
You are Solaire of Astora (side act)

Nov 17th, 2014
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  1. >You are Solaire of Astora
  2. >and YOU DIED
  3. >you cannot really blame that man, YOU were the one going crazy
  4. >oh well, at least that bug is dead, so you can see clearly now, the rain is gone from your mind
  5. >You should return at a bonfire near the Demon Ruins
  6. >Your quest to find your SUN must be continued!
  7. >you feel yourself return to the land of the living...
  8. >hold on a sec, why isn't it extremely hot?
  9. >why do you feel SUNlight?
  10. >where are these bird chirps coming from?
  11. >How are you outside?
  12. >why haven't you opened you eyes yet?
  13. >who is making all that ruckus?
  14. >why are there multiple grey and white horses wearing armor?
  15. >What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  16. >why did you ask that last question?
  17. >Why does it feel as though you've been back stabbed by someone with a spear?
  20. >You are Solaire of Astora
  21. >and ouch
  22. >that hurt
  23. >you see all these horses "carrying" spears, so you can assume who back stabbed you
  24. >"I got him, Captain!"
  25. >wait, was it a horse that tried to kill you?
  26. >because you heard your attacker speak
  27. >can these horses talk?
  28. >you turn around, the spear still lodged in your chest
  29. >indeed, it was a horse
  30. "My apologies, but what convinced you drive your spear through my back?"
  31. >"Dear Celestia, its still alive! RUN!"
  32. >dear what?
  33. >you see the small orange horse take flight with it's... wings... and fly straight into a wall
  34. >why does it have wings?
  35. >you turn to see the other horses cower in fear
  36. >not surprising, considering the spear didn't seem to phase you
  37. >but you know if you were to pull it off, it would be extremely painful
  38. >oh well
  39. >you grip the spear and pull it out of your chest
  40. >oh dear, you are bleeding profusely
  41. >you take out your chime and cast a simple healing miracle
  42. >all better now
  43. >the surrounding horses seem to just sit there in shock
  44. >except for a rather large, cream colored horse with an orange mane and a strange hat on his head
  45. >oh my, it's carrying a very large sword on it's back
  46. >"Ah, ya seemed to ave scared all of me men. All these cowards nevah seen real combat before. All me time wasted training these wee lassies for nuthin."
  47. "It seems you are treating me as though I am an enemy, but I mean you all no harm at all."
  48. >"That doesn't excuse ya from trespassing onto royal grounds. I could kill ya with me bare hooves for just that, ya know."
  49. >it seems he is eager to engage you in combat
  50. >you draw your sword and shield
  51. "Please, I do not want anyone to die today, but I will protect myself if I must."
  52. >"Ha, with that wee little butter knife ya call a sword?! Oh no, you'll need a sword like this here if ya want to even scratch me armor."
  53. >the large horse takes off his sword and grips it in his mouth
  54. >then, with lightning speed, charges at you and knocks away your shield, breaking it in half in the process
  55. >he jumps back and puts down his sword
  56. >"what do ya think of that mister butter knife wielding, shield losing, Bampot, boot wearing, bipedal, cross dressing, ugly Bawbag, spear eating, fud pansy, toy carrying, Skinny Malinky Longlegs!"
  57. >you dash at the horse and cut his hat in two, and quickly jump back
  58. >he clearly sees his hat fall to the ground
  59. >"oh, nao u dun it."
  61. >You are Solaire of Astora
  62. >and you are fighting a horse with a sword in it's mouth
  63. >if you ever find Artorias again, you need to have a word with him.
  64. >he just keeps rushing at you with that sword
  65. >he hasn't missed every swipe, mind you
  66. >you just continue to dodge his attacks while trying to find openings
  67. >"Ah, ya a fightah, aren't ya? I don't think any fightah has evah taken this many blows from me, except fa that one dragon."
  68. >try as you might, you are only able to land small cuts on him
  69. >you can't take much more
  70. >right as you say that, he swings his sword at your abdomen
  71. >you go to block it, but he breaks your sword in the process
  72. >you are knocked down to the ground, while the large horse laughs
  73. >"HA HA, ya put up quite the fight, didn't ya? I'll definitely remember ya after I mount ya head on me wall."
  74. >no, you're not done yet
  75. >not like this!
  76. >don't give up, dammit
  77. >may the SUN be with you
  78. >don't lose your way!
  79. >after your inner pep talk, you take out your chime
  80. >no more defending yourself, its about time you end this
  81. >you start to channel lightning from your chime.
  82. >the large horse seems surprised
  83. >you take the lightning and chuck it as hard as you can at him
  84. >somehow, it makes contact with him
  85. >he recoils, but it didn't seem to do much damage
  86. >"Ah, so you let ya toy do all the fightn' for ya? heh, it works a wee bit better than that butter knife ya had before."
  87. >he makes another dash at you
  88. >you charge up Wrath of the gods
  89. >as he is about to make contact with you, you release the energy and send him flying at the wall
  90. >you don't stop there, you start to Emit Force from your chime, keeping him pinned there
  91. >you keep doing it until you get exhausted
  92. >which was about 32 times
  93. >after your little barrage of attacks, you see the large pony fall to the ground
  94. >"OW, now that hurt me bad. Damn all ya magic users, nevah fightn' fair, always resorting ta little tricks when ya weapon isn't good enough. Filthy magic users."
  95. >wait
  96. >that reminds you of...
  97. >the large pony seems to take notice of you being lost in thought, as he gets up and knocks your chime out of your hand with his hooves.
  98. >damn, he really caught you off guard
  99. >now he's towering over you with his sword in mouth
  100. >"Any last words, ya ninny?"
  101. "..."
  102. >as he is about to swing his sword at your head, you hear a very loud, commanding voice interrupt him
  104. >you turn to see who the voice belongs to
  105. >...
  106. >Sweet SUNny Delight...
  109. >You are Solaire of Astora
  110. >and sweet baby Gwyndolin, what is this magnificent creature?
  111. >she radiates immense power and authority
  112. >she's got style
  113. >she's got grace
  114. >it doesn't matter if she's a different race
  115. >That horse is beautiful
  116. >and she has a picture of the SUN on her flank
  117. >now that's just cute
  118. >you don't even care about the sword at your neck right now
  119. >"Captain Claymore, I asked you a question."
  120. >"Ah, sorry princess, I was only here tryin' ta git this thing out of the castle."
  121. >"Then why did I here the sound of swords clashing and walls being broken?"
  122. "My apologies, I was only trying to defend myself. I don't even know where I am at the moment."
  123. >"Oi, quiet you"
  124. >"Stand down, Captain. I have already used a lie detection spell on all of you. This creature is telling the truth. Why did you engage him first?"
  125. >"I was only protectin' ya castle. I haven't seen anythin' like him before, Ya know? He already took a spear through his body from one of me soldiers, so I could only assume he was strong and dangerous."
  126. >"My spell is already telling me that is not the whole truth. We will have a discussion about your actions on a later date, but for now, help our guest up and escort us both to my chambers."
  127. >"Ya chambers?! Ya can't really trust this weird creature already, can ya?! He can easily k-"
  128. >"That was an order, Captain Claymore."
  129. >"ugh, fine"
  130. >you see the large pony put his sword back on his back and put his hoof out.
  131. >you grab his hoof as he easily pulls you up
  132. >"sorry 'bout that, I guess I saw you as a chance ta have a really fun time fightn'. ya did good, lass."
  133. >well, at least he admitted to his mistakes
  134. >strange, you thought he would be a bit more stubborn about this
  135. >after you dust yourself off, you walk towards the chime he knocked out of your hand and cast Great Heal
  136. >imagine if you didn't have this ability to self recover?
