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Apr 25th, 2015
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  1. Omg I nearly forgot to tell you
  2. [25/04/2015 21:14:57] Felix/Tydans: I've joined royale
  3. [25/04/2015 21:15:03] Felix/Tydans: For a good reason though
  4. [25/04/2015 21:15:08] Felix/Tydans: To stall them
  5. [25/04/2015 21:15:23] Katie(Bad.Raven): um wtf..
  6. [25/04/2015 21:15:42] Katie(Bad.Raven): how does that work?
  7. [25/04/2015 21:16:34] Katie(Bad.Raven): so now you are a red dot in the back lines.. I'd really like to hear how you joining them stalls them..
  8. [25/04/2015 21:16:53] Felix/Tydans: Well the whole council talked about it
  9. [25/04/2015 21:17:09] Felix/Tydans: Civil is dying, Welsh and meep are nearly done
  10. [25/04/2015 21:17:14] Katie(Bad.Raven): what council? you and meep.. whos quit
  11. [25/04/2015 21:17:28] Felix/Tydans: This has been planned for a whike
  12. [25/04/2015 21:17:30] Felix/Tydans: While*
  13. [25/04/2015 21:17:43] Katie(Bad.Raven): I still don't see how that stalls them
  14. [25/04/2015 21:17:44] Felix/Tydans: When NAM declares I am going to join them
  15. [25/04/2015 21:17:52] Felix/Tydans: Well I can see claims
  16. [25/04/2015 21:18:00] Felix/Tydans: And command share
  17. [25/04/2015 21:18:03] Katie(Bad.Raven): and?
  18. [25/04/2015 21:18:18] Katie(Bad.Raven): they are going to not attack someone you ask them too?
  19. [25/04/2015 21:18:34] Felix/Tydans: There is only so much I can dp
  20. [25/04/2015 21:18:36] Katie(Bad.Raven): so you have abandoned the rest of civil
  21. [25/04/2015 21:18:42] Felix/Tydans: Do*
  22. [25/04/2015 21:19:00] Felix/Tydans: Well I'm doing this with Welshs authority
  23. [25/04/2015 21:19:12] Felix/Tydans: I don't enjoy doing it
  24. [25/04/2015 21:19:24] Felix/Tydans: But I will do whatever I can to destroy royake
  25. [25/04/2015 21:19:31] Felix/Tydans: But I know civil can't do it
  26. [25/04/2015 21:19:31] Katie(Bad.Raven): why the hell would he care he quit as well
  27. [25/04/2015 21:19:34] Felix/Tydans: We all know
  28. [25/04/2015 21:19:41] Katie(Bad.Raven): you can't doit alone
  29. [25/04/2015 21:19:52] Felix/Tydans: I'm doing it with nam when they declare
  30. [25/04/2015 21:20:00] Katie(Bad.Raven): if anything you should be trying to get them to recruit the rest of Civil
  31. [25/04/2015 21:20:03] Felix/Tydans: But it will take a while for them to be ready
  32. [25/04/2015 21:20:22] Katie(Bad.Raven): your ass is saved, but what about the rest of us?
  33. [25/04/2015 21:20:35] Felix/Tydans: Apply to royale
  34. [25/04/2015 21:20:40] Felix/Tydans: I'll put in a good word
  35. [25/04/2015 21:20:51] Katie(Bad.Raven): how did you get in?
  36. [25/04/2015 21:21:04] Felix/Tydans: By luck
  37. [25/04/2015 21:21:08] Felix/Tydans: When I was being sat
  38. [25/04/2015 21:21:19] Felix/Tydans: Someone sent a joke mail to krieger
  39. [25/04/2015 21:21:28] Felix/Tydans: "I'm pro let me join royale"
  40. [25/04/2015 21:21:46] Felix/Tydans: And he took it seriously
  41. [25/04/2015 21:21:49] Katie(Bad.Raven): but when Nam declares on Royale the rest of us are going to be attacked as well...
  42. [25/04/2015 21:22:50] Katie(Bad.Raven): sorry I have been through this before on this world... weezer-84 used to be my tribe leader, he said the same thing..
