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- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Threading;
- using Pathfinding;
- using Pathfinding.RVO.Sampled;
- using Thread = Pathfinding.WindowsStore.Thread;
- using ParameterizedThreadStart = Pathfinding.WindowsStore.ParameterizedThreadStart;
- using ThreadStart = Pathfinding.WindowsStore.ThreadStart;
- #else
- using Thread = System.Threading.Thread;
- using ParameterizedThreadStart = System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart;
- using ThreadStart = System.Threading.ThreadStart;
- #endif
- /** Local avoidance related classes */
- namespace Pathfinding.RVO {
- /** Exposes properties of an Agent class.
- * \astarpro */
- public interface IAgent {
- /** Interpolated position of agent.
- * Will be interpolated if the interpolation setting is enabled on the simulator.
- */
- Vector3 InterpolatedPosition {get;}
- /** Position of the agent.
- * This can be changed manually if you need to reposition the agent, but if you are reading from InterpolatedPosition, it will not update interpolated position
- * until the next simulation step.
- * \see Position
- */
- Vector3 Position {get; set;}
- /** Desired velocity of the agent.
- * Usually you set this once per frame. The agent will try move as close to the desired velocity as possible.
- * Will take effect at the next simulation step.
- */
- Vector3 DesiredVelocity {get; set;}
- /** Velocity of the agent.
- * Can be used to set the rotation of the rendered agent.
- * But smoothing is recommended if you do so since it might be a bit unstable when the velocity is very low.
- *
- * You can set this variable manually,but it is not recommended to do so unless
- * you have good reasons since it might degrade the quality of the simulation.
- */
- Vector3 Velocity {get; set;}
- /** Locked agents will not move */
- bool Locked {get; set;}
- /** Radius of the agent.
- * Agents are modelled as circles/cylinders */
- float Radius {get; set;}
- /** Height of the agent */
- float Height {get; set;}
- /** Max speed of the agent. In units per second */
- float MaxSpeed {get; set;}
- /** Max distance to other agents to take them into account.
- * Decreasing this value can lead to better performance, increasing it can lead to better quality of the simulation.
- */
- float NeighbourDist {get; set;}
- /** Max number of estimated seconds to look into the future for collisions with agents.
- * As it turns out, this variable is also very good for controling agent avoidance priorities.
- * Agents with lower values will avoid other agents less and thus you can make 'high priority agents' by
- * giving them a lower value.
- */
- float AgentTimeHorizon {get; set;}
- /** Max number of estimated seconds to look into the future for collisions with obstacles */
- float ObstacleTimeHorizon {get; set;}
- /** Specifies the avoidance layer for this agent.
- * The #CollidesWith mask on other agents will determine if they will avoid this agent.
- */
- RVOLayer Layer {get; set;}
- /** Layer mask specifying which layers this agent will avoid.
- * You can set it as CollidesWith = RVOLayer.DefaultAgent | RVOLayer.Layer3 | RVOLayer.Layer6 ...
- *
- * \see
- */
- RVOLayer CollidesWith {get; set;}
- /** Debug drawing */
- bool DebugDraw {get; set;}
- /** Max number of agents to take into account.
- * Decreasing this value can lead to better performance, increasing it can lead to better quality of the simulation.
- */
- int MaxNeighbours {get; set;}
- /** List of obstacle segments which were close to the agent during the last simulation step.
- * Can be used to apply additional wall avoidance forces for example.
- * Segments are formed by the obstacle vertex and its .next property.
- */
- List<ObstacleVertex> NeighbourObstacles {get; }
- /** Teleports the agent to a new position.
- * Just setting the position can cause strange effects when using interpolation.
- */
- void Teleport (Vector3 pos);
- }
- [System.Flags]
- public enum RVOLayer {
- DefaultAgent = 1 << 0,
- DefaultObstacle = 1 << 1,
- Layer2 = 1 << 2,
- Layer3 = 1 << 3,
- Layer4 = 1 << 4,
- Layer5 = 1 << 5,
- Layer6 = 1 << 6,
- Layer7 = 1 << 7,
- Layer8 = 1 << 8,
- Layer9 = 1 << 9,
- Layer10 = 1 << 10,
- Layer11 = 1 << 11,
- Layer12 = 1 << 12,
- Layer13 = 1 << 13,
- Layer14 = 1 << 14,
- Layer15 = 1 << 15,
- Layer16 = 1 << 16,
- Layer17 = 1 << 17,
- Layer18 = 1 << 18,
- Layer19 = 1 << 19,
- Layer20 = 1 << 20,
- Layer21 = 1 << 21,
- Layer22 = 1 << 22,
- Layer23 = 1 << 23,
- Layer24 = 1 << 24,
- Layer25 = 1 << 25,
- Layer26 = 1 << 26,
- Layer27 = 1 << 27,
- Layer28 = 1 << 28,
- Layer29 = 1 << 29,
- Layer30 = 1 << 30
- }
- /** Local Avoidance %Simulator.
