
My Little Princess (Luna X Anon - Short Collection)

Aug 29th, 2014
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  1. >It's a very nice day out in Ponyville, the prime of summer.
  2. >The sky is bright, the air somewhat cool.
  3. >As such, Ponyville bustles with activity, soaking in the sun like hungry plants.
  4. >You and your date have decided to do the same, sitting at a table outside Sugar Cube Corner, enjoying some refreshments.
  5. >You sip your lemonade and give the occasionally glance across the table
  6. >Princess Luna smiles back at you as she guzzles her milkshake.
  7. >She extends her hoof and feeds it into your grasp.
  8. >The two of you have been going out for the past few months.
  9. >Normally, you go to her, visiting at the castle.
  10. >It's difficult for her to get away from politics sometimes.
  11. >You don't particularly mind, so long as you get to see her.
  12. >But today, she decided to come to you.
  13. >She excused herself from her duties to come visit you in Ponyville.
  14. >For that, you're especially grateful.
  15. >Not just because it spares you the expense, but because it isn't easy for her.
  16. >Her schedule has been hectic with conferences and committee meetings
  17. >As such, you don't get to spend as much time together.
  18. >God, she looks good today.
  19. >She wore a skimpy little sundress, probably just to tease you.
  20. >It accents her ridiculously well.
  21. >You're watching her draw continuously on the straw
  22. >Pulse draws close to pulse.
  23. >The gap between your breaths shrinks considerably.
  24. >But at the same time, something else is expanding at alarming rate.
  25. >Occasionally, her tongue flicks out and catches a wayward drop of milk
  26. >Looking up, she notices you staring.
  27. >She cocks her head at you quizzically.
  28. >"Something troubles you, beloved?"
  30. >You feel heat spreading through your face and look down.
  31. >The bulge in your jeans is getting embarrassingly out of control.
  32. >You won't be able to keep it hidden for long. From her or anyone else for that matter.
  33. >Luna looks at you, trying to meet your lowered gaze.
  34. >"What is it? Thou may tell us, Anonymous. Surely it can't be that bad?"
  35. "Well, actually…"
  36. >You trail off, and fold one of your legs over the other in an attempt to stay decent.
  37. >It doesn't do much good though. Instead of just being awkward, now it's painful.
  38. "N-nevermind."
  39. >Luna doesn't back off, now suspicious of you.
  40. >"You are keeping secrets from us, Anonymous. That we cannot abide."
  41. >You place both hands in your lap, trying to further conceal yourself.
  42. "I said nevermind!"
  43. >A pony or two look over at you to see what the commotion is.
  44. >The Princess jumps from her seat at the table, knocking over her milkshake in the process.
  45. >She trots over to your chair and takes an authoritative stance, before barking at you in her Royal Canterlot whateverthefuck.
  46. >"Anonymous! Thou shall show us what you are hiding from us!"
  47. >Ponies are starting to turn to look at you, a few of them stop.
  48. >Maybe because you're having an argument, maybe because she's a princess
  49. >Or a mixture of the two.
  50. >She forces your hands off your lap as you try in vain to keep her from seeing.
  51. >When she finally wrenches both your hands away, the two of you freeze.
  52. >The argument didn't do much to reduce the swelling.
  53. >You're now pitching a tent in the middle of Ponyville's town square.
  55. >You expect Luna to be mad, but, instead, she's blushing softly.
  56. >As if you just paid her the nicest compliment she's ever received.
  57. >Your cock isn't exactly a poem, though.
  58. >She brings both of her wings up to her face, trying to hid behind them
  59. >"Oh. Well then."
  60. >The Princess back up a few feet
  61. "You started it. You can help get rid of it."
  62. >She looks around at the ponies that are taking notice, then back at you.
  63. >"Okay, let's just get back to the castl-"
  64. >No. Fuck that. There is no way you're nursing a half chub all the way back to Canterlot.
  65. >Your balls would be as blue as her by then.
  66. "I can't wait that long, Luna."
  67. >You do your best to make your voice sound a bit anguished.
  68. >Like you're in pain and need comforting.
  69. >"What?! Here?! Now?!"
  70. >As if on cue, the bulge in your pants spasms a bit, tugging harshly on the fabric.
