head like ponytails]
  502. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: jesus christ)
  503. <Nitro>: [Even Halley.]
  504. auroraAuxillatrix No Absolutely Not
  505. auroraAuxillatrix I Cant Allow This Tragedy To Take Place
  506. JakeEnglish stands up with a groan, patting Halley on the head and holstering his guns before lifting his dog up with a grunt, holding Halley over his shoulders with the dog's legs over each of his arms. He turns toward the stairs, going up into the light. "Someone collect our dues, I'm going to go patch Halley up.".
  507. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: gamzee's gonna take them and do this [TITLE: Pen Head VIEWS: 1338120 FAVES: 4442 RATING: 4 RATERS: 8608 UPLOADED: SlothRump ]
  508. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Speaking of Gamz, he's currently chilling out, gore spattered across his chest and arm, regarding the brain matter stuck to his club with an unreadable expression.
  509. <Nitro>: Halley was more than happy to be carried out. It was probably not entirely necessary since he could still walk on his three legs pretty well but hell if he minded. He felt that heading to Havre promptly would be the best course of action, given that there was a veterinarian there -- after picking up the parcel in need of delivery. He could find the missing
  510. <Nitro>: fellow canine after a bit of rest, probably.
  511. <Nitro>: Not that he actually thought most of that.
  512. auroraAuxillatrix lifts her head from her quarry, blood dripping from her lips. Satisfied, but...not particularly elegant. Sheepishly, she wiped the blood on her sleeve and turned to face her companions. Turning towards the ascending boy, she nodded and said. "I Will Collect Our Dues Shortly"
  513. <humanJaspers>: *** Jake ascends into the workshop. The bearded clerkodile politely greets him with an affirmative nod. "Nak! Nak nak nak? Nak. Nak nak. Nak nak nak naknak nak nak?" (So! You did it? Cool. Real cool. You want your reward or what?) He politely inquires. After all, kindness and thanks don't pay the bills.
  514. chthonianGunslinger tears the blade out of the root, shoving a boot for leverage. /Jesus/, how hard did he slam this thing? Appraising the gore stuck to the Ripper (protip: a fuckton), he grimaced and gave it a good swing. The momentum ripped away most of the gray matter, splattering it onto the walls. Still bloody, but good enough. With that taken care of , he lazily
  515. chthonianGunslinger regarded his teammates.
  516. chthonianGunslinger ...Yeah, that looked just about as shitty.
  517. <chthonianGunslinger>: well, were not goin to greet him with our sunday best...but we might as well get it over with.
  518. <chthonianGunslinger>: cmon
  519. JakeEnglish nods at the nakodile, still carrying his dog. "My teammates will be up in a minute. Got to go take care of my dog." He takes Halley out to the van, retying the green shirt around his dog and petting him soothingly.
  520. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Im Sure Hell Understand Our Circumstances Considering His Infestation
  521. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Extermination Is Hardly Ever A Clean Matter
  522. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Gamzee Are You Ready To Go
  523. chthonianGunslinger gives the juggalo a nudge, noting his expression. "hey, you still with us?"
  524. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee slowly lifts his head and blinks, as if waking from a dream. "Yeah, motherfuckers. Let's...get the fuck out of this hole."
  525. <Nitro>: Halley wagged his tail in reply to the gentle treatment, looking uncomfortable as Jake retied the makeshift bandage. He twisted to lick the boy's hands, feeling pain set in further as what adrenaline he'd had faded. He laid his head back down after a few moments, miserably aware of the steady throb.
  526. <JakeEnglish>: Don't worry, Hal. You rest. We'll be heading into Havre soon.
  527. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: He nimbly twirls the club as he ascends the stairs, deep in thought.
  528. auroraAuxillatrix frowns, before tentatively nodding. "Alright Then If Youre Truly Ready To Leave" It was strange, seeing Gamzee like this. But she remembered, her own Gamzee used to be lie this. Harmless, the kind of person who would prefer to make friends than enemies. She prayed it stayed that way, horrid as that thought was.
  529. auroraAuxillatrix Ascending the stairs carefully, she poked her head out of the hatch. A pale white moon, dripping with crimson red. Most would've run away at the very sight. But her face was so welcoming! "Weve Taken Care Of Your Vermin Problem"
  530. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I Doubt Theyll Be Coming Back Again
  531. PurpleKoopa hey guys! you've all been recording, right?
  532. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: nitro has!)
  533. <Nitro>: [I got it. uvu]
  534. <JakeEnglish>: (( Koops! :B ))
  535. <humanJaspers>: *** "Nak. Nak naknak!" (Yeah. I noticed!) One of them DID run away in fear, after all. But... that's the townsfolk's problem, not his. Fishing out a lump sum of 600 BD, he hands over the payment to the rainbow drinker, along with of course the other part of the reward: An Ameture Tinkerer Pamphlet.
  536. PurpleKoopa thanks nits! someone give me a recap, i just heard roxy's still in the van?]
  537. chthonianGunslinger sticks by his bro's side, a worried look on his face. Gamzee was a space cadet, yeah, but not like this. Not so.../sobering/. Glancing down at the blood on his clubs, he hesitatingly put an arm around their shoulder. Poor guy, just not the murdering type. Good for him.
  538. <humanJaspers>: *** Ameture Tinkerer Pamphlet: A brief leaflet with a few tips and very basic weapon recipes inside. Bound to be helpful for the up and coming item crafter, without question.
  539. chthonianGunslinger DID SOMEONE SAY TINKERER
  540. auroraAuxillatrix takes the Boondollars and pamphlet, giving a gracious grin. "Im Sure The Local Exterminator Will Take Care Of The Straggler" she reassures, carefully trying to split the reward up. There was six of them, with six hundred...
  541. auroraAuxillatrix ...So that was one hundred for each? Sounded about right. Taking her share, she handed the other two their dues. They earned it, after all!
  542. <Nitro>: [Six of them?]
  543. <Nitro>: [Five.]
  544. <Nitro>: [120 each.]
  545. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: With one final flip, the clown idly tosses the club over his shoulder, where it's zonked into his specibus with a burst of virtual confetti. He returns Nero's awkward-ass hug with one of his usual grins and then thumps him solidly on the back. "That motherfuckin' tinkerbook has your name all over it, brother. Get your ass over there."
  546. <JakeEnglish>: (( Yus. Or 200 for me since I killed two and 100 for the rest of ya'lls. ;D ))
  547. auroraAuxillatrix can't do math
  548. auroraAuxillatrix *120 x:
  549. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: so total from this encounter we get 520 bd)
  550. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: edit your bd counts, errbody)
  551. <JakeEnglish>: (( Are we dividing up the rat tails too? ))
  552. auroraAuxillatrix honestly i think we should sell them
  553. auroraAuxillatrix they're vendor trash :v
  554. <JakeEnglish>: (( Agreed. ))
  555. <JakeEnglish>: (( DAMN HALLS. WE'RE USING YOUR CASH FOR THE VET. ))
  556. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: pffheeheehee)
  557. chthonianGunslinger returns the grin, however awkward the hug might be. It was good to see the juggalo back to his old self; somberness didn't suit him. Not at all. Pocketing his sum of the money, he eagerly took Gamzee's advice. /Yoink/. "an if they ever crawl their filthy asses back, yknow who to call."
  558. PurpleKoopa awoke in the comfort of the van. Huh. How long had she been asleep? The teen idly smacked her lips and scratched behind her ears. Man. Where was everyone? Probably got some adventuring done while she just lazed around all morn. Oh well, better late than never!
  559. auroraAuxillatrix Yes very good Nero. You'll be our PR management.
  560. auroraAuxillatrix :v
  561. <JakeEnglish>: Mornin, Rox.
  562. JakeEnglish glances up from the seat in front of Roxy, smiling tiredly, his ribcage hurting and his face drawn with worry for his dog.
  563. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Before We Leave Is There Anything We Should Purchase
  564. <Nitro>: Halley wagged his tail because that's what dogs do. They wag their tails.
