
The Parasprite Effect

Sep 30th, 2012
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  1. >Day 1047 in Equestria
  2. >You are Anonymous, a seemingly normal creature from a different dimension.
  3. >You landed in the world of p0nies roughly 3 years ago, and since then you have become a productive member of their society.
  4. >Meeting their royalty was simple enough. They accepted you without much hassle, being a kind and carry race that they were.
  5. >You lived your days in a small town named P0nyville, assisting the town in jobs they need.
  6. >When there is danger, a small group of p0nies wielding magical items known as the Elements of Harmony defended other p0nies.
  7. >You played your part too, though you deny it.
  8. >A small hint here, a nudge in the right direction there, it didn’t go against your societies rules, since the p0nies were none the wiser.
  9. >While you looked as human as you could, you were far from it.
  10. >Your people told you that you weren’t allowed to let on that you could see what you could, lest you wreck the fabric of the continuum.
  11. >But because they accepted you so well, you were everyp0nies friend.
  12. >Well, all except one p0ny.
  13. >Colgate
  14. >With her periwinkle coat and blue mane with a white stripe, she was easy to see in a crowd, which made it easier for you to run from her.
  15. >Though, because she worked as the town dentist, you hadn’t had a check-up in three years.
  16. >Everything you saw that was connect to her made you want to stay away even more.
  17. >That’s why today, you sat at the edge of the lake, hoping that you received some well-deserved peace and quiet.
  18. >You watch as the sun drops down in the sky, when a familiar twinge travels across your mind, and you sigh deeply.
  19. ‘Good afternoon…Miss Colgate.’
  21. >’How did you know it was me?’ She asks.
  22. ‘You smell like toothpaste. What do you want?’
  23. >You turn to see her giving you an annoyed look before looking to the ground.
  24. >’You have such a great rapport with the other towns p0nies, but I feel like every time you see me, you run away.’
  25. >She looks up to see you mid-air, trying to jump into the lake.
  26. >Colgate immediately grabs you in her aura, before bringing you back to the embankment.
  27. >’See, there you go. What is your problem with me?’
  28. >You try to fight her magic, but it’s useless.
  29. ‘You wouldn’t understand.’
  30. >’Did I say something wrong to you?!’
  31. ‘No!’
  32. >’Did I treat you badly?!’
  33. ‘No!’
  34. >’WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?!’
  35. ‘NOTHING!!’
  36. >She drops you in shock at your outburst, and you just sit on the ground.
  37. ‘You did nothing wrong, which is why you won’t understand why I can’t have interactions with you.’
  38. >’Just try to tell me. I can try to understand.’
  39. ‘Fine…you asked for this.’ You look around at the scenery ‘How many dimensions are there in this place?’
  40. >’What?’
  41. ‘Dimensions. What do p0nies see in?’
  42. >’Uhh…three? Yeah three.’
  43. ‘Yep. Length, width and depth. Simple shit really.’
  44. >’So…what are you saying?’
  45. ‘You see three dimensions, meaning you come from the third dimension. I can perceive two extra dimensions above that, making me a 5th dimensional being.’
  46. >She gives you a very confused look.
  47. ‘See?! This is why I kept this to myself.’
  48. >’No, wait. I just need time to process this. Please continue.’
  49. >You sigh.
  50. ‘Okay. So apart from length, width and depth, I can see time flowing around us all, which is the 4th dimension, and all possible outcomes from one simple action.’
  51. >’Uh…I’m getting kinda confused again.’
  52. >You facepalm and try to figure out a simple way of explaining it.’
  54. ‘Have you heard of the parasprite effect?’
  55. >’No?’
  56. ‘A parasprite beats his wings, causing a small movement of air, and as that small movement of air continues, it builds up. As it builds, it grows in power, until it eventually is strong enough to destroy an entire building.’
  57. >’But…how does relate to seeing the 5th dimension?’
  58. >You sigh again, before picking up a stone.
  59. ‘Imagine if this stone was you deciding to do something, and the lake is the course of time.’
  60. >Colgate nodded her head, and you threw the stone into the lake. It hit with a splash, and the surface erupted in waves of ripples.
