
star wars green 2

Dec 21st, 2015
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  1. >Lord Sombra passed through the halls into the chamber room
  2. >Kneeling under the pulsing lights a ghostly image of the emperor's face appeared before him
  3. "What is thy bidding Emperor Palpatine?"
  4. >The emperor grimaced
  5. >"Where are the children i sent you for?"
  6. >Sombra bared his teeth to the floor
  7. "Gone. In the company of the jedi."
  8. >"I would've thought you capable of dealing with one jedi, King of the Sith."
  9. "Yes, one jedi I can dispatch quite easily. But there was not just one."
  10. >The emperor's grimace grew deeper
  11. >"There was more than one?"
  12. "Yes."
  13. >"How many more?"
  14. >Sombra hesitated
  15. >"Speak."
  16. >Sombra looked up at him
  17. "One more."
  19. >Sombra would not be answered this way
  20. "They were dispatched just as easily as you bestowed them unto me! I asked for them because i was told they were warriors!"
  21. >Palpatine glared at him
  22. >"Both of them!? By the same jedi!?"
  23. "It couldn't have been the female. She relishes in battle, but this new one kills without delay. Clearly he knows the importance of those children and the power which they posses."
  24. >Palpatine stroked his chin
  25. >"And tell me then King Sombra, why is it that you were spared?"
  26. >Sombra's eyes widened
  27. >"If what you say is true. Why, then, is it that you were not dispatched as well?"
  28. "You question my allegiance?"
  29. >"I question why you still breathe."
  30. "I was pushed away, before i could finish her. They left promptly."
  31. >Emperor Palpatine continued to stare him down
  32. >"You say he kills swiftly?"
  33. "Yes"
  34. >"Then he is weak. This jedi is young and inexperienced, dragging out a battle only serves to expose this weakness in him."
  35. "Then he is no matter."
  36. >"No. Weak though his skills with a sabre may be, he is strong in the force. Those troopers were the first in a long time to have been felled."
  37. >Sombra balled his fist
  38. >"Pursue those children, bring them forth to me that Darth Vader may offer them apprenticeship. Harm none of them, or feel my wrath."
  39. >Before Palpatine could cut off the signal Sombra spoke again
  40. "What of my guard?"
  41. >Again Palpatine frowned
  42. >"You shall have two more then. Though i am quite sure a warrior of your caliber would not need them."
  43. >The signal cut suddenly and Sombra was left in darkness
  44. >Sombra gritted his teeth as his anger consumed him
  47. ---
  49. >Back on Moondancer's ship, dubbed the 'Scholar', the newly acquired passengers were just sitting down to dinner
  50. >The girls had long since made a friend with M1-A5, Moondancer's security droid
  51. >Though polished to a gleam the Droideka had mismatching parts
  52. >A remnant of the war was now re-purposed to serve drinks to its guests
  53. >'Patches' was his new nickname given by the children who were now thanking him
  54. >'D00T D00T'
  55. >"Why can't he talk?"
  56. >Moondancer picked up a roll
  57. >"He doesn't need to. He serves his function well enough without communication, unlike others..."
  58. >Flash rolled his eyes
  59. >"You were the one who said she didn't mind any extra work that might come our way. Something about a rainy day."
  60. >"Fugi-"
  61. >Moondancer had agreed not to use that word
  62. >"High-detail transport wasn't exactly what i was referring too."
  63. >"The money was good."
  64. >"The money wasn't the issue."
  65. >You look up from your bowl of mystery meat to fetch a spoonful of mashed something
  66. >"Hey, friend. That's for paying customers only."
  67. >Flash was a bit irritated for losing such a big haul
  68. >Moondancer had absolutely refused to take any of your money when you explained the situation
  69. >Though not exactly for the reasons you were hoping
  70. >'If i take your money' she said 'I would be implicating myself. If the empire boards it'll be simpler to admit you're stowaways."
  71. >"Then i guess you can't have any either."
