
In which Lane returns home

Sep 19th, 2015
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  1. [17:34] <Chief> The zombamancers turn to look at you
  2. [17:34] <Chief> Persuasion check, please
  3. [17:35] <Lane> roll d20
  4. [17:35] <`DICE> Lane rolled d20 [ 1d20=10 ]{10}
  5. [17:35] <Chief> Roll 4#1d20-1
  6. [17:35] <`DICE> Chief rolled 4#1d20-1 [ 1d20=14 ]{13}, [ 1d20=6 ]{5}, [ 1d20=4 ]{3}, [ 1d20=3 ]{2}
  7. [17:36] <Chief> All but one zombamancer seems to be struck with the sudden realization that they probably aren't actually zombies
  8. [17:36] <Lane> Alright good
  9. [17:36] <Chief> The last one is still being gnawed on by the chief
  10. [17:36] <Lane> (haha)
  11. [17:36] <Chief> Who also appears to be unconvinced
  12. [17:37] <Lane> Alright folks here's what's got to happen
  13. [17:37] <Lane> I have some pretty serious business to attend to back at my hotel.
  14. [17:37] <Lane> This hidden village seems pretty sweet, but the chief looks like he's going to need some special care
  15. [17:37] <Lane> and uh... that guy too.
  16. [17:38] <Chief> That guy waves
  17. [17:38] <Lane> Anybody who wants to help him pretty much wants to help me by extension
  18. [17:38] <Lane> So I need volunteers.
  19. [17:38] == Vorpas[Spectato] [] has joined #RPGstuck_Room
  20. [17:38] <Lane> Grab our sick friends and bring them back through the mirror to my hotel.
  21. [17:38] <Lane> They'll snap out of it eventually, and you can check out my digs. Any takers?
  22. [17:39] <Chief> Persuasion once more, please
  23. [17:39] <Lane> roll d20
  24. [17:39] <`DICE> Lane rolled d20 [ 1d20=20 ]{20}
  25. [17:39] <Chief> The crowd cheers
  26. [17:39] <Lane> To Red: Okay thank god that worked. I'll get him back to my place and we can proceed.
  27. [17:40] <Lane> (to Red is pretty much just muttering to myself)
  28. [17:40] <Lane> Alright guys. Tie 'em up and let's roll.
  29. [17:40] <Lane> Uh, try not to let them gnaw on you.
  30. [17:41] <Chief> The three unzombamancers grab the afflicted dude and start dragging him along towards the mirror
  31. [17:41] <Lane> To Red: Actually, I have no idea how the guests will react to these guys, but they'll have to learn eventually.
  32. [17:41] <Chief> The moment one reaches for the chief, the chief vanishes in a puff of smoke
  33. [17:41] <Lane> Oh crap.
  34. [17:42] <Lane> Okay we'll deal with that later. That's... that's gonna be interesting.
  35. [17:42] <Lane> Everybody go, now!
  36. [17:42] <Lane> I'll start running toward the mirror.
  37. [17:42] <Chief> They cheer again, even the zombie, and proceed onwards
  38. [17:42] <Lane> (zombie guy is a great sport)
  39. [17:42] <Chief> ((Well I mean you Nat 20'd))
  40. [17:43] == Vorpas[Spectato] [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  41. [17:43] <Lane> I'll hurtle through the mirror after them, hopefully coming back in sight of the hotel.
  42. [17:43] <Chief> You do so
  43. [17:43] <Chief> You then feel the slightest nibble on your elbow
  44. [17:43] <Chief> Roll 1d2-1 damage
  45. [17:43] <`DICE> Chief rolled 1d2-1 damage [ 1d2=1 ]{0}
  46. [17:43] <Lane> To Red: So these guys can't hear you, I guess?
  47. [17:43] == Nickname is already in use: Red
  48. [17:44] == Chief has changed nick to Exile_Red
  49. [17:44] <Exile_Red> Nah
  50. [17:44] <Exile_Red> They're consorts, they don't listen anyways
  51. [17:44] <Lane> That's convenient. Other than the chief invisibly chewing on me, things are going smoothly. Can you see any of this?
  52. [17:44] <Exile_Red> Yup
  53. [17:44] <Lane> I'll lead the salamanders back to the hotel.
  54. [17:44] <Lane> Keeping a watch out for imps and such.
  55. [17:45] <Lane> I'll look up at the storm, still storming I assume?
  56. [17:45] <Exile_Red> The storm continues to storm
  57. [17:45] <Exile_Red> Like a stormy storm that's storming
  58. [17:45] <Lane> Nice. Anything different about the hotel?
