
Insanity and Murder

Sep 13th, 2015
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  1. [13:24] * Lyra_Bel goes to the edge to watch Alex make a bunch of C4 all over the place
  2. [13:25] <Voices> As soon as Alex begins descending he immediately feels an overwhelming dread
  3. [13:25] * Alexander_Pyrite immediately flies back
  4. [13:25] <Lyra_Bel> ??
  5. [13:25] * Alexander_Pyrite pulls out the computer
  6. [13:26] <unmotivatedMeatshield> if i fly down there i'd go insane
  7. [13:26] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I can feel it
  8. [13:26] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay then
  9. [13:27] <unmotivatedMeatshield> like even just barely down there i felt...
  10. [13:27] <unmotivatedMeatshield> like scared and sad
  11. [13:27] <snuffshotMartyr> Then we stay here
  12. [13:27] <unmotivatedMeatshield> And leave him?
  13. [13:27] <snuffshotMartyr> No
  14. [13:28] <snuffshotMartyr> And figure out how to destroy the rocks from a distance
  15. [13:28] <snuffshotMartyr> Ugh, this'd be easier if Kek would just show up already
  16. [13:28] <snuffshotMartyr> So obviously he won't
  17. [13:28] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Oh i got it
  18. [13:28] <unmotivatedMeatshield> rocket launcher
  19. [13:29] <snuffshotMartyr> O.O
  20. [13:29] <snuffshotMartyr> Heck yes
  21. [13:29] <snuffshotMartyr> Here, pass
  22. [13:29] * Lyra_Bel gestures for the pen
  23. [13:29] * Alexander_Pyrite tosses it to her
  24. [13:29] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5 to draw a rocket launcher
  25. [13:29] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 to draw a rocket launcher [ 1d20=8 ]{13}
  26. [13:30] <unmotivatedMeatshield> plus if we have the rocket we can just go full worms
  27. [13:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Let's do this
  28. [13:30] <unmotivatedMeatshield> get a grappling hook
  29. [13:30] <snuffshotMartyr> O.O
  30. [13:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Perfect
  31. [13:30] <unmotivatedMeatshield> worms was a great game
  32. [13:30] <unmotivatedMeatshield> too bad i was absoluely shit at it
  33. [13:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Never tried it
  34. [13:31] <snuffshotMartyr> I think I recognize the name though
  35. [13:31] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I've got it on my computer we can play when we get back
  36. [13:31] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah, alright
  37. [13:31] <snuffshotMartyr> So is it like a retro game or have they been remaking it for a century?
  38. [13:31] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Nah, it's a retro game
  39. [13:31] <Voices> < Grappling Hooks aren't good for grabbing on things and pulling them up >
  40. [13:31] <unmotivatedMeatshield> had a remake in the 50s but that was it
  41. [13:31] <snuffshotMartyr> Gotcha
  42. [13:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Let's do this then
  43. [13:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+1 to Rocket Launch
  44. [13:32] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+1 to Rocket Launch [ 1d20=16 ]{17}
  45. [13:32] <Voices> You shoot the rocks. This couldn't possibly backfire and end up injuring Brofessor
  46. [13:33] <Voices> The explosion shoots up a massive cloud of rock dust into the air, causing some coughing on your parts as a massive cloud hovers over the impact site, slowly dispersing
  47. [13:34] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh man I think we overdid it again
  48. [13:34] * Alexander_Pyrite peers over the edge after the smoke parts
  49. [13:34] <Voices> Your ears would probably be ringing if you weren't, you know, deafened
  50. [13:34] <Alexander_Pyrite> "awesome"
  51. [13:34] <unmotivatedMeatshield> maybe so
  52. [13:34] <snuffshotMartyr> Should have tried it out on the crystal caves or something
  53. [13:34] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I didnt think rockets blew stuff up so much
  54. [13:34] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  55. [13:34] <snuffshotMartyr> Cliff land is apparently really vulnerable to exploding
  56. [13:35] <unmotivatedMeatshield> roll 1d20-1 to look for the shield
  57. [13:35] <`DM> unmotivatedMeatshield rolled 1d20-1 to look for the shield [ 1d20=15 ]{14}
  58. [13:35] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+2
  59. [13:35] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=10 ]{12}
  60. [13:36] <Voices> The dust clears, but it's covering everything so much you can't really make out Brofessor
  61. [13:36] <Voices> He'd just look like another rock or rock fragment
  62. [13:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Bluh
  63. [13:36] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Dammit
  64. [13:36] <unmotivatedMeatshield> we overdid it
  65. [13:37] <Voices> Maybe if you got closer...
  66. [13:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Worth trying to take a closer look, d'ya think?
  67. [13:38] <unmotivatedMeatshield> sure
  68. [13:38] <unmotivatedMeatshield> let me, you're still in no condition
  69. [13:38] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm fine
  70. [13:38] * Alexander_Pyrite carefully flies over
  71. [13:38] <unmotivatedMeatshield> you cant feel your arms or legs
  72. [13:39] <snuffshotMartyr> I just blew a massive hole in a freaking planet!
  73. [13:39] <snuffshotMartyr> 'Sides, my legs are good enough to walk on
  74. [13:39] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+2 to stand up
  75. [13:39] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+2 to stand up [ 1d20=14 ]{16}
  76. [13:39] <snuffshotMartyr> Y'see?
