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openpoke (save as .bat)

a guest
Jan 1st, 2016
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  1. @echo off
  2. title openpoke
  3. @echo WScript.Echo Eval(WScript.Arguments(0))> eval.vbs
  4. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
  6. :mainmenu
  7. echo Welcome to openpoke^^! Create team or battle? If you haven't created any pokemon or teams, you can still battle with the default teams.
  8. set /p choice=(team build, battle, quit)...
  9. if "%choice%"=="battle" goto getteams
  10. if "%choice%"=="team build" goto teambuildint
  11. if "%choice%"=="quit" goto eol
  12. if "%choice%"=="help" call :helpmovedictionary
  13. echo Invalid choice.
  14. goto mainmenu
  16. :teambuildint
  17. set skiptoedit=0
  18. echo Welcome to teambuilder^^! Pokemon and teams can be created and saved here. You can only make teams using pokemon that you have already created. Pokemon and teams are saved to an external .bat, pokelist.bat. Removing this file from the same folder as openpoke.bat will result in not being able to access your previously saved pokemon or teams.
  20. :teambuild
  21. set "choice=edit team"
  22. if not %skiptoedit%==1 set /p choice=(add poke, add team, edit team, return)...
  23. if "%choice%"=="return" goto mainmenu
  24. if not %skiptoedit%==1 if "%choice%"=="edit team" set /p n=Team name?
  25. if "%choice%"=="edit team" (
  26.     call pokelist.bat
  27.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  28.         if "!%n%poke%%x!"=="" (
  29.             echo Team %n% does not exist.
  30.             goto teambuild
  31.         )
  32.         echo %n% pokemon %%x: !%n%poke%%x!
  33.     )
  34.     set /p s="Switch which pokemon? (return)... "
  35.     if !s!==return (
  36.         set skiptoedit=0
  37.         goto teambuild
  38.     )
  39.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  40.         if "!s!"=="!%n%poke%%x!" (
  41.             set /p w=Switch !s! for which pokemon?
  42.             @echo set %n%poke%%x=!w!>> pokelist.bat
  43.             echo !s! has been switched with !w! on team %n%.
  44.             set skiptoedit=1
  45.             goto teambuild
  46.         )
  47.     )
  48.     echo !s! is not on team %n%.
  49.     goto teambuild
  50. )
  51. set skiptoedit=0
  52. if "%choice%"=="add team" (
  53.     echo Neither team name nor trainer name should have spaces.
  54.     set /p name=Team name?
  55.     set /p trainer=Team trainer?
  56.     @echo set !name!trainer=!trainer!>> pokelist.bat
  57.     set /p num=Number of pokemon on the team?
  58.     @echo set !name!pokes=!num!>> pokelist.bat
  59.     if !name!==return goto teambuild
  60.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  61.         if not %%x GTR !num! set /p p%%x=Pokemon %%x ID?
  62.     )
  63.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  64.         if not %%x GTR !num! @echo set !name!poke%%x=!p%%x!>> pokelist.bat
  65.         if %%x GTR !num! @echo set !name!poke%%x=blank_%%x>> pokelist.bat
  66.     )
  67.     echo Team !name! has been added to the pokelist and can now be battled with. Teams are saved by openpoke in pokelist.bat.
  68.     goto teambuild
  69. )
  70. if "%choice%"=="add poke" (
  71.     set /p id=Pokemon ID? This is a unique that will be used to call this specific pokemon from pokelist.bat. No two saved pokemon should have the same ID. The ID should not have spaces.
  72.     if !id!==return goto teambuild
  73.     set /p spe=Species?
  74.     if !spe!==return goto teambuild
  75.     @echo set !id!species=!spe!>> pokelist.bat
  76.     set /p lvl=Level?
  77.     if !lvl!==return goto teambuild
  78.     @echo set !id!lvl=!lvl!>> pokelist.bat
  79.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4) do (
  80.         set /p m%%x=Move %%x?
  81.     )
  82.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4) do (
  83.         @echo set !id!m%%x=!m%%x!>> pokelist.bat
  84.     )
  85.     echo !id! has been added to the pokelist^^! Add it to a team to battle with it. Pokemon are saved by openpoke in pokelist.bat.
  86.     goto teambuild
  87. )
  88. echo Invalid choice.
  89. goto teambuild
  91. :getteams
  92. set /p teamname=Player team name? Enter "d" for the default teams.
  93. if %teamname%==d goto defaultteams
  94. if %teamname%==t set teamname=team_red
  95. set /p eteamname=Enemy team name?
  96. if %eteamname%==t set eteamname=team_blue
  97. call pokelist.bat
  98. for %%y in (player enemy) do (
  99.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  100.         if %%y==player set %%ypoke%%xid=!%teamname%poke%%x!
  101.         if %%y==enemy set %%ypoke%%xid=!%eteamname%poke%%x!
  102.     )  
  103. )
  105. set playername=!%teamname%trainer!
  106. set playerpokes=!%teamname%pokes!
  107. set playerpoke1=!%playerpoke1id%species!
  108. set playerpoke1lvl=!%playerpoke1id%lvl!
  109. set playerpoke1m1=!%playerpoke1id%m1!
  110. set playerpoke1m2=!%playerpoke1id%m2!
  111. set playerpoke1m3=!%playerpoke1id%m3!
  112. set playerpoke1m4=!%playerpoke1id%m4!
  113. set playerpoke2=!%playerpoke2id%species!
  114. set playerpoke2lvl=!%playerpoke2id%lvl!
  115. set playerpoke2m1=!%playerpoke2id%m1!
  116. set playerpoke2m2=!%playerpoke2id%m2!
  117. set playerpoke2m3=!%playerpoke2id%m3!
  118. set playerpoke2m4=!%playerpoke2id%m4!
  119. set playerpoke3=!%playerpoke3id%species!
  120. set playerpoke3lvl=!%playerpoke3id%lvl!
  121. set playerpoke3m1=!%playerpoke3id%m1!
  122. set playerpoke3m2=!%playerpoke3id%m2!
  123. set playerpoke3m3=!%playerpoke3id%m3!
  124. set playerpoke3m4=!%playerpoke3id%m4!
  125. set playerpoke4=!%playerpoke4id%species!
  126. set playerpoke4lvl=!%playerpoke4id%lvl!
  127. set playerpoke4m1=!%playerpoke4id%m1!
  128. set playerpoke4m2=!%playerpoke4id%m2!
  129. set playerpoke4m3=!%playerpoke4id%m3!
  130. set playerpoke4m4=!%playerpoke4id%m4!
  131. set playerpoke5=!%playerpoke5id%species!
  132. set playerpoke5lvl=!%playerpoke5id%lvl!
  133. set playerpoke5m1=!%playerpoke5id%m1!
  134. set playerpoke5m2=!%playerpoke5id%m2!
  135. set playerpoke5m3=!%playerpoke5id%m3!
  136. set playerpoke5m4=!%playerpoke5id%m4!
  137. set playerpoke6=!%playerpoke6id%species!
  138. set playerpoke6lvl=!%playerpoke6id%lvl!
  139. set playerpoke6m1=!%playerpoke6id%m1!
  140. set playerpoke6m2=!%playerpoke6id%m2!
  141. set playerpoke6m3=!%playerpoke6id%m3!
  142. set playerpoke6m4=!%playerpoke6id%m4!
  143. set enemyname=!%eteamname%trainer!
  144. set enemypokes=!%eteamname%pokes!
  145. set enemypoke1=!%enemypoke1id%species!
  146. set enemypoke1lvl=!%enemypoke1id%lvl!
  147. set enemypoke1m1=!%enemypoke1id%m1!
  148. set enemypoke1m2=!%enemypoke1id%m2!
  149. set enemypoke1m3=!%enemypoke1id%m3!
  150. set enemypoke1m4=!%enemypoke1id%m4!
  151. set enemypoke2=!%enemypoke2id%species!
  152. set enemypoke2lvl=!%enemypoke2id%lvl!
  153. set enemypoke2m1=!%enemypoke2id%m1!
  154. set enemypoke2m2=!%enemypoke2id%m2!
  155. set enemypoke2m3=!%enemypoke2id%m3!
  156. set enemypoke2m4=!%enemypoke2id%m4!
  157. set enemypoke3=!%enemypoke3id%species!
  158. set enemypoke3lvl=!%enemypoke3id%lvl!
  159. set enemypoke3m1=!%enemypoke3id%m1!
  160. set enemypoke3m2=!%enemypoke3id%m2!
  161. set enemypoke3m3=!%enemypoke3id%m3!
  162. set enemypoke3m4=!%enemypoke3id%m4!
  163. set enemypoke4=!%enemypoke4id%species!
  164. set enemypoke4lvl=!%enemypoke4id%lvl!
  165. set enemypoke4m1=!%enemypoke4id%m1!
  166. set enemypoke4m2=!%enemypoke4id%m2!
  167. set enemypoke4m3=!%enemypoke4id%m3!
  168. set enemypoke4m4=!%enemypoke4id%m4!
  169. set enemypoke5=!%enemypoke5id%species!
  170. set enemypoke5lvl=!%enemypoke5id%lvl!
  171. set enemypoke5m1=!%enemypoke5id%m1!
  172. set enemypoke5m2=!%enemypoke5id%m2!
  173. set enemypoke5m3=!%enemypoke5id%m3!
  174. set enemypoke5m4=!%enemypoke5id%m4!
  175. set enemypoke6=!%enemypoke6id%species!
  176. set enemypoke6lvl=!%enemypoke6id%lvl!
  177. set enemypoke6m1=!%enemypoke6id%m1!
  178. set enemypoke6m2=!%enemypoke6id%m2!
  179. set enemypoke6m3=!%enemypoke6id%m3!
  180. set enemypoke6m4=!%enemypoke6id%m4!
  181. goto pokedictionary
  183. :defaultteams
  184. set playername=RED
  185. set playerpokes=6
  186. set playerpoke3=CHARIZARD
  187. set playerpoke3lvl=67
  188. set playerpoke3m1=FIRE_BLAST
  189. set playerpoke3m2=RAGE
  190. set playerpoke3m3=SLASH
  191. set playerpoke3m4=FIRE_SPIN
  192. set playerpoke4=VENUSAUR
  193. set playerpoke4lvl=67
  194. set playerpoke4m1=GROWTH
  195. set playerpoke4m2=MEGA_DRAIN
  196. set playerpoke4m3=EARTHQUAKE
  197. set playerpoke4m4=SOLAR_BEAM
  198. set playerpoke5=BLASTOISE
  199. set playerpoke5lvl=67
  200. set playerpoke5m1=HYDRO_PUMP
  201. set playerpoke5m2=REST
  202. set playerpoke5m3=DOUBLE_EDGE
  203. set playerpoke5m4=WITHDRAW
  204. set playerpoke6=SNORLAX
  205. set playerpoke6lvl=67
  206. set playerpoke6m1=AMNESIA
  207. set playerpoke6m2=REST
  208. set playerpoke6m3=BODY_SLAM
  209. set playerpoke6m4=EARTHQUAKE
  210. set playerpoke1=PIKACHU
  211. set playerpoke1lvl=67
  212. set playerpoke1m1=THUNDER
  213. set playerpoke1m2=QUICK_ATTACK
  214. set playerpoke1m3=TAIL_WHIP
  215. set playerpoke1m4=THUNDER_WAVE
  216. set playerpoke2=LAPRAS
  217. set playerpoke2lvl=67
  218. set playerpoke2m1=BLIZZARD
  219. set playerpoke2m2=PSYCHIC
  220. set playerpoke2m3=BODY_SLAM
  221. set playerpoke2m4=SURF
  223. set enemyname=BLUE
  224. set enemypokes=6
  225. set enemypoke2=PIDGEOT
  226. set enemypoke2lvl=67
  227. set enemypoke2m1=WING_ATTACK
  228. set enemypoke2m2=MIRROR_MOVE
  229. set enemypoke2m3=SKY_ATTACK
  230. set enemypoke2m4=WHIRLWIND
  231. set enemypoke1=ALAKAZAM
  232. set enemypoke1lvl=67
  233. set enemypoke1m1=LIGHT_SCREEN
  234. set enemypoke1m2=PSYCHIC
  235. set enemypoke1m3=REFLECT
  236. set enemypoke1m4=RECOVER
  237. set enemypoke3=RHYDON
  238. set enemypoke3lvl=67
  239. set enemypoke3m1=SEISMIC_TOSS
  240. set enemypoke3m2=EARTHQUAKE
  241. set enemypoke3m3=ROCK_SLIDE
  242. set enemypoke3m4=HORN_DRILL
  243. set enemypoke4=GYARADOS
  244. set enemypoke4lvl=67
  245. set enemypoke4m1=DRAGON_RAGE
  246. set enemypoke4m2=HYDRO_PUMP
  247. set enemypoke4m3=HYPER_BEAM
  248. set enemypoke4m4=BLIZZARD
  249. set enemypoke5=ARCANINE
  250. set enemypoke5lvl=67
  251. set enemypoke5m1=ROAR
  252. set enemypoke5m2=FIRE_BLAST
  253. set enemypoke5m3=GLARE
  254. set enemypoke5m4=TAKE_DOWN
  255. set enemypoke6=EXEGGUTOR
  256. set enemypoke6lvl=67
  257. set enemypoke6m1=HYPNOSIS
  258. set enemypoke6m2=BARRAGE
  259. set enemypoke6m3=STOMP
  260. set enemypoke6m4=EGG_BOMB
  261. goto pokedictionary
  263. :battlestart
  264. echo RIVAL %enemyname% is challenging %playername%^^! %enemyname% sent out %enemypoke1%^^! Go^^! %playerpoke1%^^!
  265. set haveswitched=0
  266. set needtoupdatestats=0
  267. set self=ayylmao
  268. set multihitmovecount=0
  269. set conversioncheck=0
  270. set counterdamage=0
  271. set counterphysicalcheck=0
  272. set countercheck=0
  273. set movecategory=0
  274. set tempcritboost=0
  275. set phase=1
  276. set autogotomove=0
  277. set move=0
  278. set damage=1
  279. set AS=0
  280. set DS=0
  281. set ragereturn=0
  282. set draggedout=0
  283. set emove=1
  284. set pmove=0
  285. set bot=0
  286. set chance=0
  287. set recoildivisor=0
  288. set attackeffect=0
  289. set aisecreturn=0
  290. set aimdreturn=0
  291. set ai=idiotic
  292. set switchto=0
  293. set ehaveswitched=0
  294. set jumpphase=0
  295. SET debug=0
  296. set jumptoplayer=0
  297. set jumptoenemy=0
  299. for %%x in (player enemy) do (
  300.         set %%xreset=1
  301.         set %%xliscmod=1
  302.         set %%xrefmod=1
  303.         set %%xlisccounter=0
  304.         set %%xrefcounter=0
  305.         set %%xremainingpokes=!%%xpokes!
  306.         set %%xactivepoke=1
  307. )
  309. :varreset
  310. for %%x in (player enemy) do (
  311.     if !%%xreset!==1 (
  312.         for %%y in (hp atk def satk sdef spd) do (
  313.             set %%x%%ystatlevel=0
  314.         )
  315.         set %%xacclevel=0
  316.         set %%xevalevel=0
  317.         set %%xisbiding=0
  318.         set %%xbidedamage=0
  319.         set %%xmultiturndamage=0
  320.         set %%xpokestatus=none
  321.         set %%xpokeisconfused=0
  322.         set %%xparacheck=0
  323.         set %%xprioritycheck=0
  324.         set %%xcritlevel=0
  325.         set %%xpokeisunderground=0
  326.         set %%xdisabledmove=0
  327.         set %%xisdisabled=0
  328.         set %%xmiscdamagemod=0
  329.         set %%xpokeisflying=0
  330.         set %%xpokeisasleep=0
  331.         set %%xreset=0
  332.         set %%xtwineedletrip=0
  333.         set %%xischargingsky=0
  334.         set %%xischargingsolar=0
  335.         set %%xisrecharging=0
  336.         set %%xisseeded=0
  337.         set %%xpreviousmove=0
  338.     )
  339. )
  340. :determinestats
  341. set iv=16
  342. set ev=0
  343. for %%y in (player enemy) do (
  344.     for %%x in (hp atk def satk sdef spd) do (
  345.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==-6 set %%y%%xstatmod=0.25
  346.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==-5 set %%y%%xstatmod=0.285
  347.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==-4 set %%y%%xstatmod=0.333
  348.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==-3 set %%y%%xstatmod=0.4
  349.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==-2 set %%y%%xstatmod=0.5
  350.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==-1 set %%y%%xstatmod=0.666
  351.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==0 set %%y%%xstatmod=1
  352.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==1 set %%y%%xstatmod=1.5
  353.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==2 set %%y%%xstatmod=2
  354.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==3 set %%y%%xstatmod=2.5
  355.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==4 set %%y%%xstatmod=3
  356.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==5 set %%y%%xstatmod=2.5
  357.         if !%%y%%xstatlevel!==6 set %%y%%xstatmod=4
  358.     )
  359.     if !%%yacclevel!==-6 set %%yaccmod=0.33
  360.     if !%%yacclevel!==-5 set %%yaccmod=0.375
  361.     if !%%yacclevel!==-4 set %%yaccmod=0.428
  362.     if !%%yacclevel!==-3 set %%yaccmod=0.5
  363.     if !%%yacclevel!==-2 set %%yaccmod=0.6
  364.     if !%%yacclevel!==-1 set %%yaccmod=0.75
  365.     if !%%yacclevel!==0 set %%yaccmod=1
  366.     if !%%yacclevel!==1 set %%yaccmod=1.33
  367.     if !%%yacclevel!==2 set %%yaccmod=1.66
  368.     if !%%yacclevel!==3 set %%yaccmod=2
  369.     if !%%yacclevel!==4 set %%yaccmod=2.33
  370.     if !%%yacclevel!==5 set %%yaccmod=2.66
  371.     if !%%yacclevel!==6 set %%yaccmod=3
  372.     if !%%yevalevel!==-6 set %%yevamod=3
  373.     if !%%yevalevel!==-5 set %%yevamod=2.66
  374.     if !%%yevalevel!==-4 set %%yevamod=2.33
  375.     if !%%yevalevel!==-3 set %%yevamod=2
  376.     if !%%yevalevel!==-2 set %%yevamod=1.66
  377.     if !%%yevalevel!==-1 set %%yevamod=1.33
  378.     if !%%yevalevel!==0 set %%yevamod=1
  379.     if !%%yevalevel!==1 set %%yevamod=0.75
  380.     if !%%yevalevel!==2 set %%yevamod=0.6
  381.     if !%%yevalevel!==3 set %%yevamod=0.5
  382.     if !%%yevalevel!==4 set %%yevamod=0.428
  383.     if !%%yevalevel!==5 set %%yevamod=0.375
  384.     if !%%yevalevel!==6 set %%yevamod=0.33
  385.     if !%%ypokestatus!==paralyzed (
  386.         set %%yparamod=0.25
  387.         ) else (
  388.         set %%yparamod=1
  389.     )
  390.     if !%%ypokestatus!==burned (
  391.         set %%yburnmod=0.5
  392.         ) else (
  393.         set %%yburnmod=1
  394.     )
  395. )
  397. set lvl=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl!
  398. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%hp!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+%lvl%+10)*%playerhpstatmod%"') do set playerpokestathp=%%n
  399. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %playerpokestathp%') do set playerpokestathp=%%a
  400. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%atk!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%playeratkstatmod%*%playerburnmod%"') do set playerpokestatatk=%%n
  401. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %playerpokestatatk%') do set playerpokestatatk=%%a
  402. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%def!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%playerdefstatmod%"') do set playerpokestatdef=%%n
  403. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %playerpokestatdef%') do set playerpokestatdef=%%a
  404. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%satk!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%playersatkstatmod%"') do set playerpokestatsatk=%%n
  405. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %playerpokestatsatk%') do set playerpokestatsatk=%%a
  406. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%sdef!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%playersdefstatmod%"') do set playerpokestatsdef=%%n
  407. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %playerpokestatsdef%') do set playerpokestatsdef=%%a
  408. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%spd!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%playerspdstatmod%*%playerparamod%"') do set playerpokestatspd=%%n
  409. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %playerpokestatspd%') do set playerpokestatspd=%%a
  410. if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp!==999 set playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp=%playerpokestathp%
  412. set lvl=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl!
  413. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%hp!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+%lvl%+10)*%enemyhpstatmod%"') do set enemypokestathp=%%n
  414. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %enemypokestathp%') do set enemypokestathp=%%a
  415. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%atk!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%enemyatkstatmod%*%enemyburnmod%"') do set enemypokestatatk=%%n
  416. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %enemypokestatatk%') do set enemypokestatatk=%%a
  417. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%def!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%enemydefstatmod%"') do set enemypokestatdef=%%n
  418. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %enemypokestatdef%') do set enemypokestatdef=%%a
  419. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%satk!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%enemysatkstatmod%"') do set enemypokestatsatk=%%n
  420. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %enemypokestatsatk%') do set enemypokestatsatk=%%a
  421. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%sdef!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%enemysdefstatmod%"') do set enemypokestatsdef=%%n
  422. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %enemypokestatsdef%') do set enemypokestatsdef=%%a
  423. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(((2*!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%spd!+%iv%+(%ev%/4))*%lvl%)/100+5)*%enemyspdstatmod%*%enemyparamod%"') do set enemypokestatspd=%%n
  424. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %enemypokestatspd%') do set enemypokestatspd=%%a
  425. if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp!==999 set enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp=%enemypokestathp%
  426. if %debug%==1 echo Finished determining stats.
  427. if %debug%==1 pause
  429. if %ragereturn%==1 goto rageresume
  430. if %ehaveswitched%==1 (
  431.     if not %switchto%==0 (
  432.         echo %enemyname% withdrew !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%!^^! %enemyname% sent out !enemypoke%switchto%!^^!
  433.         set enemyactivepoke=%switchto%
  434.         if %debug%==1 echo Switching to Epoke %switchto%, !enemypoke%switchto%!
  435.         set enemyreset=1
  436.         set ehaveswitched=0
  437.         set switchto=0
  438.         set jumptoplayer=1
  439.         goto varreset
  440.     )
  441. )
  442. if %haveswitched%==1 (
  443.     echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%!, come back^^! Go^^! !playerpoke%pswitchto%!^^!
  444.     set playeractivepoke=%pswitchto%
  445.     set jumptoenemy=1
  446.     set playereset=1
  447.     set haveswitched=0
  448.     goto varreset
  449.     if not %switchto%==0 (
  450.         goto varreset
  451.     )
  452. )
  453. if %jumptoplayer%==1 if %jumptoenemy%==1 (
  454.     set jumptoenemy=0
  455.     set jumptoplayer=0
  456.     goto mainloop
  457. )
  458. if %jumptoenemy%==1 (
  459.     set jumptoenemy=0
  460.     set phase=2
  461.     set self=enemy
  462.     goto pokemonmove
  463. )
  464. if %jumptoplayer%==1 (
  465.     set jumptoplayer=0
  466.     set self=player
  467.     set phase=2
  468.     goto pokemonmove
  469. )
  471. )
  472. if %needtoupdatestats%==1 (
  473.     set needtoupdatestats=0
  474.     goto attackeffectsresume
  475. )
  476. if %draggedout%==1 (
  477.     set draggedout=0
  478.     goto turnend
  479. )
  480. if %attackeffect%==selfdestroy if %self%==enemy if not %damage%==-1 if not %damage%==0 if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 set playeractivepoke=-1
  481. goto mainloop
  483. :turnend
  484. if %playerisseeded%==1 (
  485.     set /a damage=%playerpokestathp%/8
  486.     echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is seeded^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! gains !damage! health^^!
  487.     set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=damage
  488.     set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp+=damage
  489.     if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp! GTR %enemypokestathp% set enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp=%enemypokestathp%
  490. )
  491. if %enemyisseeded%==1 (
  492.     set /a damage=%enemypokestathp%/8
  493.     echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is seeded^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! gains !damage! health^^!
  494.     set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=damage
  495.     set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp+=damage
  496.     if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! GTR %playerpokestathp% set playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp=%playerpokestathp%
  497. )
  498. if %playermultiturndamage% GEQ 1 (
  499.     set /a playermultiturndamage-=1
  500.     set /a damage=%playerpokestathp%/16
  501.     echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! takes !damage! damage from the %playerMTDtype%^^!
  502.     set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=damage
  503. )
  504. if %enemymultiturndamage% GEQ 1 (
  505.     set /a enemymultiturndamage-=1
  506.     set /a damage=%enemypokestathp%/16
  507.     echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! takes !damage! damage from the %enemyMTDtype%^^!
  508.     set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=damage
  509. )
  510. if %playerpokestatus%==burned (
  511.     set /a damage=%playerpokestathp%/8
  512.     echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is hurt by it's burn^^! !damage! damage^^!
