
Crazy Celestia (Part 2)

Aug 30th, 2012
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  1. >It is now later in the day
  2. >You take your walk down to the war-room
  3. >As you get close, you notice a bit of a crowd gathered
  4. >You're a bit more early this time
  5. >You see a bunch of the generals and commanders standing around, with Celestia at the door
  6. "Sorry everyone, the keys went missing. I already have somepony fetching the spares."
  7. >After she finishes speaking, Celestia notices you and smiles, nodding her head slightly
  8. >You smile back, she must have totally forgiven you
  9. >A pony standing nearby seems to notice Celestia's smile and nod, and he turns towards you
  10. >You look at him, and he doesn't look very familiar, though he is wearing royal armor
  11. >He jumps forward with his powerful equine legs, and then pulls a knife out from the neck of his armor
  12. >He starts to slash wildly left and right, shouting "DIE DIE DIE DIE"
  13. >You scream and jump back, trying to protect yourself
  14. >The guards mobilize almost instantly, both of them descend on the attacked
  15. >But a white blur knocks them both out of the way
  16. >Celestia smashes into the attacked and starts to stomp with her hooves, her face filled with a horrible expression of bloodlust
  18. >Celestia is pounding the attacker into a paste
  19. >Over and over again, she smashes his form
  20. >Eventually he cries out and goes limb, the weapon knocked from his teeth, but she doesn't stop
  21. >He is helpless and defeated on the floor
  22. >She steps back, her perfect white coat now stained with blood on parts, and her horn begins to glow
  23. >The light and energy coming off of it is so intense, you have to back away
  24. >You know if she uses it on him, he will be obliterated
  25. >Suddenly, a voice calls out
  26. "Sister! Stop!"
  27. >Celestia only glances towards Luna, who was now trotting towards them
  28. "Luna! This assassin tried to kill anonymous; he must be brought down!"
  29. >Luna runs up to her and pleads with her
  30. "No sister! You must let him live! We can only find out who he works for if you leave him alive!"
  31. >Celestia grits her teeth, but finally she steps back and her magic cancels out, she looks around and spreads her wings out, and she backs up to you
  32. >One of her wings is around you, protecting you
  33. >You notice Celestia is hyperventilating, she is far more distressed then you've ever seen her.
  35. >Celestia barks some more orders
  36. "Shining Armor! Put up your barrier spell, now!"
  37. >He looks surprised, but nods and runs over to the nearest window
  38. >Celestia also orders all guards stationed at all entrances, and all guards being watched by all other guards
  39. >She then looks down at you
  40. "Anon, let's go."
  41. >The way she spoke was so unnerving, how it was full of so much emotion
  42. >You know you were just attacked but that really shook her to her core
  43. >She starts to walk, her wing guiding you around the castle.
  44. >At one point during your walk, a butler approaches Celestia and Celestia growls at him, her horn growing brightly
  45. >He apologizes and gets the fuck out of there
  46. >You are worried for the Princess, you were the one attacked but she's more freaked out about it then you were!
  47. >She takes you to a courtyard outside the castle
  48. >You wonder what she is planning
  49. >She reaches her shoulder down
  50. "Hop on."
  51. >Your eyes go wide in shock, did she seriously just say-
  53. >That really gets you moving
  54. >You jump on her back, she grunts from your weight, you wrap your hands around her long neck
  55. >You're not much a horse-rider, but it's even more jarring when she takes off
  56. >She flies up in the air, you get dizzy as you see the ground get far away
  57. >As you gain altitude, You hear a loud magic noise and the pink shield covers Canterlot.
  58. >Soon, Celestia lands up at the balcony to her room
  60. >Celestia allows you to dismount, and she then shoos you inside of her private quarters before shutting the door to the balcony and locking it
  61. >She turns and her horn lights up, igniting the fireplaces around the room
  62. >She starts to breath normally again, her wings coming down and her head coming down
  63. >She's calming down, that's good
  64. "Sit down Anon, relax."
  65. >She's the one telling you to relax
  66. >You sit down, and she very quickly regains her calm demeanor
  67. >Still, it was unexpected, all things considered
  68. >Celestia watches the doors and such
  69. >She walks to the bedroom door and opens it
  70. "Anon, go inside and sleep in my bed. I'll keep watch."