  137. >perish the thought
  138. >you walk towards the beautiful horse and introduce yourself
  139. "Thank you for stopping your captain. I would have easily been slain if not for you. Oh, where are my manners, I am Solaire of Astora, a simple knight who wonders around helping those in need."
  140. >"It is very nice to meet you, Knight Solaire. I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and the one who controls the Sun we see every day."
  141. >...
  142. >wait...
  143. >the one who controls the SUN
  144. >CONTROLS
  145. >THE SUN
  150. >this beautiful creature, with hair that flows gloriously in the wind, is a truly perfect being
  151. >the SUN on her flank must signify her dominance over the SUN
  152. >to control something of great beauty, you must be one of great beauty yourself.
  153. >you can't even contain yourself
  154. >your heart resonates! The heat's enough to burn! Engrave, my blood's beat!
  156. >you stand straight and go into your famous stance
  157. >you've never had a reason to praise the SUN this hard until now
  158. >"...Knight Solaire, are you feeling alright"
  160. >now you see why everyone listens to her every command!
  161. >wait, she asked you a question
  163. "My apologies, Princess. Hearing just who you are, I had no other choice but to greet you like this."
  164. >you walk towards her and kneel before her
  165. "Along with my status as a knight, I am a loyal worshiper of the sun. The sun's natural guidance is what drives my actions. It's glorious rays give me a reason to give everyone a ray of hope. If you truly are the one who controls the sun, then I am forever in your debt."
  166. >the other horses seem to stare in shock, while the large one seems to be on the ground, laughing himself silly
  167. >they must be her loyal soldiers
  168. >and they fear you?
  169. >you must fix that
  170. >but first, you must join their ranks
  171. >you would do anything to serve under the SUN itself
  172. >she puts her hoof on your shoulder
  173. >you will never wash this shoulder ever again
  174. >"I must say, it is wonderful to see such a mysterious being like yourself worship my sun. I can already tell there is nothing but truth to your words, and I must thank you for being such a gracious knight, fighting in the name of the sun."
  175. "It is an honor to hear such words come from you, Princess. If I may, I request that I join your army. I have been looking for my very own sun, and I have found it. I will dedicate my life to serving you in any way possible."
  176. >"Serving me in anyway possible, hmm?"
  177. >you did not like the way she said that
  178. >but at the same time, you cannot wait for what she has in store for you.
  179. >"This is quite the request. May we continue this in my chambers?"
  180. "Oh, certainly! Whatever you wish."
  181. >The princess and her captain begin to walk further into the castle
  182. >you decide to follow
  183. >as you are walking, you look at your surroundings
  184. >almost everything as the symbol on the princess' flank
  185. >this place is more beautiful than Anor Londo
  186. >...
  187. >nope, not going to think about that
  188. >that's all behind you
  189. >you hope
  190. >wait, you've also noticed some parts of the castle have the symbol of the moon
  191. >is there someone here that controls the moon too?
  192. >you found someone who controls the SUN
  193. >so you are not too surprised
  194. >you notice other horses in the castle, but they soon either run from the sight of you, or freeze in place
  195. >the large pony seems to laugh at that
  196. >"bunch a cowards, those lassies are."
  197. >you soon come to a rather large door
  198. >"I'll take this from here, Captain Claymore"
  199. >"Alright, princess. Oi, Solaire."
  200. "Yes?"
  201. >"Don't try anythin'"
  202. >Celestia opens the door and you two walk in
  203. >but before she closes the door
  204. >"Oh, and captain, tell everypony I am not to be disturbed. I want some alone time with our guest."
  205. >she then proceeds to close the door on him...
  206. >why is the room so dark, you can't see anything?
  208. >You are Solaire of Astora
  209. >and you are now in the chambers of the princess
  210. >of the SUN
  211. >and the lights are turned off
  212. >this does not bode well
  213. >"The lights have not turned on by themselves? I will have to fix that on a later date. Excuse me."
  214. >you hear the familiar sound of magic being used
  215. >all of a sudden, the room lights up
  216. >the light is coming from a chandelier
  217. >with stranges circular objects at the end instead of fire
  218. >"If you are wondering what those lights are, they are special orbs created to imitate the same light from my sun. as you can see, they are much better suited for lighting up dark rooms than simple torches."
  219. >you turn to look at the princess
  220. >you don't want to speak to her without facing...
  221. "By the gods..."
  222. >you see the princess laying on her bed without any of her attire on
  223. >...and she is laying there almost seductively
  224. >you must restrain yourself
  225. >"Ah, that is much better. It has been a long day, and a new species arriving without notice made this day almost too exciting."
  226. "I-I apologize if my presence has caused you any stress! I will leave post haste if you desire!"
  227. >you turn to leave, but you feel a magical aura surround your hand
  228. >"Please, I insist, come relax with me. I can only imagine what you've been through as well, Sir Knight."
  229. >please, Solaire
  230. >do not do anything rash
  231. "I-If that is w-what you wish, then s-so be it."
  232. >why are you being so uncomfortable in front of a horse...
  233. >with those curves around her flank
  234. >those long legs...
  235. >stop
  236. >you walk over to her bed
  237. >and just stand there
  238. >"No need to be so nervous, come into bed with me."
  239. >gods
  240. >please
  241. >...
  242. >no worries
  243. >everything will be just fine
  244. >just react reasonably
  246. >You are Solaire of Astora
  247. >and this is totally not good
  248. >as you lay in the princess' bed, you feel her warmth start to surround you
  249. >her heavenly body is within grasp
  250. >don't lose control...
  251. >you feel the princess shift towards you
  252. >she whispers in your ear
  253. >"Take me now..."
  254. >you hear glass shatter in your mind
  255. >its too late
  257. >you stand up in her bed
  258. >and get into a weird stance
  259. >you start to breathe in the air around you
  260. >you feel the SUNlight within her room form around you
  261. >it envelops you, making you glow with pure SUNlight
  262. >she stares at you, and then at your sunlight straight sword as it rises from your crotch
  263. >your armor fades out of existence from the energy coming from you and your sword
  265. >you dive at her, and your mouths become intertwined with each other
  266. >your tongues both dance around each other as though they are wielding their own channeler's trident
  267. >you feel the warmth in your mouth as though you are kissing the SUN itself
  268. >and you are not getting burned
  269. >you then get an idea
  270. >you notice her horn at the top of her head
  271. >you take your hand and stroke her talisman, trying to make it release all of it's energy
  272. >her moans increase as you do so
  273. >as well as her warmth
  274. >you both break away, however your hand does not
  275. >"Oh Solaire, ~ah, how did you ~ah know that my ~oh horn was so ~AHHH SENSITIVE!"
  276. >you guessed
  277. >but don't tell her that
  278. "I know all about your heavenly body, I've been worshiping it for years."
  279. >"I can ~OH see!"
  280. >you can see her becoming lost in the pleasure coming from your hand
  281. >it seems she is close
  282. >"Oh please, Solaire, a little more!"
  283. >you let go of her horn
  284. >you then see her look at you with a sense of yearning
  285. "not yet."
  286. >She immediatly understands as she starts to turn around
  287. >"My my, you do know how to make a mare really want this."
  288. >as she finishes, you see the princess raise her flank into the air
  289. >holy helios, its perfect
  290. >those curves around her flank are even more exemplified in this position
  291. >oh my, you have forgotten what horses do when they want to mate
  292. >you see her winking horse pussy absolutely dripping with glorious estus
  293. >absolutely delicious estus
  294. >"Sir knight, what is your next course of action? Don't keep me wai- OH SWEET ME!"