  513.     set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=damage
  514. )
  515. if %enemypokestatus%==burned (
  516.     set /a damage=%enemypokestathp%/8
  517.     echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is hurt by it's burn^^! !damage! damage^^!
  518.     set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=damage
  519. )
  520. if %playerpokestatus%==poisoned (
  521.     set /a damage=%playerpokestathp%/8
  522.     echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is poisoned^^! !damage! damage^^!
  523.     set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=damage
  524. )
  525. if %enemypokestatus%==poisoned (
  526.     set /a damage=%enemypokestathp%/8
  527.     echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is poisoned^^! !damage! damage^^!
  528.     set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=damage
  529. )
  530. if %playerpokestatus%==burned goto determinestats
  531. if %enemypokestatus%==burned goto determinestats
  532. for %%y in (player enemy) do (
  533.     for %%x in (ref lisc) do (
  534.         if !%%y%%xcounter! GEQ 1 (
  535.             if !%%y%%xcounter!==1 (
  536.                 if %%y==player (
  537.                     if %%x==lisc echo Your team's LIGHT SCREEN wore off^^!
  538.                     if %%x==ref echo Your team's REFLECT wore off^^!
  539.                 )
  540.                 if %%y==enemy (
  541.                     if %%x==lisc echo The enemy team's LIGHT SCREEN wore off^^!
  542.                     if %%x==ref echo The enemy team's REFLECT wore off^^!
  543.                 )
  544.                 set %%y%%xmod=1
  545.             )
  546.             set /a %%y%%xcounter-=1
  547.         )
  548.     )
  549. )
  550. if %bot%==1 if %debug%==1 pause
  551. goto mainloop
  553. :mainloop
  554. set playerwillflinch=0
  555. set enemywillflinch=0
  556. if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 (
  557.     set /a enemyremainingpokes-=1
  558.     if !enemyremainingpokes! LEQ 0 goto victory
  559.     goto enemychoose
  560. )
  561. if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 (
  562.     set /a playerremainingpokes-=1
  563.     if !playerremainingpokes! LEQ 0 goto defeat
  564.     goto switchchoose
  565. )
  566. if %playerisbiding% GEQ 1 goto movechoose
  567. if %playerpokeisunderground%==1 goto movechoose
  568. if %playerpokeisflying%==1 goto movechoose
  569. if %playerischargingsky%==2 goto movechoose
  570. if %playerischargingsolar%==2 goto movechoose
  571. if %playerisrecharging%==1 goto movechoose
  572. if %autogotomove%==1 (
  573.     echo Your !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! [!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp!/%playerpokestathp%] faces !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! [!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp!/%enemypokestathp%]^^! Going to moves...
  574.     goto movechoose
  575. )
  576. set /p choice=Your !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! [!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp!/%playerpokestathp%] faces !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! [!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp!/%enemypokestathp%]^^! (moves,pokemon)...
  577. if "%choice%"=="print" (
  578.     echo PLAYER POKE: %playeractivepoke% !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2! %playerpokestatus% %playerhpstatlevel% %playeratkstatlevel% %playerdefstatlevel% %playersatkstatlevel% %playersdefstatlevel% %playerspdstatlevel% %playerpokestathp% %playerpokestatatk% %playerpokestatdef% %playerpokestatsatk% %playerpokestatsdef% %playerpokestatspd% %playerlisccounter% %playerliscmod% %playerrefcounter% %playerrefmod%
  579.     echo ENEMY POKE: %enemyactivepoke% !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2! %enemypokestatus% %enemyhpstatlevel% %enemyatkstatlevel% %enemydefstatlevel% %enemysatkstatlevel% %enemysdefstatlevel% %enemyspdstatlevel% %enemypokestathp% %enemypokestatatk% %enemypokestatdef% %enemypokestatsatk% %enemypokestatsdef% %enemypokestatspd% %enemylisccounter% %enemyliscmod% %enemyrefcounter% %enemyrefmod%
  580.     goto mainloop
  581. )
  582. if "%choice%"=="bot" (
  583.     set bot=1
  584.     set autogotomove=1
  585.     goto movechoose
  586. )
  587. if not "%choice%"=="moves" (
  588.     if not "%choice%"=="pokemon" (
  589.             echo Invalid choice.
  590.             goto mainloop
  591.         ) else (
  592.         goto switchchoose
  593.         )
  594.     ) else (
  595.     goto movechoose
  596. )
  598. :speeddeterminer
  599. if %debug%==1 echo at Speed determiner.
  600. if %debug%==1 pause
  601. if %ehaveswitched%==1 goto varreset
  602. if %haveswitched%==1 goto varreset
  603. if %debug%==1 echo Checked for switch outs.
  604. if %debug%==1 pause
  605. set self=blank
  606. set move=blank
  607. set counterphysicalcheck=0
  608. set countercheck=0
  609. set counterdamage=0
  610. if %pmove%==COUNTER (
  611.     set move=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%emove%!
  612.     set countercheck=1
  613.     goto movedictionary
  614. )
  615. if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%emove%!==COUNTER (
  616.     set move=%pmove%
  617.     set countercheck=1
  618.     goto movedictionary
  619. )
  620. :countercheckreturn
  621. if %movecategory%==physical if %countercheck%==1 set counterphysicalcheck=1
  622. set countercheck=0
  623. set enemyprioritycheck=1
  624. set move=%emove%
  625. @rem !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%emove%!
  626. if %debug%==1 echo Going to movedictionary...
  627. if %debug%==1 pause
  628. goto movedictionary
  629. :enemyprioritycheckreturn
  630. set enemypriority=%PRIORITY%
  631. set playerprioritycheck=1
  632. set move=%pmove%
  633. goto movedictionary
  634. :playerprioritycheckreturn
  635. set playerpriority=%PRIORITY%
  636. set phase=1
  637. if %debug%==1 echo Returned from movedictionary.
  638. if %debug%==1 pause
  639. @REM if %jumpphase%==1 (
  640. @REM    set jumpphase=0
  641. @REM    set phase=2
  642. @REM )
  643. if %playerpriority% GTR %enemypriority% (
  644.     set self=player
  645.     goto pokemonmove
  646. )
  647. if %enemypriority% GTR %playerpriority% (
  648.     set self=enemy
  649.     goto pokemonmove
  650. )
  651. if %debug%==1 ECHO %playerpriority% %enemypriority% %playerpokestatspd% %enemypokestatspd%
  652. if %debug%==1 pause
  653. if %playerpokestatspd% GTR %enemypokestatspd% (
  654.     set self=player
  655.     goto pokemonmove
  656.     ) else (
  657.     set self=enemy
  658.     goto pokemonmove
  659. )
  660. set /a ran=%random% %% 2 + 1
  661. if %playerpokestatspd%==%enemypokestatspd% (
  662.     echo (tie^^!)
  663.     if %ran%==1 set self=player
  664.     if %ran%==0 set self=enemy
  665.     goto pokemonmove
  666. )
  668. :movechoose
  669. if %playerisbiding% GEQ 1 goto enemymovechoose
  670. if %playerpokeisunderground%==1 goto enemymovechoose
  671. if %playerpokeisflying%==1 goto enemymovechoose
  672. if %playerischargingsky%==2 goto enemymovechoose
  673. if %playerischargingsolar%==2 goto enemymovechoose
  674. if %playerisrecharging%==1 goto enemymovechoose
  675. set /a pmove=%random% %% 4 + 1
  676. if %bot%==1 (
  677.     set pmove=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m%pmove%!
  678.     if %pmove%==NONE (
  679.         goto movechoose
  680.     )
  681.     set autogotomove=1
  682.     goto enemymovechoose
  683. )
  684. set /p pmove=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! knows !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m1!, !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m2!, !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m3! and !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m4!...
  685. if "%pmove%"=="return" (
  686.     set autogotomove=0
  687.     goto mainloop
  688. )
  689. if "%pmove%"=="NONE" (
  690.     echo Invalid choice.
  691.     goto movechoose
  692. )
  693. for %%y in (1 2 3 4) do (
  694.     if "%pmove%"=="!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m%%y!" (
  695.         if "%pmove%"=="%playerdisabledmove%" if %playerisdisabled% GEQ 1 (
  696.             echo %playerdisabledmove% is disabled for %playerisdisabled% more turns^^!
  697.             goto movechoose
  698.             )
  699.         set autogotomove=1
  700.         goto enemymovechoose
  701.     )
  702. )
  703. echo Invalid choice.
  704. goto movechoose
  706. :enemymovechoose
  707. set self=enemy
  708. set target=player
  709. set calledadvcheck=0
  710. set /a emove=%random% %% 4 + 1
  711. if %ai%==idiotic (
  712.     set emove=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%emove%!
  713.     if !emove!==%enemydisabledmove% if %enemyisdisabled% GEQ 1 (
  714.         goto enemymovechoose
  715.     )
  716.     if !emove!==NONE (
  717.         goto enemymovechoose
  718.     )
  719.     goto speeddeterminer
  720. )
  722. if %ai%==dumb (
  723.     set highestdamagemove=0
  724.     set highestmovedamage=0
  726.     if %debug%==1 echo AI start
  727.     if %debug%==1 pause
  728.     if %self%==player (
  729.         set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  730.         set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  731.         set pokelvl=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl!
  732.     )
  733.     if %self%==enemy (
  734.         set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  735.         set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  736.         set pokelvl=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl!
  737.     )
  738.     for %%y in (1 2 3 4) do (
  739.         if %self%==player set move=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m%%y!
  740.         if %self%==enemy set move=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%%y!
  741.         set aimdreturn=1
  742.         call :movedictionary
  743.         if not !movecategory!==status (
  744.             if !movecategory!==physical (
  745.                 set AS=!%self%pokestatatk!
  746.                 set /a DS=!%target%pokestatdef!*!%target%refmod!
  747.             )
  748.             if !movecategory!==special (
  749.                 set AS=!%self%pokestatsatk!
  750.                 set /a DS=!%target%pokestatsdef!*!%target%liscmod!
  751.             )
  752.             set aisecreturn=1
  753.             call :supereffectivechecker
  754.             set stab=1
  755.             if %self%==player (
  756.                 if !atktype!==!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1! set stab=1.5
  757.                 if !atktype!==!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2! set stab=1.5
  758.             )
  759.             if %self%==enemy (
  760.                 if !atktype!==!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1! set stab=1.5
  761.                 if !atktype!==!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2! set stab=1.5
  762.             )
  763.             set dmgreturn=1
  764.             call :damagecheck
  765.             set move%%ydamage=!damage!
  766.             if %debug%==1 if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%%y!
  767.             if !move%%ydamage! GTR !highestmovedamage! (
  768.                 set highestmovedamage=!move%%ydamage!
  769.                 if %self%==enemy set highestdamagemove=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%%y!
  770.                 if %self%==player set highestdamagemove=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m%%y!
  771.             )
  772.         )
  773.     )
  774.     if %debug%==1 echo Highest damage move found... !highestdamagemove! !highestmovedamage! %deftype1% %deftype2% %atktype%
  776.     if %self%==player set enemycurhp=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp!
  777.     if %self%==enemy set enemycurhp=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp!
  778.     if !highestmovedamage! GTR !enemycurhp! if !%self%pokestatspd! GTR !%target%pokestatspd! (
  779.         set emove=!highestdamagemove!
  780.         if %debug%==1 echo Can quickly OHKO! AI end.
  781.         goto speeddeterminer
  782.     )
  783.     if !highestmovedamage! GTR !enemycurhp! if %PRIORITY% GTR 0 (
  784.         set emove=!highestdamagemove!  
  785.         if %debug%==1 echo Can priority OHKO! AI end.
  786.         goto speeddeterminer
  787.     )
  789.     if %debug%==1 echo Cannot OHKO with faster move... !highestdamagemove! !highestmovedamage! !enemycurhp! !%self%pokestatspd! !%target%pokestatspd!
  790.     if %debug%==1 pause
  792.     if %self%==enemy (
  793.         set selfpoke=%enemyactivepoke%
  794.         set enemypoke=%playeractivepoke%
  795.     )
  796.     if %self%==player (
  797.         set selfpoke=%playeractivepoke%
  798.         set enemypoke=%enemyactivepoke%
  799.     )
  801.     :checkforadvantage
  802.     if %debug%==1 echo %selfpoke% !selfpoke!
  803.     set enemytype1advantage=1
  804.     set enemytype2advantage=1
  805.     if %self%==enemy (
  806.         set deftype1=!enemypoke%selfpoke%type1!
  807.         set deftype2=!enemypoke%selfpoke%type2!
  808.     )
  809.     if %self%==player (
  810.         set deftype1=!playerpoke%selfpoke%type1!
  811.         set deftype2=!playerpoke%selfpoke%type2!
  812.     )
  813.     if %self%==player (
  814.         set atktype=!enemypoke%enemypoke%type1!
  815.     )
  816.     if %self%==enemy (
  817.         set atktype=!playerpoke%enemypoke%type1!
  818.     )
  819.     set aisecreturn=2
  820.     call :supereffectivechecker
  821.     if !supereffective!==200 set enemytype1advantage=2
  822.     if !supereffective!==400 set enemytype1advantage=3
  823.     if !supereffective! LSS 100 set enemytype1advantage=!supereffective!
  824.     if %self%==player (
  825.         set atktype=!enemypoke%enemypoke%type2!
  826.     )
  827.     if %self%==enemy (
  828.         set atktype=!playerpoke%enemypoke%type2!
  829.     )
  830.     set aisecreturn=3
  831.     call :supereffectivechecker
  832.     if !supereffective!==200 set enemytype2advantage=2
  833.     if !supereffective!==400 set enemytype2advantage=3
  834.     if !supereffective! LSS 100 set enemytype2advantage=!supereffective!
  836.     set selftype1advantage=1
  837.     set selftype2advantage=1
  838.     if %self%==player (
  839.         set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemypoke%type1!
  840.         set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemypoke%type2!
  841.     )
  842.     if %self%==enemy (
  843.         set deftype1=!playerpoke%enemypoke%type1!
  844.         set deftype2=!playerpoke%enemypoke%type2!
  845.     )
  846.     if %self%==enemy (
  847.         set atktype=!enemypoke%selfpoke%type1!
  848.     )
  849.     if %self%==player (
  850.         set atktype=!playerpoke%selfpoke%type1!
  851.     )
  852.     set aisecreturn=4
  853.     call :supereffectivechecker
  854.     if !supereffective!==200 set selftype1advantage=2
  855.     if !supereffective!==400 set selftype1advantage=3
  856.     if !supereffective! LSS 100 set selftype1advantage=!supereffective!
  857.     if %self%==enemy (
  858.         set atktype=!enemypoke%selfpoke%type2!
  859.     )
  860.     if %self%==player (
  861.         set atktype=!playerpoke%selfpoke%type2!
  862.     )
  863.     set aisecreturn=5
  864.     call :supereffectivechecker
  865.     if !supereffective!==200 set selftype2advantage=2
  866.     if !supereffective!==400 set selftype2advantage=3
  867.     if !supereffective! LSS 100 set selftype2advantage=!supereffective!
  869.     set selfhaveadvantage=0
  870.     if !selftype1advantage! GEQ 2 set selfhaveadvantage=1
  871.     if !selftype2advantage! GEQ 2 set selfhaveadvantage=1
  872.     set enemyhaveadvantage=0
  873.     if !enemytype1advantage! GEQ 2 set enemyhaveadvantage=1
  874.     if !enemytype2advantage! GEQ 2 set enemyhaveadvantage=1
  875.     echo !enemyhaveadvantage!
  876.     if %debug%==1 echo !enemypoke%selfpoke%! !playerpoke%enemypoke%! Checked for type advantages... !selftype1advantage! !selftype2advantage! !selfhaveadvantage! !enemytype1advantage! !enemytype2advantage! !enemyhaveadvantage!
  877.     if %calledadvcheck%==1 (
  878.         set calledadvcheck=0
  879.         goto :eol
  880.     )
  882.     if %debug%==1 PAUSE
  884.     if !selfhaveadvantage!==1 if !enemyhaveadvantage!==1 if !%self%pokestatspd! GTR !%target%pokestatspd! (
  885.         set move=!highestdamagemove!
  886.         if %debug%==1 echo Can probably OHKO! AI end.
  887.         goto speeddeterminer
  888.     )
  889.     if !selfhaveadvantage!==1 if !enemyhaveadvantage!==1 if %PRIORITY% GTR 0 (
  890.         set move=!highestdamagemove!
  891.         if %debug%==1 echo Can probably priority OHKO! AI end.
  892.         goto speeddeterminer
  893.     )
  894.     set needtoswitch=0
  898.     if !enemyhaveadvantage!==1 (
  899.         set needtoswitch=1
  900.         if %debug%==1 echo Enemy has type advantage. Switching...
  901.     )
  902.     if not !selftype1advantage!==2 if not !selftype2advantage!==2 if not !selftype1advantage!==1 if not !selftype2advantage!==1 (
  903.         if !selftype1advantage! LSS 100 if !selftype2advantage! LSS 100 (
  904.             set needtoswitch=1
  905.             if %debug%==1 echo Have type disadvantage. Switching...
  906.         )
  907.     )
  908.     if %debug%==1 pause
  909.     if !needtoswitch!==1 (
  910.         if %self%==player (
  911.             set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  912.             set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  913.             set activepoke=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%!
  914.         )
  915.         if %self%==enemy (
  916.             set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  917.             set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  918.             set activepoke=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%!
  919.         )
  921.         if %debug%==1 echo Need to switch. Checking for poke with type advantage over !deftype1!/!deftype2! ...
  922.         set numswitchablepoke=0
  923.         set highestscore=10
  924.         set highestscorer=0
  925.         for %%y in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  926.             if not !%self%poke%%ycurhp! LEQ 0 if not !%%yscore!==!activepoke! (
  927.             set %%yscore=10
  928.             set calledadvcheck=1
  929.             set selfpoke=%%y
  930.             set enemypoke=%enemyactivepoke%
  931.             call :checkforadvantage
  933.             if !selftype1advantage!==2 set /a %%yscore=!%%yscore!+1
  934.             if !selftype1advantage!==3 set /a %%yscore=!%%yscore!+2
  935.             if !selftype2advantage!==2 set /a %%yscore=!%%yscore!+1
  936.             if !selftype2advantage!==3 set /a %%yscore=!%%yscore!+2
  937.             if !enemytype1advantage!==2 set /a %%yscore=!%%yscore!-1
  938.             if !enemytype1advantage!==3 set /a %%yscore=!%%yscore!-2
  939.             if !enemytype2advantage!==2 set /a %%yscore=!%%yscore!-1
  940.             if !enemytype2advantage!==3 set /a %%yscore=!%%yscore!-2
  941.             if %debug%==1 echo score: !%%yscore! !selftype1advantage! !selftype2advantage! !selfhaveadvantage! !enemytype1advantage! !enemytype2advantage! !enemyhaveadvantage!
  942.             if !%%yscore! GTR !highestscore! (
  943.                 set highestscore=!%%yscore!
  944.                 set highestscorer=%%y
  945.                 )
  946.             )
  947.         )
  948.         if %debug%==1 echo Switchbles: !numswitchablepoke! hscore: !highestscore!
  949.         if %debug%==1 pause
  950.         echo off
  951.         if !highestscore! GTR 0 (
  952.             if %self%==player (
  953.                 set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  954.                 set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  955.                 set activepoke=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%!
  956.             )
  957.             if %self%==enemy (
  958.                 set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  959.                 set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  960.                 set activepoke=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%!
  961.             )
  962.             :switchredo1
  963.             rem set /a ran=%random% %% 5 + 1
  964.             for %%y in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  965.                 rem if !ran!==%%y (
  966.                     if %%y==!highestscorer! (
  967.                         set switchto=%%y
  968.                         if %debug%==1 echo Can switch to poke with type advantage! AI end.
  969.                         set ehaveswitched=1
  970.                         goto varreset
  971.                     )
  972.                 rem )
  973.             )
  974.             goto switchredo1
  975.         )
  976.         set numswitchablepoke=0
  977.         set neutral=0
  978.         if %debug%==1 echo None found. Looking for poke with SE move...
  979.         if %debug%==1 pause
  980.         for %%y in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  981.             if %self%==enemy (
  982.                 set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  983.                 set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  984.             )
  985.             if %self%==player (
  986.                 set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  987.                 set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  988.             )
  989.             if %self%==player (
  990.                 set atktype=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  991.             )
  992.             if %self%==enemy (
  993.                 set atktype=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  994.             )
  995.             set aisecreturn=10
  996.             call :supereffectivechecker
  997.             if !supereffective! LEQ 100 set /a neutral+=1
  998.             if %self%==player (
  999.                 set atktype=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1000.             )
  1001.             if %self%==enemy (
  1002.                 set atktype=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1003.             )
  1004.             set aisecreturn=11
  1005.             call :supereffectivechecker
  1006.             if !supereffective! LEQ 100 set /a neutral+=1
  1008.             if !neutral!==2 (
  1009.                 for %%x in (1 2 3 4) do (
  1010.                     set yup=0
  1011.                     if %self%==player set move=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m%%x!
  1012.                     if %self%==enemy set move=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%%x!
  1013.                     set aimdreturn=2
  1014.                     call :movedictionary
  1015.                     if %self%==player (
  1016.                         set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1017.                         set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1018.                     )
  1019.                     if %self%==enemy (
  1020.                         set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1021.                         set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1022.                     )
  1023.                     set aisecreturn=12
  1024.                     call :supereffectivechecker
  1025.                     if !supereffective!==200 set yup=1
  1027.                     if !yup!==1 set /a numswitchablepoke+=1
  1028.                 )
  1030.             )
  1031.         )
  1033.         if !numswitchablepoke! GTR 0 (
  1034.             :switchredo2
  1035.             set /a ran=%random% %% 5 + 1
  1036.             for %%y in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  1037.                 if !ran!==%%y (
  1038.                     if %self%==enemy (
  1039.                         set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1040.                         set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1041.                     )
  1042.                     if %self%==player (
  1043.                         set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1044.                         set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1045.                     )
  1046.                     if %self%==player (
  1047.                         set atktype=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1048.                     )
  1049.                     if %self%==enemy (
  1050.                         set atktype=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1051.                     )
  1052.                     set aisecreturn=13
  1053.                     call :supereffectivechecker
  1054.                     if !supereffective! LEQ 100 set /a neutral+=1
  1055.                     if %self%==player (
  1056.                         set atktype=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1057.                     )
  1058.                     if %self%==enemy (
  1059.                         set atktype=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1060.                     )
  1061.                     set aisecreturn=14
  1062.                     call :supereffectivechecker
  1063.                     if !supereffective! LEQ 100 set /a neutral+=1
  1064.                     if !neutral!==2 (
  1065.                         for %%x in (1 2 3 4) do (
  1066.                             if %self%==player set move=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m%%x!
  1067.                             if %self%==enemy set move=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%%x!
  1068.                             set aimdreturn=3
  1069.                             call :movedictionary
  1070.                             if %self%==player (
  1071.                                 set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1072.                                 set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1073.                             )
  1074.                             if %self%==enemy (
  1075.                                 set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1076.                                 set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1077.                             )
  1078.                             set aisecreturn=15
  1079.                             call :supereffectivechecker
  1080.                             if !supereffective! GEQ 200 (
  1081.                                 set switchto=%%y
  1082.                                 if %debug%==1 echo Can switch to poke with move type advantage! AI end.
  1083.                                 set ehaveswitched=1
  1084.                                 goto varreset
  1085.                             )
  1086.                         )
  1087.                     )
  1088.                 )
  1089.             )
  1090.             goto switchredo2
  1091.         )
  1092.         if %debug%==1 echo none Found. Looking for random type neutral...
