
Mommy's Little Superhero (Crack Pone part 2)

Aug 3rd, 2014
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  1. >You get a letter in the mail
  2. >It's from family services
  3. >Your apartment is now clean after a year
  4. >No needles or broken glass on the floor
  5. >still can't bring yourself to take your shoes off
  6. >Sit down on her side of the futon
  7. >Open that shit up
  8. >Read that shit up
  9. "Hello Anon, it appears you've passed te surprise inspections. With pleasure we are going to let you have custody of your Child. At 2:30 on April 5th you must pick it up from the train station"
  10. >You check date
  11. >April 5th
  12. >Check time
  13. >2:20
  14. >Ohshit.png
  15. >You get up and run
  16. >You haven't gone to this train station in so long
  17. >It aches just remembering where it is
  18. >You check your phone for time
  19. >2:34
  20. >Shitdamnit.avi
  21. >You can see the train already leaving
  22. >You finally get there
  23. >You look around in a panic
  24. >Nobody is there
  25. "FUCK!!"
  26. >You yell, thinking she must of been taken back for you not being on time
  27. >"...It's not nice to swear"
  28. >You hear a tiny voice
  29. >You look down
  30. >It had a blond mane and white coat, green eyes
  31. >It was like a little filly crack pone
  32. >For a moment you wonder if you put Crack Pone on that train as an adult and she possibly came back as a filly
  33. >This can't be right
  34. >Crack Pone had too many scratches on her and her mane had faded years ago
  35. >This had to be Trinity
  36. >Maybe out of pure coincidence she was a girl too
  37. >Looks like whatever has been giving you horrible luck for years now has finally given you a break.
  38. "...oh hello there"
  39. >She tilts her head a bit
  40. >"Who're you?"
  41. "I'm...I'm you're dad"
  42. >"no you're not, Francis is my dad"
  43. >Who the fuck is Francis
  44. >Oh right she was in a foster home for two years
  45. >You don't want to explain anything right now
  46. >It's cold
  47. >She is shivering
  48. "C'mon lets just go"
  49. >You start walking back home
  50. >She takes a while to start following you
  51. ____________________________________________________________________________________
  52. >You undo the multiple locks on the door as Trinity waits behind you
  53. >"Why so many locks?"
  54. >You think back trying to remember why yourself
  55. >Crack Pones paranoia while experimenting with meth maybe?
  56. >You've had all these locks for as long as you can recall
  57. >You answer her with a simple
  58. "I don't know"
  59. >You two walk in
  60. >She notices you keep your shoes on
  61. >"Shoes off in house!"
  62. "What?"
  63. >"Mommy and Daddy always say- wh-when I go in a house it's shoes off! You gotta take your shoes off!"
  64. "Why?"
  65. >"Those are the rules!"
  66. "Look...Trinity they're not you're mom and dad anymore okay? You don't live with them. I'm you're dad now and you live here."
  67. >"What?! But this place is so lame!"
  68. >She definitely has her mothers sass
  69. "You live with me now alright?!"
  70. >"Okay fine mister loud!"
  71. >This fuckin' kid tho
  72. >You think to Crack Pone and the theatre kids
  73. >You wonder how she won their affection so quickly
  74. "....H-How did you guess my name?"
  75. >What the hell are you saying
  76. >"You're name is Mister Loud?"
  77. "Y-yep. Y'know why?"
  78. >"Why?"
  79. "Cause .... A witch cursed me to always yell!"
  80. >Wtf are you saying bro this is so stupid
  82. >She's actually buying it?
  83. >You think to yourself for something to say
  84. "Um...oh yeah...I'm pretty sure there's a ghost here. Actually I'm positive"
  85. >"How are you so sure!?"
  86. >She looks so determined, you can't help but smile by how cute she's acting
  87. >You need to think of something else to say
  88. "Because...there's a ghost..."
  89. >"Where where?"
  90. ".....RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!"
  91. >"AAHH!!"
  92. >She turns around
  93. >Nothing but a door
  94. >She looks back up at you
  95. >You can't help but giggle a little
  96. >Holy shit she looks pissed
  97. >Ohshit.png
  98. >Did you fuck up?
  99. >Before you can apologize she starts laughing
  100. >He laugh is so contagious
  101. >You laugh along with her
  102. >First time you've laughed since that last day with Crack Pone
  103. >It almost feels like you're laughing with her again now
  104. ________________________________________________________________________________
  105. >Living with Trinity isn't always fun
  106. >You sleep on the futon now and pretty much gave Trinity yours and Crack Pones room
  107. >The fact she looks so much like Crack Pone makes it hard to look at her for so long
  108. >She's into the weirdest things
  109. >Once a day she goes "Ghost and Witch Hunting" in your apartment
  110. >"Anon! I read th-that ghosts mostly show up at 3 in the morning! Can I stay up and go ghost hunting please?!"
  111. "I don't know thats a bit la-"
  113. >Whatever, she;s going to fall asleep anyway
  114. "Alright fine."
  115. >"Aaah! Thank you anon!"
  116. >She doesn't call you dad, daddy, pops
  117. >She calls you by your name
  118. >You don't really mind
  119. >She's technically not your daughter anyway
  120. >"I need to get my ghost hunting equipment!"
  121. >She. Is. So. Loud.
  122. >She yells everything she says almost
  123. >She is like her mother in many ways
  124. >She is also very unlike her mother in many ways
  125. >She's timid around new people like Crack Pone
  126. >She's childish and mature in different situations
  127. >You see her go to yours and Crack Po-...her room and bring out obviously home made ghost hunting equipment
  128. >A toilet paper tube colored in with a marker
  129. >A piece of paper with the word "Ghost Camera" written on it
  130. >You find yourself watching her run around the apartment trying to find things to use as ghost equipment
  131. >You have to smile at this
  132. >"Um...Anon can I write on the mirror?"
  133. "What? Why?"
  134. >"C-cause I heard that if you write on a- on a mirror, a ghost will write back!"
  135. "Um...use a washable one at least"
  136. >"YAY YAY!!!"
  137. >She bounces up and down for a while
  138. >You can't help but chuckle to yourself
  139. >You're slowly getting a better idea of how Trinity acts and does things
  140. >She never asks about her real mom
  141. >She still thinks those two other assholes are her real parents
  142. >As long as she's here with you, you don't mind
  143. >You already made a promise to Crack Pone you'd take care of her
  144. >You'll fulfill this promise, no matter how painful it is to just look at her
  145. ___________________________________________________________________________________
  146. >Trinity had already fallen asleep within seconds
  147. >It was 12:30 at night and You thought you should get some sleep too
  148. >Trinity is curled up next to you on the futon covered in her equipment
  149. >You sigh and get up
  150. >You can't sleep with Trinity on here
  151. >You walk over and start carefully picking up her junk and putting it on the floor
  152. >Jesus most of these are just words on paper and little drawings
  153. >One of them catches your eye
  154. >"Infored Camra"
  155. >Jesus that spelling
  156. >It looks like it was drawn over something else
  157. >One of the papers was the letter from the family services
  158. >You looked at this paper however to see what was so familiar of it
  159. >You read the words behind the awful writing
  160. "...for every day of the week that you're my favorite man.."
  161. >....This was the note from Crack Pone
  162. >What once held her words is now crudely scribbled with cartoon ghosts and awful spelling
  163. >You drop everything
  164. >It must of made a lot of noise
  165. >Trinity's eyes open a little and she sits up
  166. >"Hm? Anon is it 3?"
  167. "...get out of here"
  168. >"Hm?"
  169. "I said get out of here!"
  170. >"what?! Why?! I didn't even do anythi-"
  171. "I SAID GET OUT!"
  172. >Her lip quivers a bit before she scowls at you
  174. >She rubs her eyes and runs to the door
  175. >She can't reach the doorknob yet
  176. >You see her trying to reach for it, making little squeaky crying noises
  177. >She eventually grabs hold of it and runs out the door, slamming it hard behind her
  178. ________________________________________________
  179. >You sit on the futon with your face buried in your hands
  180. "Oh my god...."
  181. >You slowly rub your hands down your face and look up at the door
  182. >You ponder for a moment what the fuck you just did
  183. >You ponder for a moment if she'd come back
  184. >You look to the note from Crack Pone in your hand
  185. "Damnit what would you do in this would you lighten things up..."