  43. [25/04/2015 21:23:27] Katie(Bad.Raven): when he joined Royale... and then he attacked his old tribe mates..
  44. [25/04/2015 21:23:47] Felix/Tydans: Well I might be forced to attack civil
  45. [25/04/2015 21:23:52] Felix/Tydans: But I'll tell you
  46. [25/04/2015 21:24:00] Felix/Tydans: I have to look like I'm taking part
  47. [25/04/2015 21:24:32] Katie(Bad.Raven): you'll be considered a traitor
  48. [25/04/2015 21:24:48] Felix/Tydans: I know
  49. [25/04/2015 21:24:58] Felix/Tydans: I've explained it to a few people
  50. [25/04/2015 21:25:01] Katie(Bad.Raven): cuz you basically left your tribe mates for the enemy
  51. [25/04/2015 21:25:03] Felix/Tydans: They understand
  52. [25/04/2015 21:25:06] Felix/Tydans: I know
  53. [25/04/2015 21:25:09] Katie(Bad.Raven): really..
  54. [25/04/2015 21:25:27] Katie(Bad.Raven): they don't mind being sacrificed?
  55. [25/04/2015 21:25:45] Felix/Tydans: I'm not going to just eat everyone
  56. [25/04/2015 21:25:50] Felix/Tydans: Hopefully not anyway
  57. [25/04/2015 21:25:58] Felix/Tydans: I told them I might have to attack them
  58. [25/04/2015 21:26:15] Katie(Bad.Raven): you shouldn't have too
  59. [25/04/2015 21:26:38] Felix/Tydans: I just wanna kill royale
  60. [25/04/2015 21:26:48] Felix/Tydans: That's the only reason I'm doing this
  61. [25/04/2015 21:26:52] Katie(Bad.Raven): you wont be if you are attacking us
  62. [25/04/2015 21:26:58] Katie(Bad.Raven): doesn't make sense to me
  63. [25/04/2015 21:27:12] Felix/Tydans: Well I take some inactive civil villas
  64. [25/04/2015 21:27:16] Felix/Tydans: Maybe nore
  65. [25/04/2015 21:27:28] Felix/Tydans: So that loyal royale people do not take them
  66. [25/04/2015 21:27:28] Katie(Bad.Raven): who welsh and meep??
  67. [25/04/2015 21:27:33] Felix/Tydans: Then nam declares
  68. [25/04/2015 21:27:39] Felix/Tydans: Then I join them
  69. [25/04/2015 21:27:44] Felix/Tydans: And fight royale
  70. [25/04/2015 21:27:51] Katie(Bad.Raven): and what happens to Civil then?
  71. [25/04/2015 21:27:57] Felix/Tydans: I don't know
  72. [25/04/2015 21:28:16] Felix/Tydans: Using the information I provide you try to last until nam declares
  73. [25/04/2015 21:28:23] Katie(Bad.Raven): you should have joined Nam... not Royale.
  74. [25/04/2015 21:28:33] Felix/Tydans: They have a border agreement
  75. [25/04/2015 21:28:41] Katie(Bad.Raven): and?
  76. [25/04/2015 21:28:44] Felix/Tydans: They would never allow me to be recruited
  77. [25/04/2015 21:28:56] Felix/Tydans: Nam will stack me
  78. [25/04/2015 21:29:04] Felix/Tydans: But if I join nam right away
  79. [25/04/2015 21:29:04] Katie(Bad.Raven): so u are thinking only of yourself
  80. [25/04/2015 21:29:08] Felix/Tydans: Kick starts a war
  81. [25/04/2015 21:29:21] Felix/Tydans: I have no real attachment to my villas
  82. [25/04/2015 21:29:24] Felix/Tydans: It's a game
  83. [25/04/2015 21:29:33] Felix/Tydans: But this is a chance for me to help kill royale
  84. [25/04/2015 21:29:33] Katie(Bad.Raven): you mean your tribe...
