

Nov 4th, 2017
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  1. DGNightwing: -Jason sat in a booth at the cafe. He was drinking a cofee and eating a muffin. He took a sip of his cofee and leaned back against the booth, taking a bite of the muffin carefully to not spill any crumbs.
  2. Tsaaq: Persephone stared down at her phone as she walked into the cafe. She put her hand on her hip once she looked up and went to pat her hand against the counter. "Um hello. I have a order for pick up. Maverick." She said a little forcibly. Once she saw the waitress retrieve the order she turned and saw Jason. Persephone slinked toward his booth and leaned her arms on the table and bended over. "Well if it isn't Darth Malls?" She attempted to greet flirtily.
  3. DGNightwing: -He laughed- Yea, forgot my saber though. Im under cover. Theres no S in it. Just Maul. Youre learning though-he smirked- What brings you in here? Picking up some fancy food for your fancy house?
  4. Tsaaq: "Whatever." Persephone rolled her eyes, since she barely got the reference to start with. She smirked and stood up straight once more, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why yes. That's exactly what's happening. What are you doing here?"
  5. DGNightwing: Oh, I like to come here sometimes. Get a coffee, usually a cappuccino and like study or write my music. Its pretty calm and relaxing here wheneveer there isnt somebody here tring to fight with each other or anything
  6. Tsaaq: She began to pout. "Yuck." She stuck out her tongue. "I hate how violent and annoying people get. Why can't they just relax?" Sephy rolled her eyes. She looked him over then looked around. "Mind if I join you?"
  7. DGNightwing: Yea, it sucks. But its whatever- he shrugged then nodded- Yea you can join, I dont mind. What about your food though? Are you just going to eat it here? I didnt know if you had any food fo anyone else in the bag
  8. Tsaaq: Sephy slid into the booth in the seat across from him. "I'm a lady. I'm not going to eat in front of you." She laughed. "Plus there's food for other people but unless you're coming with me I'll be hanging out. They shouldn't have sent me if they wanted me to be fast."
  9. DGNightwing: Totally understandable- he nodded- How do you feel anyway? You had a little too much rum from what it seemed- he took another drik- And feel free to eat, I really dont mind- he chuckled
  10. Tsaaq: "But... You're a guy. Guys don't like to see girls eat." Persephone said flatly. "I'm okay. I had a bloody mary this morning and cleared up my hangover. Plus I took half an adderall." She shrugged. "Now I feel great. You were just asleep like some type of sexy adult baby this morning though."
  11. DGNightwing: I dont mind...really- he looked at her- Do you drink alot? - he laughed- I didnt get to wake up and see you sleep. But im sure you were the same way, I didnt get too touchy feely last night right?
  12. Tsaaq: She pressed her lips together tightly as she shrugged. "Only when I got to parties." Persephone answered. "Even though it's in my blood." She explained. "Well... I don't remember anything of the sort." Sephy stuck her nose up in the air. "And I did that on purpose. I didn't want you to see me without being all done up." She laughed.
  13. DGNightwing: Im usually up pretty early. So I was surprised- he smiled- I am a pretty big drinker. I try to hide it though. Dont tell anybody, I dont want it getting back to Kelsey and then me ruining any time I can possibly get with my kid
  14. Tsaaq: "My lips are sealed." Persephone told him. "I don't see how you can't just take him. You helped make him with your baby gravy not that scruffy guy who refuses to take off his fucking hats." She rolled her eyes.
  15. DGNightwing: Its really complicated. I left them first. I kind of didnt have a choice. But she doesnt understand that- he sighed- Should I take it to court?
  16. Tsaaq: Persephone rose her blonde eyebrows and smirked. She leaned over so she could pat him. "Like I said. My uncle is a great lawyer. And I have friends in high places." She began to smile at him. "You could easily get custody after a few phone calls."
  17. Smokeless: Jessica had called out of work that day because she jsut wasnt feeling right after what happen at the party. She knew she had to get out of bed and figured she might as well head to the cafe. She pulled up and sighed running her her fingers through her hair. She slid out of the beaten old truck and made her way inside the cafe. she smiled to the girl behind the counter."can I jsut get some peppermint hot chocolate please." she pulled her wallet out of her back pocket andpaid the girl.
