
Remnant Religions

Oct 27th, 2016
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  1. You're in luck, I'm an autist who headcanons this kind of shit all the time.
  2. First off, a few people attempt to worship them all as one hodgepodge pantheon, but most are specific to certain regional religions.
  5. >Vale
  6. Mostly shamanic worship of nature spirits. Grimm are corrupted spirits that must be put down and it's humanity's responsibility to do so. Worshipers can be identified by their capes/ hoods, which have different meanings depending on the color.
  9. >Atlas
  10. A weird combination of lovecraft and norse mythology. Basically, the gods just dick about almost uncaring of your existence and occasionally will help out if you stroke their ego enough. Assuming the one you're praying to is sentient.
  11. Major Deities:
  12. >Baeryanf
  13. A giant fucking bear who’s hibernating deep underground. All of existence is his dreams and when he wakes up the universe will restart. Keep fucking sacrificing food or he wakes up.
  14. >Eledrbain
  15. One of the few sentient ones, Eledrbain is the God of Courage, War, and Weaponry. It is said he was once one of the first hunters who protected this land until he chased some Grimm up to the most northern point of Mantle. He then spent 100 years fighting the horrible monstrosities that crawled out of the ocean up there and somehow ascended to godhood. No one fucking knows why. Maybe he really wanted to kill those fuckers really bad.
  16. >Chnee’th
  17. The God of Progress, Mining and Labor. Chnee’th is huge fucking worm that is forever burying itself deeper in the ground, refining the earth it digs up into dust crystals. It is said that it resurfaces briefly every eon in a mortal form just to see what the fuck is happening up here. If it’s impressed, it fucks off back into it's hole. If it’s underwhelmed, then it purposefully collapses it's own tunnel system, which is so large it causes the universe to implode. Why it does this no one fucking knows. It just does.
  19. >Vacuo
  20. The religion of Vacuo is incredibly simple. There are 2 goddess, one of Chaos and one of Order. Everything good is under Chaos, everything bad is Order. Infact everything is just them having a really bitchy catfight over whose creation is better, Chaos’ Humans or Order’s Grimm. Most Vacuoians don't debate the question and wish they’d just kiss already, or at least tear the other’s bra off.
  22. >Mistral
  23. Mistral is monotheistic, worshiping the Great Sun Dragon. The Sun Dragon protects Remnant and gives it warmth, as she believes it’s her egg. Unfortunately, she's a fucking klutz who destroyed her first egg, the moon, spilling its contents all over Remnant. The unborn Dragon was so salty, it’s scraps of embryonic fluid manifest itself as Grimm. In order to make sure she doesn't crush the planet, yearly firework festivals are held to alert her of humanity's presence. She also visits the earth in a human form looking for a mate every hundred years. Should you be selected, you will have the night of your life. Bad news is she’ll try to take you to her home, The Sun.
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