  77. [13:40] <unmotivatedMeatshield> still
  78. [13:40] <Voices> You fly above the pit
  79. [13:40] <Voices> A big sense of unease and guilt hangs over your conscious
  80. [13:40] * Alexander_Pyrite shakes his head
  81. [13:40] <Alexander_Pyrite> "its just unease"
  82. [13:41] <Alexander_Pyrite> "you got this"
  83. [13:41] * Alexander_Pyrite slowly lowers and looks again
  84. [13:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> roll 1d20-1
  85. [13:41] <`DM> unmotivatedMeatshield rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=20 ]{19}
  86. [13:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ((ez))
  87. [13:43] <Voices> You think you see a corner of Brofessor sticking out of the rubble
  88. [13:44] <Voices> Still feel uncomfortable going down there
  89. [13:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Lyra, I see him
  90. [13:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Awesome!
  91. [13:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Any, um, side effects?
  92. [13:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> i dont really want to go downt hter
  93. [13:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> just
  94. [13:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> fear
  95. [13:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay
  96. [13:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Come back then
  97. [13:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Grappling hook time
  98. [13:45] * Alexander_Pyrite flies back
  99. [13:45] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5 to draw a grappling hook
  100. [13:45] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 to draw a grappling hook [ 1d20=16 ]{21}
  101. [13:46] <Voices> You draw an excellent hook
  102. [13:46] <snuffshotMartyr> You shoot. I don't know where I'm looking
  103. [13:46] <unmotivatedMeatshield> alright
  104. [13:46] * Alexander_Pyrite flies back out there
  105. [13:46] * Alexander_Pyrite locates him
  106. [13:46] <Voices> Then realize this will in no way help you to grab an object, especially as your are not proficenct with it
  107. [13:46] <unmotivatedMeatshield> wait this is stupid
  108. [13:46] <unmotivatedMeatshield> woudlnt this just pull me in?
  109. [13:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Uh
  110. [13:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Shoot
  111. [13:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay
  112. [13:47] <unmotivatedMeatshield> that's even how they work in worms
  113. [13:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh
  114. [13:47] <unmotivatedMeatshield> why did i think this would work
  115. [13:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Alright
  116. [13:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Back to the magnet plan, now he's not buried anymore
  117. [13:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> screw it
  118. [13:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> we're doing this
  119. [13:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> roll 1d20+3 to grapple the shield
  120. [13:48] <`DM> unmotivatedMeatshield rolled 1d20+3 to grapple the shield [ 1d20=10 ]{13}
  121. [13:48] <Voices> You miss
  122. [13:48] <Voices> You aren't naturally talented at throwing grappling hooks it seems
  123. [13:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Oh man
  124. [13:49] <Voices> This should be good practice for when you start up the grapple hook Olympics in your new universe though
  125. [13:50] <snuffshotMartyr> No good?
  126. [13:50] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Nope
  127. [13:50] <unmotivatedMeatshield> You can dismiss the thing
  128. [13:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Bluh
  129. [13:50] * Lyra_Bel does so
  130. [13:50] * Alexander_Pyrite flies back
  131. [13:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Back to magnets? He's not buried any more
  132. [13:51] <unmotivatedMeatshield> sure
  133. [13:51] <unmotivatedMeatshield> make a big one and ill get as close as i can
  134. [13:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Here, one sec
  135. [13:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5 to draw shirt
  136. [13:51] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 to draw shirt [ 1d20=3 ]{8}
  137. [13:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Good enough
  138. [13:52] <Voices> those are pants
  139. [13:52] <Voices> With a hole in the crotch
  140. [13:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5 to draw better shirt
  141. [13:52] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 to draw better shirt [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
  142. [13:52] <Voices> That's a shirt
  143. [13:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Good enough
  144. [13:52] <Voices> You think
  145. [13:52] <Voices> You're pretty sure
  146. [13:53] <Voices> That one voice in your head talking about the ants' usefulness isn't certain
  147. [13:53] <Lyra_Bel> "Shut up seventeen."
