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Mar 31st, 2015
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  1. White guilt is a half assed back patting measure that says I think self flagellating over historical transgressions I am not liable for compensates for doing nothing about any current racial tensions. Which is more a broader issue about class that happens to disproportionately affect minorities due to a history of disenfranchisement. Probably why I've never met anyone that wasn't an affluent douchebag that ever thought this way. Ultimately no one really gives a shit if your great, great grandfather owned a slave. They do care about being dirt poor in a society that works against any upward mobility, keeping you indentured to debt. It's not an issue that anyone who has the luxury to feel guilty about being well to do could realistically understand, and not one they're about to do anything to change when it clearly benefits them, so they don't. Hence, "white guilt".
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