
timgame 6

Nov 17th, 2013
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  1. [17:19] <Tim> Slightly before Midnight, 5th of Flowers, Year of Black Seeds: The wheel of the stars and the light of a gibbous moon paint the land in silver, grey and black, starkly illuminated, but bright. The dusty road looks bone-white, marred by long, black swatches and limp masses of shadow where the enemy scouts fell. The ramparts of Bluebell are abuzz with talk, whispers going back and forth,...
  2. [17:19] <Tim> ...mostly on the subject of what just happened. Most of your soldiers are armored only with stout padded jerkins against the spring cool, although that can be enough to stop an arrow in many cases. The militia proper can be distinguished by their spring-green jerkins and domed, open-faced helms, with a triangular nasal that projects slightly outward. The helms are painted blue, but not...
  3. [17:19] <Tim> ...all of them match. Still, they're putting on a brave face, and they have swords with round shields, serving as officers to the others. Wayland emptied his stock of spears and has been working tirelessly with every other halfway competent smith that could be gathered over the past few days, producing long, brass-tipped doru-style spears with leaf-shaped blades. Many volunteers from the...
  4. [17:19] <Tim> ...townsfolk, including those who evacuated to the town itself, are holding onto these gingerly. Still more have bows, hunters and trappers, but archery is a practical hobby and a surprising number of elves have brought bows of varying make and size with them, from Twitch's massive six-foot ironwood warbow with the Greenwood military markings down to Beilwin's tiny antique horsebow. The...
  5. [17:19] <Tim> ...satyrs are covering their nervousness by swaggering and blustering, answering to their own officers. Many of them carry the primitive weapons they had before, a motley array that varies from a beautiful antique crescent-bladed bronze axe delicately inlaid with electrum and turquoise stones down to nail-studded cudgels, wood axes, and long kitchen knives, even gardening tools and...
  6. [17:19] <Tim> ...hand-sickles. Some, however, have taken advantage of the spears being passed out to snag armfuls for themselves and their friends, and seem mighty pleased about it. Almost all of them have slings wrapped like a band around their forearms, and great piles of small rocks and pebbles have been placed with seeming negligence around their feet. The non-fae are mostly keeping to themselves,...
  7. [17:19] <Tim> ...keeping watch or sitting and talking, one playing music on a simple painted ocarina. Some of the satyrs have set up circles to play dice, and a few of the bolder and friendlier townsfolk have joined them. Unusually, there are very few of the Carnes'ir miners, the rest having been recalled to defend the mines and the Carnes'ir estate. Idir's caravan guards are receiving no small share...
  8. [17:19] <Tim> ...of adulation and slaps on the back for their performance in the skirmish, and Ereth has a small pile of amber chips and tiny conches in front of him, playing dice with an increasingly frustrated Yaenger Gruf. A grey-eyed elfmaid with a serious face and unusually long ears poking out from beneath her militia helmet steps up and salutes the Councilors, “Almost midnight, and no sign of...
  9. [17:19] <Tim> ...anyone from the west, along the road to the Blue Serpent. The northeast road out of town, into the Bluebell Woods towards Redmoor, isn't the one that was attacked, but we have militia there too. We have watchers in the flowers in all directions, but the bluebell patch is thick and full of steelribbon ivy to the north and south, it's only been trimmed back where the roads lead out. ...
  10. [17:19] <Tim> ...Funny, the ivy was always a nuisance whenever we had to put up ground-buildings, but now it's helping to protect us.”
  11. [17:21] <Tim> *6th of Flowers
  12. 03[17:21] * Joins: Sariel (
  13. 06[17:24] * @Lestari is wearing her mask high up on her head, letting her face show, but ready to drop it over her face even faster than her usual position of hanging it around her neck. She grumbles a bit. "If the sun were up, i'd just gather up volunteers and go find the enemy myself. This waiting is agonizing."
