
FoE RPG G0-2 - #014 World Goes 'Round

Sep 6th, 2014
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  1. [2014-08-30 20:49:38]<LuckyLeaf> Group 0-II: *Freedom's Price* - Session #014 starts now
  2. [2014-08-30 20:49:48]<LuckyLeaf> =======================================================
  3. [2014-08-30 20:53:54]<Full_Physical> "What kind of people do you think we'll meet in Limestack?" Full Physical asks
  4. [2014-08-30 20:55:59]* Sotho shrugs lightly. "Probably big city style ponies, unlike the ones I've seen as of late."
  5. [2014-08-30 21:05:23]<LuckyLeaf> It is night after many hours on the road. They can see a wall of cobblestone lit by lamps, and behind sparse tall buildings made of stone. The entrance gate is closed by bars, but there is a guard on a low watchtower by it.
  6. [2014-08-30 21:05:45]<LuckyLeaf> You can also see in the darkness out of the road the occasional shack made of wood and a couple tents, but they are few and far between
  7. [2014-08-30 21:06:45]* Sotho moves towards the guard, waving at him ."Hail!" He says loudly. "We have come here looking to make a buisness arrangement in the morning."
  8. [2014-08-30 21:12:42]* Ignis yawns and stares at the infirmary. "Looks like your patients are long gone into slumber..." The dragon says and begins to collect the fillies. "Somewhere I can offload them around the place?"
  9. [2014-08-30 21:14:32]<LuckyLeaf> Back at the clinic, Snow had already departed to tell Antenna about the change of the picnic plans. Tamara discussed some last matters with Royal_Lace. Meanwhile, Ignis notices one of the "slumbering" fillies trying to peek at him discreetly.
  10. [2014-08-30 21:15:23]<LuckyLeaf> Knick Knack finally got back at the mansion, happy at how Firefly had cared for Minty, with some help of her father.
  11. [2014-08-30 21:16:15]* Firefly waves to Knick Knack. "Thanks for letting me watch her. I gotta go. See you!" The filly darts away, flying to the clinic.
  12. [2014-08-30 21:16:43]<LuckyLeaf> "In name of who?" The guard shouts back, holding his gun, but not pointing at them yet.
  13. [2014-08-30 21:17:11]<Sotho> "In the name of the settlement of Freedom Mound!"
  14. [2014-08-30 21:17:21]<LuckyLeaf> Knick Knack waves at where Firefly was, then she wasn't there anymore.
  15. [2014-08-30 21:17:27]* Ignis calmly walks over to the filly and pets it, staring at her.
  16. [2014-08-30 21:20:16]<LuckyLeaf> Ignis feels Clam, the peeking filly, to get tense at this gesture.
  17. [2014-08-30 21:20:17]* Royal_Lace sighs as she rubs her head, "And that is how my day whent... I hope yours was better but for now I need to know for Rags sake if there is any open housing, someplace quiet where she can feel safe?"
  18. [2014-08-30 21:21:41]* Ignis sighs and retrieves his claw soon enough. "You should has been a long day." The dragon whispers, as to not wake up the others.
  19. [2014-08-30 21:24:14]<LuckyLeaf> The guard uses a portable radio, describing the both of you. Then turns back to you. "You may come in, but do not cause trouble. We will be watching."
  20. [2014-08-30 21:26:26]<LuckyLeaf> The gate opens to give Sotho and Full_Physical passage.
  21. [2014-08-30 21:26:33]* Firefly lands at the clinic and opens the door, walking in. She looks around for the three fillies...
  22. [2014-08-30 21:26:49]<Full_Physical> "Well then, you can watch me as much as you like, I'm flattered." Full Physical says as he walks by.
  23. [2014-08-30 21:27:48]* Sotho nods to the guard and starts to trot in, rolling his eyes at Full_Physical for a moment.
  24. [2014-08-30 21:30:39]* Firefly spots the dragon before she spots the fillies. "Hey Ignis... where are those raider fillies at? I'm their babysitter."