  59. [17:45] <Exile_Red> Roll perception
  60. [17:46] <Lane> roll d20+3
  61. [17:46] <`DICE> Lane rolled d20+3 [ 1d20=8 ]{11}
  62. [17:46] <Exile_Red> Most of the windows and doors have been locked shut, but nothing dangerous
  63. [17:46] <Exile_Red> Roll 1d2-1 damage
  64. [17:46] <Lane> I
  65. [17:46] <`DICE> Exile_Red rolled 1d2-1 damage [ 1d2=2 ]{1}
  66. [17:47] <Lane> 13 HP left
  67. [17:47] <Lane> Ow!
  68. [17:47] <Exile_Red> "Sorry buddy," the chief tells you invisibly
  69. [17:47] <Lane> Hang in there Chief, we'll get you fixed up.
  70. [17:47] <Exile_Red> "Yeah OK"
  71. [17:47] <Lane> My sprite should be able to snap you out of this.
  72. [17:48] <Lane> I'll move to the head of the party so that my Uncle and any guests can see me first
  73. [17:48] <Lane> And sort of slow up to the entrance
  74. [17:48] <Exile_Red> What the heck is this place?
  75. [17:48] <Exile_Red> This like your house or something?
  76. [17:49] <Exile_Red> ((Red talking))
  77. [17:49] <Lane> Oh uh, I live in a hotel. It's sort of a place where people live for a few days while they're travelling I guess. It came with me along with all the current guests when I entered my land.
  78. [17:49] <Lane> My uncle probably fortified it
  79. [17:49] <Lane> So now it's sort of a fortified inn?
  80. [17:49] <Exile_Red> Oh cool. I should see if I can find one
  81. [17:49] <Lane> "Hey Unc are you in there?!"
  82. [17:50] <Exile_Red> ((Shoot I have no idea how your uncle is s'posed to be played))
  83. [17:50] <Exile_Red> ((Anything important I should know?))
  84. [17:50] <Lane> (Oh he's a jazz-loving cowboy. He killed a shitton of imps. He's the strong silent type so far, but kind of gives Lane lectures to be cautious. Most he's done so far is hire a bunch of people to pretend to be FBI agents to teach me a lesson)
  85. [17:51] <Lane> (I ended up burning myself pretty bad and he felt bad we assume)
  86. [17:51] <Lane> (that's the extent of his appearances)
  87. [17:51] <Exile_Red> ((Gotcha, thanks))
  88. [17:51] <Lane> (np)
  89. [17:51] == Exile_Red has changed nick to Uncle
  90. [17:51] <Uncle> "What's the password?" you hear your uncle shout back from the other side of the door
  91. [17:52] <Lane> "Password? I live in the top corner room and you've been locking me up and making me listen to your terrible music for years! So I guess the password is 'Look at all these crazy ninja salamanders I found!' "
  92. [17:53] <Uncle> "Correct!"
  93. [17:53] <Uncle> After several seconds of unlocking, your uncle opens the door
  94. [17:53] <Lane> "Alright I'm coming in. Two of these guys are currently acting like zombies, so if you get nibbled just sort of try and grab him"
  95. [17:54] <Lane> "Oh one is invisible."
  96. [17:54] <Uncle> "Wait what?"
  97. [17:54] <Uncle> Roll 1d2-1 damage
  98. [17:54] <`DICE> Uncle rolled 1d2-1 damage [ 1d2=2 ]{1}
  99. [17:54] <Lane> "It's a lot I know. I'll tell you the rest upstairs. Have you seen Snorpheusprite?"
  100. [17:54] <Lane> "He was the floating abomination with the goggles"
  101. [17:55] <Uncle> "Up on the roof, setting up the defences."
  102. [17:55] <Lane> I'll round up the salamancers and tell them to follow me. I'll head up to the roof where all the game items are.
  103. [17:55] <Lane> (do you know about the sprite?)
  104. [17:55] <Uncle> ((Also no))
  105. [17:56] <Lane> (Ok first prototype was preentry Snake Pliskin from Espace to LA. Familiar with the movie?)