  295. >you have already started eating away at her Bountiful Sunlight, filling yourself up with heavenly estus
  296. >heavens, you might never get this opportunity to do this again
  297. >Celestia's moans only drive you further to pleasure her in anyway possible
  298. >"incredible! so much ~unf desire coming from you. I'm getting close!"
  299. >you are prepared for anything at this point
  300. >as you continue to eat her out, you feel her body start to shake as she screams out in pleasure
  301. >as expected, a huge burst of Celestia's mixture rains down upon you
  302. >you feel rejuvinated, as though this is more potent Soothing Sunlight
  303. >this is incredible
  304. >you feel the shower end, sadly
  305. >you get up from your position
  306. >you see your sunlight blade is hard as Titanite
  307. >time to test out your new weapon
  308. >Celestia seems to share this sentiment
  309. >she looks behind herself, a lustful grin on her face, as she begs for it
  310. >"please, I cannot wait anymore! PLEASE ME, MY KNIGHT."
  311. >this is it
  312. >your final moment
  313. >you immediatly position yourself in front of her horse pussy
  314. >you take your sunlight Spear and tease her
  315. >you hear her moan some more, until she let's out a frustrated groan as her horn lights up
  316. >all of a sudden, you feel a pressure on your sword
  317. >you are pushed forward, your crystal halberd entering her gaping dragon.
  318. >the sound she makes as it enters completely soothes your soul
  319. >and this feeling in your weapon...
  320. >so, this is thw power of the sun, huh?
  321. >heh, not bad
  322. >in fact, you've never felt anything like this, and you've had your way with women before
  323. >you feel her insides start to mold around you, almost as if it is trying to perfectly fit your equipment
  324. >the tightness around your extention is absolutely perfect.
  325. >"S-solaire, why aren't you moving?!"
  326. >you start to thrust into her at a steady rate
  327. >by the gods, you are going to prolong this for as long as possible
  328. >she is not moaning anymore, she is flat out yelling, the pleasure must be extremely intense for her
  329. >you take a mental note of these screams
  330. >this is something you will remember for all of eternity
  331. >you feel her insides start to tighten even more as she let's out an almost feral scream
  332. >already?
  333. >as the princess calms down, her face shows her confusion towards you
  334. >"Oh my, Solaire, you aren't finished yet?!"
  335. >yes, of course!
  336. >these are horses, they do not mate for very long before they are done
  337. >this is perfect
  338. "I'm afraid not, my dear. It seems your race does not last for nearly as long as my race. I'm not even close."
  339. >"T-then this will last for... OH HEAVENS, GO FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN!"
  340. >you continue to thrust within her as she culminates every so often
  341. >these parts always surprise you at how tight she gets during each one
  342. >hmm...
  343. >is there anyway to make this experience ever more pleasurable for her?
  344. >of course, her horn!
  345. >you start to lean over Celestia as you reach out for the truth
  346. >the second your hand touches her horn, you feel an immense amount of energy flow through you
  347. >as well as Celestia immediatly losing herself in all of this pleasure
  348. >by the gods, this energy has brought you close to releasing yourself!
  349. "I cannot last too much longer, my princess."
  350. >you hear her try to speak, but she only manages to spout out nonsense
  351. >she must be at her limit
  352. >after one last thrust, you release your Power Within
  353. >your seed staining her inner walls
  354. >you hear one last shout as it appears as though she passes out
  355. >it is done
  356. >you take out your primary weapon and put it back where it belongs
  357. >it seems she is down for the count as she sleeps with a smile on her face
  358. >you feel somewhat drained yourself
  359. >its not everyday you please the SUN goddess yourself
  360. >you wrap your arms around her as you lay down
  361. >after only a moment, you enter the world of dreams
  362. >today was a good day
  364. >You are Solaire of Astora
  365. >and
  366. >with the SUN goddess, no less
  367. >you've been dreaming of this for a long time now
  368. >although you would have never thought it would be a horse
  369. >a very beautiful horse
  370. >after having a pleasant dream of imagining your whole lives together, you wake up
  371. >to find a big blue horse, that looks similar to the princess, standing next to you
  372. >oh my, she does not look happy
  373. >at the moment, you feel as though you've gone deaf
  374. >due to the immense sound coming from her mouth
  376. >sister?
  377. >wait, that mark on her flank is the same moon symbol you've seen throughout the castle
  378. >she must be the moon goddess
  379. >after your ears recover, you decide to talk your way out of this
  380. >you would rather not beat around the bush, considering her anger
  381. "After appearing in this castle for reasons that are unknown to anyone, your sister invited me to her room, and for some odd reason, proceeded to mate with me."
  382. >her expression does not change as she walks towards you
  383. >you feel her horn touch your head
  384. >all of a sudden, you start to relive yesterday's events in the blink of an eye
  385. >dieing
  386. >appearing in the castle
  387. >the fight with the captain
  388. >praising the sun
  389. >caressing the sun
  390. >fucking the sun
  391. >the blue pony backs off with a surprised look on her face
  392. >"Oh my, we did not expect that to be the full story, human. We apologize for the usage of our spell."
  393. >it seems she's taken more than just yesterday's memories
  394. >you begin to get out of bed, but you stop after you hear the sun goddess move around in her sleep
  395. >she starts reaching out for something with her hooves
  396. >maybe she's looking for you?
  397. >you get back into bed
  398. >and, as you thought, she grabs you and pulls you towards her
  399. >how did she grab you with hooves...
  400. >has the sun goddess fallen for you?
  401. >"Human, let us inform you now, she is only in heat for the time being. Do not expect this kind of affection afterwards."
  402. >heat?
  404. >You are Solaire of Astora
  405. >and there are two problems right now
  406. >how could you have forgotten about a horse's estrus cycle?
  407. >and why do you know so much about horses in the first place?
  408. >maybe it must have been fate for you to learn about horses
  409. >to please the sun goddess
  410. >"Although it seems our sister has taken a liking to you, we must ask you to leave us for the time being. We wish to discuss these recent events."
  411. "If I may, I would like to be present in your conversation, considering it is most likely about me."
  412. >"no"
  413. >at that moment, you are lifted into the air with her magic and thrown out the window
  414. >luckily for you, there was a ledge for you to grab onto
  415. >she will not stop you so easily!
  416. >until you feel a gust of wind hit you
  417. >a gust of wind so fierce, you are blown into the clouds
  418. >oh my, the cloud here look lovely up close
  419. >as you fall back down, you are very surprised to see how for you have NOT been blown
  420. >you land onto the roof of the castle
  421. >somehow, your bones are not broken in the process
  422. >rats, how will you get down from here?
  423. >you look around for anything that might help you
  424. >oh look, a pegasus flying nearby
  425. >oh my, its that orange one
  426. >well, better than nothing
  427. "You there! I am in need of assistance."
  428. >the pegasus notices you, but soon freezes in place when he realizes who you actually are
  429. >"Y-You're that thing from before!"
  430. "Yes, I know, and the princess of the sun seems to have really taken a liking to me, so it would be wise if you would help me."
  431. >"...I'm not even going to argue with this, I've had enough of a bad day. So, what do you want?"
  432. "I would like you to carry me up to that tower over there and grant me entrance through that window."
  433. >"Are you crazy?!"
  434. "Crazy in love."
  435. >"I'm going to get fired, I can already tell."
  436. >the orange pegasus hovers above you
  437. >you grab his hooves
  438. >ok, why do these hooves feel as though they are gripping you?!