  14. [17:25] <Tim> Wayland, escorting Councilors Carnes'ir and Haida into the store, perks up at seeing her, and waves her over, "Shield's done, Councilor."
  15. 01[17:25] <Idir_Haida> "Patience, Lestari. Nienna, did you want to go speak to Wayland about armor?"
  16. [17:26] <Tim> *smithy
  17. 02[17:26] * Quits: Sariel ( (Ping timeout)
  18. 06[17:26] * Nienna_Carnes`ir nods. "I will admit the waiting is rough, but some good should come of it soon, I hope."
  19. 03[17:31] * Joins: Read (
  20. 03[17:33] * Read is now known as Sariel
  21. [17:35] <Tim> "Pardon, Councilor, but couldn't you ask Councilor Sariel?" The militia girl inquires.
  22. [17:38] <Tim> Sir Gannaed's horse is tied up outside the smithy. Seen up close, it's really a rather remarkable beast. Eighteen hands high, at least, a dull greyish-blue all over like the underside of a thunderhead. It has a proud, arched neck and a short mane, thickly muscled. Probably some sort of destrier.
  23. 02[17:38] * Quits: Sariel ( (Ping timeout)
  24. 03[17:46] * Joins: Read (
  25. 03[17:47] * Read is now known as Sariel
  26. 06[17:47] * @Lestari heads over to Wayland. "Oh. You finished it? I'm sure it'll work well."
  27. [17:52] <Tim> He nods and heads into the smithy, waiting on you to follow. The upper hut is full of old knickknacks, pieces of armor and weapons, while a ladder leads down into a series of storage rooms, various suits of armor and weapons, forged over the years to keep in practice, hang from the walls. Steelribbon ivy and tortoiseshell armor hangs next to burnished brass or bronze cuirasses. Some of...
  28. [17:52] <Tim> ...the designs are very strange, one seems to be a suit woven entirely out of dog teeth. Standing on plinths here and there are full suits of plate harness, like metallic beetle shells.
  29. 06[17:52] * Nienna_Carnes`ir follows Wayland, looking around at the armor with a nod. She can appreciate good metalwork as much as the next miner.
  30. [17:53] <Tim> Sir Gannaed is helping to work a bellows at the forge, keeping the fires hot. One of his greaves, damaged in the battle, is sitting on top of the anvil. Wayland bustles into a back room, the knight beams at Nienna, "Milady, so pleased to see you up and about. I hope your valiant wounds don't pain you."
  31. 06[17:56] * Nienna_Carnes`ir smiles to Gannaed. "Sir Gannaed, a pleasure. Our doctor tended to them well, fortunately, they shouldn't hamper me terribly much. In any case, thouhg, I hope a good bit of armor will prevent a repeat from happening."
  32. [17:57] <Tim> Wayland returns, holding the long, oval-shaped shield in his hands, "Found some better rim material, see?" He has. The jawbones of a freshwater catshark, with teeth intact and coated in brass stretch around layers and layers of milky white leather, backed with a dense weave of cane fiber. A bluebell flower is painted in the center of the shield, between the shark's teeth.
  33. [17:58] <Tim> "Oh? Any thought on what sort of armor you want, Councilors? As a knight, I know a thing or two about harness."
  34. [17:59] <Nienna_Carnes`ir> "Truth be told, I'm not very familiar with armor myself. Ideally something a bit on the lighter side for me, at least covering the arms if not the legs as well. Definately a stout helmet, perhaps something like the miner's wear, though I imagine a falling stone is quite different from a blade or arrow in how you need to protect against it..."
  35. 01[17:59] <Idir_Haida> "Likely something lighter for me, so my movement isn't very restricted."
  36. 06[18:00] * @Lestari beams happily, her gloomy face lightening up. "Wow! This is really impressive! I've never fought with a shield before, but...this is nice looking enough that I think i'll try and learn. Thanks a lot, Wayland!" Lestari exclaims, taking a few steps closer and holding her arms out to take the shield.