  72. >Flash Sentry had been living on Moondancer's ship for a while, long enough to forget when he had boarded at least
  73. >He met your gaze as you nonchalantly plopped the spoon on your plate
  74. >Moondancer explained she needed a people person, someone who wasn't afraid to strike a deal, bargain, or haggle
  75. >Before she relied too much on the droid to get a job
  76. >Intimidation didn't suit her all too good, neither did haggling
  77. >Too often she would lose a job to someone else who was deemed more capable
  78. >Then one cloudy day on a backwoods port she met Flash
  79. >She felt comfortable enough around him to appear brave as she had just shown
  80. >"The salad Mr. Anonymous?"
  81. "Oh, sorry."
  82. >As she served herself Moondancer couldn't help but cast a sideways glance at Gilda who focused mainly on her protein
  83. >She didn't bother offering
  84. >"So, how are you all enjoying your second 'night' so to speak, on my ship?"
  85. >You sipped from your cup while the girls chimed in with their enthusiasm of being on a ship where they weren't confined to their room
  86. >"And you..?"
  87. "It's alright, I suppose."
  88. >"Please, elaborate."
  89. "Well, for the past eight years or so I've traveled to many different planets. I've seen magnificent sunsets, heard the shrillest songbirds, and smelled the sweetest flowers on the wind."
  90. >You pause to wipe your mouth
  91. "On this ship all i have is a wall of musty old books and deafening quiet..."
  92. >Moondancer seemed offput by your comment
  93. >Even Gilda stared at you
  94. "Don't get me wrong though, it just means i forgot what it feels like to have four walls and a roof. It's actually put me quite at ease."
  95. >You continue to eat to Moondancer's delight
  96. >Since there hadn't been a live, conscious, passenger besides Flash in the past she had converted two rooms on her ship into makeshift libraries
  97. >You were fortunate enough to be assigned the most spacious of the two
  98. "I've also forgotten how fun it was to read."
  99. >Moondancer beamed
  100. >Gilda snorted, covering her mouth
  101. >"I didn't peg you for an egghead."
  102. >She teased though it was true
  103. >Back at the academy you spent all your free time in the library instead of practicing with your friends
  104. >It was where you formed your strongest opinions regarding the order of the Jedi
  105. "I read one book."
  106. >"Are you reading it again tonight?"
  107. "Yes."
  108. >*Snort*
  109. >"Egghead"
  110. ...
  112. >After dinner the girls stayed at the table to play a game with Moondancer and M1-A5
  113. >Gilda went off sit at one of the turrets in the cargo hold to be alone
  114. >And you were just on your way back to your room, it wasn't for sure that you'd read, but you would definitely sleep
  115. >You heard a fast approaching set of footfalls behind you and let yourself be taken by Flash
  116. >He grabbed you by the neck and twisted your arm
  117. >Throwing you against the wall he leaned in real close and whispered harshly
  118. >"Hey 'Jedi', don't think i don't know what you were doing back there."
  119. "Is this about the money? Not my fault she wouldn't take it."
  120. >You grunted as he twisted your arm
  121. >"Don't play stupid! I saw the way she looked at you when you first stepped aboard."
  122. >Moondancer's face lit up when she first saw you
  123. >"I had to work my ass off day and night to get her to show me the smallest bit of decency. Before you came along she was an ice queen, now she just looks at you with those big puppy dog eyes."
  124. "Really? I hadn't noticed."
  125. >Flash twisted your arm again
  126. "Agh. Hey it's not my fault the girl has a crush on me!"
  127. >"I want you off this ship as soon as we land on Naboo. Understand? Otherwise you'll have more to complain about than a sore arm."
  128. >Flash pushed himself off you and walked away
  129. "You know you don't have to be jealous."
  130. >You say rubbing your elbow
  131. >Flash stopped in his tracks and veered around
  132. >"What did you say?"
  133. >He started back at you and grabbed you by the collar
  134. >Gilda appeared around the corner, a toothpick in her mouth
  135. >Flash gripped you harder before he let go as she walked up
  136. >She towered over the both of you
  137. >"Problem, boys?"
  138. >Flash smiled at her
  139. >"No problem here. Right Anonymous?"
  140. >You smiled back
  141. "Right."