  148. [13:53] <unmotivatedMeatshield> oh right i forgot about the whole no pants thing
  149. [13:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Change out of the armour. Pants on the roof. Whatever you do, don't put on the necklace I left there
  150. [13:53] <unmotivatedMeatshield> got it
  151. [13:53] * Alexander_Pyrite grabs the shirt made of ink and flies over
  152. [13:53] * Alexander_Pyrite changes
  153. [13:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5 to make a giant magnet above Brofessor
  154. [13:53] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 to make a giant magnet above Brofessor [ 1d20=3 ]{8}
  155. [13:53] * Alexander_Pyrite flies back
  156. [13:54] <Voices> Aw man, that necklesses is great though
  157. [13:54] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah it did look cool"
  158. [13:54] * Alexander_Pyrite flies back
  159. [13:54] <Voices> You aren't sure if you made the magnet or not
  160. [13:54] <Voices> As in
  161. [13:54] <Voices> Not sure if it is magnetic
  162. [13:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Take 10
  163. [13:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 10+5 to make a giant magnet above Brofessor
  164. [13:54] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 10+5 to make a giant magnet above Brofessor {15}
  165. [13:56] <Voices> You make the magnet
  166. [13:56] <Voices> It doesn't float
  167. [13:56] <Voices> Most objects don't float
  168. [13:56] <unmotivatedMeatshield> dont worry I'll carry it
  169. [13:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 10+5 to make a giant magnet above Brofessor in a hot air balloon
  170. [13:57] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 10+5 to make a giant magnet above Brofessor in a hot air balloon {15}
  171. [13:57] <unmotivatedMeatshield> or that
  172. [13:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Scribblenauts logic
  173. [13:57] <snuffshotMartyr> It works
  174. [13:57] <snuffshotMartyr> On occasion
  175. [13:57] <Voices> Lyra spends another ten minutes making a hot air balloon, only to have the shirt and magnet forcibly dismissed due to stress
  176. [13:58] <snuffshotMartyr> BLUH
  177. [13:58] * Alexander_Pyrite sprints away
  178. [14:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay new plan
  179. [14:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Too much stuff
  180. [14:01] * Lyra_Bel drops the balloon
  181. [14:01] * Lyra_Bel empties her Strife Specibus full of computers into her Sylladex before giving up on that too
  182. [14:02] * Lyra_Bel remakes the giant magnet, this time lying horizontal on the ground near Brofessor
  183. [14:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5
  184. [14:02] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
  185. [14:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Lyra
  186. [14:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I dont have a shirt
  187. [14:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5 to draw shirt
  188. [14:03] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 to draw shirt [ 1d20=4 ]{9}
  189. [14:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Wow I suck at this
  190. [14:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5
  191. [14:03] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 [ 1d20=1 ]{6}
  192. [14:03] <snuffshotMartyr> OH FOR THE LOVE OF
  193. [14:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 10+5
  194. [14:04] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 10+5 {15}
  195. [14:04] <snuffshotMartyr> There
  196. [14:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Close enough
  197. [14:04] <unmotivatedMeatshield> yeah
  198. [14:04] * Alexander_Pyrite jogs over and puts on the shirt
  199. [14:05] * Lyra_Bel averts her eyes
  200. [14:06] <unmotivatedMeatshield> sorry
  201. [14:06] <unmotivatedMeatshield> alright looks like evrything is ready
  202. [14:09] * Lyra_Bel remakes the giant magnet, this time lying horizontal on the ground near Brofessor
  203. [14:09] <snuffshotMartyr> [14:02] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
  204. [14:10] <Voices> You do the thing
  205. [14:10] <Voices> Now Brofessor is stuck on a magnet at the bottom of the pile of rubble
  206. [14:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Heck yeah
  207. [14:11] <snuffshotMartyr> It worked
  208. [14:11] <snuffshotMartyr> A little bit
  209. [14:11] * Lyra_Bel dismisses the magnet and her various failed articles of clothing
  210. [14:11] <unmotivatedMeatshield> nice
  211. [14:11] * Lyra_Bel makes another magnet slightly closer to the top of the rubble pile
  212. [14:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+5
  213. [14:11] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+5 [ 1d20=17 ]{22}
  214. [14:16] * Lyra_Bel continues to ladder the Brofessor up in this manner, until he's near the top of the heap
  215. [14:17] <snuffshotMartyr> And now we need to do a flyby
  216. [14:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Fun
  217. [14:18] <unmotivatedMeatshield> what if we made, like
  218. [14:18] <unmotivatedMeatshield> a basket with a magnet in it
  219. [14:18] <snuffshotMartyr> That might work, actually, yeah
  220. [14:18] <unmotivatedMeatshield> then we flyby, let the magnet attract the shield, then we have the shiedl
  221. [14:19] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 10+5 to do so
  222. [14:19] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 10+5 to do so {15}
  223. [14:19] <snuffshotMartyr> Like this?
  224. [14:19] <unmotivatedMeatshield> looks good
  225. [14:19] <snuffshotMartyr> Awesome
  226. [14:19] <snuffshotMartyr> Let's do this
  227. [14:24] * Lyra_Bel grabs the basketmagnetthing and floats over the mound
  228. [14:24] <unmotivatedMeatshield> wait let me
  229. [14:24] * Alexander_Pyrite flies out with her
  230. [14:24] <snuffshotMartyr> I can do this
  231. [14:24] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm fine
  232. [14:25] * Alexander_Pyrite hovers nearby
  233. [14:36] <Voices> You feel a sense of just horror build as you descend
  234. [14:36] <Voices> Do you continue downwards?
  235. [14:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay yeah this sucks
  236. [14:38] * Lyra_Bel returns to the cliff
  237. [14:38] <unmotivatedMeatshield> See, let me
  238. [14:38] <unmotivatedMeatshield> acutally make a really long rope
  239. [14:39] <snuffshotMartyr> Heh
  240. [14:39] <snuffshotMartyr> Gotta love rope
  241. [14:39] <unmotivatedMeatshield> true
  242. [14:39] <snuffshotMartyr> Also glue
  243. [14:39] <snuffshotMartyr> Best items in the game
  244. [14:39] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ye
  245. [14:39] * Lyra_Bel makes a really long rope
  246. [14:41] <snuffshotMartyr> So, what? Tie it to the bucket and basically go fishing?
  247. [14:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> yeah
  248. [14:41] <Voices> What could possibly go wrong?