  186. >You sigh and look back to the door
  187. >You wait for 5 minutes for Trinity to come back
  188. >After waiting long enough you get up and grab your jacket
  189. >The snow is coming down softly tonight
  190. >Its not too cold but you can still see your breath
  191. "Trinity?!"
  192. >You yell out to her every so often but no reply
  193. >Nobody is out this time of the night
  194. >You walk past the arena and pause for a second
  195. >You look towards it remembering all the times you've walked here before
  196. >For the sake of looking in again you go inside
  197. >Without a doubt there was Trinity curled up in a little ball in the corner of the main room
  198. >Nobody else seemed to be around
  199. >Nobody comes here during the winter, its far too cold
  200. >You hear little sobs coming from her the closer you get
  201. >She looks up to you with big green bloodshot eyes
  202. >They look too much like..hers
  203. "...Lets go home Trinity"
  204. >She sniffles and rubs her nose
  205. >She nods a little
  206. >"O-okay daddy..."
  207. ___________________________________________________________________
  208. >You walk Trinity home
  209. >Neither of you talk to each other the whole walk home
  210. >You get inside your flat after unlocking the countless locks on the door
  211. >Trinity get inside before you and shakes kind of like a dog to get the snow off of her
  212. >Crack Pones words echo
  213. >"Do you think our daughter will like snow?"
  214. >You sigh and close the door behind you
  215. >Do up all the locks from habit
  216. >Keep shoes on
  217. >"What happened to my stuff?!"
  218. >You look to see Trinity looking at all the "equipment" you put on the floor
  219. >Part of you wants to play along and say a ghost did it
  220. >You decide instead to just send her to bed
  221. "Go to bed Trinity..."
  222. >"what? Why?"
  223. "Go to bed and I'll...uh...make you your favorite thing for breakfast"
  224. >"Can it be anything?!"
  225. "Whatever you want just go to bed please..."
  226. >She giggles, bounces a little and runs to her room
  227. >You sigh and rub your eyes from stress
  228. >You lie back on the futon
  229. >You reach under the futon to take Crack Pones pillow out and lay your head on it
  230. >You smile a bit before falling asleep
  231. >It still smells like her
  232. __________________________________________________________
  233. >You wake up to some crashing noises in the kitchen
  234. >You instantly sit up and jump off the futon and run to the kitchen
  235. >Trinity is on the counters looking through the cupboards
  236. >You smile a bit as you sneak up behind her
  237. >Her arms are both up in the cupboards as she searched, leaving her sides exposed
  238. >You quickle jab her sides with your finger tips and yell
  239. "BOO!"
  240. >"AAH!!"
  241. >She lets out a high pitch girly scream and jumps
  242. >She initially falls off the counter
  243. >Without missing a beat, you catch her and set her down on the floor
  244. >"wh- Anon! Why w-would you do that?!"
  245. "You shouldn't crawl on the counters you could fall"
  246. >"I don't care if I ff-fall!"
  247. >My god this kids sass tho
  248. >You finally ask
  249. "What were you doing anyway"
  250. >"I wanted some food I wa- I was hungry"
  251. "I said I'd make you somethi-"
  252. >"Well you were sleeping!"
  253. >Dear god why must she yell everything she says
  254. "I'll make you something now okay? I'm awake"
  255. >"Yeah its about freakin' time too!"
  256. >She goes over and jumps up on a chair
  257. >You haven't cooked a actual meal since that day
  258. >As you cook you see Trinity standing on a chair watching you boil water and mix in noodles
  259. "Trinity don't stand on that chair you'll break it"
  260. >She crosses her arms and keeps standing
  261. "If you don't get off that chair no ghosts will come out tonight"
  262. >Her eyes open wider and she instantly sits down
  263. >You grin a bit not expecting it to work
  264. >Finally the food is done and you place a bowl of Macaroni and Cheese in front of her
  265. >"What? Mac and Cheese for brea- for breakfast?"
  266. "Its all I'm good at making."
  267. >"Says who?"
  268. >The fuck does that even mean
  269. >She starts eating away
  270. >She's only a child so she's a messy eater
  271. >She seems to enjoy it very much
  272. >You sit there watching her enjoy her food
  273. >This is the longest your emotions have ever let you watch her
  274. >She looks up at you with cheese all over her mouth
  275. >"What're you lookin' at old man?"
  276. "Oh nothing you just remind me of someone thats all"
  277. _____________________________________________________________
  278. >Crack Pone holds little toddler Trinity by the waist and tosses her up in the air and catches her
  279. >Trinity is laughing
  280. >Horrible macaroni art and crayon drawings are taped on the walls
  281. >Little Trinity has on a costume style cape
  282. >You're just going to assume Crack Pone is making her daughter think she can fly
  283. >"ha ha! You're touching the sky Trinity!"
  284. >Trinity is squealing and laughing
  285. >Crack Pone stops throwing Trinity into the air to give her daughter a hug
  286. >"Ahh Trinity~ Mommy's little superhero~"
  287. >Trinity is too young to talk so all she says is "mamamama!"
  288. >Crack Pone walks over and sits on her side of the futon next to you
  289. >"Hello my favorite man~ "
  290. >She gives you a open mouth smile
  291. >Her teeth look healthier than usual
  292. >You smile back at her and give her a pet on the head
  293. "Crack Pone you had me worried, I though you weren't coming back!"
  294. >"Ha ha ha! Sheesh Anon you worry way too much!"
  295. >Your eyes open
  296. >Your head is resting on your hand as you sit at the kitchen table
  297. >You look around at your surroundings
  298. >No macaroni pictures anywhere
  299. >That has to be the first nice dream you've had in 4 years
  300. >But you'd rather have a nightmare
  301. >A dream like that is just cruel
  302. >Trinity is drawing pictures of ghosts and witches on a take out menu you had in the garbage
  303. >There was no more macaroni and cheese left in the bowl but there was cheese all over her face
  304. >You sigh wondering how long this little filly has been sitting there
  305. >She's the closest thing to "catching a break" you've got in years
  306. >and she's not even your child
  307. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
  308. >Trinity has lived with you for a year now
  309. >She only ever called you Daddy once
  310. >It doesn't faze you either way
  311. >You look at all the pictures of ghosts this filly has drawn
  312. >All of them are generic blanket looking ones
  313. >She's only a child but these drawings are terrible
  314. >You pick up these papers from the ground as you hear Trinity in the other room speaking literally every word she is thinking
  315. >Not speaking, yelling
  316. >"Oh no! My ghost radar is off the- off the charts!!"
  317. >This kid must be high
  318. >You pick up every single bit of paper from the kitchen tables, counters, floor
  319. >Every so often you look to Crack Pones note on the fridge, wondering what she'd be doing if she was here
  320. >And maybe if she was sober
  321. >Trinity runs into the kitchen and almost bumps into you
  322. >"My ghost detector says there's a ghost in here!"
  323. >My god this kids getting annoying
  324. "Trinity why do you like ghosts so much anyway?"
  325. >She doesn't answer
  326. >She runs around the room in a circle then runs back to the living room
  327. >You sigh and roll your eyes
  328. >After cleaning you go back to the living room and sit down on her side of the futon
  329. >You watch Trinity for a while as she runs in circles
  330. >You smile a bit
  331. "Trinity I think I saw one in your room"
  332. >"What re- what really?!"
  333. "Sure.."
  334. >She instantly boots it to her room
  335. >Its quiet for the first time in days
  336. >You notice you haven't cleaned the bathroom yet
  337. >You let out a groan and stand up
  338. >You knew there would be a message written on the mirror for a ghost that doesn't exist
  339. >You stumble to the bathroom with a broom
  340. >You get inside and fill up the sink with water that you'll use to wash off the marker on the mirror
  341. >You look up to the mirror and read the message
  342. >It is written in scribbled writing
  343. "Iz the gost of momy haunting this hous????"
  344. ______________________________________________________
  345. >Is this why she is so obsessed with ghosts?
  346. >She seemed into ghosts the first day she started living with you again
  347. >Ever since that day she has been running around the house trying to find any hint of paranormal activity
  348. >You never want to have a serious talk with Trinity but this is the time to do it
  349. >Trinity is drawing on the newspaper she must of stole from the next flat overs doorstep
  350. >The thought of Trinity sneaking over and stealing it made you giggle
  351. >You sit down on the futon and watch Trinity draw for a bit
  352. "Um Trinity can I ask you something?"
  353. >"What is it old man?"