  142. >With that the smile disappeared from his face and he walked away up the ladder to his cabin
  143. >"Don't think you can fool me Dweeb."
  144. >Gilda stared down her nose at you
  145. "Really. There wasn't a problem. Guy just can't handle a little competition."
  146. >She gave you an unsettling smile
  147. >"Can you?"
  148. ---
  150. >Meanwhile in the Naboo system an Imperial emissary is just leaving the planet's orbit
  151. >With the documentation finally implemented Naboo would soon be forced to join the Empire as well
  152. >Within a few cycles time he would deliver the papers to the offices on Coruscant and finally get that promotion
  153. >Looking out the cockpit window he saw two of the new TIE fighters escorting his ship to the Imperial Destroyer
  154. >The pilots fiddled with the switches and dials on the dash
  155. >They seemed concerned but whatever was the matter he was sure they could handle it, after all it was their job
  156. >He turned around and walked away as he was feeling a bit peckish, something from the galley would sate his appetite
  157. >It was still a long trip just to get to the Destroyer
  158. >No sooner had he opened the door that the ship rumbled
  159. >He paid no mind, after all turbulence was a common thing on-
  160. >BANG!
  161. >The ship jolted suddenly and sent him flying across the room
  162. >Drawers opened and spilled their contents all over the dizzied and disoriented ambassador
  163. >Rocking side to side the ship sent him sliding into a counter which he used to steady himself
  164. >BANG!
  165. >WHIiiiirr
  166. >The engines had quit
  167. >The intercom buzzed to life
  168. >"Pirates have damaged the ship! Prepare for crash landing!"
  169. >The ambassador had to hurry
  170. >He unsteadily made his way to his room
  171. >The ship began to rumble and shake, building with intensity
  172. >Surely they were passing through an atmosphere, not much time left
  173. >Though thrown off balance more than once he managed to reach his room in time to fly one last time down the hallway
  174. >He saw the far wall rush to meet him, and then darkness
  176. ---
  178. >Twilight Sparkle had to sit down when she heard the news
  179. >Ambassador Wilhelm was a good friend
  180. >Shining Armor put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her
  181. >Damn those rebels
  182. >"What's important now is that we rendezvous with the main fleet and get back to Coruscant. He radioed ahead remember? Naboo is ours."
  183. >Twilight shook her head
  184. >"He was so close to retiring. He just wanted bigger office."
  185. >Shining Armor nodded
  186. >"I know how it feels to lose your mentor, but trust me this will make you stronger. You'll see, his legacy lives on in you."
  187. >Twilight took a deep breath
  188. >"You're right. Wilhelm taught me everything he knew after all. I learned it all in a year."
  189. >She forced a smile but it faded quickly
  190. >"We should go now. Set heading for the Corellia system."
  191. >"Aye-Aye Captain."
  192. >Twilight stood up from her chair
  193. >"You going to be okay?"
  194. >"Sure, i just want to go to my room for a bit."
  195. >"Alright."
  196. >Twilight left the bridge
  197. >Shortly after she was in her cabin packing for her trip
  198. >Spike, her young Trandoshan helper, was trying to convince her otherwise
  199. >"You can't just leave like that! What if something happens to you?"
  200. >"Trust me Spike I'll be fine. I may not look like much but i have a few tricks up my sleeve even my brother doesn't know about."
  201. >"But that's because-!"
  202. >Spike shut his mouth with his claws
  203. >Twilight patted him on the head
  204. >"I know Spike, but going by myself will allow me to use my special skills in the open. If i took a few of my brother's stormtroopers with me all they would do is hold me back."
  205. >"But you'd be safe."
  206. >"Yes, but not safer. I think i can handle a few pirates by myself."
  207. >Twilight twirled a Death Hammer blaster pistol and placed it in her holster
  208. >"I've been training with my brother at the range. I think i've got better aim than a stormtrooper now."
  209. >"So does a blind squirrel."