  25. [2014-08-30 21:30:53]<LuckyLeaf> "Somewhere quiet? Most of the repaired houses are being shared by groups but they are safe and secure." Tamara looks at Doll, who meets her eyes from the other side of the clinic and takes a step back. "I can see your point. Do you know what is the matter with her?"
  26. [2014-08-30 21:32:30]* Royal_Lace shakes her head, "Something about being a watcher? I can only imagine it is something horrible, what happened to me was intended for her... literally, I was the stand in while she hid. I can give her a job if she will have it, she just needs some space I think from other ponies to breath"
  27. [2014-08-30 21:32:54]<Full_Physical> "Who do you think we should tak to first?"
  28. [2014-08-30 21:33:27]<LuckyLeaf> They looked to be sleeping, up until they hear Firefly. Then Clam whispers to Spiny. "Hey, why do they sit on babies?" To which the other filly offers a slight shrug and a half disghised shhh, still trying to keep the impression of sleeping
  29. [2014-08-30 21:35:17]* Ignis nods towards the trio. "All yours, Firefly." He says to her. "Good luck, if you need me, I'll be around the place."
  30. [2014-08-30 21:40:48]* Firefly smiles and nods, looking at the three fillies. "So, you three asleep?"
  31. [2014-08-30 21:41:12]<LuckyLeaf> Many of the buildings inside the walls are unlit by now, but there is street lighting. Further down the street there is a larger building. Ponies and donkeys chat and drink on some tables on the outer side. It's sign says The Unturned Stone Inn.
  32. [2014-08-30 21:41:55]<LuckyLeaf> Though the streets are silent, Sotho and Full_Physical can see some figures wandering around the alleys
  33. [2014-08-30 21:42:30]* Sotho glances into the alleys here and there, but he's making his way to the inn, set on getting a place of rest.
  34. [2014-08-30 21:43:10]<LuckyLeaf> The three ceased showing any signs of being awake. Crabby does a particularly loud snore.
  35. [2014-08-30 21:45:35]<LuckyLeaf> "I will arrange something." Tamara trots to Doll. "Come to your sleeping quarters." The mare responds by moving again behind the vase.
  36. [2014-08-30 21:49:14]* Firefly smiles at the three. "Well, guess you guys get to start being better ponies tomorrow." Firefly looks for Chroma. "Miss Chroma, can I stay here tonight?"
  37. [2014-08-30 21:49:57]* Royal_Lace waves a hoof for Rag to come closer, "its ok dear... come here for a moment, I have a few questions for you"
  38. [2014-08-30 21:52:14]<LuckyLeaf> Chroma smiles to Firefly. "We don't have many patients now, there should be somewhere for you, just let me get you some clean blankets."
  39. [2014-08-30 21:52:33]* Firefly smiles. "Thanks! I don't want these three causing any trouble."
  40. [2014-08-30 21:53:32]<LuckyLeaf> Doll scurries into Lace's room, still keeping some distance between her and the mares. "What?"
  41. [2014-08-30 21:54:43]* Royal_Lace smiles as warmly as she can, "I was just wondering how you would like your own place to sleep tonight? someplace quiet you can be by yourself. How dose that sound doll?"
  42. [2014-08-30 21:58:26]<LuckyLeaf> "That... that is cool." Doll almost smiles, but seems to get a bit confused. "Why?"
  43. [2014-08-30 22:01:37]* Royal_Lace nods to Tamarah, "Well I was talking with my friend here and if you like she can lead you to someplace nice and if you like it there maybe you would consider staying with us? Freedom Mound isnt a big place but if you like I can offer you a job so you can support yourself, you wouldnt have to go back out there into the city and none of those mean ponies from before will be able to get you here"
  44. [2014-08-30 22:03:56]<LuckyLeaf> Doll blinks and seems more confused. "Uh ...I am a filly."
  45. [2014-08-30 22:05:14]<LuckyLeaf> Doll takes a step away.
  46. [2014-08-30 22:12:27]* Royal_Lace blinks, "Ummm, yes and if you are interested I could use an assistant. Somepony who can run messages, keep track of my apointments, that sort of thing. its not glamorous work but its simple enough and I like to think im a fair employer"
  47. [2014-08-30 22:12:41]* Royal_Lace tries her best to charisma'mance doll into not fleeing.