  565. PurpleKoopa greeted English with a yawn and a half-hearted wave.
  566. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Iunno. We'll be back through this town on our way to the dope-ass desert ruins, probably.
  567. <PurpleKoopa>: gewd morring jakey what kind of exciting abventures have i slept thru
  568. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Considering Im No Longer The Financial Equivalent Of A Rustblood Vagrant
  569. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Damn, rustblood. That would make a wicked motherfuckin' name for something.
  570. <JakeEnglish>: We were collecting some money in case we need more tonics. We are going to head to Havre after this, to do a couple of quests and take Halley to the vet.
  571. *** humanJaspers is now known as Discord|tentativeTome
  572. <PurpleKoopa>: aww somebudy need their flee shots
  573. alabastorArchfiend is so loaded with cash, that he's just /dying/ to clean house here. But he bites the bullet and refrains, shrugging. "meh, we could always come back."
  574. alabastorArchfiend But he /so/ wants to.
  575. <PurpleKoopa>: weve had ur dog for a while bro hes probaly in despearate need of a good bath
  576. <PurpleKoopa>: hell ALL of us r in need of that
  577. JakeEnglish wordlessly holds up his hands, wet and shiny red with blood.
  578. <Nitro>: [Someone should go pick up the parcel meanwhile.]
  579. <JakeEnglish>: Not flea shots, Rox. Say, you want to go pick up a parcel while we wait on the others? It's over at (whereverthatplacewas).
  580. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Its Up To You Whether Or Not We Should Stay
  581. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Im Sure The Others Will Take Care Of The Odd Jobs In The Other Town
  582. <PurpleKoopa>: sur id totes be willing to follow u to that oh so spacific location
  583. <PurpleKoopa>: lead the way jakeasaurus u know whats going on better than i do
  584. <Nitro>: [Oasis Cantina was the name of the place.]
  585. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Personally Im Going To Pawn Off A Few Of These Rat Tails
  586. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: who the fuck are you kidding rox, you know /exactly/ where the catnina is)
  587. PurpleKoopa brb real fast ]
  588. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Six Seems To Be Six Too Many But They Could Come In Handy For
  589. <auroraAuxillatrix>: ...
  590. <auroraAuxillatrix>: A Purpose
  591. auroraAuxillatrix can't think up a purpose right now, though. Which makes her tempted to simply pawn off /all/ of them.
  592. <alabastorArchfiend>: youre seriously not goin to sell all of em are ya
  593. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I Might
  594. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Naw, sis, naw. /Rat flail/.
  595. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I Cant See A Reason To Keep /All/ Of The-
  596. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Gamzee
  597. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I
  598. <alabastorArchfiend>: hey
  599. <alabastorArchfiend>: i could make a rat flail
  600. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Listen, listen. You take a stick, right.
  601. <alabastorArchfiend>: whaddya say?
  602. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Right? Then you tie the motherfuckin' tails to that motherfuckin' stick.
  603. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Do it, brother.
  604. <alabastorArchfiend>: just stick all those wriggly motherfuckers on it, and weve got ourselves a rat killin machine
  605. <auroraAuxillatrix>: ...
  606. <auroraAuxillatrix>: You Cant Be Serious
  607. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Honk.
  608. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Are You
  609. <alabastorArchfiend>: look at this face
  610. <JakeEnglish>: (( OH LORD ))
  611. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Girl, I ain't never say a thing I don't mean.
  612. <alabastorArchfiend>: im dead serious
  613. <alabastorArchfiend>: we are
  614. tenaciouslyCrunknasty serious faces.
  615. <JakeEnglish>: (( GAMZEE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO NERO ))
  616. tenaciouslyCrunknasty pffffffails at serious face.
  617. alabastorArchfiend tightly holds Gamzee to his side, pushing their faces together. Dead serious faces, right here.
  618. alabastorArchfiend DEAD SERIOUS.
  619. tenaciouslyCrunknasty tries VERY HARD TO SERIOUS FACE
  620. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: it ends up like a very wide eyed shaky serious face as he tries not to laugh
  621. <Nitro>: Halley would mournfully sacrifice a stick to this purpose. Though he's blissfully unaware of the upcoming loss, as it is.
  622. PurpleKoopa aaand back!]
  623. auroraAuxillatrix stares disbelievingly. Oh my /God/.
  624. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I...
  625. tenaciouslyCrunknasty also paints the side of nero's face with various shades of grey and white. hahaha dude
  626. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Ill Split Them In Half Then
  627. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Is That Acceptable
  628. <PurpleKoopa>: my adventurers initution tells me that this parsell is at one place n one plaiyce only
  629. <PurpleKoopa>: the cantina
  630. <PurpleKoopa>: do DO do DO do DO do dadada, dadada, daaa daaa
  631. alabastorArchfiend rubs off a bit of the face paint, spluttering. Bleh, tastes like paint chips. Not like he knew what paint chips tasted like. That would be.../silly/. "fine by me"
  632. <PurpleKoopa>: ^thats frum star wars just fyi
  633. <alabastorArchfiend>: three should be plenty
  634. auroraAuxillatrix does so, still not believing what was happening right now. She keeps three for herself, before pawning off the rest for the boy. Her work finished, she gives a curt bow. "I Shall Be Going Now"
  635. <auroraAuxillatrix>: See You In A Bit
  636. auroraAuxillatrix With that, she takes off towards the pawn shop. Slightly dazed and confused, her elegant stride hobbled. Was...was she dreaming? Was that it?
  637. <PurpleKoopa>: so actually fuck this wateing around bs LETS GO JACKIE
  638. alabastorArchfiend watches her leave, becoming a tiny firefly on the horizon. He tries to keep a straight face, honestly. But as soon as she leaves, it cracks little by little. Starting with a snicker, it soon train wrecked into an all out giggle fit. So bad, he had to lean on his tall bro for support.
  639. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Kanaya arrives at the Pawn Shop. The part-time Dersite mayor greets the rainbow drinker with a polite wave.
  640. PurpleKoopa falls flat on her face as she hops out of the van, but doesn't let THAT stop her! She quickly gets back on her feet and rushes over to the cantina! Never mind she had no idea what parcel this was or who needed it, all that was important now was DRINKS.
  641. auroraAuxillatrix returns the wave, polite and prim as ever. Placing the rat tails onto the counter, she asks how much she could get for three of these. Hopefully, he didn't mind being overwhelmed with vermin parts.
  642. auroraAuxillatrix Hopefully.
  643. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Roxy arrives at the Oasis Cantina. Consorts and adventurer's alike are seated at tables in the cool building, drinking themselves away on oddball concoctions. A Prospitian woman stands behind the bar counter, idly polishing a glass with a small rag until it was practically sparkling.
  644. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee is not helping. Dude is barely upright as it is, and staggers with this added weight. Oh clown lord, save them.
  645. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** The Dersite examines the fresh vermin parts thoughtfully before putting down his offer.
  646. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (3) Rat Tail: 150
  647. auroraAuxillatrix Mmph, not as much as she thought it'd be worth. But beggars can't be choosers, and she didn't have a snazzy suit on her. She takes the offer, thanking him for his time.
  648. PurpleKoopa that's 150 each i think ]
  649. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: "Gahuh- buhuhbhu- /rat flail/."
  650. PurpleKoopa oh wait never mind she did take it]
  651. PurpleKoopa durr]
  652. alabastorArchfiend 's laughter finally dies down, withering down to a few giggles. "haha, that was fuckin /great/" he chuckled, giving the clown a few good pats. So good, he had to wipe a tear from his eye. /Rat/ /flail/, ahaha. And she bought it hook, line, and sinker.
  653. PurpleKoopa forgets everything about a parcel and its delivery thereof. She strolls up to the counter and hops onto a stool, then asks the bartender to give her something cold and with ice in it. And booze. Don't forget the booze.
  654. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Let's fucking /make one/.
  655. <JakeEnglish>: (( Okay sorry I'm back. ))
  656. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Loading...
  657. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Coffee- 50
  658. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Martini- 75
  659. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Gin- 600
  660. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Brandy- 600
  661. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Tea- 50
  662. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** End list.