  249. [14:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> or we could skip the basket and tie it directly to the magnet
  250. [14:42] <snuffshotMartyr> True
  251. [14:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Easier to sustain. Let's go with that
  252. [14:43] * Lyra_Bel goes fishing with a magnet-on-a-rope
  253. [14:43] <Voices> So let me get this straight
  254. [14:43] <Voices> You've got about a 100+ foot rope
  255. [14:44] <Voices> And you're trying to
  256. [14:44] <Voices> Swing it
  257. [14:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> no just hover over bro
  258. [14:44] <Voices> Alright
  259. [14:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> and slowly attatch him to the magnet
  260. [14:45] * Lyra_Bel does that
  261. [14:45] <Voices> You successfully do the thing
  262. [14:45] <Voices> A voice in your head mutters something about ants
  263. [14:45] <unmotivatedMeatshield> did you get bro?
  264. [14:45] <snuffshotMartyr> Think so
  265. [14:46] * Lyra_Bel coils the rope up, drawing the magnet and Brofessor steadily closer
  266. [14:48] <Voices> This is slow work and the rope awkwardly dangles down like a pulley behind you
  267. [14:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> here, let me
  268. [14:49] <Voices> But you slowly start pulling up bro
  269. [14:49] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm fine
  270. [14:49] * Alexander_Pyrite grabs the main rope and starts pulling him up faster
  271. [14:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> no offence
  272. [14:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> but its taking a while
  273. [14:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Bluh
  274. [14:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Fine
  275. [14:49] <Voices> As bro begins to get closer something seems wrong
  276. [14:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> could you grab the extra rope?
  277. [14:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah sure
  278. [14:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> cool
  279. [14:50] * Lyra_Bel takes the extra rope and pulls it out of the way
  280. [14:50] <Voices> Bro has a long deep crack running along the middle horizontally
  281. [14:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Uh
  282. [14:51] <Voices> His color has been reduced to a faded grey instead of the vibrant green he once was
  283. [14:51] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Oh man
  284. [14:51] <snuffshotMartyr> No
  285. [14:51] <snuffshotMartyr> No no no no no
  286. [14:51] <Voices> "This wouldn't have happened if we used the ants..."
  287. [14:51] <unmotivatedMeatshield> hes... grey
  288. [14:52] <Lyra_Bel> "SHUT UP!"
  289. [14:52] <snuffshotMartyr> He's fine
  290. [14:52] <snuffshotMartyr> He'll be okay
  291. [14:52] <snuffshotMartyr> Right?
  292. [14:52] <unmotivatedMeatshield> yeah of course
  293. [14:52] * Alexander_Pyrite finishes pulling up bro
  294. [14:53] <Voices> Bro does not appear to be anything approaching fine
  295. [14:53] <Alexander_Pyrite> "shit"
  296. [14:53] * Alexander_Pyrite grabs bro and brings him to the cliff
  297. [14:54] <Voices> < I will never let you forget that ant comment >
  298. [14:54] <Voices> Bro is not saying anything
  299. [14:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "bro"
  300. [14:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Bro i need you to talk to me"
  301. [14:55] <Voices> No response
  302. [14:55] * Alexander_Pyrite shakes bro lightly
  303. [14:55] <Alexander_Pyrite> "bro come on"
  304. [14:55] <Voices> Silence
  305. [14:55] <snuffshotMartyr> Alex?
  306. [14:56] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Yeah
  307. [14:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Does Brofessor normally talk out loud or in your head?
  308. [14:56] <unmotivatedMeatshield> :0
  309. [14:56] * Alexander_Pyrite desperately tries to remember
  310. [14:56] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I dont know
  311. [14:56] <unmotivatedMeatshield> i never thought about it before
  312. [14:56] <Voices> You don't... In your head?
  313. [14:56] <Voices> You guess?
  314. [14:56] <snuffshotMartyr> So there's still a chance
  315. [14:56] <Voices> How would you be able to tell?!
  316. [14:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Right?
  317. [14:57] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I guess
  318. [14:57] <unmotivatedMeatshield> i think it was in my head though
  319. [14:57] <unmotivatedMeatshield> shit
  320. [14:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay
  321. [14:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay we can figure this out
  322. [14:58] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Yeah we can do this
  323. [14:58] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ...
  324. [14:58] <unmotivatedMeatshield> how
  325. [14:58] <snuffshotMartyr> I dunno
  326. [14:58] <snuffshotMartyr> We'll think of something
  327. [14:58] <Lyra_Bel> "Brofessor, we can't tell if you're talking to us right now"
  328. [14:59] <unmotivatedMeatshield> wait
  329. [14:59] <unmotivatedMeatshield> I have an idea
  330. [14:59] <Lyra_Bel> "We've kind of been turned probably-temporarily deaf, because reasons"
  331. [14:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Anything's worth trying
  332. [14:59] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ok
  333. [14:59] <Voices> You're doing a little bit better on that front
  334. [14:59] <unmotivatedMeatshield> i need to talk to him privately though
  335. [14:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Done
  336. [15:00] * Alexander_Pyrite picks up his trust shield
  337. [15:00] <Voices> Like, you can make out some instinct noises when you walk and stuff
  338. [15:00] * Lyra_Bel heads inside
  339. [15:00] * Alexander_Pyrite brings him out of earshot of lyra
  340. [15:00] <Voices> But that's not really relevant
  341. [15:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Bro"
  342. [15:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I did it"
  343. [15:00] * Alexander_Pyrite sighs
  344. [15:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Lyra and I"
  345. [15:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "ugh"
  346. [15:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I got the bitches"
  347. [15:01] <Voices> You see the crack along Bro's middle spread a little further as you talk
  348. [15:01] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh shiet"
  349. [15:01] <Voices> Meanwhile, what is Lyra doing inside?
