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Jul 5th, 2014
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  1. [02:01] <@Hotadmin4u69> who is Mousemice?
  2. [02:01] <llwy-ar-lawr> me
  3. [02:01] <llwy-ar-lawr> I think
  4. [02:01] <llwy-ar-lawr> so one is led to believe
  5. [02:01] <@Hotadmin4u69>
  6. [02:01] <snerk>
  7. [02:01] <@Hotadmin4u69> you are voting twice?
  8. [02:02] <llwy-ar-lawr> I'm a filthy cheating sockpuppeteer what can I say
  9. [02:02] <RAHB> Yeah you shouldn't vote with multiple accounts
  10. [02:02] <@Hotadmin4u69> llwy-ar-lawr: no prob
  11. [02:02] <llwy-ar-lawr> I know. I got a little weird for a bit.
  12. [02:02] <RAHB> You can say "I'll stop doing that because it's very clearly against the rules."
  13. [02:02] <llwy-ar-lawr> I'm sorry
  14. [02:02] <llwy-ar-lawr> ok I'll stop since now you're mad at me and stuf
  15. [02:02] <llwy-ar-lawr> stuff
  16. [02:03] <llwy-ar-lawr> and yeah rules
  17. 03[02:03] * _[myth (~myth2_2^@unaffiliated/freemyth) has joined #uncyclopedia
  18. [02:03] <llwy-ar-lawr> if I did it again, would you block me? that would probably be a bad idea though since I had an actual reason for the account other than being annoying.
  19. [02:03] <llwy-ar-lawr> I should get round to that
  20. [02:03] <RAHB> Just don't use it for voting
  21. [02:04] <llwy-ar-lawr> what would you do if I did?
  22. [02:04] <RAHB> You can do whatever else you like with it
  23. [02:04] <arsenic_x> Why even push it?
  24. [02:04] <RAHB> I'd rather you just didn't and then we don't have to worry about what I'd do
  25. [02:05] <Kippy> Yo dawg, I heard Uncyclowikia blows so hard, they actually deleted This page does not exist!
  26. [02:05] <llwy-ar-lawr> I was going to say something but I'm not sure what would be appropriate
  27. [02:05] <@Hotadmin4u69> llwy-ar-lawr is a troll
  28. [02:06] <@Hotadmin4u69> who charges a toll
  29. [02:06] <@Hotadmin4u69> for a boy's soul
  30. [02:06] <llwy-ar-lawr> are you serious or kidding? I believe my actual offence here is violating WP:POINT
  31. [02:06] <Kippy> lol
  32. 01[02:06] <SG1|Hereish> llwy-ar-lawr is Arayg.
  33. [02:06] <RAHB> you gotta pay the troll toll
  34. [02:06] <arsenic_x> ^
  35. [02:06] <RAHB> to get into this boy's hole
  36. [02:06] <@Hotadmin4u69> SOUL
  37. 01[02:06] <SG1|Hereish> She's also probably Manticore.
  38. [02:07] <arsenic_x> ^
  39. [02:07] <llwy-ar-lawr> I'm also Bizzeebeever
  40. [02:07] <llwy-ar-lawr> I know that because he said so
  41. [02:07] <RAHB> :O
  42. [02:07] <RAHB> It's all coming together now
  43. [02:07] <arsenic_x> 'Amnesia clears'
  44. [02:07] <arsenic_x> I remember...
  45. [02:12] <llwy-ar-lawr> I'd just like to briefly interrupt the conversation to say that my curious side would love to find out what happened if I persisted in sockpuppet voting all over the place in spite of warnings from RAHB, but my rational side says it wouldn't be worth the mess and the time
  46. [02:13] <RAHB> llwy-ar-lawr: If you kept up with it all over the place a lot then yes, I would have to ban you
  47. [02:13] <RAHB> Satisfied?
  48. [02:13] <llwy-ar-lawr> yes
  49. [02:13] <RAHB> Excellent
  50. [02:13] <llwy-ar-lawr> though if I persisted hard enough you would also have to desysop me I reckin
  51. [02:13] <llwy-ar-lawr> reckon
  52. [02:13] <RAHB> Well yes
  53. [02:13] <RAHB> Banning isn't any good when you can just unban yourself
  54. [02:13] <llwy-ar-lawr> yes
  55. [02:14] <llwy-ar-lawr> I have a really twisted sense of humour because I find my sock voting funny for some reason
  56. [02:14] <@Hotadmin4u69> I was trying to vote on my other account
  57. 01[02:14] <SG1|Hereish>
  58. [02:14] <@Hotadmin4u69> but my sig is the same, so...meh
  59. [02:15] <llwy-ar-lawr> you could make a different one
  60. [02:15] <RAHB> Oh my god why haven't I pirated this game yet
  61. [02:15] <@Hotadmin4u69> I'd just have to change the sig
  62. [02:15] <llwy-ar-lawr> I notice your sig says Hotadmin4u69 but links to User:Electrified mocha chinchilla and User talk:Electrified mocha chinchilla
  63. [02:16] <@Hotadmin4u69> it's all sorts of fucked up
  64. [02:16] <ChanSeba> I'm on twitter.