  18. DGNightwing: So lets do this...Im serious- he looked at her- What do you want for helping me?- he leaned closer to her, taking quietly, he looked up and saw Jessica walk in
  19. Tsaaq: "Hmmm." She trailed off as she twirled her blonde hair around her finger. "I have to think about it." Persephone began to ponder. "Compliments." She said before raising her index finger at him. "That's only one of the things." Persephone looked over her shoulder at Jess then turned to Jason.
  20. DGNightwing: I can easilly give you a compliment even if you dont help me- he smirked- Im nice like that- he nodded- But I swear. If I get Connor back. I owe you absolutely everything. Il bring you on stage or some shit on one of my tours
  21. Smokeless: Jessica turned and raised a brow as she caught eyes on her. She remembered that girl from the party.Her eyes slowly drifted to Jaso nand she wrinkled her nsoe remembering the conversation they had at the bar. She turned grabbing her hot coacoa and making her way to one of the booths. She pulled her phone out and she started to text someone.-
  22. Tsaaq: She began to grin widely. "Oh!" She put her hands on both sides of her cheeks. "Well then. I'll think of something else then!" She giggled. "Don't worry... You're in good hands. I'll call Uncle Sedrick in the morning." Persephone told him. "That trashy girl is looking at you. My brother says she hangs out with prostitutes." She dropped her voice to a whisper.
  23. DGNightwing: -he smiled- Thank you so much!- he nodded and looked at Jess- I waspretty mean to her the other night- he shrugged- Shes the one in here fighting all the time. Ive been in here like 5 times. Shes been in here 2. and fought both times.
  24. Smokeless: Jess took a deep breath and sipped her drink gently so she wouldn't burn her tongue. She kept looking down at her phone and she just got the feeling that they were talking about her. she didn't say anything though because she wasn't going to jsut trust a feeling.
  25. Tsaaq: "You're more than welcome, Jason." She told him. "You were nice to me when everyone else ignored me. This is your reward." She giggled. "Ew." She grit her teeth and looked over to Jess. "She looks like the type." Persephone pursed her lips. "Anyways. Back to me." She started to smile again.
  26. DGNightwing: -he smiled- Well they shouldnt have ignored you- he listened to her about Jess- She honeslty didnt seem that bad you know?- he then laughed after taking a sip of his drink- Yes. Back to you, What kind of stuff do you like to do?
  27. Smokeless: Jess looked up just in time to catch the eyes of the prissy girl. She pressed her lips together and gave her a look over and rolled her eyes some. She didn't say a word though more so jsut to prove a point to Jason. she sipped her hot coacoa and tossed a few strands of her hair behind her shoulder.-
  28. Tsaaq: Persephone tried to stop herself from frowning at his words about Jess. She forced her smile again. "Oh. Well, I like to shop. And..." Persephone paused, attempting to think. "I do a lot of shopping." She whispered. "And when I was in school I did shit. You know, cheer, sga. The usual. What about you?"
  29. DGNightwing: Ahh I got you- he smiled- Well. I write music. I was in a man band kind of thing...with some of my friends. But I went solo after a while. Did a couple of tours here and there. Making a name for my self. I played sports, but I left all of that for my music.
  30. Smokeless: Jess looked back down at her phone and snort laughed a little. She had a big cheesey grin on her face and her fingers tapped away at the screen.
  31. Tsaaq: "Oh so you must sing..." Persephone trailed off. "So you're kind of famous aren't you?" She asked, her voice lowering and going into a more sultry tone as she leaned her head on her hands.
  32. DGNightwing: Not SUPER famous.. But Kind of. Nobody here knows me so- he laughed- I love singing though, and writing the songs. I do that on my own as well. Thats the thing about Kelsey. She has this image her people want to maintain. Im my own boss. II am signed with a record label, and signed to an agent. But as lng as im making them money and not going to jail. They dont give a fuck- he heard Jess laughing and looked back for a moment, then back to Persephone
  33. Smokeless: Jess set her elbows on the table and had her phone in her hands. she tapped away at the screen and chuckled some. she swiped to the next meme and then got a message from someone. She grinned and texted them back.-
  34. Tsaaq: She tilted her head."But... Famous enough?" Sephy asked with a raise of her eyebrow. "What if we just told a media outlet that she's a mother?" She suggested. She looked back at Jess then back to Jason. "What?"
