
Deadmeat Chronicles: The Punishment

Oct 14th, 2012
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn fluffy with a light green mane.
  2. >You are sitting in front of your hidey hole looking over your area.
  3. >The area is now ruined, poopie stains the area, grass is trampled, and you found that your food stores were scattered and stomped.
  4. >Fluffies are crying and whines of, “Nuu smeww pretty…”, fill the air.
  5. >You have never felt so mad.
  6. >In the distance you see Snuggle Wuggle looking on.
  7. >One of her owchie fluffies tries to get behind her and mount her.
  8. >She bites his leg and throws him to her front.
  9. >She looks on as her other fluffies start to give the upstart fluffy owies.
  10. >She doesn’t concern you, two of the fluffies in your herd do though.
  11. >Dammit sits just behind you to your right.
  12. >After a few moments Roseberry is pushing the two fluffies who stole from the other herd in front of you.
  13. >They sit in front of you smiling and giggling.
  14. >Other members of your herd start to gather.
  15. >You start to talk, “Why fwuffies take nummies fwom udder herd?”
  16. >One of the fluffies looks up, “Fwuffy wan pway!” he turns to walk off and Roseberry pushes him back.
  17. >The other fluffy is sitting funny, “Fwuffy no wan poopie owchies…”
  18. >”Yoo bad fwuffies! Yoo make udder herd mad! Bwing dem hewe!” You snap at the two.
  19. >The one who wanted to play look back, “Dey bad fwuffies! Dey no gif nummies so fwuffy take nummies!”
  20. >”Yoo take nummies no bewong to fwuffy! Bwing bad fwuffies to Deadmeat awea!”
  21. >More of your herd comes around drawn by your yelling.
  22. >The fluffy sitting funny says, “Why yoo yell fwuffy? Fwuffy noo bad fwuffy.”
  23. >The other fluffy starts to stand in front of you, “Fwuffy get nummies when fwuffy hungy!”
  24. >”Yoo get nummies when nummie time! Aww fwuffy nee nummies!”
  25. >The standing fluffy starts to puff its cheeks, “Udder fwuffies dum dum fwuffy! Eat when hungy! Yoo no say when fwuffy eat!”
  26. >His companion starts to stand, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo yell at gud fwuffy! Yoo dum ugwy munsta fwuffy!”
  27. >Dammit stands up, “Daddeh fwuffy am smawty! Yoo bad fwuffy!”
  28. >The fluffy puffing his cheeks starts to yell again, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo dum dum fwuffy! Fwuffy do wha fwuffy wan!”
  29. >His companion starts to give raspberries.
  30. >The herd is now starting to shuffle at the two fluffies who brought the bad fluffies.
  31. >The one fluffy puffs his cheeks again, “Yoo weak munsta! If yoo stwong nuu fwuffy come! It yoo fault!”
  32. >He charges you.
  33. >You simply lower your horn and stab his knee.
  34. >He lets out a yelp and backs up with fresh boo boo juice pouring from his leg.
  35. >You look around, your herd is staring at you, Dammit is next to you rigid looking on, all waiting for you to say something.
  36. >The one fluffies is holding its leg crying while his companion tries to hug him better.
  37. >”Deadmeat say…”, you give a cold stare and point to the two fluffies, “yoo bad fwuffies!”
  38. >Almost on cue the herd decends on the two fluffies.
  39. >Dammit leaps down biting hard on one’s ear.
  40. >”Waahhh!! Nuu hewt fwuffy! Fwuffy sowwy!”, “Why hewet fwuffy, pwease… fwuffy sowwy… pwease.. fwuffy sowwyyyyEEEEEE!”
  41. >The whole herd is biting and kicking the two bad fluffies.
  42. >A few fluffies bite on one of their cheeks and start to pull ripping it off they fluffy’s face.
  43. >The other lays down and covers its eyes crying and several fluffies surround it stomping.
  44. >You hear soft pops as its legs take on new shapes and tears falls from its face, “EEEEEEE!! EEEEEEE!!!”
  45. >”Wahhhh! Weaf… fwuuee wone..” the other tries to make words, boo boo juice sprays from its ruined face as it tries to talk.
  46. >One of the earth fluffies bucks his head knocking him down.
  47. >He soon disappears from the heads of furious fluffy ponies running in to bite his tender belly.
  48. >The other fluffy tried to get up and a white stick comes out from its leg and buries in the ground.
  49. >He lets out a howl of pain.
  50. >Dammit bites hard on its ear and rips it off, boo boo juice flows down the side of his head.
  51. >Other fluffies surround him and start to buck and stomp him all around his body.
  52. >One fluffy is walking by with a tail in its mouth.