  1093.         set numswitchablepoke=0
  1094.         for %%y in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  1095.             if %self%==enemy (
  1096.                 set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1097.                 set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1098.             )
  1099.             if %self%==player (
  1100.                 set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1101.                 set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1102.             )
  1103.             if %self%==player (
  1104.                 set atktype=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1105.             )
  1106.             if %self%==enemy (
  1107.                 set atktype=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1108.             )
  1109.             set aisecreturn=16
  1110.             call :supereffectivechecker
  1111.             if !supereffective! LEQ 100 set /a neutral+=1
  1112.             if %self%==player (
  1113.                 set atktype=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1114.             )
  1115.             if %self%==enemy (
  1116.                 set atktype=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1117.             )
  1118.             set aisecreturn=17
  1119.             call :supereffectivechecker
  1120.             if !supereffective! LEQ 100 set /a neutral+=1
  1121.             if !neutral!==2 set /a numswitchablepoke+=1
  1122.         )
  1123.         if !numswitchablepoke! GTR 0 (
  1124.             :switchredo3
  1125.             set /a ran=%random% %% 5 + 1
  1126.             set neutral=0
  1127.             for %%y in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  1128.                 if !ran!==%%y (
  1129.                     if %self%==enemy (
  1130.                         set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1131.                         set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1132.                     )
  1133.                     if %self%==player (
  1134.                         set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1135.                         set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1136.                     )
  1137.                     if %self%==player (
  1138.                         set atktype=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1139.                     )
  1140.                     if %self%==enemy (
  1141.                         set atktype=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1142.                     )
  1143.                     set aisecreturn=18
  1144.                     call :supereffectivechecker
  1145.                     if !supereffective! LEQ 100 set /a neutral+=1
  1146.                     if %self%==player (
  1147.                         set atktype=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1148.                     )
  1149.                     if %self%==enemy (
  1150.                         set atktype=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1151.                     )
  1152.                     set aisecreturn=19
  1153.                     call :supereffectivechecker
  1154.                     if !supereffective! LEQ 100 set /a neutral+=1
  1155.                     if !neutral!==2 (
  1156.                         set switchto=%%y
  1157.                         set ehaveswitched=1
  1158.                         goto varreset
  1159.                     )
  1160.                 )
  1161.             )
  1162.             goto switchredo3
  1163.         )
  1164.         if %debug%==1 if !numswitchablepoke!==0 echo None found...
  1165.         goto airesume
  1166.     )
  1168.     if %debug%==1 echo Did not see neccessary to switch, checking previous used move...
  1170.     set move=!%target%previousmove!
  1171.     set aimdreturn=4
  1172.     call :movedictionary
  1173.     set deftype1=!%self%poke%activepoke%type1!
  1174.     set deftype2=!%self%poke%activepoke%type2!
  1175.     set prattype=%atktype%
  1176.     set aisecreturn=20
  1177.     call :supereffectivechecker
  1179.     if !supereffective!==2 (
  1180.         if not %movecategory%==status (
  1181.             if %movecategory%==physical (
  1182.                 set AS=!%target%pokestatatk!
  1183.                 set /a DS=!%self%pokestatdef!*!%self%refmod!
  1184.             )
  1185.             if %movecategory%==special (
  1186.                 set AS=!%target%pokestatsatk!
  1187.                 set /a DS=!%self%pokestatsdef!*!%self%liscmod!
  1188.             )
  1189.             set aisecreturn=21
  1190.             goto supereffectivechecker
  1191.             :aisecreturn21
  1192.             set dmgreturn=2
  1193.             goto damagecheck
  1194.             :dmgreturn2
  1195.             if %debug%==1 echo %damage% !damage! damage
  1196.             if %self%==enemy set selfcurhp=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp!
  1197.             if %self%==player set selfcurhp=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp!
  1198.             set /a target=!selfcurhp!-%damage%
  1199.             set numswitchablepoke=0
  1200.             set highestscore=0
  1201.             set highestscorer=0
  1202.             if !target! LSS 0 (
  1203.                 for %%y in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  1204.                     set /a %%yscore=0
  1205.                     set deftype1=!%self%poke%activepoke%type1!
  1206.                     set deftype2=!%self%poke%activepoke%type2!
  1207.                     set atktype=!prattype!
  1208.                     set aisecreturn=22
  1209.                     goto supereffectivechecker
  1210.                     :aisecreturn22
  1211.                     if %supereffective% LEQ 1 (
  1212.                         if %supereffective%==0 set /a %%yscore+=1
  1213.                         set atktype=!%target%poke%activepoke%type1!
  1214.                         set aisecreturn=23
  1215.                         goto supereffectivechecker
  1216.                         :aisecreturn23
  1217.                         if %supereffective% LEQ 1 set /a %%yscore+=1
  1218.                         if %supereffective%==0 set /a %%yscore+=1
  1219.                         set atktype=!%target%poke%activepoke%type2!
  1220.                         set aisecreturn=24
  1221.                         goto supereffectivechecker
  1222.                         :aisecreturn24
  1223.                         if %supereffective% LEQ 1 set /a %%yscore+=1
  1224.                         if %supereffective%==0 set /a %%yscore+=1
  1225.                         if !neutral!==2 set /a numswitchablepoke+=1
  1226.                     )
  1227.                 )
  1228.                 if !%%yscore! GTR !highestscore! set highestscorer=%%y
  1229.             )
  1230.             if !highestscore!==0 goto airesume
  1231.             set switchto=!highestscorer!
  1232.             if %debug%==1 echo Can switch to poke that resists or is immune to enemy types! AI end.
  1233.             goto enemychoose
  1234.         )
  1235.     )
  1236.     if %debug%==1 echo Checked for switchto's due to previous move type advantage...
  1238.     :airesume
  1239.     set emove=!highestdamagemove!
  1240.     if %debug%==1 echo Using highest damage move...
  1241.     goto speeddeterminer
  1243. @rem )
  1245. :damagecheck
  1246. set /a supereffective/=100
  1247. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "((((2*%pokelvl%/5+2)*%AS%*%BP%/%DS%)/50))*%supereffective%*%stab%"') do set damage=%%n
  1248. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %damage%') do set damage=%%a
  1249. if %move%==SKY_ATTACK set /a damage/=2
  1250. if %move%==SOLAR_BEAM set /a damage/=2
  1251. if %move%==HYPER_BEAM set /a damage/=2
  1253. goto :eof
  1255. :pokemonmove
  1256. if %debug%==1 echo at Pokemonmove.
  1257. if %debug%==1 pause
  1259. if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 (
  1260.     if not !playerremainingpokes! LEQ 1 echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! fainted^^!
  1261.     set /a playerremainingpokes-=1
  1262.     if !playerremainingpokes! LEQ 0 goto defeat
  1263.     set playeractivepoke=-1
  1264.     goto switchchoose
  1265. )
  1266. set damage=0
  1267. if %self%==player (
  1268.     set target=enemy
  1269.     set move=%pmove%
  1270.     set pokename=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%!
  1271.     set opokename=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%!
  1272.     set pokelvl=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl!
  1273.     set opokelvl=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl!
  1274.     set deftype1=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!
  1275.     set deftype2=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!
  1276. )
  1277. if %self%==enemy (
  1278.     set target=player
  1279.     set move=%emove%
  1280.     set pokename=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%!
  1281.     set opokename=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%!
  1282.     set pokelvl=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl!
  1283.     set opokelvl=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl!
  1284.     set deftype1=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!
  1285.     set deftype2=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!
  1286. )
  1287. set aimdreturn=0
  1288. set aisecreturn=0
  1289. set multihitmovecount=0
  1290. set missed=0
  1291. set cancrash=0
  1292. set %self%previousmove=%move%
  1293. if !%self%isbiding! GEQ 1 set move=BIDE
  1294. if !%self%isrecharging!==1 (
  1295.     echo %pokename% has to rest^^!
  1296.     set %self%isrecharging=0
  1297.     goto moveresume
  1298. )
  1299. if !%self%isdisabled! GEQ 1 (
  1300.     set /a %self%isdisabled-=1
  1301.     if %move%==!%self%disabledmove! (
  1302.         echo %pokename% used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1303.         goto moveresume
  1304.     )
  1305. )
  1306. if !%self%pokeisunderground!==1 set move=DIG
  1307. if !%self%pokeisflying!==1 set move=FLY
  1308. if !%self%ischargingsky!==2 set move=SKY_ATTACK
  1309. if !%self%ischargingsolar!==2 set move=SOLAR_BEAM
  1310. if %move%==DIG if !%self%pokeisunderground!==0 goto attackeffects
  1311. if %move%==FLY if !%self%pokeisflying!==0 goto attackeffects
  1312. if %move%==BIDE goto skipto
  1313. if !%self%pokestatus!==frozen (
  1314.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1315.     if !ran! LEQ 20 (
  1316.         echo %pokename% thawed out^^!
  1317.         set %self%pokestatus=none
  1318.     ) else (
  1319.         echo %pokename% is frozen solid^^!
  1320.         goto moveresume
  1321.     )
  1322. )
  1323. if !%self%pokestatus!==paralyzed (
  1324.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1325.     if !ran! LEQ 25 (
  1326.         if !%self%pokeisunderground!==1 set %self%pokeisunderground=0
  1327.         if !%self%playerpokeisflying!==1 set %self%pokeisflying=0
  1328.         echo %pokename% is paralyzed^^! It can't move^^!
  1329.         goto moveresume
  1330.     )
  1331. )
  1332. if !%self%pokestatus!==asleep (
  1333.     if !%self%pokeisasleep!==0 (
  1334.         set %self%pokestatus=none
  1335.         echo %pokename% woke up^^!
  1336.     ) else (
  1337.         echo %pokename% is fast asleep^^!
  1338.         set /a %self%pokeisasleep-=1
  1339.         goto moveresume
  1340.     )
  1341. )
  1342. set AS=!%self%pokestatatk!
  1343. set DS=!%self%pokestatdef!
  1344. set BP=40
  1345. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "((((2*%pokelvl%/5+2)*%AS%*%BP%/%DS%)/50))"') do set damage=%%n
  1346. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %damage%') do set damage=%%a
  1347. @REM echo %pokename% !%self%pokeisconfused! !%self%pokeisunderground! !%self%pokeisflying! %damage% !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp! hurr
  1348. if !%self%pokeisconfused! GEQ 1 (
  1349.     if not !%self%pokeisconfused!==1 (
  1350.         set /a %self%pokeisconfused-=1
  1351.         echo %pokename% is confused^^!
  1352.         set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1353.         if !ran! LEQ 50 (
  1354.             rem if !%self%pokeisunderground!==1 set %self%pokeisunderground=0
  1355.             rem if !%self%pokeisflying!==1 set %self%pokeisflying=0
  1356.             echo It hurt itself in it's confusion^^! %damage% damage^^!
  1357.             if %self%==enemy set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=damage
  1358.             if %self%==player set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=damage
  1359.             goto moveresume
  1360.         )
  1361.         goto movedictionary
  1362.     ) else (
  1363.     echo %pokename% snapped out of it's confusion^^!
  1364.     set %self%pokeisconfused=0
  1365.     )
  1366. )
  1367. if %move%==MIRROR_MOVE (
  1368.     if !%target%previousmove!==0 (
  1369.         echo %pokename% used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1370.         goto moveresume
  1371.     )
  1372.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^!
  1373.     set move=!%target%previousmove!
  1374. )
  1375. if %debug%==1 echo %move% %self% %phase% %pmove% %emove%
  1376. if %debug%==1 pause
  1377. goto movedictionary
  1378. :MDreturn
  1379. if %debug%==1 echo Returned from movedictionary.
  1380. if %debug%==1 pause
  1381. if !%self%ischargingsky!==1 (
  1382.     echo %pokename% became cloaked in a harsh light^^!
  1383.     set damage=0
  1384.     set %self%ischargingsky=2
  1385.     goto moveresume
  1386. )
  1387. if !%self%ischargingsolar!==1 (
  1388.     echo %pokename% is soaking up light^^!
  1389.     set damage=0
  1390.     set %self%ischargingsolar=2
  1391.     goto moveresume
  1392. )
  1393. if %move%==HYPER_BEAM set %self%isrecharging=1
  1394. if %move%==DISABLE set BP=1
  1395. if %moveisohko%==1 set BP=1
  1396. if !%target%pokeisunderground!==1 if not %move%==EARTHQUAKE if not %BP%==0 (
  1397.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %opokename% avoided the attack^^!
  1398.     set missed=1
  1399.     set %self%pokeisunderground=0
  1400.     set %self%pokeisflying=0
  1401.     if %attackeffect%==selfdestroy (
  1402.         set damage=-1
  1403.         goto attackeffects
  1404.     )
  1405.     goto moveresume
  1406. )
  1407. if !%target%pokeisflying!==1 if not %move%==GUST if not %BP%==0 (
  1408.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %opokename% avoided the attack^^!
  1409.     set missed=1
  1410.     set %self%pokeisflying=0
  1411.     set %self%pokeisunderground=0
  1412.     if %attackeffect%==selfdestroy (
  1413.         set damage=-1
  1414.         goto attackeffects
  1415.     )
  1416.     goto moveresume
  1417. )
  1418. if %move%==DISABLE set BP=0
  1419. if %moveisohko%==1 set BP=0
  1420. if %tempcritboost%==1 (
  1421.     set tempcritboost=0
  1422.     set /a %self%critlevel+=1
  1423. )
  1424. set /a P=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1425. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "%ACC%*(!%self%accmod!/!%self%evamod!)"') do set Q=%%n
  1426. if %moveisohko%==1 (
  1427.     set /a Q=%pokelvl%-%opokelvl%+30
  1428. )
  1429. @rem echo %P% %Q%
  1430. if %moveisohko%==1 set BP=1
  1431. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %Q%') do set Q=%%a
  1432. if %P% GEQ %Q% if not %BP%==0 if not %move%==SWIFT (
  1433.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %opokename% avoided the attack^^!
  1434.     set missed=1
  1435.     goto moveresume
  1436. )
  1437. if %moveisohko%==1 set BP=0
  1438. if %playerwillflinch%==1 (
  1439.     echo %pokename% flinched^^!
  1440.     goto moveresume
  1441. )
  1442. if %movecategory%==physical (
  1443.     set AS=!%self%pokestatatk!
  1444.     set /a DS=!%target%pokestatdef!*!%target%refmod!
  1445. )
  1446. if %movecategory%==special (
  1447.     set AS=!%self%pokestatsatk!
  1448.     set /a DS=!%target%pokestatsdef!*!%target%liscmod!
  1449. )
  1450. set /a ran=%random% %% 15 + 1 + 85
  1451. goto supereffectivechecker
  1452. :SECresume
  1453. set %self%miscdamagemod=1
  1454. if !%target%pokeisunderground!==1 if %move%==EARTHQUAKE set %self%miscdamagemod=2
  1455. if !%target%pokeisunderground!==1 if %move%==GUST set %self%miscdamagemod=2
  1456. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(%supereffective%/100)"') do set supereffective=%%n
  1457. :multihitmovereturn
  1459. if !%self%critlevel!==0 set %self%critmod=16
  1460. if !%self%critlevel!==1 set %self%critmod=8
  1461. if !%self%critlevel!==2 set %self%critmod=2
  1462. set /a ran=%random% %% !%self%critmod! + 1
  1463. set crit=1
  1464. if %ran%==1 set crit=1.5
  1465. if !%self%critlevel!==3 set crit=1.5
  1466. set stab=1
  1467. if %self%==player (
  1468.     if %atktype%==!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1! set stab=1.5
  1469.     if %atktype%==!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2! set stab=1.5
  1470. )
  1471. if %self%==enemy (
  1472.     if %atktype%==!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1! set stab=1.5
  1473.     if %atktype%==!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2! set stab=1.5
  1474. )
  1475. @rem echo crit value: %crit% crit level: !%self%critlevel! SE: %supereffective% bide:!%target%isbiding!
  1476. for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "((((2*%pokelvl%/5+2)*%AS%*%BP%/%DS%)/50))*%supereffective%*%crit%*!%self%miscdamagemod!*%stab%"') do set damage=%%n
  1477. for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo %damage%') do set damage=%%a
  1478. if not %BP%==0 (
  1479.     if %supereffective% GTR 1 echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %damage% damage^^! It's super effective^^!
  1480.     if %supereffective% LSS 1 if %damage% GTR 0 echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %damage% damage^^! It's not very effective...
  1481.     if %supereffective%==0 (
  1482.         echo %pokename% used %move%^^! It doesn't effect foe %opokename%...
  1483.         goto moveresume
  1484.     )
  1485.     if %supereffective%==1 echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %damage% damage^^!
  1486.     if %crit%==1.5 echo A critical hit^^!
  1487.     if !%target%isbiding! GEQ 1 set /a %target%bidedamage+=damage
  1488.     if %self%==player if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%emove%!==COUNTER set /a counterdamage+=damage
  1489.     if %self%==enemy if %pmove%==COUNTER set /a counterdamage+=damage
  1490.     if %self%==enemy set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=damage
  1491.     if %self%==player set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=damage
  1492.     ) else (
  1493.     set damage=0
  1494. )
  1495. if %multihitmovecount% GTR 0 (
  1496.     set /a multihitmovecount-=1
  1497.     goto multihitmovereturn
  1498. )
  1499. if %self%==player if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%emove%!==COUNTER set /a counterdamage*=2
  1500. if %self%==enemy if %pmove%==COUNTER set /a counterdamage*=2
  1501. if %move%==DIG (
  1502.     set %self%pokeisunderground=0
  1503.     goto moveresume
  1504. )
  1505. if %move%==FLY (
  1506.     set %self%pokeisflying=0
  1507.     goto moveresume
  1508. )
  1509. if !%target%previousmove!==RAGE if not %damage%==0 (
  1510.     echo %opokename%'s rage is building^^!
  1511.     set /a %target%atkstatlevel+=1
  1512.     set ragereturn=1
  1513.     goto determinestats
  1514. )
  1515. :rageresume
  1516. set ragereturn=0
  1517. :skipto
  1518. goto attackeffects
  1519. :moveresume
  1520. if %move%==TWINEEDLE if !%self%twineedletrip!==1 (
  1521.     set %self%twineedletrip=0
  1522.     goto multihitmovereturn
  1523. )
  1524. if %cancrash%==1 if %missed%==1 (
  1525.     @REM if %self%==player set /a damage=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp!/2
  1526.     @REM if %self%==enemy set /a damage=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp!/2
  1527.     if %self%==player set /a damage=%playerpokestathp%/2
  1528.     if %self%==enemy set /a damage=%enemypokestathp%/2
  1529.     echo %pokename% kept going and crashed^^! !damage! damage^^!
  1530.     if %self%==player set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=!damage!
  1531.     if %self%==enemy set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=!damage!
  1532. )
  1533. if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 if %self%==player (
  1534.     set /a enemyremainingpokes-=1
  1535.     if !enemyremainingpokes! LEQ 0 goto victory
  1536.     goto enemychoose
  1537. )
  1538. if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 if %self%==enemy (
  1539.     if not !playerremainingpokes! LEQ 1 echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! fainted^^!
  1540.     set /a playerremainingpokes-=1
  1541.     if !playerremainingpokes! LEQ 0 goto defeat
  1542.     set playeractivepoke=-1
  1543.     goto switchchoose
  1544. )
  1545. if %phase%==1 (
  1546.     set phase=2
  1547.     if %self%==player set self=enemy
  1548.     if %self%==enemy set self=player
  1549.     goto pokemonmove
  1550.     ) else (
  1551.     goto turnend
  1552. )
  1553. :enemychoose
  1554. if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 if !enemyremainingpokes! LEQ 0 goto victory
  1555. set /a ran=%random% %% %enemypokes% + 1
  1556. for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  1557.     @rem echo %ran% %%x %enemyactivepoke%
  1558.     if %ran%==%%x (
  1559.         if !enemypoke%%xcurhp! GEQ 0 if not !enemypoke%%x!==none (
  1560.             if not %enemyactivepoke%==%%x (
  1561.         if not %draggedout%==1 echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! fainted^^! %enemyname% sent out !enemypoke%%x!^^! [%enemyremainingpokes%/%enemypokes%]
  1562.                 if %draggedout%==1 echo !enemypoke%%x! was dragged out^^! [%enemyremainingpokes%/%enemypokes%]
  1563.                 set enemyactivepoke=%%x
  1564.                 set enemyreset=1
  1565.                 set needtoupdatestats=0
  1566.                 set haveswitched=0
  1567.                 goto varreset
  1568.             )
  1569.         )
  1570.     )
  1571. )
  1572. goto enemychoose
  1574. :switchchoose
  1575. if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 if !playerremainingpokes! LEQ 0 goto defeat
  1576. if %draggedout%==1 (
  1577.     set /a ran=%random% %% %playerpokes% + 1
  1578.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  1579.         if !ran!==%%x (
  1580.             if !playerpoke%%xcurhp! GEQ 0 if not !playerpoke%%x!==none  (
  1581.                 if not %playeractivepoke%==%%x (
  1582.                     echo !playerpoke%%x! was dragged out^^! [%playerremainingpokes%/%playerpokes%]
  1583.                     set playeractivepoke=%%x
  1584.                     set playerreset=1
  1585.                     set needtoupdatestats=0
  1586.                     set haveswitched=0
  1587.                     goto varreset
  1588.                 )
  1589.             )
  1590.         )
  1591.     )
  1592.     goto switchchoose
  1593. )
  1594. if %bot%==1 (
  1595.     set /a ran=%random% %% %playerpokes% + 1
  1596.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  1597.         @rem echo %ran% %%x %playeractivepoke%
  1598.         if !ran!==%%x (
  1599.             if !playerpoke%%xcurhp! GEQ 0 if not !playerpoke%%x!==none (
  1600.                 if not %playeractivepoke%==%%x (
  1601.                     if not %draggedout%==1 echo Go^^! !playerpoke%%x!^^! [%playerremainingpokes%/%playerpokes%]
  1602.                     if %draggedout%==1 echo !playerpoke%%x! was dragged out^^! [%playerremainingpokes%/%playerpokes%]
  1603.                     set playeractivepoke=%%x
  1604.                     set playerreset=1
  1605.                     set needtoupdatestats=0
  1606.                     set haveswitched=0
  1607.                     goto varreset
  1608.                 )
  1609.             )
  1610.         )
  1611.     )
  1612.     goto switchchoose
  1613. )
  1614. set /p switch=Pokemon in party: %playerpoke1%, %playerpoke2%, %playerpoke3%, %playerpoke4%, %playerpoke5%, %playerpoke6%...
  1615. if not %switch%==none if %switch%==!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! (
  1616.     if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! LEQ 0 (
  1617.         echo %switch% has fainted^^!
  1618.         goto switchchoose
  1619.     )
  1620.     echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is already out^^!
  1621.     goto switchchoose
  1622. )
  1623. if not %switch%==none if not %switch%==!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! (
  1624.     if %switch%==return goto mainloop
  1625.     if not %switch%==%playerpoke1% if not %switch%==%playerpoke2% if not %switch%==%playerpoke2% if not %switch%==%playerpoke3% if not %switch%==%playerpoke4% if not %switch%==%playerpoke5% if not %switch%==%playerpoke6% (
  1626.         echo Invalid choice.
  1627.         goto switchchoose
  1628.     )
  1629.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  1630.         if %switch%==!playerpoke%%x! (
  1631.             if !playerpoke%%xcurhp! LEQ 0 (
  1632.                 echo %switch% has fainted^^!
  1633.                 goto switchchoose
  1634.             )
  1635.             if not %playeractivepoke%==-1 (
  1636.                 set /a jumpphase+=1
  1637.                 set haveswitched=1
  1638.                 set pswitchto=%%x
  1639.                 goto enemymovechoose
  1640.                 ) else (
  1641.                 echo Go^^! %switch%^^! [%playerremainingpokes%/%playerpokes%]
  1642.                 set playeractivepoke=%%x
  1643.                 set playerreset=1
  1644.                 goto varreset
  1645.             )
  1646.         )
  1647.     )
  1648. )
  1649. echo Invalid choice.
  1650. goto switchchoose
  1652. :victory
  1653. echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! fainted^^! %playername% defeated %enemyname%^^!
  1654. pause
  1655. goto mainmenu
  1656. :defeat
  1657. echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! fainted^^! %enemyname% defeated %playername%^^!
  1658. pause
  1659. goto mainmenu
  1661. :attackeffects
  1662. if %attackeffect%==buff (
  1663.     set /a %self%%buffstatshort%level+=1
  1664.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  1665.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %pokename%'s %buffstatlong% rose^^!
  1666.     goto determinestats
  1667. )
  1668. if %attackeffect%==sharpbuff (
  1669.     set /a %self%%buffstatshort%level+=2
  1670.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  1671.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %pokename%'s %buffstatlong% rose sharply^^!
  1672. )
  1673. if %attackeffect%==debuff (
  1674.     set /a %target%%buffstatshort%level-=1
  1675.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  1676.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %opokename%'s %buffstatlong% fell^^!
  1677.     goto determinestats
  1678. )
  1679. if %attackeffect%==sharpdebuff (
  1680.     set /a %target%%buffstatshort%level-=2
  1681.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  1682.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %opokename%'s %buffstatlong% fell harshly^^!
  1683.     goto determinestats
  1684. )
  1685. if %attackeffect%==chancedebuff (
  1686.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1687.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  1688.     if !ran! LEQ %chance% (
  1689.         set /a %target%%buffstatshort%level-=1
  1690.         echo %opokename%'s %buffstatlong% fell^^!
  1691.     )
  1692.     goto determinestats
  1693. )
  1694. if %attackeffect%==chancefreeze (
  1695.     set canbefrozen=0
  1696.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1697.     if %self%==player if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!==ice if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!==ice set canbefrozen=1
  1698.     if %self%==enemy if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!==ice if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!==ice set canbefrozen=1
  1699.     if !%target%pokestatus!==none if !canbefrozen!==1 (
  1700.             if !ran! LEQ 10 (
  1701.             set %target%pokestatus=frozen
  1702.             echo %opokename% is frozen solid^^!