  71. >A small, sticky wet patch begins to flow across them, seeping into your clothes.
  72. >You nod and begin to unzip.
  73. >She draws her hooves up to her face, but brings them down slightly just as you begin revealing yourself.
  74. >Heh. She tries to hide it, but you can tell she's interested.
  76. >You brandish your semi-stiff appendage, letting it sit on the top of your pants for a moment.
  77. >Her eyes give off a glisten for a moment and her mouth hangs open
  78. >Soon, she recomposes herself and tries to sound like this doesn't phase her.
  79. >"Very well, then. What would you like us to do?"
  80. >You all ready have your answer ready to go.
  81. "Use your mouth."
  82. >She cringes, looking about as a small crowd has gathered near you.
  83. >"Darling, please, see reason. Perhaps I could…relieve you with my hoof, instead? Under the table?
  84. >No, you aren't about to let her drive you off your position.
  85. >You can either have a hard, dry hoof scratching you up and down or a soft, warm, moist mouth.
  86. "What's wrong? You do know how, don't you?"
  87. >She blushes again, but this time kind of insulted.
  88. >"Do you take us for a prude?!"
  89. "You're still not sucking, so, yeah."
  90. >She takes a step in, placing her head in your lap and flicking you slightly with her tongue.
  91. >"We shall show you who is a prude, Anonymous."
  92. >Holy shit, is she actually going for it?
  93. >She takes a few moments to lick at you, coating you in warm, sticky saliva.
  94. >You place your fingers in her hair and begin to pat her mane, encouraging her.
  95. >Holy shit, she's actually doing it!
  96. >You look out of the corner of your eye that ponies are beginning to back away, realizing what is going on.
  98. >Yeah, that's right. Watch.
  99. >You see a stallion stare you down, his mouth agape in shock
  100. >You look at him square in the eye and point down at Luna's head, which is bobbing in your lap.
  101. >His reaction is one of pure jealousy and rage.
  102. >Onlookers gape at you as their Princess services you.
  103. >Luna stops her incessant licking and props her head up, her lips suckling at your tip.
  104. >She looks up at you with eyes you can't even describe.
  105. >It's a mix of embarrassment, resentment and devilish taunting.
  106. >She's gonna be mad later, but that'll probably mean some hot makeup sex.
  107. >You lean your head back in your chair and try to the enjoy the moment
  108. >Your fingers rub her ears, something you know she adores, giving her a little reward for her work.
  109. >Slowly, she dives onto your length, lips forming a nice seal around you as she takes you in gradually
  110. >Her cheeks puff outward as she swallows you bit by bit.
  111. >Soon, she's all the way down and she turns her head from side to side
  112. >She gives short little pumps, allowing you to slide into her throat.
  113. >Her tongue slides underneath you, lapping at your base.
  114. >You groan and Luna looks up again.
  115. >She knows that she's doing good work and her lips curl around your cock
  116. >Hopefully that's a smile.
  117. >The moon horse picks up her pace, making each little bob faster and longer than the last.
  118. >Eventually, she's throttling your entire length, from crown to base
  119. >She even stops at your tip occasionally to lick it.
  120. >She's free-styling!
  122. >The town's citizens seem to don't know what to do, so they stand there, dumbfounded.
  123. >Luna's working pretty quickly now, and you begin to feel yourself getting closer to the edge.
  124. >At the risk of sounding like a two-pump chump, you're seriously turned on from all the attention.
  125. >Both from the Princess currently impaled on your genitals and the crowd watching you.
  126. >Luna's movements are practiced and skilled. You don't know how much longer you'll last under these conditions.
  127. >You fidget in your seat, both hands now on Luna's head, forcing her downward onto your girth.
  128. >Your breath is growing labored, struggling to keep up with Luna's torturous ministrations.
  129. >She uses her hoof to cup your balls, hefting them and lightly touching them.
  130. >You're not sure how she's doing all that with a hoof, but it feels good.
  131. >Your eyes roll into the back of your head.
  132. "You're a good princess, aren't you?"
  133. >You have trouble realizing the words are your own.
  134. >You're not really into that.
  135. >Or at least you didn't think you were.