  663. <alabastorArchfiend>: you kiddin? after all that boastin, i cant let her down
  664. <alabastorArchfiend>: i gotta do it
  665. <alabastorArchfiend>: i gotta make a rat flail
  666. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee just sort of...reaches out and...plucks the sturdy stick from the communal sylladex.
  667. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: He solemnly presents the item to Nero. Work your magic, brother.
  668. PurpleKoopa brb again]
  669. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Ding! +150. The Dersite accepts the three Rat Tails and hands over the rainbowdrinker's proper payment. He's sure that he could... PROBABLY sell these things eventually. Probably.
  670. <JakeEnglish>: (( *wishes Jake had a phone so he could text Rox and ask for some tea because damn that sounds good* ))
  671. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: maybe if he hollers she'll hear him)
  672. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Snrk. x3]]
  673. alabastorArchfiend takes the stick in hand, the rat tails on the other. With the most somber of expressions, only /occasionally/ cracking a snicker or two, he nodded. Time to whip up a miracle, baby. Turning towards the workbench, he cracked his knuckles and got to work.
  674. alabastorArchfiend are we actually /doing/ this.
  675. alabastorArchfiend ahahaha
  676. tenaciouslyCrunknasty we're doing this man
  677. tenaciouslyCrunknasty we are making this
  678. tenaciouslyCrunknasty motherfuckin' happen (o:
  679. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (1) Sturdy Stick + (3) Rat Tail = /RAT/ /MOTHERFUCKING/ /FLAIL/
  680. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Rat Flail: A ridiculous weapon devised by an either completely dumb mind or the most comedic genius there is. It works as your average flail, only made out of rat bits. Good. Very good.
  681. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: e%cellent)
  682. <JakeEnglish>: (( oh lord you guys ))
  683. alabastorArchfiend what science done
  684. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee ==> Fondly regard creation.
  685. <JakeEnglish>: (( what. what even. ))
  686. <Nitro>: [perfection, Jakey dear]
  687. <Nitro>: [perfection]
  688. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Now get Flailkind]]
  689. alabastorArchfiend has done the unthinkable. He's made a /rat/ /fucking/ /flail/. Displaying his /fine/ work to Gamzee, he can't help himself from giggling again. "well, there it is."
  690. <alabastorArchfiend>: the greatest fuckin weapon in the history of mankind
  691. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Miracles.
  692. PurpleKoopa slaps an easy 75 boons on the counter and tells the bartender to mix her up a martini. Stirred, not shaken. No diluted beverages for THIS alcoholic minor. B[
  693. auroraAuxillatrix accepts her payment, reassuring that he could probably find /some/ use for the rat tails! Not making a rat flail or anything, that would be just /stupid/.
  694. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: We should tie it to the van.
  695. auroraAuxillatrix Before leaving, she wonders if she could see his wares?
  696. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Griiiiiiiiin.
  697. auroraAuxillatrix pauses, before returning the truly shit-eating grin. "that..."
  698. <auroraAuxillatrix>: is the greatest idea youve ever had
  699. <auroraAuxillatrix>: /lets/ /do/ /it/
  700. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Motherfuck yes!
  701. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: He sprints out of the shop and toward the van.
  702. auroraAuxillatrix can barely keep up, kicking up dust with his worn boots. Hold it, /he/'/s/ the one with the rat flail here!
  703. auroraAuxillatrix Oh man, oh man, wait until the others caught a load of this!
  704. tenaciouslyCrunknasty they will be so pleased with out innovation and artistic vision
  705. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: *our)
  706. JakeEnglish looks up as the two come barreling toward the van, his hand protectively going to Halley's ruff. "Chaps, what on earth are yo--...What. The hell. Is that."
  707. <auroraAuxillatrix>: what does it look like
  708. <auroraAuxillatrix>: its a rat flail
  709. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** But of course! Just one moment.
  710. <auroraAuxillatrix>: aint it beautiful?
  711. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Hood ornament.
  712. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Loading...
  713. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Pssst cG]]
  714. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Wrong tab :y]]
  715. alabastorArchfiend hrp
  716. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee considers the van, framing it between his fingers and thumbs. On the hood? The bumper? Right in the middle of the roof?
  717. JakeEnglish slowly raises an eyebrow, looking over his glasses at Nero and Gamzee, then back to Nero, before finally resting on Gamzee. "What did you do to him."
  718. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee's grin has reached godtier; he is the giver of no fucks. "Honk," he replies.
  719. alabastorArchfiend doesn't wait for an answer, scrambling into the van to grab his coat. It's completely singed, but a few parts were still good. That reminds him - he needed to get a new coat, and pronto. Felt weird without one. But for now, it'd do. Tearing a good strip from the coat, he hastily tied it around the stick.
  720. alabastorArchfiend Now, where to put it...?
  721. PurpleKoopa >Stretch Armstrong: Allocate new weapon to your flailKind specibus.
  722. JakeEnglish rolls his eyes and points at the hole where the antennae should go.
  723. <JakeEnglish>: Stick it in there. It'll be like a flag.
  724. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (1) Fairy Costume- 1200
  725. PurpleKoopa did you guys get the van filled up with applegas yet?]
  726. <Nitro>: [Yes.]
  727. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (1) Frag Grenade- 800
  728. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Bro, don't you still have that motherfuckin' glue?
  729. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (2) Glass Flask- 400
  730. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (1) Bottled Rainbow- 800
  731. alabastorArchfiend /Perfect!/ He slams the stick down into the antennae, gluing it together with the last of the glue.
  732. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: it gave us 5% of a tank, so it negated our little town promenade )
  733. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (1) Fashion Magazine- 200
  734. alabastorArchfiend Tentatively, he steps back to admire his work. Oh god, it's so /beautiful/.
  735. <JakeEnglish>: (( NO KANAYA RESIST THE FASHION ))
  736. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Our signal is gonna be /so/ motherfuckin' clear now.
  737. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (4) Rat Tail- 100
  738. auroraAuxillatrix DID SOMEONE SAY FASHION
  739. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (1) Tub of Face Paint- 150
  740. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (1) Generic Hairbrush- 200
  741. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** End list.
  742. tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee offers Nero his fist. Bump that shit, man.
  743. PurpleKoopa >Kanaya: Saaaaaaaay, isn't that the dress you made for what's her face? (::::
  744. alabastorArchfiend bunp. They've done well, man. /Beautifully/ so.
  745. auroraAuxillatrix that her fairy costume? Oh, Vriska didn't /sell/ did she? But she worked so hard on that!
  746. PurpleKoopa update, hombres!]
  747. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: buy it and passive aggressively alter it for one of the other party members)
  748. PurpleKoopa nero needs a new outfit]
  749. PurpleKoopa wonk]
  750. auroraAuxillatrix doesn't have enough boonies
  751. auroraAuxillatrix but she would, if she could
  752. auroraAuxillatrix :y
  753. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: appeal to the shopkeep's sympathy)
  754. auroraAuxillatrix Glances up at the shopkeeper, a small frown on her face. She explains to him that this fairy costume was in fact hers, or rather...she made it. It was a gift to a friend, who apparently didn't appreciate it. And she'd hate to see such a lovely costume go. If it wasn't too much trouble, maybe he could...?
  755. Discord|tentativeTome Oh right whups disregarded Roxy sorry one moment x:']]
  756. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Ding! -75. The barkeep silently accepts the payment and proceeds to mix up a martini, and after just a few moments, politely slides it over to the intoxicated lass.
  757. JakeEnglish sends Roxy brain ESPN vibes about picking up the package.
  758. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** The Dersite thinks this over thoroughly, taking a brief look at the Fairy Costume before tentatively turning back to the glowing gal. She DOES seem like she's being sincere... but unfortunately enough, he can't hand things over to anyone that asks that! For such a charismatic lady, however, he could probably drop the price to possibly... 800 Boondollars?
