
Letter to Pickle's dad

Feb 27th, 2013
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  1. >Dear Princess Mr Pickle,
  3. >We, the circlejerk of Flutterrape, have targetted your ass for orbital penetration.
  4. >We are friends of your son, and would like to harbour a complaint at your gross overreaction to our thread.
  5. >We are morally, emotionally, religiously and sexually outraged.
  6. >This will not be tolerated.
  7. >We would request that you allow your son to let you read a collection of our 'best works' and let you judge for yourself whether or not what we write is 'bad'
  9. >We wish you all the best for the future
  10. >Watch your back
  11. >Signed, Flutterrape
  12. >Nebulus, Alex, Domino, Gnome, Lasagna and Pickle
  13. >xoxoxo
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