  1703.         )
  1704.     )
  1705.     goto moveresume
  1706. )
  1707. if %attackeffect%==paralyze (
  1708.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  1709.     set canbeparalyzed=0
  1710.     if %self%==player if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!==electric if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!==electric set canbeparalyzed=1
  1711.     if %self%==enemy if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!==electric if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!==electric set canbeparalyzed=1
  1712.     if !%target%pokestatus!==none if !canbeparalyzed!==1 (
  1713.         set %target%pokestatus=paralyzed
  1714.         if %target%==player echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is paralyed^^! It may be unable to move^^!
  1715.         if %target%==enemy echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is paralyed^^! It may be unable to move^^!
  1716.         goto determinestats
  1717.     )
  1718.     if not !%target%pokestatus!==none (
  1719.         if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1720.         if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1721.         set needtoupdatestats=0
  1722.         goto moveresume
  1723.     )
  1724. )
  1725. if %attackeffect%==chanceparalyze (
  1726.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  1727.     set canbeparalyzed=0
  1728.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1729.     if %self%==player if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!==electric if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!==electric set canbeparalyzed=1
  1730.     if %self%==enemy if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!==electric if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!==electric set canbeparalyzed=1
  1731.     if !%target%pokestatus!==none if !canbeparalyzed!==1 (
  1732.             if !ran! LEQ %chance% (
  1733.             set %target%pokestatus=paralyzed
  1734.             echo %opokename% is paralyed^^! It may be unable to move^^!
  1735.         )
  1736.     )
  1737.     goto determinestats
  1738. )
  1739. if %attackeffect%==chanceburn (
  1740.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  1741.     set canbeburned=0
  1742.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1743.     if %self%==player if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!==fire if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!==fire set canbeburned=1
  1744.     if %self%==enemy if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!==fire if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!==fire set canbeburned=1
  1745.     if !%target%pokestatus!==none if !canbeburned!==1 (
  1746.             if !ran! LEQ 10 (
  1747.             set %target%pokestatus=burned
  1748.             echo %opokename% is burned^^!
  1749.         )
  1750.     )
  1751.     goto determinestats
  1752. )
  1753. if %attackeffect%==sleep (
  1754.     if !%target%pokeisasleep! GEQ 1 (
  1755.         if %target%==player echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1756.         if %target%==enemy echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1757.         goto moveresume
  1758.     )
  1759.     set /a turns=%random% %% 4 + 1
  1760.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1761.     if !%target%pokestatus!==none (
  1762.             if !ran! LEQ 99 (
  1763.             set %target%pokestatus=asleep
  1764.             set %target%pokeisasleep=!turns!
  1765.             if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is fast asleep^^!
  1766.             if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is fast asleep^^!
  1767.         )
  1768.     )
  1769.     goto moveresume
  1770. )
  1771. if %attackeffect%==poison (
  1772.     set canbepoisoned=0
  1773.     if %self%==player if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!==steel if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!==steel if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!==poison if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!==poison set canbepoisoned=1
  1774.     if %self%==enemy if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!==steel if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!==steel if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!==poison if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!==poison set canbepoisoned=1
  1775.     if !%target%pokestatus!==none if !canbepoisoned!==1 (
  1776.         set %target%pokestatus=poisoned
  1777.         if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is poisoned^^!
  1778.         if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is poisoned^^!
  1779.     )
  1780.     goto moveresume
  1781. )
  1782. if %attackeffect%==chancepoison (
  1783.     set canbepoisoned=0
  1784.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1785.     if %self%==player if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!==steel if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!==steel if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1!==poison if not !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2!==poison set canbepoisoned=1
  1786.     if %self%==enemy if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!==steel if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!==steel if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1!==poison if not !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2!==poison set canbepoisoned=1
  1787.     if !%target%pokestatus!==none if !canbepoisoned!==1 if !ran! LEQ %chance% (
  1788.         set %target%pokestatus=poisoned
  1789.         if %self%==player echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is poisoned^^!
  1790.         if %self%==enemy echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is poisoned^^!
  1791.     )
  1792.     goto moveresume
  1793. )
  1794. if %attackeffect%==multiturndamage (
  1795.     set /a %target%multiturndamage=%random% %% 1 + 4
  1796.     set %target%MTDtype=%mtdtype%
  1797.     goto moveresume
  1798. )
  1799. if %attackeffect%==chanceflinch (
  1800.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  1801.     if !ran! LEQ %chance% (
  1802.         set %target%willflinch=1
  1803.     )
  1804.     goto moveresume
  1805. )
  1806. if %attackeffect%==lowercrit (
  1807.     set /a %self%critlevel-=1
  1808.     goto moveresume
  1809. )
  1810. if %attackeffect%==leech (
  1811.     set /a damage=%damage%/2
  1812.     if %self%==player set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp+=!damage!
  1813.     if %self%==enemy set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp+=!damage!
  1814.     if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! GTR %playerpokestathp% set playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp=%playerpokestathp%
  1815.     if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp! GTR %enemypokestathp% set enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp=%enemypokestathp%
  1816.     if %self%==enemy echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! was drained of health^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! regained !damage! health^^!
  1817.     if %self%==player echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! was drained of health^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! regained !damage! health^^!
  1818.     goto moveresume
  1819. )
  1820. if %attackeffect%==recoil (
  1821.     set /a recoil=%damage%/%recoildivisor%
  1822.     if %self%==enemy (
  1823.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! took !recoil! damage^^!
  1824.         set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=!recoil!
  1825.     )
  1826.     if %self%==player (
  1827.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! took !recoil! damage^^!
  1828.         set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=!recoil!
  1829.     )
  1830.     goto moveresume
  1832. )
  1833. if %attackeffect%==selfdestroy (
  1834.     if %target%==player (
  1835.         set enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp=0
  1836.         set /a enemyremainingpokes-=1
  1837.         if %damage%==0 echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! fainted^^!
  1838.         goto enemychoose
  1839.     )
  1840.     if %target%==enemy (
  1841.         set playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp=0
  1842.         if %damage%==0 echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! fainted^^!
  1843.         set /a playerremainingpokes-=1
  1844.         if !playerremainingpokes! LEQ 0 goto defeat
  1845.         if not %damage%==0 echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! fainted^^!
  1846.         set playeractivepoke=-1
  1847.         goto switchchoose
  1848.     )
  1849. )
  1850. if %attackeffect%==ohko (
  1851.     if %target%==enemy (
  1852.         set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp=0
  1853.     @rem    echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! fainted^^!
  1854.         goto enemychoose
  1855.     )
  1856.     if %target%==player (
  1857.         set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp=0
  1858.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! fainted^^!
  1859.         set playeractivepoke=-1
  1860.         goto switchchoose
  1861.     )
  1862. )
  1863. if %attackeffect%==autofail (
  1864.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1865.     goto moveresume
  1866. )
  1867. if %attackeffect%==dragout (
  1868.     set draggedout=1
  1869.     if %target%==enemy (
  1870.         if %enemyremainingpokes%==1 (
  1871.             echo echo %pokename% used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1872.             goto moveresume
  1873.         )
  1874.         echo %pokename% used %move%^^!
  1875.         goto enemychoose
  1876.     )
  1877.     if %target%==player (
  1878.         if %playerremainingpokes%==1 (
  1879.             echo echo %pokename% used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1880.             goto moveresume
  1881.         )
  1882.         echo %pokename% used %move%^^!
  1883.         goto switchchoose
  1884.     )
  1885. )
  1886. if %attackeffect%==recover (
  1887.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! It regained health^^!
  1888.     if %self%==player set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp+=%playerpokestathp%/2
  1889.     if %self%==enemy set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp+=%enemypokestathp%/2
  1890.     if !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp! GTR %playerpokestathp% set playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp=%playerpokestathp%/2
  1891.     if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp! GTR %enemypokestathp% set enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp=%enemypokestathp%/2
  1892.     goto moveresume
  1893. )
  1894. if %attackeffect%==confuse (
  1895.     if !%target%pokeisconfused! GEQ 1 (
  1896.         echo %pokename% used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1897.         goto moveresume
  1898.     )
  1899.     set /a %target%pokeisconfused=%random% %% 5 + 1
  1900.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %opokename% became confused^^!
  1901.     goto moveresume
  1902. )
  1903. if %attackeffect%==chanceconfuse (
  1904.     set /a ran=%random% %% 10 + 1
  1905.     if !ran! LEQ %chance% (
  1906.         if %target%pokeisconfused==0 (
  1907.             set /a %target%pokeisconfused=%random% %% 5 + 1
  1908.             echo %opokename% became confused^^!
  1909.         )
  1910.     )
  1911.     goto moveresume
  1912. )
  1913. if %move%==BIDE (
  1914.     set /a %self%isbiding+=1
  1915.     if !%self%isbiding!==3 (
  1916.         set %self%isbiding=0
  1917.         set /a %self%bidedamage*=2
  1918.         if %target%==player (
  1919.             set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=!enemybidedamage!
  1920.             echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemybidedamage! damage^^!
  1921.         )
  1922.         if %target%==enemy (
  1923.             set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=!playerbidedamage!
  1924.             echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerbidedamage! damage^^!
  1925.         )
  1926.         goto moveresume
  1927.     )
  1928.     if not !%self%isbiding!==1 if not !%self%isbiding!==0 (
  1929.         if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is biding it's time^^!
  1930.         if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is biding it's time^^!
  1931.         goto moveresume
  1932.     )
  1933.     if !%self%isbiding!==1 (
  1934.         if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^!
  1935.         if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^!
  1936.         goto moveresume
  1937.     )
  1938. )
  1939. if %move%==CONVERSION (
  1940.     set conversioncheck=1
  1941.     if %self%==player set move=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%m1!
  1942.     if %self%==enemy set move=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m1!
  1943.     goto movedictionary
  1944. )
  1945. if %move%==COUNTER (
  1946.     if %pmove%==COUNTER if !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%m%emove%!==COUNTER (
  1947.         if %target%==player echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1948.         if %target%==enemy echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1949.         goto moveresume
  1950.     )
  1951.     if %counterphysicalcheck%==1 (
  1952.         if %target%==player (
  1953.             set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=%counterdamage%
  1954.             echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! %counterdamage% damage^^!
  1955.         )
  1956.         if %target%==enemy (
  1957.             set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=%counterdamage%
  1958.             echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! %counterdamage% damage^^!
  1959.         )
  1960.     ) else (
  1961.     if %target%==player echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1962.     if %target%==enemy echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1963.     )
  1964.     set counterdamage=0
  1965.     goto moveresume
  1966. )
  1967. if %move%==DIG (
  1968.     if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! burrowed it's way underground^^!
  1969.     if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%enemyactivepoke%! burrowed it's way underground^^!
  1970.     set %self%pokeisunderground=1
  1971.     goto moveresume
  1972. )
  1973. if %move%==DISABLE (
  1974.     if %self%==player if %enemyisdisabled% GEQ 1 if %enemypreviousmove%==%enemydisabledmove% (
  1975.         !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1976.     )
  1977.     if %self%==enemy if %playerisdisabled% GEQ 1 if %playerpreviousmove%==%playerdisabledmove% (
  1978.         !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1979.     )
  1980.     if %self%==player if %enemypreviousmove%==0 (
  1981.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1982.         goto moveresume
  1983.     )
  1984.     if %self%==enemy if %playerpreviousmove%==0 (
  1985.         !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! But it failed^^!
  1986.         goto moveresume
  1987.     )
  1988.     set /a ran=%random% %% 8 + 1
  1989.     if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! disabled !playerpoke%enemyactivepoke%!'s %playerpreviousmove%^^!
  1990.     if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%enemyactivepoke%! disabled !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%!'s %enemypreviousmove%^^!
  1991.     set %target%isdisabled=!ran!
  1992.     set %target%disabledmove=!%target%previousmove!
  1993.     goto moveresume
  1994. )
  1995. if %move%==DRAGON_RAGE (
  1996.     if %target%==player (
  1997.         set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=40
  1998.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! 40 damage^^!
  1999.     )
  2000.     if %target%==enemy (
  2001.         set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-40
  2002.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! 40 damage^^!
  2003.     )
  2004. )
  2005. if %move%==FLY (
  2006.     if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! flew up high^^!
  2007.     if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! flew up high^^!
  2008.     set %self%pokeisflying=1
  2009.     goto moveresume
  2010. )
  2011. if %move%==FOCUS_ENERGY (
  2012.     set /a %self%critlevel+=1
  2013.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  2014.     if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! is storing energy^^!
  2015.     if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! is storing energy^^!
  2016.     goto moveresume
  2017. )
  2018. if %move%==GROWTH (
  2019.     set /a %self%atkstatlevel+=1
  2020.     set /a %self%satkstatlevel+=1
  2021.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  2022.     if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%!'s attack rose^^!
  2023.     if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%!'s sp. attack rose^^!
  2024.     if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%!'s attack rose^^!
  2025.     if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%!'s sp. attack rose^^!
  2026.     goto determinestats
  2027. )
  2028. if %move%==HAZE (
  2029.     set needtoupdatestats=1
  2030.     set playerreset=1
  2031.     set enemyreset=1
  2032.     if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! All stat changes were eliminated^^!
  2033.     if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! All stat changes were eliminated^^!
  2034.     goto varreset
  2035. )
  2036. if %move%==LEECH_SEED (
  2037.     if %self%==enemy echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^!
  2038.     if %self%==player echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^!
  2039.     set %target%isseeded=1
  2040.     goto moveresume
  2041. )
  2042. if %move%==LIGHT_SCREEN (
  2043.     set %self%liscmod=2
  2044.     set %self%lisccounter=5
  2045.     if %self%==player echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %move% raised your team's special defense^^!
  2046.     if %self%==enemy echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %move% raised the enemy team's special defense^^!
  2047.     goto moveresume
  2048. )
  2049. if %move%==NIGHT_SHADE (
  2050.     if %target%==player (
  2051.         set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl!
  2052.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl! damage^^!
  2053.     )
  2054.     if %target%==enemy (
  2055.         set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl!
  2056.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl! damage^^!
  2057.     )
  2058.     goto moveresume
  2059. )
  2060. if %move%==PSYWAVE (
  2061.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 51
  2062.     if %target%==enemy for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(!ran!/100)*!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl!"') do set damage=%%n
  2063.     if %target%==player for /f %%n in ('cscript //nologo eval.vbs "(!ran!/100)*!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl!"') do set damage=%%n
  2064.     for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo !damage!') do set damage=%%a
  2065.     if %target%==player (
  2066.         set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=!damage!
  2067.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !damage! damage^^!
  2068.     )
  2069.     if %target%==enemy (
  2070.         set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=!damage!
  2071.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !damage! damage^^!
  2072.     )
  2073.     goto moveresume
  2074. )
  2075. if %move%==REFLECT (
  2076.     set %self%refmod=2
  2077.     set %self%refcounter=5
  2078.     if %self%==player echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %move% raised your team's defense^^!
  2079.     if %self%==enemy echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %move% raised the enemy team's defense^^!
  2080.     goto moveresume
  2081. )
  2082. if %move%==REST (
  2083.     set %self%pokestatus=asleep
  2084.     set %self%pokeisasleep=2
  2085.     echo %pokename% used %move%^^! %pokename% went to sleep^^!
  2086.     echo %pokename% regained health^^!
  2087.     if %self%==player set playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp=%playerpokestathp%
  2088.     if %self%==enemy set enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp=%enemypokestathp%
  2089.     goto moveresume
  2090. )
  2091. if %move%==SEISMIC_TOSS (
  2092.     if %target%==player (
  2093.         set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl!
  2094.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%lvl! damage^^!
  2095.     )
  2096.     if %target%==enemy (
  2097.         set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl!
  2098.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%lvl! damage^^!
  2099.     )
  2100.     goto moveresume
  2101. )
  2102. if %move%==SKY_ATTACK (
  2103.     set /a ran=%random% %% 99 + 1
  2104.     set %self%ischargingsky=0
  2105.     if !ran! LEQ 30 (
  2106.         set %target%willflinch=1
  2107.     )
  2108.     goto moveresume
  2109. )
  2110. if %move%==SOLAR_BEAM (
  2111.     set %self%ischargingsolar=0
  2112.     goto moveresume
  2113. )
  2114. if %move%==SONIC_BOOM (
  2115.     if %target%==player (
  2116.         set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=20
  2117.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! 20 damage^^!
  2118.     )
  2119.     if %target%==enemy (
  2120.         set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-20
  2121.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! 20 damage^^!
  2122.     )
  2123.     goto moveresume
  2124. )
  2125. if %move%==SPLASH (
  2126.     echo %pokename% used splash^^! But nothing happened^^!
  2127.     goto moveresume
  2128. )
  2129. if %move%==SUPER_FANG (
  2130.     if %target%==enemy set damage=!playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp!/2
  2131.     if %target%==player set damage=!enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp!/2
  2132.     for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %%a in ('echo !damage!') do set damage=%%a
  2133.     if %target%==player (
  2134.         set /a playerpoke%playeractivepoke%curhp-=!damage!
  2135.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used %move%^^! !damage! damage^^!
  2136.     )
  2137.     if %target%==enemy (
  2138.         set /a enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%curhp-=!damage!
  2139.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used %move%^^! !damage! damage^^!