  759. tenaciouslyCrunknasty picking up the package and RUNNING IT INTO THE ENZDZONE. FOOTBALLLLLL
  760. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: ESPN!!!!!!!
  761. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: he could always send these two chucklefucks to get the package. they're just standing around, fondly regarding their creation)
  762. alabastorArchfiend can't stop won't stop
  763. <JakeEnglish>: (( He doesn't trust them to get it. ))
  764. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: pffff)
  765. PurpleKoopa is tuned out to Jake's sympathetic vibrations. No football, only boozetimes.
  766. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Damn, look at the breeze catch in that bitch.
  767. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Motherfuckin' /majestic/
  768. JakeEnglish curses and rolls his eyes. "Screw it. Gamz, Nero, go get the package from the cantina and drag Rox back. We have to go."
  769. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee gives a lazy salute and begins to walk backwards so as to admire the van the entire way.
  770. <alabastorArchfiend>: tch, if you say so
  771. <alabastorArchfiend>: knowin her shes probably wasted
  772. alabastorArchfiend follows, also stepping backwards the entire way. God, he can't /believe/ it. So amazing, in all the worst ways. His father would be proud.
  773. alabastorArchfiend :T
  774. alabastorArchfiend shut up youre proud
  775. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: She can motherfuckin' sober up on the way back, brother. Long ride through the desert.
  776. <alabastorArchfiend>: i dont think shes ever sober
  777. tenaciouslyCrunknasty busts on through the cantina's swingy doors, butt first.
  778. auroraAuxillatrix appreciates the offer, but she /still/ doesn't have enough money to buy it. Maybe she could enlist help from a friend, though? She tells him to wait right here, while she consults her teammates. Shuffling out the shop's doors, she heads out to the va-
  779. auroraAuxillatrix ...
  780. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Please Dont Tell Thats What I Think It Is
  781. PurpleKoopa Oh yeah that's right there's a martini in front of her whoops. Roxy picks up the glass and elegantly takes a sip. Ah, delicious. This is exactly what the doctor ordered. A doctor with a very questionable medical degree. Or maybe a Ph.D in mixology.
  782. <Nitro>: [So that's]
  783. alabastorArchfiend isn't quite so clumsy, flipping over the swinging doors with ease. And look, there she is. /Drinking/!
  784. alabastorArchfiend What a surprise.
  785. <Nitro>: [Minus Bottle of Glue, Sturdy Stick, and (3) Rat Tail, and plus (1) Rat Flail sort of?]
  786. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Gamzee backs right on up to the bar and leans his elbows on it, tipping his head back to grin at Roxy.
  787. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Sup, girl?
  788. PurpleKoopa nearly falls out of her seat as she leans over and waves hello to her pals! She pats the seat next to her.
  789. <PurpleKoopa>: yo gamz i just had to mak this stop b4 we headed out
  790. <JakeEnglish>: It is. Our new flag. What's up, Kanaya?
  791. alabastorArchfiend slides to the left of her, taking a seat. Yup, she's drinking alright.
  792. <PurpleKoopa>: u dont realize how loneg its been since ive hadda martineti
  793. <alabastorArchfiend>: well i see you got your priorities straight
  794. <alabastorArchfiend>: but i think youve forgotten bout the whole
  795. <alabastorArchfiend>: package
  796. <alabastorArchfiend>: thing
  797. <PurpleKoopa>: wut pakkage
  798. <alabastorArchfiend>: the package
  799. <alabastorArchfiend>: yknow
  800. tenaciouslyCrunknasty shrugs. "Hell, I'd get me one if I didn't have to motherfuckin' drive."
  801. <alabastorArchfiend>: the one you were supposed to pick up
  802. <alabastorArchfiend>: the whole reason why you came here?
  803. <alabastorArchfiend>: that package?
  804. <PurpleKoopa>: uuuuhhhhhhh i dont remenbear any package deal in here cant i just get my dink on first
  805. <PurpleKoopa>: u guys were doing all of the questing shit anyway y dont you just get it
  806. <alabastorArchfiend>: nope! you just...get your drunk text on.
  807. <alabastorArchfiend>: ill take care of it
  808. <PurpleKoopa>: ok thx neraoro <3
  809. tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee, now resting his entire upper body on the counter, waves over the barkeep. "Hey, yo brother, you got a package what needs to up and be relocated to Havre?"
  810. PurpleKoopa takes another generous sip of her martini. Hic!
  811. alabastorArchfiend This is exactly why he doesn't drink. Alcohol turns people into /idiots/. Mopey, angry, and useless idiots. Who don't pay the taxes, and just mourn pointlessly over shit they couldn't for-
  812. alabastorArchfiend ...
  813. <Nitro>: Halley, who'd been asleep despite the boys' activity, blinked awake as Kanaya joined them, lifting his head slightly to glance at her. He gave up on trying to keep it up without his neck hurting and feeling weak, dropping it instead and stretching to lick Jake's knee with his head still resting on the ground. Gotta get his attention somehow.
  814. tenaciouslyCrunknasty A lanky hand strays into her blurry field of vision and dabs some of the blue salt off of the rim of the drink. Yoink.
  815. alabastorArchfiend Ahaha, sorry. Weeping over old wounds.
  816. alabastorArchfiend is /not/ an alcoholic!
  817. alabastorArchfiend can stop whenever he wants.
  818. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Oh, it didn't require the glue. Just the tails and stick, sorry, I was getting distracted x:']]
  819. Discord|tentativeTome But I just don't think he wants to quite yet.
  820. <Nitro>: [He glued it to the antenna hole thing of the van. :B]
  821. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Oh-- snrrrrrrrrk]]
  822. JakeEnglish looks down at the lick, his face lined with worry as he runs his fingers through Halley's blood-matted fur. "I know, bud. They're taking forever. But it's going to be okay. Hey Kan, do you think this tonic will do any good on Halley..? I don't know how tonics react with animals.."
  823. <Nitro>: [It is their banner, flapping in the wind as they blow down the open roads.]
  824. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[/Beautiful/.]]
  825. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Oh! The package! Yes, thank goodness. Someone finally decided to take her up on her offer. Nodding affirmatively, the Prospitian barkeep reaches behind the bar counter, retrieving a heavy paper package and placing it on the counter. Be careful with it, now! She wants it to get there in one piece. Tell Scottie she said hi, now.
  826. tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee examines the minute blue crystals, reclining on the bartop like a hooligan. Man, how come these little bitches are so tiny, and so /perfect/.
  829. auroraAuxillatrix ogles the flail for a few tense seconds, murmring a few words of disbelief.
  830. 22:21 auroraAuxillatrix They
  831. 22:21 auroraAuxillatrix They Actually Went And /Did/ It
  832. 22:21 JakeEnglish It would appear so.
  833. 22:21 tenaciouslyCrunknasty What? Oh, cool, there it is.
  834. 22:22 Nitro [pokes CG to look at Jake's last lengthy post]
  835. 22:22 Nitro [just to make sure she saw it]
  836. 22:22 tenaciouslyCrunknasty It is gonna stay in however many peices it up and started in, sister, I can motherfuckin' promise that (o:
  837. 22:22 auroraAuxillatrix Great Condescension, they actually /did/ it. Here she thought they were bluffing. Shaking her head, she slowly roused herself to the poor pup's problem. Giving him a good scratched, she pondered over the tonic. "Im Not Postive What The Effects Would Be"
  838. 22:22 auroraAuxillatrix But It Couldnt Hurt To Try
  839. 22:23 tenaciouslyCrunknasty The bloodstained, painted and shirtless youth takes the package, bidding her good day. Yeah, this guy seems legit.
  840. 22:23 JakeEnglish Hm. Maybe I'll see if anybody else has anything that could work better..
  841. 22:23 Nitro Halley, if he comprehended what the intent was, would say that it would be a waste of a tonic and they aren't /that/ far from the vet, /really/.
  842. 22:23 alabastorArchfiend gingerly picks the package out of Gamzee's hands. Cancer arm or no, he was probably a /little/ more trustworthy.