  37. [18:01] <Tim> The smith smiles, and hands it to her, "Try it. Tailored the grips to you." He has, and the backsling, all fit Lestari's measurements perfectly, making it comfortable to hold.
  38. 06[18:04] * @Lestari straps it on her arm and smiles, swinging her arm around to test the weight and how well she'll be able to manuever with it on. "What kind of blows do you think it can stop safely? I mean...i'd hate for it to get ruined by a big blow, but i'd rather it get crushed than my skull, if it comes to it..."
  39. [18:12] <Tim> "Sword or axe or arrow. Reinforced." There are tiny runes inscribed into the backside of the cane lattice.
  40. [18:15] <@Lestari> "Alright, that's good. Thanks again, Wayland." Lestari says, smiling as she slings it over her back, happy that her new shield matches her sword, as silly as she can see that seeming.
  41. [18:15] <Tim> It's a large shield, it isn't as easy to run or climb while swinging it around, but when slung over one's shoulder it's no hindrance at all.
  42. [18:19] <Tim> "Perhaps some hardened leather? It would look dignified, and you could wear a helmet with it." Gannaed considers, " the way, thank you for rescuing me. It was very noble." He smiles.
  43. 06[18:20] * Nienna_Carnes`ir nods. "Hardened Leather would work, I believe. And you're quite welcome, Sir Gannaed. You're a guest in my city. It would simply be improper if I didn't do my best to ensure your safety."
  44. 02[18:23] * Quits: Nienna_Carnes`ir (thermophil@B03896CF.3EFACDD4.60FFE3FF.IP) (Ping timeout)
  45. 03[18:30] * Joins: ID (thermophil@B03896CF.3EFACDD4.60FFE3FF.IP)
  46. 03[18:30] * ID is now known as Nienna_Carnes`ir
  47. 06[18:35] * Idir_Haida starts to check the weight of nearby chain shirt.
  48. [18:38] <Tim> Medium, it's not too difficult to move in, but it's noticeable. This one is made of steelribbon ivy, but there are others made from brass, coins, and even a shirt of lamellar that looks oddly like stained glass.
  49. 06[18:42] * Idir_Haida goes over to check the brass one. The color is nice, he'll take this one. "Wayland, do you have a brass cap to match this?"
  50. [18:43] <Tim> "Well, nonetheless, you are as gentle a host as one could wish." The knight is busy flattering Nienna, while Wayland nods, "Want a spike on it?"
  51. 01[18:43] <Idir_Haida> "Of course."
  52. [18:45] <Tim> It's a shiny suit of riveted brass rings, flattened so that they glimmer and wink like scales in the sun, rather similar to Gannaed's own, but lighter and less encompassing. The helm is a simple metal cap with an aventail of light chain links and a spike at the top, suitable for wrapping around with a cloth turban-style to keep the sun from cooking one's brains. Wayland thoughtfully...
  53. [18:45] <Tim> ...provides a blue cloth for this purpose.
  54. 06[18:45] * Idir_Haida smiles. "This will do perfectly, thank you Wayland."
  55. [18:46] <Tim> The helm has an elongated nasal bar and a short brim over the eyes, as well.
  56. 06[18:46] * Nienna_Carnes`ir blushes lightly at Gannaed and inclines her head. "As you say, Sir. I do try."
  57. [18:46] <Tim> There are rectangular brass plates, like mirrors, here and there covering vital areas and making the chain shirt look flashier
  58. [18:47] <Tim> "Yet strong. Wondrous indeed are Marcher women. It's almost a shame to hide your features behind a helm."
  59. [18:49] <Nienna_Carnes`ir> "Ah, but I'm sure it would be more a shame for undue harm to come to them, hmm?" She offers a bright, friendly smile to Gannaed.
