Guest User


a guest
Mar 19th, 2016
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  1. options:
  2. wipe-config-on-reload: false
  3. chat:
  4. prefix: '&7[&6Lootbox&7] '
  5. no-permissions: You do not have permissions to do this!
  6. invalid-arguments: Invalid usage of arguments! Type '&8/lootbox help&7' for info.
  7. reload: config.yml reloaded!
  8. rcvd-lootbox: You have been given a lootbox!
  9. opened-lootbox: You have opened a lootbox!
  10. no-item-in-hand: You must have a lootbox to do this!
  11. player-not-online: That player is not online!
  12. invalid-lootbox: An invalid Lootbox was specified!
  13. invalid-key: An invalid Key was specified!
  14. open-wrong-key: That is not the right key to open this!
  15. open-require-lootbox: You do not have the right lootbox for this key!
  16. open-require-either: You need to place lootbox in the first slot on left!
  17. lootboxes:
  18. voting:
  19. material: 54
  20. name: '&2Voting Reward Lootbox'
  21. open-message: 'You have opened a &fVoting Reward Lootbox&7!'
  22. lore:
  23. - '&eType &c/lb open &eto check me out!'
  24. rewards:
  25. - 264 1 name:&7Diamond
  26. - 322:1 1 name:&7Golden_Apple chance:30
  27. - 360 3 name:&7Melon_Slice
  28. - 364 2 name:&7Steak
  29. - 265 1 name:&7Iron
  30. - 384 2 name:&7XP_Bottle chance:70
  31. - 383:92 1 name:&7Cow_Egg chance:30
  32. - 383:90 1 name:&7Pig_Egg chance:40
  33. - 383:91 1 name:&7Sheep_Egg chance:50
  34. - 383:120 1 name:&7Villager_Egg chance:30
  35. - 276 1 name:&7Diamond_Sword chance:5
  36. - 383:100 1 name:&7Horse_Egg chance:20
  37. - 383:95 1 name:&7Wolf_Egg chance:20
  38. - 169 3 name:&7Sea_Lantern chance:40
  39. - 278 1 name:&7Diamond_Pickaxe chance:5
  40. keys:
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