

Nov 19th, 2015
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  1. For this ranty journal it is extremely important that you read the whole thing. Do you not just read the first paragraph and then leave. You will almost assuredly get the wrong idea about what I am trying to say.
  4. You are trash. Complete and utter garbage. You're the culmination of everyone else's rejected and discarded items. The thing no one wants or needs. The thing that others turn up their noses in disgust at. Trash. You're trash.
  6. Did that feel good to hear? Somehow I doubt it. Which is the whole point of me saying that. Let me be clear I don't think those words about any of you. This is not a rant where I'm lashing out at everyone. This is a rant about vocabulary and what is acceptable to be said.
  8. Now time for some loaded questions. Questions so loaded that I don't really want to discuss them (you can do that with other people) but questions I want to bring up for a reason. Do you think it's alright for someone who is straight and believes themselves to be straight to make utterances about how gay they are? Such as, "OMG I'm so gay!" when they are clearly straight. Do you think it's alright for someone without depression or another mental illness to be claiming that they have a mental illness, for whatever reasons or purposes they have? Do you think it is alright for someone without a mental illness to joke about how they have one when they don't actually have one?
  10. Now thing about how you answered the questions, especially the last one, because that's what this is all about. Well sort of. Even if you the reader do thing that the actions in the questions are alright, (and I'm not judging you for thinking so. Hell I'm not going to give my own opinion besides what is relevant to this topic.) can you at least how someone might find the actions in question offensive? Hopefully because I think that there are a substantial number of people who would think that they are.
  12. Think back to the first paragraph. The one where I called you trash. Do you feel that's accurate about yourself? Do you think that's you? I can't answer that for you but I hope that you don't. And if you don't, THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IT'S ACCEPTABLE TO SAY THAT YOU ARE.
  14. It's insulting and offensive to me. There is this sorta new fad that has popped up recently where people in a fandom will call themselves [insert fandom here] trash. For example one could be Homestuck Trash, or Undertale Trash, or Whatever Trash they want to say that they are. I hate this fad. Usually when people say things like this they're doing it in relation to how much of a fan they are, or other related things of being a fan. But I don't get it.
  16. The two don't go together to me at all. Look at what I wrote above. That is trash. Now look at a fandom. It's a fandom? IT's a group of people that like a work. The only way I can see these two going together is if someone was saying that they're trash because they like X thing they're talking about. ... Which leads to two big problems about this fad that makes me hate it.
  18. 1) IT IS NOT WRONG TO LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE. Please! We all have different things we like. I may even myself hate or dislike some of those things but in no way does that make it BAD to like something! By calling yourself X Trash, you're saying it's bad to like thing X. And that's bad! It's a terrible message! Why should you be putting yourself and others who like something down? For fun? Because I rarely see this in situations where anyone things it's a problem with them. It's just like LOL I'm trash cause I like this, in a joking way. Which is just terrible. It's not a good joke to be putting yourself and others down for the things that you like. It's a terrible message joking or not. We have to encourage each other to like the things we do and continue doing things that bring us happiness! Not mock ourselves for it!
  20. 2) It's offensive. The whole of this fad is it's a joke. A playful thing to rib at themselves, or something like that. But it's not a joke. It's not really playful either. Saying you're trash isn't exactly something that is funny to say. I mean where's the humor in it? LOL I'm terrible? That's not funny. That's sad. And furthermore... What about those people who really DO think that about themselves. Those who looked at my first words and said, "You didn't have to tell me that again, I already know." The ones with self-esteem issues who truly believe they are trash. How is this not a slap in the face to them? "Hey I'm going to call myself trash jokingly because of this thing I like you know. It doesn't matter that I'm making fun of the plight of others because it's a joke!" No. Please. Stop. It is offensive do this. It just makes light of problems other people have. These problems are not a joke. And this is not funny.
  22. I myself have self-esteem problems. Sometimes they're better and sometimes they're not. I've come some way with how I feel since the past. But still these feelings remain. Feelings about my lack of self-worth and feelings of what I am. I feel I could describe myself as trash. Not in a joking way but the way I started out this post with. A rejected discarded item that people look at with disgust. And there are reasons for that... I do think that I probably deserve it. But this isn't about why I feel that way. This is about the offense... and I do find it offensive. I feel like a word I could use to describe myself and label myself is being ripped away and made into a joke. It feels like my struggles and issues are being made light of or being made fun of.
  24. So please.. Can we kill this fad? Let's enjoy and encourage the enjoyment of the things we love. Let's celebrate the things that give us happiness, and let those who are struggling navigate their way out.
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