  60. 06[18:51] * @Lestari has put her shield back on her arm and her sword in her other hand, and is practicing swinging and blocking. She's used to being able to switch from a one-handed to two-handed stance at a whim, so it's a bit confusing, but she seems to be enjoying herself.
  61. 02[18:58] * Quits: Sariel ( (Quit: Sariel)
  62. 01[19:02] <Idir_Haida> "Well, that about covers it for me. How is your shopping going, Nienna?"
  63. [19:05] <Tim> "Indeed. Guard that cute nose well." He laughs, picking up a shiny blue-painted helm, rather like a short-brimmed kettle hat, and setting it on Nienna's head.
  64. 06[19:05] * Nienna_Carnes`ir adjusts it lightly. "It seems to be going well, Idir."
  65. 06[19:12] * @Lestari eventually settles down a bit. "So, Wayland. What weapons and armor do /you/ use? I mean, not that you're expected to fight, but you must have a personal set, right?"
  66. [19:13] <Tim> "Hm?" He shakes his head, "Pacifist."
  67. [19:16] <@Lestari> "Huh? Really?"
  68. 06[19:17] * @Lestari scratches the back of her head. "The people from the mainland are weird...pacifists. Well, I suppose it's respectable, at least!"
  69. 01[19:18] <Idir_Haida> "Forgive me, Wayland, but it is rather strange that a pacifist would provide weapons to others."
  70. [19:18] <Tim> "Just don't like killing."
  71. [19:18] <Tim> "Do what I can to defend the town, though."
  72. 01[19:19] <Idir_Haida> "Fair enough, I suppose."
  73. [19:23] <Tim> Wayland takes Idir and Nienna's measurements while the conversation is going on, he grunts in surprise to find out that the brass coat Idir liked fits perfectly, while he asks Nienna about the color and style of leather covering she wants.
  74. 06[19:25] * Nienna_Carnes`ir prefers the colors of bluebell in her armor if possible, and otherwise isn't to worried about the style of hte coering.
  75. [19:31] <Tim> Dark blue trimmed with a deep green, then, fortunately he has boiled leather in those sizes. It's not exactly soft, like riding leathers, but more a sort of hard leathern shell, like you find on thick work gloves. It's sized for Nienna and tailored so that the jerkin hangs, skirtlike, over the trousers down to the knees.
  76. [19:33] <Nienna_Carnes`ir> "Thank you, Wayland."
  77. 06[19:35] * Idir_Haida puts on the rest of his armor. He can take it off later, and it looks good for now. "Well then, that's one thing to take care of finished. What else do we need to do?"
  78. [19:36] <Nienna_Carnes`ir> "Walk among the militia and keep morale high, I'd think."
  79. 01[19:37] <Idir_Haida> "Sounds good to me."
  80. [19:38] <Tim> "Not hard, they were drinking toasts to the 'first blow struck' earlier. My leg is still a bit game, but I'll hobble along." Gannaed smiles, clasping his hands behind his back and following the group.
  81. [19:40] <Nienna_Carnes`ir> "Still, it never hurts to talk among the townsfolk." She nods. "Will you be walking with as well, Lestari?"
  82. [19:41] <@Lestari> "I suppose so, sure! I'm good for morale, I think." Lestari says, perking up and stepping over to the two, putting her shield and sword back to their resting positions once again,.
  83. [19:53] <Tim> The militia girl is conversing with another militia member, and turns to the Councilors as they emerge from the smithy, "Oh good, you're back."
  84. [19:53] <Nienna_Carnes`ir> "Yes? Is there news?"
  85. [19:56] <Tim> "The innkeeper's husband says something is coming up the road."
  86. 06[19:57] * Idir_Haida frowns. "We'd better go check it out then. Did he say anything more?"
  87. [20:09] <Tim> "...Not particularly." It's true, Twitch is almost as quiet as Wayland.
  88. 01[20:09] <Idir_Haida> "Well, let's go see it for ourselves."