  85. [25/04/2015 21:30:02] Katie(Bad.Raven): Civil wont be around to see it though, so what difference does it make
  86. [25/04/2015 21:30:35] Felix/Tydans: So we just put up our old fight and eventually the whole of the south is royale
  87. [25/04/2015 21:30:47] Katie(Bad.Raven): ?
  88. [25/04/2015 21:30:57] Felix/Tydans: That's the alternative to what I'm doing
  89. [25/04/2015 21:31:09] Katie(Bad.Raven): so you just sacrifice your tribe... to keep yourself alive..
  90. [25/04/2015 21:31:10] Felix/Tydans: Royale will take the whole south
  91. [25/04/2015 21:31:14] Felix/Tydans: Katie
  92. [25/04/2015 21:31:30] Felix/Tydans: The whole council been talking about this for a couple weeks now
  93. [25/04/2015 21:31:40] Felix/Tydans: Ask them if you think I'm doing this for myself
  94. [25/04/2015 21:31:53] Felix/Tydans: This is bigger than just me
  95. [25/04/2015 21:32:07] Katie(Bad.Raven): who is the whole council? people who have quit anyway?
  96. [25/04/2015 21:32:09] Felix/Tydans: Ask grant or harry
  97. [25/04/2015 21:32:23] Katie(Bad.Raven): oh yes both quit..
  98. [25/04/2015 21:32:28] Felix/Tydans: The people who have done a great job holding back royale
  99. [25/04/2015 21:32:38] Felix/Tydans: But can no longer manage
  100. [25/04/2015 21:33:30] Katie(Bad.Raven): so they have given up for the rest of the tribe
  101. [25/04/2015 21:34:28] Katie(Bad.Raven): we should have all just mass deleted... it has the same effect
  102. [25/04/2015 21:34:47] Felix/Tydans: It was discussed
  103. [25/04/2015 21:34:58] Felix/Tydans: In fact that was one of my ideas
  104. [25/04/2015 21:34:59] Katie(Bad.Raven): but who is council???
  105. [25/04/2015 21:35:13] Katie(Bad.Raven): I think it should be discussed with the entire tribe
  106. [25/04/2015 21:35:32] Felix/Tydans: Well given the nature of what I'm doing
  107. [25/04/2015 21:35:36] Katie(Bad.Raven): it does affect everyone, not just council
  108. [25/04/2015 21:35:42] Felix/Tydans: I've only told the people I trust and respect in civil
  109. [25/04/2015 21:36:03] Felix/Tydans: If Krieger knew what I planned I'd be kicked and the plan results in nothing
  110. [25/04/2015 21:36:59] Katie(Bad.Raven): if Civil is dead then it should be disbanded any every one is on their own
  111. [25/04/2015 21:37:13] Katie(Bad.Raven): and*
  112. [25/04/2015 21:40:43] Felix/Tydans: Welsh made a forum post didn't he?
  113. [25/04/2015 21:40:47] Felix/Tydans: And mail
  114. [25/04/2015 21:41:02] Katie(Bad.Raven): about him self quitting
  115. [25/04/2015 21:44:34] Felix/Tydans: Well I don't know what you can do
  116. [25/04/2015 21:44:52] Felix/Tydans: You can attack me if you want or try to join royale
  117. [25/04/2015 21:45:07] Katie(Bad.Raven): it doesn't matter any way
  118. [25/04/2015 21:45:40] Felix/Tydans: I'm sorry things are going down this way
  119. [25/04/2015 21:45:50] Felix/Tydans: At least I had the decency to tell you my plans
  120. [25/04/2015 21:46:01] Felix/Tydans: Rather than keep you in the dark
  121. [25/04/2015 21:46:14] Katie(Bad.Raven): I mean wouldn't attack you, but if I join Royale, that wouldn't accept me anyway... and then when Nam declares we'd all be enemies again..
  122. [25/04/2015 21:46:30] Felix/Tydans: You could join nam too
  123. [25/04/2015 21:46:42] Katie(Bad.Raven): so does Lindsey know? is that why shes always such a bitch?
