
Princess of Nightly Mischief

Feb 4th, 2016
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  1. >"Psst, Anon!"
  2. >You faintly hear through your dreams.
  3. >Those are some nice dreams.
  4. >Involving a lots of chocolate [spoiler]milk[/spoiler].
  5. "Mmmm five more minutes mom"
  6. >A sudden hoof to the elbow breaks all hope of continuing your slumber.
  7. >"Make haste now, there is no time for your chronic snoozing here."
  8. >You hear a familiar voice reprimanding you.
  9. >Oh Luna, once she had one of her ideas there was no stopping her.
  10. "And what is it this time, oh Princess of Nighttime Pranks?"
  11. >You say, slowly rising yourself to a sitting position.
  12. >It seems that your change of approach has been rewarded with a generous smile.
  13. >"Why our loyal subject, we have nothing else but another glorious mischief in mind."
  14. >Of course she does.
  15. >"And this time, the object of our endeavors will be nobody else, but the one you call..."
  16. >She paused and leaned closer to you, making you somewhat uncomfortable.
  17. >"Your "waifu".
  18. >Wait what?
  20. "Uhh.."
  21. >You only manage to mutter that much before you're interrupted.
  22. >"Stunned, are you not? We are not sure who will be pranked more, you or her."
  23. >She flutters her wings with anticipation.
  24. "But..."
  25. >"No butts! That may come later, we will see. For now we shall go, so get up already."
  26. >Not wanting to disobey royal orders you get up, even though alarm bells are ringing in your head.
  27. >"Splendid! Now do not move too much, for we will be flying tonight."
  28. >Oh great, you were always in two minds about doing that.
  29. >Celestia was able to gently warp you in her magic, and majestically glide through the skies.
  30. >And while Luna could do the same (and did on a few occasions), the pranking mood made her flight...
  31. >Rather jumpy, to say the least.
  32. >Any way, you let yourself be grabbed by sparkling blue mist, and get yanked behind the alicorn.
  33. >Once again you were soaring through the night sky, admiring glistering skies, pale moon, and [spoiler]Luna's posterior[/spoiler].
  34. >It would make for an absolutely lovely experience, if it wasn't for the fact that your chauffeur was currently doing a barrel roll.
  35. >You thank your foresight for not having a lavish dinner.
  36. >You've learned your lesson the first time Luna took you for a midnight stroll in the clouds.
  37. >It was a harsh one.
  38. >But now was not the time to get lost in the past, for there was an important issue that needed clarifying.
  39. "Umm, Luna?"
  41. >"Yes, our loyal subject?"
  42. >She says after breaking from last roll with laughter in her voice.
  43. "You said who we are going to prank, but I was still half-asleep, so could say it again?"
  44. >She giggles.
  45. >"Why none other than the mare closest to your hearth. Your beloved soul in this world. Your..."
  46. >Luna turns her head around and looks at you over her back.
  47. >"Waifu".
  48. >A sharp and sudden dive puts any chance of your response on hold.
  49. >It's probably for the best, as you needed to process the information you just received, since it didn't make any sense.
  50. >One thing was for sure though.
  51. >Twilight is going to get it this time.
  52. >You made it clear enough to her that no one was supposed to know.
  53. >You were not entirely sure what would happen if someone was to realize, but well...
  54. >Here you are, being dragged along by a Princess of the Night in a prank-frenzy, in something what feels like a 60 degrees dive.
  55. >And why?
  56. >All because certain purple-maned bookworm couldn't keep her muzzle shut.
  57. >You were clear enough that she is to tell nobody about what waifu means.
  58. >Or so you thought.
  59. >Whatever, you will deal with her later. Now you had a different issue at hand, and it did not involve her.
  60. >It involved a pony at the end of your current journey.
  62. >Suddenly, the dive ends in a smooth glide that casually levels the flight.
  63. >Luna then extends her wings fully and holds them there, slowing you both down.
  64. >You are glad she has decided to change her style of aviation, since coming to a stop abruptly would likely send you flying into her... rear area.
  65. >Usually you wouldn't mind, but the situation was rather unfitting for that.
  66. >You quickly realize where the night winds (and a Night Princess) have led you.
  67. >The Canterlot Castle.
  68. >Your fears have been confirmed.
  69. >Well some of them, others were dismissed.
  70. >Was this a positive balance?
  71. >Kind of. You now were not worried that you were transported to an alternate timeline, which you did not want at all.
  72. >Not since the last time it happened.
  73. >But the situation you were in was not anymore clearer.
  74. >In fact, as you are tugged along towards one of the higher towers, you can't help but to feel more and more confused.
  75. >Luna lands graciously on one of the balconies stretching out of the building, and softly puts you down alongside her, releasing the tether of her sparkling magic.
  76. >"Here we are Anon. The destination of our tonight's quest. Are you ready?"
  77. >She still had this joy in her voice, and smiling eyes.
  78. >You wish you could share that feeling, and simply respond - yes.
  79. >But you can't.
  80. >Because you were standing on the doorstep of [spoiler]Luna's Bedchamber[/spoiler].
  81. >In a situation where you shouldn't be standing here at all.
  83. >You look to your left, just to see one rather happy alicorn.
  84. >What the hell is going on here?
  85. "Luna...?"
  86. >"Yeees?"
  87. >She looks at you with a certain anticipation visible in her face.
  88. "This is your bedroom, right?"
  89. >"Of course it is, have you not seen it enough times to remember by now?"
  90. >She puts on an obviously fake look of a disappointed teacher.
  91. "So, you woke me up to do one of the usual prank, except this time on my... waifu?"
  92. >"That is correct dear subject."
  93. >Just like that she's back to her mischievous smile.
  94. "Which so happen to be... you?"
  95. >She scoffs after hearing that.
  96. >"Was that a question I heard in your voice, Anonymous? Have you got any doubts about that?"
  97. "No no, heavens no."
  98. >You quickly exclaim, trying to sound as reassuringly as you can.
  99. "It's just that... you have abducted me from my bedroom to prank... yourself?"
  100. >And while a "shit eating grin" is not a description fit for a princess' smile, it is the one that matches her the most right now.
  101. >"Why we have said that you will be probably pranked in equal or greater manner, did we not?"
  102. >She steps closer to you and boops you on the nose.
  103. >"And I dare you to claim that you haven't been by now."
  104. >You're not going to.
  105. "Oh. So the target of your tonight's mischief is... me?"
  106. >"Well, not exactly. You were, as it is, a secondary recipient in this artistic performance. But the main target still remains."
  107. >By now you have awoken enough to un-fuck your mind and go along with the show.
  108. "I see. So what shall we do to your victim, o Princess of Nightly Mischief?"
  109. >Luna grins at you, happy that you caught on to her scheme.
  110. >"Come along, and we shall present."
  111. >She then begun walking to her empty bedchamber before turning her head and saying
  112. >"But we've heard that she was quite lonely tonight, and that her favorite pranks involve snuggles and tickling."
  113. >You giggle and follow inside.
  114. "Your wish is my command Your Majesty."
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