  210. >Twilight strapped on her pack and looked at herself in the mirror
  211. >She geared herself up with an old expedition uniform she found at the Ring world of Zero
  212. >It came with ten different clasps, twenty different pockets, and a padded inner layer to protect against frost
  213. >Her holster lay idly at her side with a fully loaded blaster and two concussion grenades
  214. >The Imperial Pith helmet she 'borrowed' from her brothers room was a bit too big for her, but it covered up her notorious hair nicely
  215. >She was a young, strong, proud, independent Umbaran woman who didn't need anyone's help
  216. >"Spike, take a letter..."
  218. ...
  220. >"Sir, we are detecting an unauthorized vehicle leaving the secondary shuttle bay."
  221. >"What?"
  222. >Shining Armor walked over to the monitor
  223. >"Hail that ship. I want to know the meaning of this."
  224. >A few moments later Twilight's voice broke over the speakers
  225. >"Oh, hey. Looks like you found me."
  226. >"Twilight?"
  227. >"Sorry big brother, but i have to do this. You said Wilhelm's legacy lives on in me so i have to go."
  228. >"Go? Go where?"
  229. >"To the Naboo system, Mr. Wilhelm was a very precise beaurocrat. He never once lost paperwork."
  230. >Shining Armor couldn't believe what he was hearing
  231. >"Twilight you get back on this ship right now."
  232. >Silence
  233. >When Twilight spoke her voice was solemn
  234. >"I have to do this big brother. For Wilhelm."
  235. >"This isn't what i meant Twilight. You can grieve in your own way but putting yourself in danger isn't going to help."
  236. >"Don't worry about me, you taught me well remember? I'd love to stay and chat but i have to go now. The Hyperdrive is almost engaged."
  237. >"Wait. Twilight!"
  238. >"I left a note with Spike, you should read it. Bye now."
  239. >The frequency cut off
  240. >"Sir, we are detecting spiking energy signatures."
  241. >Shining Armor stared out the window
  242. >"Sir?"
  243. >Within a moment her ship flashed in and out of sight
  244. >"Sir, we could go after her."
  245. >The entire bridge looked at its captain
  246. >Shining shook his head
  247. >"We have a schedule to keep. She'll be fine."
  250. >"We're picking up a distress signal."
  251. >Moondancer fidgeted with a few dials to get a lock
  252. >Beside her Flash sat in the copilot's chair non-chalantly polishing his S-5 Naboo blaster pistol
  253. >A gift from one of the guards at the royal palace he had bedded
  254. >She wanted to see him again
  255. >Flash smiled at the thought
  256. >"It's coming from just inside the Naboo system."
  257. >"We should check it out, maybe they left us something."
  258. >"I never took you for a humanitarian Flash but could you at least act concerned?"
  259. >"Sorry. The last five distress signals we answered knocked it out of me."
  260. >Flash pocketed his blaster
  261. >"I just don't feel like getting my hopes up anymore, Moony."
  262. >Moondancer remained quiet as she piloted the ship closer to the swamp moon
  263. >By the time she finally stopped the beeping and located the ship Gilda had made her way into the cabin
  264. >"What's going on?" What's with the beeping?"
  265. >"Distress signal. Ship went down on that rock over there."
  266. >Gilda looked out the window
  267. >"I'm not stopping to check out a ship wreck. Keep flying sister."
  268. >"I am not your sister, and i will not keep flying. There are people in distress who are in need of help."
  269. >"And why do we have to help them?"
  270. >You step out behind Gilda before Moondancer can make her case
  271. "Help who?"
  272. >Moondancer instantly sat up in her chair
  273. >"We just receive a distress signal from the moon below. I was just about to answer it before-"
  274. >"Before i told her to keep on trucking. I'm not putting off collecting my reward any cause of one stupid crash."
  275. >Moondancer looked at you with a mix of fear and pity
  276. >"I'm all for it."
  277. >Flash spoke up
  278. >"We might find something useful down there."
  279. >"More useful than your mouth?"
  280. >"Hey!"
  281. >"Why are even talking about this? We're wasting our time."
  282. >By now all eyes were on you
  283. >You cast a meaningful glance out the window
  284. "You're right Gilda, we are wasting our time."
  285. >She sneered
  286. "We're stowaways after all, we have no say in what the captain does with her ship."
  287. >Gilda's smile faded and Moondancer's appeared
  288. >"I'll start the descent."