  124. [25/04/2015 21:46:44] Felix/Tydans: Or at least nam wouldn't attack you
  125. [25/04/2015 21:46:54] Felix/Tydans: Please don't call her a bitch
  126. [25/04/2015 21:46:58] Felix/Tydans: That's rude
  127. [25/04/2015 21:47:09] Katie(Bad.Raven): Nam will be declaring on Royale, so why wouldn't they attack
  128. [25/04/2015 21:47:12] Felix/Tydans: I don't know what she's said or done to make you say that but that's unnecessary
  129. [25/04/2015 21:47:20] Felix/Tydans: Because we would help them (facepalm)
  130. [25/04/2015 21:47:23] Katie(Bad.Raven): I'm sorry that's not rude. its the truth
  131. [25/04/2015 21:48:20] Katie(Bad.Raven): well she was real bitchy one day in Skype, if any one was rude, it was her
  132. [25/04/2015 21:48:36] Felix/Tydans: Well I didn't know that
  133. [25/04/2015 21:54:51] Katie(Bad.Raven): yeah if ur sending trains can you just drop me a mail with the village and the arrival times
  134. [4/19/2015 11:35:32 AM] Lindsey Smethurst: please
  135. [4/19/2015 11:35:45 AM] Lindsey Smethurst: otherwise ur trains may go splat
  136. okay but you said don't scout just launch and you would clear... lol
  137. did you just not read the end<<<< Thats Rude to say she said that not me
  138. [4/19/2015 11:39:46 AM] Lindsey Smethurst: what is this point of this convesation
  139. you want a mail for each village? or put them all in one mail
  140. [4/19/2015 11:44:32 AM] Lindsey Smethurst: use common sense << this is Rude and being a bitch...
  141. [25/04/2015 21:55:28] Felix/Tydans: Maybe she was having a bad day? Idk
  142. [25/04/2015 21:55:58] Katie(Bad.Raven): I don't know either... maybe she knew she was going to be the enemy soon anyway
  143. [25/04/2015 21:56:54] Katie(Bad.Raven): you could have made a post to the rest of the tribe... now they don't know what to think
  144. [25/04/2015 21:57:33] Katie(Bad.Raven): so do they have any of my villages claimed?
  145. [25/04/2015 21:59:36] Felix/Tydans: I have not noticed any yet
  146. [25/04/2015 21:59:57] Felix/Tydans: On 25/04/2015, at 9:56 PM, Katie(Bad.Raven) wrote:
  147. > you could have made a post to the rest of the tribe... now they don't know what to think
  148. I told you, if I just told everyone then that could ruin things
  149. [25/04/2015 22:00:00] Katie(Bad.Raven): why not try and get a merge between Royale and Civil?
  150. [25/04/2015 22:00:11] Felix/Tydans: It only takes one disgruntled person to ruin it all
  151. [25/04/2015 22:00:25] Felix/Tydans: Because it was no easy task getting myself into royale
  152. [25/04/2015 22:00:28] Katie(Bad.Raven): I don't mean tell the whole tribe you're a spy
  153. [25/04/2015 22:00:47] Felix/Tydans: I had to tell a lot of lies to get in
  154. [25/04/2015 22:00:52] Felix/Tydans: Not my finest hour
  155. [25/04/2015 22:01:04] Katie(Bad.Raven): like you would attack your tribe mates?
  156. [25/04/2015 22:01:08] Felix/Tydans: I will see if krieger is open to recruiting
  157. [25/04/2015 22:01:16] Katie(Bad.Raven): okay
  158. [25/04/2015 22:01:17] Felix/Tydans: Yeah but ill find a way to avoid it
  159. [25/04/2015 22:01:21] Felix/Tydans: Send me a mail
  160. [25/04/2015 22:01:30] Katie(Bad.Raven): a mail?
  161. [25/04/2015 22:01:38] Felix/Tydans: Asking if royal are considering recruiting any more civil
  162. [25/04/2015 22:01:39] Katie(Bad.Raven): asking to be recruited?