- * This class handles local avoidance simulation for a number of agents using
- * Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles (RVO) and Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA).
- *
- * This class will handle calculation of velocities from desired velocities supplied by a script.
- * It is, however, not responsible for moving any objects in a Unity Scene. For that there are other scripts (see below).
- *
- * Obstacles can be added and removed from the simulation, agents can also be added and removed at any time.
- * \see
- * RVOSimulator
- * RVOAgent
- * Pathfinding.RVO.IAgent
- *
- * The implementation is based on the RVO2 Library ( extended with many new features.
- *
- * You will most likely mostly use the wrapper class RVOSimulator.
- *
- * \astarpro
- */
- public class Simulator {
- /** Use Double Buffering.
- * \see DoubleBuffering */
- private bool doubleBuffering = true;
- /** Inverse desired simulation fps.
- * \see DesiredDeltaTime
- */
- private float desiredDeltaTime = 0.05f;
- /** Use Interpolation.
- * \see Interpolation */
- private bool interpolation = true;
- /** Worker threads */
- Worker[] workers;
- /** Agents in this simulation */
- List<Agent> agents;
- /** Obstacles in this simulation */
- List<ObstacleVertex> obstacles;
- public enum SamplingAlgorithm {
- AdaptiveSampling,
- GradientDecent
- }
- /** What sampling algorithm to use.
- * \see "Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles for Real-Time Multi-Agent Navigation"
- * \see
- * \see
- * \see
- */
- public SamplingAlgorithm algorithm = SamplingAlgorithm.AdaptiveSampling;
- #if !AstarRelease
- /** KDTree for this simulation */
- KDTree kdTree;
- #endif
- RVOQuadtree quadtree = new RVOQuadtree();
- public float qualityCutoff = 0.05f;
- public float stepScale = 1.5f;
- #if !AstarRelease
- /** KDTree for this simulation.
- * Used internally by the simulation.
- * Please only read from this tree, do not rebuild it since that can interfere with the simulation.
- * It is rebuilt when needed.
- *
- */
- public KDTree KDTree { get { return kdTree; } }
- #endif
- /** Quadtree for this simulation.
- * Used internally by the simulation to perform fast neighbour lookups for each agent.
- * Please only read from this tree, do not rebuild it since that can interfere with the simulation.
- * It is rebuilt when needed.
- */
- public RVOQuadtree Quadtree { get { return quadtree; } }
- private float deltaTime;
- private float prevDeltaTime = 0;
- private float lastStep = -99999;
- private float lastStepInterpolationReference = -9999;
- private bool doUpdateObstacles = false;
- private bool doCleanObstacles = false;
- private bool oversampling = false;
- private int frameTimeBufferIndex = 0;
- private float[] frameTimeBuffer = new float[1];
- public float DeltaTime { get { return deltaTime; } }
- public float PrevDeltaTime { get { return prevDeltaTime; } }
- /** Is using multithreading */
- public bool Multithreading { get { return workers != null && workers.Length > 0; }}
- /** Time in seconds between each simulation step.
- * This is the desired delta time, the simulation will never run at a higher fps than
- * the rate at which the Update function is called.
- */
- public float DesiredDeltaTime { get { return desiredDeltaTime; } set { desiredDeltaTime = System.Math.Max (value,0.0f); }}
- /** Use Interpolation.
- * If interpolation is enabled, agent positions will be interpolated on frames when no rvo calculation is done.
- * This has a very small overhead, but usually yields much smoother looking movement.
- */
- public bool Interpolation { get { return interpolation; } set { interpolation = value; }}
- public bool Oversampling { get { return oversampling; } set { oversampling = value; }}
- //internal int textureWidth;
- //internal Texture2D tex;
- //internal float textureSize;
- //internal float colorScale = 0.05f;
- //Color[] colors;
- //bool dirtyColors = false;
- /** Get a list of all agents.
- *
- * This is an internal list.
- * I'm not going to be restrictive so you may access it since it is better for performance
- * but please do not modify it since that can cause errors in the simulation.