  61. ‘Your single decision could change the future in a small way, or it could have drastic measures.’
  62. >’So that’s how you know when something bad is about to occur?’
  63. ‘Hmm?’
  64. >She looked up at you with deep thought.
  65. >’I wanted to know more about you, so I asked the town about their interactions with you. Most of the time it was simple things, but sometimes a p0ny would tell me the same thing: “If I hadn’t had done this or been at this place, I couldn’t have done something so big that saved the town”. You led the townsp0nies to what they needed to do without their knowledge.’
  66. ‘Yeah, kinda…’
  67. >’Then why didn’t you tell us?’
  68. ‘Telling somep0ny what is about to happen will change it immediately, and what are the chances they could believe me? I worked in the shadows to help so I wasn’t recognised.’
  69. >’But what does this have to do with me?’
  70. >You look at the closest tree and point to a single branch.
  71. ‘Take any leaf from that tree.’
  73. >A light blue aura surrounds a single leaf and is plucked from the tree. She brings in the leaf over to you.
  74. ‘Okay, in about 3 seconds, a sparrow is going to fly from the forest with a blue jay following him. They are playing tag.’
  75. >Sure enough, as you finish speaking, a sparrow flies out of the dense foliage followed by a happy blue jay.
  76. >’Wow…’
  77. ‘Throw a rock into the water.’
  78. >Colgate chooses a rock from the edge and throws it into the water.
  79. ‘Applejack is going to scream about Rainbow Dash in 3…2…1…’
  80. >From far away, a southern accent can be heard screaming ‘RAINBOW DAAAAAASH!!!’
  81. >’Holy crud, that’s fun.’ Her magic envelopes a single daisy ‘What happens if I pull this out?’
  82. ‘DON’T!’
  83. >Colgate freezes and slowly looks at you.
  84. >’What…what’s going to happen?’
  85. ‘I…I can’t tell you.’
  86. >’Why not?’
  87. ‘Cos it involves you, and would change the course of history again. I don’t want to have to check through another 4028 situations to know what I can’t do again.’
  88. >’But…is this the reason you don’t want to talk to me?’
  89. >You look to the lake and slowly nod your head.
  90. >’Can you…is there any way of me knowing without you directly telling me?’
  91. ‘Uh…Yes. I can show you. It doesn’t affect the space time continuum, so it should be safe…I just don’t know if it’s a good idea.’
  92. >’Please?’
  93. ‘P-promise, whatever you see, you don’t judge me for.’
  94. >’I promise.’
  95. >You grab her front right hoof and hold it in your hand.
  96. >Immediately, a window opens up in the fabric of space, showing you that possible future.
  98. >The vision is of you and Colgate sitting at the lake front, talking. Colgate suddenly picks the daisy and smiles.
  99. >On cue, a metallic rattling sound can be heard barrelling down the hill. The two alternative selves look to see Pinkie Pie rolling down the hill on her party wagon.
  100. >You immediately jump, grabbing Colgate, just before the wagon hits the water’s edge.
  101. >A closer view of the two of you sees you are both blushing, and you can hear what was being said. You had just accepted Colgate’s offer for coffee at her place.
  102. >’Is that it?’ the present Colgate asks.
  103. ‘Shh…I’ll go forwards 3 months.’
  104. >The window changes to a scene from the main street of P0nyville. You and Colgate were walking down, a smile on both of your faces. You were close enough to hear the entire conversation.
  105. >Future Anon: ‘So, what did you want to do today?’
  106. >Future Colgate: ‘I dunno. What do you wanna do?’
  107. >The future you leaned down and planted a kiss on Colgate’s lips.
  108. >FA: ‘Anything my little Brushie Brushie wants to do.’
  109. >FC: ‘Well, I had one idea… You love me, right?’
  110. >FA: ‘Of course I do.’
  111. >FC: ‘Well, why don’t we move in together?’
  112. >The future you smiled and gave Colgate another kiss.
  113. >’That’s it?’
  114. ‘If you don’t stop interrupting, I’m going to shut it off and walk away.’ You swipe your hand, and the window changes again. ‘This is a year from now.’
