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Nov 15th, 2013
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  1. //Fractal Doom
  3. Fractal Doom is a gameplay mod that makes modifies Doom's monsters (and/or or their projectiles) and the player's weapons to be fractal or geometric (many true fractals are too fractal for the zdoom engine.) Everything--monsters, weapons, projectiles--is generally faster than vanilla.
  5. //Weapons
  7. All weapons' primary fire DPS is increased 33% over their vanilla counterparts, either through faster shooting (most) or increased damage per shot (plasma, chainsaw.)
  9. Shopvac is added is a chainsaw replacement. Will kill enemies which gives you gib ammo, altfire shoots gibs at enemies. Can also suck up (they will actually get pulled to you) mini spiders, mini cacos, the smallest mini imps, the smallest mini souls and the smallest mini demons. Can shoot the minis back out in the shopvac altfire; is almost as good as a plasma gun.
  11. If you idfa or idkfa type "give shopvacminis 900" to be able to shoot them instead of gibs.
  13. Fist shoots faster than normal fist and uses both fists in primary fire. Secondary fire has you rip and tear a fractal mini marine out of yourself and hurl it towards the enemy. Hold down for longer throw distance. Uses ammo found in berserk packs or given automatically at the start of a level (1 per level if you have none in zdoom, 1 per level up to 2 if you have less than 3 in zandronum) and takes 30 health from you. Mini marines also have a very low chance to spawn when you're hit. Mini marines spawned this way will carry the same weapon as you do.
  15. Type "Give minimarinecheat" in console to crank up the spawn rate.
  17. Minimarines seek out, pick up, and use mini guns dropped by mini enemies. Minmarines also have actual ammo and even ones spawned already having weapons will pick up mini weapons and use them once they run out of ammo for their spawned gun (or in the case of the ssg minimarine, to use in their spawned gun.)
  19. The pistol is replaced by dual pistols.
  21. The pistol, shotgun, SSG, and chaingun all have alternate fires which fire bullets that burst upon hitting stuff into a geometric pattern of damage-dealing projectiles. Alternate fires cost twice as much as primary fire and are less accurate. While they also deal about twice as much they are less effective against single targets as their damage is mostly spread among the burst projectiles, most of which will not hit a single target (they are much better for use against groups.)
  23. The rocket launcher has an alternate fire which takes 15 rockets and launches a ripping projectile rocket which launches mini rockets in a spiral pattern as it flies. It does not rip bosses.
  25. The plasma rifle has an alternate fire that takes 10 cell and divides into a branching (semi) fractal pattern. The use of this will be best served by giving it enough room (it doesn't take too much) to branch before hitting enemies otherwise it's just an ammo waste.
  27. The BFG has an alternate fire that takes 800 cell and launches a spiral patterned series of projectiles which fly in a straight aimed line, devastating all in their wake, before hitting something and exploding after a brief sequence.
  29. //Monsters
  31. Monsters in Fractal Doom spawn smaller fractal versions of themselves (and sometimes other monsters) through various means, have fractal projectiles, or sometimes both. I will have a better write up here later.
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