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- Thursday, February 19, 2015
- 4:10 PM - octavio: Heya Jewlander, I was wondering if you could help me out with something. One of your friends (Gummy the Third) scammed one of my friends out an unusual he asked to have her broker for her own personal gain. I hear this isn't the first time this has happened and I was wondering if you could help me out as to what to do next? According to my friend (Farus) she really looks up to you, which is why I decided to come to you.
- 4:11 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: Those are some pretty hefty acustations but sure, mind giving me some more specific on the scamming though?
- 4:13 PM - octavio: Alright, about 3 weeks back Farus gave her an unusual he uncrated to broker for him. The unusual in question is a Scorching Modest Pile of Scrap. Over the following month, she proceded to sell said unusual and use the buds she obtained for an unusual she wanted, a Sunbeams Bonkboy. The bonkboy is duped so somehow that makes it cheaper and more affordable, seeing as she obtained it for 13 buds, the price she received for the Modest Pile of Scrap.
- 4:13 PM - octavio: From what Farus has told me, ever since she's gotten the bonk boy she has stopped talking to him, ignoring his messages and what not.
- 4:14 PM - octavio: I can provide some screenshots if you want, showing that she had always had the intent of selling Farus' unusual for a sunbeams bonk boy.
- 4:14 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: That would be preferred
- 4:14 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: also she bought the sunbeams bonk she has now for 18.5
- 4:14 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: I helped her find one
- 4:15 PM - octavio: Ah, okay. Mentioned the 13 bud price point because that was what she offered on her outpost trade for it.
- 4:15 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: yeah she wanted to get one for that low but none are selling that low
- 4:15 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: also the bonk is clean
- 4:15 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: hmm
- 4:16 PM - octavio: Unfortunately, the only thing I have to offer as proof for this is the fact that in every trade she put up for the scammed unusual, there was a message offering to add for the bonk boy.
- 4:16 PM - octavio: 4:03 PM - octavio:
- 4:03 PM - octavio:
- 4:04 PM - octavio:
- 4:04 PM - octavio:
- 4:17 PM - octavio: After the last trade, which was for the bonk boy, she told Farus that she was in the process of selling the Bonk Boy in order to get more. Stating that it would be easier to sell the bonk boy in the future.
- 4:17 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: She just told me this upon me confronting her somewhat
- 4:17 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: 4:15 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: This is really confusing
- 4:15 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: A friend of your friend Farus added me
- 4:16 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: and is claiming you scammed farus out of the modest pile that you sold before
- 4:16 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: you were brokering it for him?
- 4:16 PM - ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: mhm
- 4:16 PM - ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: i talked it over with him
- 4:16 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: Why havent you paid him if that's the case? You told me you bought it
- 4:16 PM - ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: I sold the modest for pure, and am now going to sell the bonk for pure
- 4:16 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: Thought you bought the bonk to keep/upgrade to a GE KE with
- 4:17 PM - octavio: Unfortunately, Farus doesn't realize that taking screenshots as an extra precaution was a good idea, so all I can offer you is what he's told me.
- 4:17 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: You should ask Farus if he's ok with that and to take screenshots of her agreeing to sell the bonk boy for pure and then pay him back
- 4:18 PM - octavio: Alright, I'll paste the conversation over to him.
- 4:18 PM - octavio: Thank you for your help.
- 4:18 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: If you dont have screenshots of any previous agreements of her brokering etc though then there isnt much you can do report wise
- 4:18 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: they really need evidence these days
- 4:18 PM - octavio: I know, I warned him about this.
- 4:19 PM - octavio: Anyways, thank you for your help. Should something happen, may I come back to you for more help?
- 4:19 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: yeah, just ask him to do the above and screenshot the agreement
- 4:19 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: etc
- 4:19 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: definitely
- 4:19 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: I like gummy but she needs to learn that something like this isnt ok, she shouldnt have bought the bonk without asking Farus if he would be ok with that first
- 4:20 PM - octavio: I hear this isn't the first time she's done this.
- 4:21 PM - octavio: Everything I've heard is backed with no proof, but this happening leads me to believe that it may well be true.
- 4:21 PM - octavio: I'm unsure if she's already approached you about this, but this is a conversation she recently had with someone that she owes/
- 4:21 PM - octavio: Mr. GHOSTS: there's also the part of my big kill
- ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: calm down
- Mr. GHOSTS: "i can give you it on Wednesday most likely just calm calm"
- Mr. GHOSTS: its thursday
- ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: tomorrow
- ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: after school ill just ask jewlander if he can get one
- ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: then ill buy it off him paypal
- Mr. GHOSTS: if it's not tomorrow, i'm going to go ahead and file a steamrep report
- ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: calm
- Mr. GHOSTS: it is honestly absurd
- Mr. GHOSTS: you used mundy (regardless of whether or not you think he's a scammer), you used farus, and you used me
- ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: not using farus
- ☁Gummy The 3rd☁: or you
- Mr. GHOSTS: okay but you said you'd give me back my big kill like
- Mr. GHOSTS: back in december
- Mr. GHOSTS: it's halfway through february
- 4:22 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: She literally just approached me about that actually
- 4:22 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: and then asked me to buy her one for her birthday in a month :l
- 4:23 PM - octavio: I've learned not to trust her.
- 4:23 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: I like her but I really dont know about this, I havent known her too long and she often asks quite seriously for things from me
- 4:23 PM - octavio: I've permanently banned her from a server I manage for LazyPurple.
- 4:24 PM - octavio: She succesfully used me into banning someone she didn't like and used her sob story to get all the mods to side with her.
- 4:24 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: It's hard to hear all this when before I had no inkling of any negative aspect but I understand
- 4:25 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: I just told her this:
- 4:25 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: 4:24 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: Kinda surprised but if you can pay them all back then lesson learnt, I expect better from you though, really I do. We havent known each other for awhile but you seemed genuine when we met, dont take advantage of people like this when you totally could've bought one awhile back
- 4:25 PM - octavio: Thank you.
- 4:26 PM - octavio: I hope this all comes out smooth as gravy.
- 4:25 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: Same
- 4:26 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: I've been privy to having to deal with a somewhat similar situation, but I belive if she can muster it up to pay everyone back and learn from this then she'll be fine in the long run
- 4:26 PM - Jewlander - Nohlan Nohrth: emphasis on learning from this though after she pays Fumus and Ghosts back
- 4:26 PM - octavio: Just something I thought was worth noting that Ghosts had told me a bit earlier.
- 4:26 PM - octavio: 3:53 PM - Mr. GHOSTS: worth noting
- 3:53 PM - Mr. GHOSTS: months back she brokered a guy's 2 unusuals for him
- 3:53 PM - Mr. GHOSTS: it was an unusual taunt and some dumb hat
- 3:54 PM - Mr. GHOSTS: he wanted like 3~ buds for them and she used them as sweets when she got her time warp crone's
- 3:54 PM - Mr. GHOSTS: this was around.. october
- 4:27 PM - octavio: I hope she does pay them back as well.
- 4:27 PM - octavio: They're good friends of mine, i don't like seeing friends get scammed.
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