  116. >The scene was of Colgate walking down the main street of P0nyville alone at night. The wind blows as she reaches a house that looked like her own, but none of the lights were on.
  117. >’What happened?’
  118. ‘Shut up, that’s what.’
  119. >Future Colgate opened her door with magic and the scene changed to inside the dark house. She turns on the light to find the future version of you down on bended knee, a large white tooth in hand.
  120. >FC: ‘Anon, what are you doing in the dark like this? You almost scared me.’
  121. >FA: ‘Colgate. You have been my special somep0ny for almost a year now, and I realised something. You are the smartest, coolest, bestest p0ny in all of Equestria.’
  122. >The future you lifts the tooth up and opens it to reveal an engagement horn ring, but instead of a diamond, a tooth was set.
  123. >Future Colgate started to cry, and smiled.
  124. >FC: ‘Is that…?’
  125. >FA: ‘Yep. My left wisdom tooth. Colgate, will you marry me?’
  126. >Future Colgate didn’t have to answer you. She was all over you in seconds, showering you with kisses.
  127. >You look at the present Colgate, and she is blushing heavily.
  128. ‘Care to explain?’
  129. >’…Not really.’
  130. >You flash the window forwards again, this time to five years into the future.
  131. ‘This is 5 years from now.’
  132. >The two future versions of yourselves were sitting in a simple office, a brown stallion sitting across from you.
  133. >?? ‘So, Mr and Mrs Anonymous. We have the paperwork ready.’
  134. >FA: ‘Thank you Mr Good Will.’
  136. >Good Will slides the paper work in front of you, and the two of you sign it in a hurry, before sliding it back.
  137. >GW: ‘Very good.’ He presses a button on his intercom ‘Marie, can you bring in the young one?’
  138. >The smile on the future version of Colgate’s was massive.
  139. >A light yellow unicorn levitated a brown basket into the room, before placing it on the desk and giving you a smile, walking out the same door.
  140. >GW: ‘Congratulations. You two are officially parents.’
  141. >The future you lifts a small blue unicorn out of the basket, and a single tear rolls down your cheek.
  142. >FA: ‘Hello little Bizzles.’
  143. >You couldn’t help but to cry at that moment as well, and Colgate’s eyes were bright red.
  144. >’Is…is this why you refuse to talk to me? You don’t want to have a life with a p0ny?’
  145. ‘NO! Just…just watch this last one.’
  146. >The window changes for the last time, and it is pitch black at first.
  147. >All that can be heard is the constant beeping sound coming from around an echoing room.
  148. >The room starts to become brighter, and the two of you see an elderly version of Colgate lay in a hospital bed, several machines hooked up to her.
  149. >Around her stood an elderly you and a blue stallion with a periwinkle mane.
  150. >FA: ‘Hey honey… I got Bizzles for you…’
  151. >B: ‘Hi mom…How are you feeling?’
  152. >FC: ‘Great now that you are here…’
  153. >Future Colgate’s voice was barely above a whisper.
  154. >FA: ‘I’m so sorry, Colgate… I am trying to be strong here, I really am.’
  155. >FC: ‘It’s…okay… I just guess it’s my time. I’ll see you on the other side…’
  156. >B: ‘Mom…?’
  157. >Future Colgate didn’t move, and the two of you burst into tears.
  159. >You immediately close the window before anything more can be shown. You hated witnessing that future.
  160. >’Why…?’ came a soft voice.
  161. >You turn to see Colgate sitting there, tears in her eyes.
  162. >’Why, if I looked so happy at the end, would you not want to live a life with me?’
  163. ‘Because I couldn’t stand living a life knowing when and where and how you would die! I…I couldn’t live knowing I would out live you, Miss Colgate.’
  164. >’But what if we made that life extremely special, Anonymous? What if we packed in the best fun we could?’
  165. >You wipe a single tear from her eye before standing up and looking out into the lake.
  166. ‘I don’t know, Colgate… I just wish I didn’t have to know this stuff.’
  167. >As you stood there in silence, you feel something brush against your hand.
  168. >You hear an all too familiar sound, yet never having heard it until now.
  169. >A smile grows on your face as you see it.
  170. >A small white daisy, placed delicately between your fingers.
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