- *
- * \warning Do not modify this list! */
- public List<Agent> GetAgents () {
- return agents;
- }
- /** Get a list of all obstacles.
- * This is a list of obstacle vertices.
- * Each vertex is part of a doubly linked list loop
- * forming an obstacle polygon.
- *
- * \warning Do not modify this list!
- *
- * \see AddObstacle
- * \see RemoveObstacle
- */
- public List<ObstacleVertex> GetObstacles () {
- return obstacles;
- }
- /** Create a new simulator.
- *
- * \param workers Use the specified number of worker threads.\n
- * When the number zero is specified, no multithreading will be used.
- * A good number is the number of cores on the machine.
- *
- * \param doubleBuffering Use Double Buffering for calculations.
- * Testing done with 5000 agents and 0.1 desired delta time showed that with double buffering enabled
- * the game ran at 50 fps for most frames, dropping to 10 fps during calculation frames. But without double buffering
- * it ran at around 10 fps all the time.\n
- * This will let threads calculate while the game progresses instead of waiting for the calculations
- * to finish.
- * \note Will only have effect if using multithreading
- *
- * \see #Multithreading
- */
- public Simulator (int workers, bool doubleBuffering) {
- this.workers = new Simulator.Worker[workers];
- this.doubleBuffering = doubleBuffering;
- for (int i=0;i<workers;i++) this.workers[i] = new Simulator.Worker(this);
- //kdTree = new KDTree(this);
- agents = new List<Agent>();
- obstacles = new List<ObstacleVertex>();
- }
- /*internal void DebugPlot ( Vector2 p, Color col ) {
- if ( colors == null ) {
- tex = new Texture2D(textureWidth,textureWidth);
- //mat.mainTexture = tex;
- colors = new Color[tex.width*tex.height];
- }
- int x = Mathf.RoundToInt (p.x*tex.width/textureSize);
- int y = Mathf.RoundToInt (p.y*tex.height/textureSize);
- if ( x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < tex.width && y < tex.height ) {
- dirtyColors = true;
- colors[x+y*tex.width] = col;
- }
- }*/
- /** Removes all agents from the simulation */
- public void ClearAgents () {
- //Bad to update agents while processing of current agents might be done
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) {
- agents[i].simulator = null;
- }
- agents.Clear ();
- #if !AstarRelease
- if (kdTree != null ) kdTree.RebuildAgents ();
- #endif
- }
- public void OnDestroy () {
- if (workers != null) {
- for (int i=0;i<workers.Length;i++) workers[i].Terminate ();
- }
- }
- /** Terminates any worker threads */
- ~Simulator () {
- OnDestroy ();
- }
- /** Add a previously removed agent to the simulation.
- * An agent can only be in one simulation at a time, any attempt to add an agent to two simulations
- * or multiple times to the same simulation will result in an exception being thrown.
- *
- * \see RemoveAgent
- */
- public IAgent AddAgent (IAgent agent) {
- if (agent == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Agent must not be null");
- Agent agentReal = agent as Agent;
- if (agentReal == null) throw new System.ArgumentException ("The agent must be of type Agent. Agent was of type "+agent.GetType ());
- if (agentReal.simulator != null && agentReal.simulator == this) throw new System.ArgumentException ("The agent is already in the simulation");
- else if (agentReal.simulator != null) throw new System.ArgumentException ("The agent is already added to another simulation");
- agentReal.simulator = this;
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- agents.Add (agentReal);
- #if !AstarRelease
- if ( kdTree != null ) kdTree.RebuildAgents ();
- #endif
- return agent;
- }
- /** Add an agent at the specified position.
- * You can use the returned interface to read several parameters such as position and velocity
- * and set for example radius and desired velocity.
- *
- * \see RemoveAgent
- */
- public IAgent AddAgent (Vector3 position) {
- Agent agent = new Agent (position);
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- agents.Add (agent);
- #if !AstarRelease
- if ( kdTree != null ) kdTree.RebuildAgents ();
- #endif
- agent.simulator = this;
- return agent;
- }
- /** Removes a specified agent from this simulation.
- * The agent can be added again later by using AddAgent.
- *
- * \see AddAgent(IAgent)
- * \see ClearAgents
- */
- public void RemoveAgent (IAgent agent) {
- if (agent == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Agent must not be null");
- Agent agentReal = agent as Agent;
- if (agentReal == null) throw new System.ArgumentException ("The agent must be of type Agent. Agent was of type "+agent.GetType ());
- if (agentReal.simulator != this) throw new System.ArgumentException ("The agent is not added to this simulation");
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- agentReal.simulator = null;
- if (!agents.Remove (agentReal)) {
- throw new System.ArgumentException ("Critical Bug! This should not happen. Please report this.");
- }
- }
- /** Adds a previously removed obstacle.