  350. [15:01] * Lyra_Bel tries to think of a plan
  351. [15:02] * Alexander_Pyrite tries to press the shield back together
  352. [15:02] <Voices> No effect
  353. [15:02] <snuffshotMartyr> Roll 1d20+2 to think of a plan
  354. [15:02] <`DM> snuffshotMartyr rolled 1d20+2 to think of a plan [ 1d20=9 ]{11}
  355. [15:02] <Alexander_Pyrite> "augh"
  356. [15:02] * Alexander_Pyrite picks him up and brings him to Lyra
  357. [15:03] <unmotivatedMeatshield> stupid idea didnt work
  358. [15:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Bluh
  359. [15:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay
  360. [15:03] <snuffshotMartyr> Um
  361. [15:04] <snuffshotMartyr> !!
  362. [15:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Lanased might know
  363. [15:05] <snuffshotMartyr> He's kind of the only expert we've got on the topic
  364. [15:06] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Sure
  365. [15:06] <unmotivatedMeatshield> i'll try to avoid telling him about killing his cousin
  366. [15:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Maybe a good decision
  367. [15:06] * Lyra_Bel flies to the crystal cave and enters
  368. [15:06] * Alexander_Pyrite follows
  369. [15:07] <unmotivatedMeatshield> wait we cant hear him can we?
  370. [15:07] <snuffshotMartyr> Don't worry
  371. [15:07] <snuffshotMartyr> I have a plan for that
  372. [15:07] <Lyra_Bel> "LANASED!"
  373. [15:08] * Lyra_Bel heads past the death pit, through the warehouse/wardrobe, and into the spider's workshop
  374. [15:08] <unmotivatedMeatshield> creepy place
  375. [15:08] <Voices> Roll me a DEX check Alex
  376. [15:09] <unmotivatedMeatshield> roll 1d20+1
  377. [15:09] <`DM> unmotivatedMeatshield rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=18 ]{19}
  378. [15:09] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ez
  379. [15:09] <unmotivatedMeatshield> izi
  380. [15:09] <unmotivatedMeatshield> .i.
  381. [15:09] <unmotivatedMeatshield> jajaj
  382. [15:10] * Lyra_Bel looks for Lanased the tailor-spider
  383. [15:11] * Lyra_Bel conjures a piece of paper and grabs a mundane pen from her sylladex, and begins to write
  384. [15:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Can't hear anything
  385. [15:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Tell me everything you know about the crystals around the planet
  386. [15:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Our friend might be dying
  387. [15:12] <Voices> Lanased is a spider
  388. [15:12] <Voices> While surprisingly proficent with tailoring tools
  389. [15:12] <Voices> Spiders are not good at writing
  390. [15:13] <Voices> Lanased makes a helpless gesture with two of his middle legs
  391. [15:14] * Lyra_Bel [SM] began pestering jocoseZirconium [JZ]
  392. [15:14] <snuffshotMartyr> Does your computer have a microphone?
  393. [15:14] <jocoseZirconium> Uh, I think so.
  394. [15:14] <snuffshotMartyr> Awesome
  395. [15:14] <jocoseZirconium> ... Yes.
  396. [15:14] <snuffshotMartyr> Video chat, now
  397. [15:14] <jocoseZirconium> No camera however.
  398. [15:14] <jocoseZirconium> Its built into my robes.
  399. [15:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Voice chat, then
  400. [15:15] <jocoseZirconium> Sure.
  401. [15:15] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm deaf right now, so I can't hear you
  402. [15:15] <snuffshotMartyr> You're transcribing for a giant spider
  403. [15:15] <jocoseZirconium> Alright then.
  404. [15:15] <jocoseZirconium> Well I dont really have much else to do.
  405. [15:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Awesome
  406. [15:15] <snuffshotMartyr> I owe you one
  407. [15:15] <jocoseZirconium> Derse is a long way for a dragon to fly apparently.
  408. [15:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Or like ten if this works
  409. [15:16] <Lyra_Bel> "Lanased! Tell Zach what's up with the crystals."
  410. [15:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Zach, type in what Lanased says
  411. [15:16] <jocoseZirconium> Also, should I ask about why you're talking to giant spiders?
  412. [15:16] <jocoseZirconium> Sure.
  413. [15:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Later
  414. [15:16] <snuffshotMartyr> Alex, join the memo
  415. [15:17] <jocoseZirconium> Wait, Alex is deaf too?
  416. [15:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Yes
  417. [15:17] * Lyra_Bel gestures for Alex to join the memo
  418. [15:17] <jocoseZirconium> Alright.
  419. [15:18] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Sup dude
  420. [15:18] <unmotivatedMeatshield> you messaged me and i never got back to you
  421. [15:18] <Lyra_Bel> "Lanased. You have any idea what's up with our shield? He kind of broke"
  422. [15:18] <jocoseZirconium> Oh yeah I did.
  423. [15:18] <jocoseZirconium> Hi!
  424. [15:18] <unmotivatedMeatshield> hello
  425. [15:20] <Lanased> "He appears to be dead"
  426. [15:21] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> He appears to be dead.
  427. [15:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Well crumbs. How do we get him better?"
  428. [15:22] <Voices> "... He's dead"
  429. [15:22] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> He's dead.