  843. 22:23 JakeEnglish glances up from his dog, raising an eyebrow. "Did you need something, Kanaya?"
  844. 22:24 alabastorArchfiend still had a /shirt/ on, for one.
  845. 22:24 auroraAuxillatrix Oh
  846. 22:24 auroraAuxillatrix Yes
  847. 22:24 tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee hands off the package in favor of grabbing their drunken compadre, tucking her under one arm and nabbing her drink with his free hand.
  848. 22:24 auroraAuxillatrix You See My Morail Had Apparently Sold Off A Gift Of Mine
  849. 22:25 auroraAuxillatrix Id Like To Buy It Back But I Dont Have The Funds To Do So
  850. 22:25 auroraAuxillatrix Would You Mind Giving Me A Helping Hand
  851. 22:25 Nitro Halley has the funds.
  852. 22:25 Nitro All of the funds.
  853. 22:26 alabastorArchfiend tends to the package, careful not to smash it in two with his strength. As Gamzee picked up their booze hound, he felt a wince of pain. Too many bad memories. "cmon, lets get out here."
  854. 22:26 alabastorArchfiend i hate bars.
  855. 22:26 JakeEnglish Certainly, how much do you need? Perhaps we could make a trade. I need a new shirt.
  856. 22:26 tenaciouslyCrunknasty You musta been to the wrong motherfuckin' ones, little bro.
  857. 22:26 JakeEnglish laughs, holding his bare arms up, clad only in his white skull tanktop.
  858. 22:27 alabastorArchfiend shrugs, not wanting to delve into it deeper. "i just dont like booze in general"
  859. 22:28 auroraAuxillatrix giggles at the thought of Jake wearing the fairy dress, but nods all the same. "I Could Certainly Make You A New Shirt If You Desired"
  860. 22:28 auroraAuxillatrix I Need About 280 More Boondollars To Make The Trade
  861. 22:28 PurpleKoopa groggily reaches for her drink as Gamzee tucks her under his arm.
  862. 22:28 auroraAuxillatrix Thankfully The Shopkeeper Slashed The Price In This Special Occasion
  863. 22:29 PurpleKoopa aaggggh i havent fisnished drinking that yet gasplee
  864. 22:29 JakeEnglish fishes out the required boonies and hands them over, smiling gratefully and patting his dog.
  865. 22:29 tenaciouslyCrunknasty I can dig that. I ain't much of a motherfuckin' drinker, myself, 'cept on like New Years and Christmas and Birthdays, or if somebody has a shitload of free stuff.
  866. 22:30 alabastorArchfiend dude, are you kiddin
  867. 22:30 alabastorArchfiend im /thirteen/
  868. 22:30 alabastorArchfiend my dad does enough drinkin for the both us anyway
  869. 22:30 alabastorArchfiend Whoops, did he say that out loud?
  870. 22:30 tenaciouslyCrunknasty He admires the way the sunlight glints through the pretty little glass for a moment before handing it off to Roxsis.
  871. 22:31 tenaciouslyCrunknasty I drank when I was as bitty as you, bro, but naw you're right. I probably shouldn't have.
  872. 22:31 auroraAuxillatrix pockets the boondollars, thanking him graciously for his kindness. "Ill Return The Favor As Soon As Possible"
  873. 22:32 alabastorArchfiend ive already seen what it does
  874. 22:32 alabastorArchfiend doesnt look like a party to me
  875. 22:33 PurpleKoopa loses any grace and poise she might've had earlier and just chugs the rest of that martini down in seconds flat. Classy, Roxy.
  876. 22:33 tenaciouslyCrunknasty All things in motherfuckin' moderation, bro.
  877. 22:33 tenaciouslyCrunknasty The Romans said that. They invented partying, I think.
  878. 22:33 alabastorArchfiend Ugh, she really is just like him. Only less moping and more typos. He gestures towards the door, already strolling towards it.
  879. 22:34 tenaciouslyCrunknasty They also fed poor motherfuckers to lions and did a whole bunch of motherfucking head-busting triangle math, so.
  880. 22:34 tenaciouslyCrunknasty Fuck those guys.
  881. 22:34 PurpleKoopa fuck modearataion im haveing SHOTS SHOPS, SHATS SPOTS SHOMS SAHATS
  882. 22:35 tenaciouslyCrunknasty With those words of wisdom, he deposits Roxy in the back seat and buckles her in. Safety first, yo.
  883. 22:35 alabastorArchfiend well arent you the big historian on campus
  884. 22:35 alabastorArchfiend professor makara
  885. 22:36 tenaciouslyCrunknasty This shit is like the motherfuckin' Magic School Bus. Prepare to get /educated/, /motherfuckers/.
  886. 22:36 alabastorArchfiend pops into the van, carefully placing the package in the backseat. "oh god, its like the knowledge is bein zapped in my mind"
  887. 22:36 alabastorArchfiend how /do/ you do it.
  888. 22:36 tenaciouslyCrunknasty He hops in and starts the engine.
  889. 22:36 auroraAuxillatrix With that, she made her way back to the pawn shop. Just in time to hear the van starting.
  890. 22:37 tenaciouslyCrunknasty It's my motherfuckin' whimsical personality and vivacious nature, bro. I also got different earrings like every episode.
  891. 22:37 auroraAuxillatrix Waving them down, she signals for them to wait /just/ a minute.
  892. 22:37 PurpleKoopa wiggles around in her seat to the thumpin' beat of ROFLMAO songs. Take it easy, you crazy nut!
  893. 22:37 alabastorArchfiend so who does that make me
  894. 22:37 alabastorArchfiend it better not be arnold
  895. 22:37 PurpleKoopa waaaaiiiit were not gouing yet r we i thought jake n his dog were coming along w/ us
  896. 22:37 tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee is too busy fantasizing about being Ms. Frizzle to drive the van, anyway. They loiter.
  897. 22:38 PurpleKoopa and uh
  898. 22:38 Discord|tentativeTome *** Kanaya reenters the Pawn Shop. The Dersite again welcomes her with a happy wave, inquiring if the rainbowdrinker has managed to obtain the funds she needed.
  899. 22:38 PurpleKoopa ima just assume mutisie n vrisla r doing something else 2day
  900. 22:38 tenaciouslyCrunknasty You can be my finest green brother, Liz. Or was that motherfucker a sister?
  901. 22:39 auroraAuxillatrix Oh good, she has! Putting down her money, she asks if she could have the dress for sale. She really does appreciate him cutting the price!
  902. 22:39 alabastorArchfiend who knows?
  903. 22:39 alabastorArchfiend its a mystery
  904. 22:39 tenaciouslyCrunknasty He pokes his curly mop into the backseats, confused. "Ain't those motherfuckers in the back with you?"
  905. 22:40 Discord|tentativeTome *** Well if it was her property and all, then it's the least he could do! Besides, she IS very well mannered and polite, at that. Ding! -800. The Dersite accepts the boondollars thankfully and hands over the Fairy Costume. uvu
  906. 22:40 PurpleKoopa rubs off her half-glazed eyelids.
  907. 22:40 PurpleKoopa uhhhh hell if i kno dude
  908. 22:41 PurpleKoopa i dont think i can evn see straigt let alone tell wehere anybody is
  909. 22:43 alabastorArchfiend shh shhh
  910. 22:43 alabastorArchfiend just sleep it off, baby
  911. 22:43 JakeEnglish (( OH i need to change my boonies number ))
  912. 22:43 JakeEnglish (( i keep like spacing out sorry ya'lls. ))
  913. 22:43 auroraAuxillatrix takes the costume in her hands, still giving a polite nod. With a click of her wardrobifier, its absorbed into the device. Thanking him again, she makes her way out of the pawn shop. My, what a nice man!
  914. 22:44 tenaciouslyCrunknasty /Damn/ sister, how many motherfuckin martinis did you have?
  915. 22:44 PurpleKoopa just the one
  916. 22:44 alabastorArchfiend ...
  917. 22:44 PurpleKoopa i woudla had more but u guys dragged my ass right outta the bar
  918. 22:44 alabastorArchfiend what was in that martini
  919. 22:44 tenaciouslyCrunknasty Rocket fuel.
