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Nov 28th, 2014
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  1. Dear Celestia.
  3. Yes. I know I fucked up. Yes I know I need to learn to stop fucking around with other peoples life. I need to write two hundred and fifty fucking words for this to be looked at people barely read this shit anyways. Well, what I did was hardly bannable. I will leave the decision of me staying banned or getting unbanned in Kimono’s hands. Because I trust she will choose the right decision. I understand I am an ungrateful asshole. I know I am a fuck up sometimes (Most of the time). I know I do bad stuff. Which Kimono can most likely tell you. You might notice I am trying to take up word count so I don't have to put effort into this because well I am tired and I will never remember to do this when I wake up. Sooooooo yeah I need to put more words here its barely anything. I would enjoy being unbanned because when I am bored I can come on to MLC and complaining about how there is nothing to do. Yes I am a pyro. I am also maybe a bit more than slightly insane. So yeah, I am an idiot I agree. I hate most people. I enjoy being hated by some people. I hope I can finish this soon because I really dont want to do it. Discord knows that I can sometimes do something good. SOMETIMES. But I usually fuck up many things. Also Kimono I believe you shouldn’t put your name on Skype so people can’t blackmail you.
  5. ~Zero.
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