
Deadmeat Chronicles: A New Home

Jan 31st, 2013
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  1. >You are a maroon fluffy pony with a light green mane.
  2. >You have seen some sites.
  3. >You were carried onto a tube with tings sticking off its side that actually flew.
  4. >You got to see the top of the clouds.
  5. >You tried to get away but when the flying tube landed you were caught and placed back in the sorry box.
  6. >The other fluffies were calling you bad for trying to keep away from the two legged monster.
  7. >This two legged monster for some reason has several fluffies around her.
  8. >You finally make it to the two legged monster’s hidey hole.
  9. >It is a large mansion setting on a large well kept lot.
  10. >You are placed in a large room with marble tile floors.
  11. >All around you see fluffies playing and giggling.
  12. >”Mommy’s home!” The woman announces.
  13. >”Yay! Mommeh!”, “Sketties?”, “Fwuffy wan huggies!”, “Mommeh! Mommeh! Mommeh!”
  14. >These fluffies seem to be happy to see this two legged monster.
  15. >You start to feel tummy rumblies.
  16. >She walks over and opens your sorry box.
  17. >”Ok everybody! I got a new friend to love on! Please make Sir William Reginald feel welcome!”
  18. >All the fluffies start to wave and say hi to you with coruses of “new fwen?” filling the room.
  19. >The tummy rumblies get worse.
  20. >You slowly waddle out and look around.
  21. >”Deadmeat nee make poopies…”
  22. >The woman quickly runs to you.
  23. >You are straining too much to keep from pooping to avoid her.
  24. >”Don’t worry Sir William Reginald! Mommy’s here to take care of you!”
  25. >She grabs you up and carries you to a box.
  26. >It has soft white gravel in it.
  27. >She sits you inside it.
  28. >”Its ok, we got you here in time.” She looks down at you smiling.
  29. >You look down at the white gravel and look around the room.
  30. >This is a living area!
  31. >You can’t poop here!
  32. >You waddle out with your tail tucked down trying to keep from pooping.
  33. >”Deadmeat nuu poop hewe! Nee poopie pwace!”
  34. >You slowly shuffle across the floor looking for an out of the way place.
  35. >She grabs you up again.
  36. >Why is she putting you in this white gravel?
  37. >The other fluffies are watching, “Why new fwen nuu use witteh box?”
  38. >Princess Princess waddles up to you, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Mommeh put yoo in witteh box and yoo nuu poopie!”
  39. >She shakes her hoof angrily at you as you strain even more.
  40. >The tummy rumblies are really bad.
  41. >It feels like your poopie place is bulging.
  42. >”Go way! Nee make poopies…”
  43. >You keep looking around straining against the buildup of fecal matter waiting to exit your body.
  44. >You waddle and dance and see a house plant.
  45. >The woman picks up the light brown alicorn fluffy, “Its ok dear, he is just in a new place and he’s scared.”
  46. >”Poopie pwace hewt… nee go poopie…”
  47. >It feels like your tummy is going to burst, every steps feels like your belly is bouncing.
  48. >”Jus nee saf pwace… Deadmeat nuu wan make… bad… bad…Waaahhhhhhh!”
  49. >The poopie explodes out your rear as you make bad poopies.
  50. >You try to hold it in with your tail but it streams around it splattering it and your rump with poopies.
  51. >It spreads around you in a growing pile you can’t stop.
  52. >The other fluffies look at you shocked, “New fwen make bad poopies.”, “Onwy babbeh make bad poopies.”, “Why nuu use witteh box?”
  53. >You tear up as the flow of poop leaves you.
  54. >Every fluffy is staring at you.
  55. >You don’t smell pretty.
  56. >You start to get angry.
  57. >You step away from your bad poopies and yell at the woman.
  58. >”It yoo fault Deadmeat make bad poopies! Yoo keep Deadmeat away fwom poopie pwace!”
  59. >The fluffies start to get agitated, “Yoo bad fwuffy!”, “Nuu bad tawk mommeh!”,”Yoo go way!”, “Fwuffy nuu wan be fwen wif bad fwuffy!”
  60. >You face the crowd of fluffies, “Weave Deadmeat awone or big owchies!”
  61. >You lower your head and puff your cheeks.
  62. >Sparklies flow from your horn.
  63. >All the fluffies turn and run away from you, “Ahhh! Munsta fwuffy!”, “Meanie fwuffy gowing get fwuffy!”
  64. >The woman keeps talking calmly, “Its ok my little children. He’s just scared and needs to adjust.”
  65. >Princess Princess is fighting against her owners grip shaking her hoof angrily at you, “Yoo bad fwuffy!”
  66. >You get ready to yell at the woman again when you feel a hand grab the nape your neck from behind.