  89. [20:09] <Tim> There does seem to be a stir around the western gate, though.
  90. [20:09] <Tim> You hear it well before you see it. An abominably soft sound. Not a harsh, booted tromp, but a soft flapping or padding, as of bare, swollen feet slapping the dirt. It isn't unified, either, but horribly slurred, as if an attempt is being made to move all at once, but not every body is capable of it, giving the noise a hideous limping quality. Then a motion along the horizon, a line...
  91. [20:10] <Tim> ...advancing. A dozen or so dark shapes moving sinuously ahead of a greyish, shuffling mass, casting barbed shadows in the moonlight.
  92. 06[20:12] * Nienna_Carnes`ir peers. "Well, it seems that our patience has paid off," she says.
  93. 01[20:12] <Idir_Haida> "Indeed...but what might that even be?"
  94. [20:13] <Tim> hen the mass resolves itself into rank after rank of bodies. Peat-stained, stiff, years-old dead, most with their mouths distended around swollen, decaying tongues. Few are armed. Some look like bandits or mercenaries, some are mer tribesmen, and these drag weapons along with them. Strangely, a significant portion of them look damaged. Some are missing limbs, or dragging ropes of...
  95. [20:13] <Tim> ...entrails from torn bellies, or missing parts of their faces. The satyrs raise a bleat of defiance at that sight. At their head ride a small force of riders in dark grey leathers. They wear wooden helms with deer horns affixed properly, and ride on large, black stags. A massive corpse, that of a great ghoul rendered thin and mummylike and stained brown by long immersion in peat,...
  96. [20:13] <Tim> ...shambles behind the lead rider on three limbs, the fourth holding up a curious standard. It's a long, T-shaped pole to which a scrawny figure with a lolling head has been strapped, secured by the forearms and at the calves in a crucifying position. Its arms are twisted and broken, and the moonlight gleams off an antlered copper helm on its head. A second ghoul-mummy shambles up,...
  97. [20:13] <Tim> ...bearing another hanging standard emblazoned with a golden sundew on a red field.
  98. 06[20:16] * @Lestari lowers her mask and draws her weapons, waiting a moment. She has the urge to make herself as visible as possible, shout some threats and throw a boomerang, but she decides to wait a few moments, at least.
  99. 06[20:16] * Nienna_Carnes`ir glances to Lestari and Idir. "Time for a nice pre-battle speech, I think?"
  100. 06[20:17] * Idir_Haida frowns. "Seems that way, unfortunately. They're probing us, seeing if we'll give anywhere."
  101. [20:22] <Tim> The leader, whose horns are those of a ten-point buck, rides ahead of the rest, gazing up at the rampart.
  102. 06[20:23] * @Lestari growls and heads to the edge of the 'battlements', standing on top of an errant crate. With her mask pulled down, her sword and shield held in front of her, she bashes them together, making a loud clacking sound, before she shouts "YOU ENEMIES THAT STILL LIVE SHOULD RUN NOW, BEFORE YOU JOIN THE RANKS OF ACCURSED DEAD THAT YOU BRING WITH YOU!", holding her blade out and slowly
  103. 06[20:23] * @Lestari waving it across her view in a violent fashion.
  104. 06[20:25] * Idir_Haida returns to the militia, any that have assembled in the time. "Soldiers of Bluebell! The enemy returns once again! They try to probe us, to find a weak point to exploit. But we will show them that we have no weaknesses! That those who will break themselves against us in the coming battle will find no gap, no hope of victory! And we will show them this lesson, one attack at a time, for as long as those cowards wish!"
  105. [20:30] <Tim> Some of the four-pointer riders mutter and look around at each other, the two six-pointers and eight-pointers say nothing, and the ten-pointer reels back in his saddle. What was obviously an imperious command dies on his lips, his upheld lance lowers, and the undead waver like reeds in the wind.