- * This does not check if the obstacle is already added to the simulation, so please do not add an obstacle multiple times.
- *
- * It is assumed that this is a valid obstacle.
- */
- public ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (ObstacleVertex v) {
- if (v == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Obstacle must not be null");
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- obstacles.Add (v);
- UpdateObstacles ();
- return v;
- }
- /** Adds an obstacle described by the vertices.
- *
- * \see RemoveObstacle
- */
- public ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (Vector3[] vertices, float height) {
- return AddObstacle (vertices, height, Matrix4x4.identity);
- /*if (vertices == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Vertices must not be null");
- if (vertices.Length < 2) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Less than 2 vertices in an obstacle");
- ObstacleVertex first = null;
- ObstacleVertex prev = null;
- for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length;i++) {
- ObstacleVertex v = new ObstacleVertex();
- if (first == null) first = v;
- else = v;
- v.prev = prev;
- v.position = vertices[i];
- //v.thin = thin;
- v.height = height;
- prev = v;
- }
- = first;
- first.prev = prev;
- ObstacleVertex c = first;
- do {
- Vector3 dir = - c.position;
- v.dir = new Vector2 (dir.x,dir.z).normalized;
- if (vertices.Length == 2) {
- v.convex = true;
- } else {
- v.convex = Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (c.prev.position,c.position,;
- }
- c =;
- } while (c != first);
- obstacles.Add (first);
- UpdateObstacles ();
- return first;*/
- }
- /** Adds an obstacle described by the vertices.
- *
- * \see RemoveObstacle
- */
- public ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (Vector3[] vertices, float height, Matrix4x4 matrix) {
- if (vertices == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Vertices must not be null");
- if (vertices.Length < 2) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Less than 2 vertices in an obstacle");
- ObstacleVertex first = null;
- ObstacleVertex prev = null;
- bool identity = matrix == Matrix4x4.identity;
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length;i++) {
- ObstacleVertex v = new ObstacleVertex();
- if (first == null) first = v;
- else = v;
- v.prev = prev;
- //Premature optimization ftw!
- v.position = identity ? vertices[i] : matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vertices[i]);
- //v.thin = thin;
- v.height = height;
- prev = v;
- }
- = first;
- first.prev = prev;
- ObstacleVertex c = first;
- do {
- Vector3 dir = - c.position;
- c.dir = new Vector2 (dir.x,dir.z).normalized;
- if (vertices.Length == 2) {
- c.convex = true;
- } else {
- c.convex = Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (,c.position, c.prev.position);
- }
- c =;
- } while (c != first);
- obstacles.Add (first);
- UpdateObstacles ();
- return first;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a line obstacle with a specified height.
- *
- * \see RemoveObstacle
- */
- public ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float height) {
- ObstacleVertex first = new ObstacleVertex ();
- ObstacleVertex second = new ObstacleVertex ();
- first.prev = second;
- second.prev = first;
- = second;
- = first;
- first.position = a;
- second.position = b;
- first.height = height;
- second.height = height;
- first.convex = true;
- second.convex = true;
- first.dir = new Vector2 (b.x-a.x,b.z-a.z).normalized;
- second.dir = -first.dir;
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- obstacles.Add (first);
- UpdateObstacles ();
- return first;
- }
- /** Updates the vertices of an obstacle.
- * \param obstacle %Obstacle to update
- * \param vertices New vertices for the obstacle, must have at least the number of vertices in the original obstacle
- * \param matrix %Matrix to multiply vertices with before updating obstacle
- *
- * The number of vertices in an obstacle cannot be changed, existing vertices can only be moved.
