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Android 4.3 BLE Connect Fail

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Jul 29th, 2013
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  1. I/MYAPP_LOG(1973): connectGatt() called
  2. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): connect() - device: 90:59:AF:04:33:36, auto: false
  3. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): registerApp()
  4. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): registerApp() - UUID=73683f5a-9a83-4b79-865a-c00884fcf725
  5. D/BtGatt.GattService(1988): registerClient() - UUID=73683f5a-9a83-4b79-865a-c00884fcf725
  6. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_register_app
  7. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btgattc_handle_event: Event 1000
  8. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f16
  9. I/bt-att(1988): GATT_Register
  10. D/bt-att(1988): UUID=[0x73683f5a9a834b79865ac00884fcf725]
  11. I/bt-att(1988): allocated gatt_if=4
  12. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f15
  13. I/bt-att(1988): GATT_StartIf gatt_if=4
  14. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_find_the_connected_bda start_idx=0
  15. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_find_the_connected_bda found=0 found_idx=4
  16. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Event 0
  17. I/bt-btif(1988): HAL bt_gatt_callbacks->client->register_client_cb
  18. D/BtGatt.GattService(1988): onClientRegistered() - UUID=73683f5a-9a83-4b79-865a-c00884fcf725, clientIf=4
  19. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): onClientRegistered() - status=0 clientIf=4
  20. D/BtGatt.GattService(1988): clientConnect() - address=90:59:AF:04:33:36, isDirect=true
  21. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_open
  22. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btgattc_handle_event: Event 1004
  23. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f00
  24. I/bt-att(1988): GATT_Connect gatt_if=4
  25. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_act_connect
  26. I/bt-btm(1988): BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [9059af043336]
  27. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_find_dev_type - device_type = 2 addr_type = 0
  28. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_get_ch_state: ch_state=0
  29. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_set_ch_state: old=0 new=2
  30. I/bt-l2cap(1988): L2CA_ConnectFixedChnl() CID: 0x0004 BDA: 9059af043336
  31. I/bt-l2cap(1988): l2c_link_adjust_allocation num_hipri: 0 num_lowpri: 1 low_quota: 4 round_robin_quota: 0 qq: 4
  32. I/bt-l2cap(1988): l2c_link_adjust_allocation LCB 0 Priority: 0 XmitQuota: 4
  33. I/bt-l2cap(1988): SentNotAcked: 0 RRUnacked: 0
  34. D/bt-l2cap(1988): l2cu_allocate_ccb: cid 0x0000
  35. D/bt-l2cap(1988): l2c_link_adjust_chnl_allocation
  36. D/bt-l2cap(1988): POOL ID:3, GKI_poolcount = 200, reserved_buff = 0, weighted_chnls = 2, quota_per_weighted_chnls = 101
  37. I/bt-l2cap(1988): CID:0x0041 Priority:2 TxDataRate:1 Quota:101
  38. I/bt-btm(1988): BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [9059af043336]
  39. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_find_dev_type - device_type = 2 addr_type = 0
  40. I/bt-btm(1988): btm_find_or_alloc_dev
  41. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_update_app_use_link_flag is_add=1 chk_link=0
  42. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_update_app_hold_link_status found=1[1-found] idx=0 gatt_if=4 is_add=1
  43. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_get_ch_state: ch_state=2
  44. I/bt-att(1988): GATT_GetConnIdIfConnected status=0
  45. D/bt-btif(1988): HC lib lpm deassertion return 0
  46. D/bt-btif(1988): HC lib lpm deassertion return 0
  47. I/bt-hci(1988): BLE HCI(id=62) event = 0x01)
  48. I/bt-btm(1988): btm_ble_connected
  49. I/bt-btm(1988): Security Manager: btm_sec_connected : handle:3 enc_mode:0 bda:af043336 RName:
  50. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_ble_connected sec_flags=0x80
  51. I/bt-btm(1988): btm_find_or_alloc_dev
  52. D/bt-l2cap(1988): l2cble_scanner_conn_comp: HANDLE=3 addr_type=0 conn_interval=6 slave_latency=0 supervision_tout=700
  53. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_acl_created hci_handle=3 link_role=0 is_le_link=1
  54. D/bt-btm(1988): device_type=0x2
  55. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_establish_continue
  56. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_acl_update_busy_level
  57. D/bt-btm(1988): BTM_BLI_ACL_UP_EVT
  58. D/bt-att(1988): GATT ATT protocol channel with BDA: 9059af043336 is connected
  59. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_is_bda_in_the_srv_chg_clt_list :90-59-af-04-33-36
  60. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev is_bonded=0
  61. D/bt-att(1988): connected is TRUE reason=1
  62. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_get_ch_state: ch_state=2
