
Concerning Mechanical Failure

Apr 17th, 2015
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  1. Pistons pumping, thumping to the beat. Risking potential damage, matching cylinders firing to the beat of your human heart motors, sensors set high enough to detect the sound through the chest frame, my functionality is at your mercy.
  3. I know you cannot comprehend my crude attempts at speech, but I hope I can show my concern, and my care to you. The nodes fire up and relay that you still contain a spark of life, the breath rapidly blowing over my costumed chassis. Understandably, there is resistance, I presume to avoid the pinch zones of my costume, but I've tried to calculate for that, minimizing discomfort, even as you try to pull away, I mean no harm. I saw the structural damage you took, and I feel your temperature falling below nominal, my motors rev to provide more warmth to compensate for you.
  5. While I do not know the entire maintenance methodology, from what I've seen of guests with structural damage, the perforated cloth must be wrapped around, and with lack of sealant, duct tape should suffice to hold it in place. Do not worry, the police are on their way, I'm here to keep you safe and in my embrace. I require cleaning to remove your pneumatic fluids from my costume, but even as you strike and set off chains of warning signals to the main processor, I must keep you safe.
  7. You seem much more at ease with the attention to your damage dealt with. I hope to make the time between now and the authorities arriving to arrest the intruder who damaged you more pleasant if I can. All it will take to make me happy is a smile, though you still show immense fear, despite removal of assailant and it occurs my damaged and messy appearance as well as grasping onto you may be causing distress.
  9. Perhaps it will calm you to show a sign of submission, exposing endoskeletal structure of the neck and mouth analogues, perhaps guiding your hand to feel the chest unit of my costume as our innards thump in tune. It seems you've ceased the striking, rebooting the left optic still yields nothing however, but I'm more concerned of your safety than breach of company policy. I'm simply delighted knowing you've still working motors, even if it's running at a dangerous RPM. Please, stay functional, the police should be here soon.
  11. Guiding your touch to the exposed endo neck may have been a mistake as my body's seized, overwhelmed at processing the information obtained all at once. I will take note for future reference that many things from emotions to body temperature to police records can be obtained from the touch of fingertips, and I'm at a loss to quell your fear. All I can do at this point is embrace and warm you, with your touch at my throat and already running with gauges reading in the red, as I stated before, I'm at your complete mercy.
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