  71. >You nod, you know better then to protest right now
  72. >You go inside and lay down, your whole body shivering, and hope you can just get some sleep
  73. >Celestia doesn't disturb your sleep other then poking her head in once or twice every hour
  74. >You eventually manage to fall asleep
  76. >You wake up to the noise of arguing
  77. >You get up and you instantly know who it is
  78. >You lean up against the door and listen
  80. >It was Luna and Celestia
  81. >You hear Luna speaking first
  82. "Sister, you must raise the sun! It has been three hours too long! This cannot last."
  83. "No! I cannot leave Anon alone!"
  84. "But it's just for a moment, I will watch him as you go and raise the sun, and then you can come back and-"
  85. "No! You might be a spy!"
  86. "Tia! I am your Sister!"
  87. "No! I won't let you near Anon!"
  88. >You hear the sounds of a scuffle
  89. >You open the door
  90. >Celestia and Luna are fighting
  91. >You try to get them to stop
  92. >But they don't
  93. >After a few moments, Luna stands over her defeated sister
  94. "Celestia! Get a hold of yourself!"
  95. >She sobs, and her horn begins to glow
  96. "If you won't let me be with Anon, then nobody will!"
  97. >Suddenly, the windows get brighter and brighter
  98. >You can see the shape of the sun outside of the window getting bigger and stronger
  99. >Soon, it is blinding
  100. >You feel the most intense heat
  101. >Everything is so bright
  102. -----------------------------
  103. >You feel a sharp pain in your side
  104. >You feel down in your sleep
  105. >You open your eyes to see that the spot on the floor next to your bed was in direct sunlight, and it was blinding you
  106. >You shake yourself awake
  107. >What a crazy fucking dream
  109. >You realize that you fell asleep before the afternoon meeting today
  110. >The memory of what happened at lunch is still in your mind
  111. >That dream felt very real though, best just to be forget about it.
  112. >You soon get up and dressed, and you open your door
  113. >You see the messenger walking up at that exact moment
  114. >He is surprised, but is also pleased
  115. "Right on time today, Anonymous."
  116. >you smile and nod, following him down the hallway
  117. >You still feel half-asleep, but you try to wake up for the meeting and maybe pay attention
  118. >As you see the entrance to the room, you notice the same group of people outside
  119. >Celestia announces that the keys were lost, and she would have them shortly
  120. >She notices you and smiles, nodding
  121. >You smile back
  122. >oh god, everything is so familiar
  124. >You even see the strange, unfamiliar guy
  125. >He looks at you
  126. >but he doesn't attack or anything, he just looks away
  127. >That was strange
  128. >Soon, the keys arrive and the door is opened, and you all enter the war-room
  129. >You all take your seats, with you still by Celestia's side
  130. >You exhale and concentrate, hoping not to look like a fool today
  131. >Everyone gets to talking, today they are reporting some news from the front about how the first bit of fighting has finally started and about where to defend
  132. >You start to notice something on the maps and diagrams, and an idea pops into your head
  133. >But you don't want to say anything, at least not yet
  134. >You don't want to embarrass yourself again
  135. >After a few minutes, Princess Celestia seems to be noticed you and your concentration
  136. "Anonymous, do you have something on your mind?"
  137. >You look up at her, and to the crowd
  138. >The General scoffs
  139. "Are you kidding, your majesty? Why-"
  140. >She raises a hoof to silence him
  141. >He shuts up, but not without a little huff of anger
  142. "Hush, let's hear Anon speak."
  143. >The spotlight is on you again
  145. >You point on the map to a ice tunnel that has been talked about many times
  146. "Well, I was thinking, if you could trap the griffons here, you could force a surrender with few casualties, which would be far superior to the large-scale battle on the hills that was purposed before."
  147. >The General raises his voice in protest
  148. "Anonymous, we know you're trying, but we've already talked about this. The griffons are deadly in close range combat, we are fighting in the field to avoid that."
  149. >You gain a slight smile, you were expecting him to say that
  150. "...Except we wouldn't be fighting them up close."
  151. >The General raises an eyebrow
  152. "You would focus your Unicorns in the caves, allowing them to fire at any griffons trying to get too close. And because the tunnel is so straight and narrow, your unicorns would need less support in case of a surprise flank, as the griffons couldn't flank in the cave."
  153. >The General scowls
  154. "That's ridiculous."
  155. >The council starts to chatter, and they soon come to agree with you
  156. >Princess Celestia looks down at you and gives you another great smile
  157. >That smile feels good
  158. >Celestia leans in and whispers something to you
  159. "I'm so proud of you, Anon."