  53. >The screams from the fluffy with it face ripped off reaches a high pitch.
  54. >You hear through the sounds of the beating, “Sketties?”
  55. >Fluffies are raising their heads and you see their faces cover in boo boo juice.
  56. >You see some have brought the guts of the bad fluffy up and are chewing on them, “Dun taste wike sketties…”
  57. >Some fluffies step back trying to catch their breath and you see the fluffy on its back.
  58. >Its belly is ripped open and his intestines are leaking out.
  59. >Its tail is now gone and one of his rear legs is missing.
  60. >There is a bloody hole where one of its eyes has disappeared.
  61. >He slowly rolls on his belly and tries to crawl away, “Wahhhhh… fffuufff… sow…”
  62. >Blood still sprays from his mouth.
  63. >”Owie! Nuuu weave pee pee pwace….. EEEEEEE!”
  64. >You look over to the other fluffy.
  65. >A fluffy has bit his pee pee place and is jerking and ripping with all its might.
  66. >Dammit gets to the fluffy’s head and kicks hard, the is a soft crunch as the fluffy’s lower jaw juts off to the side.
  67. >It make gulping sobs as its pee pee place finally gives and is ripped off.
  68. >A steady stream of boo boo juice pours from between his rear legs.
  69. >The fluffy seems to spasm in pain.
  70. >You look back at the other fluffy.
  71. >he has crawled a little ways with a long trail of his intestines behind him.
  72. >Random fluffies see this and take bites talking about sketties before making ‘eww’ faces.
  73. >Two other fluffies are at his head taking turns bucking each side of his face.
  74. >You see that he now has lost his teeth and big clots of blood are hanging from his ruined jaw.
  75. >You hear gurgled sounds and see that some fluffies have started kicking the fluffies stuck in the gound in its eyes.
  76. >The see hooves dig into the fluffy’s skull with each kick and the eyes deform.
  77. >They don’t have enough force to rupture its eyes, but they seem to swell with each kick.
  78. >Bubbles of boo boo juice form at its mouth.
  79. >A fluffy starts to push at its side.
  80. >There is a soft crack sound as its bone snaps and the fluffy is rolled across his broken jaw.
  81. >An indistinguishable sound comes from his head.
  82. >It is an utterance of pure pain that his ruined jaw cannot make into words.
  83. >You get up and start to walk to the two bloody and beaten fluffies.
  84. >”Fwuffies no hewt no mo!” You shout.
  85. >All the fluffies stand back leaving the two bad fluffies moaning.
  86. >You walk up to the one fluffy with its mangled legs and large red place where its pee pee place used to be.
  87. >You stare down at the whimpering fluffy and stab him hard in his chest with your horn.
  88. >It lets out a small groan before it quits breathing.
  89. >You rip your horn out with boo boo juice staining the end and dribbling down.
  90. >All the fluffies gasp and jump back when they see you do this.
  91. >You slowly walk to the other fluffy stepping on its guts walking to him.
  92. >He is weakly scrapping the ground with his front hooves no longer able to move his body.
  93. >There is a large meaty area coated with dirt where his leg use to be and a small red spot that marked his tail.
  94. >You ram your horn into his back deep.
  95. >He squirms not making a sound then goes limp.
  96. >You rip your horn out and walk back to your bush.
  97. >Boo boo juice now coloring your horn.
  98. >Dammit stands to your front with his mouth open.
  99. >In the distance you see Sunggle Wuggle standing looking shocked, her owchie friends running away.
  100. >Roseberry is off to the side lying on her belly shivering.
  101. >All your other fluffies are all shaking in fear and awe looking at you.
  102. >”Munsta smawty… gif biggest owchies!”, ”Munsta smawty gif big owwies wif hown…”, “Munsta stwong fwuffy…”
  103. >You look around, “Fwuffy bwing bad to Deadmeat awea is bad fwuffy!”
  104. >”Nuu fwuffy be bad fwuffy!” You finish your statement with a stomp to reinforce it.
  105. >All the fluffies start to nod, “Fwuffy am gud!”, “Nuu wan munsta owchies…”, “Munsta fwuffy am stwongest fwufyy!”, “Fwuffy nuu bwing bad!”
  106. >You point to the dead fluffies, “Take dead fwuffy away! Fwuffies cwean awea!”
  107. >Dammit grabs up some of the larger fluffies and strt to drag off the two dead fluffies and Roseberry rounds the rest.
  108. >A slew of fluffies start to eat the poop muttering about keeping the munsta smarty happy.
  109. >You sit at your bush.
  110. >You look at the ruined food stores then watch the dead fluffies being drug away.
  111. >”Efewy fwuffy dies…”
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