  354. >She doesn't bother making eye contact with you
  355. >She just keep drawing what looks to be a..goblin maybe?
  356. "Are you...trying to find the ghost of your mom?"
  357. >"Mmm hm!"
  358. >shes still not looking over at you, just coloring and drawing
  359. "...You know about her?"
  360. >"Mmm no. I was- I was hoping I could make conta- I could make contact with her though! Then I cou- I could talk to her!"
  361. "...Oh..Okay"
  362. >She keeps coloring
  363. >"That no- that note on the fridge, is tha-is that from mommy?"
  364. >You never answered
  365. >You were too busy trying to understand her
  366. >She thought her foster parents were her real parents, how does she know about Crack Pone
  367. "...Who told you about Cra-..your real mother"
  368. >"That note! I ca-I can't read to good. But I ca-I can read some words!"
  369. "The one you drew on?"
  370. >She flinched a little expecting you to yell at her again
  371. >"... I could- I could only read a f-few though. Could you- could you read it to me sometime?!""
  372. >You let out a little sigh and nod
  373. >"...Can you read it- read it to me now?"
  374. "Sure Trinity..."
  375. >You get up and go to the kitchen to retrieve it
  376. _________________________________________________________________________________________
  377. >You walk into the kitchen
  378. >You can't read very well over where Trinity had drawn on it but the message was almost memorized
  379. >You walk back out and Trinity is sitting on the floor still drawing on newspapers
  380. >She looks up and sees you
  381. >She gives you a wide grin
  382. >She doesn't smile like her mother at all
  383. >You're actually relieved
  384. >You wouldn't be able to handle that
  385. >You sit down on Crack Pone's side of the futon and begin reading
  386. >Every 3 words Trinity asks a question
  387. >You keep telling her to let yourself finish
  388. >You finish the whole letter without shedding a tear
  389. >You've read it enough times for this not to happen anymore
  390. >"Oh! So mommy never died at all!"
  391. "Wh..what?"
  392. >"She's just at that ribab place!!"
  393. >Ribab? Rehab? What?
  394. >"When's she-when's she coming back daddy?"
  395. >Daddy?
  396. >Why's she calling you that now?
  397. >Why is it hitting you so hard all of a sudden
  398. >Beforehand it never fazed you
  399. >She called you daddy before
  400. >Is it the way she said it? So nonchalantly?
  401. >You try to get it out of your head for now and try and think of a delicate way to answer
  402. >You can't
  403. "I..I don't know..."
  404. >"Hey how come- how come I never hear about her?"
  405. "You never really ask, Trinity"
  406. >"Hmm...I guess you're right! I can't to meet her! What does she look like?! Is sh- is she tall?! Whats her m- whats her mane like?!"
  407. >She begins asking you so many questions about Crack Pone
  408. >As she asks your eyes start tearing up
  409. >You feel a lump in your throat
  410. >"Can she sing?! Ca-...Daddy?"
  411. >Oh god no
  412. >You notice the tears are coming out faster than you thought
  413. >You sniffle and rub your eyes
  414. >"Daddy whats wrong?! Are you sick?! Do you- do you need to go to the bat-bathroom?"
  415. "N-No I'm fine, Trinity I'm just hungry"
  416. >WhatthefuckamIsaying.jpeg
  417. >"I'LL GET YOU FOOD THEN!!"
  418. >You keep sniffling and rubbing your eyes
  419. >You hear some clatter in the kitchen
  420. >Trinity runs out with a bag of uncooked macaroni
  421. >You take it from her and smile
  422. "Thank you Trinity"
  423. _________________________________________________________________
  424. >Trinity's habit of asking about her mom stays the same
  425. >She only asks if you say anything remotely revolved around Crack Pone
  426. >She eats Mac and Cheese a lot
  427. >Either because its the only thing you make or because its something bigger than that
  428. >She still asks when Crack Pone is coming home
  429. >You still avoid answering her question
  430. >You know one day the excuse "I saw a ghost in your room" will only work for so long
  431. >You realize things about her over time
  432. >The way she acts and talks
  433. >How she repeats words so much and how she yells everything she says
  434. >You wish you remembered everything that doctor said about what happens when a drug addict gives birth
  435. >You wish you actually payed attention
  436. >You want to go ask a doctor about these things
  437. >She should be old enough to read by now but she still cant
  438. >Her obsession with the paranormal has stayed even though she knows-
  439. >Thinks
  440. >Her mom is still alive out there somewhere
  441. >In a way you want to believe that too
  442. >One thing is for certain
  443. >You need to tell a doctor or a mental health person about these things going on with Trinity
  444. "You'd know what to do..."
  445. >You mutter as you look to Crack Pones side of the futon
  446. >"Who're you talking to Daddy?"
  447. >You look down to see Trinity sitting on the floor eating raw instant noodles
  448. "Just..a friend"
  449. >"Oh is she- is she invisible?"
  450. >You can't hold back your chuckle
  451. >"What's so funny?!"
  452. "Nothing Trinity.."
  453. __________________________________________________________________________
  454. >Today is the big day
  455. >You tell Trinity you need to take her to the hospital
  456. >"Why do I gotta- gotta go?"
  457. "You need a check up"
  458. >"Why?"
  459. "Everybody gets them at least once every six months"
  460. >"Why?"
  461. "To see if anything is wrong with you"
  462. >"Why?"
  463. >Oh my god this child
  464. >You stop answering her out of sheer annoyance and put on your coat
  465. >She puts on a hat and her winter boots and you two step out
  466. >The snow is high up for Trinity because she's so tiny
  467. >She tries her best to walk
  468. >This all reminds you too well of the day you and Crack Pone walked to the hospital to see if Trinity would even happen
  469. >And there she is
  470. >Walking the same path you and her mother walked those years ago
  471. >The walk there isn't as painful because you've already done it before
  472. >You enter the hospital and is welcomed by a nurse
  473. >"Hello sir how may I help you?"
  474. "I'm wondering if I can talk to a doctor about my daughter"
  475. >"Of course one moment please"
  476. >You and Trinity sit in the waiting room together
  477. >She seems more shy and timid do to all these other dudes
  478. >She sits next to you in a chair as you wait for your name to be called
  479. >Her big green eyes look around
  480. "There are no ghosts here, sorry"
  481. >"Aww.."
  482. >You giggle right before a doctor calls you in
  483. >You walk with Trinity into the doctors office
  484. >Trinity sits down on the bed
  485. >The doctor comes in
  486. >Oh shit not this motherfucker
  487. >Its the doctor from before
  488. >He looks older
  489. >"Oh Anon! Hello!"
  490. "...Hey."
  491. >"Oh and who might you be?"
  492. >Trinity looks around nervously "I'm..Trinity"
  493. >"Trinity what a pretty name. Anon what is the problem with her? She looks fine! Is she your niece?"
  494. "No actually. She's my daughter."
  495. >"Did you break up with Crack Pone? Good for you, no good would come of it anywa-"
  496. "No. This is her daughter too."
  497. >This dense fucker needs a smack in the jaw
  498. >"Wh- there's no way..."
  499. "Can I talk to you in the other room?"
  500. _______________________________________________________
  501. >You and the doctor go into the other room and talk
  502. >"Anon how could you have a child with Crack Pone?"
  503. "Look just answer my god damn questions"
  504. >"How did Crack Pone survive the birt-"
  505. "Listen here you little shit, I just need you to answer my fucking questions okay?"
  506. >"Oh fine jeez"
  507. "Trinity...I don't know what it is about her, she's kinda bratty and has an unruly obsession with the weirdest things...She doesn't talk right, she repeats words within sentences and still can barely ready. She's always yelling a-"
  508. >"Ah ha! Ah ha! I knew it!"
  509. "What?!"
  510. >"I knew there would be something wrong with this kid! I was right, I always am"
  511. >You want to punch this god forsaken doctor right in the throat
  512. >You almost do
  513. "Do you know whats wrong with her?"
  514. >"It'll only get worse overtime y'know. You should have listened to me-"
  515. "What do you mean?"
  516. >"The speaking problem, the reading, everythin' man. But anyway like I was sayi-"
  517. "WHAT!? What else could happen?! She wont...die or anything will she?"
  518. >"Die? No. As I was saying, no one ever listens to me and I'm a-"
  519. "What's going to happen to her?"
  520. >"To who?"
  521. "MY DAUGHTER!"