  35. Smokeless: [wb]
  36. Tsaaq: ((Wb.))
  37. DGNightwing: (re post)
  38. Smokeless: Jess set her elbows on the table and had her phone in her hands. she tapped away at the screen and chuckled some. she swiped to the next meme and then got a message from someone. She grinned and texted them back.-
  39. Tsaaq: She tilted her head."But... Famous enough?" Sephy asked with a raise of her eyebrow. "What if we just told a media outlet that she's a mother?" She suggested. She looked back at Jess then back to Jason. "What?"
  40. DGNightwing: Yea, i would pop up on google and spotify and stuff- he nodded and raised a brow- That would be cool...but it would back fire because like..she will sooner accept it then people are like " oh my god shes so cute her son is amazing" Buuuut what If i tell like the today show our story though? Like how now she wont let me see the kid. - he shrugged- I just heard her laugh
  41. Smokeless: Jess played a video on her phone and she sighed some as the video she had of eugene played and she paused it when Drew came into sight. she screenshooted his face and she started to do some research on him She didnt know his name because well he never gave it to her.-
  42. Tsaaq: "Oh." She replied with a straight face. "Anyways." Sephy inhaled deeply before crossing her legs. "Suing her will work well enough." She stated. "Since you were at my cousn's party I assume you to that school. Are you doing music there too?" She asked.
  43. DGNightwing: Yea. I got to NWSU- he nodded- I want to. I think it will be cool to up my talents. Did you got there for law? Or you just know some stuff because of your uncle
  44. Smokeless: Jess tapped her fingers on the table staring at her phone and sent the picture to a friend. she hummed softly to herself and cut her phone off sipping her dirnk and looking up. She studied sephy's face for moment taking in her features.-
  45. Tsaaq: Persephone began to bat her eyelashes. "No. I went to Harvard for a couple years... When I didn't meet a husband I dropped out. Came to live here." She explained. "I've been thinking of going to NWSU but... So many nonwealthy types go there." She frowned. "I was in law yes. But none of the guys were interest." She shrugged.
  46. DGNightwing: I see- he looked at her- You come from a lot of money then, huh? - he smiled- You seem like it. Very pretty.
  47. Smokeless: Jess slid out of the booth and had her phone in hand. she took a deep breath and went to the booth jason and sephy were at. She offered them both a smile."sorry to interupt you two but I had a question for you." she pointed to Sephy.
  48. Tsaaq: "Yes." She answered with a slow nod. "It was hard. There was so much reading." Persephone said dramatically. She turned to look up at Jess and she gave her a skeptical look. "What is it?" She asked in a huff.
  49. DGNightwing: -he nodded listening to her, he looked up at Jess and answered- Are you really sorry? we are having a fun business meeting.
  50. Smokeless: Jess tossed her phone on the table with the screenshot of Drew"Do you happen to know his name?" she looked at Jason."This is really important to me. Any other time I would just leave you two alone."
  51. Tsaaq: She continued to look very skeptical of Jess. "Why? Do you want to sleep with him? Because he's a little occupied. Going through an 'oriental' phase." Persephone lifted her hands and made air quotes. "I know him... His name is Adam Young." She smiled, lying through her teeth. "So if you're looking for him. That's his name. Are we done?"
  52. Smokeless: "That is not Adam. I know Adam. You are lying and I could carless what he is going through. No I do not want to sleep with him so please just tell me his real name." Jess glared at Sephy her jaw tensing up but she kept her voice calm and collective. Her eyes staring down at Sephy.
