
Suspicious php functions

Jun 15th, 2015
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PHP 4.12 KB | None | 0 0
  1. /******************************************************************
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  4. ********************* SUSPICIOUS FUNCTIONS LIST *******************
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  9. exec           - Returns last line of commands output
  10. passthru       - Passes commands output directly to the browser
  11. system         - Passes commands output directly to the browser and returns last line
  12. shell_exec     - Returns commands output
  13. `` (backticks) - Same as shell_exec()
  14. popen          - Opens read or write pipe to process of a command
  15. proc_open      - Similar to popen() but greater degree of control
  16. pcntl_exec     - Executes a program
  17. eval()
  18. assert()  - identical to eval()
  19. preg_replace('/.*/e',...) - /e does an eval() on the match
  20. create_function()
  21. include()
  22. include_once()
  23. require()
  24. require_once()
  25. ob_start
  26. array_diff_uassoc
  27. array_diff_ukey
  28. array_filter
  29. array_intersect_uassoc
  30. array_intersect_ukey
  31. array_map
  32. array_reduce
  33. array_udiff_assoc
  34. array_udiff_uassoc
  35. array_udiff
  36. array_uintersect_assoc
  37. array_uintersect_uassoc
  38. array_uintersect
  39. array_walk_recursive
  40. array_walk
  41. assert_options
  42. uasort
  43. uksort
  44. usort
  45. preg_replace_callback
  46. spl_autoload_register
  47. iterator_apply
  48. call_user_func
  49. call_user_func_array
  50. register_shutdown_function
  51. register_tick_function
  52. set_error_handler
  53. set_exception_handler
  54. session_set_save_handler
  55. sqlite_create_aggregate
  56. sqlite_create_function
  57. phpinfo
  58. posix_mkfifo
  59. posix_getlogin
  60. posix_ttyname
  61. getenv
  62. get_current_user
  63. proc_get_status
  64. get_cfg_var
  65. disk_free_space
  66. disk_total_space
  67. diskfreespace
  68. getcwd
  69. getlastmo
  70. getmygid
  71. getmyinode
  72. getmypid
  73. getmyuid
  75. extract - Opens the door for register_globals attacks (see study in scarlet).
  76. parse_str -  works like extract if only one argument is given.  
  77. putenv
  78. ini_set
  79. mail - has CRLF injection in the 3rd parameter, opens the door for spam.
  80. header - on old systems CRLF injection could be used for xss or other purposes, now it is still a problem if they do a header("location: ..."); and they do not die();. The script keeps executing after a call to header(), and will still print output normally. This is nasty if you are trying to protect an administrative area.
  81. proc_nice
  82. proc_terminate
  83. proc_close
  84. pfsockopen
  85. fsockopen
  86. apache_child_terminate
  87. posix_kill
  88. posix_mkfifo
  89. posix_setpgid
  90. posix_setsid
  91. posix_setuid
  93. // open filesystem handler
  94. fopen
  95. tmpfile
  96. bzopen
  97. gzopen
  98. SplFileObject->__construct
  99. // write to filesystem (partially in combination with reading)
  100. chgrp
  101. chmod
  102. chown
  103. copy
  104. file_put_contents
  105. lchgrp
  106. lchown
  107. link
  108. mkdir
  109. move_uploaded_file
  110. rename
  111. rmdir
  112. symlink
  113. tempnam
  114. touch
  115. unlink
  116. imagepng   - 2nd parameter is a path.
  117. imagewbmp  - 2nd parameter is a path.
  118. image2wbmp - 2nd parameter is a path.
  119. imagejpeg  - 2nd parameter is a path.
  120. imagexbm   - 2nd parameter is a path.
  121. imagegif   - 2nd parameter is a path.
  122. imagegd    - 2nd parameter is a path.
  123. imagegd2   - 2nd parameter is a path.
  124. iptcembed
  125. ftp_get
  126. ftp_nb_get
  127. // read from filesystem
  128. file_exists
  129. file_get_contents
  130. file
  131. fileatime
  132. filectime
  133. filegroup
  134. fileinode
  135. filemtime
  136. fileowner
  137. fileperms
  138. filesize
  139. filetype
  140. glob
  141. is_dir
  142. is_executable
  143. is_file
  144. is_link
  145. is_readable
  146. is_uploaded_file
  147. is_writable
  148. is_writeable
  149. linkinfo
  150. lstat
  151. parse_ini_file
  152. pathinfo
  153. readfile
  154. readlink
  155. realpath
  156. stat
  157. gzfile
  158. readgzfile
  159. getimagesize
  160. imagecreatefromgif
  161. imagecreatefromjpeg
  162. imagecreatefrompng
  163. imagecreatefromwbmp
  164. imagecreatefromxbm
  165. imagecreatefromxpm
  166. ftp_put
  167. ftp_nb_put
  168. exif_read_data
  169. read_exif_data
  170. exif_thumbnail
  171. exif_imagetype
  172. hash_file
  173. hash_hmac_file
  174. hash_update_file
  175. md5_file
  176. sha1_file
  177. highlight_file
  178. show_source
  179. php_strip_whitespace
  180. get_meta_tags
  182. /******************************************************************
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