  522. >"Oh right her. Yeah whats going to happen is her speaking will get pretty sucky and over time she'll gradually forget things. Teach her how to read, but she'll forget it."
  523. " many things will she forget?"
  524. >"Sheesh I don't know man. It could be little things like if she left the fridge door open or not or it could be big things like entire days. I think its called all-timers but for young people"
  525. "You mean alzheimer's?"
  526. >"I guess."
  527. "But how can a child have that?!"
  528. >"Have? She doesn't HAVE it yet she will GET it. Check your grammar."
  529. >You can't talk to this asshole anymore
  530. >You turn and leave the room
  531. >The doctor follows you asking if you need anything else
  532. >You ignore him
  533. >You pick up Trinity
  534. >You carry her out the door
  535. >She continuously asks "Whats going on?! Hey what are- what are you doing?"
  536. _________________________________________________________________________________
  537. >You put Trinity down and keep walking
  538. >"Daddy what's wrong why can't I get a check up?"
  539. "Because that doctor is a fucking idiot and doesn't know anything!"
  540. >"It's not nice to swear"
  541. >You stop walking for a second
  542. >Thats the first thing you ever heard her say
  543. >Your eyebrows scrunch up and you look around frustrated
  544. "Aagh!"
  545. >You just keep walking
  546. >As you two walk you notice Trinity take off her hat and carry it on her back
  547. "Trinity keep your hat on please"
  548. >"Um..No!"
  549. "I wasn't asking. Put it on"
  550. >"Make me!"
  551. >Holy shit this child
  552. >You grab the hat off her back
  553. >She freezes up and looks up at you
  554. >You two make eye contact
  555. >Trinity glares and starts running
  556. >You chase after her
  557. "Get back here!"
  558. >"NEVEEEERR!!"
  559. >She must think this is a game
  560. >You keep running faster and faster
  561. >The snow must be slowing her down
  562. >She's at arms reach
  563. >You see her turn her head to look at you
  564. >The moment she sees how close you are she lets out a loud squeal followed by a fit of laughter
  565. >You finally catch her
  566. "Gotcha!"
  567. >She is laughing so hard as she tries her pathetic attempt to get out of your grasp
  568. >"Oh nooo- mmph!"
  569. >You shove the hat on her head over her eyes
  570. >She's still giggling
  571. >You don't put her down to avoid her running off again
  572. >Trinity fixed her hat so she can see and finally stops laughing
  573. " you like the snow Trinity?"
  574. >"Yeah I d- I do!"
  575. "That's good. You're mother did too."
  576. >She did a happy giggle as you kept walking and carrying her
  577. >Crack Pone was light and there was surprisingly a small difference between Trinity and Crack Pones weight
  578. >"I can walk"
  579. "..I know."
  580. __________________________________________________________________________________
  581. >You come home to this flat
  582. >You don't take off your shoes but Trinity does once you've put her down
  583. >"Is it okay i- is it okay if I eat some instant noodles?"
  584. "I dunno we might have supper soon"
  585. >"Please dad? Pleeeeeeaaaa-"
  586. "Okay fine"
  587. >"Yay yay yay yay yay!"
  588. >You sit down on the couch and think about what things the doctor said
  589. >God that doctor was such a shit faced cunt
  590. >You let out a sigh hearing all the clattering going on in the kitchen
  591. >The phone suddenly rings
  592. >You look over to a pile of drawings she has done
  593. >All of them ghosts
  594. >Big fucking surprise
  595. >Trinity skips back into the room with a baggy of instant dry noodles
  596. "...Trinity you wanna get out of here?"
  597. >Trinity tilts her head at you
  598. >"Why?"
  599. "I dunno...this town is full of idiots who know nothing..."
  600. >"But what if mom comes back while we're gone?"
  601. >You don't respond
  602. >You just sit there watching her eat her dry noodles
  603. ____________________________________________________________-
  604. >You're not sure what to do anymore
  605. >You notice Trinity forgetting things more often than not
  606. >She constantly forgets where she puts things
  607. >She constantly forgets making new ghost equipment
  608. >She's more into witches now than ghosts
  609. >Either way she has made at least 8 "Witch Tracking Devices"
  610. >You'd tell her she already made one and she would just tell you you're a liar
  611. >You sit on the floor with her watching her color
  612. >She's colouring on the envelope child support sent one of their checks in
  613. >For the first year they'll send you money
  614. >This was the last one
  615. >You start to wonder if you'll have to go back to your old job
  616. >Who would watch Trinity
  617. >You remember when Crack Pone was with the children in the theater
  618. >They probably don't even remember her
  619. >They would probably let you take her with you since they let you bring Crack Pone last time
  620. >Either way you couldn't leave her with a baby sitter, they'd tell her too many things about her mother
  621. >Crack Pone had a reputation in this town
  622. >Everyone thought she just OD'd one day and died
  623. >You still haven't told Trinity Crack Pone had died yet
  624. >You know you'll have to tell her sooner or later
  625. >You just didn't know how
  626. ____________________________________________________________________________
  627. >You sit back and keep watching her draw
  628. >You’re not gonna bother seeing what it is
  629. >You already know it’ll be a witch or a goblin
  630. “Um...Trinity can we talk for a second?”
  631. >”sure whats- whats up pops?”
  632. “can we talk about your mother for a moment?”
  633. >”Sure! Can you answer m- can you answer my questions?”
  634. “of-...of course”
  635. >”What is sh- what is she like?”
  636. “She was like you in a lot of ways. She didn’t have so much sass as you though”
  637. >She giggled a bit
  638. “She ate a lot of macaroni and cheese-“
  639. >”Just li- just like me!!”
  640. “Ha...yeah... every time I cooked for her she would request macaroni and cheese. Your mother would watch a lot of those shows on the tv about mares with too many kids. She always wanted to have a child. Its almost all she talked about. She’d lie on my lap and I’d rub her back and she’d talk about what kind of kid we would have. To be honest...I never knew we would have one”
  641. >”Why i- why is that?”
  642. “’re mommy was very sick and doctors would tell me she would never have a kid”
  643. >You paused for a moment and cleared your throat to avoid saying the next bits of your story
  644. “ you are.”
  645. >”Mommy would talk about me?! What kinda stuff?!”
  646. “heh...Y’know what I think she thought you were going to be a superhero of all things”
  647. >This made Trinity laugh and fall back
  648. “I know I laughed a bit too. She would talk about how you’d be an athlete, or a dancer even...every day she would rub her stomach with you inside of it and she’d mutter a few words”
  649. >”what’d she say?! Maybe I heard her!”
  650. “She would say that she can’t wait to see you...and that she would be such a great mother...and she would have..”
  651. >"Wo-would have? Daddy don't you mean she WILL be when she comes back?!"
  652. _________________________________________________________________-
  653. >You don't know what to answer her with
  654. >How do you tell a kid its mother has been dead the moment she was born
  655. "Trinity..before I tell you this I just want you to're mother loved you before you were even born hell I think she loved you before she was even pregnant with you..."
  656. >Trinity smiles a wide grin and blushed a bit
  657. >She giggled a lot at this
  658. "But...she's not coming home..."
  659. >Trinity nodded
  660. >"That's okay Daddy, we can j- we can just go visit her instead!"
  661. "That's...not what I mean, Trinity..we can't go see her either"
  662. >"Wh- why not?! That's awfully rude of those p- those people at the rehab!"
  663. >Jesus she's not making this shit easy
  664. "Ugh..Trinity...she's dead"
  665. >"...o-oh..."
  666. >Trinity sits for a long time, not moving or saying anything
  667. >She looks around for a moment as she gathers her thoughts
  668. >This isn't the reaction you expected from her
  669. >You thought she would cry horribly or yell at you
  670. >Suddenly she does something you never expected
  671. >She looks back to you
  672. >Her eyes are sagged from how late it has gotten
  673. >Then she does it
  674. >A weak smile
  675. >"Its okay d- its okay dad. I can j- I can just talk to her ghost."
  676. __________________________________________
  677. >You can't seem to see if Trinity is getting worse or not...
  678. >You're biggest fear with Crack Pone happened
  679. >Would your new biggest fear regarding Trinity happen?
  680. >Would she forget you one day?
  681. >You tell yourself that is impossible
  682. >Trinity isn't the kind of pony to forget things so big
  683. >She can remember the fact you told her the flat is haunted
  684. >She can remember where she put her baggies of dry instant noodles after putting them down
  685. >She couldn't forget you
  686. >Could she forget other people though?