  53. DGNightwing: -he looked at them both confused- do I need to go?
  54. Tsaaq: Persephone folded her hands on the surface of the table. "What are you going to do about it fat ass?" She asked a little irately. "What do you need his name for? Huh? Some weirdo voodoo spell?" She scowled as she wiggled her fingers. "Don't you go anywhere." She told Jason softly rubbing her foot against the leg of his pants. "I think you should go sit alone... Where you belong."
  55. Smokeless: Jess leaned down so she was eye level with Sephy and she picked up her phone."That's ok...You don't have to tell me his name im sure the police would love to know he is pimping out girls and that he sexually harassed me at that little party of yours last night. I have the marks to prove it. I also have a video of him pimping those girls out too. You might look pretty but your personlity makes you ugly." She stood up straight and lookedat Jason. "again sorry for interuppting your little date but it was important." she turned and looked at sephy again."don't need sexual predators running around huritng us women."
  56. DGNightwing: Uhhh alright- he nodded- Hey guys, lets not get like that okay? We dont need to do anything rash. Lets just all be cool...I dont want another fight in here.- he listened to JEss rasing a brow- is this true?
  57. Tsaaq: "I'm certain I have no idea who or what you're talking about." She retorted. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Go away please. You're ruining our conversation with your drama." Persephone rose her hand to Jess. "Do what you want. I don't care." She continued to lie before looking over to Jason. "Who are you going to trust? Me: An all American girl next door. Or... Her and well. Let's face it. She looks exactly like she's looking for trouble. You said it yourself. She's always fighting people."
  58. Smokeless: "You are a liar. You were talking to him at the party I saw you." she moved her hair and lowered her sweater neck to show the marks she had on her throat from being choked."does this look like im looking for trouble. You tell him who ever the hell he is to keep his hands off of me. Now exuse me while I make my way to the police department."she tucked her phone away in her pocket.-
  59. DGNightwing: -he looked at both of them, then looked at Persephone- dont seem like you would lie to me- he looked back at Jess- Maybe youre really into someone choking you? That could be anything
  60. Tsaaq: She smiled at Jason and squealed happily. "You're the best." Persephone cheered. "Go ahead. I don't even know what you're talking about." Her eyes turned to Jess and she stared at his neck. "We shouldn't have to sarcrifice our lovely evening because you're into some strange choking kink..."
  61. Smokeless: She laughed ad puleld her phone back out of her pocket. She pulled the video up and held her phone up showing the video of Eugene going into the van with a hooker and drew pulling up to hookers lining them up collecting money and then going off to the van."yeah im a liar alright." shecut the phone off once the video was don playing and she tucked it back in her pocket and turned to make her way towards the door.-
  62. DGNightwing: -he watched the video and looked back at Perephone- Look,- he looked back at JEss- You couldnt do this at a different time?
  63. Tsaaq: Persephone looked over to the video then shrugged. "I have no idea what this has to do with me." She frowned and turned away. She glanced to Jason and pursed her lips. "Right?" She sighed.
  64. Smokeless: Jess jsut ignored them both and she grumbled making her way to her truck."just becuase you fancy clothes and shti you think you can jsut talk to me like that" she was mroe so talking to herself as she got int oher truck and headed off to the police station.
  65. DGNightwing: -he looked at Persephone- Im so confused. Im sorry she did that. Do you really not know what that was about?
  66. Tsaaq: She lowered her head and nervously played with her ponytail. "I mean... The guy in the video was my brother... But I don't know about what he does! Or like, pimping girls or whatever. We barely talk now." She whispered to Jason hurriedly.
  67. DGNightwing: Oh...-he looked at her- DO you think he really does that? Does it upset you? It wasnt right for Jess to throw that in your face like that.
  68. Tsaaq: She frowned and began to sniffle. "I knew he fell in with a bad crowd but I never thought he'd be a... A pimp." She whispered. "It does upset me..." Persephone genuinely looked sad, keeping her head down at her lower lip trembled. "I feel so alone." She whispered.
  69. DGNightwing: -he looked at her and got up, sitting next to her and putting his arm around her- Its okay..I got dont have to feel like that. Have you talked to him?
  70. Tsaaq: She looked up at Jason and continued to frown, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I talked to him a little bit yesterday... But he mostly ignored me so he could be with this girl he's been sleeping with." She answered. "Any other time he never wants to talk to me."
