
You sneak amputee unicorn into mirror pond grotto

Aug 15th, 2015
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  1. >amputee unicorn shushes you as you sneak her into the mirror pond grotto
  2. >no need to wake the creatures nearby in the thickest of trees
  3. >you unstrap your backpack and lower her gently to the ground
  4. >she uses her forelegs to wrap the straps around her shoulders like suspenders
  5. >with a sort of tripod hopping shuffle, using the backpack's reinforced bottom as a shoe for her legless rear half, she heads to the mirror pool's edge
  6. >she recites the phrase
  7. >another her climbs from the mirror pool, rear half intact
  8. >she helps her up and out
  9. "Hey, you're me! Do you need surgery? My Cutie Mark says that's what I'm good at!"
  10. "First, we need a full surgical team. Repeat after me..."
  11. >there are now four of her
  12. >they're going to "practice" a limb transplant
  13. >one is the doctor and one is the nurse
  14. >one is the transplantee and one is yours
  15. >you're the one with the gun, you very American Anon
  16. >send them back to the pool the hard way
  17. >just in case
  18. >tendons and muscles down there have atrophied
  19. >the surgical team confers and decides on a hemicorporectomy
  20. >the transplantee is curious about the idea, and wants to watch
  21. >you hold the mirror so she can
  22. >the team closes the seams on yours
  23. >the transplantee put the discarded pelvis with only stubs on herself
  24. >she's really proud
  25. >yours wakes up
  26. >she trots around, grinning
  27. >you've never seen her so happy
  28. >she sends the surgeon and nurse back into the pond
  29. >the transplantee seems to get it
  30. >she tries to run, then hop, away
  31. >yours hits her with the banishing spell
  32. >her top half turns to mist and floats toward the pool
  33. >her bottom half remains
  34. >yours falls to the ground in horror
  35. >her guts are on the floor
  36. >her pilfered rear half zips back into the pool as a cloud of magic
  37. >you run to her
  38. >hold her hoof
  39. >she shudders in your grasp
  40. >her eyes glaze over
  41. >your tears mingle with her blood
  42. >the end
  45. Inspired by these posts:
  46. >mirror pool clones of amputees have all their limbs intact because they're based on the pony's residual self-image
  48. What if they have BIID?
  50. The only way it'll produce a copy with fewer than four legs is if the original was born that way or had their limb removed early enough that they can't remember having it.
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