  2140.     )
  2141.     goto moveresume
  2142. )
  2144. :attackeffectsresume
  2145. goto moveresume
  2147. :helpmovedictionary
  2148. echo Currently-Coded Move List
  2149. @echo
  2150. echo Generation One:
  2151. echo Present:
  2152. echo Absorb
  2153. echo Acid
  2154. echo Acid Armor
  2155. echo Agility
  2156. echo Amnesia
  2157. echo Aurora Beam
  2158. echo Barrage
  2159. echo Barrier
  2160. echo Bide
  2161. echo Bind
  2162. echo Bite
  2163. echo Blizzard
  2164. echo Body Slam
  2165. echo Bone Club
  2166. echo Bonermerang
  2167. echo Bubble
  2168. echo Bubble Beam
  2169. echo Clamp
  2170. echo Comet Punch
  2171. echo Confuse Ray
  2172. echo Confusion
  2173. echo Constrict
  2174. echo Conversion
  2175. echo Counter
  2176. echo Crabhammer
  2177. echo Cut
  2178. echo Defense Curl
  2179. echo Dig
  2180. echo Disable
  2181. echo Dizzy Punch
  2182. echo Double Kick
  2183. echo Double Slap
  2184. echo Double Team
  2185. echo Double-Edge
  2186. echo Dragon Rage
  2187. echo Drill Peck
  2188. echo Earthquake
  2189. echo Egg Bomb
  2190. echo Ember
  2191. echo Explosion
  2192. echo Fire_Blast
  2193. echo Fire Punch
  2194. echo Fire Spin
  2195. echo Fissure
  2196. echo Flamethrower
  2197. echo Flash
  2198. echo Fly
  2199. echo Focus Energyy
  2200. echo Fury Attack
  2201. echo Fury Swipes
  2202. echo Glare
  2203. echo Growl
  2204. echo Growth
  2205. echo Guillotine
  2206. echo Gust
  2207. echo Harden
  2208. echo Haze
  2209. echo Headbutt
  2210. echo High Jump Kick
  2211. echo Horn Attack
  2212. echo Horn Drill
  2213. echo Hydro Pump
  2214. echo Hyper Beam
  2215. echo Hyper Fang
  2216. echo Hypnosis
  2217. echo Ice Beam
  2218. echo Ice Punch
  2219. echo Jump Kick
  2220. echo Karate Chop
  2221. echo Kinesis
  2222. echo Leech Life
  2223. echo Leech Seed
  2224. echo Leer
  2225. echo Lick
  2226. echo Light Screen
  2227. echo Lovely Kiss
  2228. echo Meditate
  2229. echo Mega Drain
  2230. echo Mega Kick
  2231. echo Mega Punch
  2232. echo Minimize
  2233. echo Mirrow Move
  2234. echo Night Shade
  2235. echo Pay Day
  2236. echo Peck
  2237. echo Pin Missile
  2238. echo Poison Gas
  2239. echo Poison Powder
  2240. echo Poison Sting
  2241. echo Pound
  2242. echo Psybeam
  2243. echo Psychic
  2244. echo Psywave
  2245. echo Quick Attack
  2246. echo Rage
  2247. echo Razor Leaf
  2248. echo Recover
  2249. echo Reflect
  2250. echo Rest
  2251. echo Roar
  2252. echo Rock Slide
  2253. echo Rock Throw
  2254. echo Rolling Kick
  2255. echo Sand Attack
  2256. echo Scratch
  2257. echo Screech
  2258. echo Seismic Toss
  2259. echo Self Destrcut
  2260. echo Sharpen
  2261. echo Sing
  2262. echo Sky Attack
  2263. echo Slam
  2264. echo Slash
  2265. echo Sleep Powder
  2266. echo Sludge
  2267. echo Smog
  2268. echo Smokescreen
  2269. echo Soft Boiled
  2270. echo Solar Beam
  2271. echo Sonic Boom
  2272. echo Spike Cannon
  2273. echo Splash
  2274. echo Spore
  2275. echo Stomp
  2276. echo Strength
  2277. echo String Shot
  2278. echo Struggle
  2279. echo Stun Spore
  2280. echo Submission
  2281. echo Super Fang
  2282. echo Supersonic
  2283. echo Surf
  2284. echo Swift
  2285. echo Swords Dance
  2286. echo Tackle
  2287. echo Tail Whip
  2288. echo Take Down
  2289. echo Teleport
  2290. echo Thrash
  2291. echo Thunder
  2292. echo Thunder Punch
  2293. echo Thunder Shock
  2294. echo Thunder Wqave
  2295. echo Thunderbolt
  2296. echo Toxic
  2297. echo Twineedle
  2298. echo Vice Grip
  2299. echo Vine Whip
  2300. echo Water Gun
  2301. echo Waterfall
  2302. echo Whirlwind
  2303. echo Wing Attack
  2304. echo Withdraw
  2305. echo Wrap
  2306. @echo
  2307. echo Absent:
  2308. echo Dream Eater
  2309. echo Low Kick
  2310. echo Metronome
  2311. echo Mimic
  2312. echo Petal Dance
  2313. echo Razor Wind
  2314. echo Skull Bash
  2315. echo Substitute
  2316. echo Transform
  2317. @echo
  2318. goto :eof
  2320. :movedictionary
  2321. if %self%==player set target=enemy
  2322. if %self%==enemy set target=player
  2323. set PRIORITY=0
  2324. set moveisohko=0
  2325. set attackeffect=none
  2327. if %move%==ABSORB (
  2328.     set atktype=grass
  2329.     set BP=20
  2330.     set ACC=100
  2331.     set movecategory=special
  2332.     set attackeffect=leech
  2333. )
  2334. if %move%==ACID (
  2335.     set atktype=poison
  2336.     set BP=40
  2337.     set ACC=100
  2338.     set movecategory=special
  2339.     set attackeffect=chancedebuff
  2340.     set chance=10
  2341.     set buffstatshort=sdefstat
  2342.     set buffstatlong=special_defense
  2343. )
  2344. if %move%==ACID_ARMOR (
  2345.     set atktype=poison
  2346.     set BP=0
  2347.     set ACC=100
  2348.     set movecategory=status
  2349.     set attackeffect=sharpbuff
  2350.     set buffstatshort=defstat
  2351.     set buffstatlong=defense
  2352. )
  2353. if %move%==AGILITY (
  2354.     set atktype=psychic
  2355.     set BP=0
  2356.     set ACC=100
  2357.     set movecategory=status
  2358.     set attackeffect=sharpbuff
  2359.     set buffstatshort=spdstat
  2360.     set buffstatlong=speed
  2361. )
  2362. if %move%==AMNESIA (
  2363.     set atktype=psychic
  2364.     set BP=0
  2365.     set ACC=100
  2366.     set movecategory=status
  2367.     set attackeffect=sharpbuff
  2368.     set buffstatshort=statsdef
  2369.     set buffstatlong=special_defense
  2370. )
  2371. if %move%==AURORA_BEAM (
  2372.     set atktype=ice
  2373.     set BP=65
  2374.     set ACC=100
  2375.     set movecategory=special
  2376.     set attackeffect=chancefreeze
  2377. )
  2378. if %move%==BARRAGE (
  2379.     set atktype=normal
  2380.     set BP=15
  2381.     set ACC=85
  2382.     set movecategory=physical
  2383.     set /a multihitmovecount=%random% %% 4 + 1
  2384. )
  2385. if %move%==BARRIER (
  2386.     set atktype=psychic
  2387.     set BP=0
  2388.     set ACC=100
  2389.     set movecategory=status
  2390.     set attackeffect=sharpbuff
  2391.     set buffstatshort=defstat
  2392.     set buffstatlong=defense
  2393. )
  2394. if %move%==BIDE (
  2395.     set atktype=normal
  2396.     set BP=0
  2397.     set ACC=100
  2398.     set movecategory=physical
  2399.     set PRIORITY=1
  2400. )
  2401. if %move%==BIND (
  2402.     set atktype=normal
  2403.     set BP=15
  2404.     set ACC=85
  2405.     set movecategory=physical
  2406.     set attackeffect=multiturndamage
  2407.     set mtdtype=bind
  2408. )
  2409. if %move%==BITE (
  2410.     set atktype=dark
  2411.     set BP=60
  2412.     set ACC=100
  2413.     set movecategory=physical
  2414.     set attackeffect=chanceflinch
  2415.     set chance=30
  2416. )
  2417. if %move%==BLIZZARD (
  2418.     set atktype=ice
  2419.     set BP=110
  2420.     set ACC=70
  2421.     set movecategory=special
  2422.     set attackeffect=chancefreeze
  2423. )
  2424. if %move%==BODY_SLAM (
  2425.     set atktype=normal
  2426.     set BP=85
  2427.     set ACC=100
  2428.     set movecategory=physical
  2429.     set attackeffect=chanceparalyze
  2430. )
  2431. if %move%==BONE_CLUB (
  2432.     set atktype=ground
  2433.     set BP=65
  2434.     set ACC=85
  2435.     set movecategory=physical
  2436.     set attackeffect=chanceflinch
  2437.     set chance=10
  2438. )
  2439. if %move%==BONEMERANG (
  2440.     set atktype=ground
  2441.     set BP=50
  2442.     set ACC=90
  2443.     set movecategory=physical
  2444.     set multihitmovecount=1
  2445. )
  2446. if %move%==BUBBLE (
  2447.     set atktype=water
  2448.     set BP=40
  2449.     set ACC=100
  2450.     set movecategory=physical
  2451.     set attackeffect=chancedebuff
  2452.     set chance=10
  2453.     set buffstatshort=spdstat
  2454.     set buffstatlong=speed
  2455. )
  2456. if %move%==BUBBLE_BEAM (
  2457.     set atktype=water
  2458.     set BP=65
  2459.     set ACC=100
  2460.     set movecategory=special
  2461.     set attackeffect=chancedebuff
  2462.     set chance=10
  2463.     set buffstatshort=spdstat
  2464.     set buffstatlong=speed
  2465. )
  2466. if %move%==CLAMP (
  2467.     set atktype=water
  2468.     set BP=35
  2469.     set ACC=85
  2470.     set movecategory=physical
  2471.     set attackeffect=multiturndamage
  2472.     set mtdtype=clamp
  2473. )
  2474. if %move%==COMET_PUNCH (
  2475.     set atktype=normal
  2476.     set BP=18
  2477.     set ACC=85
  2478.     set movecategory=physical
  2479.     set /a multihitmovecount=%random% %% 4 + 1
  2480. )
  2481. if %move%==CONFUSE_RAY (
  2482.     set atktype=ghost
  2483.     set BP=0
  2484.     set ACC=100
  2485.     set movecategory=status
  2486.     set attackeffect=confuse
  2487. )
  2488. if %move%==CONFUSION (
  2489.     set atktype=psychic
  2490.     set BP=50
  2491.     set ACC=100
  2492.     set movecategory=special
  2493.     set attackeffect=chanceconfuse
  2494.     set chance=10
  2495. )
  2496. if %move%==CONSTRICT (
  2497.     set atktype=normal
  2498.     set BP=10
  2499.     set ACC=100
  2500.     set movecategory=physical
  2501.     set movecategory=special
  2502.     set attackeffect=chancedebuff
  2503.     set chance=10
  2504.     set buffstatshort=spdstat
  2505.     set buffstatlong=speed
  2506. )
  2507. if %move%==CONVERSION (
  2508.     set atktype=normal
  2509.     set BP=0
  2510.     set ACC=100
  2511.     set movecategory=status
  2512. )
  2513. if %move%==COUNTER (
  2514.     set atktype=fighting
  2515.     set BP=80
  2516.     set ACC=100
  2517.     set movecategory=physical
  2518.     set PRIORITY=-5
  2519. )
  2520. if %move%==CRABHAMMER (
  2521.     set atktype=water
  2522.     set BP=100
  2523.     set ACC=90
  2524.     set movecategory=physical
  2525.     set tempcritboost=1
  2526.     set attackeffect=lowercrit
  2527. )
  2528. if %move%==CUT (
  2529.     set atktype=normal
  2530.     set BP=50
  2531.     set ACC=95
  2532.     set movecategory=physical
  2533. )
  2534. if %move%==DEFENSE_CURL (
  2535.     set atktype=normal
  2536.     set BP=0
  2537.     set ACC=100
  2538.     set movecategory=status
  2539.     set attackeffect=buff
  2540.     set buffstatshort=defstat
  2541.     set buffstatlong=defense
  2542. )
  2543. if %move%==DIG (
  2544.     set atktype=ground
  2545.     set BP=80
  2546.     set ACC=100
  2547.     set movecategory=physical
  2548. )
  2549. if %move%==DISABLE (
  2550.     set atktype=normal
  2551.     set BP=0
  2552.     set ACC=100
  2553.     set movecategory=status
  2554. )
  2555. if %move%==DIZZY_PUNCH (
  2556.     set atktype=normal
  2557.     set BP=70
  2558.     set ACC=100
  2559.     set movecategory=physical
  2560.     set attackeffect=chanceconfuse
  2561.     set chance=10
  2562. )
  2563. if %move%==DOUBLE_KICK (
  2564.     set atktype=fighting
  2565.     set BP=30
  2566.     set ACC=100
  2567.     set movecategory=physical
  2568.     set multihitmovecount=1
  2569. )
  2570. if %move%==DOUBLE_SLAP (
  2571.     set atktype=normal
  2572.     set BP=15
  2573.     set ACC=85
  2574.     set movecategory=physical
  2575.     set /a multihitmovecount=1
  2576. )
  2577. if %move%==DOUBLE_TEAM (
  2578.     set atktype=normal
  2579.     set BP=0
  2580.     set ACC=100
  2581.     set movecategory=status
  2582.     set attackeffect=buff
  2583.     set buffstatshort=eva
  2584.     set buffstatlong=evasion
  2585. )
  2586. if %move%==DOUBLE_EDGE (
  2587.     set atktype=normal
  2588.     set BP=120
  2589.     set ACC=100
  2590.     set movecategory=physical
  2591.     set attackeffect=recoil
  2592.     set recoildivisor=3
  2593. )
  2594. if %move%==DRAGON_RAGE (
  2595.     set atktype=dragon
  2596.     set BP=0
  2597.     set ACC=100
  2598.     set movecategory=physical
  2599. )
  2600. if %move%==DRILL_PECK (
  2601.     set atktype=flying
  2602.     set BP=80
  2603.     set ACC=100
  2604.     set movecategory=physical
  2605. )
  2606. if %move%==EARTHQUAKE (
  2607.     set atktype=ground
  2608.     set BP=100
  2609.     set ACC=100
  2610.     set movecategory=physical
  2611. )
  2612. if %move%==EGG_BOMB (
  2613.     set atktype=normal
  2614.     set BP=100
  2615.     set ACC=75
  2616.     set movecategory=physical
  2617. )
  2618. if %move%==EMBER (
  2619.     set atktype=fire
  2620.     set BP=40
  2621.     set ACC=100
  2622.     set movecategory=special
  2623.     set attackeffect=chanceburn
  2624. )
  2625. if %move%==EXPLOSION (
  2626.     set atktype=normal
  2627.     set BP=250
  2628.     set ACC=100
  2629.     set movecategory=physical
  2630.     set attackeffect=selfdestroy
  2631. )
  2632. if %move%==FIRE_BLAST (
  2633.     set atktype=fire
  2634.     set BP=110
  2635.     set ACC=85
  2636.     set movecategory=special
  2637.     set attackeffect=chanceburn
  2638. )
  2639. if %move%==FIRE_PUNCH (
  2640.     set atktype=fire
  2641.     set BP=75
  2642.     set ACC=100
  2643.     set movecategory=physical
  2644.     set attackeffect=chanceburn
  2645. )
  2646. if %move%==FIRE_SPIN (
  2647.     set atktype=fire
  2648.     set BP=35
  2649.     set ACC=85
  2650.     set movecategory=physical
  2651. )
  2652. if %move%==FISSURE (
  2653.     set atktype=ground
  2654.     set BP=0
  2655.     set ACC=100
  2656.     set movecategory=physical
  2657.     set moveisohko=1
  2658.     set attackeffect=ohko
  2659. )
  2660. if %move%==FLAMETHROWER (
  2661.     set atktype=fire
  2662.     set BP=90
  2663.     set ACC=100
  2664.     set movecategory=special
  2665.     set attackeffect=chanceburn
  2666. )
  2667. if %move%==FLASH (
  2668.     set atktype=normal
  2669.     set BP=0
  2670.     set ACC=100
  2671.     set movecategory=status
  2672.     set attackeffect=debuff
  2673.     set buffstatshort=acc
  2674.     set buffstatlong=accuracy
  2675. )
  2676. if %move%==FLY (
  2677.     set atktype=flying
  2678.     set BP=90
  2679.     set ACC=95
  2680.     set movecategory=physical
  2681. )
  2682. if %move%==FOCUS_ENERGY (
  2683.     set atktype=normal
  2684.     set BP=0
  2685.     set ACC=100
  2686.     set movecategory=status
  2687. )
  2688. if %move%==FURY_ATTACK (
  2689.     set atktype=normal
  2690.     set BP=15
  2691.     set ACC=85
  2692.     set movecategory=physical
  2693.     set /a multihitmovecount=%random% %% 4 + 1
  2694. )
  2695. if %move%==FURY_SWIPES (
  2696.     set atktype=normal
  2697.     set BP=18
  2698.     set ACC=80
  2699.     set movecategory=physical
  2700.     set /a multihitmovecount=%random% %% 4 + 1
  2701. )
  2702. if %move%==GLARE (
  2703.     set atktype=normal
  2704.     set BP=0
  2705.     set ACC=100
  2706.     set movecategory=status
  2707.     set attackeffect=paralyze
  2708. )
  2709. if %move%==GROWL (
  2710.     set atktype=normal
  2711.     set BP=0
  2712.     set ACC=100
  2713.     set movecategory=status
  2714.     set attackeffect=debuff
  2715.     set buffstatshort=atkstat
  2716.     set buffstatlong=attack
  2717. )
  2718. if %move%==GROWTH (
  2719.     set atktype=normal
  2720.     set BP=0
  2721.     set ACC=100
  2722.     set movecategory=status
  2723. )
  2724. if %move%==GUILLOTINE (
  2725.     set atktype=normal
  2726.     set BP=0
  2727.     set ACC=100
  2728.     set movecategory=physical
  2729.     set moveisohko=1
  2730.     set attackeffect=ohko
  2731. )
  2732. if %move%==GUST (
  2733.     set atktype=flying
  2734.     set BP=40
  2735.     set ACC=100
  2736.     set movecategory=special
  2737. )
  2738. if %move%==HARDEN (
  2739.     set atktype=normal
  2740.     set BP=0
  2741.     set ACC=100
  2742.     set movecategory=status
  2743.     set attackeffect=buff
  2744.     set buffstatshort=defstat
  2745.     set buffstatlong=defense
  2746. )
  2747. if %move%==HAZE (
  2748.     set atktype=ice
  2749.     set BP=0
  2750.     set ACC=100
  2751.     set movecategory=status
  2752. )
  2753. if %move%==HEADBUTT (
  2754.     set atktype=normal
  2755.     set BP=70
  2756.     set ACC=100
  2757.     set movecategory=physical
  2758.     set attackeffect=chanceflinch
  2759.     set chance=30
  2760. )
  2761. if %move%==HIGH_JUMP_KICK (
  2762.     set atktype=fighting
  2763.     set BP=130
  2764.     set ACC=90
  2765.     set movecategory=physical
  2766.     set cancrash=1
  2767. )
  2768. if %move%==HORN_ATTACK (
  2769.     set atktype=normal
  2770.     set BP=65
  2771.     set ACC=100
  2772.     set movecategory=physical
  2773. )
  2774. if %move%==HORN_DRILL (
  2775.     set atktype=normal
  2776.     set BP=0
  2777.     set ACC=100
  2778.     set movecategory=physical
  2779.     set moveisohko=1
  2780.     set attackeffect=ohko
  2781. )
  2782. if %move%==HYDRO_PUMP (
  2783.     set atktype=water
  2784.     set BP=120
  2785.     set ACC=80
  2786.     set movecategory=special
  2787. )
  2788. if %move%==HYPER_BEAM (
  2789.     set atktype=normal
  2790.     set BP=150
  2791.     set ACC=90
  2792.     set movecategory=special
  2793. )
  2794. if %move%==HYPER_FANG (
  2795.     set atktype=normal
  2796.     set BP=0
  2797.     set ACC=100
  2798.     set movecategory=physical
  2799.     set moveisohko=1
  2800. )
  2801. if %move%==HYPNOSIS (
  2802.     set atktype=psychic
  2803.     set BP=0
  2804.     set ACC=100
  2805.     set movecategory=status
  2806.     set attackeffect=sleep
  2807. )
  2808. if %move%==ICE_BEAM (
  2809.     set atktype=ice
  2810.     set BP=90
  2811.     set ACC=100
  2812.     set movecategory=special
  2813.     set attackeffect=chancefreeze
  2814. )
  2815. if %move%==ICE_PUNCH (
  2816.     set atktype=ice
  2817.     set BP=75
  2818.     set ACC=100
  2819.     set movecategory=physical
  2820.     set attackeffect=chancefreeze
  2821. )
  2822. if %move%==JUMP_KICK (
  2823.     set atktype=fighting
  2824.     set BP=100
  2825.     set ACC=95
  2826.     set movecategory=physical
  2827.     set cancrash=1
  2828. )
  2829. if %move%==KARATE_CHOP (
  2830.     set atktype=fighting
  2831.     set BP=50
  2832.     set ACC=100
  2833.     set movecategory=physical
  2834.     set tempcritboost=1
  2835.     set attackeffect=lowercrit
  2836. )
  2837. if %move%==KINESIS (
  2838.     set atktype=psychic
  2839.     set BP=0
  2840.     set ACC=80
  2841.     set movecategory=status
  2842.     set attackeffect=debuff
  2843.     set buffstatshort=acc
  2844.     set buffstatlong=accuracy
  2845. )
  2846. if %move%==LEECH_LIFE (
  2847.     set atktype=bug
  2848.     set BP=20
  2849.     set ACC=100
  2850.     set movecategory=physical
  2851.     set attackeffect=leech
  2852. )
  2853. if %move%==LEECH_SEED (
  2854.     set atktype=grass
  2855.     set BP=0
  2856.     set ACC=90
  2857.     set movecategory=status
  2858. )
  2859. if %move%==LEER (
  2860.     set atktype=normal
  2861.     set BP=0
  2862.     set ACC=100
  2863.     set movecategory=status
  2864.     set attackeffect=debuff
  2865.     set buffstatshort=defstat
  2866.     set buffstatlong=defense
  2867. )
  2868. if %move%==LICK (
  2869.     set atktype=ghost
  2870.     set BP=0
  2871.     set ACC=100
  2872.     set movecategory=physical
  2873.     set attackeffect=chanceparalyze
  2874. )
  2875. if %move%==LIGHT_SCREEN (
  2876.     set atktype=psychic
  2877.     set BP=0
  2878.     set ACC=100
  2879.     set movecategory=status
  2880. )
  2881. if %move%==LOVELY_KISS (
  2882.     set atktype=normal
  2883.     set BP=0
  2884.     set ACC=75
  2885.     set movecategory=status
  2886. )
  2887. @rem LOW_KICK
  2888. if %move%==MEDITATE (
  2889.     set atktype=psychic
  2890.     set BP=0
  2891.     set ACC=100
  2892.     set movecategory=status
  2893.     set attackeffect=buff
  2894.     set buffstatshort=statatk
  2895.     set buffstatlong=attack
  2896. )
  2897. if %move%==MEGA_DRAIN (
  2898.     set atktype=grass
  2899.     set BP=40
  2900.     set ACC=100
  2901.     set movecategory=special
  2902.     set attackeffect=leech
  2903. )
  2904. if %move%==MEGA_KICK (
  2905.     set atktype=normal
  2906.     set BP=120
  2907.     set ACC=75
  2908.     set movecategory=physical
  2909. )
  2910. if %move%==MEGA_PUNCH (
  2911.     set atktype=normal
  2912.     set BP=80
  2913.     set ACC=85
  2914.     set movecategory=physical
  2915. )
  2917. @REM MIMIC
  2918. if %move%==MINIMIZE (
  2919.     set atktype=normal
  2920.     set BP=0
  2921.     set ACC=100
  2922.     set movecategory=status
  2923.     set attackeffect=sharpbuff
  2924.     set buffstatshort=eva
  2925.     set buffstatlong=evasion
  2926. )
  2927. if %move%==MIRROR_MOVE (
  2928.     set atktype=flying
  2929.     set BP=0
  2930.     set ACC=100
  2931.     set movecategory=physical
  2932. )
  2933. @REM MIST
  2934. if %move%==NIGHT_SHADE (
  2935.     set atktype=ghost
  2936.     set BP=0
  2937.     set ACC=100
  2938.     set movecategory=special
  2939. )
  2940. if %move%==PAY_DAY (
  2941.     set atktype=normal
  2942.     set BP=40
  2943.     set ACC=100
  2944.     set movecategory=physical
  2945. )
  2946. if %move%==PECK (
  2947.     set atktype=flying
  2948.     set BP=35
  2949.     set ACC=100
  2950.     set movecategory=special
  2951. )
  2953. if %move%==PIN_MISSILE (
  2954.     set atktype=bug
  2955.     set BP=25
  2956.     set ACC=95
  2957.     set movecategory=special
  2958.     set /a multihitmovecount=%random% %% 4 + 1
  2959. )
  2960. if %move%==POISON_GAS (
  2961.     set atktype=poison
  2962.     set BP=0
  2963.     set ACC=90
  2964.     set movecategory=status
  2965.     set attackeffect=poison
  2966. )
  2967. if %move%==POISON_POWDER (
  2968.     set atktype=poison
  2969.     set BP=0
  2970.     set ACC=90
  2971.     set movecategory=status
  2972.     set attackeffect=poison
  2973. )
  2974. if %move%==POISON_STING (
  2975.     set atktype=poison
  2976.     set BP=15
  2977.     set ACC=100
  2978.     set movecategory=physical
  2979.     set attackeffect=chancepoison
  2980.     set chance=30
  2981. )
  2982. if %move%==POUND (
  2983.     set atktype=normal
  2984.     set BP=40
  2985.     set ACC=100
  2986.     set movecategory=physical
  2987. )
  2988. if %move%==PSYBEAM (
  2989.     set atktype=psychic
  2990.     set BP=65
  2991.     set ACC=100
  2992.     set movecategory=special
  2993.     set attackeffect=chanceconfuse
  2994.     set chance=10
  2995. )
  2996. if %move%==PSYCHIC (
  2997.     set atktype=psychic
  2998.     set BP=90
  2999.     set ACC=100
  3000.     set movecategory=special
  3001.     set attackeffect=chancedebuff
  3002.     set buffstatshort=statsdef
  3003.     set buffstatlong=special_defense
  3004. )
  3005. if %move%==PSYWAVE (
  3006.     set atktype=psychic
  3007.     set BP=0
  3008.     set ACC=100
  3009.     set movecategory=special
  3010. )
  3011. if %move%==QUICK_ATTACK (
  3012.     set atktype=normal
  3013.     set BP=65
  3014.     set ACC=100
  3015.     set movecategory=physical
  3016.     set PRIORITY=1
  3017. )
  3018. if %move%==RAGE (
  3019.     set atktype=normal
  3020.     set BP=20
  3021.     set ACC=100
  3022.     set movecategory=physical
  3023. )
  3024. if %move%==RAZOR_LEAF (
  3025.     set atktype=grass
  3026.     set BP=55
  3027.     set ACC=95
  3028.     set movecategory=physical
  3029.     set tempcritboost=1
  3030.     set attackeffect=lowercrit
  3031. )
  3033. if %move%==RECOVER (
  3034.     set atktype=normal
  3035.     set BP=0
  3036.     set ACC=100
  3037.     set movecategory=status
  3038.     set attackeffect=recover
  3039. )
  3040. if %move%==REFLECT (
  3041.     set atktype=psychic
  3042.     set BP=0
  3043.     set ACC=100
  3044.     set movecategory=status
  3045. )
  3046. if %move%==REST (
  3047.     set atktype=psychic
  3048.     set BP=0
  3049.     set ACC=100
  3050.     set movecategory=status
  3051. )
  3052. if %move%==ROAR (
  3053.     set atktype=normal
  3054.     set BP=0
  3055.     set ACC=100
  3056.     set movecategory=status
  3057.     set PRIORITY=-6
  3058.     set attackeffect=dragout
  3059. )
  3060. if %move%==ROCK_SLIDE (
  3061.     set atktype=rock
  3062.     set BP=75
  3063.     set ACC=90
  3064.     set movecategory=physical
  3065.     set attackeffect=chanceflinch
  3066.     set chance=30
  3067. )
  3068. if %move%==ROCK_THROW (
  3069.     set atktype=rock
  3070.     set BP=50
  3071.     set ACC=90
  3072.     set movecategory=physical
  3073. )
  3074. if %move%==ROLLING_KICK (
  3075.     set atktype=fighting
  3076.     set BP=60
  3077.     set ACC=85
  3078.     set movecategory=physical
  3079.     set attackeffect=chanceflinch
  3080.     set chance=30
  3081. )
  3082. if %move%==SAND_ATTACK (
  3083.     set atktype=ground
  3084.     set BP=0
  3085.     set ACC=100
  3086.     set movecategory=status
  3087.     set attackeffect=debuff
  3088.     set buffstatshort=acc
  3089.     set buffstatlong=accuracy
  3090. )
  3091. if %move%==SCRATCH (
  3092.     set atktype=normal
  3093.     set BP=40
  3094.     set ACC=100
  3095.     set movecategory=physical
  3096. )
  3097. if %move%==SCREECH (
  3098.     set atktype=normal
  3099.     set BP=0
  3100.     set ACC=100
  3101.     set movecategory=status
  3102.     set attackeffect=sharpdebuff
  3103.     set buffstatshort=defstat
  3104.     set buffstatlong=defense
  3105. )
  3106. if %move%==SEISMIC_TOSS (
  3107.     set atktype=fighting
  3108.     set BP=0
  3109.     set ACC=100
  3110.     set movecategory=physical
  3111. )
  3112. if %move%==SELF_DESTRUCT (
  3113.     set atktype=normal
  3114.     set BP=200
  3115.     set ACC=100
  3116.     set movecategory=physical
  3117.     set attackeffect=selfdestroy
  3118. )
  3119. if %move%==SHARPEN (
  3120.     set atktype=normal
  3121.     set BP=0
  3122.     set ACC=100
  3123.     set movecategory=status
  3124.     set attackeffect=buff
  3125.     set buffstatshort=atkstat
  3126.     set buffstatlong=attack
  3127. )
  3128. if %move%==SING (
  3129.     set atktype=normal
  3130.     set BP=0
  3131.     set ACC=55
  3132.     set movecategory=status
  3133.     set attackeffect=sleep
  3134. )
  3135. @rem SKULL_BASH
  3136. if %move%==SKY_ATTACK (
  3137.     set atktype=flying
  3138.     set BP=140
  3139.     set ACC=90
  3140.     set movecategory=physical
  3141.     if !%self%ischargingsky!==0 set %self%ischargingsky=1
  3142. )
  3143. if %move%==SLAM (
  3144.     set atktype=normal
  3145.     set BP=80
  3146.     set ACC=75
  3147.     set movecategory=physical
  3148. )
  3149. if %move%==SLASH (
  3150.     set atktype=normal
  3151.     set BP=70
  3152.     set ACC=100
  3153.     set movecategory=physical
  3154.     set tempcritboost=1
  3155.     set attackeffect=lowercrit
  3156. )
  3157. if %move%==SLEEP_POWDER (
  3158.     set atktype=grass
  3159.     set BP=0
  3160.     set ACC=75
  3161.     set movecategory=status
  3162.     set attackeffect=sleep
  3163. )
  3164. if %move%==SLUDGE (
  3165.     set atktype=poison
  3166.     set BP=65
  3167.     set ACC=100
  3168.     set movecategory=special
  3169.     set attackeffect=chancepoison
  3170.     set chance=40
  3171. )
  3172. if %move%==SMOG (
  3173.     set atktype=poison
  3174.     set BP=30
  3175.     set ACC=70
  3176.     set movecategory=special
  3177.     set attackeffect=chancepoison
  3178.     set chance=40
  3179. )
  3180. if %move%==SMOKESCREEN (
  3181.     set atktype=normal
  3182.     set BP=0
  3183.     set ACC=100
  3184.     set movecategory=status
  3185.     set attackeffect=debuff
  3186.     set buffstatshort=acc
  3187.     set buffstatlong=accuracy
  3188. )
  3189. if %move%==SOFT_BOILED (
  3190.     set atktype=normal
  3191.     set BP=0
  3192.     set ACC=100
  3193.     set movecategory=status
  3194. )
  3195. if %move%==SOLAR_BEAM (
  3196.     set atktype=grass
  3197.     set BP=120
  3198.     set ACC=100
  3199.     set movecategory=special
  3200.     if !%self%ischargingsolar!==0 set %self%ischargingsolar=1
  3201. )
  3202. if %move%==SONIC_BOOM (
  3203.     set atktype=normal
  3204.     set BP=0
  3205.     set ACC=100
  3206.     set movecategory=special
  3207. )
  3208. if %move%==SPIKE_CANNON (
  3209.     set atktype=normal
  3210.     set BP=20
  3211.     set ACC=100
  3212.     set movecategory=physical
  3213.     set /a multihitmovecount=%random% %% 4 + 1
  3214. )
  3215. if %move%==SPLASH (
  3216.     set atktype=water
  3217.     set BP=0
  3218.     set ACC=100
  3219.     set movecategory=status
  3220. )
  3221. if %move%==SPORE (
  3222.     set atktype=grass
  3223.     set BP=0
  3224.     set ACC=100
  3225.     set movecategory=status
  3226.     set attackeffect=sleep
  3227. )
  3228. if %move%==STOMP (
  3229.     set atktype=normal
  3230.     set BP=65
  3231.     set ACC=100
  3232.     set movecategory=physical
  3233.     set attackeffect=chanceflinch
  3234.     set chance=30
  3235. )
  3236. if %move%==STRENGTH (
  3237.     set atktype=normal
  3238.     set BP=80
  3239.     set ACC=100
  3240.     set movecategory=physical
  3241. )
  3242. if %move%==STRING_SHOT (
  3243.     set atktype=bug
  3244.     set BP=0
  3245.     set ACC=100
  3246.     set movecategory=status
  3247.     set attackeffect=sharpdebuff
  3248.     set buffstatshort=spdstat
  3249.     set buffstatlong=speed
  3250. )
  3251. if %move%==STRUGGLE (
  3252.     set atktype=normal
  3253.     set BP=50
  3254.     set ACC=100
  3255.     set movecategory=physical
  3256. )
  3257. if %move%==STUN_SPORE (
  3258.     set atktype=grass
  3259.     set BP=0
  3260.     set ACC=75
  3261.     set movecategory=status
  3262.     set attackeffect=paralyze
  3263. )
  3264. if %move%==SUBMISSION (
  3265.     set atktype=fighting
  3266.     set BP=80
  3267.     set ACC=80
  3268.     set movecategory=physical
  3269.     set attackeffect=recoil
  3270.     set recoildivisor=4
  3271. )
  3272. @rem SUBSTITUTE
  3273. if %move%==SUPER_FANG (
  3274.     set atktype=normal
  3275.     set BP=0
  3276.     set ACC=90
  3277.     set movecategory=physical
  3278. )
  3279. if %move%==SUPERSONIC (
  3280.     set atktype=normal
  3281.     set BP=0
  3282.     set ACC=55
  3283.     set movecategory=status
  3284.     set attackeffect=confuse
  3285. )
  3286. if %move%==SURF (
  3287.     set atktype=water
  3288.     set BP=90
  3289.     set ACC=100
  3290.     set movecategory=special
  3291. )
  3292. if %move%==SWIFT (
  3293.     set atktype=normal
  3294.     set BP=60
  3295.     set ACC=100
  3296.     set movecategory=special
  3297. )
  3298. if %move%==SWORDS_DANCE (
  3299.     set atktype=normal
  3300.     set BP=0
  3301.     set ACC=100
  3302.     set movecategory=status
  3303.     set attackeffect=sharpbuff
  3304.     set buffstatshort=atkstat
  3305.     set buffstatlong=attack
  3306. )
  3307. if %move%==TACKLE (
  3308.     set atktype=normal
  3309.     set BP=50
  3310.     set ACC=100
  3311.     set movecategory=physical
  3312. )
  3313. if %move%==TAIL_WHIP (
  3314.     set atktype=normal
  3315.     set BP=0
  3316.     set ACC=100
  3317.     set movecategory=status
  3318.     set attackeffect=debuff
  3319.     set buffstatshort=atkstat
  3320.     set buffstatlong=attack
  3321. )
  3322. if %move%==TAKE_DOWN (
  3323.     set atktype=normal
  3324.     set BP=90
  3325.     set ACC=85
  3326.     set movecategory=physical
  3327.     set attackeffect=recoil
  3328.     set recoildivisor=4
  3329. )
  3330. if %move%==TELEPORT (
  3331.     set atktype=psychic
  3332.     set BP=0
  3333.     set ACC=100
  3334.     set movecategory=status
  3335.     set attackeffect=autofail
  3336. )
  3337. if %move%==THRASH (
  3338.     set atktype=normal
  3339.     set BP=90
  3340.     set ACC=85
  3341.     set movecategory=physical
  3342. )
  3343. if %move%==THUNDER (
  3344.     set atktype=electric
  3345.     set BP=110
  3346.     set ACC=70
  3347.     set movecategory=special
  3348.     set attackeffect=chanceparalyze
  3349.     set chance=10
  3350. )
  3351. if %move%==THUNDER_PUNCH (
  3352.     set atktype=electric
  3353.     set BP=75
  3354.     set ACC=100
  3355.     set movecategory=physical
  3356.     set attackeffect=chanceparalyze
  3357.     set chance=10
  3358. )
  3359. if %move%==THUNDER_SHOCK (
  3360.     set atktype=electric
  3361.     set BP=40
  3362.     set ACC=100
  3363.     set movecategory=special
  3364.     set attackeffect=chanceparalyze
  3365.     set chance=10
  3366. )
  3367. if %move%==THUNDER_WAVE (
  3368.     set atktype=electric
  3369.     set BP=0
  3370.     set ACC=100
  3371.     set movecategory=status
  3372.     set attackeffect=paralyze
  3373. )
  3374. if %move%==THUNDERBOLT (
  3375.     set atktype=electric
  3376.     set BP=90
  3377.     set ACC=100
  3378.     set movecategory=special
  3379.     set attackeffect=chanceparalyze
  3380.     set chance=10
  3381. )
  3382. if %move%==TOXIC (
  3383.     set atktype=poison
  3384.     set BP=0
  3385.     set ACC=90
  3386.     set movecategory=status
  3387. )
  3388. @rem TRANSFORM
  3389. @rem TRI_ATTACK
  3390. if %move%==TWINEEDLE (
  3391.     set atktype=bug
  3392.     set BP=25
  3393.     set ACC=100
  3394.     set movecategory=physical
  3395.     set %self%twineedletrip=1
  3396.     set attackeffect=chancepoison
  3397.     set chance=20
  3398. )
  3399. if %move%==VICE_GRIP (
  3400.     set atktype=normal
  3401.     set BP=55
  3402.     set ACC=100
  3403.     set movecategory=physical
  3404. )
  3405. if %move%==VINE_WHIP (
  3406.     set atktype=grass
  3407.     set BP=45
  3408.     set ACC=100
  3409.     set movecategory=physical
  3410. )
  3411. if %move%==WATER_GUN (
  3412.     set atktype=water
  3413.     set BP=40
  3414.     set ACC=100
  3415.     set movecategory=special
  3416. )
  3417. if %move%==WATERFALL (
  3418.     set atktype=water
  3419.     set BP=80
  3420.     set ACC=100
  3421.     set movecategory=physical
  3422.     set attackeffect=lowercrit
  3423. )
  3424. if %move%==WHIRLWIND (
  3425.     set atktype=flying
  3426.     set BP=0
  3427.     set ACC=100
  3428.     set movecategory=status
  3429.     set PRIORITY=-6
  3430.     set attackeffect=dragout
  3431. )
  3432. if %move%==WING_ATTACK (
  3433.     set atktype=flying
  3434.     set BP=60
  3435.     set ACC=100
  3436.     set movecategory=physical
  3437. )
  3438. if %move%==WITHDRAW (
  3439.     set atktype=water
  3440.     set BP=0
  3441.     set ACC=100
  3442.     set movecategory=status
  3443.     set attackeffect=buff
  3444.     set buffstatshort=defstat
  3445.     set buffstatlong=defense
  3446. )
  3447. if %move%==WRAP (
  3448.     set atktype=normal
  3449.     set BP=15
  3450.     set ACC=90
  3451.     set movecategory=physical
  3452. )
  3454. if %countercheck%==1 goto countercheckreturn
  3455. if %conversioncheck%==1 (
  3456.     if %self%==player (
  3457.         echo !playerpoke%playeractivepoke%! used CONVERSION^^! It became %atktype% type^^!
  3458.         set playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type1=%atktype%
  3459.         set playerpoke%playeractivepoke%type2=none
  3460.     )
  3461.     if %self%==enemy (
  3462.         echo !enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%! used CONVERSION^^! It became %atktype% type^^!
  3463.         set enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type1=%atktype%
  3464.         set enemypoke%enemyactivepoke%type2=none
  3465.     )
  3466.     set conversioncheck=0
  3467.     goto moveresume
  3468. )
  3469. if %playerprioritycheck%==1 (
  3470.     set playerprioritycheck=0
  3471.     goto playerprioritycheckreturn
  3472. )
  3473. if %enemyprioritycheck%==1 (
  3474.     set enemyprioritycheck=0
  3475.     goto enemyprioritycheckreturn
  3476. )
  3477. if not %aimdreturn%==0 goto :eof
  3478. goto :MDreturn
  3480. :pokedictionary
  3481. for %%y in (player enemy) do (
  3482.     for %%x in (1 2 3 4 5 6) do (
  3483.         set %%ypoke%%xcurhp=999
  3484.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BULBASAUR (
  3485.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  3486.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3487.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  3488.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=49
  3489.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=49   
  3490.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  3491.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  3492.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  3493.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=318
  3494.         )
  3495.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==IVYSAUR (
  3496.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  3497.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3498.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  3499.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=62
  3500.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=63   
  3501.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  3502.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  3503.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  3504.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  3505.         )
  3506.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VENUSAUR (
  3507.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  3508.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3509.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  3510.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=82
  3511.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=83   
  3512.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  3513.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  3514.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  3515.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=525
  3516.         )
  3517.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CHARMANDER (
  3518.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  3519.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3520.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=39
  3521.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=52
  3522.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=43   
  3523.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  3524.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  3525.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  3526.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=309
  3527.         )
  3528.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CHARMELEON (
  3529.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  3530.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3531.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=58
  3532.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=64
  3533.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=58   
  3534.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  3535.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  3536.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  3537.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  3538.         )
  3539.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CHARIZARD (
  3540.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  3541.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3542.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=78
  3543.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=84
  3544.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=78   
  3545.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=109
  3546.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  3547.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  3548.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=534
  3549.         )
  3550.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SQUIRTLE (
  3551.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  3552.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3553.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=44
  3554.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=48
  3555.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  3556.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  3557.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=64
  3558.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=43
  3559.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=314
  3560.         )
  3561.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WARTORTLE (
  3562.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  3563.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3564.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=59
  3565.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=63
  3566.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  3567.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  3568.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  3569.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=58
  3570.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  3571.         )
  3572.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BLASTOISE (
  3573.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  3574.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3575.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=79
  3576.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=83
  3577.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  3578.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  3579.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=105
  3580.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=78
  3581.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=530
  3582.         )
  3583.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CATERPIE (
  3584.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  3585.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3586.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  3587.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  3588.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  3589.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=20
  3590.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=20
  3591.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  3592.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=195
  3593.         )
  3594.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==METAPOD (
  3595.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  3596.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3597.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  3598.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=20
  3599.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  3600.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=25
  3601.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  3602.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  3603.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=205
  3604.         )
  3605.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BUTTERFREE (
  3606.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  3607.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3608.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  3609.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  3610.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  3611.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  3612.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  3613.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  3614.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=395
  3615.         )
  3616.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WEEDLE (
  3617.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  3618.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3619.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  3620.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  3621.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  3622.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=20
  3623.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=20
  3624.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  3625.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=195
  3626.         )
  3627.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KAKUNA (
  3628.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  3629.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3630.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  3631.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=25
  3632.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  3633.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=25
  3634.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  3635.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  3636.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=205
  3637.         )
  3638.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BEEDRILL (
  3639.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  3640.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3641.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  3642.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  3643.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  3644.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  3645.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  3646.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=75
  3647.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=395
  3648.         )
  3649.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PIDGEY (
  3650.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3651.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3652.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  3653.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  3654.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  3655.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  3656.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  3657.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=56
  3658.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=251
  3659.         )
  3660.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PIDGEOTTO (
  3661.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3662.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3663.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=63
  3664.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  3665.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  3666.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  3667.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  3668.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=71
  3669.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=349
  3670.         )
  3671.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PIDGEOT (
  3672.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3673.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3674.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=83
  3675.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  3676.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  3677.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  3678.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  3679.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=101
  3680.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=479
  3681.         )
  3682.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RATTATA (
  3683.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3684.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3685.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  3686.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=56
  3687.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  3688.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=25
  3689.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  3690.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=72
  3691.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=253
  3692.         )
  3693.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RATICATE (
  3694.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3695.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3696.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  3697.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=81
  3698.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  3699.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  3700.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  3701.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=97
  3702.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=413
  3703.         )
  3704.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SPEAROW (
  3705.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3706.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3707.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  3708.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  3709.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  3710.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=31
  3711.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=31
  3712.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  3713.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=262
  3714.         )
  3715.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FEAROW (
  3716.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3717.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3718.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  3719.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  3720.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  3721.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=61
  3722.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=61
  3723.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  3724.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=442
  3725.         )
  3726.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==EKANS (
  3727.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3728.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3729.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  3730.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  3731.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=44   
  3732.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  3733.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=54
  3734.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  3735.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=288
  3736.         )
  3737.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ARBOK (
  3738.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3739.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3740.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  3741.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  3742.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=69   
  3743.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  3744.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=79
  3745.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  3746.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=438
  3747.         )
  3748.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PIKACHU (
  3749.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  3750.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3751.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  3752.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  3753.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  3754.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  3755.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  3756.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  3757.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=320
  3758.         )
  3759.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RAICHU (
  3760.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  3761.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3762.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  3763.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  3764.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  3765.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  3766.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  3767.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=110
  3768.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=485
  3769.         )
  3770.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SANDSHREW (
  3771.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  3772.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3773.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  3774.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  3775.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  3776.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=20
  3777.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  3778.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  3779.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  3780.         )
  3781.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SANDSLASH (
  3782.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  3783.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3784.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  3785.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  3786.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=110  
  3787.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  3788.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  3789.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  3790.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=450
  3791.         )
  3792.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NIDORANM (
  3793.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3794.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3795.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  3796.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=47
  3797.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=52   
  3798.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  3799.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  3800.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=41
  3801.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=275
  3802.         )
  3803.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NIDORINA (
  3804.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3805.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3806.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  3807.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=62
  3808.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=67   
  3809.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  3810.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  3811.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=56
  3812.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=365
  3813.         )
  3814.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NIDOQUEEN (
  3815.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3816.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  3817.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  3818.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=92
  3819.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=87   
  3820.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  3821.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  3822.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=76
  3823.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=505
  3824.         )
  3825.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NIDORANM (
  3826.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3827.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3828.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=46
  3829.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=57
  3830.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  3831.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  3832.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  3833.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  3834.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=273
  3835.         )
  3836.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NIDORINO (
  3837.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3838.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3839.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=61
  3840.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=72
  3841.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=57   
  3842.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  3843.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  3844.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  3845.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=365
  3846.         )
  3847.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NIDOKING (
  3848.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3849.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  3850.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=81
  3851.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=102
  3852.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=77   
  3853.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  3854.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  3855.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  3856.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=505
  3857.         )
  3858.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CLEFAIRY (
  3859.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fairy
  3860.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3861.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  3862.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  3863.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=48   
  3864.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  3865.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  3866.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  3867.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=323
  3868.         )
  3869.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CLEFABLE (
  3870.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fairy
  3871.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3872.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  3873.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  3874.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=73   
  3875.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  3876.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  3877.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  3878.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=483
  3879.         )
  3880.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VULPIX (
  3881.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  3882.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3883.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=38
  3884.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=41
  3885.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  3886.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  3887.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  3888.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  3889.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=299
  3890.         )
  3891.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NINETALES (
  3892.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  3893.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  3894.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=73
  3895.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=76
  3896.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  3897.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=81
  3898.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  3899.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  3900.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=505
  3901.         )
  3902.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==JIGGLYPUFF (
  3903.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3904.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  3905.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=115
  3906.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  3907.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=20   
  3908.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  3909.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  3910.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=20
  3911.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=270
  3912.         )
  3913.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WIGGLYTUFF (
  3914.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  3915.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  3916.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=140
  3917.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  3918.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  3919.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  3920.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  3921.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  3922.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=435
  3923.         )
  3924.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ZUBAT (
  3925.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3926.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3927.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  3928.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  3929.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  3930.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  3931.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  3932.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  3933.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=245
  3934.         )
  3935.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GOLBAT (
  3936.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  3937.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  3938.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  3939.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  3940.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  3941.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  3942.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  3943.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  3944.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  3945.         )
  3946.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ODDISH (
  3947.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  3948.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3949.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  3950.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  3951.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  3952.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  3953.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  3954.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  3955.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=320
  3956.         )
  3957.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GLOOM (
  3958.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  3959.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3960.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  3961.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  3962.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  3963.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  3964.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  3965.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  3966.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=395
  3967.         )
  3968.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VILEPLUME (
  3969.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  3970.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  3971.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  3972.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  3973.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  3974.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=110
  3975.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  3976.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  3977.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  3978.         )
  3979.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PARAS (
  3980.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  3981.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=grass
  3982.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  3983.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  3984.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  3985.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  3986.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  3987.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=25
  3988.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=285
  3989.         )
  3990.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PARASECT (
  3991.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  3992.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=grass
  3993.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  3994.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  3995.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  3996.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  3997.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  3998.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  3999.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  4000.         )
  4001.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VENONAT (
  4002.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  4003.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4004.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  4005.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  4006.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  4007.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  4008.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  4009.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  4010.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=305
  4011.         )
  4012.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VENOMOTH (
  4013.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  4014.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4015.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  4016.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4017.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  4018.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  4019.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  4020.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  4021.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=450