  439. >no matter, at least it is helping the pegasus hold onto you
  440. >he starts to take flight, even though your weight is probably making this extremely hard for him
  441. >must be due to his training to be a guard for the princess
  442. >you see that you are both close to the window you were thrown out of
  443. >time to see exactly what they are discussing
  444. >you get near the window, and you faintly hear the blue one speaking
  445. >"-n't trust him, Tia. Now, excuse me while I take care of a bothersome fly."
  446. >wait, does she know you are at the window again
  447. >no, how can she?
  448. >its not like she can see through w-
  449. >your thoughts are interrupted by another huge gust of wind
  450. >oh my, this one seems stronger
  451. >you hear the orange pegasus screaming in fear
  452. >but the wind is so loud, you can barely hear it
  456. >damn, it is so strong, you can feel the blood in your veins being pushed
  457. >but at least the pegasus is somehow flying against the current
  458. >...until he slips up in the air and you are both sent flying
  459. >this is not going to end, is it?
  461. >You are Solaire of Astora
  462. >and you are falling from the sky again
  463. >this is getting old, very fast
  464. >that wind must be a type of magic
  465. >hmm...
  466. >wait, what was that miracle your old friend taught you?
  467. >magic...shield?
  468. >aura?
  469. >oh yes, barrier!
  470. >as you are falling, you remember Havel's miracle and cast it upon yourself
  471. >that should help against the magical wind
  472. >as you are falling, you notice how you were only blown straight up
  473. >this is your chance!
  474. >now you face out
  475. >you hold out
  476. >you reach out to the truth
  477. >success! you managed to grab the ledge
  478. >as always, you feel that same wind
  479. >although the force behind it is being blocked by Havel's miracle
  480. >bless you, Havel
  481. >may you never have to deal with any magic users ever again
  482. >you climb inside the window
  483. >and see the two ponies... laughing?
  484. >well, until the blue one notices you
  485. >"What the... how did you get through our spell?!"
  486. "It matters not, I wish to know why you decided to hastily throw me out of the damn tower. Did it not occur to you that I could have died?"
  487. >heh, died
  488. >your curse would bring you back
  489. >but still, the thought of her attempt at murder irritates you
  490. >"Yes, of course, that's why we gave you a softer landing when you landed on the roof."
  491. >oh
  492. "oh"
  493. >the SUN goddess gets up and runs towards you
  494. >she pulls you in for a rather comforting hug
  495. >maybe she has fallen for you
  496. >"I'm so sorry for my sister's actions. Luna can be a little extreme with her methods of persuasion."
  497. >persuasion?
  498. >a little extreme?!
  499. "It is not a problem, my princess. I am trained to handle any situation."
  500. >you see Celestia calm down and give you a beautiful smile
  501. >you wish you could put that smile on your armor
  502. >wait a minute, your armor is back on you
  503. >you recall taking it off...
  504. >or, rather, your sunlight overdrive blew it off
  505. >could this be the work of an enemy magician?
  506. >or did one of the princesses use their magic to fix your armor
  507. >"It was the latter."
  508. >oh, thank you
  509. >...did you just hear that in your head?
  511. >You are Solaire of Astora
  513. >WHY?!
  514. >"About that, Solaire, I may have done something to you during our... mating session."
  515. >...wot
  516. >"Yes, while you were.. pleasing me, when you touched my horn, a very powerful spell was released."
  517. >...and it did... what?
  518. >"It may have linked our minds together."
  519. >...
  520. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-wait, this means I am forever linked with the sun princess."
  521. >she speaks normally now
  522. >"oh my, you have calmed down a lot faster than I anticipated. Do you consider this a boon for yourself?"
  523. >hell fucking yes it is
  524. >"oh my, what vulgar thoughts."
  525. >...mostly
  526. >the blue one seems to be annoyed at this fact
  527. >"Yes, you two seem to be getting along just fine. If you will excuse me, we need to raise the moon."
  528. >"Wait, Lulu, I already lowered the sun today. Shouldn't the moon already be up?"
  529. >"That would be the case if you weren't ASLEEP FOR ALMOST AN ENTIRE DAY. We do not know how you are able to lift that accursed sun every day, but we plan on never doing so for you ever again. Now, good day, Tia."
  530. >and with that, the moon goddess walks out of the room
  531. >leaving you with the princess
  532. "Good heavens, your sister is not in a good mood."
  533. >"Considering I almost never do anything like this, I cannot blame her for all of that."
  534. "Yes, quite. I must ask, Princess Celestia, c-"
  535. >"Yes, Solaire, I would be more than happy to knight you into the royal guard. Also, Solaire, I would appreciate it if you would call me Celestia during our private moments."
  536. "Very well."
  537. >you and pr- Celestia stand up and you kneel before her
  538. >with her magic, you notice her conjure up a sword before her
  539. >strange, it looks almost exactly like your old sunlight straight sword
  540. >"Sir knight Solaire of Astora, for your dedication to helping the weak, and faith in the heavenly body, my sun, Will you accept my gracious offer to become part of the royal guard? To serve, protect, and defend me with your life?"
  541. "Yes, my princess."
  542. >"In the dark a candle is the sun to light our way back home. It's a dream. It's a hope. that one day we'll be free. Give me strength to open up the door."
  543. >it seems this will be what we must remember when entering her royal guard
  544. >"Only the strong ones can stand the test of time. Caught in between these two worlds, finding our way, the sun will rise to peirce the sky when this wonderful world starts to shine."
  545. >caught in between these two worlds?
  546. >you hear the expaination in your head
  547. >"this saying was created during a war between followers of my sister and my own subjects."
  548. >'ll ask later
  549. >"remember this saying, for this will be what gives you strength during the darkest of times."
  550. "I will, my princess."
  551. >she brings the sword near your shoulders
  552. >"With that, I dub thee, Sir Knight Solaire of Equestria, my personal guard and..."
  553. >you interrupt her
  554. "Don't worry. I understand, Celestia."
  556. 1 WEEK LATER
  557. >You are Solaire of...
  558. >wait, do you use Astora or Equestria?
  559. >bah, just stick with what you've always done
  560. >You are Solaire of Astora
  561. >and being a knight here is rather easy
  562. >almost mundane, even
  563. >you've been charged with being one of the two royal guards at Celestia's side
  564. >this is your dream job
  565. >you can die happy at this point
  566. >die...
  567. >oh yes, you've discovered that your curse is no longer within you
  568. >my, what a day that was
  570. >"Solaire, there is nothing wrong with your face. Why do you keep saying it looks like the face of a corpse?"
  571. >you feel your face
  572. >it is smooth...
  573. >that must mean...
  574. >you run towards the window and jump for joy
  575. >right through the glass
  577. >you then broke some bones when you landed
  579. >good times...
  580. >...stop having flash backs, you must protect the princess form any harm!
  581. >at least your trusty partner seems to always be on watch
  582. >A light grey earth pony with a blonde mane
  583. >with a strange red sword
  584. >one you've tried to use, but he refuses to let anyone even touch it
  585. >soon...
  586. >you partner is definitely trust worthy
  587. >considering he has protected you from Captain Claymore's antics
  588. >why does he want to fight you so bad?
  589. >'re getting off topic again
  590. >protect the princess!
  591. >the day court is just as boring as usual
  592. >at least it is fun to watch the nobles get thrown out due to threatening Celestia
  593. >"Yes, it is now, isn't it?"
  594. >of course
  595. >you and the sun goddess are still linked
  596. >all in all, this only makes it easier to protect and serve her
  597. >the day court is almost complete
  598. >just a little more time...