  71. DGNightwing: I dont know. Im pretty cool with my half brother- he shrugged- I cant say I know what youre going through. Because I dont. That Jess girl is trouble. She did not need to do that
  72. Tsaaq: Persephone glanced up at him. "It's okay." She whispered and tried to smile. "She is trouble! I lied so she'd go away and she wouldn't shut up!"
  73. DGNightwing: I know. Its like she made it clear that she wanted to upset you- he shook his head- Is there anything I can do?
  74. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips. "The stupid bitch." She whispered angrily. "I don't know... What usually cheers you up when you're sad?" Persephone asked him carefully.
  75. DGNightwing: I dont know- he shrugs- things that make me happy? its different for everyone. Its all about your feelings
  76. Tsaaq: She went quiet again. "I guess you're right." Persephone said. "Food..." She trailed off before waving down a waitress and ordering a slice of cake. "Food makes me feel better..."
  77. DGNightwing: then eat it- he smiled- I like food too. Food is good- he looked at her- What kind of cake are you going to order?
  78. Tsaaq: "Um... Devil's food... With chocolate icing." She said. She smiled back at him. "I know, I know... You're actually nice. Huh?" Persephone asked him. "It's not just a thing you pretend to be."
  79. DGNightwing: Yea. I try to be. THeres no r eason for me not to be- he shrugged- Brad and Kelsey dont think I am, they make me feel like im a horrible person. Like some criminal. But I couldnt be, I dont even like fighting like that.I just take care of people who take care of me
  80. Tsaaq: She started to pout at him. "And all you want to do is spend time with your son..." She trailed off. Persephone took out her phone and began sliding her fingers across the screen. "You don't deserve that! You're not a bad person!"
  81. DGNightwing: Thank you- he smiled- Im glad someone thinks so. Ive done bad things in the past. Im trying to make up for them- he looked at her as she messed with her phone- Everything alright?
  82. Tsaaq: "I'm texting my uncle right now. I'm not waiting until the morning to call him." She told him. "Don't worry... It's good." Persephone turned to him. "Do you want to get your family back together. You, the mom and the boy?" She asked curiously.
  83. DGNightwing: -he looked at the table, not knowing how to answer, nor expecting it- I kind of want to. I have feelings for her. But hers are lost- he shrugged- Im not really worried about it. I wrote this song and I aksed if she wanted to record it with me because I wanted a female voice...but she declined. Wants nothing to do with me its whatever
  84. Tsaaq: Persephone stared at Jason before she slowly nodded her head. "I guess life is dumb that way..." She trailed off. She smiled once her cake was put down in front of her. "Did you want any?" She asked him as she took a small forkful.
  85. DGNightwing: No im fine thank you- he smiled- I dont really see my self staying out here too much longer anyway. Im kind of tired
  86. Tsaaq: "You mean here or like... Portland in general?" Persephone asked hurriedly as she took a few bits of her cake.
  87. DGNightwing: here- he laughe- IL still be in Portland. Especially after meeting you- he smiled an watched as she ate her cake- Did your uncle reply?
  88. Tsaaq: She laughed a bit. "Oh, right!" She said. Persephone took out her phone and scrolled through it. "He says he can set up a thingie so we can talk about your custody case." She answered.
  89. DGNightwing: Good. Im down- he smiled- ASAP. Thank youso much, how can I repay you?
  90. Tsaaq: "I'll think of something." Persephone said playfully. "You'll see." She went to reply to her uncle. "We just have to wait for him to come to Portland and then we can get this started."
  91. DGNightwing: Sounds good- he stood up and got out of the booth- Are you going to be okay? I have a early start tomorrow morning.
  92. Tsaaq: She nodded her head slowly. "I'll be okay. We'll talk tomorrow." She waved her hand. "You just worry about being handsome and getting your sexy sleep." She said jokingly.
  93. DGNightwing: -he smiled and walked out- I got yoy- he made his wya outside, walking to his car, getting into it and driving off-
  94. DGNightwing: Niiiight)
  95. Tsaaq: ((Niiight.))
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