  687. >You stand at the oven boiling noodles for her
  688. >She is patiently waiting at the table
  689. >"Macaroni macaroni macaroni~"
  690. >She is singing some made up song about macaroni and cheese now
  691. >Naturally she's yelling every lyrics
  692. >The thought floods your mind of all the things that she could forget
  693. >Why can't you keep your mind to things like "She could forget putting on a hat before playing in the snow", "She could forget if she bought herself new markers or not"
  694. >Why do you have to think "She could forget things about her mother" "She could forget that she loves macaroni and cheese" "She could forget how to read and write"
  695. >You shake your head trying to get the thought out of your head
  696. >It keeps coming back
  697. >"I love mac- I love mac- I love macaroni a- I love macaroni and i- it and- an- and it loves meeee!"
  698. >You stop breathing for a moment
  699. >You've never heard her stutter that bad before
  700. >At least you know now
  701. >If she's getting worse or not
  702. ______________________________________________
  703. >Trinity spends her days colouring and ghost hunting
  704. >However you were right, her memory is slowly getting worse
  705. >You wonder to yourself how many things she is going to forget
  706. >Day by day she forgets simpler things
  707. >You tell her the time
  708. >10 seconds later she asks for it again
  709. >You tell her
  710. >10 minutes later she asks again
  711. >You tell her
  712. >It just keeps repeating really until you finally tell her it doesn’t matter and to just go play
  713. >Despite all the things she forgets she is still Trinity
  714. >She still spends her days ghost hunting in your little flat
  715. >She still writes different questions on the mirror
  716. >Some nights you’ll write a reply in the best 2spoopky4me writing you can
  717. >Those mornings you wake up to her screaming in delight
  718. >You need to go back to work today
  719. >Trinity is excited to go play with other kids for once
  720. >You explained to her why its important that if anyone asks about her mother she doesn’t answer
  721. “You can’t answer any questions about your mother”
  722. >”Why ca- why c-c- why can’t I?”
  723. “Because...because everyone would be jelous that you have a ghost mom unlike them”
  724. >What a fucking lie
  725. >You feel like you’re insulting Crack Pone just by saying that
  726. >But Crack Pone was able to call herself a witch to a bunch of fillies and foals so you don’t feel so bad
  727. __________________________________________________________________-
  729. >Trinity walks slightly in front of you as you two walk to your work
  730. >It feels a little nice going back to work
  731. >You know kids aren't as sadistic as they look in media so you don't expect any of those kids to pick on Trinity despite her obvious speech problem
  732. >Trinity's peppy attitude is contagious
  733. >You can't help but smile and skip with her
  734. >You probably look gay as fuck right now
  735. >You don't care
  736. >When the theater came into view you heard Trinity make a happy high pitched sound
  737. >She begins dashing towards it
  738. "Trinity wait!"
  739. >"Y-You- you too- you're t- you're too sl- you're too slow o-old old- old ma- old man!!"
  740. >She keeps running
  741. >You just chase her
  742. >You catch up to her but don't grab her like you would usually do
  743. >Right now you and Trinity are just running
  744. >You two laugh together as you continue your unspoken agreement to have a race to the theater
  745. >You're just gonna pretend Trinity is beating you tho
  746. "Trinity why're you so fast?!"
  747. >She laughs even harder right now
  748. >Until she smacks into the theater door
  749. _________________________________________________
  750. >Trinity falls back and lands on her plot
  751. >Holy shit your sides
  752. "T-Trinity are you okay?"
  753. >You can barely speak from how hard you're laughing
  754. >Trinity turns to you with an angry face
  755. >It goes away almost instantly as she bursts into laughter with you
  756. >You two stand there laughing like idiots for the longest time
  757. >You clear your throat and rub the tears from your eyes
  758. >Tears from laughter?
  759. >You haven't had these in a long time
  760. >The last time you had them was with her
  761. >And now they're coming again but with...Trinity
  762. >You smile down at your daughter
  763. >She is still laughing despite the pain in her mussel from banging into a solid wood door
  764. >You open that solid wood door and head inside the theater
  765. >You and Trinity are instantly welcomed by another new acting group
  766. >They had only a few children however
  767. >Trinity hid behind your leg and you could tell she was a little nervous
  768. >"Hey who're you? Are you an actor?" one foal asks
  769. >" my name- my na- my name is- my name is Trinity"
  770. >Everybody laughs, even the adults
  771. >"Oh uh- No I'm n- nn- no I'm n- noot an actor"
  772. >Everybody laughs again
  773. >You'd scold them all for laughing at her if it wasn't for the fact Trinity suddenly started laughing with them
  774. >You tell Trinity to go play with the children
  775. >As you sweep part of you keeps expecting to hear Crack Pone scream "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE" and run past you with a stampede of children chasing her
  776. >You laugh a little thinking of how ridiculous she acted around those children
  777. >She told them she'd come back and see them or at least show them Trinity
  778. >In a way she carried out her promise
  779. >You could hear Trinity yell out "R-RO- Rome- Romeo oh R-Rom-Romeo!"
  780. >Are they acting out a scene?
  781. >You wonder for a while if Trinity would be an actor
  782. >You shake your head to ignore the thought
  783. _______________________________________________________
  784. >Trinity is acting out a short play with a few other fillies and colts as you're getting ready to leave
  785. >You motion for her that you two need to go
  786. >She sits down and crosses her arms
  787. >This stubborn child tho
  788. >You walk over to her
  789. "Now Trinity."
  790. >She shakes her head and looks the other way
  791. "Ugh fine...Trinity if we go home now....I'll let you eat Macaroni And Cheese for breakfast and supper tomorrow"
  792. >Her big ears perked up
  793. >You could see for a split second she wanted to get up but she was far too stubborn to give in that fast
  794. >You sigh in frustration
  795. "Fine then Trinity...What do I have to go to get you to come home"
  796. >"...I want M- I wa- I wan't m- I- I w-"
  797. "You want macaroni and cheese? I thought I already o-"
  798. >"AND! And I- A- A- and I wa- and I wa- I w- I wan- I wa-"
  799. >You can tell now she's getting frustrated with her speech problem
  800. >Its gotten so much worse
  801. >"I w- I wa- I- AAAAAAGH!!"
  802. >She falls onto her back and starts kicking the air
  803. "I'll get you whatever you need Trinity lets just go home..."
  804. >she sits up and nods with tears in her eyes
  805. >She looks up at you and reaches up to you with both hoofs
  806. "You...want me to carry you? Is that what you wanted?"
  807. >She nods with a pouting expression
  808. >You sigh with a little grin and pick her up
  809. "You're gonna be getting to old for this y'know"
  810. >She's so much like her mother
  811. >She loves being carried, but would never admit it
  812. >She wraps her arms back around your neck
  813. >You have one arm around her torso and the other keeping her up
  814. >Her chin rests on your shoulder with her arm draped around the other one
  815. >She is so much like her mother
  816. >So much like her mother
  817. _________________________________________________________________________________________-
  818. >You are sitting with Trinity on the futon
  819. >Trinity is sitting on Crack Pones side, cramming her face with Mac and Cheese
  820. >She's watching TV
  821. >Some crappy kids cartoon
  822. >She enjoys it though so you don't change the channel
  823. >She is shoveling macaroni and cheese into her mouth and is being so messy with it
  824. >You'll have to trick her into taking a bath later
  825. >God fucking damnit this child
  826. >"d-d-d-a-da-dad?"
  827. "Yes, precious?"
  828. >"d-d-do y- you- do you- do you mm-mmi-miss m-m--mom?"
  829. >You tilt your head a bit, totally confused
  830. "Why do you ask?"
  831. >"I-is it wh- is it wh-why y-you al- you always l-look s-sad?"
  832. "I always look sad?"
  833. >She nods
  834. >The whole time she's talked to you she had her eyes glued to the TV
  835. "I shouldn't miss her too much...there's a chance she isn't a ghost but...y'know I still see her"
  836. >"S-see h-he- see her?"
  837. "I guess...I see her in you, in the way you look and act...I see her hoof prints on the fridge door or I'll find a strand of hair on one of her pillows...she's in my thoughts and she's in you I suppose..."
  838. >Trinity is probably too young to understand what any of that really means
  839. >She keeps eating her macaroni
  840. >You sigh again and look back to the tv
  841. >Then, without warning you hear her tiny voice say
  842. >"I love you daddy."