  65. [02:16] <@Hotadmin4u69> my account was never really moved
  66. [02:16] <llwy-ar-lawr> are you...going to, like, do something to my socky votes?
  67. [02:17] <llwy-ar-lawr> also there's something else I would like to bring up. apologies for the waste of time
  68. [02:17] <@Hotadmin4u69> llwy-ar-lawr: no
  69. [02:17] <llwy-ar-lawr> er, what are you saying no to
  70. [02:18] <@Hotadmin4u69> when you commit voter fraud like this
  71. [02:18] <@Hotadmin4u69> it's what makes the Republicans want to require IDs to vote
  72. [02:18] <@Hotadmin4u69> just think about that tonight
  73. [02:25] <llwy-ar-lawr> I'm starting to be one of those people who hates when other people have fun and tries to get them to stop, and I realised I needed to mess around a bit but I guess I went too far and now I'm going to feel guilty and tell you way more about that than you could ever want to hear
  74. [02:25] <@Hotadmin4u69> go on
  75. [02:26] <llwy-ar-lawr> I'll have to stop talking
  76. [02:26] <@Hotadmin4u69> you can tell us, llwy-ar-lawr
  77. [02:27] <llwy-ar-lawr> Hotadmin4u69: if I tried to say anything more it would come out wrong. this is wrong too. I can't believe how bad I am at this
  78. [02:28] <llwy-ar-lawr> were talking
  79. [02:28] <llwy-ar-lawr> I think I should just be banned or something
  80. [02:28] <llwy-ar-lawr> this isn't working...
  81. [02:29] <@Hotadmin4u69> why? because you make a sock and then asked us what we're going to do about it?
  82. [02:30] <llwy-ar-lawr> because I keep putting myself down and can't seem to stop
  83. [02:30] <llwy-ar-lawr> and I'm derailing your useful intelligent conversations
  84. [02:30] <Kippy> Hold the phone. You made a sock?
  85. [02:30] <@Hotadmin4u69> there were two but you know how driers are LOLOLOL
  86. [02:30] <RAHB> "I'm giving Randy an abortion" - very useful and intelligent
  87. [02:30] <llwy-ar-lawr> you're not my psychotherapist or whatever so you shouldn't have to listen to me
  88. [02:31] <llwy-ar-lawr> heck, /I/ shouldn't have to listen to me
  89. [02:31] <llwy-ar-lawr> is it still against the rules if my sock and I vote differently?
  90. [02:32] <RAHB> Well that's weird but yes
  91. [02:32] <llwy-ar-lawr> oh well
  92. [02:32] <@Hotadmin4u69> what if you have multiple personalities
  93. [02:32] <llwy-ar-lawr> but I have two different opinions and I wanted to express them both
  94. [02:32] <Kippy> Oh god damn it, that sad dog episode of Futurama is on.
  95. [02:32] <RAHB> You can abstain and talk about it in the comments
  96. [02:32] <llwy-ar-lawr> I nominated the article so abstaining would be weird.
  97. [02:33] <llwy-ar-lawr> unless I abstained with my sock, which would be doubly weird.
  98. [02:33] <RAHB> Voting against would be weird too
  99. [02:33] <@Hotadmin4u69> all of that is weird
  100. [02:33] <llwy-ar-lawr> I'm just weird
  101. [02:33] <@Hotadmin4u69> unless you have multiple personalities
  102. [02:33] <RAHB> Right
  103. [02:33] <@Hotadmin4u69> then it's understandable, it's just the disease
  104. [02:33] <RAHB> If you have multiple personality disorder then having an account for all your personalities is totally acceptable
  105. [02:33] <RAHB> I assume
  106. [02:33] <@Hotadmin4u69> yeah
  107. [02:33] <llwy-ar-lawr> I have semimultiple personalities. I recognise them all as being a part of me but it's very hard for them to agree
  108. [02:34] <RAHB> I wonder if Wikipedia actually has a policy page on that
  109. [02:34] <RAHB> They probably do
  110. [02:34] <@Hotadmin4u69> we don't discriminate against the mentally ill
  111. [02:34] <llwy-ar-lawr> they're also mushier than your average personality
  112. [02:34] <llwy-ar-lawr> mine
  113. [02:34] <RAHB> That's called having a brain
  114. [02:34] <llwy-ar-lawr> I don't recall seeing such a wikipedia policy and I've seen a good deal of their stuff.
