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Wine 1.3.16 dotnet20 error

a guest
Mar 23rd, 2011
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  1. Executing load_dotnet20
  2. Executing w_do_call fontfix
  3. Executing load_fontfix
  4. Setting Windows version to win2k
  5. Executing winetricks_early_wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_dotnet20\set-winver.reg
  6. Executing cp -f /home/otamay/.cache/winetricks/dotnet20/l_intl.nls /home/otamay/.local/share/wineprefixes/SolidWorks/dosdevices/c:/windows/system32
  7. DELETE - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\v2.0 (null) 0 0 1
  8. Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value
  9. DELETE - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework InstallRoot 0 0 1
  10. Error: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value
  11. Executing wine /home/otamay/.cache/winetricks/dotnet20/dotnetfx.exe
  12. fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA "C:\\users\\otamay\\Temp\\IXP000.TMP\\" 00000000
  13. err:secur32:SECUR32_initSchannelSP TLS library not found, SSL connections will fail
  14. fixme:advapi:LsaOpenPolicy ((null),0x33f33c,0x00000001,0x33f364) stub
  15. fixme:advapi:LsaClose (0xcafe) stub
  16. fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
  17. err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x451d7c
  18. ------------------------------------------------------
  19. Note: command 'wine /home/otamay/.cache/winetricks/dotnet20/dotnetfx.exe' returned status 5. Aborting.
  20. ------------------------------------------------------
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