  163. [25/04/2015 22:01:40] Felix/Tydans: Yes
  164. [25/04/2015 22:01:42] Katie(Bad.Raven): okay
  165. [25/04/2015 22:01:44] Felix/Tydans: And in game mail
  166. [25/04/2015 22:01:52] Felix/Tydans: An*
  167. [25/04/2015 22:02:09] Felix/Tydans: Along the lines of "are royale considering recruiting more"
  168. [25/04/2015 22:02:14] Katie(Bad.Raven): okay
  169. [25/04/2015 22:03:27 | Edited 22:03:32] Felix/Tydans: Grant/Welsh may quit but he's still my leader in my eyes
  170. [25/04/2015 22:04:15] Felix/Tydans: Who is legend in game
  171. [25/04/2015 22:04:22] Felix/Tydans: I don't know who he is
  172. [25/04/2015 22:04:31] Felix/Tydans: So I don't want to tell him
  173. [25/04/2015 22:04:36] Felix/Tydans: What my plan is
  174. [25/04/2015 22:05:39] Katie(Bad.Raven): Sent
  175. [25/04/2015 22:05:47] Katie(Bad.Raven): same ing
  176. [25/04/2015 22:05:51] Felix/Tydans: Alright ill forward
  177. [25/04/2015 22:05:53] Katie(Bad.Raven): ign*
  178. [25/04/2015 22:05:57] Felix/Tydans: And we will see what happens
  179. [25/04/2015 22:06:00] Felix/Tydans: (yn)
  180. [25/04/2015 22:06:09] Katie(Bad.Raven): ty
  181. [25/04/2015 22:06:09] Felix/Tydans: I must warn you thouvh
  182. [25/04/2015 22:06:12] Felix/Tydans: Krieger
  183. [25/04/2015 22:06:18] Felix/Tydans: Is an insanely unlikeable person
  184. [25/04/2015 22:06:41] Katie(Bad.Raven): legend666 <<,,,
  185. [25/04/2015 22:06:46] Katie(Bad.Raven): okay
  186. [25/04/2015 22:07:07] Felix/Tydans: Who's legend
  187. [25/04/2015 22:07:15] Katie(Bad.Raven): yeah he will probably just laugh at it
  188. [25/04/2015 22:07:39] Katie(Bad.Raven): legend666
  189. [25/04/2015 22:09:47] Katie(Bad.Raven): did you read it?
  190. [25/04/2015 22:29:46] Katie(Bad.Raven): ?
  191. [25/04/2015 22:30:16] Katie(Bad.Raven): I thought you were going to forward my mail
  192. [25/04/2015 22:34:15] Felix/Tydans: I did forward the mail
  193. [25/04/2015 22:35:29] Katie(Bad.Raven): okay
  194. [25/04/2015 22:35:48] Katie(Bad.Raven): cuz you told me to mail them...
  195. [25/04/2015 22:36:15] Katie(Bad.Raven): so what happens to the rest of Civil? what does Mollie plan on doing?
  196. [25/04/2015 22:36:45] Katie(Bad.Raven): that was of course discussed with council as well?
  197. [25/04/2015 22:41:41] Felix/Tydans: I think mollie is quitting? I'm not sure though
  198. [25/04/2015 22:47:28] Katie(Bad.Raven): that's just wonderful lol leave the tribe hanging..
  199. [25/04/2015 22:51:55] Felix/Tydans: Well that's not my responsibility :/
  200. [25/04/2015 22:52:00] Felix/Tydans: I was never leadership
  201. [25/04/2015 22:52:10] Katie(Bad.Raven): I know
  202. [25/04/2015 22:52:12] Felix/Tydans: Even though they might have said I was
  203. [25/04/2015 22:52:14] Felix/Tydans: :D
  204. [25/04/2015 22:52:29] Katie(Bad.Raven): so whats the border agreement?
  205. [25/04/2015 22:55:36] Felix/Tydans: The north/south border
  206. [25/04/2015 22:55:55] Felix/Tydans: Along k40s and k50s
  207. [25/04/2015 22:56:00] Felix/Tydans: No nobling
  208. [25/04/2015 22:56:04] Felix/Tydans: Or recruitment
  209. [25/04/2015 22:56:18] Katie(Bad.Raven): but I am on the rim...