  160. >You blush with pride, you also realize just how close you two are
  161. >You then feel Celestia's hoof gently touch your hand, for just a moment and then she backs away
  162. >You see her blush and she gives you another smile
  163. >Cutest thing you've ever seen
  164. >But it fades quickly as she prepares to speak again
  166. >Celestia glares at the general
  167. "What do you have to say for yourself, General?"
  168. >The General looks down, ashamed
  169. "I- I was wrong. I'm sorry, your majesty. And I'm sorry, Anonymous. It won't happen again."
  170. >Celestia growls, and then she speaks in a tone that is surprisingly harsh
  171. "You're right, it won't."
  172. >The General looks up, confused
  173. >Celestia continues
  174. "You are being demoted. You are expected out in the field next week, "Field-Commander"."
  175. >You are shocked
  176. >You look up at Celestia, who just has a cold expression on her face
  177. >The whole room is silent, Celestia's mane waves slowly
  178. >The General, who is no longer a general, stares right at you and looks like he wants to speak, but instead he slams his hoof down
  179. "Yes, of course. Your majesty."
  180. >He could barely manage to squeeze that one out through his clenched teeth, but he got up and walked out of the room
  181. >A few people in the room glare at you
  182. >What the fuck are you doing Celestia?
  184. >The rest of the council goes well enough, but you feel terrible
  185. >Half of the people in the room hate you now
  186. >and you didn't even do anything!
  187. >Nobody likes a teacher's pet, you suppose
  188. >But you didn't ask for it
  189. >Once the seminar closes, you head off to dinner
  190. >Celestia stays closer to your this time then last time, making sure to be within a few jumps even though she is talking to other guests
  191. >Your dinner isn't cut short this time, but you still feel like it went by quickly
  192. >Finally, you begin to walk towards your room, but you hear Celestia from behind you
  193. "Anon!"
  194. >You turn and see her, she waves you over
  195. >You approach, and she smiles at you
  196. "You did wonderfully today, Anonymous."
  197. "Th.. Thank you your majesty."
  198. >She bows her head down closer to yours
  199. >You aren't sure what she is doing
  200. >She almost looks like she is about to kiss you
  201. >Instead, her head moves and she does that weird-horse hug thing with her neck
  202. >You freeze for a moment, but you soon reach and return the hug
  203. >She seems to shiver with happiness as you break the hug
  204. "Anonymous, I need to tell you something important. You are no longer sleeping in your room."
  205. >You nod
  206. "Alright then, where am I sleeping then?"
  207. "With me." Celestia states bluntly
  208. >You blink in surprise
  209. >She suddenly turns beat red
  210. "I me-meant in my room! You're sleeping up in my quarters, I meant."
  211. >You have never heard her stammer before
  213. >You nod your head, but you are still confused
  214. "If I may ask; Why?"
  215. >Celestia looks over your shoulder
  216. >She then leans in and whispers
  217. "Do you remember those keys I lost? Well, it turns out I didn't lose them. They were stolen; there is a spy in the castle somewhere. We need to make sure this spy doesn't become an assassin. So, I'm keeping you safe up in my room."
  218. >In the back of your head, this seems a bit off
  219. >why would up there be any safer?
  220. >And why does she suspect you are a target for some assassin
  221. >You of course think back to that dream, but you're sure it has nothing to do with this. After all, it was just a dream.
  222. >Celestia motions and you follow her silently, and you both makes your way out to a courtyard
  223. >You start to freak out a little, this was just like in the dream
  224. >Celestia bends and kneels a bit, and tells you to hop on her
  225. >This was just like the dream
  226. >You slowly grab on and wrap your arms around her neck
  227. >She flies up silently and quickly
  228. >There is no Shining Armor barrier, but the gentle landing is the same
  229. >The layout of the room and balcony is even the same
  230. >This is seriously getting weird
  231. >You turn to look at Celestia, and things turn even more weird
  232. >She is looking down at you with a bit of a concerning look
  233. >Yours eyes met, and her pupils dilate
  234. >She is blushing pretty hardcore, and she takes a tentative step towards you
  235. >Her whole body seems to be crouching a bit at the front, with a bit of a spring in her back legs, almost like she is going to pounce
  236. >You feel very strange, and very concerned
  237. >The Princess is seeming to give off some signals
  238. >She leans forward and you step back in alarm, but she simply gives you another horse-hug
  239. >She then whispers in your ear in a voice that makes you shiver
  240. "Go to bed, Anon."