  430. [15:22] <unmotivatedMeatshield> NOOOOOOO
  431. [15:22] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> (it added a bit pause at the beginning btw))
  432. [15:23] <Lyra_Bel> "I know it's possible to revive the dead. How do we do it?"
  433. [15:24] <Lanased> "What are you even talking about?"
  434. [15:24] <Lanased> "Dead is dead"
  435. [15:24] <Lanased> "There's nothing you or I or anybody can do"
  436. [15:24] <Lyra_Bel> "Kek said it was possible."
  437. [15:24] <Lyra_Bel> "Equivalent exchange."
  438. [15:24] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> ((yeah just imagine im typing it btw))
  439. [15:25] <Lanased> "I don't know anything about that"
  440. [15:25] <Lanased> "I can't help you"
  441. [15:25] <snuffshotMartyr> ((And the relevance comes to an end))
  442. [15:25] <Lanased> "I understand you're upset but I can't help you"
  443. [15:26] <Voices> *Should've used the Ant*
  444. [15:26] <Lyra_Bel> "The crystal turned grey. What's up with that, then?"
  445. [15:29] <Lanased> "He died"
  446. [15:29] <Lanased> "That's what happens when you die"
  447. [15:29] <Lanased> "You turn colorless and grey"
  448. [15:29] <Lyra_Bel> "And what about all the unliving crystal that's green?"
  449. [15:29] * Lyra_Bel gestures to her shades
  450. [15:30] <Lanased> "That Crystal is alive"
  451. [15:30] <Voices> As if to punctuate Lanased's point the Crystal cracks in half fully and breaks into two
  452. [15:30] <Lyra_Bel> O.O
  453. [15:31] <Voices> <Crystal in Bro's sheild I mean <
  454. [15:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "OH FUCK"
  455. [15:31] * Alexander_Pyrite picks up bro
  456. [15:31] <unmotivatedMeatshield> broo
  457. [15:31] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ;-;
  458. [15:31] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> Uh... Im not sure whats reeeally happening but i think im sorry for your loss?
  459. [15:31] <Voices> *Thats another corpse on your conscious Alex*
  460. [15:31] * Lyra_Bel captchas the shield
  461. [15:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Stasis
  462. [15:32] <snuffshotMartyr> We'll get him out later
  463. [15:32] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ok
  464. [15:32] <Lyra_Bel> "My glasses are not alive"
  465. [15:32] <Alexander_Pyrite> "shut up voices"
  466. [15:32] <snuffshotMartyr> Better than letting this keep happening when we don't know how to solve it
  467. [15:33] <Lanased> "They are"
  468. [15:33] <Lanased> "Alive doesn't mean sentient"
  469. [15:33] <Lyra_Bel> "Semantics."
  470. [15:33] <Lanased> "No?"
  471. [15:34] <Lanased> "Is a plant sentient?"
  472. [15:34] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> (Am I gonna get tips for this? hehe)
  473. [15:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Whatever. Equivalent exchange. Can I sacrifice this life to get his back, then?"
  474. [15:34] <Lyra_Bel> "Use them to mend the damage?"
  475. [15:35] <Lanased> "I don't know what you are talking about"
  476. [15:35] <Lanased> "Why don't you ask this person who told you?"
  477. [15:36] <Lyra_Bel> "He's off taking hours to do a simple fetch quest"
  478. [15:36] <Lanased> "Wait until he gets back. I can't help you."
  479. [15:36] <Lanased> "Now, please leave this place calmly"
  480. [15:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "wait calmly"
  481. [15:37] <Alexander_Pyrite> "What does that mean"
  482. [15:37] <Lanased> "Or I'll have you escorted out"
  483. [15:37] * Lanased makes a shooing motion with two of its legs
  484. [15:37] * Lyra_Bel shakes her head
  485. [15:37] <unmotivatedMeatshield> useless
  486. [15:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Everyone here knows we can take you"
  487. [15:37] <unmotivatedMeatshield> thanks anyway zach
  488. [15:38] <Lyra_Bel> "But thank you."
  489. [15:38] <Lanased> "You want to try take me and my spiders?"
  490. [15:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah, thanks for everything
  491. [15:38] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> Not a problem.
  492. [15:38] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> I see something interesting, Derse will have to wait.
  493. [15:38] <Lanased> "One bite is a lethal poison"
  494. [15:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Excellent decision
  495. [15:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Derse sucks
  496. [15:38] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> I dunno i found some cool rocks
  497. [15:39] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> and uh.
  498. [15:39] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm not looking to fight"
  499. [15:39] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> Yeah it sucks.
  500. [15:39] <Lyra_Bel> "But don't threaten people"
  501. [15:39] <Lyra_Bel> "S'not nice"
  502. [15:41] <Lanased> "Then go"
  503. [15:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> do you have the flamethrower just in case?
  504. [15:41] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm not flamethrowering Lanased
  505. [15:41] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> I used to have a molotov cocktail.
  506. [15:42] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> I wrote the code down if you want it.
  507. [15:42] <snuffshotMartyr> So much
  508. [15:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> hes not all that nice of a guy
  509. [15:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Made me the armour
  510. [15:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> i guess
  511. [15:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> ooh could i get some of that?
  512. [15:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Worth asking
  513. [15:43] <unmotivatedMeatshield> lets just make it
  514. [16:14] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah. Probably safer to just duplicate the armour than bother collecting another set
  515. [16:14] <unmotivatedMeatshield> yeah he didnt seem in a giving mood
  516. [16:14] <snuffshotMartyr> Heh
  517. [16:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Alright then. To the stuff!
