
'Why do we wear the mask?' here's one answer...

Oct 14th, 2015
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  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Million Mask March Minnesota 2015~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thursday, November 5, 2015 9am~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. ~~Minnesota State Capitol | 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul MN~~
  6. facebook event page - (case sensitive URL)
  7. Twitter - @MillionMaskMN
  8. Global pages - -
  9. ***********************************************************************************************
  11. Greetings Minnesota,
  13. Hello World... We are anonymous.
  16. Allow us to infringe upon five minutes of your time today to offer one explanation of the meaning behind the Guy Fawkes mask again. From the limited viewpoint of a rather common citizen. While it seems there is always a war waging somewhere on this planet, we live in a particularly turbulent time. Whether or not fanatical patriots wish to admit it, we live in a world filled with injustice and greed, often at the hands of those we’re supposed to trust the most. The corruption leaks down in the form of desperation causing brother to turn against brother. Citizens of all nations of our world have begun to awaken from their conditioned apathetic lives, to see the world for what it truly has become. As a result, the 'anonymous' mask has found a new recognition due to its direct link to freedom and the idea anonymous.
  19. For those still unfamiliar with the anonymous idea, it’s easy to assume that anonymous is a “group”, that it has a community, a chain of command and a leader who coordinates underground meetings. This is absolutely not the case. There are no leaders. There are no followers. There is no application to fill out, membership fee, nor gang-style initiation process. Regardless of what the 'mainstream media' tries to jam into your heads, anonymous is a NON-violent idea. Anonymous in NO way shape or form a terrorist organization. The idea anonymous only desires the truth, everyone to have unfettered access to food, clean water, shelter and life. Anonymous fights to bring real freedom to every single human on our collective planet earth. The anonymous idea has become a means for anyone and everyone to take action, to stand against whatever issue they feel passionate about, be it global warming, poverty, GMO's, racism, class warfare or corporate and government corruptions. Any plethora of issues that have brought out lives to this needless life of scarcity, suffering and servitude we are conditioned into accepting. There are those who call themselves anonymous located on every continent, in thousands of cities fighting for any number of causes. There exists no specified instruction of what the idea anonymous stands for, unless perhaps truth for humanity.
  23. Because the anonymous idea is widely misunderstood, as well as being terribly misrepresented, misunderstood in the 'mainstream', many suggest anonymous is an physical organization. It’s not uncommon to hear these people scoff at ordinary citizens for expressing themselves with a Guy Fawkes mask. As though they’re flashing a gang sign in a pompous attempt to portray themselves as a gangster, or perhaps these people feel as though you need to earn the right to wear the mask. This is a complete misunderstanding of what the mask has come to represent, at least to us here in Minnesota and too, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of anons worldwide.
  26. The Guy Fawkes mask itself is now more a symbol of resistance. For those who are actively fighting corruption around the world, the mask is a symbol of their anonymity and solidarity. For the average citizen who takes no part in activism, the mask has become a symbol of awareness. While Guy Fawkes was an actual historical figure, and the tradition of wearing a mask during 'Guy Fawkes Night' in the UK is long standing, the current Guy Fawkes mask was created by British comic artist, David Lloyd, and was used in the movie V for Vendetta. It wasn’t just the mask’s charming smile that caught people’s attention, but the message the movie portrayed. While the movie may be considered merely another mindless, mainstream production to some, to others it’s an artistic form of inspiration, a statement we can relate to in our current times. With the rise of Anonymous, many people around the globe have begun to feel a glimmer of hope that we are on the verge of change, and the Guy Fawkes mask represents that hope. We bring to mind once more the image of a sea of grinning faces. All citizens standing together as one, and deep down we wish we could change the world as well. We intend to do just that.
  30. We desire to put an end to the assumption that the Guy Fawkes mask is something you have to earn the right to wear. We all either have, or will, experience injustice in our lives. We all have a voice, and an opinion. We need to stand together as one. One face, one voice, a single idea. To let the corrupt institutions of the world know that our eyes are open and we are not gonna go away. So on that note, to all of those who work 40+ hours a week at multiple part-time jobs and barely making ends meet. To the college students who cannot find work and pay their loans. To those whom STILL endure sexual discrimination on a daily basis in order to keep their jobs. To those who’ve faced the brutality of law because of the color of their skin or clothes they wear. To the mothers who cried for the tens of thousands of children who died today because they had nothing to eat. To the families who have lost loved ones to the never ending machine of war. Wear the Fawkes mask proudly, as it means far more than you realize. It doesn’t matter if your face and name are known. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’ve protested at your capitol, hacked a major database or leaked classified information. What matters is that you are AWAKE.
  32. The current powers that be move for only two things... money and informations. It seems the people are all out of money, so we shall simply share their informations. 'You mad bro??'
  34. Join us on Thursday November 5th 2015 at 9am... and all day, at the Minnesota State Capitol in Saint Paul.
  36. Another world is possible! Only together will that world be realized. Disobey... we remove the control!
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  88. ..............................................................................................
  90. United as one.
  91. Divided by zero.
  92. We are anonymous.
  93. We are legion.
  94. We do not forgive.
  95. We do not forget.
  96. Expect us.
  100. Derived from the article 'Why Do We Wear the Mask?'
  101. found here:
  102. many thx² to Everyman, and our brothers ans sisters whom keep such a boat sailing the seas of lulz!
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