  115. [02:34] <RAHB> It sucks, I know
  116. 03[02:35] * mousemice (63f09cf9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #uncyclopedia
  117. [02:35] <mousemice> hello everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that llwy is probably just trying to get attention and/or trying to eat me.
  118. [02:36] <mousemice> we may or may not be the same person, I suppose you will have to decide that for yourselves
  119. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> !tban 420 Decision made.
  120. 01[02:36] <SG1|Hereish> I feel like I'm watching the world's most retarded soap opera.
  121. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> wait
  122. [02:36] <mousemice> my account was created by her though which is highly suspicious
  123. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> didn't do that
  124. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> right
  125. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> !tban 420 mousemice
  126. [02:36] <mousemice> ?
  127. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> wat
  128. [02:36] <sheep> 2what
  129. [02:36] <llwy-ar-lawr> what are you doing
  130. [02:36] <sheep> I just came in here
  131. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> how do I
  132. [02:36] <RAHB> smoke nugs all day
  133. [02:36] <sheep> and what the hell is happening?
  134. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> !tban mousemice 420
  135. 03[02:36] * UncycBot sets mode: +b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
  136. 03[02:36] * mousemice was kicked by UncycBot (Banned for 420 seconds by Hotadmin4u69.)
  137. [02:36] <@Hotadmin4u69> ok
  138. [02:36] <RAHB> Oh lol
  139. [02:36] <llwy-ar-lawr> ?!
  140. [02:36] <RAHB> I didn't know we could do that
  141. [02:37] <@Hotadmin4u69> oh yes
  142. [02:37] <@Hotadmin4u69> I just figured it out too
  143. [02:37] <llwy-ar-lawr> why did you ban my mouse
  144. [02:37] <RAHB> Cool
  145. [02:38] <llwy-ar-lawr> cool that you figured it out though
  146. [02:38] <@Hotadmin4u69> UncycBot did it
  147. [02:38] <@Hotadmin4u69> I didn't do anything
  148. [02:38] <ChanSeba> CAN'T BREAK DAT PROPANE
  149. [02:38] <@UncycBot> 04<07Hotadmin4u6904> Why didn't you do it?
  150. [02:38] <@Hotadmin4u69> shut up whore
  151. [02:38] <@UncycBot> I will not be silenced forever!
  152. [02:38] <llwy-ar-lawr> oh cool UncycBot talks again
  153. [02:38] <@UncycBot> 04<07llwy-ar-lawr04> Once more? Right on. I'm glad you like it. Tell your friends.
  154. [02:38] <llwy-ar-lawr> shut up
  155. [02:38] <@UncycBot> I will not be silenced forever!
  156. [02:39] <llwy-ar-lawr> the danger in having a sock is that you could start arguing with it and stuff
  157. [02:40] <llwy-ar-lawr> and having flamewars between you and yourself
  158. [02:40] <@Hotadmin4u69> and what if it wins the arguments
  159. [02:40] <@Hotadmin4u69> that could mess you up existentially
  160. [02:40] <llwy-ar-lawr> then you block it for insubordination or something
  161. [02:40] <llwy-ar-lawr> then it complains that you're an idiot for blocking it
  162. [02:40] <llwy-ar-lawr> and you revoke its talk page
  163. [02:40] <llwy-ar-lawr> then what do you do?
  164. [02:41] <llwy-ar-lawr> then you're really messed in the head
  165. [02:41] <@Hotadmin4u69> well then it escalates into off-site harassment, phone calls, dead animals in your mailbox
  166. [02:41] <@Hotadmin4u69> soon your sock kills you
  167. [02:41] <llwy-ar-lawr> I wonder how you'd have a phone call to yourself
  168. [02:41] <@Hotadmin4u69> you obviously have a sockpuppet phone
  169. [02:41] <@Hotadmin4u69> and your real phone
  170. [02:42] <llwy-ar-lawr> anyway, it's been nice talking but I should go to bed.
  171. [02:42] <RAHB> You could call from an anonymous skype account
  172. [02:42] <RAHB> The sock would never suspect
  173. [02:42] <@Hotadmin4u69> lol
  174. 03[02:43] * UncycBot sets mode: -b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
  175. [02:44] <llwy-ar-lawr> good night all
  176. [02:45] <RAHB> Adios
  177. [02:45] <@Hotadmin4u69> buenos nachos
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