  4022.         )
  4023.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DIGLETT (
  4024.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  4025.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4026.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=10
  4027.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  4028.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=25   
  4029.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  4030.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4031.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  4032.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=265
  4033.         )
  4034.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DUGTRIO (
  4035.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  4036.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4037.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  4038.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  4039.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  4040.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  4041.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4042.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=120
  4043.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  4044.         )
  4045.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MEOWTH (
  4046.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4047.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4048.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4049.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  4050.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  4051.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  4052.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  4053.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  4054.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=290
  4055.         )
  4056.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PERSIAN (
  4057.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4058.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4059.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4060.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  4061.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  4062.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  4063.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  4064.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=115
  4065.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=440
  4066.         )
  4067.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PSYDUCK (
  4068.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4069.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4070.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  4071.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=52
  4072.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=48   
  4073.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  4074.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  4075.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  4076.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=320
  4077.         )
  4078.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GOLDUCK (
  4079.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4080.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4081.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  4082.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=82
  4083.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=78   
  4084.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  4085.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4086.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  4087.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  4088.         )
  4089.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MANKEY (
  4090.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  4091.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4092.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4093.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  4094.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  4095.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  4096.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4097.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  4098.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=305
  4099.         )
  4100.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PRIMEAPE (
  4101.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  4102.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4103.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4104.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=105
  4105.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  4106.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  4107.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4108.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  4109.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  4110.         )
  4111.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GROWLITHE (
  4112.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  4113.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4114.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  4115.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  4116.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  4117.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  4118.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  4119.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  4120.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=350
  4121.         )
  4122.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ARCANINE (
  4123.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  4124.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4125.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  4126.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=110
  4127.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  4128.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  4129.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4130.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  4131.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=555
  4132.         )
  4133.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==POLIWAG (
  4134.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4135.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4136.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4137.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  4138.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  4139.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  4140.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  4141.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  4142.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  4143.         )
  4144.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==POLIWHIRL (
  4145.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4146.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4147.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4148.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4149.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  4150.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  4151.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  4152.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  4153.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=385
  4154.         )
  4155.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==POLIWRATH (
  4156.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4157.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fighting
  4158.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  4159.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  4160.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  4161.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  4162.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  4163.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  4164.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=510
  4165.         )
  4166.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ABRA (
  4167.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  4168.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4169.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=25
  4170.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=20
  4171.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=15   
  4172.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=105
  4173.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  4174.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  4175.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=310
  4176.         )
  4177.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KADABRA (
  4178.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  4179.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4180.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4181.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  4182.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  4183.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=120
  4184.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4185.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=105
  4186.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=400
  4187.         )
  4188.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ALAKAZAM (
  4189.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  4190.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4191.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  4192.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  4193.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  4194.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=135
  4195.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  4196.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=120
  4197.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  4198.         )
  4199.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MACHOP (
  4200.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  4201.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4202.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  4203.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  4204.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  4205.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  4206.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  4207.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  4208.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=305
  4209.         )
  4210.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MACHOKE (
  4211.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  4212.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4213.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  4214.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  4215.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  4216.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  4217.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  4218.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  4219.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  4220.         )
  4221.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MACHAMP (
  4222.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  4223.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4224.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  4225.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  4226.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  4227.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  4228.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  4229.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  4230.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=505
  4231.         )
  4232.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BELLSPROUT (
  4233.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  4234.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4235.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  4236.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  4237.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  4238.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  4239.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  4240.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  4241.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  4242.         )
  4243.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WEEPINBELL (
  4244.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  4245.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4246.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4247.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  4248.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  4249.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  4250.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4251.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  4252.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=390
  4253.         )
  4254.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VICTREEBEL (
  4255.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  4256.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4257.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  4258.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=105
  4259.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  4260.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  4261.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4262.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  4263.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  4264.         )
  4265.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TENTACOOL (
  4266.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4267.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4268.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4269.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  4270.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  4271.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  4272.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  4273.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  4274.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=335
  4275.         )
  4276.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TENTACRUEL (
  4277.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4278.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4279.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  4280.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  4281.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  4282.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  4283.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=120
  4284.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  4285.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=515
  4286.         )
  4287.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GEODUDE (
  4288.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  4289.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  4290.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4291.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  4292.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  4293.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  4294.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  4295.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=20
  4296.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  4297.         )
  4298.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GRAVELER (
  4299.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  4300.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  4301.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  4302.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  4303.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=115  
  4304.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  4305.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4306.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  4307.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=390
  4308.         )
  4309.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GOLEM (
  4310.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  4311.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  4312.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  4313.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=120
  4314.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=130  
  4315.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  4316.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  4317.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  4318.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=495
  4319.         )
  4320.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PONYTA (
  4321.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  4322.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4323.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  4324.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  4325.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  4326.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  4327.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  4328.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  4329.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=410
  4330.         )
  4331.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RAPIDASH (
  4332.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  4333.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4334.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4335.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  4336.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  4337.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  4338.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4339.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=105
  4340.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  4341.         )
  4342.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SLOWPOKE (
  4343.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4344.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  4345.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  4346.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4347.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  4348.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  4349.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  4350.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=15
  4351.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=315
  4352.         )
  4353.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SLOWBRO (
  4354.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4355.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  4356.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  4357.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  4358.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=110  
  4359.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  4360.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4361.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  4362.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  4363.         )
  4364.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAGNEMITE (
  4365.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  4366.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=steel
  4367.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=25
  4368.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  4369.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  4370.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  4371.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  4372.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  4373.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=325
  4374.         )
  4375.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAGNETON (
  4376.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  4377.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=steel
  4378.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  4379.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  4380.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  4381.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=120
  4382.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4383.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  4384.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=465
  4385.         )
  4386.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FARFETCH'D (
  4387.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4388.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  4389.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=52
  4390.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4391.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  4392.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=58
  4393.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=62
  4394.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  4395.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=352
  4396.         )
  4397.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DODUO (
  4398.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4399.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  4400.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  4401.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  4402.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  4403.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  4404.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  4405.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=75
  4406.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=310
  4407.         )
  4408.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DODRIO (
  4409.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4410.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  4411.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  4412.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=110
  4413.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  4414.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  4415.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  4416.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  4417.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=460
  4418.         )
  4419.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SEEL (
  4420.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4421.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4422.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4423.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  4424.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  4425.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  4426.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4427.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  4428.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=325
  4429.         )
  4430.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DEWGONG (
  4431.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4432.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ice
  4433.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  4434.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  4435.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  4436.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  4437.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  4438.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  4439.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=475
  4440.         )
  4441.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GRIMER (
  4442.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  4443.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4444.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  4445.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  4446.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  4447.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  4448.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  4449.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=25
  4450.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=325
  4451.         )
  4452.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MUK (
  4453.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  4454.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4455.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=105
  4456.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=105
  4457.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  4458.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  4459.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  4460.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  4461.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  4462.         )
  4463.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SHELLDER (
  4464.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4465.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4466.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  4467.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4468.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  4469.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  4470.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  4471.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  4472.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=305
  4473.         )
  4474.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CLOYSTER (
  4475.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4476.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ice
  4477.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  4478.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  4479.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=180  
  4480.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  4481.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4482.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  4483.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=525
  4484.         )
  4485.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GASTLY (
  4486.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ghost
  4487.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4488.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  4489.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  4490.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  4491.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  4492.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  4493.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  4494.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=310
  4495.         )
  4496.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HAUNTER (
  4497.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ghost
  4498.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4499.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  4500.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  4501.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  4502.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=115
  4503.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  4504.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  4505.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  4506.         )
  4507.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GENGAR (
  4508.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ghost
  4509.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  4510.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  4511.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4512.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  4513.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=130
  4514.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  4515.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=110
  4516.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  4517.         )
  4518.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ONIX (
  4519.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  4520.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  4521.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  4522.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  4523.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=160  
  4524.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  4525.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4526.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  4527.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=385
  4528.         )
  4529.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DROWZEE (
  4530.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  4531.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4532.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  4533.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=48
  4534.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  4535.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=43
  4536.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  4537.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=42
  4538.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=328
  4539.         )
  4540.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HYPNO (
  4541.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  4542.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4543.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=85
  4544.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=73
  4545.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  4546.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=73
  4547.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=115
  4548.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=67
  4549.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=483
  4550.         )
  4551.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KRABBY (
  4552.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4553.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4554.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  4555.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=105
  4556.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  4557.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=25
  4558.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  4559.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  4560.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=325
  4561.         )
  4562.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KINGLER (
  4563.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4564.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4565.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  4566.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  4567.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=115  
  4568.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  4569.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  4570.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=75
  4571.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=475
  4572.         )
  4573.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VOLTORB (
  4574.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  4575.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4576.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4577.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  4578.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  4579.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  4580.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  4581.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  4582.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  4583.         )
  4584.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ELECTRODE (
  4585.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  4586.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4587.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  4588.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  4589.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  4590.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  4591.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4592.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=140
  4593.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=480
  4594.         )
  4595.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==EXEGGCUTE (
  4596.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  4597.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  4598.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  4599.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  4600.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  4601.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  4602.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4603.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  4604.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=325
  4605.         )
  4606.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==EXEGGUTOR (
  4607.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  4608.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  4609.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  4610.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  4611.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  4612.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=125
  4613.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  4614.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  4615.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=520
  4616.         )
  4617.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CUBONE (
  4618.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  4619.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4620.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  4621.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  4622.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  4623.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  4624.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  4625.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  4626.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=320
  4627.         )
  4628.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAROWAK (
  4629.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  4630.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4631.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  4632.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  4633.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=110  
  4634.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  4635.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4636.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  4637.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=425
  4638.         )
  4639.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HITMONLEE (
  4640.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  4641.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4642.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  4643.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=120
  4644.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=53   
  4645.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  4646.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  4647.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=87
  4648.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  4649.         )
  4650.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HITMONCHAN (
  4651.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  4652.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4653.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  4654.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=105
  4655.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=79   
  4656.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  4657.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  4658.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=76
  4659.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  4660.         )
  4661.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LICKITUNG (
  4662.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4663.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4664.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  4665.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  4666.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  4667.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  4668.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  4669.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  4670.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=385
  4671.         )
  4672.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KOFFING (
  4673.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  4674.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4675.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4676.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4677.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  4678.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  4679.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4680.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  4681.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=340
  4682.         )
  4683.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WEEZING (
  4684.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  4685.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4686.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4687.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  4688.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=120  
  4689.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  4690.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4691.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  4692.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  4693.         )
  4694.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RHYHORN (
  4695.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  4696.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  4697.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  4698.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  4699.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  4700.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  4701.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  4702.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=25
  4703.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=345
  4704.         )
  4705.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RHYDON (
  4706.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  4707.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  4708.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=105
  4709.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  4710.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=120  
  4711.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  4712.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4713.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  4714.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=485
  4715.         )
  4716.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CHANSEY (
  4717.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4718.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4719.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=250
  4720.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=5
  4721.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=5
  4722.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  4723.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=105
  4724.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  4725.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=450
  4726.         )
  4727.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TANGELA (
  4728.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  4729.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4730.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4731.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  4732.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=115  
  4733.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  4734.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  4735.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  4736.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=435
  4737.         )
  4738.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KANGASKHAN (
  4739.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4740.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4741.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=105
  4742.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  4743.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  4744.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  4745.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4746.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  4747.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  4748.         )
  4749.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HORSEA (
  4750.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4751.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4752.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  4753.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  4754.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  4755.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  4756.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  4757.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  4758.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=295
  4759.         )
  4760.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SEAdragon (
  4761.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4762.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4763.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  4764.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4765.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  4766.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  4767.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  4768.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  4769.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=440
  4770.         )
  4771.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GOLDEEN (
  4772.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4773.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4774.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  4775.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=67
  4776.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  4777.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  4778.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  4779.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=63
  4780.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=320
  4781.         )
  4782.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SEAKING (
  4783.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4784.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4785.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  4786.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=92
  4787.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  4788.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  4789.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4790.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=68
  4791.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=450
  4792.         )
  4793.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==STARYU (
  4794.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4795.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4796.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  4797.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  4798.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  4799.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  4800.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  4801.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  4802.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=340
  4803.         )
  4804.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==STARMIE (
  4805.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4806.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  4807.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  4808.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  4809.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  4810.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  4811.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  4812.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=115
  4813.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=520
  4814.         )
  4815.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MR.MIME (
  4816.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  4817.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  4818.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  4819.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  4820.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  4821.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  4822.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=120
  4823.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  4824.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=460
  4825.         )
  4826.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SCYTHER (
  4827.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  4828.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  4829.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  4830.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=110
  4831.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  4832.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  4833.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  4834.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=105
  4835.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  4836.         )
  4837.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==JYNX (
  4838.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  4839.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  4840.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4841.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  4842.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  4843.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=115
  4844.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  4845.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  4846.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  4847.         )
  4848.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ELECTABUZZ (
  4849.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  4850.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4851.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4852.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=83
  4853.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=57   
  4854.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  4855.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  4856.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=105
  4857.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  4858.         )
  4859.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAGMAR (
  4860.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  4861.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4862.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4863.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  4864.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=57   
  4865.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  4866.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  4867.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=93
  4868.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=495
  4869.         )
  4870.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PINSIR (
  4871.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  4872.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4873.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4874.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=125
  4875.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  4876.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  4877.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4878.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  4879.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  4880.         )
  4881.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TAUROS (
  4882.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4883.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4884.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  4885.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  4886.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  4887.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  4888.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  4889.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=110
  4890.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  4891.         )
  4892.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAGIKARP (
  4893.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4894.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4895.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=20
  4896.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=10
  4897.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  4898.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=15
  4899.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=20
  4900.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  4901.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=200
  4902.         )
  4903.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GYARADOS (
  4904.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4905.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  4906.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  4907.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=125
  4908.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=79   
  4909.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  4910.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  4911.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=81
  4912.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=540
  4913.         )
  4914.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LAPRAS (
  4915.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4916.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ice
  4917.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=130
  4918.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  4919.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  4920.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  4921.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  4922.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  4923.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=535
  4924.         )
  4925.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DITTO (
  4926.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4927.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4928.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=48
  4929.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=48
  4930.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=48   
  4931.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=48
  4932.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=48
  4933.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=48
  4934.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=288
  4935.         )
  4936.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==EEVEE (
  4937.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4938.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4939.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  4940.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  4941.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  4942.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  4943.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  4944.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  4945.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=325
  4946.         )
  4947.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VAPOREON (
  4948.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  4949.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4950.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=130
  4951.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4952.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  4953.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=110
  4954.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  4955.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  4956.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=525
  4957.         )
  4958.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==JOLTEON (
  4959.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  4960.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4961.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4962.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  4963.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  4964.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=110
  4965.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  4966.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=130
  4967.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=525
  4968.         )
  4969.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FLAREON (
  4970.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  4971.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4972.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4973.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  4974.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  4975.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  4976.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  4977.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  4978.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=525
  4979.         )
  4980.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PORYGON (
  4981.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  4982.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  4983.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  4984.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  4985.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  4986.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  4987.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  4988.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  4989.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=395
  4990.         )
  4991.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==OMANYTE (
  4992.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  4993.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=water
  4994.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  4995.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  4996.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  4997.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  4998.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  4999.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  5000.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=355
  5001.         )
  5002.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==OMASTAR (
  5003.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  5004.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=water
  5005.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  5006.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  5007.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=125  
  5008.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=115
  5009.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  5010.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  5011.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=495
  5012.         )
  5013.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KABUTO (
  5014.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  5015.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=water
  5016.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  5017.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  5018.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  5019.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  5020.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  5021.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  5022.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=355
  5023.         )
  5024.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KABUTOPS (
  5025.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  5026.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=water
  5027.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  5028.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=115
  5029.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=105  
  5030.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  5031.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  5032.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  5033.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=495
  5034.         )
  5035.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==AERODACTYL (
  5036.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  5037.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5038.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  5039.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=105
  5040.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  5041.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  5042.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  5043.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=130
  5044.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=515
  5045.         )
  5046.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SNORLAX (
  5047.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5048.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5049.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=160
  5050.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=110
  5051.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  5052.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  5053.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  5054.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5055.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=540
  5056.         )
  5057.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ARTICUNO (
  5058.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  5059.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5060.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  5061.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  5062.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  5063.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  5064.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=125
  5065.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  5066.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  5067.         )
  5068.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ZAPDOS (
  5069.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  5070.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5071.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  5072.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  5073.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  5074.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=125
  5075.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  5076.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  5077.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  5078.         )
  5079.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MOLTRES (
  5080.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  5081.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5082.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  5083.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  5084.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  5085.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=125
  5086.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  5087.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  5088.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  5089.         )
  5090.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DRATINI (
  5091.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  5092.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5093.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=41
  5094.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=64
  5095.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  5096.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  5097.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  5098.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  5099.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  5100.         )
  5101.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DRAGONAIR (
  5102.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  5103.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5104.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=61
  5105.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=84
  5106.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  5107.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  5108.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  5109.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  5110.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=420
  5111.         )
  5112.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DRAGONITE (
  5113.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  5114.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5115.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=91
  5116.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=134
  5117.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  5118.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  5119.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  5120.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  5121.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  5122.         )
  5123.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MEWTWO (
  5124.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  5125.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5126.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=106
  5127.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=110
  5128.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  5129.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=154
  5130.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  5131.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=130
  5132.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=680
  5133.         )
  5134.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MEW (
  5135.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  5136.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5137.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  5138.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  5139.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  5140.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  5141.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  5142.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  5143.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  5144.         )
  5145.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CHIKORITA (
  5146.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5147.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5148.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  5149.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=49
  5150.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  5151.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=49
  5152.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5153.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  5154.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=318
  5155.         )
  5156.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BAYLEEF (
  5157.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5158.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5159.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  5160.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=62
  5161.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  5162.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=63
  5163.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  5164.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  5165.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  5166.         )
  5167.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MEGANIUM (
  5168.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5169.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5170.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  5171.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=82
  5172.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  5173.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=83
  5174.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  5175.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  5176.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=525
  5177.         )
  5178.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CYNDAQUIL (
  5179.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  5180.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5181.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=39
  5182.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=52
  5183.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=43   
  5184.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  5185.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  5186.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  5187.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=309
  5188.         )
  5189.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==QUILAVA (