  518. [16:15] * Lyra_Bel goes to the stuff
  519. [16:15] <unmotivatedMeatshield> away!
  521. [S] Alchemization Montage
  523. [16:16] <unmotivatedMeatshield> so first lets try combining this armor and your armor
  524. [16:16] <unmotivatedMeatshield> made of silk
  525. [16:16] <snuffshotMartyr> May as well
  526. [16:17] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> Oh right, before i go attack these imp guys and bail,
  527. [16:17] <JZ|Voice-To-Text> do you want the molotov code?
  528. [16:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Very much
  529. [16:22] <unmotivatedMeatshield> shirt and jeans armor || silk armor
  530. [16:22] <unmotivatedMeatshield> or whatever the combob thing is
  531. [16:23] <snuffshotMartyr> Sure
  532. [16:23] * Lyra_Bel grabs the backup dress from the ground, flies up to the roof to change, then returns with The Crawling Shell in hand
  533. [16:24] * Alexander_Pyrite makes it
  534. [16:26] <Voices> < one minute >
  535. [16:26] <Voices> > you don't have enough grist for sure >
  536. [16:26] * Lyra_Bel makes it instead
  537. [16:31] <snuffshotMartyr> ...
  538. [16:31] * Lyra_Bel checks the back of Brofessor's card for a code
  539. [16:35] <Voices> < Uh >
  540. [16:35] <Voices> < 8rKnFrND >
  541. [16:36] * Lyra_Bel beams
  542. [16:36] <snuffshotMartyr> I got this
  543. [16:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Shovelaptop && Brofessor
  544. [16:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait no
  545. [16:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Needs something alive
  546. [16:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Emerald Shades && Brofessor
  547. [16:37] <Voices> Deadened Shades: 23 grist
  548. [16:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Crumbs
  549. [16:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Emerald Shades || Brofessor
  550. [16:38] <Voices> Crystallized Shield Corpse: 7 grist
  551. [16:39] <snuffshotMartyr> Gel Flask && Brofessor
  552. [16:39] <Voices> Shattered Crystal Flask
  553. [16:39] <Voices> 8 grist
  554. [16:39] <snuffshotMartyr> ||
  555. [16:40] <Voices> Shielded Corpse Gel
  556. [16:40] <Voices> 1 grist
  557. [16:40] <unmotivatedMeatshield> off to the side, i attempt to combine my armor || chunk of gold
  558. [16:41] <Voices> Golden Chain Shirt
  559. [16:41] <Voices> 300 grist 150 shale 75 tar
  560. [16:41] <Lyra_Bel> "There's gotta be a way to pull this off..."
  561. [16:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> On another not
  562. [16:41] <snuffshotMartyr> Crystal Eyes x3 && Brofessor
  563. [16:41] <snuffshotMartyr> Crystal Eyes x3 || Brofessor
  564. [16:42] <Voices> Deadened Crystal Eyes, Looking-Eye Shield
  566. [16:41] <unmotivatedMeatshield> hey lyra can i have some grist?
  567. [16:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Uh, sure
  568. [16:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Whaddaya need?
  569. [16:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> for 300grist, 150 "shale
  570. [16:42] <snuffshotMartyr> Think you found a combination that works?
  571. [16:42] <unmotivatedMeatshield> and 75 tar i can make gold chainmail
  572. [16:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Brofessor && Crawling Shell || Crystal Eyes
  573. [16:43] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't have that much tar
  574. [16:43] <unmotivatedMeatshield> darn
  575. [16:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> maybe i can find some enemies to quickly slay
  576. [16:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah, maybe
  577. [16:44] <Voices> Looking Eye Facemask
  578. [16:44] <snuffshotMartyr> There's gotta be a set of items we can combine to make this work
  579. [16:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> isnt bro supposed to be really broken
  580. [16:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> wait
  581. [16:44] <unmotivatedMeatshield> idea
  582. [16:45] <snuffshotMartyr> Listening
  583. [16:45] <unmotivatedMeatshield> what if we went to the crystal caverns where i first found him?
  584. [16:45] <snuffshotMartyr> Worth trying
  585. [16:45] <snuffshotMartyr> Anything's worth trying
  586. [16:46] <unmotivatedMeatshield> are you all ready to fight?
  587. [16:46] <snuffshotMartyr> I guess
  588. [16:46] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Im all healed up and have that extra shield so im ready
  589. [16:46] <snuffshotMartyr> Right, the shield
  590. [16:46] <snuffshotMartyr> Should we... ?
  591. [16:47] <unmotivatedMeatshield> should we do what
  592. [16:47] <snuffshotMartyr> Upgrade it
  593. [16:47] <snuffshotMartyr> I mean, if we're replacing Brofessor...
  594. [16:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Oh right
  595. [16:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> maybe so
  596. [16:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Are we?