  241. >You embrace her and feel her warmth, she seems like she wants to say more but she doesn't
  242. >You soon break the embrace, and she watches you as you slowly walk into her bedroom and close the door
  243. >You soon slip into the bed and fall asleep almost instantly, thankfully for your troubled mind
  244. -----------------------
  245. >You thankfully don't have any crazy dreams that night
  246. >You still don't know why Celestia is keeping you in her room now, but you think you're starting to piece it together
  247. >She's acting a little more "friendly" to you then her other subjects
  248. >Maybe she's just really protective, but you can't be sure
  249. >Anyway, you soon wake up and look around
  250. >You find Celestia's shower, a very fancy and nice thing
  251. >You make sure she isn't around to see you use her shower, for more then one reason
  252. >You turn it on and clean up
  253. >It's probably the best fucking shower you've ever had
  254. >Perfect in every way
  255. >You don't even dare touch her crazy number of bottles of shampoo, she needs those for her mane
  256. >After drying off and putting on your new clothes, you wait around for a while
  257. >You decide you should probably go downstairs
  258. >You walk to the door, and turn the handle
  259. >It doesn't budge
  260. >You keep trying, but the door is locked
  261. >There is no way to unlock it from the inside
  262. >You stomp your foot in frustration and anger
  263. "I can't fucking believe she's locked me in!"
  264. >You are pretty pissed off
  265. >You go sit down and wait for her to get back
  267. >In at least an hour, Celestia comes flying up to the balcony
  268. >She sees you and smiles wide
  269. "Hello Anonymous! Slept well?"
  270. >You shoot her your pissed off look, her smile drops
  271. >She takes a few steps closer, looking concerned
  272. "What's wrong, Anon?"
  273. >There's that pet name again
  274. >You don't even say anything, you just point towards the door
  275. >Celestia looks at the door and then back to you, before scowling
  276. "It was for your safety, Anon."
  277. >You stand up, balling up your fists
  278. "I DO NOT like being locked up like a prisoner, Celestia!"
  279. >Celestia frowns, looking guilty
  280. >She sits and stays quiet
  281. "...I'm sorry."
  282. >You are almost taken aback by that, you weren't expecting her to say it
  283. >But she still looks upset, probably with herself
  284. >You take a step closer, but she looks away
  285. >You think she's starting to cry
  286. >You really don't want to see that
  287. >You get even closer and kneel down, you hear her sob a little
  288. >Oh no
  289. >You reach out and gently grab one of her hooves, and she looks at you in surprise
  290. "Hey... don't cry. It's ok. You were just protecting me, that's all."
  291. >Celestia smiles, sniffling
  292. "Th-Thank you Anon."
  294. >Celestia leans forward a little, and you think she is going to do that weird horse-hug thing again
  295. >But instead she takes her other front leg and places her hoof gently on your hand
  296. "I'll make it up to you Anonymous. Tonight."
  297. >You nod, though your mind is racing
  298. >You immediately put out the obvious; you knew that wasn't what she meant
  299. >She didn't even say it in a saucy way!
  300. >It must just be your mind that is making all these connections, you haven't had any release for a while now
  301. >Celestia soon breaks the nice contact with your hand and stands up
  302. "Well, we have more meetings to attend to today; unfortunately."
  303. >You nod and follow
  304. >Celestia walks up to the door and unlocks it with just a second of magic, and then you begin the long walk down the stairway.
  305. >You wonder why you didn't ride her down the tower, but you quickly figure last night it was for a stealthy way up the tower
  306. >As you walk down the tower, following your Princess, you get several good looks at her butt
  307. >She stops and turns her head back at you
  308. "Is there something wrong, Anonymous?"
  309. >She obviously caught you checking her out
  310. >You blush and quickly stammer
  311. "No-Nothing!"
  312. >Celestia smiles and continues to walk, and you could almost swear there is a wiggle in her step
  313. >Damn male brain, always complicating things
  314. >Soon though, you reach the war-room again
  315. >You can tell things will be bad when a grim faced pony walks in with a black scroll
  317. >The pony with the black scroll unfolds it and clears his throat
  318. >Then, in a monotone voice, he speaks
  319. "First casualty report. Twelve soldiers, one officer. Six Earth Ponies, Two Unicorns, five Pegasi."
  320. >You frown, and the pony rolls up the scroll and walks away
  321. >You look at the war map, and the little fake pieces on top, and the bitter reality comes crashing down
  322. >This isn't just pieces on a map, it's a real war going on with real victims
  323. >You notice everyone in the room now seems more reserved, with their old talks of crazy risky strategies being reduced down to conservative tried and true moves and positions.