  106. [17:56] <Uncle> ((Nope))
  107. [17:56] <Lane> (Ok for now just imagine Solid Snake who I think was based on him, only played by Kurt Russel)
  108. [17:56] <Lane> (Second prototype after entry was Morpheus from the Matrix)
  109. [17:56] <Uncle> ((Welp))
  110. [17:57] <Lane> (well technically both prototypings were just posters of the movies)
  111. [17:57] <Lane> (he's basically a cryptic, hard-nosed spy)
  112. [17:57] <Uncle> ((Got it, thanks))
  113. [17:57] <Lane> (np)
  114. [17:58] <Uncle> You head up to the roof, and get chewed a bit more in the process
  115. [17:58] <Uncle> Roll 2#1d2-1
  116. [17:58] <`DICE> Uncle rolled 2#1d2-1 [ 1d2=2 ]{1}, [ 1d2=2 ]{1}
  117. [17:58] <Lane> 11 HP
  118. [17:58] <Lane> I'll wince and then head over to my sprite
  119. [17:58] <Lane> "Snorpheus!"
  120. [17:59] <Uncle> "So I hear you brought zombies."
  121. [17:59] <Lane> "Ok a lot happened, I'll fill you and my uncle in at the same time, but first I have a high-level ninja salamancer nibbling on me because I convinced him he was a zombie."
  122. [17:59] <Lane> "What you got for zombies?"
  123. [17:59] <Uncle> "Uh."
  124. [17:59] <Uncle> "Guns. Bombs. Gunbombs."
  125. [18:00] == Uncle has changed nick to Snorpheus
  126. [18:00] <Lane> "Yeah none of that. The effect should wear off eventually. If we can just tie him up he'll be fine evetually, I just can't catch the bugger"
  127. [18:00] <Lane> "Invisible you know."
  128. [18:00] <Lane> "Ninjas.
  129. [18:01] <Snorpheus> "Ninjas. I have experience with ninjas."
  130. [18:01] <Lane> "Wow nice. That uh, that must have been tough. Think you can snatch him?"
  131. [18:01] <Snorpheus> "You know what stops ninjas? Getting shot or blown up."
  132. [18:01] <Snorpheus> "Or both."
  133. [18:01] <Lane> "Argh"
  134. [18:01] <Snorpheus> "You said it's gnawing you, right?"
  135. [18:01] <Snorpheus> "Where?"
  136. [18:02] <Lane> "Well.. he was." I'll look around. "Mostly on my legs."
  137. [18:02] <Snorpheus> "Next time it happens, just... wave your arms around that general area or something."
  138. [18:02] <Snorpheus> "I've got bombguns to set up."
  139. [18:02] <Lane> (hahaha)
  140. [18:03] * Snorpheus gets to work setting up some sort of turret near the ledge
  141. [18:03] <Snorpheus> Roll 1d2-1 damage
  142. [18:03] <`DICE> Snorpheus rolled 1d2-1 damage [ 1d2=1 ]{0}
  143. [18:03] <Lane> I will sort of blink and let him get back to work. When my uncle gets up, I'll go over the whole story, periodically waving my arms to try to grab the chief. If my Uncle doesn't have his lasso I'll tell him to grab it before I start.
  144. [18:04] <Lane> when I get to the part about the mysterious voice, I'll leave out it's name, but I will ask Snorpheus if he knows anything about voices
  145. [18:04] <Snorpheus> "That would be your Exile."
  146. [18:04] <Snorpheus> "They're like mission control."
  147. [18:04] <Snorpheus> "But for players."
  148. [18:04] <Lane> "I think I've heard that word before. So they're supposed to kind of guide me? I thought that was your job."
  149. [18:05] <Snorpheus> "Both. I debrief you beforehand, they keep you up to date while you're in the field."
  150. [18:06] <Lane> To Red: No offense, I'd be fine if I were going crazy, but it's good to know you're somewhere out there.
  151. [18:06] <Snorpheus> Red: Well, sort of
  152. [18:06] <Snorpheus> Red: I'm not exactly in the same world you are
  153. [18:07] <Snorpheus> Red: Not anymore
  154. [18:07] <Lane> "So basically that's where I'm at. I made friends with these guys, but I think I botched the trial. There's probably more to it, but until we cure the Chief we won't know for sure."
  155. [18:07] <Lane> "Right now I need to work with the machines, and then I have to go out and grind some levels apparently. That'll help build the gates too. I need to check in with my client player too."
  156. [18:08] <Lane> To Red: So you were in the Medium, but now you aren't. Hmm.
  157. [18:08] <Snorpheus> Red: And you were here, but now you aren't
  158. [18:08] <Lane> To Red: You mean in the dream land?
  159. [18:09] <Snorpheus> "Anything nearby is going to get blasted. You'll need to head pretty far to find something."
  160. [18:09] <Snorpheus> Red: No
  161. [18:09] <Snorpheus> Red: Earth
  162. [18:09] <Lane> Outloud in shock: "You're on Earth?! I thought it was blown away! How is it?"