  5190.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  5191.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5192.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=58
  5193.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=64
  5194.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=58   
  5195.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  5196.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5197.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  5198.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  5199.         )
  5200.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TYPHLOSION (
  5201.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  5202.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5203.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=78
  5204.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=84
  5205.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=78   
  5206.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=109
  5207.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  5208.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  5209.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=534
  5210.         )
  5211.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TOTODILE (
  5212.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5213.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5214.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  5215.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  5216.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=64   
  5217.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=44
  5218.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=48
  5219.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=43
  5220.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=314
  5221.         )
  5222.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CROCONAW (
  5223.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5224.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5225.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  5226.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  5227.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  5228.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=59
  5229.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=63
  5230.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=58
  5231.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  5232.         )
  5233.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FERALIGATR (
  5234.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5235.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5236.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=85
  5237.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=105
  5238.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  5239.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=79
  5240.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=83
  5241.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=78
  5242.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=530
  5243.         )
  5244.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SENTRET (
  5245.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5246.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5247.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  5248.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=46
  5249.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=34   
  5250.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  5251.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  5252.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=20
  5253.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=215
  5254.         )
  5255.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FURRET (
  5256.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5257.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5258.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=85
  5259.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=76
  5260.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=64   
  5261.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  5262.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  5263.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  5264.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=415
  5265.         )
  5266.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HOOTHOOT (
  5267.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5268.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5269.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  5270.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  5271.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  5272.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=36
  5273.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=56
  5274.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  5275.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=262
  5276.         )
  5277.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NOCTOWL (
  5278.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5279.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5280.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  5281.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  5282.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  5283.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=76
  5284.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=96
  5285.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  5286.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=442
  5287.         )
  5288.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LEDYBA (
  5289.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5290.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5291.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  5292.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=20
  5293.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  5294.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  5295.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  5296.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  5297.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=265
  5298.         )
  5299.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LEDIAN (
  5300.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5301.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5302.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  5303.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  5304.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  5305.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  5306.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  5307.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  5308.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=390
  5309.         )
  5310.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SPINARAK (
  5311.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5312.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  5313.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  5314.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  5315.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  5316.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  5317.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  5318.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5319.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=250
  5320.         )
  5321.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ARIADOS (
  5322.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5323.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  5324.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  5325.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  5326.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  5327.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  5328.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  5329.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  5330.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=390
  5331.         )
  5332.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CROBAT (
  5333.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  5334.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5335.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=85
  5336.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  5337.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  5338.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  5339.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  5340.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=130
  5341.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=535
  5342.         )
  5343.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CHINCHOU (
  5344.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5345.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=electric
  5346.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  5347.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=38
  5348.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=38   
  5349.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=56
  5350.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=56
  5351.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=67
  5352.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  5353.         )
  5354.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LANTURN (
  5355.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5356.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=electric
  5357.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=125
  5358.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=58
  5359.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=58   
  5360.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=76
  5361.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=76
  5362.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=67
  5363.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=460
  5364.         )
  5365.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PICHU (
  5366.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  5367.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5368.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=20
  5369.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  5370.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=15   
  5371.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  5372.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  5373.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  5374.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=205
  5375.         )
  5376.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CLEFFA (
  5377.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fairy
  5378.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5379.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  5380.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=25
  5381.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=28   
  5382.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  5383.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  5384.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=15
  5385.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=218
  5386.         )
  5387.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==IGGLYBUFF (
  5388.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5389.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  5390.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  5391.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  5392.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=15   
  5393.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  5394.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=20
  5395.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=15
  5396.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=210
  5397.         )
  5398.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TOGEPI (
  5399.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fairy
  5400.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5401.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  5402.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=20
  5403.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  5404.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  5405.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5406.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=20
  5407.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=245
  5408.         )
  5409.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TOGETIC (
  5410.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fairy
  5411.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5412.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  5413.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  5414.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  5415.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  5416.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=105
  5417.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  5418.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  5419.         )
  5420.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NATU (
  5421.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  5422.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5423.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  5424.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  5425.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  5426.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  5427.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  5428.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  5429.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=320
  5430.         )
  5431.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==XATU (
  5432.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  5433.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5434.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  5435.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  5436.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  5437.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  5438.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  5439.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  5440.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=470
  5441.         )
  5442.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAREEP (
  5443.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  5444.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5445.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  5446.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  5447.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  5448.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  5449.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  5450.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  5451.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=280
  5452.         )
  5453.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FLAAFFY (
  5454.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  5455.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5456.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  5457.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  5458.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  5459.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  5460.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  5461.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  5462.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=365
  5463.         )
  5464.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==AMPHAROS (
  5465.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  5466.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5467.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  5468.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  5469.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  5470.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=115
  5471.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  5472.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  5473.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=510
  5474.         )
  5475.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BELLOSSOM (
  5476.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5477.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5478.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  5479.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  5480.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  5481.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  5482.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  5483.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  5484.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  5485.         )
  5486.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MARILL (
  5487.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5488.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  5489.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  5490.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=20
  5491.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  5492.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=20
  5493.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  5494.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  5495.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=250
  5496.         )
  5497.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==AZUMARILL (
  5498.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5499.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  5500.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  5501.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  5502.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  5503.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  5504.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  5505.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  5506.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=420
  5507.         )
  5508.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SUDOWOODO (
  5509.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  5510.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5511.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  5512.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  5513.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=115  
  5514.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  5515.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5516.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5517.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=410
  5518.         )
  5519.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==POLITOED (
  5520.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5521.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5522.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  5523.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  5524.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  5525.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  5526.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  5527.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  5528.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  5529.         )
  5530.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HOPPIP (
  5531.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5532.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5533.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  5534.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  5535.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  5536.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  5537.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  5538.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  5539.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=250
  5540.         )
  5541.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SKIPLOOM (
  5542.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5543.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5544.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  5545.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  5546.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  5547.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  5548.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5549.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  5550.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=340
  5551.         )
  5552.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==JUMPLUFF (
  5553.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5554.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5555.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  5556.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  5557.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  5558.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  5559.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  5560.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=110
  5561.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=460
  5562.         )
  5563.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==AIPOM (
  5564.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5565.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5566.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  5567.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  5568.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  5569.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  5570.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  5571.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  5572.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=360
  5573.         )
  5574.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SUNKERN (
  5575.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5576.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5577.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  5578.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  5579.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  5580.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  5581.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  5582.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5583.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=180
  5584.         )
  5585.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SUNFLORA (
  5586.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  5587.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5588.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  5589.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  5590.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  5591.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=105
  5592.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  5593.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5594.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=425
  5595.         )
  5596.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==YANMA (
  5597.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5598.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5599.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  5600.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  5601.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  5602.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  5603.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  5604.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  5605.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=390
  5606.         )
  5607.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WOOPER (
  5608.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5609.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  5610.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  5611.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  5612.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  5613.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=25
  5614.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  5615.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=15
  5616.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=210
  5617.         )
  5618.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==QUAGSIRE (
  5619.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5620.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  5621.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  5622.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  5623.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  5624.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  5625.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5626.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  5627.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=430
  5628.         )
  5629.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ESPEON (
  5630.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  5631.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5632.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  5633.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  5634.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  5635.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=130
  5636.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  5637.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=110
  5638.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=525
  5639.         )
  5640.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==UMBREON (
  5641.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  5642.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5643.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  5644.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  5645.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=110  
  5646.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  5647.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=130
  5648.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  5649.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=525
  5650.         )
  5651.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MURKROW (
  5652.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  5653.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5654.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  5655.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  5656.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=42   
  5657.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  5658.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=42
  5659.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=91
  5660.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  5661.         )
  5662.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SLOWKING (
  5663.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5664.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  5665.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  5666.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  5667.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  5668.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  5669.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  5670.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5671.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  5672.         )
  5673.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MISDREAVUS (
  5674.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ghost
  5675.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5676.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  5677.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  5678.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  5679.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  5680.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  5681.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  5682.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=435
  5683.         )
  5684.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==UNOWN (
  5685.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  5686.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5687.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=48
  5688.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=72
  5689.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=48   
  5690.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=72
  5691.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=48
  5692.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=48
  5693.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=336
  5694.         )
  5695.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WOBBUFFET (
  5696.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  5697.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5698.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=190
  5699.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=33
  5700.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=58   
  5701.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=33
  5702.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=58
  5703.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=33
  5704.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  5705.         )
  5706.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GIRAFARIG (
  5707.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5708.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  5709.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  5710.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  5711.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  5712.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  5713.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5714.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  5715.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  5716.         )
  5717.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PINECO (
  5718.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5719.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5720.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  5721.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  5722.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  5723.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  5724.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  5725.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=15
  5726.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=290
  5727.         )
  5728.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FORRETRESS (
  5729.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5730.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=steel
  5731.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  5732.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  5733.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=140  
  5734.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  5735.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  5736.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  5737.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=465
  5738.         )
  5739.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DUNSPARCE (
  5740.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5741.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5742.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  5743.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  5744.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  5745.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  5746.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5747.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  5748.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=415
  5749.         )
  5750.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GLIGAR (
  5751.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  5752.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5753.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  5754.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  5755.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=105  
  5756.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  5757.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5758.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  5759.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=430
  5760.         )
  5761.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==STEELIX (
  5762.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  5763.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  5764.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  5765.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  5766.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=200  
  5767.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  5768.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  5769.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5770.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=510
  5771.         )
  5772.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SNUBBULL (
  5773.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fairy
  5774.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5775.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  5776.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  5777.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  5778.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  5779.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  5780.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5781.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  5782.         )
  5783.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GRANBULL (
  5784.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fairy
  5785.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5786.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  5787.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=120
  5788.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  5789.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  5790.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  5791.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  5792.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=450
  5793.         )
  5794.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==QWILFISH (
  5795.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5796.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  5797.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  5798.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  5799.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  5800.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  5801.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  5802.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  5803.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=430
  5804.         )
  5805.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SCIZOR (
  5806.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5807.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=steel
  5808.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  5809.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  5810.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  5811.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  5812.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  5813.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  5814.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  5815.         )
  5816.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SHUCKLE (
  5817.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5818.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  5819.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=20
  5820.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=10
  5821.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=230  
  5822.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=10
  5823.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=230
  5824.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=5
  5825.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=505
  5826.         )
  5827.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HERACROSS (
  5828.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  5829.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fighting
  5830.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  5831.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=125
  5832.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  5833.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  5834.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  5835.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  5836.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  5837.         )
  5838.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SNEASEL (
  5839.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  5840.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ice
  5841.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  5842.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  5843.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  5844.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  5845.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  5846.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=115
  5847.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=430
  5848.         )
  5849.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TEDDIURSA (
  5850.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5851.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5852.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  5853.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  5854.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  5855.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  5856.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  5857.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  5858.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  5859.         )
  5860.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==URSARING (
  5861.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  5862.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5863.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  5864.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  5865.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  5866.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  5867.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  5868.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  5869.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  5870.         )
  5871.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SLUGMA (
  5872.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  5873.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5874.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  5875.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  5876.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  5877.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  5878.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  5879.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=20
  5880.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=250
  5881.         )
  5882.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAGCARGO (
  5883.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  5884.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  5885.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  5886.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  5887.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=120  
  5888.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  5889.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  5890.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  5891.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=410
  5892.         )
  5893.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SWINUB (
  5894.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  5895.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  5896.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  5897.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  5898.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  5899.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  5900.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  5901.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  5902.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=250
  5903.         )
  5904.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PILOSWINE (
  5905.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  5906.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  5907.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  5908.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  5909.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  5910.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  5911.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  5912.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  5913.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=450
  5914.         )
  5915.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CORSOLA (
  5916.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5917.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  5918.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  5919.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  5920.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  5921.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  5922.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  5923.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  5924.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=380
  5925.         )
  5926.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==REMORAID (
  5927.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5928.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5929.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  5930.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  5931.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  5932.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  5933.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  5934.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  5935.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  5936.         )
  5937.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==OCTILLERY (
  5938.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5939.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  5940.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  5941.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=105
  5942.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  5943.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=105
  5944.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  5945.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  5946.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=480
  5947.         )
  5948.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DELIBIRD (
  5949.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  5950.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5951.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  5952.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  5953.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  5954.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  5955.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  5956.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=75
  5957.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  5958.         )
  5959.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MANTINE (
  5960.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  5961.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5962.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  5963.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  5964.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  5965.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  5966.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=140
  5967.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  5968.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=465
  5969.         )
  5970.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SKARMORY (
  5971.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  5972.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  5973.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  5974.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  5975.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=140  
  5976.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  5977.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  5978.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  5979.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=465
  5980.         )
  5981.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HOUNDOUR (
  5982.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  5983.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fire
  5984.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  5985.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  5986.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  5987.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  5988.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  5989.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  5990.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  5991.         )
  5992.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HOUNDOOM (
  5993.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  5994.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fire
  5995.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  5996.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  5997.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  5998.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=110
  5999.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  6000.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  6001.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  6002.         )
  6003.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KINGDRA (
  6004.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6005.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dragon
  6006.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  6007.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  6008.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  6009.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  6010.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  6011.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  6012.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=540
  6013.         )
  6014.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PHANPY (
  6015.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  6016.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6017.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  6018.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  6019.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  6020.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  6021.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  6022.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  6023.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  6024.         )
  6025.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DONPHAN (
  6026.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  6027.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6028.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  6029.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=120
  6030.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=120  
  6031.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  6032.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6033.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6034.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  6035.         )
  6036.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PORYGON2 (
  6037.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6038.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6039.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=85
  6040.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  6041.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  6042.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=105
  6043.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=95
  6044.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  6045.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=515
  6046.         )
  6047.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==STANTLER (
  6048.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6049.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6050.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=73
  6051.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  6052.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=62   
  6053.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  6054.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  6055.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  6056.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=465
  6057.         )
  6058.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SMEARGLE (
  6059.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6060.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6061.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  6062.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=20
  6063.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  6064.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=20
  6065.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  6066.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=75
  6067.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=250
  6068.         )
  6069.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TYROGUE (
  6070.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  6071.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6072.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  6073.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  6074.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  6075.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  6076.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  6077.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  6078.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=210
  6079.         )
  6080.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HITMONTOP (
  6081.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  6082.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6083.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6084.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  6085.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=95   
  6086.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  6087.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  6088.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  6089.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  6090.         )
  6091.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SMOOCHUM (
  6092.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  6093.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  6094.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  6095.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  6096.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=15   
  6097.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  6098.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  6099.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  6100.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=305
  6101.         )
  6102.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ELEKID (
  6103.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  6104.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6105.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  6106.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=63
  6107.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=37   
  6108.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  6109.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  6110.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  6111.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=360
  6112.         )
  6113.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAGBY (
  6114.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  6115.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6116.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  6117.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  6118.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=37   
  6119.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  6120.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  6121.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=83
  6122.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=365
  6123.         )
  6124.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MILTANK (
  6125.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6126.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6127.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  6128.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  6129.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=105  
  6130.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  6131.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  6132.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  6133.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  6134.         )
  6135.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BLISSEY (
  6136.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6137.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6138.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=255
  6139.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=10
  6140.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=10   
  6141.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  6142.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=135
  6143.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  6144.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=540
  6145.         )
  6146.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RAIKOU (
  6147.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  6148.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6149.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  6150.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  6151.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  6152.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=115
  6153.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  6154.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=115
  6155.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  6156.         )
  6157.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ENTEI (
  6158.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  6159.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6160.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=115
  6161.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=115
  6162.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  6163.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  6164.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  6165.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  6166.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  6167.         )
  6168.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SUICUNE (
  6169.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6170.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6171.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  6172.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  6173.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=115  
  6174.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  6175.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=115
  6176.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  6177.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  6178.         )
  6179.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LARVITAR (
  6180.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  6181.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  6182.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6183.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=64
  6184.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  6185.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  6186.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  6187.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=41
  6188.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  6189.         )
  6190.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PUPITAR (
  6191.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  6192.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  6193.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6194.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=84
  6195.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  6196.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  6197.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  6198.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=51
  6199.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=410
  6200.         )
  6201.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TYRANITAR (
  6202.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  6203.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dark
  6204.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  6205.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=134
  6206.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=110  
  6207.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  6208.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  6209.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=61
  6210.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  6211.         )
  6212.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LUGIA (
  6213.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  6214.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6215.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=106
  6216.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  6217.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=130  
  6218.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  6219.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=154
  6220.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=110
  6221.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=680
  6222.         )
  6223.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HONONEOH (
  6224.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  6225.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6226.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=106
  6227.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  6228.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  6229.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=110
  6230.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=154
  6231.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  6232.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=680
  6233.         )
  6234.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CELEBI (
  6235.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  6236.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=grass
  6237.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  6238.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  6239.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  6240.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  6241.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  6242.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  6243.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  6244.         )
  6245.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TREECKO (
  6246.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6247.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6248.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  6249.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  6250.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  6251.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  6252.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  6253.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  6254.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=310
  6255.         )
  6256.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GROVYLE (
  6257.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6258.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6259.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6260.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  6261.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  6262.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  6263.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  6264.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  6265.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  6266.         )
  6267.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SCEPTILE (
  6268.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6269.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6270.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6271.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  6272.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  6273.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=105
  6274.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  6275.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=120
  6276.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=530
  6277.         )
  6278.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TORCHIC (
  6279.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  6280.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6281.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  6282.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  6283.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  6284.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  6285.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  6286.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  6287.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=310
  6288.         )
  6289.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==COMBUSKEN (
  6290.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  6291.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fighting
  6292.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6293.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  6294.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  6295.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  6296.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6297.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  6298.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  6299.         )
  6300.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BLAZIKEN (
  6301.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  6302.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fighting
  6303.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  6304.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=120
  6305.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  6306.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=110
  6307.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  6308.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  6309.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=530
  6310.         )
  6311.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MUDKIP (
  6312.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6313.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6314.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6315.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  6316.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  6317.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  6318.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  6319.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  6320.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=310
  6321.         )
  6322.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MARSHTOMP (
  6323.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6324.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  6325.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6326.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  6327.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  6328.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  6329.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  6330.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6331.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  6332.         )
  6333.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SWAMPERT (
  6334.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6335.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  6336.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  6337.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=110
  6338.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  6339.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  6340.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  6341.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  6342.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=535
  6343.         )
  6344.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==POOCHYENA (
  6345.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  6346.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6347.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  6348.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  6349.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  6350.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  6351.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  6352.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  6353.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=220
  6354.         )
  6355.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MIGHTYENA (