  67. >You wave your hooves frantically as you are lifted up, “Ok there bad ass. Calm down.”
  68. >”Wet Deadmeat down munsta!” You start kicking and wriggling.
  69. >The woman looks at you with sad eyes, “Charles, he’s new…”
  70. >You glance behind you and see a tall slender man in a butler suit.
  71. >He stares down at you with steel eyes.
  72. >”I understand madam but he must be punished.”
  73. >You wiggle and snap but the man holds firm.
  74. >He stares at you, “First we have to get you cleaned up though.”
  75. >You are carried across the house into a room with a large basin.
  76. >He sets you in it as he puts on some rubber gloves.
  77. >The basin is too big for you to jump out of and you can’t climb the sides.
  78. >The man looks down at you again.
  79. >”Are you ready for your bath?”
  80. >”Wet Deadmeat guu or big owchies!”
  81. >You get in a defensive stance and puff your cheeks.
  82. >The man sighs and picks up a spray nozzle.
  83. >”This will go so much easier if you don’t fight.”
  84. >You make sparklies, “Big owchies!”
  85. >He shakes his head looking at you.
  86. >He points the nozzle at you and sprays your face.
  87. >The water surprises you and you jump back.
  88. >You bump into the side of the bin and stumble.
  89. >You rub your face with your hooves trying to see but it is too late.
  90. >The man grabs your neck and holds you to the bottom of the bin.
  91. >”Why yoo mean to Deadmeat? Wahhhhhh!”
  92. >You cry as the water is sprayed over your body wetting your fluff.
  93. >The man is quick and methodical soaping you up and cleaning the poop off your rear.
  94. >He then picks you up and wraps you in a towel.
  95. >In no time you are clean and dried.
  96. >You are carried back out to the room with the other fluffies.
  97. >The woman up to you, “Is Sir William Reginald clean?”
  98. >Her perfume burns your nose.
  99. >”Bleh! Go way stinky munsta!”
  100. >The fluffies renew their agitation.
  101. >She just looks away still holding Princess Princess.
  102. >The light brown alicorn is still shaking her hoof angrily.
  103. >The man turns you around to look at him, “You are being a bad fluffy! In this house you will behave!”
  104. >”Deadmeat nuu bad fwuffy! Yoo meanie munstas! Yoo nuu show Deadmeat poopie pwace!”
  105. >You look around the room for an exit.
  106. >The man pulls out a chair and places you on his knee.
  107. >You kick and struggle but can’t get away.
  108. >He grabs a ping pong paddle that was dangling on its side.
  109. >”Now you get the sorry stick! You will learn how to be a good fluffy!”
  110. >He brings the paddle up and pats your butt.
  111. >You keep struggling, “Wet Deadmeat go!”
  112. >The woman looks shocked, the fluffies are still shouting bad fluffy and monster fluffy.
  113. >The man shrugs and pats your but harder.
  114. >”Why yoo patting Deadmeat wump?” You snap at the man.
  115. >The man rears back and swats your rear end.
  116. >The fluffies all gasp at the viciousness of the sorry stick.
  117. >You still kick and struggle.
  118. >The man looks down unsure of what to do, “Wow… you’re a tough one…”
  119. >He looks over the other fluffies that have quieted down.
  120. >”Sorry little guy, but you must be punished.”
  121. >The man rears back and swings hard.
  122. *WHACK*
  123. >”Owie! Yoo bad munsta! Why gif owies!”
  124. >The fluffies set back shaking.
  125. >Princess Princess hugs the woman’s arms.
  126. >The man continues with the spanking, *WHACK**WHACK**WHACK**WHACK*
  127. >”Owie! Stawp!Pwease! owie! ... WAHHHHHH! Deadmeat sowwy! Wahhhhhh!”
  128. >The burning pain shoots through your body as the man paddles you relentlessly.
  129. >Some of the fluffies are crying at the sorry sticking you are getting.
  130. >Princess Princess hides her face.
  131. >The paddling seems to go on forever before he stops.
  132. >”That is for making bad poopies!”
  133. >He keeps holding you, “And for yelling at your owner!”
  134. >He walks over to a small box in the corner of the room.
  135. >”You get the sorry box!”
  136. >The box is white and made of hard plastic.
  137. >The top opens on a hinge and the front is clear plexiglass.
  138. >He opens the top and tries to put you in it.
  139. >You wiggle frantically but a quick twist of your ruined ear makes your body freeze and he gets you into the box.
  140. >He has to force your body in with a firm push.
  141. >You try to wiggle as he closes the lid.
  142. >You are stuck standing in the box looking out across the room.
  143. >”You get an hour to watch other fluffies have fun while you have a time out.“
  144. >You let out a scream of rage.
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