  136. >Luna looks up at you, obviously unable to answer your question.
  137. >You notice a tear is running down her cheek.
  138. >But you can't tell if it's out of humiliation, or if you've tapped her secret fetish.
  139. >She spits you out for just a moment, nosing your cock affectionately as she takes a deep breath.
  140. >"I'm Anonymous' good princess, indeed."
  141. >And with that, she wiggles right back on, starting where she left off.
  142. >Holy fuck, is this really happening?
  143. >Is a Princess of Equestria blowing you in the middle of town?
  145. >Finally though, you begin yourself begin to teeter on the edge.
  146. >Luna senses it too.
  147. >Your cock vibrates and your hips buck, sending her face up you a few inches.
  148. "S-sorry."
  149. >You really mean it too.
  150. >This is supposed to be fun, not hurt her.
  151. >Nevertheless, Luna picks up her speed, flying across your inches faster and faster, lips pulled taut around you.
  152. >Her tongue wraps around you, swirling.
  153. >Her mouth is one big party of suckling and licking and teasing.
  154. >Oh god, you're gonna pop!
  155. >Your timing was pretty precise and you notice your dick rumble, like water gushing through a pipe.
  156. >You spurt, uncontrollably, onto her awaiting tongue.
  157. >Ropes of warm, sticky seed get deposited again and again inside her.
  158. >She looks annoyed, but swallows the little dollops down, her swan-like neck bulging with the effort.
  159. >When you're finished, she pulls off and wipes her face with her hoof.
  160. >Then, nonchalantly, she gets up from her submissive position and returns to her seat.
  161. >Her milkshake has tipped over and the ice cream is pouring out.
  162. >So she snatches your lemonade and brings it to her lips, taking a triumphant sip.
  163. >Meanwhile, you sit there with a shit eating grin on your face and your spent cock in your lap.
  164. >Luna takes notice of all the pedestrians are staring in total disbelief.
  165. >Her face turns up in a scowl and she belts out her Canterlot voice again:
  166. >"MAY WE HELP YOU?!"
  167. >It's more of a threat than a question.
  168. >The ponies scatter, running full tilt away from the table.
  169. >She looks back at your and folds her hooves across her chest, a smug look on her face.
  170. >"Dost thou still think us a prude, Anonymous? Perhaps next time we shall have you pleasure us while the world watches."
  171. >You only have one thing to say.
  172. "You want another milkshake?"
  174. >"Dearest Anonymous,
  175. >"Please join us for dinner in Canterlot this evening.
  176. >"We are in the mood to eat out tonight. Bring your appetite."
  177. >"With Love,"
  178. >"Luna."
  180. >You have to admit you were surprised when you got an invitation from Luna.
  181. >You thought she'd still be mad at you.
  182. >Or at the very least wouldn't want to be seen with you for a bit.
  183. >And yet here you are, having dinner at a pretty swanky bistro in Canterlot
  184. >Ponyville is still recovering from your little escapade, so it's probably best to stick to Canterlot again, at least until the heat dies down
  185. >You have to admit, you feel a little awkward.
  186. >But it's nice to be on a date again so soon.
  187. >The distance was starting to get to you. Taking the train sucks dick.
  188. >Not your dick, though.That's Luna's job.
  189. >You're both seated on the restaurant's patio, which is separated from the street with a velvet rope.
  190. >Well-dressed ponies pass you on the street, all out for their evening strolls
  191. >Everypony who is everypony is out, just to be seen.
  192. >You can almost smell the money burning on your plate, but you could care less.
  193. >Luna even offered to pay, which was nice.
  194. >You aren't sure where all the attention is coming from, but you sort of like it.
  195. >Luna is sitting across from you, smiling politely, but not saying anything.
  196. >You finished your meals awhile ago, but she doesn't seem to be interested in leaving just yet.
  197. >You sip your wine, taking a nice long draw on the glass.
  198. >Once you finish, you wipe your mouth with your napkin.
  199. "You okay? You look zoned out."
  201. >She's blushing hotly, a bright pink forming on her dark blue coat.
  202. >She's sitting straight up, back almost uncomfortably pressed up against her chair.
  203. "Luna? Are you all right?"
