
"She's kind of my mouth date now"

Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. Covet: [Bliss looks so Fancy! :D]
  2. Covet: Eli was about halfway finished with his plate, and a couple of glasses of wine in himself. He looked at Prudence and raised his glass a little, "Prudence, you've out done yourself. Dinner is delicious." He said, then glanced over at Bliss, because she looked hot in the dress she was wearing. // Tae was sitting next to her mother, with a small amount of food on her plate. She was trying to play up the whole, she still had other places to be for food. Plus she had butterflies in her stomach because she had been thinking about what she needed to talk to Drew about. She hadn't even really looked at him the entire time they'd been there. She knew better in front of her parents at least.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Neil sat at one end of the table because I just assume Prudence had one and he had one. Lisa was beside him with Tae next to her so they could keep close watch over her because that's what they did now. He'd mostly finished what he had on his plate, scooping up the remains of his stuffing to bring to his mouth. "I'm going to have to second that. Everything was fantastic, Prudence. As per your usual." // Lisa still had a good bit of food on her plate, but was on her third glass of wine already. Lifting her glass into the air, she smiled. "To family, and to Prudence's delicious food."-
  4. Tsaaq: ((Ughh I'm posting))
  5. Tsaaq: Prudence smiled as she rose her glass to the Lisa. "Thank you Lisa. To you, my favorite drinking partner." She said before downing her merlot and putting the glass down. // "I think this is a perfect time to clear the table for dessert." Sedrick suggested as he stood from the dining room table. // Persephone glanced at her nails and looked around. No intention of getting her own shit to the kitchen. "Where's the Rose?" // "She's not working. It's Thanksgiving. Gram gave her the night off." Drew answered very flatly before his eyes flicked to Tae with a smirk. // "Oh wait Uncle Sedrick. Everyone just wants seconds. No desserts yet." Bliss said as she stood up and put her hand on her shoulder. "I helped." Bliss declared with pride, she needed more wine though.
  6. Covet: Eli chuckled at the responses, then perked up when Sedric mentioned dessert, "Oh, I'm sure if I don't eat the rest of this, I'll have plenty of room for dessert, He said getting up, offering to take anyone else's plates to the kitchen, // Tae looked up, at the sound of Dessert, "Well, If that's where we're transitioning too, I'm going to get my uber set up to go to my friend's place...." She said as she pulled out her phone, pretending like she was actually doing anything on it, out of site. She glanced up at Tae for a slight moment, then went back to her phone as she smiled. "All, set, up."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, let me help you." Neil spoke as he pushed up to his feet, quickly taking his own plate as well as Lisa and Tae's to start clearing the table for dessert with Sedrick and Eli. // Lisa turned her head to look at Tae, giving her the mom look. "Excuse me young lady. Dessert time doesn't mean it's time for you to leave. Our family Thanksgiving dinner isnt over yet. You're a part of this family whether you like it or not."-
  8. Tsaaq: "Is Tae leaving prematurely?" Prudence asked. "Hurry back you lot." She called out to Sedrick and the rest. // He nodded and gathered all the plates he could as he moved to the kitchen to fill the dishwasher. // Persephone scrunched up her nose and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not doing that." She grumbled, trying to hand her plate over to anyone. // Drew wanted to bolt to his room but he was smart enough know not to declare such things. // Bliss went into the kitchen with them and went to glance into the fridge at the desserts. "Who wants to take this out there?"
  9. Covet: "I have to available arms and can take anything out to the table, Load me up My Love." He told her offering his hands out to her. // "Mom, we talked about this. I was spending part of Thanksgiving here, and part of it with my friends. That's why it's called Friendsgiving." Tae told her, "I spent the evening here, and dinner. It was lovely and I appreciate it Prudence, but I have other engagements to get to." She turned back to her mother, "I love you mom, and tomorrow we can have left over pie and watch day time tv. Okay?"