  210. [25/04/2015 22:56:26] Katie(Bad.Raven): so are you
  211. [25/04/2015 22:56:29] Felix/Tydans: No
  212. [25/04/2015 22:56:38] Felix/Tydans: The middle of the world map
  213. [25/04/2015 22:56:44] Felix/Tydans: A horizontal line
  214. [25/04/2015 22:57:04] Felix/Tydans: The border is between k45 and k55
  215. [25/04/2015 22:57:11] Felix/Tydans: And goes West and east
  216. [25/04/2015 22:57:16] Felix/Tydans: All the way
  217. [25/04/2015 22:57:25] Katie(Bad.Raven): so we would need to move where to get into nam?
  218. [25/04/2015 22:57:27] Katie(Bad.Raven): lol
  219. [25/04/2015 22:57:47] Katie(Bad.Raven): Royales not gonna take me
  220. [25/04/2015 23:01:26] Katie(Bad.Raven): wouldn't that break the border agreement?
  221. [25/04/2015 23:02:33] Katie(Bad.Raven): the profile says recruitment closed...
  222. [25/04/2015 23:08:12] Felix/Tydans: Pfft
  223. [25/04/2015 23:08:20] Felix/Tydans: It said recruitment closed when I joined
  224. [25/04/2015 23:08:26] Felix/Tydans: Doesn't really mean anything
  225. [25/04/2015 23:08:45] Felix/Tydans: If you joined royal it wouldn't break agreement
  226. [25/04/2015 23:08:55] Katie(Bad.Raven): okay... well did they get your mail ?
  227. [25/04/2015 23:09:38] Felix/Tydans: Yes they have read it
  228. [25/04/2015 23:10:26] Katie(Bad.Raven): I just don't understand why you just didn't stay in Civil until Nam declared
  229. [25/04/2015 23:32:54] Felix/Tydans: Because we won't survive that long
  230. [25/04/2015 23:33:01] Felix/Tydans: When Welsh and meep are gone
  231. [25/04/2015 23:33:03] Felix/Tydans: I'm next
  232. [25/04/2015 23:35:02] Katie(Bad.Raven): well I am right next to you..
  233. [25/04/2015 23:46:45] Felix/Tydans: I have plenty of villas to eat
  234. [25/04/2015 23:46:52] Felix/Tydans: Without having to attack you
  235. [25/04/2015 23:58:08] Katie(Bad.Raven): hmm
  236. [00:06:32] Katie(Bad.Raven): so when Nam supposedly( I don't see why they would) declares on Royale is Nam going to merge with Civil?
  237. [00:07:31] Katie(Bad.Raven): or since Civil is "dead"... there will be no need too?
  238. [00:07:52] Katie(Bad.Raven): you just think our tribe is a lost cause
  239. [00:13:44] Felix/Tydans: i know NAM is going to war RoyalE
  240. [00:13:51] Felix/Tydans: i talk with many NAM members
  241. [00:13:59] Felix/Tydans: and maybe if the whole tribe doesnt want to
  242. [00:14:03] Felix/Tydans: the people that matter want to
  243. [00:14:17] Katie(Bad.Raven): ok
  244. [00:14:19] Felix/Tydans: civil in its current form
  245. [00:14:22] Felix/Tydans: is pretty much dead
  246. [00:14:27] Felix/Tydans: when grant decided to leave
  247. [00:14:45] Katie(Bad.Raven): why? just make someone else Duke
  248. [00:14:47] Felix/Tydans: maybe when RoyalE and NAM war eachother I will make a tribe called civil for a little jok
  249. [00:14:55] Felix/Tydans: who will be duke
  250. [00:14:56] Felix/Tydans: you?
  251. [00:15:02] Felix/Tydans: i dont know who will
  252. [00:15:05] Felix/Tydans: or wants to be
  253. [00:15:22] Felix/Tydans: and these are not questions for me, i dont have the answer :(
  254. [00:15:30] Felix/Tydans: as much as I wish i could
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