- */
- public void UpdateObstacle (ObstacleVertex obstacle, Vector3[] vertices, Matrix4x4 matrix) {
- if (vertices == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Vertices must not be null");
- if (obstacle == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Obstacle must not be null");
- if (vertices.Length < 2) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Less than 2 vertices in an obstacle");
- if (obstacle.split) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Obstacle is not a start vertex. You should only pass those ObstacleVertices got from AddObstacle method calls");
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- //Compact obstacle and count
- int count = 0;
- ObstacleVertex c = obstacle;
- do {
- while ( {
- =;
- = c;
- }
- if (count >= vertices.Length) {
- Debug.DrawLine (c.prev.position, c.position,;
- throw new System.ArgumentException ("Obstacle has more vertices than supplied for updating (" + vertices.Length+ " supplied)");
- }
- c.position = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (vertices[count]);
- count++;
- c =;
- } while (c != obstacle);
- c = obstacle;
- do {
- Vector3 dir = - c.position;
- c.dir = new Vector2 (dir.x,dir.z).normalized;
- if (vertices.Length == 2) {
- c.convex = true;
- } else {
- c.convex = Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (,c.position, c.prev.position);
- }
- c =;
- } while (c != obstacle);
- ScheduleCleanObstacles ();
- UpdateObstacles();
- }
- private void ScheduleCleanObstacles () {
- doCleanObstacles = true;
- }
- private void CleanObstacles () {
- for (int i=0;i<obstacles.Count;i++) {
- ObstacleVertex first = obstacles[i];
- ObstacleVertex c = first;
- do {
- while ( {
- =;
- = c;
- }
- c =;
- } while (c != first);
- }
- }
- /** Removes the obstacle identified by the vertex.
- * This must be the same vertex as the one returned by the AddObstacle call.
- *
- * \see AddObstacle
- */
- public void RemoveObstacle (ObstacleVertex v) {
- if (v == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Vertex must not be null");
- //Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
- if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
- obstacles.Remove (v);
- UpdateObstacles ();
- }
- /** Rebuilds the obstacle tree at next simulation frame.
- * Add and remove obstacle functions call this automatically.
- */
- public void UpdateObstacles () {
- //Update obstacles at next frame
- doUpdateObstacles = true;
- }
- void BuildQuadtree () {
- quadtree.Clear ();
- if ( agents.Count > 0 ) {
- Rect bounds = Rect.MinMaxRect (agents[0].position.x, agents[0].position.y, agents[0].position.x, agents[0].position.y);
- for ( int i = 1; i < agents.Count; i++ ) {
- Vector3 p = agents[i].position;
- bounds = Rect.MinMaxRect ( Mathf.Min(bounds.xMin, p.x), Mathf.Min(bounds.yMin, p.z), Mathf.Max(bounds.xMax, p.x), Mathf.Max(bounds.yMax, p.z) );
- }
- quadtree.SetBounds (bounds);
- for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) {
- quadtree.Insert (agents[i]);
- }
- //quadtree.DebugDraw ();
- }
- }
- private WorkerContext coroutineWorkerContext = new WorkerContext();
- /** Should be called once per frame */
- public void Update () {
- //Initialize last step
- if (lastStep < 0) {
- lastStep = Time.time;
- deltaTime = DesiredDeltaTime;
- prevDeltaTime = deltaTime;
- lastStepInterpolationReference = lastStep;
- }
- if (Time.time - lastStep >= DesiredDeltaTime) {
- prevDeltaTime = DeltaTime;
- deltaTime = Time.time - lastStep;
- lastStep = Time.time;
- // Implements averaging of delta times
- // Disabled for now because it seems to have caused more issues than it solved
- // Might re-enable later
- /*frameTimeBufferIndex++;
- frameTimeBufferIndex %= frameTimeBuffer.Length;
- frameTimeBuffer[frameTimeBufferIndex] = deltaTime;
- float sum = 0;
- float mn = float.PositiveInfinity;
- float mx = float.NegativeInfinity;
- for (int i=0;i<frameTimeBuffer.Length;i++) {
- sum += frameTimeBuffer[i];
- mn = Mathf.Min (mn, frameTimeBuffer[i]);
- mx = Mathf.Max (mx, frameTimeBuffer[i]);
- }
- sum -= mn;
- sum -= mx;
- sum /= (frameTimeBuffer.Length-2);
- sum = frame
- deltaTime = sum;*/
- //Calculate smooth delta time
- //Disabled because it seemed to cause more problems than it solved
- //deltaTime = (Time.time - frameTimeBuffer[(frameTimeBufferIndex-1+frameTimeBuffer.Length)%frameTimeBuffer.Length]) / frameTimeBuffer.Length;
- //Prevent a zero delta time
- deltaTime = System.Math.Max (deltaTime, 1.0f/2000f);