  204. >"Nothing."
  205. >Her answer is rather quick and defensive.
  206. >In fact, it doesn't even make sense.
  207. "Luna, I asked if you were okay."
  208. >"Yes, it was delicious."
  209. >The fuck? You're a little worried to say the least. She doesn't sound drunk.
  210. "O-kaaay. Want to get going, then?"
  211. >Luna looks away from you, training her eyes anywhere but you.
  212. >She falls silent and bites her lip, letting your question die on the night air.
  213. >She begins to idly play with her hooves
  214. "Luna."
  215. >Suddenly Luna is pretending to be very interested in the salt shaker.
  216. >She starts to study it curiously.
  217. "Luna."
  218. >She sets it down and picks up the pepper shaker, just as intrigued.
  219. "Luna!"
  220. >"WHAT?!"
  221. >The restaurants patrons look over to your table, following the outburst.
  222. >All eyes in the dining room are now on you, including those of the wait staff.
  223. >Wll
  224. >You lean over the table, lowering your voice at her.
  225. "Would you like to leave now?"
  226. >She droops her head, looking down at her hooves.
  227. >"I cnfmt."
  228. "Pardon?"
  229. >"I'm wmft."
  230. "Luna. Do. You. Want. To. Leave?"
  231. >"I CAN'T!"
  233. >Again, all eyes in the restaurant pivot over to your table, all the conversation stopping.
  234. >You put your head down again, embarrassed.
  235. >She….can't?
  236. >What does that even mean?
  237. >Luna waves you over silently, asking you to come closer.
  238. >Intrigued as to what she possibly might mean, you get up from your chair, throwing your napkin on the table.
  239. >You walk around the table and she gets up momentarily, hooves behind her back.
  240. >You're hit with a smell unlike anything you've smelled before.
  241. >It smells like she bathed in some weird cologne.
  242. >You notice a spot on her chair is soaking wet and little droplets of moisture are running off.
  243. >It doesn't look like she pissed herself, the smell would be different, but.
  244. >Holy crap.
  245. >"I've been thinking about…us."
  246. >You look up from the chair to her, then back to the chair.
  247. >You did this?
  248. >Luna turns around to show you, and sure enough, her nethers are dripping with arousal.
  249. >You take her by the hoof, about to drag her out of there and get her back to the castle.
  250. >But her hoof takes your hand.
  251. >Her face, which has been worrisome and anxious up until this point, melts into the biggest smirk you've ever fucking seen.
  252. >"Anonymous…think you could help…calm me down?"
  253. >Something clicks in your brain as you remember the words, in that order.
  254. >Shit.
  255. >Her hooves take up residence on your shoulders, forcing you into a kneeling position right in front of her.
  257. >She spins around again, somehow managing to kick her hindlegs up onto your shoulders, using you to prop herself up and slide herself back.
  258. >It was an expertly laid trap. There were clues. You should have seen this coming.
  259. >It's not that you don't want to, but, holy shit she got you good.
  260. >Your face is an inch from her snatch and Luna looks back over her shoulder at you.
  261. >"Now, be a good boy and lick your princess."
  262. >You hear a clatter as the table nearest you drops their glass onto the floor.
  263. >A quick look around reveals not only has the restaurant grown to a standstill, but ponies on the street have stopped to gawk at you.
  264. >You aren't used to taking commands, but, you find it hard to resist her intoxicating aroma.
  265. >Not to mention the fact her pussy is shivering in anticipation,
  266. >You decide to give it a shot while you're still buzzed on red wine
  267. >You might regret it later, but pleasing Luna is high on your priority list.
  268. >With your nose, you rub against the inside of her thighs, poking dangerously close, but not quiet against her most intimate area.
  269. >You can her whine, enjoying the tease, but she throws her hips backward, pressing her mound even closer to your face.
  270. >She looks back at you with gritted teeth and stern eyes, her entire jawline growing tense. You even see a vein beginning to pop out on her forehead.
  271. >"I said, be a good boy and LICK!"
  272. >Oddly cowed, you nod and press your lips up against her snatch, giving it a quick kiss while your hand timidly begins to pet her flank.
  274. >But you decide to obey her commands, somewhere deep down oddly liking this outburst from Luna.