  63. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_set_ch_state: old=2 new=4
  64. I/bt-att(1988): gatt_profile_connect_cback: from 9059af043336 connected:1 conn_id=1 reason = 0x0000
  65. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif = 3 connected = 1 conn_id = 3 reaosn = 0x0000
  66. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif = 4 connected = 1 conn_id = 4 reaosn = 0x0000
  67. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_num_apps_hold_link num=1
  68. I/bt-att(1988): GATT_SetIdleTimeout idle_tout=65535 status=1(1-OK 0-not performed)
  69. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_ble_update_mode_operation adv_mode = 0
  70. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x108
  71. I/bt-btif(1988): bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x8
  72. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_bda_to_acl found
  73. D/bt-btm(1988): BTM_ReadRemoteFeatures
  74. W/bt-btif(1988): info:x0
  75. I/bt-l2cap(1988): L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0
  76. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x108
  77. I/bt-btif(1988): bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x8
  78. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f0c
  79. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_conn server cache state=0
  80. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_conn conn_id=4
  81. I/bt-att(1988): GATT_GetConnectionInfor conn_id=4
  82. I/bt-l2cap(1988): L2CA_EnableUpdateBleConnParams - BD_ADDR 9059af043336 enable 0 current upd state 0
  83. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_cache_open conn_id=4
  84. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f12
  85. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_ci_open conn_id=4 server state=1
  86. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f13
  87. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_ci_load conn_id=4 load status=138
  88. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_start_discover conn_id=4 p_clcb->p_srcb->state = 3
  89. I/bt-l2cap(1988): L2CA_EnableUpdateBleConnParams - BD_ADDR 9059af043336 enable 0 current upd state 1
  90. I/bt-btm(1988): BTM_InqDbRead: bd addr [9059af043336]
  91. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_find_dev_type - device_type = 2 addr_type = 0
  92. I/bt-att(1988): GATTC_Discover conn_id=4 disc_type=1
  93. I/bt-l2cap(1988): L2CA_SendFixedChnlData() CID: 0x0004 BDA: 9059af043336
  94. I/bt-btif(1988): btif_dm_upstreams_cback ev: BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT
  95. D/bt-btif(1988): BTA_DM_LINK_UP_EVT. Sending BT_ACL_STATE_CONNECTED
  96. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_bda_to_acl found
  97. D/bt-btm(1988): BTM_ReadRemoteVersion
  98. D/(1988): remote version info [90:59:af:04:33:36]: 0, 0, 0
  99. D/bt-btif(1988): in, bd addr:90:59:af:04:33:36, prop type:12, len:12
  100. D/bt-btif(1988): post cmd type:1, size:0, h:7,
  101. I/bt-btif(1988): HAL bt_hal_cbacks->acl_state_changed_cb
  102. D/bt-btif(1988):
  103. D/btif_config_util(1988): btif_config_save_file(L153): in file name:/data/misc/bluedroid/
  104. D/bt-btif(1988): HC lib lpm deassertion return 0
  105. D/bt-btif(1988): HC lib lpm deassertion return 0
  106. I/bt-btif(1988): btif_dm_upstreams_cback ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT
  107. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Event 2
  108. D/bt-btif(1988): found node is NULL
  109. I/bt-btif(1988): HAL bt_gatt_callbacks->client->open_cb
  110. D/BtGatt.GattService(1988): onConnected() - clientIf=4, connId=4, address=90:59:AF:04:33:36
  111. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): onClientConnectionState() - status=0 clientIf=4 device=90:59:AF:04:33:36
  113. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): discoverServices() - device: 90:59:AF:04:33:36
  114. D/BtGatt.GattService(1988): discoverServices() - address=90:59:AF:04:33:36, connId=4
  115. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_search_service
  116. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btgattc_handle_event: Event 1006
  117. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f08
  118. I/bt-hci(1988): BLE HCI(id=62) event = 0x04)
  119. I/bt-btm(1988): btm_ble_read_remote_features_complete
  120. D/bt-btif(1988): HC lib lpm deassertion return 0
  121. D/dalvikvm(820): GC_CONCURRENT freed 450K, 6% free 9728K/10280K, paused 2ms+1ms, total 91ms
  122. D/AlarmManagerService(540): Kernel timezone updated to 360 minutes west of GMT
  123. D/bt-l2cap(1988): l2cu_release_ccb: cid 0x0004 in_use: 1
  124. D/bt-att(1988): GATT ATT protocol channel with BDA: 9059af043336 is disconnected
  125. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_is_bda_in_the_srv_chg_clt_list :90-59-af-04-33-36
  126. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_sec_is_a_bonded_dev is_bonded=0
  127. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_cleanup_upon_disc
  128. D/bt-att(1988): found p_tcb