  920. 22:44 alabastorArchfiend pure alcohol?
  921. 22:44 alabastorArchfiend had to be
  922. 22:44 alabastorArchfiend maybe it was an
  923. 22:44 tenaciouslyCrunknasty Sister is /in space/ .
  924. 22:44 alabastorArchfiend appletini
  925. 22:45 auroraAuxillatrix waves the van down, hopping into the backseat. "My Apologies I Just Had To Pick Up Something Of Mine"
  926. 22:45 PurpleKoopa lol no i coulda told that whether or not that thing was fruity
  927. 22:45 PurpleKoopa hey nakaya whatcha got babs
  928. 22:46 PurpleKoopa *kanya
  929. 22:46 auroraAuxillatrix Just One Of My Artistic Creations
  930. 22:46 JakeEnglish has fallen asleep with his head on the seat, Halley's snout in his lap and his hands still buried in the dog's fur.
  931. 22:46 auroraAuxillatrix It Was A Gift For Vriska But Apparently She Didnt Think Too Much Of It
  934. PurpleKoopa ruffles the snoozing Jake's hair a little. So, so ADORGUPLE. (*adorable)
  935. <PurpleKoopa>: aww thats too bad she cant appreciate ur maisterpieces
  936. <PurpleKoopa>: is she always lik that
  937. <PurpleKoopa>: not really thinking of ofthers
  938. tenaciouslyCrunknasty With a rumble, the van begins to pull away from the desert town and head back to havre. Pshoooooo!
  939. <alabastorArchfiend>: some friend
  940. <auroraAuxillatrix>: She Can Be...
  941. <auroraAuxillatrix>: ...Thoughtless
  942. <PurpleKoopa>: well if she deosnt like it maybe someone else will
  943. <auroraAuxillatrix>: She Has A Tendency To Concoct Complex And Winding Plans While Overlooking The Obvious
  944. <auroraAuxillatrix>: ...
  945. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Perhaps You May Like It
  946. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Would You Like To Try It
  947. <alabastorArchfiend>: i dont see why youre friends with her
  948. <PurpleKoopa>: maaaaaybeeeeeee wink wwiank wink (; (; 9'
  949. <alabastorArchfiend>: doesnt sound like she repays the favor
  950. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: She knows the sister better than any of us, y'all. She's got her motherfuckin' reasons to be soulbros with spidersis.
  951. auroraAuxillatrix smiles, obliging. Handing the Wardrobifier to Roxy, she lets her play around with it. She might find the costume, or perhaps even something else she liked!
  952. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Yes I Have My Reasons
  953. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Vriska Is A Hard Troll To Like And Perhaps The Most Difficult Morailegiance To Keep
  954. <auroraAuxillatrix>: But...
  955. <auroraAuxillatrix>: ...There Is A Silver Lining In The Stormy Weather
  956. Discord|tentativeTome oh whups got distracted by a thing <u>]]
  957. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: I'm sure we'll see what's up and motherfuckin' good in her heart.
  958. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** And they're off! The party drives the van clear through the desert winds with ease, even running over a Savana Scorpion along the way, netting each party member 20 BD respectively.
  959. <PurpleKoopa>: did anyeone else feel the van just rattle
  960. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** The party arrives at the bridge. The armored van is in top condition. The fuel gauge is at 70%. Next stop, Havre!
  961. <PurpleKoopa>: ewwwwww gamz uve got scorpion guts all ovr your windshield
  962. tenaciouslyCrunknasty He casually turns on the windshield wipers. squeekasqueekasqueek
  963. <PurpleKoopa>: thats btter
  964. alabastorArchfiend isn't so convinced, but...whatever. He crosses his arms and flips on his headphones, still good on the juices. While he's here, he might as well work on that pamphlet.
  965. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: It's all good, sister. The hood needed some motherfuckin' green anyway.
  966. alabastorArchfiend Maybe he'd learn how to make an even /better/ rat flail!
  967. alabastorArchfiend nero no
  968. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Pfff]]
  969. PurpleKoopa is that every party member or just the ones in the van?]
  970. alabastorArchfiend no more rat flails
  971. PurpleKoopa this one has FIFTY tails]
  972. alabastorArchfiend He stops for just a moment, shooting the windshield a /look/, before going back to his pamphlet. He'd call it...the Rat King. /Yeah/.
  973. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Oh-- the ones in the van. o:]]
  974. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[And drp yes the pamphlet one moment]]
  975. alabastorArchfiend All while listening to this. Never change, kid. Never change.
  976. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Nero skims through the Ameture Tinkerer Pamphlet. 'When combining items, it's always good to have a plan in mind. But when you're at a loss, by all means try your hand at combining whatever you have free! It could give you some pretty nifty ideas.' On top of that, it even provides a moderately basic recipe!
  977. alabastorArchfiend rat king))
  978. alabastorArchfiend it's rat king))
  979. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** (2) Paper Sheet + (1) String + (1) Gun Powder = Powder Bomb
  980. <Discord|tentativeTome>: [[Pff]]
  981. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: man that lost woods shit is intense)
  982. PurpleKoopa flips through her Amateur Magic for Dumbasses book. What clandestine hexes lie within its bitingly-written pages?
  983. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: amateur magic for dumbasses- co authered by john egbert and karkat vantas)
  984. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: *authored)
  985. alabastorArchfiend Okay, not quite Rat King. But good enough. He could get behind explosives. Burn the whole damn town down. Snapping it shut for now, he kept the recipe in mind. Getting /paper/ and /string/ couldn't be that hard, right?
  986. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Roxy skims through her Amateur Magic Book, and in the most lamens terms possible, learns a new spell: Dim!
  987. alabastorArchfiend And just for you, Roxy, he puts this on.
  988. PurpleKoopa wtf r u calling me dim
  989. alabastorArchfiend And you too, Discord. With your /wine/ showers.
  990. PurpleKoopa i didnt lik u either magack book ):<
  991. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** Dim: Reduces the illumination in a room signifigantly. Can be used once every 30 minutes. 90% chance of success.
  992. auroraAuxillatrix Fat chance with this flighty broad around.
  993. Discord|tentativeTome What? I didn't know if you would appreciate chocolate milk or not, sheesh.
  994. alabastorArchfiend I know who did appreciate it.
  995. alabastorArchfiend Guess's who got a hangover.
  996. alabastorArchfiend /Again/.
  997. alabastorArchfiend Not me. Now, be a dear and hand me that asprin.
  998. Discord|tentativeTome Snrk.
  999. PurpleKoopa scooted around in her seat, trying to get a better view of the ravine and they drive over it. They'd be there soon, right?
  1000. PurpleKoopa *as they drive over it
  1001. <Discord|tentativeTome>: *** The party drives the heavily armored vehicle into the town of Havre once again. The armored van is in top condition. The fuel gauge is at 60%.
  1002. PurpleKoopa hey Nitro, are you still recording?]
  1003. <Discord|tentativeTome>: ***
  1004. *** Discord|tentativeTome is now known as calamitousGodlyhood
  1005. PurpleKoopa i'll just copy and paste what i've got then]
  1006. PurpleKoopa unbuckles her seatbelt and hops out of her seat.
  1007. <PurpleKoopa>: ok dudes weve made it now whare exactly r we sposed to go from here
  1008. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Well, we were gonna up and take dogbro to the vet.
  1009. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: And we gotta get this motherfuckin' package, uhhh. Somewhere.
  1010. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: And there's a dog up in the woods around here, all lost and shit.
  1011. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: And we gotta get some gas.
  1012. <PurpleKoopa>: damn thats certainlay a lotta errands we gotta run
  1013. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: And uh. Shit. That's all I motherfuckin' got.
  1014. <auroraAuxillatrix>: I Suppose We Should Get Started Then
  1015. <auroraAuxillatrix>: The Woofbeast Should Get First Priority As He...
  1016. <PurpleKoopa>: we can drive ovr to the proprane place n get our gas there right
  1017. <auroraAuxillatrix>: ...Is Looking Rather Pale.