  163. [18:10] * Snorpheus and Uncle look at you in confusion
  164. [18:10] <Snorpheus> Red: Long story. Time travel, other stuff
  165. [18:10] <Lane> "Uh, talking to the Exile. He.. she? They say they are on Earth now. I guess there was some time travel involved.
  166. [18:10] <Snorpheus> Red: He
  167. [18:10] <Snorpheus> "Yes"
  168. [18:10] <Lane> To Red: Right, sorry.
  169. [18:11] <Snorpheus> "Exiles reside on the remains of Earth"
  170. [18:11] <Lane> "The...remains. Yeah, I guess that settles it"
  172. [18:23] <Snorpheus> Red: Yep. It's not a BAD wasteland, but I mean
  173. [18:23] <Snorpheus> Red: It's not a proper world either
  174. [18:23] <Lane> "Ugh. RIP blue marble"
  175. [18:23] <Snorpheus> "Did you think it had survived?"
  176. [18:24] <Lane> "Not really. But it's different when someone's standing there reporting it as a blasted wasteland. I mean, it's bad, but we've already discussed my feelings for the place it was. I guess I do have some fond memories"
  177. [18:24] <Lane> "But I'm here now, and we have things to take care of"
  178. [18:25] <Snorpheus> "So we do. Alchemy and then fighting, you said?"
  179. [18:25] <Lane> I'll look around, has the chief still been nibbling at me?
  180. [18:25] <Lane> Or is he in the wind
  181. [18:25] <Snorpheus> It would seem that he's stopped for the last few minutes
  182. [18:25] <Lane> Hmm
  183. [18:26] <Lane> "Yeah, I have a lot of ideas, but arming up has taken priority. I need to get more captchalog cards. My server said there was some way to dispense them"
  184. [18:26] <Snorpheus> Uncle: "Could you just put a card into the machines?"
  185. [18:26] <Lane> "Yeah I suppose I could try that."
  186. [18:27] <Lane> I'll eject the Police Tape and try to use the code from the blank card
  187. [18:27] <Snorpheus> 00000000
  188. [18:27] <Lane> (Hmm I have to look up my grist but I know it's a good amount from my uncle)
  189. [18:28] <Lane> For now I'll make four
  190. [18:28] <Snorpheus> You create four Perfectly Generic Objects
  191. [18:28] <Lane> Grist: 250 (down 100) Shale:82 Tar: 142
  192. [18:29] <Snorpheus> Uncle: "Gotta put one card in another, get the code for a CARD and not just nothing."
  193. [18:29] <Lane> "Well that isn't it."
  194. [18:29] <Lane> "Right. These gaming abstractions are awkward."
  195. [18:29] <Snorpheus> Red: Man, I hear ya
  196. [18:29] <Lane> I'll eject the last card and combine my measly two cards to get a card inside a card"
  197. [18:30] <Lane> Then I'll check that
  198. [18:30] <Snorpheus> Costs 1 of any grist type
  199. [18:30] <Snorpheus> Create?
  200. [18:31] <Lane> Yes make 4 using uh regular grist
  201. [18:31] <Lane> Grist: 246
  202. [18:32] <Lane> "Okay I'm going to check my room for supplies. Keep an eye on.. each other I guess."
  203. [18:32] <Snorpheus> As you head down, your entourage of salamancers follows
  204. [18:32] <Snorpheus> "Oh hey, wait."
  205. [18:32] * Snorpheus runs after you
  206. [18:32] <Lane> "Hmm?" I'll turn around
  207. [18:32] <Snorpheus> "Here."
  208. [18:32] * Snorpheus hands you an amulet
  209. [18:33] <Snorpheus> "Just in case."
  210. [18:33] <Lane> "What's it do?"
  211. [18:33] <Lane> I'll turn the thing over in my hands
  212. [18:33] <Snorpheus> "Calls for backup."
  213. [18:33] <Lane> "Yeah, I'm going to need this eventually. Thanks."
  214. [18:33] <Lane> "You're a good sprite"
  215. [18:34] <Snorpheus> "Dang right I am. Now go make me and your Uncle proud."
  216. [18:34] <Lane> I'll scoot off to my room. First thing though, I'll check my computer to see how my client player is doing.
  217. [18:35] <Lane> (Last I heard he died somehow, but my char has no idea)
  218. [18:35] <Snorpheus> Your client's room appears to be empty
  219. [18:35] <Lane> I'll message him with the shades.
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