  289. >Gilda shot you a dirty look and left
  290. "That being said, i sure would hate it if we walked into a trap."
  291. >"Are you telling me not to land?"
  292. >You shake your head
  293. "Just land far enough away so we can check it out first."
  294. >Moondancer nodded in understanding and drifted a few degrees off course
  296. >Landing in a thick mangrove swamp provided more than enough cover
  297. >In less than 5 minutes you were set to scout the wreckage though not without protest
  298. >Gilda insisted to come along for the hopes of finding some loot until you suggested she protect her bounty
  299. >Moondancer also spoke her piece but Flash shot her down, reminding her she was the pilot of the ship
  300. >And so you were set to explore the nature of the emergency, with Flash, on a single speeder bike
  301. >It was a toss up as to who got to drive but Flash dove into the driver's seat before you had a chance to suggest Rock Paper Scissors
  302. >The backseat was more than a little uncomfortable
  303. >Swamp gas and a heavily humid air didn't aid your experience
  304. >"I call dibs on the first bit of loot we see!"
  305. "We? Last i remember thieves operated on a first come first serve basis."
  306. >"Who said i was a thief?"
  307. "Sorry, i guess at this point we'd technically be grave robbers."
  308. >"Don't say things like that! They might still be alive after all. I hope."
  309. "So then you are a thief?"
  310. >The ship came into view over the next rise
  311. >It had ploughed deep into the marsh leaving behind it a remarkably long track
  312. >Small fires spread among the peat at the base of the tail
  313. "Looks like they tried to save the ship."
  314. >"But did they save themselves?"
  315. >Flash pulled up alongside the cockpit
  316. >You couldn't sense any lifeforms on board
  317. >"This is an imperial transport."
  318. "We should probably figure out their story first."
  319. >You both stepped off the speeder to take a look around
  320. >Turning the corner you witnessed several bodies half buried in the muck
  321. >Blaster burns on the side of the ship suggested they were having a shootout
  322. >"I had heard there was a rebellion forming. I didn't think they'd actually get this far."
  323. "I don't think this was the work of rebels."
  324. >"How do you figure?"
  325. >Flash knelt over to the nearest guard and picked his pockets
  326. >You walked closer to the ship and laid a hand on the marks
  327. "These shots are pretty close packed. Sure rebels would train their soldiers but, these blasts suggest more discipline."
  328. >Flash picked up one of the blasters and emptied its magazine
  329. >"So? Maybe they're stepping up their game?"
  330. "I don't think so."
  331. >Flash tossed the blaster at you
  332. >"Just look at these weapons. They're all secondary hand held blasters, these guys probably weren't too intimidating to begin with."
  333. >You turn the weapon over in your hand
  334. >"This is another thing. Why would the rebels leave these weapons behind? Wouldn't they need them?"
  335. >Flash stuffed a few more credits in his pockets
  336. >"They probably would've take these too huh? What does it matter who these guys were fighting? We're just here for the loot remember?"
  337. >Flash opened a small silver placard he found
  338. >A holographic picture emanated from inside displaying a man with his wife and two young children
  339. >Flash looked at it solemnly
  340. "Someone you knew?"
  341. >You ask as you tower above him
  342. >Closing it immediately he dropped it on the guard's chest
  343. >"No. Nobody, just a picture."
  344. >Looking away he spoke again
  345. >"I"m going to have a look inside. Maybe some survivors...or swag."