  275. >You lap gently around her folds, producing an audible hum from your date.
  276. >Her tail swishes back and forth above you as she wiggles her hips.
  277. >She's turned her face around to watch you, biting her lip to keep herself from gasping out in pleasure.
  278. >As if it would do you any good. The entire restaurant has grown to a complete standstill and people are getting up to leave.
  279. >Waitresses look to one another, silently asking each other if there's something they should do.
  280. >But what would it say about their restaurant if they kicked out a Princess of Equestia?
  281. >So they're sort of powerful the two of you from going at it.
  282. >"M-more."
  283. >The Night Princesses order is simple and you obey it, forcing your tongue into her honeypot, making shallow little dives into her.
  284. >She cries out on each one and even giggles from time to time.
  285. >Whether she's giggling in pleasure or just likes seeing you on your knees is the real question.
  286. >Two can play at this game.
  287. >It doesn't take you long to find her clit, which has started to wink with all the attention.
  288. >You zero in on it, making it the sole recipient of your attention.
  289. >Luna yelps and hold onto her chair for dear life, looking back at you in desperation.
  290. >"Y-yes! Anon, keep going!"
  291. >One of her legs begins to flex and jitter involuntarily as you assault the nub mercilessly.
  292. >You might have just found her Achilles Heel.
  294. >Your hands are now covering the half-moons on her hindquarters
  295. >You give one of them affectionate rubs while you deliver a quick slap to the other.
  296. >Luna gasps out in shock more than pain and looks at you lustily.
  297. >"Nmm! N-naughty."
  298. >She has the nerve to call you naughty? As you lick her out in front of a restaurant full of other ponies?
  299. >If you ever get her back to the castle you're going to pound her until her face fuses with the headboard.
  300. >For now though, you focus.
  301. >Luna whines with all your attention
  302. >Suddenly she's lost the ability to boss you around and gradually you take control of the situation again.
  303. >It was a valiant effort on her part, but you've found her weakness.
  304. >You practically torture her clit with your tongue, nibbling at it.
  305. >Luna is practically screaming for you.
  306. >"Ah! Anon! P-please!"
  307. >The restaurant is clearing out, with waiters moving flat against the wall.
  308. >Everyone seems content to give you a minimum safe distance
  309. >Ponies walking past the restaurant on the street see what's going on and either trot away hastily or look at one another in disbelief.
  310. >Hey, at least you and Luna are injecting some excitement into the town.
  311. >The more you tease at Luna's moist tunnel, the larger the trickle of nectar that spills out of her.
  312. >You press your tongue as deep as it can go, shoveling out morsels of wetness.
  313. >She's close, you can tell by the way her entire body is shivering and legs falter.
  314. >"Anon, don't sssssstop!"
  316. >You suppress the urge to laugh as she calls out for you.
  317. >You wouldn't dream of stopping now.
  318. >Teasing is fun, but you're certain she'd never forgive you if you did.
  319. >Stuffing her with your tongue, you search around inside, lapping out the moisture.
  320. >You're in store for a lot more of it, though, as Luna squeals in joy
  321. >Her dams burst and unleash a torrent of femcum.
  322. >It washes over your chin into your mouth, as you use her tongue to help her ride out climax.
  323. >Eventually, her body goes limp and her orgasm exhausts itself.
  324. >You stand, watching Luna twitch and spasm below you.
  325. >You look around to notice other ponies all red-faced, too interested to look away but obviously hiding your embarrassment.
  326. >Some frown, disappointed the fun is over and others because they don't want to be around when you both come to.
  327. >As your girlfriend sputters and moans bent over her chair, you pick her up and throw her over your shoulder.
  328. >Despite being an alicorn, she's surprisingly light.
  329. "Come on, Luna. Let's get you back to the castle."
  330. >She nuzzles your neck, burrowing into your shoulder, as if trying to hide inside you.
  331. >"T-thanks."
  332. "Did I do well?"
  333. >She doesn't answer right away. But you can hear two distinct hums one after the other.
  334. >"Mm-hmm. You please your Princess, Anonymous.
  335. >You chuckle.
  336. "Your sister is gonna kill me."
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