  599. >oh lovely, Luna just burst through the doors
  600. >this should be good
  601. >"Sister, we have information we would like to share with you..."
  602. >her eyes lock onto yours
  603. >even through your helmet
  604. >"Although, we would rather discuss this in privacy."
  605. >Celestia looks at the two of you
  606. >"Alright. Solaire, Shutter, you may wait at the door. This should only take a few minutes."
  607. >You and Shutter both make your way to the door
  608. >"The other side, you two."
  609. >ugh
  610. >you do just that
  611. >it is not pleasant to be away from the princess while on duty
  612. >at least it can't get any w-
  613. >"A vision!"
  614. >Shutter takes out his sword and blocks a claymore strike meant for me
  615. >oh great, again?!
  616. >Claymore and Shutter both break away from each other
  617. "Claymore, now is not the best time. May I remind you that we are still on duty."
  618. >"HAHA, ya always goin' on about that, but I be just tryin' ta keep ya on your hooves... or whatever it be on yer two legs"
  619. >"Captain, I must ask you to cease all these attempts on Solaire's life. I am not exactly fond of blocking attacks from a stallion of your size."
  620. "I would have to agree with Shutter, here. Would it not be better t-"
  621. >why do you always get interrupted?
  622. >you see the moon goddess fly out of the room with a huge grin on her face
  623. >you never liked that look on her face
  624. >soon after that, Celestia exits the room as well
  625. >"Solaire, I would like you to wait for me in my chambers to discuss an important matter."
  626. "Yes, my princess"
  627. >"You are all dismissed, and Captain Claymore, I would like to see you first thing in the morning."
  628. >you see Claymore shiver in response
  629. >and Shutter seems to have a triumphant grin on his face
  630. >"SHUT IT"
  632. >you are Solaire of Astora
  633. >and you are waiting
  634. >and waiting
  635. >and waiting...
  636. >the waiting is the hardest part
  637. >every day you see one more card
  638. >you take it on faith, you take it to the heart
  639. >the waiting is the h-
  640. >"Solaire?"
  641. >you see Celestia right next to you
  642. >how did you not notice...
  643. >"I've called you here to discuss an important matter with you."
  644. "And that would be?"
  645. >"It appears Luna may have found someone else just like you in our world."
  646. "Oh my, this is serious, although I'm not sure how this involves me. How do you know if I even know of this person?"
  647. >"I asked the same question, although Luna was hesitant on telling me, she entered that human's dreams. She knows much about him now, but Luna has told me she saw memories of you while in his mind."
  648. "I see. I would imagine he would be peaceful, considering those are the only people I concern myself with. do you happen to know his name?"
  649. >"Yes, his name is Havel the Rock, or at least that's what he goes by."
  650. >?!
  651. "Havel?! Here?! Dear me, Celestia, this is wonderful news! Where is he currently?"
  652. >"It appears Luna is on her way to confront this human at a Rock Farm."
  653. >Rock farm?
  654. >my, how ironic
  655. >...wait
  656. "Luna... what is she doing?! If she really knows anything about Havel, she would know that... oh no."
  657. >"What is it?"
  658. "Stop her"
  659. >"Stop her?"
  660. "You need to stop her from confronting Havel! I know him, and I know about Luna's battle tendencies. The second she uses any magic, Havel will go berserk!"
  661. >"You don't really think Luna will be in peril, do you?"
  662. "No, I'm worried about Havel. He always rushes in without thinking. He will no doubt attempt to take your sister's life, but Luna will most likely kill him instead."
  663. >you take off your helmet and look directly into the sun goddess' eyes
  664. "Please, I beg of you, If my curse is gone, his is no doubt gone as well. You need to save his life!"
  665. >Celestia plants a kiss on your cheeks
  666. >well, you seem pretty calm now
  667. >"Don't worry, I will fix this"
  668. >you see her charge up her horn
  669. >you can see the fierce determination in her eyes
  670. >Celestia teleports out of the room, hopefully to where Havel is right now
  671. >you hope for the best
  673. >
  674. >You are Solaire of Astora
  675. >and you feel Celestia return
  676. >you run to her chambers post haste!
  677. >you burst through the door
  678. "Havel!"
  679. >Havel is laying down on Celestia's bed
  680. >wait... why isn't he breathing?
  681. >you look towards Celestia, who seems to share your sadness, most likely due to her failure to keep him safe
  682. >maybe Celestia thinks she failed you
  683. >"I have..."
  684. >?!
  685. >"Before I arrived, your friend fell victim to a magical poison my sister conjured up..."
  686. >no
  687. >"Even to this day, we could never figure out a counter spell. It seems Luna fought with the intent to kill."
  688. >please no
  689. >"It seems he succumbed to the poison at the time I teleported us both to the castle. I'm so sorry, Solaire."
  690. >you've waited so long to see your friends again
  691. >but here lies the corpse of one
  692. >this can't be the end!
  693. >you pay no attention to anyone around you
  694. >not to Celestia, or the two ponies at the door
  695. >you feel energy flowing through you
  696. >the pure energy of the sun
  697. >and something more...
  698. >perhaps your very soul
  700. >meanwhile, outside the room
  701. >"what in blue blazes be Solaire doin'? Somethin' seems ta be happening to his whole body"
  702. >"I don't know, claymore, but I can tell he's really feeling it! You noticed someone just like him on the bed, right?"
  703. >"I'd say more of a corpse, but aye"
  704. >"He must be someone Solaire knew for something like this to emerge from him."
  705. >"Bah, I don't care if that be his mum, if he goes nuts in the princess' bedroom, his head be mine."
  706. >"Wait, give him time"
  707. >"huh?"
  709. >"Solaire, I..."
  710. >you ignored that
  711. >the only thing that is in your train of thought
  712. >is your dear friend
  713. >and that vile poison that took his life
  714. >you can feel the energy overtaking you
  715. >no, not overtaking
  716. >empowering
  717. >you transfer all that energy into your arm
  718. "No"
  719. >you stand next to him and put your hand to his chest
  720. "Your life won't end here!"
  721. >all this power you have starts to leave you
  722. >and flow into Havel's dead body
  723. >you see your energy travel all throughout his body
  724. >you notice a strange magical energy be expunged from where you touched him
  725. >is this the poison that took his life?
  726. >after a short while, the magical substance ceases to exist
  727. >which means...
  728. >you quickly take out your chime and cast Great Heal
  729. >please, let this work...
  730. >out of desperation, you keep casting it
  731. >this is taking a lot out of you
  732. >the strange energy leaving you almost made you pass out already
  733. >but if there's a chance to save him
  734. >you will take it
  735. >after some casting, you notice Celestia begin to cast her own spells
  736. >most likely to assist you in your healing
  737. "Thank you"
  738. >"Anything to make up for my failure."
  739. >you both continue your onslaught of healing spells
  740. >after 5 minutes of constant healing, you both tire out
  741. "Did it work?"
  742. >you put your head on his chest
  743. >please let there be a...
  744. >*thump*
  745. >a heartbeat!
  746. >he's alive!
  747. "He's alive!"
  748. >"He's Alive!"
  749. >the two ponies come out of hiding
  750. >"Aye, the dead human be breathin'!"
  751. >"This is the Human's power! You changed the future I foresaw!"
  752. "Yes, he's... ali...."
  753. >this was too exhausting for you
  754. >you fall to the ground, on the verge of losing consciousness
  755. >"Solaire? Solaire! Guards, take him to the infirmary!"
