Guest User


a guest
Mar 19th, 2015
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  1. #Blocks
  2. 1281: myst.starfissure from Mystcraft - ccmultipart from ForgeMultipart
  3. Suggested Ranges: 3399-3971 (573 IDs), 2580-2829 (250 IDs), 976-1224 (249 IDs)
  6. here is my mod list my version of minecraft is 1.6.4
  7. thermal expansion 3
  8. computercraft
  9. magical crops
  10. betterstorage
  11. dartcraft beta
  12. custommobspawner
  13. mocreatures
  14. guiapi
  15. extrautilities
  16. modular powersuit
  17. numina for modular powersuit
  18. hopperductmod
  19. inventorutweaks
  20. tinkers construct
  21. ironchest universal
  22. damageindicator
  23. lucky block
  24. projectredbase
  25. projectredcompat
  26. projectintegration
  27. projectredworld
  28. mapwriter
  29. mystcraft
  30. openblocks
  31. open peripheraladdons
  32. openperipheralcore
  33. notenoughcodecs
  34. enchantview
  35. thebombzenapi
  36. stevescart2
  37. appeng
  38. optifine
  39. hats2
  40. logisticpipes
  41. netherores
  42. notenoughitems
  43. openmodslib
  44. powercrystalcore
  45. quarryplus
  46. railcraft
  47. twilightforest
  48. cofhcore
  49. buildcraft
  50. buildcraft z additional buildcraft objects
  51. codechikencore
  52. enderstorage
  53. galacticcraft
  54. galacticraft planets
  55. immibis core
  56. liquid XP
  57. mekanism
  58. mekanismgenerators
  59. mekanismtools
  60. A railcraft folder
  61. 1.6.4 folder
  62. and enchant view folder
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