  106. [20:33] <@Lestari> "Your leaders send you like livestock to the slaughter! All you will find here is your death, just like the scouts before you!" Lestari continues, shouting at them with a venemous tone.
  107. [20:33] <Tim> The militia cheer Idir, waving their spears. Meanwhile, the horned officers have ridden their stags close together and are engaged in hushed conversation. At last, the leader speaks, her voice harsh and deformed by a mouthful of sharp teeth. Hard to tell if it's male or female at first, "Are you the one called Death?"
  108. 06[20:34] * @Lestari smiles a bit below her mask. "I've been called that by some. Why, have you come to be brought low like your other lowly kin?!" She shouts down at the one in charge.
  109. [20:39] <Tim> "We weren't told about this!" Hisses one of the junior officers, "All of our scouts are-" "Silence." The ten-pointer stares up at Lestari, "You are to be given one chance to surrender to Redwood. Our King has gifted Margravine Ssaerana with a loan of soldiers, to serve as officers in her ranks. We come because we are his mailed fist. Surrender, people of Bluebell town. Give us the...
  110. [20:39] <Tim> Mer, give us the conch, and throw down this...Death...and you will be permitted to live and work for her glory. It is your sole means of survival." It sounds rehearsed, terse and angry.
  111. [20:39] <Tim> *Redmoor
  112. [20:41] <@Lestari> "Your words ring hollow! Rehearsed and empty! Do you truely believe your King and this young, untested sorceror can best army south of your King's realm, lead by Death herself?!" Lestari shouts down at him. She's still a bit put off that the men of the Horned King think she's death, but she'll certainly play along
  113. 06[20:44] * @Lestari bangs her sword against her new shield once more for emphasis.
  114. [20:45] <Tim> "...Is it true you have challenged our King?" The ten-pointer asks, after a few minutes of silence.
  115. [20:45] <@Lestari> "I will challenge anyone, alive or dead, to defend Bluebell!"
  116. [20:46] <Tim> "Y-you fool! We will destroy you! T-this game of yours will cost you your life!"
  117. [20:49] <@Lestari> "Maybe. But it will cost you and your comrades their lives first."
  118. [20:50] <Tim> "...Better dead by your hand than the King's. A-attack!" She points forward, and the zombies march in in waves.
  119. [21:15] <@Lestari> "Archers! Slingers! Peltasts! Javelineers! Do your work!" Lestari shouts, throwing her own boomerang down at someone that looks important, before hurrying her way to the group of volunteers she's been working with. Most of them are burly Satyrs, but a few determined, brave, or stupid elves assuredly come along two. As a withering rain of projectiles pelt the undead rabble below, she
  120. [21:15] <@Lestari> leads her squad to move around to the side of the horde, before charging, slamming into the side of the uncoordinated enemy ranks.
  121. 06[21:16] * Nienna_Carnes`ir is with the main body of the militia, holding the forces on the ground along to allow for the flanking maneuver success, utilizing her pick to brutal efficiency and glad for the protection of her new armor.
  122. 06[21:18] * Idir_Haida is in the line with his own men, shouting words of encouragement to his guards and to the local militia.
  123. [21:30] <Tim> The zombies are slow to even notice a flank, and despite there being many of them, the unexpected sally seems to have stopped whatever preparations the Horned Ones were planning, keeping the enemy ranks in the open and exposed to a withering barrage of arrows and sings and javelins. The zombies make little effort to avoid blows, and although they lurch at the militia squads, most are held...
  124. [21:30] <Tim> ...back and cut to pieces by the broad-bladed spears and swords of the militia. The Horned Ones, in the back, stay away from most of the fighting, and finally when it becomes apparent that the zombies are making no headway and the battle is lost, the leader frantically winds a twisted, black horn, calling the husks to stop throwing themselves into the meatgrinder and retreat north towards...
  125. [21:30] <Tim> ...the forest.