  756. >finally, you pass out
  757. >at least you saved your friend...
  759. >You are Solaire of Astora
  760. >and you just woke up
  761. >what happened?
  762. >"You had some kind of mental breakdown, saved Havel's life, and Passed out due to exhaustion"
  763. >thanks Celestia
  764. >its all coming back to you now
  765. >You are happy you never broke your Social link with the princess
  766. >..or was it mental link
  767. >soul link?
  768. >make note, find out the name of what Celestia did again
  769. >"Mental Link"
  770. >...and make note to always take advantage of that when you can
  771. >anyhow, time to see your dear friend!
  772. >you get up from your...
  773. >hospital bed
  774. >no wonder it was uncomfortable
  775. >you find your armor and helmet, get dressed, and make your way to Celestia's chambers
  776. >you notice many ponies on your way there
  777. >for some reason, they all seem to have a large smile on their faces
  778. >do they all know of your actions last night?
  779. >you see a doctor as well, but he stops you
  780. >or, rather, he puts a bone saw to your neck
  781. >"Ah, Solaire, I vas looking for you. It seems zat your healing vas extraordinary last night. I vas vondering if you could show me exactly how you shtopped your friend from dieing."
  782. "I've said this before and I'll say it again, I will not show you how I cast my healing miracles, and you need to stop putting that bone saw to my head"
  783. >you really wonder how he still has his medical license, considering what you've heard about this pony
  784. >Celestia
  785. >"Yes?"
  786. >please have a talk with this doctor in front of me. make sure he does not ask me anything ever again.
  787. >"Very well"
  788. >this link is far too useful
  789. >you take the doctor's bone saw from him, and throw it out a nearby window
  790. >and proceed to walk right passed him
  791. >time to continue your way t-
  792. >"Solaire!"
  793. >what now?!
  794. >oh, its Luna...
  795. >the one who killed Havel...
  796. >you are not in the mood for this
  797. >"We only ask for a bit of information for now. Your friend was quite rude towards us, even though he knew not of our intentions. Was he always like this?"
  798. >you think back to when you first met Havel...
  800. "Hello there, fellow silver knight in training, what's your name?"
  801. >"Havel"
  802. "I see. Hello Havel, I am Solaire of Astora, I am hear to study the art of sorcery a-"
  803. >"MAGIC?!"
  804. "Y-Yes.."
  805. >"Let me tell you about magic users. They are always trying to kill you, understand? In the end, they all go crazy and murder everyone they see. If we gain anymore sorcerers, soon, we will all live in fear of them for all eternity. When they all take over, your life will be hell. You go outside, you risk your life. you take a drink of water, you risk your life. And now, every time you breathe, you risk your life. The only thing that matters, is what you're risking it for. So tell me, you still want to be a filthy magician?"
  806. "..."
  808. >and that's how you took up miracles...
  809. "Maybe."
  810. >"We see. That would explain a lot. There were only so many things we were able to see inside his dreams."
  811. >and with that, she walks off
  812. >...ANYWAY
  813. >time t-
  814. >"Hey Solaire"
  815. "NO"
  816. >you start sprinting towards your destination, not wanting to hear anymore interruptions
  817. >...and you just ran into the door
  818. >lovely
  820. >You are Solaire of Astora
  821. >and you are now in Celestia's chambers
  822. >time to see if Havel is awake
  823. >you walk up to him and...
  824. >oh, he's still sleeping
  825. >"He's been like that the whole time"
  827. >who is this grey pony?
  828. >and why is she in Havel's room?
  829. >"I like Havel as a friend, so I'm here to see if he is alright."
  830. >why did she know what you were thinking?
  831. >"Your next line is,' Were you able to read my mind, or was that a really good guess'."
  832. "Were you able to read my mind, or was that a really good guess... huh?!"
  833. >"I'm just good at predicting people's actions."
  834. >she should have a talk with Shutter
  835. >they might like each other
  836. "Alright then, what is your name?"
  837. >"Maud"
  838. "Well then, Maud, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Solaire of Astora. It seems Havel has made a friend here after all."
  839. >"Yes he did"
  840. "you know, Havel and I came form the same land, or lived in it, at least."
  841. >"..."
  842. "..."
  843. >awkward
  844. >why isn't she talking?
  845. >"I have nothing to say."
  846. >...ok time to leave
  847. >you exit the room
  848. >my, what a strange pony
  849. >If she is friends with Havel, then she is a friend of yours...
  850. >but you feel as though that will not be easy to accomplish
  851. >oh well, you will wait for when Havel actually wakes up
  852. >"Actually, I've been meaning to tell you something, Solaire"
  853. >Yes, Celestia?
  854. >"Your friend seems to be in a small coma, but it seems he will wake up in about a week."
  855. >how do you know that?
  856. >"Our doctor examined him and was able to determine when he will wake up."
  857. >...Celestia?
  858. >"Yes?"
  859. >Check to see if Havel's organs are still in his body, I need to have a talk with this doctor myself
  860. >"I will do so when I get the chance."
  861. >thank you
  862. >now, its time to see where the doctor is
  863. >he really needs to st-
  864. >"HEY SOLAIRE!"
  866. >someone snuck up behind you and yelled into your ear
  867. >you turn around to see who it is...
  868. >who is this pink Alicorn and white Unicorn, and why do they know your name?
  870. >You are Solaire of Astora
  871. >and what is going on?
  872. >"Oh, it seems you've met my niece, Princess Cadence, and her husband, Shining Armor, is no doubt with her as well. They are here for their weekly visit"
  873. >hmm...
  874. >the pink pony seems to be in good spirits, at least
  875. >the unicorn, however, seems to be cautious
  876. >"Pardon my rude introduction, it is just so interesting to see a new species. I am Princess Cadence, and this is my husband, Shining Armor."
  877. >he seems to stay quiet
  878. >does he not trust you?
  879. >perhaps he is protective of his wife
  880. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Solaire of Astora, but you seem to already know that."
  881. >you reach out for a hand/hoof shake
  882. >...only for Shining Armor to start using magic
  883. >this does not bode well
  884. >you use your other hand to reach for your sword out of instinct
  885. >as you expected, you see him conjure up a sword
  886. >you unsheathe your k- sword
  887. >why did you almost s-
  888. >CLASH
  889. >"Shining! what are you doing?!"
  890. "I would have to ask the same question!"
  891. >"I don't trust you."
  892. "What?"
  893. >"You think I haven't noticed strange things happen? You just appear in our world, already get on princess Celestia's good side, and join the royal guard in just one day?!"
  894. >now that he mentions it, that did seem rather odd
  895. >"There's something going on, I can feel it. There's no way you could have accomplished all of this. Unless..."
  896. >he takes another swing at you
  897. >you dodge it
  898. >"You're a type of Changeling, aren't you?!"
  899. >wot
  900. >he keeps up his assault
  901. >"Ever since my wedding, I've been keeping an eye out for an abnormalities in behavior, and from what I see, nothing here makes any sense!"
  902. >something in his past is making him this way?
  903. >honestly, you cannot really blame him at this point
  904. >although you are not pleased at his attempt at murder
  905. >you notice his attack patterns are very simple
  906. >time to tip the scales!
  907. >you take out your trusty chime and let out a quick force miracle, knocking the unicorn off balance and disrupting his concentration
  908. >this is your opportunity to strike!
  909. >but instead, you quickly grab his horn and grip it tightly
  910. >as expected, his will falters as he loses the ability to even think straight
  911. >it seems you've won this little skirmish
  912. "If you want answers, I'm more than willing to talk. Do not jump to conclusions so quickly next time."