  1018. <PurpleKoopa>: aww ): we can take carea that too
  1019. <JakeEnglish>: (( okay yeah im asleep ))
  1020. <JakeEnglish>: (( goodnight. <3 ))
  1021. <calamitousGodlyhood>: [[Ah, adios then, JE! o:]]
  1022. PurpleKoopa nighty night, ranger dwight!]
  1023. <JakeEnglish>: (( <3 ))
  1024. alabastorArchfiend hops out of the van, headphones still ringing away. And yet, he can still hear them. Miracles. "the propane place? probably, unless dang ol hank hill decided to set up shop somewhere else."
  1025. PurpleKoopa <3! ]
  1026. alabastorArchfiend gives the dog a encouraging little pet, scratching him behind the ears. If only dogs could naturally heal, like he could. Or if he had a freakin' /Vital/ /Star/. But where was he going to find one of those?
  1027. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: What first, motherfuckers?
  1028. <PurpleKoopa>: well i kinda wanted to head over to hankies b/c theres anather rifle i can get that rechoirs some gas containers
  1029. <PurpleKoopa>: *requires
  1030. <PurpleKoopa>: but dog health is a p impotrent thing too
  1031. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Why Dont We Take The Woofbeast To The Vet While A Few Of Us Refuel The Four Wheeled Device
  1032. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Splitting Up Isnt Out Of The Question Is It
  1033. <PurpleKoopa>: nope sure isnt!
  1034. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: is nitro asleeps)
  1035. alabastorArchfiend they might be))
  1036. <PurpleKoopa>: alright catch u guys latter ive got a rifle to craft
  1037. <PurpleKoopa>: and uh
  1038. <PurpleKoopa>: shit maybe i oughta get som more money first otherwise idk how im gonna pay for that carp
  1039. <PurpleKoopa>: *crap
  1040. PurpleKoopa i'm recording what i can get]
  1041. <alabastorArchfiend>: well shit, why dont we take the package first
  1042. <alabastorArchfiend>: /then/ we can throw all our money away
  1043. <PurpleKoopa>: excelletn finicinal advice
  1044. <PurpleKoopa>: lead the way fellas i have NO IDEEDA where were susposed to deliver that thing
  1045. <alabastorArchfiend>: some dude named scotty
  1046. <alabastorArchfiend>: thats
  1047. <alabastorArchfiend>: about it
  1048. <PurpleKoopa>: hmm scooty huh
  1049. <PurpleKoopa>: *scooby
  1050. <PurpleKoopa>: *snoopy
  1051. <PurpleKoopa>: *scottish tererrier
  1052. <PurpleKoopa>: maybe wee should try asking around the villagers kno this place better than we do
  1053. <alabastorArchfiend>: cant think of any other ideas
  1054. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Honk.
  1055. <auroraAuxillatrix>: You Go On Without Me
  1056. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Gamzee Can You Drive Us To The Vet
  1057. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Yes ma'am (o:
  1058. <auroraAuxillatrix>: Im Sure The Woofbeast Would Thank You If He Could
  1059. PurpleKoopa scans the village's environment. Any villagers they could ask around here?
  1060. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Of course! There's a variety of villagers that inhabit the town of Havre, from consorts doing some basic shopping, to weary adventurers getting drinks and forgetting their troubles at /SCOTTIE/'/S/ /PUB/.
  1061. PurpleKoopa DID SOMEONE SAY PUB
  1062. tenaciouslyCrunknasty vroooom away they go, leaving Nero and Roxy behind. To go to the pub. Hahahahaha fuck
  1063. alabastorArchfiend oh my god, /no/.
  1064. alabastorArchfiend is glad he stuck around, now. He /hated/ to play chaperon, but it was a role he was used to. The difference was that this was a teenaged girl, and not a grown man. He wasn't sure if that was better or worse.
  1065. <alabastorArchfiend>: welp
  1066. <alabastorArchfiend>: im guessin thats the place
  1067. alabastorArchfiend points out the /brilliant/ sign ahead of them, against his better judgement.
  1068. PurpleKoopa It takes Roxy but an instant to look up at the sign and practically LAUNCH herself straight through into the pub. You're fairly certain she broke Mach 2 doing that.
  1069. alabastorArchfiend Aw, /hell/. He kicks up his feet to follow her, but couldn't ever /hope/ to reach those speeds. Look at her go, like a fish to water.
  1070. alabastorArchfiend As he does, he flips up his hoodie and rubbed his arms. Man, he forgot how /cold/ Havre could be! He was missing his coat already. And it was his favorite, too.
  1071. PurpleKoopa fish to wahter
  1072. PurpleKoopa lol only if somone spiked the lake
  1073. alabastorArchfiend if i told you there was a chaos god that could make wine rainstorms
  1074. alabastorArchfiend would you believe me
  1075. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Roxy arrives in the pub. It seems particularly busy this evening, the idle chatter of seveal adventurers going on in the backround. A large scottish man with a wonderous white beard and jolly red cheeks works the bar, vailiantly looking over the bar as he poured a drink.
  1076. PurpleKoopa OMG that is a weather 4cast i could b totes down for
  1077. alabastorArchfiend Busts into the pub doors, package cradled in hands. Least it was warmer in here. Panting out of breath, he looked up at the giant of a man. Toddling towards the bar, he woozily put the package down.
  1078. <alabastorArchfiend>: must be scotty
  1079. <alabastorArchfiend>: right?
  1080. PurpleKoopa wastes no time in ordering this man's finest ale! That's what you do at ye olde fashioned tavern, anyway.
  1081. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** "AYE laddy boy!" The barkeep confidently states with his heavy irish accent. "And just who DO YA THINK YOU ARE, MATE?" Good lord his voice was loud. Booming, even, despite the sound of the idle chatter from the other people in the tavern.
  1082. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Loading...
  1083. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Merlot- 600
  1084. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Vodka- 600
  1085. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Scotch- 600
  1086. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Whiskey- 600
  1087. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Cashews- 50
  1088. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Glass of Water- 25
  1089. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** End list.
  1090. alabastorArchfiend Oh damn, what a voice. He cringes a bit, but stands his ground. Probably had to be that loud, considering the rabble. "names nero, an i believe /this/ - " he pats the package, holding his gaze. "is yours."
  1091. PurpleKoopa Ahhhhhhh SHIT all of the booze was too expensive. Roxy sighed heavily, then decided to watch Nero as he took care of business. Maybe she could entice him to order a drink later? (;
  1092. PurpleKoopa (fat chance roxy)
  1093. alabastorArchfiend Oh fuck, was that whiskey. Like, /Jack/ /Daniel/'/s/ whiskey? Now he /knows/ his old man would come here, if he had ever come to town.
  1094. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** The barkeep gives the package a dubious look before returning his attention to the preteen. "DON'T Y'SAY SO? AN WHO BE IT FROM, BOY?" He inquires, his curiosity piqued. It wasn't very often that he got mail, not at all! He turns his attention to Roxy, listening to her offer before responding.
  1095. calamitousGodlyhood Oh--]]
  1096. calamitousGodlyhood misread that nevermind whups x:']]
  1097. alabastorArchfiend gives it a moment of thought, not /entirely/ knowing the answer himself. But he'd try. "from the other bartender, out in sacaraba. shit, what was his name?"
  1098. <PurpleKoopa>: wasnt the barkeep a wonan
  1099. <PurpleKoopa>: shit i cant really remember either lol
  1100. alabastorArchfiend also makes a mental note of asking this loudmouth if he'd seen the redclad wonder. Though admittedly, there was fat chance of that happening.