  597. [16:48] <unmotivatedMeatshield> well i think it's good to have a backup anyway
  598. [16:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Yeah
  599. [16:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Sure
  600. [16:48] <snuffshotMartyr> I guess
  601. [16:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> he did make us insane a couple of times
  602. [16:49] <unmotivatedMeatshield> stock shield || gold
  603. [16:51] <Voices> Gold Shield 50 grist 25 shale
  604. [16:50] <snuffshotMartyr> Crawling Shell || Shield Clothes
  605. [16:58] <Voices> Spider Chain Vest
  606. [16:58] <Voices> 189 grist 30 tar
  607. [16:58] <snuffshotMartyr> Anything that costs that much must be worth it
  608. [16:59] <unmotivatedMeatshield> sure
  609. [17:00] * Lyra_Bel alchemizes
  610. [17:02] <Voices> < I have no idea what I'm doing XD >
  611. [17:03] <Voices> < Uh >
  612. [17:03] <Voices> < It's chain made of spider shell now >
  613. [17:03] <Voices> < If that makes sense >
  614. [17:08] <Voices> < I'll stat it later >
  615. [17:09] * Lyra_Bel dons the Spider Chain Vest
  616. [17:10] <unmotivatedMeatshield> looking good
  617. [17:10] <snuffshotMartyr> Thank you
  618. [17:10] <snuffshotMartyr> I think
  619. [17:10] <unmotivatedMeatshield> sorry that was a bit weird
  620. [17:11] <snuffshotMartyr> This whole thing is weird
  621. [17:11] <unmotivatedMeatshield> yeah
  622. [17:11] <unmotivatedMeatshield> so should we make the gold shield
  623. [17:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Sure
  624. [17:12] * Lyra_Bel alchemizes
  625. [17:13] <snuffshotMartyr> Can I get the old one back, actually?
  626. [17:13] <snuffshotMartyr> Better safe than sorry
  627. [17:14] <unmotivatedMeatshield> Course
  628. [17:14] * Alexander_Pyrite hands it back
  629. [17:14] * Alexander_Pyrite takes the new shield
  630. [17:15] * Lyra_Bel straps the shield to her back
  631. [17:15] <snuffshotMartyr> Was wearing this before Reggie made me captchalogue it
  632. [17:16] <AlexanderPyrite> good taste
  633. [17:17] <AlexanderPyrite> mine is better as you can see from the bright gold shield
  634. [17:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Of course
  635. [17:17] <snuffshotMartyr> Sparkles make every outfit better
  636. [17:17] <snuffshotMartyr> :P
  637. [17:17] <AlexanderPyrite> I guess :P
  638. [17:17] <AlexanderPyrite> so where to?
  639. [17:17] <snuffshotMartyr> I guess to the caves where you found him
  640. [17:18] <AlexanderPyrite> sure
  641. [17:18] * AlexanderPyrite hovers up
  642. [17:20] <AlexanderPyrite> ...
  643. [17:20] <AlexanderPyrite> could you show me how the gates work?
  644. [17:20] <snuffshotMartyr> Uh, sure
  645. [17:21] <snuffshotMartyr> You kind of just fly through them
  646. [17:21] <snuffshotMartyr> And hopefully continue to fly when you're on the other side
  647. [17:21] * Lyra_Bel captchas all her stuff and ascends through the gate
  648. [17:21] <AlexanderPyrite> well ok
  649. [17:21] * AlexanderPyrite follows
  650. [17:23] * Lyra_Bel and Alex loop through the gates until they arrive at LOAAC
  651. [18:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Hey, so
  652. [18:01] <snuffshotMartyr> Back there
  653. [18:02] <snuffshotMartyr> When we were trying to get Brofessor out of the crevice
  654. [18:02] <AlexanderPyrite> yeah
  655. [18:03] <snuffshotMartyr> What was that all about?
  656. [18:04] <snuffshotMartyr> Like, following me out there, taking the rope, all that
  657. [18:05] <AlexanderPyrite> I don't know
  658. [18:05] <AlexanderPyrite> you didn't seem to be in the best physical condition
  659. [18:05] <AlexanderPyrite> so I tried to help
  660. [18:05] <snuffshotMartyr> And that's fine, just
  661. [18:06] <snuffshotMartyr> I can do stuff
  662. [18:06] <AlexanderPyrite> yeah but you were like, paralyzed recently
  663. [18:06] <snuffshotMartyr> And you were trying to rip your tongue out recently
  664. [18:07] <AlexanderPyrite> better mute than immobile
  665. [18:07] <snuffshotMartyr> You were throwing up all over the place
  666. [18:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Better immobile than uncontrollable
  667. [18:09] <AlexanderPyrite> yeah I gues
  668. [18:09] <AlexanderPyrite> but that's just because I... yeah I have no argument here
  669. [18:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Going back to the Disney movie metaphor we were using before
  670. [18:09] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't wanna be the helpless maiden that needs to get rescued
  671. [18:09] <snuffshotMartyr> Okay?
  672. [18:10] <snuffshotMartyr> I have been through the wringer with this game, and I'm not planning to suddenly break down and start whining for help now
  673. [18:11] <AlexanderPyrite> I guess I understand that
  674. [18:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Thank you
  675. [18:11] <AlexanderPyrite> but I feel like, going back to the Disney movies
  676. [18:11] <AlexanderPyrite> that I should at least be helping, ya know?
  677. [18:11] <snuffshotMartyr> You are helping
  678. [18:11] <snuffshotMartyr> Just don't do *everything*
  679. [18:12] <snuffshotMartyr> If we're gonna make this work, we can't be arguing about who gets to do what
  680. [18:13] <AlexanderPyrite> I guess
  682. [18:48] <Voices> You're back to being semi-non deaf Lyra and Alex
  683. [18:48] <Voices> Like
  684. [18:48] <Voices> You hear like very elderly people now
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