  913. >you release his horn
  914. >"ugh, very well. I still believe you're not who you say you are."
  915. "That does not matter. If you wish to discuss anything, meet me in my personal quarters in one hour. I still have business to attend to."
  916. >you begin to walk away, but the pink Alicorn grips your hand in her magic
  917. >"before you go, I wish to apologize on my husband's behalf. He's normally very nice to anypony he meets, but recently, he gets this way whenever he talks to anyone who not a pony."
  918. "I accept the apology, but I want answers later. I do not take kindly to those who attempt to take my life."
  919. >and with that, she lets go of your hand
  920. >you walk away, but you still think about what that unicorn said
  921. "I think he may have a point..."
  923. >You are Solaire of Astora
  924. >and you have just dealt with that doctor
  925. >you're surprised how quickly he was willing to cooperate with you
  926. >if only all people, or in this case ponies, were like that
  927. >oh well, your "appointment" with the pink princess of who-knows-where and her dark wraith husband
  928. >let's hope this goes according to your plan you don't have
  929. >you walk into your quarters
  930. >this is a very nice room
  931. >all higher members of the royal guard are given their own room like this
  932. >considering most of her soldiers are just in her militia, and so few actually become her personal guards, it only makes sense that they would live as though they are almost like royalty as well.
  933. >you set up a table with tea and crumpets and wait for their arrival
  934. >and so you wait...
  935. >and wait
  936. >and wait...
  937. >before you get an oportunity to sing inside your head, you hear a knock on the door
  938. >you open the door
  939. >get on the floor
  940. >because you fear that unicorn might put his sword through the door
  941. >only to notice that he has some kind of magic suppressor on his horn
  942. >you did not know they even made those!
  943. >the pink pony speaks up
  944. >"I see you are still cautious about my husband, so we agreed upon this magic suppressor to make things a bit more calm for all of us."
  945. >"Agreed?! you strapped this thing on my horn after I planned to dispose of this possible changeling in the castle."
  946. >"like I said, to make things calm for all of us"
  947. >well, at least you don't have to worry about him
  948. >you gesture them to walk with you to the table laid out before them
  949. >you all sit down and have a nice cup of tea
  950. >"This is some awful tea you have, Solaire."
  951. "Thank you, Shining Armor, for the compliment. Now, onto business, Princess Cadence."
  952. >"Yes, I think my explanation will clear up a lot of questions you have about Shining's actions."
  953. >you listen to their story about the Royal Canterlot Wedding
  954. >about how a queen of a race known as changelings managed to switch places with the princess in front of you
  955. >about the changeling's abilities and goals
  956. >and the changeling invasion that almost ended in the fall of Canterlot
  957. >it seems Shining was a puppet during most of this
  958. >now you see why he is so cautious
  959. >your thoughts were correct
  960. >but that doesn't change your opinion on his actions
  961. >caution is one thing, death by crazy unicorn is not
  962. >however, those suspicions he noticed are still in your mind
  963. >crazy or not, Shining Armor had a point
  964. "Excuse me, although I understand the cause of his outburst, I cannot help but see some logic in what he said."
  965. >the white pony speaks up now
  966. >"Ha, so you are admitting to your deceit! I knew you were not what you appear to be!"
  967. "No, I am not some kind of changeling or a spy, but I am curious as to why I was able to pop into the castle unannounced, catch the attention of the princess, proceed to mate with her, and get accepted into the Royal Guard as her personal guard all within the time span of two days."
  968. >they both seemed to look at you with dumb looks on their faces
  970. >oh, that's why
  971. >no one else knew about this?
  972. >Celestia gives an explanation
  973. >"Why would I ever tell anyone about this aside from Luna?! Of course me having sex with a new species was covered up!"
  974. >you have a good point there
  975. "Yes, no one really knew about that part."
  976. >"We both always had an interest in exotic animals, but I never knew she was THAT into it. What could have caused to her to do such a thing?"
  977. "Well, she was in heat and I-"
  978. >"oooooohhhhhhhh"
  979. >did they both have to make the same noise?
  980. >is a mare being in heat really that intense for them?
  981. >"Yes Solaire, why else would I invite a new creature to my room and get rutted senseless?"
  982. >...makes sense
  983. >"Well, that clears up a large amount of suspicion, right Shining?"
  984. >"yes it *mumble*"
  985. >"RIGHT SHINING?!"
  986. >"Y-Yes it does!
  987. "It seems he still has doubts."
  988. >"Come on, Cady, at least let me cast a spell on him to get rid of any transformations!"
  989. >"*sigh* only if Solaire allows us to"
  990. "I would be more than happy to, princess."
  991. >her horn lights up and you feel a tingly sensation all over your body
  992. >oh, this is not so bad
  993. >you thought it would be a lot worse
  994. >after a mere dozen seconds of waiting, her horn loses it's glow and everything is normal
  995. >"See Shining, he's not a changeling. You can stop with all the hate now."
  996. >you see Shining Armor have a look of defeat in his eyes, but it soon turns into one of determination
  997. >you see him trot up to you
  998. >he holds a hoof up to you
  999. >"As an Ex Captain of the Royal Guard, and as the prince of the crystal empire, I apologize for my heinous acts against you. I should have tried to resolve this in a more calm manner. Let us start off on the right hoof this time. I am Shining Armor, its nice to meet you."
  1000. "Hello, I am Solaire of Astora, it is nice to meet you, and I accept your apology."
  1001. >you grip his hoof and shake it
  1002. >well, at least that is taken care of
  1003. >it seems you've taken care of everything today
  1004. >in fact, there doesn't seem to be anything left to do for the rest of the week
  1005. >nothing is on the agenda now
  1006. >accept waiting for Havel to wake up in a week
  1007. >might as well have some polite conversations with these two ponies
  1008. >you wonder what to say to them...
  1009. "So, what are your opinions on all the Stallions in the militia?"
  1010. >"YOU SAYIN' I LIKE DUDES?!"
  1012. >You are Solaire of Astora
  1013. >and this is day four of waiting for Havel to wake up
  1014. >it sure is boring around here
  1015. >but you are protecting the princess, so it is more than worth it
  1016. >hmm...
  1017. >wait, are you not enjoying a peaceful life?!
  1018. >maybe you were so used to the horrids of Lordran, it became a part of you...
  1019. >or maybe you're over thinking things
  1020. >"You know, Solaire, if you want to do more exciting things, you only need to ask"
  1021. >but princess, you must always be guarded!
  1022. >"I can just order my previous guard to return to this post temporarily"
  1023. >that would be nice, but what else can be done in this peaceful little kingdom?
  1024. >"Well, you could patrol Canterlot and see if anything is happening down there."
  1025. >...that is correct
  1027. >You are Solaire of Astora
  1028. >and you are patrolling the streets of Canterlot
  1029. >...this is just as boring as guarding the princess
  1030. >why did she think this was a good idea?!
  1031. >you could easily be at her side, and you would be more than satisfied
  1032. >"You know its not good to lie to yourself."
  1033. >...moving on
  1034. >there doesn't seem to be anything go-
  1035. >why do you smell smoke?
  1036. >why are people running away?
  1037. >where is this smoke coming from?
  1038. >why is that building on fire?
  1039. >who put that building on fire?
  1040. >you run over to a nearby soldier
  1041. "What is going on here?!"
  1042. >"What do you think?! This building caught on fire and will soon collapse!"
  1043. >that quickly?!
  1044. "What's the status"
  1045. >"50%"
  1046. "cut the crap, we need to get everyone out of here."