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Neil helped load the dishwasher before turning over to Bliss. "I also have two arms and can take anything you need out to the table. Together? Together we have four arms and will take everything out to the table." He said with a warm smile to Bliss, trying to be helpful, but honestly it's clear where Eli gets his nerdiness from. // Lisa waited a long moment, taking a sip of her wine as she mulled over Tae's words. "Fine, but I want you back in the house by midnight. Do I make myself clear? And no drinking. And don't think I won't know. I can smell wine on you from a mile away."-
  11. Tsaaq: Prudence tilted her head at Tae. "Well then. I suppose that settles that." She smiled. "Have a good night then. Get around safely." // Sedrick took the whipped cream. "Well, I, on the other hand am very weak and will carry this back into the dining area." He said. // Persephone furrowed her eyebrows at Tae. "Why can't you just stay?" She asked angrily. Feeling personally insulted by her exiting. // Drew remained silent while the others conversed. // "Um, you take the cake." Bliss declared. "I'll take the cheese cake." She said the bit her lip. "Somebody get the jello and the pudding and we'll be set." Bliss called out. "Oh Uncle Sedrick!" She pouted and shook her head at him.
  12. Covet: Eli was entertained at Sedrick's response about only carrying the whipped cream. "I've got the cake." He said making his way back into the dining room, so that he could set the cake on the table. // "Thank you Prudence, It was really amazing." She said politely to her, then gave Persephone a soft look, "I'm just busy. I'll come visit and we can catch up soon, Sephy." She told her then leaned over to give her mother a kiss on the cheek, "Okay Mom I will be." Knowing that her mom was going to be well passed out by then so she wouldn't really have to worry about the kurfew. "You all have a wonderful night." She said as she made her way to the front door and start walking down the drive. She didn't look back until she was well out of view then doubled back so she could make it upstairs to Drew's room.
  13. Alexithymiaa: (BITCHHHHH Her dad will be awake though!)
  14. Covet: [He wasn't there to hear when Kurfew was! :P]
  15. Alexithymiaa: (Like he doesnt know when that bitch is supposed to be home. HAH.)
  16. Covet: [LMAO Yeah she's not that smooth.]
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Neil took the pudding and the jello from the fridge, holding one in each hand and following them back to the table to set the desserts down in the center for everyone to ooh and ahh at. "Tae left already?" He asked, because he knew the deal they'd made prior. // Lisa leaned into her daughter before watching her leave, reaching for the bottle of wine to pour herself another glass. "Yes, she just left to catch her Uber. I already warned her about the drinking so you don't have to worry." She set the bottle down and looked over at Persephone. "You're more than welcome to join us at our house if you'd like to spend time with Tae."-
  18. Tsaaq: Prudence perked up. "I need a slice of cake immediately." She clapped. // Sedrick set down the cool whip and sat down. "Well then. Let's dig in." He smiled. "Chin up Sephy." He smiled to Persephone. "Elijah and Neil are bringing the other desserts." He declared. // She pouted like a brat and kept her arms crossed. "Fine. I'll be doing that." She whispered in reply to Lisa. "I suppose I'll have cake too." // Drew cleared his throat. Piling his plate with jello angrily once it was on the table. Not immediately getting up yet. // Bliss sat down and went to give Sedrick a playful nudge. "Gram Gram! He carried nothing!" She complained with a laugh then looked around. "Which do you want my dearest?" She asked Eli. Bliss frowned at bit when noticing Tae was gone as well.
  19. Covet: "I will take, some pudding, and a small slice of cake" He said as he sat down, seeing her frown, then noticed where she was looking. "Friendsgiving thing she had going on." He said a little less worried about it, because Drew was still there at the table, so if something was going on, Drew clearly wasnt a part of it. "He was still part of the helping factor though." He said trying to back Sedrick up a little. // Tae made her way up the steps to Drew's room, and closed the door behind her. She paced a little bit before she decided to sit down on his bed then slid up it so she could lay down in a pose while she waited for him.
  20. Tsaaq: ((This btich.))
  21. Alexithymiaa: (Prudence is me, honestly.)
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Neil took his seat again and immediately started to slice himself a piece of cake because priorities, adding a nice helping of cool whip to the top of it before lifting his fork. "Does everyone have their desserts before we all start digging in?" He asked politely. // Lisa took a bit of pudding for herself, setting the bowl back down in the center of the table before taking another sip of wine. "I'm good, thank you sweetie."-
  23. Tsaaq: "Yes I think so." Prudence said. "I think this Thanksgiving was amazing. I really enjoy you two." She waved her wine glass in the direction of Neil and Lisa. // "Thank you Elijah." He chuckled. "See? Not so bad?" He laughed. // Drew was not digging in. He was trying to seem standoffish and stuff. "I'm done." Drew said. "I want to play video games." He declared as he stood. // "Fine." She sighed. "But next year you have to carry more." She laughed. "I agree Gram." Bliss said, helping give Eli his dessert. "Oh... See you Andrew." She pursed her lips. "Well Tae could've stayed a little longer."