  48. [2014-08-30 22:15:54]* Royal_Lace lets the pause linger for a bit, "Ummm... you do things for me and in exchange I pay you caps, caps you can use for food and other things you like?"
  49. [2014-08-30 22:16:24]<LuckyLeaf> "Oh... I can run... but, what is an 'appointment'?" Doll still seems kinda confused.
  50. [2014-08-30 22:18:15]* Royal_Lace continues to smile, "Ummm... well its when somepony has arranged to meet with me about something reguarding my buisness. There are other ways you can help me and in exchange you can live your life however you like. How dose that sound?
  51. [2014-08-30 22:20:41]<LuckyLeaf> "...really?" Her eyes fill with wonder.
  52. [2014-08-30 22:21:10]* Royal_Lace nods, "The Honest truth, dose that sounds like something you would like?"
  53. [2014-08-30 22:21:49]<LuckyLeaf> Doll nods vigorously.
  54. [2014-08-30 22:23:18]* Royal_Lace nods to Tamarah, "Then follow my friend here and she will show you where you can sleep for now, Tommorow im sure she can have someone show you around our town. When you have time you can come visit me at my home so we can talk about your work".
  55. [2014-08-30 22:23:44]* Royal_Lace indicates Tamarah, "Which reminds me, Doll this is Tamarah, Tamarah this is Doll"
  56. [2014-08-30 22:26:28]<LuckyLeaf> Tamara offers a hoof. "It is good to meet you." But Doll just leans away and nods shakily.
  57. [2014-08-30 22:26:54]<LuckyLeaf> ----
  58. [2014-08-30 22:27:11]<LuckyLeaf> The following morning rises.
  59. [2014-08-30 22:30:01]<LuckyLeaf> Sotho and Full_Physical wake up in the Inn, the movement and noise on the streets having inre
  60. [2014-08-30 22:30:05]<LuckyLeaf> *increased
  61. [2014-08-30 22:30:29]* Sotho yawns and stretches, cracking his neck and preparing himself for the day
  62. [2014-08-30 22:31:18]<LuckyLeaf> Firefly sleeps little, but manages to catch the raider fillies in an escape attempt
  63. [2014-08-30 22:31:32]* Firefly will be very grumpy!
  64. [2014-08-30 22:33:19]<LuckyLeaf> Knowing Firefly's strength, they just go back to their places and actually sleep.
  65. [2014-08-30 22:34:51]* Firefly will get some more sleep once the other fillies do fall asleep.
  66. [2014-08-30 22:35:58]* Full_Physical prepares himself for adventure
  67. [2014-08-30 22:37:26]* Royal_Lace recovers
  68. [2014-08-30 22:37:51]* Royal_Lace at home is she could have made it there last night, otherwise she teleports there in the morning.
  69. [2014-08-30 22:39:37]* Sotho heads down and asks for directions to the caravan company in town
  70. [2014-08-30 22:42:27]* Firefly wakes in the morning, her eyes looking to see if the fillies are still there.
  71. [2014-08-30 22:44:43]<LuckyLeaf> Sotho receives directions to the market street, where the caravan company is. Along the way they hear hushed voices in an alleyway. "...all that was left was blood everywhere. How can we get a fix now?"
  72. [2014-08-30 22:46:26]* Sotho 's ear twitches. He thinks for a moment, knowing about lal those talks of fixes. He looks to Full_Physical. "I may need you to heal me and clean me up." He trots into the alley way and smiles. "What's this about a fix? He asks, ready to run and catch up if they run
  73. [2014-08-30 22:47:15]* Full_Physical bites his lip and follows 2 yards behind Sotho, looking around the alley way's corners anxiously
  74. [2014-08-30 22:49:56]<LuckyLeaf> Back at the Salvage Yard, Ignis and Royal Lace receive a report that more holes have been found in the grass fields east of them.
  75. [2014-08-30 22:55:43]* Royal_Lace is disturbed by this
  76. [2014-08-30 22:58:27]<LuckyLeaf> =====================================================================================
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