  129. D/bt-att(1988): found p_clcb conn_id=4 clcb_idx=0
  130. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_end_operation status=133 op=1 subtype=1
  131. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_disc_cmpl conn_id=4
  132. W/bt-l2cap(1988): L2CA_EnableUpdateBleConnParams - unknown BD_ADDR 9059af043336
  133. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_search conn_id=4
  134. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_free_pending_ind
  135. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Event 6
  136. D/bt-att(1988): gatt_free_pending_enc_queue
  137. D/bt-att(1988): found p_reg tcb_idx=0 gatt_if=1 conn_id=0x1
  138. I/bt-att(1988): gatt_profile_connect_cback: from 9059af043336 connected:0 conn_id=1 reason = 0x0008
  139. D/bt-att(1988): found p_reg tcb_idx=0 gatt_if=2 conn_id=0x2
  140. D/bt-att(1988): found p_reg tcb_idx=0 gatt_if=3 conn_id=0x3
  141. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif = 3 connected = 0 conn_id = 3 reaosn = 0x0008
  142. D/bt-btif(1988): connection ID: [3] not used by BTA
  143. D/bt-att(1988): found p_reg tcb_idx=0 gatt_if=4 conn_id=0x4
  144. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_conn_cback: cif = 4 connected = 0 conn_id = 4 reaosn = 0x0008
  145. D/bt-att(1988): exit gatt_cleanup_upon_disc
  146. D/bt-att(1988): ATT disconnected
  147. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_acl_removed
  148. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_bda_to_acl found
  149. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_acl_report_role_change
  150. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_acl_update_busy_level
  151. D/bt-btm(1988): BTM_BLI_ACL_DOWN_EVT
  152. D/bt-btm(1988): acl hci_handle=3 is_le_link=1 connectable_mode=0x0 link_role=0
  153. D/bt-btm(1988): before update p_dev_rec->sec_flags=0x80
  154. D/bt-btm(1988): LE link down
  155. D/bt-btm(1988): Not Bonded
  156. D/bt-btm(1988): after update p_dev_rec->sec_flags=0x80
  157. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_acl_resubmit_page
  158. E/bt-btm(1988): btm_sec_disconnected - Clearing Pending flag
  159. I/bt-btm(1988): btm_sec_disconnected() sec_req:x0 State: 0 reason:8 bda:9059af043336 RName:
  160. I/bt-btm(1988): before Update sec_flags=0x80
  161. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_ble_update_mode_operation adv_mode = 0
  162. I/bt-btm(1988): after Update sec_flags=0x80
  163. D/bt-btif(1988): HC lib lpm deassertion return 0
  164. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f10
  165. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_close conn_id=4
  166. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x108
  167. I/bt-btif(1988): bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x8
  168. D/bt-btm(1988): btm_get_acl_disc_reason_code
  169. I/bt-l2cap(1988): L2CA_SetDesireRole() new:x1, disallow_switch:0
  170. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x108
  171. I/bt-btif(1988): bta_dm_sm_execute event:0x8
  172. I/bt-btif(1988): HAL bt_gatt_callbacks->client->search_complete_cb
  173. D/BtGatt.GattService(1988): onSearchCompleted() - connId=4, status=129
  174. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): onSearchComplete() = Device=90:59:AF:04:33:36 Status=129
  175. I/MYAPP_LOG(1973): StockProfile | onServicesChanged | count: 0
  176. I/MYAPP_LOG(1973): StockProfile | onServiceDiscovered
  177. I/MYAPP_LOG(1973): onServicesDiscovered: 0 services found
  178. W/BluetoothGatt(1973): Unhandled exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
  179. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Event 5
  180. I/bt-btif(1988): HAL bt_gatt_callbacks->client->close_cb
  181. D/BtGatt.GattService(1988): onDisconnected() - clientIf=4, connId=4, address=90:59:AF:04:33:36
  182. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): onClientConnectionState() - status=133 clientIf=4 device=90:59:AF:04:33:36
  184. I/System.out(1973): DEBUG: onUpdate()
  185. I/MYAPP_LOG(1973): Device Status updated!
  186. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): close()
  187. D/BluetoothGatt(1973): unregisterApp() - mClientIf=4
  188. D/BtGatt.GattService(1988): unregisterClient() - clientIf=4
  189. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_unregister_app
  190. I/bt-btif(1988): btif_dm_upstreams_cback ev: BTA_DM_LINK_DOWN_EVT
  192. I/bt-btif(1988): HAL bt_hal_cbacks->acl_state_changed_cb
  193. I/bt-btif(1988): btif_dm_upstreams_cback ev: BTA_DM_BUSY_LEVEL_EVT
  194. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btgattc_handle_event: Event 1001
  195. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f17
  196. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_deregister_cmpl client_if=4
  197. I/bt-btif(1988): BTA got event 0x1f18
  198. D/bt-btif(1988): bta_gattc_int_deregister_cmpl client_if=4
  199. I/bt-att(1988): GATT_Deregister gatt_if=4
  200. D/BtGatt.btif(1988): btif_gattc_upstreams_evt: Event 1
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