  1101. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: i think it was a woman actually idk)
  1102. <alabastorArchfiend>: thats because you were drunker than a /skunk/
  1103. <alabastorArchfiend>: hell, you still are
  1104. <PurpleKoopa>: sure am sam im still running on the affermath of that martini + getting a mild buzz off al the lalchohol that theyve got here
  1105. <PurpleKoopa>: its like omosis
  1106. <PurpleKoopa>: escept w/ booz
  1107. <PurpleKoopa>: anyway scottish guy is this the pacakage u wanted or what
  1108. <PurpleKoopa>: idk whats in here buddy youll hav to open it up yoself
  1109. <calamitousGodlyhood>: [[Hrp a drp keep getting sidetracked <c>]]
  1110. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: <3)
  1111. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** The barkeep thinks that over for a few moments... oh! OH! He graciously accepts the package and slips it underneath the bar counter before at last responding to the party with that booming and heavy tone of his. "WELL WHY TH'FACK DIDN'T Y'SAY SO IN TH'FIRST PLACE, LADDY BOY? She's a sweet lass, she is! I'll have t'THANK her SOME time!" He resolves with a
  1112. <calamitousGodlyhood>: hearty chuckle. "Y'LL have t'send her me thanks th'next time ye see her, m'boy! EsPECIALLY if this be what AH THINK it be!"
  1113. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: ask him what do it be guys)
  1114. PurpleKoopa coughs. Shouldn't they get like, some compensation for their postman work, she asks? Least they could get for completing this quickie side quest. She means errand.
  1115. alabastorArchfiend decides to take the bait, and ask what /it/ is. The package, he means. What...whatever's in the package.
  1116. alabastorArchfiend Also getting /paid/ would be nice but please, take your time.
  1117. PurpleKoopa also adds that she would be more than happy to receive the payment in the form of shot glasses. ; D
  1118. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: roxy no stop)
  1119. PurpleKoopa 50 boons per shot seems like a reasonable price. Throw in a free bowl of cashews and we've got a DEAL.
  1120. <calamitousGodlyhood>: [[Pff. Also yes sorry is getting distracted and also being a drp x:']]
  1121. PurpleKoopa no prob, buddy!]
  1122. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: Roxy ==> Get ANNIHILATED))
  1123. PurpleKoopa >Roxy: Challenge Scotty to a drinking contest. Lose horribly.
  1124. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: or WIN)
  1125. <calamitousGodlyhood>: [[Snrk]]
  1126. <calamitousGodlyhood>: [[It would be the most amazing of things]]
  1127. PurpleKoopa make your post and let's see if it happens o: ]
  1128. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** Scottie heartily suggests that you collect your payment from the other bartender in Sacaraba. He's not about to pay people for someone ELSE'S job, for goodness' sake. He simply... shakes his head at Roxy. He bets a girl like herself wouldn't be able to stomach that much booze if she tried! As for Nero's prying inquiry... he pulls the package out from behi
  1129. <calamitousGodlyhood>: nd the counter and tears away a bit of the paper concealing it, revealing the parcel to in fact be a package of antique, very formal shot glasses. One of a kind. He's had his eye on them for QUITE some time now, mind you!
  1130. PurpleKoopa eyes the magnificent prize. Whoa momma. Those were some pretty choice glasses right there.
  1132. alabastorArchfiend ...Huh. He was expecting something a little more exciting than that. But hey, everyone had their hobbies. And dad went /nuts/ over antique /anything/, so he understood the sentiment. To a degree. Very small one. Oh, speaking of that rat bastard....
  1133. <PurpleKoopa>: so u wanna put that to a bet huh
  1134. PurpleKoopa slammed her palms against the bar counter.
  1135. <PurpleKoopa>: YORURE ONN
  1136. alabastorArchfiend It's a long shot, but if he was /anywhere/ he was here. He asks if the bartender had seen someone in the past few days, someone who looked a lot like him. Tall bastard, with white hair. Wore a lot of red, and had an iron liver to boot. He doubted that the bartender could forget a customer like /that/, one that'd drink him out of house and home.
  1137. alabastorArchfiend And...
  1138. <alabastorArchfiend>: gotta be kiddin
  1139. <alabastorArchfiend>: if you get so shitfaced you cant even stand, dont expect me to drag your ass all the way back to the van
  1140. alabastorArchfiend He'd do that anyway, whether he wanted to or not. She was his friend, after all . But /still/.
  1141. <PurpleKoopa>: pssssh the only ass youll hafta drag is this guys once im done kickin it in this drinking competish
  1142. <PurpleKoopa>: so how bout it scotsman if i win i get to keep the gasses
  1143. <PurpleKoopa>: and if i lose
  1144. <PurpleKoopa>: uh
  1145. <PurpleKoopa>: then ill pay off my enterie drinking tab
  1146. <alabastorArchfiend>: your drinkin tab? well be washin dishes for the rest of our /lives/, payin that off!
  1147. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** It was at that moment in which every person in the pub stopped their conversations, about a million eyes falling to Roxy and Scotty. The bartender simply blinked a few times... before laughing heartily, in absolute disbelief of the challenge. "Ya CAN'T be SERIOUS, LASS! Ah've been drinkin' since the COLD YEARS! NOBODY'S ever been able to stomach as much b
  1148. <calamitousGodlyhood>: ooze as ah've have and LIVED TO TELL ABOOT IT!" He confidently stated with that booming, heavily accented voice of his.
  1149. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: this is exciting)
  1150. alabastorArchfiend Welp. That settled it. Old man never came /here/. He wouldn't be making that claim if he did.
  1151. <alabastorArchfiend>: ...mother of god, youre /really/ goin through with this
  1152. <alabastorArchfiend>: arent you
  1153. PurpleKoopa whoops sorry for the delay, just busy distracted by banter in the other chat]
  1154. calamitousGodlyhood can understand that. uou]]
  1155. <PurpleKoopa>: A sly smile started growing on Roxy's lips. She gives Nero a cocky nod and shoots back...
  1156. <PurpleKoopa>: sure as fuck i am we r on the roxy express trane and going @ FULL SPEEB
  1157. <PurpleKoopa>: CHOO CHOO
  1158. <PurpleKoopa>: pour me a drink conductor scottyman
  1159. <PurpleKoopa>: we are in this for the LONG HAUL man
  1160. <PurpleKoopa>: its a fourteen hour trip to burma & this passanger is requesting a beverage
  1161. <alabastorArchfiend>: alright, but if the roxy express comes screchin into a trainwreck
  1162. <alabastorArchfiend>: dont come crying to the nero insurance company, cause we aint cashin you out
  1163. alabastorArchfiend oh my god nero where are you even GOING with this
  1164. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: extended metaphor)
  1165. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty>: shit is going to become a metaphive)
  1166. alabastorArchfiend we're entering the metaphor zone)
  1167. *** tenaciouslyCrunknasty is now known as non
  1168. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** "HAH! Hah *HAH*! Yer gonna be pukin' out yer guts 'til the wee hours of the night, lass! But ya have ambition, an' that ah got t'admire. Tell ya whot-- ah'll HUMOR ya lassy girl, but not t'night. Ah expect t'see you first thing SUNRISE! But a word a advise, lass."
  1169. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** "Don't eat too hearty of a breakfast now. It'll be a waste'a food once you're pukin' out all the alcohol! HAH!"
  1170. calamitousGodlyhood would do it now but 4:30 EST hrp <c>]]
  1171. PurpleKoopa not a problem! i think this would take a while anyway]
  1172. <PurpleKoopa>: alright omalley just be preparad to puke out all that humble pip youll b eating
  1173. <PurpleKoopa>: altho i guess tehcnically thats AFTER all the binge eating well be doing
  1174. <PurpleKoopa>: *drinking pfffffffff
  1175. <calamitousGodlyhood>: *** "Save th'smart mouth for th'BEER guzzlin', lil' lady!" He confidently states. The majority of the bar has gone back to their conversations, idly takling over this liquor challenge and their business beforehand.
  1176. calamitousGodlyhood should]]
  1177. calamitousGodlyhood skeedaddle to bed y:]]
  1178. PurpleKoopa i think we're just about done here]
  1179. PurpleKoopa i keep getting distracted by other chats, blurp]
  1180. calamitousGodlyhood <w>]]
  1181. calamitousGodlyhood abscooonds to sleep, later!]]
  1182. <non>: later brah!
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