  843. >For a moment you're shocked by the fact she said a sentence without stuttering
  844. >The moment after it shocked you the fact that she actually said I love you
  845. >You never really gave it any thought if she loved you or not
  846. >You kept looking at her wondering if she suddenly got over her speaking problem
  847. >Really? Just like that?
  848. >She looks to you
  849. >"Wh- what're y- what're st- staring ol- old- staring at old- old man?"
  850. >You sigh for a third time
  851. "...Nothing Trinity..."
  852. _________________________________________
  853. >You remember the other night more often than not
  854. >She said I love you to you
  855. >You never replied
  856. >You and Crack Pone told each other you loved one another even before you started living together
  857. >Nothing formal just a simple "I love ya man!"
  858. >Crack Pone was so Peppy back then before you two lived together
  859. >Meanwhile Trinity is a little on the bratty stubborn side
  860. >You can't help but love her though
  861. >Is it the way she acts or the way she looks so much like Crack Pone?
  862. >You're not sure
  863. >All you know for sure is that you need to take care of her
  864. >For Crack Pone and yourself
  865. >You sigh and stretch, deciding its just about time to make some food for yourself and Trinity
  866. >She is sitting on the floor like always, doing what she always does
  867. >You smile, admiring her for a while
  868. >She's pretty fuckin' cute tho
  869. >She does something you haven't seen her do before
  870. >She quickly lifts her head and looks around confused
  871. >Maybe she thinks she saw a ghost
  872. >You brush it off as nothing and go to the kitchen
  873. >You splurged a little and was able to buy some canned spaghetti
  874. >You put it in the pot and start cooking
  875. >You look behind you
  876. >Trinity isn't there
  877. >Thats odd, she always follows you to the kitchen when you go in
  878. >That filly loves to eat
  879. >You decide to go check on her
  880. >You go back to the living room
  881. >Trinity is still looking around confused
  882. "Trinity you don't want any canned spaghetti?"
  883. >"...h-how- ho- ho- h- how'd I - h-how- how'd i g- i get here?"
  884. >....what?
  885. "What do you mean Trinity you've been sitting here all day."
  886. >"I h- I ha- I have?"
  887. "Y-yeah...Trinity are you okay?"
  888. >"h-huh? Y-Yeah A- yeah a- y- yeah Anon, I- I'- I'm f- I'm fine!"
  889. ______________________________________________________________________________
  890. >Anon? Why is she calling you anon all of a sudden
  891. >In a way she only recently started calling you dad/daddy
  892. >Did you say something to her to make her change her mind
  893. >Had she simply...forgotten that she was calling you daddy instead of your name?
  894. >You sit there on Crack Pones side of the futon and watch your child sitting on the floor drawing
  895. >She still had spaghetti sauce on her face
  896. >You can't manage to grin at that today
  897. >You're far too worried
  898. >You wait for her to do it again
  899. >For her to lift her head and wonder what she's doing in a different room
  900. >She's been doing it all day
  901. >Every time she does it you get a little heart attack
  902. >You know from her mental illness school is out of the question
  903. >You don't mind however
  904. >Having her in this flat with you makes things less empty and boring
  905. >You ponder for a while what to do about all this
  906. >Before you can think of any solutions or even options you realize its getting late
  907. "Trinity don't you think its time for bed?"
  908. >She looks up at you
  909. >She must know her speaking problem has climaxed and she can barely do any scentences, so she shakes her head to say no
  910. "Trinity I can tell you're tired"
  911. >She shakes her head
  912. >She instantly stands up to get a head start on running away
  913. "I'm not playing around Trinity. You need to go to bed now"
  914. >She sighs and lowers her head and sits back down
  915. >She then reaches up to you
  916. >You smile and pick her up and carry her to her room
  917. >You lay her down and put a blanket over her
  918. >She snuggles into her blanket and is out like a light
  919. >Jeez that didn't take long
  920. >You stay sitting by her bed
  921. >She looks so peaceful
  922. >She reminds you of how Crack Pone looked when she slept
  923. >You can't bring yourself to brush her hair from her face though
  924. >That's something you could only do for Crack Pone
  925. >It wouldn't feel right doing it to anypony else
  926. >Even your daughter
  927. >Your eyelids feel heavy
  928. >You're more tired than you thought
  929. >You eventually fall asleep
  930. _______________________________________________________________________
  931. >You wake up
  932. >You look over and notice you're in your old bed
  933. >You half expect so roll over and see Crack Pone lying next to you
  934. >It takes a while to remember...
  935. >...she's not around anymore
  936. >Trinity isn't there where you put her
  937. >You get up and stretch a little
  938. >You stand up and walk to the living room where you expect to find her sitting down drawing on something that isn't paper
  939. >She is there
  940. >She is not drawing
  941. >She is looking around confused
  942. >She must have forgotten where she is
  943. "Are you okay Princess?"
  944. >"...who- wh- who a- who a- who ar- who are you?"
  945. >.....
  946. "...Wh-..what?"
  947. >"W- wh- wh-whe-where a- am- where am I?"
  948. "This...Trinity this is your home, its're dad"
  949. >"N-n-nn-no yo- you're n-not. Fr-Fra-Franc-Francis is m- Francis is my- my dad."
  950. "Wh- no! No I'M your dad! You've been calling me dad for months!"
  951. >She isn't listening
  952. >She's looking around at her surroundings
  953. >Dear god it has happened
  954. >You look around trying to find something that can make her remember
  955. >It hits you
  956. >Her drawings
  957. >You instantly run around the house
  958. >Try as you may you can only find a few of them
  959. >Damnit why did you have to through them away
  960. >You take ones off the fridge
  961. >You take some out of the garbage
  962. >You take some from her dressers and everything
  963. >You run back to the living room
  964. >She is sitting on the floor
  965. >You instantly sit down across from her and put the pile of drawings down
  966. >You pick up one
  967. >It looks kind of like a drawing of you and her but as ghosts
  968. >Figures
  969. "See this? You drew this! This is me...and this is you, see?"
  970. >She stares for a while and tilts her head
  971. >You put that one down and pick up another
  972. >It looks like just a bunch of witches
  973. "See you drew this too!"
  974. >"Wh- wh- wha- what ar- what are th- what are they?"
  975. "Th- they're witches! remember?! When you first came to this flat I told you witches live here!"
  976. >She takes the picture from you and looks at it for a while
  977. ___________________________________________________________________________________
  978. >You show her another and another
  979. >None of them jog her memory
  980. >You get to the last one
  981. >Its a horrible drawing of you as a ghost, Trinity as a ghost and...Crack Pone as a ghost
  982. >You instantly show it to her
  983. "See this? YOU drew this! This is me..Thats you...and this is your mother!"
  984. >"J-J-je-jen?"
  985. "Damnit no! Crack Pone is your mother! Not Jen! I'M your father! Not Francis! Please remember Trinity! You called me daddy and said you love me! Trinity you have to remember please!"
  986. >You feel like you're about to cry
  987. >Is this worse than losing her?
  988. >She has forgotten...everything
  989. >Could it get worse than this?
  990. >If this is as bad as it can get, you're okay with that
  991. >She's still Trinity
  992. >She's still the daughter of your beloved Crack Pone
  993. >You just need to remind her somehow
  994. >somehow...
  995. _________________________________________________________
  996. >You sit down and watch Trinity draw
  997. >This reminds you more
  998. >She's still Trinity
  999. "What's that?"
  1000. >You point to something she's drawing which is obviously a witch
  1001. >'a w-wi-wi-w-a witch"
  1002. "Really?"
  1003. >She nods and keeps drawing
  1004. "Does she have a name?"
  1005. >She shakes her head
  1006. "How about we name her?"
  1007. >She shakes her head again
  1008. >Nice try anon
  1009. >You hear a knock at the door
  1010. >You get up and check on the little hole to see who it is
  1011. >You can't see correctly so you open it up
  1012. >A stallion is dressed in a suit
  1013. >"Hello sir, I am from child protective services. May we have a word with you?"
  1014. >Who the fuck is this asshole?
  1015. "What's the problem?"
  1016. >"We hear word you are raising a heroin child and you haven't let her leave your home."
  1017. >Where the fuck are they getting this shit to
  1018. "Excuse me?