  324. >You really hope none of those casualties are your fault
  325. >You also notice everything much quieter since the general is gone, for better or for worse
  327. >After the meeting is over, Celestia invites you for lunch to that restaurant again
  328. >You almost ask if she is sure, you don't want to run into Fancy Pants after what happened last time
  329. >But she quickly adds something in
  330. "We will have another guest there, my student Twilight Sparkle."
  331. >Alright
  332. >You follow Celestia as she walks out the castle
  334. >You soon make your way down to the restaurant
  335. >You see a purple pone sitting at the table
  336. >She waves excitably at Celestia, and presumably at you too
  337. >You both reach the table and sit down, with Celestia giving Twilight a horse-hug
  338. "It's so good to see you again, my most faithful student."
  339. >You notice Twilight had a chair right next to her, and another chair was across the table
  340. >You take your seat across the table from Twilight
  341. >You then see Celestia silently move the chair closer to you and sit down next to you
  342. >You notice that Twilight watched and saw, but she didn't seem to react
  343. >She looks more curious then anger, but there is something else in her eyes too
  344. >Jealousy maybe?
  345. >Anyway, you order your drinks and food, and Celestia and Twilight start to talk
  346. >You only talk occasionally
  347. >Soon, Twilight focuses on you more, and even floats out a quill and a notebook
  348. "So Anonymous, care to talk to me about Earth a bit?"
  350. >You blink, exhaling
  351. "Uhhh... Where do I start."
  352. >Twilight giggles
  353. "Just anywhere. Tell me about where you come from, and I'll write it down."
  354. >You scratch the side of your head
  355. >It honestly seems a bit blurry
  356. "Well... Humans..." You starts, thinking of what to say
  357. >You look over and see a carriage going down the street
  358. "Humans don't get around in carriages anymore, we use cars."
  359. >You feel a bit proud for that stupid statement anway
  360. >Twilight quickly writes that down
  361. "How do they work?"
  362. >Your eyes widen
  363. >You never paid attention in shop class
  364. "Oh, uhhh. I'm not sure."
  365. >Twilight's smile seems to droop a little
  366. "You used one, right?"
  367. "Well yes, almost everyday in fact."
  368. "Then you have to know a bit about how they work."
  369. >You sit back and look up, thinking
  370. "Well they have an engine, and that turns the wheels, and there is a wheel in the car that steers it, and seats for people to sit and stuff. And you put gas in it so it can go and stuff."
  371. >Twilight writes that down but seems a bit frustrated
  372. "Ok, but how do they work?"
  373. >You shrug
  374. "Are you serious?" Twilight asks, who has dropped all friendliness and now seems upset
  375. "Come on Anonymous! It could revolutionize Equestria, you used one all the time you said, so you have to know something! I just need a few details and-"
  376. >Suddenly, Celestia raises her hoof
  377. "That's enough, Twilight."
  378. >Twilight looks very surprised
  379. "But, Celestia-"
  380. "No Twilight. Don't harass Anonymous. He's under alot of stress right now, I don't want you pestering him."
  381. >Twilight looks defeated and surprised, she wasn't expecting this from her teacher
  382. >She quietly uses her magic to put away her notepad and quill, looking sad
  383. >You feel bad, but Celestia knew how her student could get
  384. >Thankfully, the food arrived just then, and they all ate while talking and laughing
  385. >After it was all done, you got up and waved as Twilight left, who looked a little remorseful but still trotted away
  386. >You are glad everything went well, at least better then what happened with Fancy Pants
  388. >Soon, you are back in the castle and you sit in during the nightly war council
  389. >Thankfully, no more casualties
  390. >At least, not for tonight
  391. >As soon as the meeting is over, Celestia walks with you again
  392. >You stop outside of her tower
  393. "Remember that surprise I promised you this morning? Well, it's time."
  394. >You smile at her nervously
  395. >She smiles back, her eyes peering into yours, her kindness and love overflowing
  396. "Follow me."
  397. >Celestia then begins to walk out into the courtyard, and you saw Luna's moon bright in the night sky
  398. >You follow her, wondering what she had in mind.
  400. >It is dark outside, with the moon high overhead, casting a gentle light over all the gardens of the castle
  401. >Celestia sticks out a bit, her white mane making her really obvious in the night
  402. >As you walk, you hear the sounds of crickets and your foot steps, but otherwise everything is silent
  403. >In fact, Celestia's steps are so gentle and graceful you can't even hear her walking
  404. >She leads you through some clearings, and you can hardly even see the castle
  405. >Just how big are these gardens anyway?