  24. Covet: Eli nodded, "She seemed pretty excited about going to her friend's tonight. We'll get her to stay longer at Christmas. Friendsgiving is a fairly new thing, I think that's what's holding her appeal right now." Eli said then watched as Drew got up. It'd been a while since Tae'd left, but he was still a little curious. He glanced at Bliss, and gave her a soft smile. // Tae flopped back on the bed and pursed her lips while she waited, the more she thought about what to say to Drew, the more nervous she became, it didn't help that she was just waiting.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "I appreciate you saying so, Prudence. We really enjoy being here and spending this holiday in your home. You always make us feel so warm and welcomed here and there is nothing nicer than that." Neil spoke as he brought some cake into his mouth. // Lisa smiled and brought her glass into the air to Prudence before taking another sip. "My husband only speaks the truth. We love being here. I'm so glad we're becoming one family." She beamed over at her son and Bliss together.-
  26. Tsaaq: She let out a mirth filled sigh. "I am too." Prudence said. She pursed her lips and shook her head slowly at Drew. "Goodnight Andrew. Thank you for so graciously joining us." She called out in a monotone. // Bliss nodded as well. "Alright. Well hopefully she's okay." She whispered to him and began to playfully feed him pudding. // Drew went up the stairs towards his bedroom and saw Tae on the bed. He immediately began to undress. "Let's do this." He said excitedly. "We didn't even get to finish that night in the woods."
  27. Covet: Eli looked at her furrowing his brow, trying not to think about it, because it'd kind of been plauging the back of his mind. And having his parents here wasn't very helpful either, because he really wanted to say something to them. He looked at Bliss and opened his mouth for a bite of pudding because they're obnoxiously adorable like that. // Tae sat up as Drew came around the corner and started to get undressed, "Drew...Oh.. yeah, right." She said looking nervous and didn't start undressing herself, Tae swallowed hard then looked at him, "I need to tell you.. we have to stop doing this...this has to be the last time..."
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Neil didn't like Drew so he chose not to address him for everyone's safety. Scooping more cake into his mouth, he reached over to take Lisa's hand. "Thank you, Honey. So when will be the next family dinner?" He asked a little excitedly because he likes this shit. // Lisa smiled at Neil before finishing off her like 50th glass of wine for the evening. "I just wish Tae hadnt been so quick to run off her Friendsgiving. I would have appreciated having her here for the entirety of our Thanksgiving meal."-
  29. Tsaaq: "I think Bee-Bee wanted to have some type of get together for Christmas. Or was that seperate from the family function?" Prudence asked Bliss. "I feel the same. I'm glass Bliss is such a loyal grandchild." // Bliss snickered and tilted her head. "I don't know. I was going to have the holiday party for my friends. I'm not sure if you guys would be comfortable with them. What other holidays are coming up?" Bliss asked. // Drew rose his eyebrows. "The last time what? That we do this at my house. Sure I have a connection at the Hilton. We can start meeting there." He said hurriedly and went to take off her clothes as well.
  30. Covet: "Mom she's an adult, sort of. Don't sweat it so much." Eli said after swallowing a bite of pudding. Now if only he could heed his own advice. "Might I suggest a Chrismakuh celebration dinner for us as a soon to be merged family?" He asked then looked at his Dad with a grin. // Tae let him start getting her undressed, " No.. I mean, Like this is the last time we should have sex. Last time at the lots. That was just. Too much...Someone could have died." She said trying to get his attention.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Chrismukkah!" Neil spoke excitedly, poking his fork through the air to gesture toward Eli. "A fantastic idea. Chrismukkah is the perfect celebration dinner for our joined families. It's decided." // Lisa instantly rolled her eyes because she was so tired of these fucks getting excited over Chrismukkah. "Sure... Chrismukkah..." She said with a sigh before looking to Eli. "Elijah, what did I tell you about getting him started?"-
  32. Tsaaq: Prudence rose her eyebrows. "That sounds... Interesting." She said since she's never done Chrismukkah. "Well. So long as everyone else is fine with it. It will be done. // "I'm not." Persephone said quickly. // "Nobody cares. Everybody else likes the idea. Majority rules." Sedrick interjected immediate cause fuck Sephy. // Bliss' eyes widened as she looked to Eli. "Well then. That sounds like another great idea from a great man." She said. "Oh Mrs. Cohen it's going to be fun!" // Drew pulled of her top and her skirt. "Wait..." He paused. "Nah, you're not serious. You know you don't want to stop this. We just won't bang outside anymore. Got it. No need to break up with me." He said very condescendingly and went to kiss her neck cause shut up bitch we fuckin.