  126. [21:32] <@Lestari> "DO YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ME NOW? YOU SHOULD HAVE RAN WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE, FOOLS!" Lestari shouts over the din at the retreating Horned Ones, before cleaving down on a bisected Zombie's neck to stop it's twitching. As her and her squad get to work making sure the enemy casualties have indeed stopped moving, she quickly plans her appeal to be allowed to hunt down the retreating
  127. [21:32] <@Lestari> enemies.
  128. [21:45] <Tim> "You'll pay for this, insolent foreign whelp!" The leader snarls over her shoulder, riding her stag away. The zombie, one of the huge standard-carrier ghouls, rexpires with a decaying gurgle and a trickle of noisome fluids. One of the satyrs spots the figure of the horned scout dangling from the shattered flagstaff the ghoul was carrying, sees it twitch, bleats in alarm, and raises his...
  129. [21:45] <Tim> ...hardwood mace over his head in preparation to smash.
  130. 06[21:47] * @Lestari holds out her sword in front of the Goatman. "Stop! Wait just a moment. Don't worry, if I decide to finish this one, i'll let you do the dirty work."
  131. [21:50] <Tim> "<BACKWOODS FOREST ELF WHORE!>" The irony of a woodland Long-Ear calling an island Short-Ear a forest elf is possible, but slight language slurs happen. The ten-point leader continues to shout threats all the way out of earshot. She doesn't wear armor, seemingly just a light cotton shift draped over her lean frame. Tattoos in some vicicous, scarlet ink, shaped like lines of...
  132. [21:50] <Tim> ...rectangular runes, wind along her limbs, and her razor-sharp teeth gleam actual silver in the moonlight.
  133. [21:55] <@Lestari> "I may be backwards, but you're the fleeing coward!" Lestari shouts at the retreating leader, before inspecting the scout on the banner.
  134. [22:00] <Tim> Male, young, almost cadaverously thin and pale, wearing the ragged remains of dark-green leathers, with teeth filed to points, wearing a battered copper helm with now-broken antlers riveted to it, "Kehehe..." He rasps, grinning to reveal bloodstained teeth and split lips.
  135. [22:03] <@Lestari> "Well...I guess you did your job. Surprised you're still alive, to be honest..."
  136. [22:05] <Tim> "Keha...I told them...death spared me...s-so I can't die!" He coughs blood, a rattling sound in his breath.
  137. 06[22:07] * @Lestari scratches the back of her neck, not quite sure what to do. She looks around at her squad for advice, before realizing most of them are goatmen who would probably just decide to smash him. "W-Well, uh...I..."
  138. [22:11] <Tim> "...You are death, aren't you?"
  139. [22:13] <Tim> Yaenger looks up from looting one of the fallen Horned Ones, a new shortsword on his hip and a bow slung over his shoulders, "Something wrong, O ComMAAAHnder?"
  140. [22:14] <@Lestari> "No, not really. It's all intimidation." Lestari admits, boldfacedly, before looking back at Yaenger. "Nothing, nothing. I'm just...uh, talking to this one. He retreated last time he fought us, and I think they brought him back on this banner as a 'statement' or something."
  141. [22:20] <Tim> "Oh. Ha. So it's just a mask after all...haha...who'd have thought? The Horned Ones...the real ones...they don't think much of us from Felt's Stand...said it was for fleeing and...spreading blasphemy..."
  142. 06[22:21] * Idir_Haida has finished his own work inside the town, and moves outside to survey the carnage with obvious distaste.
  143. [22:22] <@Lestari> "I see...W-Well, I can bring you into town and probably talk someone into helping you out, medically and all...If you'd like." Lestari says, feeling bad about the situation.
  144. [22:26] <Tim> "I am your enemy, kehehe, if we were reversed...I'd have opened your throat."
  145. [22:29] <@Lestari> "Well, I guess there's something to be said for not being ruled over by a Madman of a King. Come on, I should be able to get you in after all of our wounded are looked after. Though i'm sure there aren't too many." she says, reaching down to grab the scout and try to shoulder him into a limping position, at the least.