  1019. >"A woman has called us saying she has heard rumors that you are harboring drug addicts here? We went to the womans house and her child has told us she knew you daughters mother. Is your wife home? Could we speak to her?"
  1020. >What the fuck that was years ago
  1021. >Did one of the acting people recognize Trinity as Crack Pone's child?
  1022. "Excuse me but there are no drugs in this house, my wife has passed so you'll have to deal with me instead."
  1023. >Wife...
  1024. >"Just let us have a look, talk to your child and we'll be out of your way"
  1025. >You still don't let him in
  1026. >He peeks over to see Trinity drawing
  1027. >"Is this her?"
  1028. "Yes that's my daughter and as you can see she is fine. Now leave us alone."
  1029. >"Just let us talk to her. If there is nothing wro-"
  1030. "I said leave us alone! We are fine!"
  1031. >"A-an-ano-ano-an-ano-anon, wh-who-who- wh-who is- anon who- who i- is a- at th- the--"
  1032. >She gives up halfway through
  1033. 'I-its nobody princess"
  1034. >The stallion at the door arches an eyebrow
  1035. >"...Anon huh?"
  1036. "Look its not what you think! She was calling me daddy and everything just a while ago!"
  1037. >"Sir, let me in please."
  1038. ___________________________________________________________________________
  1039. "...No"
  1040. >"Sir I am aski-"
  1041. "Do you want me to call the police? You're invading my property"
  1042. >"...Fine then. I'll come back with a warrant"
  1043. "Fine."
  1044. >You close the door on his face
  1045. >You turn to see Trinity sitting on the floor looking up at her
  1046. >You give her a smile in a way to tell her everything is okay
  1047. >But its not
  1048. >You can't let them take Trinity away
  1049. >She's all you have right now
  1050. >You know for one thing, her calling you by your name isn't helping
  1051. >You remember she forgot your name for a while but only moments ago she remembered it again
  1052. >You don't beleive in god, but you wonder if that was him putting mercy on you, giving you a sign her memory could come back
  1053. >Could it come back within the right amount of time though?
  1054. >You sit down across from Trinity and try and think of a reason for you two to leave this flat long enough for the child service dude to think you left forever
  1055. "...Hey Trinity wanna go to the theater?"
  1056. >Such a lie, you knew you weren't gonna take her there ever again
  1057. >"I j-j-ju-I jus- I just wa- I just wa- draw"
  1058. "You just wanna draw?"
  1059. >She nods
  1060. "...alright then..."
  1061. >...
  1062. "...You wanna come with me to the store to buy you some new ghost equipment?"
  1063. >she shakes her head again
  1064. "I guess I have no choice..."
  1065. >You simply sit there and watch her draw
  1066. >an hour later you hear another knock at the door
  1067. ____________________________________________________________________
  1068. >You get up, fix your hair and dust off your pants
  1069. >You walk to the door and very slowly open it
  1070. >Your moments with Trinity could be coming to an end
  1071. >You two...just started becoming a real father and daughter
  1072. >You've told yourself over and over she isn't really your child
  1073. >Maybe she is
  1074. >She may not have come from you but she called you daddy at least a few times
  1075. >She even told you she loved you
  1076. >You never tail I love you back however
  1077. >Why didn't you?
  1078. >You feel the need to say it now
  1079. >You don't
  1080. >You open the door welcome the child protection service stallion inside your home
  1081. >He isn't welcome but you act like it
  1082. "...would you like a drink? I might have some coffee"
  1083. >"I'd just like to talk to little Trinity"
  1084. "She has a speaking problem you might no-"
  1085. >"I'm sure I can understand her, anon"
  1086. >You sigh and sit on the futon
  1087. >Trinity and the stallion sit on the floor
  1088. >"Could you leave us alone for a moment?"
  1089. "I'd rather not."
  1090. >"Sir, I'll ask you one more time. Could yo-"
  1091. "Fine."
  1092. >You go into Trinity's room
  1093. >Your back is against the door
  1094. >You can't hear what she's saying outside but you can hear little words being barely spoken out
  1095. >You look to Crack Pones drawer
  1096. >You walk over and remember the night you dropped the pills
  1097. >You stroke your fingers across it
  1098. "...What would you do if you were here Crack'd think of a way to get out of this.."
  1099. >You hear the stallion yell out to you
  1100. >You almost run back out
  1101. >Trinity is still drawing
  1102. >You know her well enough now to know she would have drawn through their whole talk
  1103. >"Sir, do you have any evidence that you were given custody of this child from her foster parents?"
  1104. "Excuse me?"
  1105. >"If there is no documents or proof of custody I'm going to have to take her to a foster home."
  1106. "What?! Why?! I never committed any crime or anythi--"
  1107. >"Sir Trinity tells me you took her from her parents Francis and Jenifer. If you have no proof of custody then I'm going to take her back"
  1108. _________________________________________________________________
  1109. >You need proof of custody
  1110. >Proof of custody...
  1111. >The only proof of custody is that letter
  1112. >Trinity has already drawn all over that and you threw it out not knowing you needed it
  1113. “...I don’t have any...but..she did call me dad...she spends every day running around the house so I assume she loves it here don’t have to take her away...”
  1114. >”Lets see would you rather stay here or go home to your parents”
  1115. >Who the fuck does this bastard think he is
  1116. “Who the hell do you think you are?! You don’t ask a kid something like that!”
  1117. >”L-Liv-live wi- live wi- live with- with p-p-par-paren-parents?”
  1118. >Dear god no...
  1119. >”I will be here in two days to pick her up. If you are not here I WILL call the police. ”
  1120. “...I understand sir.”
  1121. >Trinity has been looking from you to the stallion every time anything was said between the two of you
  1122. >The stallion gives Trinity a pat on the head and turns to leave
  1123. >You look down to Trinity
  1124. >She’s been drawing ghosts this whole time
  1125. >This fuckin’ kid tho...
  1126. __________________________________________________________
  1127. >You sit down across from Trinity
  1128. >She was scribbling nonsense down
  1129. >You didn't care to look to see what it is
  1130. >There was so many things you didn't understand
  1131. >Do they really give kids back to their foster parents?
  1132. >Is he really going to take her away for not giving her treatments for things Trinity doesn't need or have
  1133. >Is he going to take her away because there's no proof of you're her real dad?
  1134. >Did he even bother looking for a birth certificate?
  1135. >Weren't they the ones saying you could have her?
  1136. >Nothing makes sense anymore
  1137. >It seems like the world just wants to take things from you all of a sudden
  1138. >But Trinity is still there
  1139. >She hasn't spoken since the stallion has left
  1140. >All she's done is draw
  1141. >You sit there watching her
  1142. >You can't believe there was a time where you couldn't handle looking at her for too long
  1143. "...Trinity you want some macaroni and cheese?"
  1144. >She looks up at you and tilts her head
  1145. >She must not understand
  1146. >You mime out eating food to help explain
  1147. >She smiles and nods multiple times
  1148. >You get up and go to the kitchen
  1149. >Take a moment to look at Crack Pones note and open the fridge
  1150. >Those baggies of noodles are still there
  1151. >You take one out
  1152. "Better now than ever.."
  1153. >Once the macaroni is done you bring it out for her
  1154. >Does this child ever stop drawing holy shit
  1155. >You put it in front of her and she snatches it
  1156. "Whoa there its not nice to snatch things"
  1157. >She sticks her tongue out at you
  1158. >This fuckin' kid
  1159. "So two more days and you're taken away huh?"
  1160. >She continues eating not really listening to you
  1161. >You sigh and sit up on the couch and watch her for a while longer
  1162. >The day goes by suprisingly easy
  1163. >Trinity doesn't talk all day but spends most of it drawing goblins and witches
  1164. _______________________________________
  1165. >For the first time in a while Trinity has finally stopped drawing for a split second
  1166. >You're sitting, watching her with your head resting on your hand
  1167. >She looks up at you for a split second and then back down to her paper to look at her drawing
  1168. >She smiles at it and picks it up with her mouth
  1169. >She walks over to you
  1170. "I-Is this for me?"
  1171. >You take it from her and look at it
  1172. >You can't tell what in the hell this mess of scribbles is
  1173. "Is it a ghost?"
  1174. >She frowns
  1175. >"N-n-nn-nnn"
  1176. >You assume that means no
  1177. >You look back down at it to get a better look
  1178. " it a witch?"