  1047. >more soldiers seem to have noticed you, a female one pointing something out
  1048. >"We already entered the building and evacuated the area, there shouldn't be anymo-"
  1049. >a nearby injured pegasus tried to fly passed you, but nearby unicorns catch her
  1050. >"Everyone evacuated my flank! My baby is still in there, you idiots!"
  1051. "Baby?!"
  1052. >"Baby?"
  1053. >"Baby?!"
  1055. >without hesitation, you sprint towards the burning building
  1057. >You are Solaire of Astora
  1058. >and things are getting quite exciting in Equestria now
  1059. >considering you are running through a burning building right now
  1060. >wait a minute, you don't even know where this Gwyn forsaken baby is
  1061. >you probably should have asked
  1062. >oh well, time to examine every room in this place...
  1063. >while its coming down
  1064. >ok, bad idea
  1065. >wait, the baby should be crying, right?
  1066. >why isn't it making any noise?
  1067. >bah, too much thinking, not enough looking
  1068. >you search every dame room in what looks like a living area for many different ponies
  1069. >they have places like this in Canterlot?
  1071. >ok, you are on what looks like the final floor
  1072. >huh, there only seems to be one door
  1073. >odd
  1074. >oh wait, the other parts of this floor already collapsed
  1075. >better not waste time
  1076. >you break down the door and look for the little infant...
  1077. >only to find a dog
  1078. >a dog
  1079. >a god damned dog
  1080. >with an awfully nice collar
  1081. >...with the word "baby" on it
  1082. >...
  1083. >don't ask questions, just get the fucking dog
  1084. >its a tiny one too
  1085. >heavens, it can fit in your pocket if you wanted it to
  1086. >oh well, time to walk out t-
  1087. >*CRASH*
  1088. >well sweet lady Gwynevere on the back of cow shit wagon
  1089. >the damn roof fell into the pathway out
  1090. >dammit, it looks like you're trapped
  1091. >there's no way out, from the looks of it
  1092. >what can you do?
  1093. >...what would Havel do?
  1094. >...
  1095. >you take out your chime
  1096. >and cast sacred oath
  1097. >you see a wall in front of you
  1098. >in the words of your good friend Havel
  1099. "Time to cheese this wall!"
  1100. >you ran at the wall, with the dog in your back pocket
  1101. >and...
  1103. >You are Solaire of Astora
  1104. >and you have several broken bones and can't even move right now
  1105. >well, at least you managed to break down that wall
  1106. >...which lead you to jumping out of a five story building
  1107. >the pegasus pony went to catch you
  1108. >but instead caught the damn dog
  1109. >a unicorn soldier tried to catch you in her magic
  1110. >only to not realize the weight of you and your armor, so her magical grip failed
  1111. >so here you are, on the ground, writhing in pain
  1112. >you would take out your chime and heal, but your arm is bending in an awkward position right now
  1113. >at least, if you could move, you can scratch that itch on your back
  1114. >meanwhile, that damned pegasus is on the ground, holding her little rat of a dog, constantly saying it's name
  1115. >"baby baby baby baby baby baby..."
  1116. >at least you escaped the mass destruction of the building
  1117. >that hole you made in the wall immeditaly caused the whole thing to collapse
  1118. >at least you got out
  1119. >wait, what's that sound?
  1120. >why is everyone stomping their hooves on the ground?
  1121. >who are all these random ponies?
  1122. >why do you hear cheering?
  1123. >who is levitating you off the ground?
  1124. >what is that big cross shaped symbol on that wagon?
  1125. >why is it red?
  1126. >what is going on?
  1127. >oh look its...
  1128. >no
  1129. >nononononono
  1130. >"Now Solaire, let's go practice medicine. ve are going to have so much fun today"
  1131. >...
  1133. >and with that, you feel a needle pinch you
  1134. >and you feel...
  1135. >uh...
  1136. >I don't like be that today like could be...
  1137. >...
  1139. >You are Solaire of Astora
  1140. >and you've just woken up
  1141. >it seems you are in a strange dark room
  1142. >...why do you feel as though you can't feel much pain?
  1143. >you know you've cracked some bones...
  1144. >why can't you feel your bones?
  1145. >why do you feel like paste?
  1146. >...
  1147. >he didn't
  1148. >that crazy doctor didn't
  1149. >you see the doctor enter the room
  1150. >"Now zat your pesky skeleton is out of ze vey, how about you..."
  1151. >you seem the pony pull out a scalpel
  1152. >"Prepare for your examination"
  1153. "NOOOOOOOOOO!"
  1155. >You are Solaire of Astora
  1156. >and you sitting up on your bed, sweating up a storm
  1157. >you panic and try and move around as much as possible
  1158. >it seems you are fine
  1159. >...was that a dream?
  1160. >"Solaire, you're awake?"
  1161. >Yes, Celestia, and that was the worst dream in existence
  1162. >"And Luna didn't help you with your nightmare?"
  1163. >no
  1164. >"That is odd, she normally... wait. She didn't"
  1165. >what is it?
  1166. >"If she ignored your nightmare, I will be furious."
  1167. >at that moment, you see the your front door open
  1168. >and see that crazy doctor come in
  1169. >"Wunderbar! Zat veird magic vorked!"
  1170. "...what magic?"
  1171. >"Zat sing you carry all zee time, you know, zee sing with zee healing? I examined it and vas able to use it for my own use."
  1172. "You learned out to cast miracles from my chime?!"
  1173. >"Is zat vat zey are called? Interesting..."
  1174. "but you lack faith in the gods, how were you able to even get anything from it?!"
  1175. >"I don't know about you, but zee only 'god' I know of is our dear princess"
  1176. "Faith in your princess as though she is a god... or goddess, in this case. intriguing.."
  1177. >"just be happy I vas able to use all zat veird magic to shtop your bleeding and fix up your bones."
  1178. "I thought you would have done a lot more than that..."
  1179. >"Vat kind of doctor do you sink I am, a crazy one?! Dammit, Solaire, I'm a doctor, not a shtupid killer!"
  1180. >he writes something down on a piece of paper he has...
  1181. >how do they hold things in their hooves?
  1182. >the doctor begins to walk away, but stops when he gets to the door
  1183. >"Besides, I vould have vaited until you vere injured, but not in public."
  1184. "Wait, w-"
  1185. >too late, he's out the door
  1186. >that was unsettling
  1187. >but your chime...
  1188. "So, ponies here can learn miracles, huh? but how did they know what miracles to use..."
  1190. >You are Solaire of Astora
  1191. >and you are currently sleeping on the night before Havel's Awakening
  1192. >and you are dreaming about...
  1193. >nothing
  1194. >nothing but a black void
  1195. >staring into the abyss
  1196. >absolute nothingness
  1197. > are a really boring person, aren't you?
  1198. >anyway, time to wake up
  1199. >...any second now
  1200. >dammit you're still asleep
  1201. >wait, why do you realize you are asleep?
  1202. >is this lucid dreaming?
  1203. >...
  1204. >let's see if you can become as grossly incandescent as the sun right now
  1205. >you can feel the sun over taking you...
  1206. >it is a g-
  1207. >shit, you just woke up
  1208. >oh well, its morning, and Havel should be awake soon.
  1209. >right at 10 o'clock
  1210. >...why does that clock say 10:30?
  1212. >you get your armor on
  1213. >grab some toast
  1214. >and run out of your quarters with a peice of toast in your mouth
  1215. >you can't be late for this!
  1216. >you run towards where Havel should be reasting
  1217. >you knock on the door
  1218. >hopefully he's awoken just now...
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