  406. >She looks back at you, and smiles
  407. "Almost there, Anon."
  408. >The way she said that was really cute, and it makes you smile too
  409. >But you realize that now nobody can see you two, unless somebody is sneaking around
  410. >If she was going to murder you, it would probably now
  411. >Of course she won't do that
  412. >Finally, you reach a small clearing with a large pond in the center
  413. >Celestia stops
  415. >She turns to you and blushes
  416. "Anon, what I'm about to show you I've only shown to 5 others in my very long life."
  417. >You instantly start to pay attention
  418. >Celestia spreads her wings and flaps, gaining just a foot or so of air
  419. >Then she floats over the pool
  420. >With the moon in the background, she begins to dance
  422. >Celestia moves with grace that could only be gained from centuries of practice
  423. >You also find yourself sitting down and watching
  424. >Celestia's eyes are closed in concentration or emotion, or perhaps both
  425. >She starts to float, with only the slightest movement of her wings, she moves very slowly and carefully
  426. >She doesn't flap them to move, she just moves through the air as if by force of will
  427. >She slowly moves again, continuing her ballet
  428. >You can't take your eyes off this display
  429. >Celestia doesn't stop, her twisting and motions graceful
  430. >Even though it is the middle of the night, she shines like a star
  431. >Celestia's body moves with such ease
  432. >You begin to feel that the end of the dance is nearing
  434. >She begins to slowly and gently fall towards the pond, and she sticks out a hoof
  435. >It touches down, and she stops
  436. >She is literally holding herself up on water with the tip of one of her hooves
  437. >Her head shifts slightly, she seems to be remembering something, a tear slowly drips from her eye, even though she smiles
  438. >You feel a tear drip down your face
  439. >You honestly didn't even notice that you had begun to cry a little bit
  440. >And you still don't know why
  441. >And there she stays, for you don't know how long
  442. >Suspended by a single hoof
  444. >Celestia holds it for a little bit, you're not sure how long
  445. >She then gives you a single flap of her wings and slowly comes to rest on the ground in front of you
  446. >You rub your eyes, clearing away the tears
  447. >Celestia looks down at you with a peaceful expression
  448. >She's so full of emotion
  449. "Celestia..."
  450. >She walks closer
  451. "Don't say anything, Anon..."
  452. >She is now hovering over you
  453. >Her two hooves come up and gentle touch your shoulders
  454. >She doesn't push, but you find yourself laying down
  455. >She's over you, her face full of love
  456. >She leans forward, her eyes on yours
  457. >She leans down further and kisses you
  458. >You feel yourself freeze up, the feeling is electric
  459. >You just stay limp under her as she kisses you on top
  460. >She makes a cute, satisfied sigh once she breaks the kiss
  461. >Without saying anything, she gets up and waits for you
  462. >You get up too, and the both of you walk back to the castle
  463. >You soon come to a stop again, with Celestia leaning forward and lowering a shoulder
  464. >You wordlessly slide onto her, and she flaps her wings and gently flies up
  465. >This time was much better then last time, this time it was so much more personal
  466. >You could feel her heartbeat against yours, her breathing as she effortlessly flies the both of you to her balcony
  467. >Once there, you get off and Celestia looks you in the eyes again
  468. >She gives you another kiss, this one a bit shorter
  470. >Celestia breaks the kiss and you both walk into her bedroom
  471. >You wonder what she is planning, for obvious reasons, but you don't say anything
  472. >You don't want to break this trance you've entered
  473. >Everything just happens and flows
  474. >Celestia lets you enter the bedroom first, and she gently prods you forward with her head
  475. >You soon find yourself standing over her bed, and you look at her
  476. >Celestia kisses you again, and you slide into bed right after
  477. >Celestia slides in too
  478. >You reach out with your hands and grab her gently
  479. >She snuggles up to you close
  480. >You have a few lingering doubts, but they fade as you are now in absolute comfort
  481. >Her body is so soft against yours
  482. >She is very warm, and very cuddly
  483. >You exhale as you move yourself closer, shifting your body so you are comfortable
  484. >You turn your head and look at Celestia's fine face, who still has her eyes half open
  485. >Her pupils dilate as you look in her eyes, and she smiles in surprise as you are the one to lean forward and kiss her
  486. >She sighs and closes her eyes, and you do to, the both of you holding each other
  487. >You fall into the most absolutely wonderful sleep you've ever had
  488. --------------------------
  489. End of part 2
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