  33. Covet: "It's a mixture of Christmas and Hanukkah, Dad came up with it when we were younger becuase, He's Jewish and Mom's not. It's almost like a Cohen family tradition, and one that we'd be happy to share with Maverick's as well." He said with a smile, reaching for Bliss's hand, then gave his mom a shrug, "Too late." // Tae looked at him and furrowed her brow, giving him a light push back, "Break up with you? That would imply we were ever... you know.. dating." She said then closed her eyes as he started kissing her neck. "I.. don't want to, but the dangerous stuff, that has to stop. Seeing you covered in blood like that... being attacked..." She tried to tell him.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Don't tell him not to bring up Chrismukkah. How could you say that?" He glared at Lisa because this was clearly his favorite holiday and don't stifle his happiness, Lisa. "Then it's settled. Chrismukkah at the Cohen residence and everyone is invited. Oh, I'll make potato latkes." He said excitedly, looking around the table. // Lisa sighed again, shaking her head. "And so it begins." She mumbled before looking across the table at Bliss. "It's fun. For the first couple of days. Until you see how much these two feed off of each other. And then it's less fun and more obnoxious." She reached over to pat Neil on the hand. "Honey, it's getting late. You can brainstorm Chrismukkah treats tomorrow. I think it's time we be getting home."-
  35. Tsaaq: Prudence's eyebrows rose again. "That actually sounds like a fantastic suggestion. I'd love it." She said as she stood. "I'll walk you all out the door. If you want to spend the night Elijah you know you're more than welcome to. Unless you two want to head to your abode as well?" She asked. // Bliss shook her head. "Obnoxious? I'd never dream of seeing him as such." Bliss went to squeeze his hand. "Goodnight Mr. and Ms. Cohen. Tonight went wonderfully."// "Oh yeah." This dumbass said, staring at her blankly. "I mean. We kinda were. We didn't just pork or anything." Drew began to ramble. "We like kissed and held hands and shit... I wouldn't do that with a girl unless I'm going steady with them. I got two girls pregnant in high school but I only liked one of them." He said. "Oh that... That really sucked. But this doesn't." He said with a bit of a frown as he shrugged pulling her up to the head of the bed.
  36. Covet: "Goodnight Mom and Dad. Drive home safe." Eli called out to them, "Happy Thanksgiving!" He looked at Prudence, "Thank you Prudence, I'll talk it over with Bliss." He said then looked at her, "Would you like to stay here tonight My Love?" // "Oh.. So.. are we then?" She asked confused, then had a million questions when he said he got two girls knocked up, but wasn't able to ask any of them as he pulled her up on the bed. "Drew...If we do this, will you at least listen to my concerns after?" She asked because she really wanted to talk about this, and clearly he had one thing on the brain.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Have a good night. Thank you for having us." Neil spoke as he got to his feet, taking Lisa by the hand so they could walk to the door with Prudence, but he was still fucking talking about Chrismukkah. "I can break out the santa hat yamakas like last year. See, you said I'd never use them again." He spoke all smug-like as they went out to the car. // Lisa wants to throw herself out of their moving vehicke.-
  38. Tsaaq: Bliss nodded her head. "Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Goodnight." She waved and held Eli's hand. "My bed sounds like a fine place to be." She smiled. // Drew sighed and sat up. "What concerns are there? I can give you everything you want." He said. "Don't worry about those girls by the way. It's fine."
  39. Covet: "Let me help clean up from dessert, then we'll go get cozy." He said as he stood up and leaned over to give her a sweet, yet passionate kiss. "By the way, you look absolutely radiant tonight." // "Nothing... It's fine. I'm sorry I brought it up." She told him trying to push back her own thoughts as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back, she was at least going to enjoy herself while she was here and naked.
  40. Tsaaq: "And you're handsome as usual." She smiled as she went to clean up the table and stuff.
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