  346. >He walks away without looking at you, head bent over like a child scorned
  347. >You knew there was nobody on board, but you never checked outside
  348. >Obviously nothing could be seen through the mounds of sparse vegetation
  349. >Perhaps somebody managed to slip away
  350. >Taking a deep breath you close your eyes and focus
  352. >Twilight had dropped out of hyperspace just a moment earlier
  353. >Landing a ways off as well she surveyed the crash through her binoculars
  354. >The nearest downed TIE fighter concealed her from the two strangers waltzing about Imperial business
  355. >But she couldn't think that way, not yet, perhaps they were just curious bypassers investigating the distress signal
  356. >One of the two had entered the transport, the other continued to rummage about the wreckage and debris
  357. >She wanted so badly to confront them and search for her mentor, but she was hesitant
  358. >She had to learn more about them, she had to study their behaviour
  360. >Your search lead you to what seemed little more than a mound of earth
  361. >But this was it, the source of the life force you had so weakly detected
  362. >Not sure which way to approach you grab onto the top and pull
  363. >To your surprise you clasp an ear and begin to wipe off the mud
  364. >An old man was slowly revealed just managing to gasp for breath
  365. >There wasn't a blaster burn on him but he felt cold as ice to the touch
  366. >Doing your best to dig him out you carry him back to the ship and set him down against the hull
  367. "Flash! Get out here! Bring the Medkit!"
  369. >Twilight felt a tinge of hope as she watched the scene unfold
  370. >They were good samaritans!
  371. >The one outside continued to wipe mud from the face and nose of the wounded man in an attempt to revive him
  372. >His voice was just audible over the distance and he kept screaming for the other to hurry
  373. >Twilight watched with hopeful as the second man appeared at the door
  374. >He was carrying some papers
  376. >"He's a bureaucrat."
  377. "I don't care, where's the medkit?"
  378. >"The whole place is cleaned out. Even the food. But they left these behind."
  379. >Flash handed you the papers
  380. >You took them with reluctance
  381. >Not bothering to read the whole thing you eyeball the words "Treatise", "Cessation of Conflict", and "Naboo"
  382. >"Looks like they beat us."
  383. >Flash turned an uneasy gaze to the old man
  384. >"Is he...?"
  385. >You grip the papers in frustration
  386. "I don't know."
  387. >The old man coughed and winced
  388. >"N-no...p-lease...the pain..."
  389. >He wheezed
  390. >Looking to the front of the ship you speak with conviction
  391. "Get the speeder. We're leaving."
  392. >Flash didn't argue and stepped away immediately
  393. >You stand up and pull out your lightsaber
  394. "I'll make it quick."
  395. >Activating it you raise the saber over your shoulder and prepare to strike
  396. >A horrible scream accompanies a blaster bolt that comes dangerously close to your head
  397. >You turn in time to deflect two more shots taken at you by a crazed woman closing in on an Imperial speeder
  399. >You hear the bike whine in response as you reflect another shot at the stranger
  400. >She stops several meters away and hides behind the machine for cover as she continues her assault
  401. >Her shots were so quick and accurate you actually have trouble trying to keep up
  402. >"Let's go!"
  403. >Flash calls out from somewhere behind you
  404. >Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer you throw the pages of the treaty into the air for makeshift cover
  405. >Nearly 400 pages flutter and billow outward with the force as you turn to leave
  406. >Your eyes fall on the pitiful old man
  407. >Flash screamed something before you swiped his head off his shoulders and ran
  408. >Punching the throttle you were both gone in an instant
  409. >As soon as you were a safe distance away he turned his ear to you
  410. >"How many were there?"
  411. "Just one."
  412. >"Just one!?"
  413. "She was an Imperial! There could be more!"
  414. >"Why didn't you say so!"
  415. >Flash opened up a channel to Moondancer
  416. >"Honey, we're coming home early."
  417. >"Don't call me that!"
  418. >"Sorry dear, just get the bird in the air we got company."
  420. >Twilight dropped to her knees just short Ambassador Wilhelm
  421. >Her tears fell onto the muddied pages of the peace treaty and blotted the queen's signature
  422. >The roaring of an engine filled the air
  423. >Looking up through misty eyes she saw a freighter rising up from the trees in the distance
  424. >She wiped away her tears and took aim with her blaster
  425. >As it turned slowly away from her she grit her teeth and pulled the trigger
  426. >Bolt after bolt left her barrel but none found their target
  427. >Not daring to blink she took in every detail of the ship, memorizing every little scratch she could find
  428. >After finishing off the power cartridge in her blaster Twilight watched the ship leave the atmosphere
  429. >Looking back to the ambassador Twilight felt a surge of hate flow through her body
  430. >"I swear to you Mr. Wilhelm, in the name of the Emperor, I will avenge your death."
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