  1179. >She stomps her hoof and puffs out her cheeks
  1180. >She points a hoof at you
  1181. "Is"
  1182. >She nods with a smile
  1183. " you Trinity."
  1184. >She blushes a little and gives a bigger smile and goes back to her spot on the floor
  1185. >You examine the picture
  1186. >How is this supposed to look like you even
  1187. >She can still make noises at least
  1188. >You sigh a little bit and put the picture down
  1189. "So do you wanna stay here with me Trinity?"
  1190. >She ignores you and continues drawing
  1191. "I can...I know some haunted houses we can go find"
  1192. >She looks up at you for a second with a confused look and looks back down at her paper
  1193. >You continue thinking of ways to trick her into staying with you
  1194. >Each time you say anything all she can do is look up at you for a while and go back to drawing
  1195. "What else can I do huh?....How am I supposed to build of a fucking father daughter relationship in two fucking days anyway..."
  1196. >The moment you swore Trinity looked up at you and gave you an angry look
  1197. "Sorry sorry.."
  1198. >But what were you apoligizing for really? Sorry for not being there at the first few years of her life? Sorry for wishing you weren't born while her mother was pregnant with her? Sorry for yelling at you so much when she wrote on her mothers note?
  1199. >Why don't you openly apologize now and get it all out before she's taken from you?
  1200. >You can't bring yourself to do that
  1201. __________________________________________________________
  1202. >Trinity is in bed now
  1203. >You are sitting on your futon
  1204. >Time is passing too fast
  1205. >You don't want to sleep but like it usually does, it happens anyway
  1206. >You don't dream anything this night
  1207. >You wake up to the sound of things breaking in the kitchen
  1208. >Dejavu
  1209. >You go into the kitchen groggily and see Trinity looking through the cupboards
  1210. >You don't give her a fright this time
  1211. >You get her attention to go through the routine of trying to get here to cal you dad again
  1212. >All she can say is "A-a-a-a-a-an"
  1213. >Anon?
  1214. >Oh well you tried
  1215. >You ask her to sit down and she does
  1216. >You cook her some macaroni and cheese
  1217. >Last time you'll be able to make this again
  1218. >This is you're last day with her
  1219. >You don't know when that bastard is coming to take her
  1220. >You sit watching her eat
  1221. >She's still messy like her mother
  1222. >...her mother
  1223. >It hasn't crossed your mind yet that she doesn't remember her mom
  1224. >...nothing you can do
  1225. "You like mac and cheese Trinity?"
  1226. >She doesn't answer
  1227. "What was I expecting.."
  1228. >You mutter to yourself
  1229. >You get up and go to the living room to get the picture Trinity drew you to test something
  1230. >You bring it back out
  1231. >You show it to her
  1232. "Remember this?"
  1233. >She looks at it for a second then goes back to eating
  1234. >Guess not..
  1235. >You put it on the fridge next to Crack Pones note
  1236. >You look at the note for a second and mutter out
  1237. "Guess I'm gonna have to break my promise, Crack Pone..."
  1238. >Trinity keeps eating loud and messy
  1239. >You sit back down with her
  1240. >Hours passed, no knock at the door
  1241. >Trinity is now sleeping on her mothers side of the futon
  1242. >Cheese all over her mouth
  1243. >This is your last chance to think of something
  1244. >You sigh, not able to think of something
  1245. >You look up at the ceiling as to look at the sky almost
  1246. "...What the fuck did I ever do, huh?"
  1247. >You wonder for a second who you were even talking to
  1248. "Y'know just...what the fuck did I ever do?"
  1249. >There is a knock at the door
  1250. __________________________________________________
  1251. >You don't bother checking to see who it is
  1252. >You already know
  1253. >You turn to Trinity, still sleeping on the bed
  1254. >You wait a moment, the slightest hope that a miracle would happen
  1255. >Miracle? You could of used one of those with Crack Pone, why would one show up now
  1256. >You sigh and scoop her up in your arms
  1257. >She's light so its easy to carry her like a baby
  1258. "Trinity can you hear me?"
  1259. >No answer
  1260. "...I never said this to you before but...I love you. Ever since I first saw you you reminded me so much of your mother. Your real mother. You were just a little thing when I saw're still a little thing..."
  1261. >Still no reply
  1262. >Stallion knocks at the door again
  1263. "I'm comin' alright?...Alright Trinity?"
  1264. >No reply
  1265. >You open the door
  1266. >Two stallions this time
  1267. "I'm not going to cause any trouble okay? Just..let me carry her for a little bit?"
  1268. >"Sir we rea-"
  1269. "I'll be following you guys I promise."
  1270. >The two exchange glances
  1271. >"...Alright fine but stay between us"
  1272. >You nod and walk out the door
  1273. >Trinity is so tiny
  1274. >How many more times do you have to carry someone to love to that god forsaken train
  1275. >You know you can just run away right now with her
  1276. >You don't
  1277. >You keep walking
  1278. "...can you tell whoever you give her back to..that she really likes mac and cheese?"
  1279. >They both ignore you and keep walking
  1280. "And don't let her think the house is haunted...she'll never sleep..and she draws on everything too so...tell them to watch out for that"
  1281. >They two stallions just give you a simple "mhm"
  1282. >You can see the train station in the distance and the stallions stop
  1283. >"I'm going to have to ask you to hand her over now sir."
  1284. >You nod and hand her over to him
  1285. >He doesn't look like he's holding her right
  1286. >You know thats just your fatherly instincts
  1287. >You wonder, did you use the miracle up by being able to carry her over
  1288. >You almost pray not
  1289. >The stallions thank you for being so patient and begin walking off with her
  1290. >You stand there watching
  1291. ________________________________________________________________
  1292. >You slowly raise your hand and give a little wave
  1293. >You know she can't see
  1294. >You do it anyway
  1295. >Running in the snow with her, How god damn stubborn she was, every picture she has ever drawn, every message she wrote on the mirrors in your flat smashes through your mind
  1296. >Tears roll down your face
  1297. >You cry a little, then cry a lot
  1298. >For the first few sobs you would cry Trinity's name but you found yourself just sobbing the words "Crack Pone
  1299. >you almost turn around until you hear something far off in the distance
  1300. >"D-D-D-DA-D-D-DA!!"
  1301. >You can see the two stallions suddenly panicking
  1302. >You can barely see it but you think you see Trinity's hoofs kicking
  1303. >What the hell are they doing! They're going to drop her!
  1304. >You hear it again
  1305. >D-D-D-D-D-DA-DA!!"
  1306. "...Oh my god..."
  1307. >You mutter out and take a little step forward
  1308. >The stallion then drops her
  1309. >What the fuck?!
  1310. >Trinity stands up and you're thankful she's okay
  1311. >The stallion tries picking her up again
  1312. >She kicks the motherfucker right in the face
  1313. >She starts running towards you
  1314. >You wonder for a split second
  1315. >Is this you're miracle?
  1316. >"D-D-DA-D!!"
  1317. >Your stunned and can't move for a moment
  1318. >"D-D-DADDY!!"
  1319. >You instantly start running back towards her
  1320. >You trip up a little every few steps as you run
  1321. >Trinity keeps screaming "D-DA-DAD!"
  1322. >You're inches away from her now
  1323. >Finally you fall forward a little as you go to hug her
  1324. >Trinity wraps her arms around your neck and cries louder than you've ever heard before
  1325. >You hug her back as tight as you possibly could
  1326. "Oh my god..Trinity"
  1327. ____________________________________________________________________________
  1328. >You and the stallions talked for hours afterwards
  1329. >You and them made at least 10 phonecalls each and after what seemed like forever they shook her hand and went on their way
  1330. >Trinity stood next to you as you all talked, too young to understand anything
  1331. >After the stallions leave after promising to send you the documents for custody you turn and start walking home
  1332. >Trinity pokes your leg
  1333. >"D-daddy?"
  1334. "Yes Princess?"
  1335. >She reaches up to you
  1336. >"C-car-ca-carry me?"
  1337. "Of course"
  1338. >You smile and pick her up
  1339. "Anything for you"
  1340. >Trinity's memory gradually got better over time
  1341. >She still forgets coming in and out of rooms however
  1342. >Her speaking is good some days and bad some days
  1343. >Years passed and she got older
  1344. >She spent most of her time playing with the other ponies at the theater
  1345. >She eats macaroni and cheese once every 2 days and draws all the time
  1346. >However she never became an actor
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