  146. 01[22:29] <Idir_Haida> "Are we done out here? I'm about to give the order for the corpses to be burned."
  147. 06[22:30] * @Lestari looks up at Idir. "I think so. Once all that's done, though...i'd like to see about getting some men together and riding after the Horned Ones that got away."
  148. 06[22:31] * Idir_Haida sighs. "Do you think you can catch them before they link up with a larger force?"
  149. [22:32] <@Lestari> "If we hurry fast enough, sure." Lestari says, as she starts to move the wounded enemy scout towards the Medic's station to get looked after a bit.
  150. [22:33] <Tim> He can barely walk, and mostly has to lean, but he manages to limp along, "You are a...brave fool, not-death. But this time...perhaps...not so foolish."
  151. 01[22:35] <Idir_Haida> "Then go. If you can put down that leader, that would be best. It would keep them out of the field long enough for us to recover and prepare a real counterattack, or otherwise."
  152. 06[22:35] * @Lestari looks over her shoulder back at Idir. "Okay, i'll get on it right after I get this one in line to get looked after."
  153. 06[22:37] * Idir_Haida looks over. "Hey Yaenger, do you have room for one more on your shoulders?"
  154. [22:39] <Tim> "I'm not giving you a pEEEEEHggyback ride, desert elf."
  155. [22:39] <Tim> The satyr snorts with laughter at his own joke.
  156. 01[22:39] <Idir_Haida> "Not me. Him. Time is of the essence, and we need to get horses ready to go if we want to catch the ten-pointer."
  157. [22:40] <Tim> "Ehhh? Fine, sling his arms around my neck, and watch the horns."
  158. 06[22:43] * Nienna_Carnes`ir has been taking this time to rest a bit, leaning on her pick. "I do hope you were planning to bring me along as well, to get their leader."
  159. 01[22:43] <Idir_Haida> "Of course. I am going as well."
  160. 06[22:47] * @Lestari hands off the scout. "Be careful, he doesn't seem to be doing well."
  161. [22:50] <Tim> "How MAAAHny are going with you?"
  162. 06[22:51] * Idir_Haida looks to Lestari.
  163. [22:56] <Tim> "Do you just want to caaaahtch their leader, or kill them aaaaahll?"
  164. [22:56] <@Lestari> "Their leader seemed like the only one who had any cohesion at all. Getting her should be enough."
  165. [22:59] <Tim> "A smaaaahll group would work, then."
  166. 01[23:02] <Idir_Haida> "So around ten should work? That would be fine with just my five men and us."
  167. 06[23:04] * @Lestari nods.
  168. [23:04] <Tim> "Good plan, when do we counterattack, commander?"
  169. [23:05] <Tim> this latest is from Sir Gannaed, riding up with his bloodstained lance still in hand.
  170. 01[23:05] <Idir_Haida> "If we can catch this leader out, I'd say in a week, two at the most. If we cannot catch her, we'll need to wait longer."
  171. [23:06] <Nienna_Carnes`ir> "I would say sooner is better in this case. I would not be adverse to riding out after only a few days to care for our wounded."
  172. [23:11] <Tim> "I might as well ride along, these creatures are the enemy of every living elf. And besides, it would be poor form as a guest to not repay Lady Carnes'ir's hospitality."
  173. 01[23:13] <Idir_Haida> "Your help will be appreciated."
  174. 01[23:13] <Idir_Haida> "I'll go rally my men. Let's meet back up with the horses."
  175. 03[23:20] * Lestari is now known as Blaxploitation
  176. 02[23:50] * Quits: Nienna_Carnes`ir (thermophil@B03896CF.3EFACDD4.60FFE3FF.IP) (Quit: )
  177. Session Time: Thu Nov 07 00:00:03 2013
  178. 02[00:47] * Disconnected
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