- // Time reference for the interpolation
- // If delta time would not be subtracted, the character would have a zero velocity
- // during all frames when the velocity was recalculated
- lastStepInterpolationReference = lastStep - Time.deltaTime;
- if (Multithreading) {
- if (doubleBuffering) {
- for (int i=0;i<workers.Length;i++) workers[i].WaitOne();
- if (!Interpolation) for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) agents[i].Interpolate (1.0f);
- }
- if (doCleanObstacles) {
- CleanObstacles();
- doCleanObstacles = false;
- doUpdateObstacles = true;
- }
- if (doUpdateObstacles) {
- doUpdateObstacles = false;
- #if !AstarRelease
- if ( kdTree != null ) kdTree.BuildObstacleTree ();
- #endif
- }
- BuildQuadtree ();
- for (int i=0;i<workers.Length;i++) {
- workers[i].start = i*agents.Count / workers.Length;
- workers[i].end = (i+1)*agents.Count / workers.Length;
- }
- //Update
- //BufferSwitch
- for (int i=0;i<workers.Length;i++) workers[i].Execute (1);
- for (int i=0;i<workers.Length;i++) workers[i].WaitOne();
- //Calculate New Velocity
- for (int i=0;i<workers.Length;i++) workers[i].Execute (0);
- if (!doubleBuffering) {
- for (int i=0;i<workers.Length;i++) workers[i].WaitOne();
- if (!Interpolation) for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) agents[i].Interpolate (1.0f);
- }
- } else {
- if (doCleanObstacles) {
- CleanObstacles();
- doCleanObstacles = false;
- doUpdateObstacles = true;
- }
- if (doUpdateObstacles) {
- doUpdateObstacles = false;
- #if !AstarRelease
- if ( kdTree != null ) kdTree.BuildObstacleTree ();
- #endif
- }
- BuildQuadtree ();
- for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) {
- agents[i].Update ();
- agents[i].BufferSwitch ();
- }
- for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) {
- agents[i].CalculateNeighbours ();
- agents[i].CalculateVelocity ( coroutineWorkerContext );
- }
- if ( oversampling ) {
- for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) {
- agents[i].Velocity = agents[i].newVelocity;
- }
- for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) {
- Vector3 vel = agents[i].newVelocity;
- agents[i].CalculateVelocity ( coroutineWorkerContext );
- agents[i].newVelocity = (vel + agents[i].newVelocity)*0.5f;
- }
- }
- if (!Interpolation) for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) agents[i].Interpolate (1.0f);
- }
- }
- if (Interpolation) {
- for (int i=0;i<agents.Count;i++) {
- agents[i].Interpolate ((Time.time - lastStepInterpolationReference)/DeltaTime);
- }
- }
- }
- internal class WorkerContext {
- public Agent.VO[] vos = new Agent.VO[20];
- public const int KeepCount = 3;
- public Vector2[] bestPos = new Vector2[KeepCount];
- public float[] bestSizes = new float[KeepCount];
- public float[] bestScores = new float[KeepCount+1];
- public Vector2[] samplePos = new Vector2[50];
- public float[] sampleSize = new float[50];
- }
- private class Worker {
- public Thread thread;
- public int start, end;
- public int task = 0;
- public AutoResetEvent runFlag = new AutoResetEvent(false);
- public ManualResetEvent waitFlag = new ManualResetEvent(true);
- public Simulator simulator;
- private bool terminate = false;
- private WorkerContext context = new WorkerContext();
- public Worker (Simulator sim) {
- this.simulator = sim;
- thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (Run));
- thread.IsBackground = true;
- thread.Name = "RVO Simulator Thread";
- thread.Start ();
- }
- public void Execute (int task) {
- this.task = task;
- waitFlag.Reset ();
- runFlag.Set ();
- }
- public void WaitOne () {
- waitFlag.WaitOne ();
- }
- public void Terminate () {
- terminate = true;
- }
- public void Run () {
- runFlag.WaitOne ();
- while (!terminate) {
- try {
- List<Agent> agents = simulator.GetAgents ();
- if (task == 0) {
- for (int i=start;i<end;i++) {
- agents[i].CalculateNeighbours ();
- agents[i].CalculateVelocity ( context );
- }
- } else if (task == 1) {
- for (int i=start;i<end;i++) {
- agents[i].Update ();
- agents[i].BufferSwitch ();
- }
- } else if ( task == 2 ) {
- simulator.BuildQuadtree ();
- /*} else if (task == 2) {
- for (int i=start;i<end;i++) {
- agents[i].BufferSwitch ();
- }*/
- } else {
- Debug.LogError ("Invalid Task Number: " + task);
- throw new System.Exception ("Invalid Task Number: " + task);
- }
- } catch (System.Exception e) {
- Debug.LogError (e);
- }
- waitFlag.Set ();
- runFlag.WaitOne ();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
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