  6356.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  6357.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6358.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6359.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  6360.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  6361.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  6362.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6363.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  6364.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=420
  6365.         )
  6366.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ZIGZAGOON (
  6367.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6368.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6369.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=38
  6370.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  6371.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=41   
  6372.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  6373.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=41
  6374.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  6375.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=240
  6376.         )
  6377.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LINOONE (
  6378.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6379.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6380.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=78
  6381.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  6382.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=61   
  6383.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  6384.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=61
  6385.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  6386.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=420
  6387.         )
  6388.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WURMPLE (
  6389.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6390.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6391.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  6392.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  6393.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  6394.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=20
  6395.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  6396.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=20
  6397.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=195
  6398.         )
  6399.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SILCOON (
  6400.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6401.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6402.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6403.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  6404.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  6405.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=25
  6406.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  6407.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=15
  6408.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=205
  6409.         )
  6410.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BEAUTIflying (
  6411.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6412.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6413.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6414.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  6415.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  6416.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  6417.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  6418.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  6419.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=395
  6420.         )
  6421.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CASCOON (
  6422.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6423.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6424.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6425.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  6426.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  6427.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=25
  6428.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=25
  6429.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=15
  6430.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=205
  6431.         )
  6432.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DUSTOX (
  6433.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6434.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  6435.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6436.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  6437.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  6438.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  6439.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  6440.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  6441.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=385
  6442.         )
  6443.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LOTAD (
  6444.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6445.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=grass
  6446.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  6447.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  6448.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  6449.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  6450.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  6451.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  6452.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=220
  6453.         )
  6454.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LOMBRE (
  6455.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6456.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=grass
  6457.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6458.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  6459.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  6460.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  6461.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  6462.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6463.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=340
  6464.         )
  6465.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LUDICOLO (
  6466.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6467.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=grass
  6468.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  6469.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  6470.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  6471.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  6472.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  6473.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  6474.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=480
  6475.         )
  6476.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SEEDOT (
  6477.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6478.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6479.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  6480.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  6481.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  6482.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  6483.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  6484.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  6485.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=220
  6486.         )
  6487.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NUZLEAF (
  6488.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6489.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dark
  6490.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6491.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  6492.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  6493.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  6494.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  6495.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  6496.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=340
  6497.         )
  6498.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SHIFTRY (
  6499.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6500.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dark
  6501.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  6502.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  6503.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  6504.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  6505.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6506.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  6507.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=480
  6508.         )
  6509.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TAILLOW (
  6510.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6511.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6512.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  6513.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  6514.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  6515.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  6516.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  6517.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  6518.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=270
  6519.         )
  6520.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SWELLOW (
  6521.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6522.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6523.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6524.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  6525.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  6526.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  6527.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  6528.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=125
  6529.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=430
  6530.         )
  6531.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WINGULL (
  6532.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6533.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6534.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  6535.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  6536.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  6537.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  6538.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  6539.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  6540.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=270
  6541.         )
  6542.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PELIPPER (
  6543.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6544.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6545.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6546.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  6547.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  6548.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  6549.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  6550.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  6551.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=430
  6552.         )
  6553.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RALTS (
  6554.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  6555.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  6556.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=28
  6557.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=25
  6558.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=25   
  6559.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  6560.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  6561.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  6562.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=198
  6563.         )
  6564.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KIRLIA (
  6565.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  6566.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  6567.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=38
  6568.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=35
  6569.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  6570.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  6571.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  6572.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6573.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=278
  6574.         )
  6575.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GARDEVOIR (
  6576.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  6577.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  6578.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=68
  6579.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  6580.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  6581.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=125
  6582.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=115
  6583.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  6584.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=518
  6585.         )
  6586.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SURSKIT (
  6587.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6588.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=water
  6589.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  6590.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  6591.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=32   
  6592.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  6593.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=52
  6594.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  6595.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=269
  6596.         )
  6597.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MASQUERAIN (
  6598.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6599.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6600.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6601.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  6602.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=62   
  6603.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  6604.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=82
  6605.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  6606.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=414
  6607.         )
  6608.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SHROOMISH (
  6609.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6610.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6611.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6612.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  6613.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  6614.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  6615.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6616.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  6617.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=295
  6618.         )
  6619.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BRELOOM (
  6620.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6621.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fighting
  6622.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6623.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  6624.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  6625.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  6626.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6627.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  6628.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=460
  6629.         )
  6630.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SLAKOTH (
  6631.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6632.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6633.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6634.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  6635.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  6636.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  6637.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  6638.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  6639.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=280
  6640.         )
  6641.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VIGOROTH (
  6642.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6643.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6644.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  6645.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  6646.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  6647.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  6648.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  6649.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  6650.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=440
  6651.         )
  6652.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SLAKING (
  6653.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6654.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6655.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=150
  6656.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=160
  6657.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  6658.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  6659.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  6660.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  6661.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=670
  6662.         )
  6663.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NINCADA (
  6664.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6665.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  6666.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=31
  6667.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  6668.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  6669.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  6670.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  6671.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  6672.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=266
  6673.         )
  6674.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NINJASK (
  6675.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6676.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  6677.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=61
  6678.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  6679.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  6680.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  6681.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  6682.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=160
  6683.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=456
  6684.         )
  6685.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SHEDINJA (
  6686.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6687.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ghost
  6688.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=1
  6689.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  6690.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  6691.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  6692.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  6693.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  6694.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=236
  6695.         )
  6696.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WHISMUR (
  6697.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6698.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6699.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=64
  6700.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=51
  6701.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=23   
  6702.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=51
  6703.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=23
  6704.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=28
  6705.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=240
  6706.         )
  6707.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LOUDRED (
  6708.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6709.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6710.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=84
  6711.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=71
  6712.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=43   
  6713.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=71
  6714.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=43
  6715.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=48
  6716.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=360
  6717.         )
  6718.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==EXPLOUD (
  6719.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6720.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6721.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=104
  6722.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=91
  6723.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=63   
  6724.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=91
  6725.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=73
  6726.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=68
  6727.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  6728.         )
  6729.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAKUHITA (
  6730.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  6731.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6732.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=72
  6733.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  6734.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=30   
  6735.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=20
  6736.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  6737.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=25
  6738.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=237
  6739.         )
  6740.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HARIYAMA (
  6741.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  6742.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6743.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=144
  6744.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=120
  6745.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  6746.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  6747.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6748.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6749.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=474
  6750.         )
  6751.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==AZURILL (
  6752.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6753.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  6754.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6755.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=20
  6756.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  6757.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=20
  6758.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  6759.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=20
  6760.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=190
  6761.         )
  6762.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NOSEPASS (
  6763.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  6764.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6765.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  6766.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  6767.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=135  
  6768.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  6769.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  6770.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  6771.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=375
  6772.         )
  6773.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SKITTY (
  6774.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6775.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6776.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6777.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  6778.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  6779.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  6780.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  6781.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6782.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=260
  6783.         )
  6784.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DELCATTY (
  6785.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  6786.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6787.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6788.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=65
  6789.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  6790.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  6791.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  6792.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  6793.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=380
  6794.         )
  6795.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SABLEYE (
  6796.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  6797.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ghost
  6798.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6799.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  6800.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  6801.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  6802.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  6803.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6804.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=380
  6805.         )
  6806.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MAWILE (
  6807.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  6808.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=fairy
  6809.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6810.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  6811.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  6812.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  6813.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  6814.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6815.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=380
  6816.         )
  6817.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ARON (
  6818.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  6819.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  6820.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6821.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  6822.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  6823.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  6824.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  6825.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  6826.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  6827.         )
  6828.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LAIRON (
  6829.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  6830.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  6831.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6832.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  6833.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=140  
  6834.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  6835.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  6836.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  6837.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=430
  6838.         )
  6839.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==AGGRON (
  6840.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  6841.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  6842.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6843.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=110
  6844.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=180  
  6845.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  6846.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6847.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  6848.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=530
  6849.         )
  6850.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MEDITITE (
  6851.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  6852.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  6853.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=30
  6854.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  6855.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  6856.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  6857.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  6858.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  6859.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=280
  6860.         )
  6861.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MEDICHAM (
  6862.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fighting
  6863.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  6864.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6865.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  6866.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=75   
  6867.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  6868.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  6869.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  6870.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=410
  6871.         )
  6872.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ELECTRIKE (
  6873.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  6874.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6875.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  6876.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  6877.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  6878.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  6879.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  6880.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  6881.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=295
  6882.         )
  6883.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MANECTRIC (
  6884.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  6885.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6886.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6887.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  6888.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  6889.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=105
  6890.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  6891.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=105
  6892.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=475
  6893.         )
  6894.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==PLUSLE (
  6895.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  6896.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6897.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6898.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  6899.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  6900.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  6901.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  6902.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  6903.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  6904.         )
  6905.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MINUN (
  6906.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=electric
  6907.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6908.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  6909.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  6910.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  6911.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  6912.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  6913.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  6914.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=405
  6915.         )
  6916.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VOLBEAT (
  6917.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6918.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6919.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  6920.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=73
  6921.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  6922.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=47
  6923.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  6924.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  6925.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=400
  6926.         )
  6927.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ILLUMISE (
  6928.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=bug
  6929.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6930.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  6931.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=47
  6932.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  6933.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=73
  6934.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  6935.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=85
  6936.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=400
  6937.         )
  6938.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ROSELIA (
  6939.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  6940.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=poison
  6941.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  6942.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  6943.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  6944.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  6945.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  6946.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  6947.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=400
  6948.         )
  6949.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GULPIN (
  6950.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  6951.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6952.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6953.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=43
  6954.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=53   
  6955.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=43
  6956.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=53
  6957.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  6958.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=302
  6959.         )
  6960.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SWALOT (
  6961.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  6962.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6963.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  6964.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=73
  6965.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=83   
  6966.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=73
  6967.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=83
  6968.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  6969.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=467
  6970.         )
  6971.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CARVANHA (
  6972.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6973.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dark
  6974.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  6975.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  6976.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=20   
  6977.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  6978.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=20
  6979.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  6980.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=305
  6981.         )
  6982.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SHARPEDO (
  6983.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6984.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dark
  6985.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  6986.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=120
  6987.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  6988.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  6989.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  6990.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  6991.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=460
  6992.         )
  6993.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WAILMER (
  6994.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  6995.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  6996.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=130
  6997.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  6998.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  6999.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  7000.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  7001.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  7002.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=400
  7003.         )
  7004.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WAILORD (
  7005.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7006.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7007.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=170
  7008.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  7009.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  7010.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  7011.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  7012.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  7013.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  7014.         )
  7015.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==NUMEL (
  7016.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  7017.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  7018.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  7019.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  7020.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  7021.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=65
  7022.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  7023.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  7024.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=305
  7025.         )
  7026.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CAMERUPT (
  7027.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  7028.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  7029.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  7030.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  7031.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  7032.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=105
  7033.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  7034.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  7035.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=460
  7036.         )
  7037.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TORKOAL (
  7038.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=fire
  7039.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7040.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  7041.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  7042.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=140  
  7043.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  7044.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  7045.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=20
  7046.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=470
  7047.         )
  7048.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SPOINK (
  7049.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  7050.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7051.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  7052.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=25
  7053.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  7054.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  7055.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  7056.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  7057.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  7058.         )
  7059.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GRUMPIG (
  7060.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  7061.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7062.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7063.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=45
  7064.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  7065.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  7066.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  7067.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  7068.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=470
  7069.         )
  7070.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SPINDA (
  7071.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  7072.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7073.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  7074.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  7075.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  7076.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  7077.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  7078.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  7079.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=360
  7080.         )
  7081.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TRAPINCH (
  7082.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  7083.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7084.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  7085.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  7086.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=45   
  7087.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  7088.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=45
  7089.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=10
  7090.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=290
  7091.         )
  7092.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==VIBRAVA (
  7093.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  7094.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dragon
  7095.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  7096.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  7097.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  7098.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  7099.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  7100.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  7101.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=340
  7102.         )
  7103.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FLYGON (
  7104.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  7105.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dragon
  7106.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7107.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  7108.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  7109.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  7110.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  7111.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  7112.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=520
  7113.         )
  7114.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CACNEA (
  7115.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  7116.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7117.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  7118.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=85
  7119.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=40   
  7120.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=85
  7121.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=40
  7122.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  7123.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=335
  7124.         )
  7125.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CACTURNE (
  7126.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  7127.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dark
  7128.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  7129.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=115
  7130.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  7131.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=115
  7132.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  7133.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  7134.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=475
  7135.         )
  7136.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SWABLU (
  7137.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  7138.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  7139.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  7140.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  7141.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  7142.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  7143.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  7144.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  7145.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=310
  7146.         )
  7147.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ALTARIA (
  7148.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  7149.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  7150.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  7151.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  7152.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  7153.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  7154.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=105
  7155.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  7156.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=490
  7157.         )
  7158.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ZANGOOSE (
  7159.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  7160.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7161.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=73
  7162.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=115
  7163.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  7164.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  7165.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  7166.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  7167.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=458
  7168.         )
  7169.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SEVIPER (
  7170.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=poison
  7171.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7172.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=73
  7173.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  7174.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  7175.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  7176.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  7177.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  7178.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=458
  7179.         )
  7180.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LUNATONE (
  7181.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  7182.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7183.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  7184.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  7185.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  7186.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  7187.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=85
  7188.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  7189.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=440
  7190.         )
  7191.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SOLROCK (
  7192.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  7193.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7194.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  7195.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  7196.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  7197.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  7198.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  7199.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  7200.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=440
  7201.         )
  7202.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BARBOACH (
  7203.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7204.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  7205.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  7206.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=48
  7207.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=43   
  7208.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=46
  7209.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=41
  7210.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  7211.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=288
  7212.         )
  7213.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WHISCASH (
  7214.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7215.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=ground
  7216.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=110
  7217.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=78
  7218.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=73   
  7219.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=76
  7220.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=71
  7221.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=60
  7222.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=468
  7223.         )
  7224.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CORPHISH (
  7225.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7226.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7227.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=43
  7228.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  7229.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  7230.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  7231.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=35
  7232.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=35
  7233.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=308
  7234.         )
  7235.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CRAWDAUNT (
  7236.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7237.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=dark
  7238.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=63
  7239.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=120
  7240.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  7241.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=90
  7242.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  7243.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  7244.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=468
  7245.         )
  7246.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BALTOY (
  7247.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  7248.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7249.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  7250.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  7251.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  7252.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  7253.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  7254.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  7255.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  7256.         )
  7257.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CLAYDOL (
  7258.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  7259.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7260.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  7261.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  7262.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=105  
  7263.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  7264.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=120
  7265.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=75
  7266.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=500
  7267.         )
  7268.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LILEEP (
  7269.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  7270.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=grass
  7271.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=66
  7272.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=41
  7273.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=77   
  7274.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=61
  7275.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=87
  7276.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=23
  7277.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=355
  7278.         )
  7279.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CRADILY (
  7280.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  7281.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=grass
  7282.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=86
  7283.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=81
  7284.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=97   
  7285.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=81
  7286.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=107
  7287.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=43
  7288.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=495
  7289.         )
  7290.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ANORITH (
  7291.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  7292.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=bug
  7293.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  7294.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  7295.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  7296.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  7297.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  7298.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=75
  7299.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=355
  7300.         )
  7301.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ARMALDO (
  7302.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  7303.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=bug
  7304.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=75
  7305.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=125
  7306.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  7307.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  7308.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  7309.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  7310.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=495
  7311.         )
  7312.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==FEEBAS (
  7313.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7314.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7315.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=20
  7316.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=15
  7317.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=20   
  7318.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=10
  7319.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  7320.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  7321.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=200
  7322.         )
  7323.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==MILOTIC (
  7324.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7325.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7326.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  7327.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  7328.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=79   
  7329.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  7330.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=125
  7331.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=81
  7332.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=540
  7333.         )
  7334.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CASTFORM (
  7335.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  7336.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7337.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  7338.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  7339.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  7340.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=70
  7341.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  7342.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  7343.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=420
  7344.         )
  7345.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KECLEON (
  7346.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=normal
  7347.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7348.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  7349.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  7350.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  7351.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  7352.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=120
  7353.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=40
  7354.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=440
  7355.         )
  7356.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SHUPPET (
  7357.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ghost
  7358.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7359.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=44
  7360.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  7361.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=35   
  7362.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=63
  7363.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=33
  7364.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  7365.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=295
  7366.         )
  7367.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BANETTE (
  7368.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ghost
  7369.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7370.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=64
  7371.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=115
  7372.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=65   
  7373.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=83
  7374.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=63
  7375.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  7376.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  7377.         )
  7378.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DUSKULL (
  7379.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ghost
  7380.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7381.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=20
  7382.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  7383.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  7384.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=30
  7385.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  7386.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=25
  7387.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=295
  7388.         )
  7389.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DUSCLOPS (
  7390.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ghost
  7391.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7392.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  7393.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=70
  7394.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=130  
  7395.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  7396.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=130
  7397.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=25
  7398.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=455
  7399.         )
  7400.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==TROPIUS (
  7401.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=grass
  7402.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  7403.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=99
  7404.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=68
  7405.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=83   
  7406.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=72
  7407.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=87
  7408.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=51
  7409.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=460
  7410.         )
  7411.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CHIMECHO (
  7412.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  7413.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7414.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  7415.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  7416.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  7417.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  7418.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  7419.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  7420.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=425
  7421.         )
  7422.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==ABSOL (
  7423.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dark
  7424.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7425.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  7426.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=130
  7427.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  7428.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  7429.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  7430.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=75
  7431.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=465
  7432.         )
  7433.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WYNAUT (
  7434.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  7435.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7436.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  7437.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=23
  7438.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=48   
  7439.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=23
  7440.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=48
  7441.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=23
  7442.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=260
  7443.         )
  7444.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SNORUNT (
  7445.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  7446.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7447.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  7448.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  7449.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  7450.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  7451.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  7452.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  7453.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  7454.         )
  7455.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GLALIE (
  7456.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  7457.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7458.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7459.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  7460.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  7461.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=80
  7462.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  7463.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=80
  7464.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=480
  7465.         )
  7466.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SPHEAL (
  7467.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  7468.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=water
  7469.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=70
  7470.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=40
  7471.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  7472.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  7473.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  7474.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=25
  7475.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=290
  7476.         )
  7477.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SEALEO (
  7478.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  7479.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=water
  7480.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=90
  7481.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=60
  7482.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=70   
  7483.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  7484.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=70
  7485.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=45
  7486.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=410
  7487.         )
  7488.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==WALREIN (
  7489.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  7490.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=water
  7491.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=110
  7492.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  7493.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  7494.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  7495.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  7496.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=65
  7497.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=530
  7498.         )
  7499.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==CLAMPERL (
  7500.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7501.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7502.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=35
  7503.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=64
  7504.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=85   
  7505.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=74
  7506.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=55
  7507.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=32
  7508.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=345
  7509.         )
  7510.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==HUNTAIL (
  7511.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7512.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7513.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  7514.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=104
  7515.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=105  
  7516.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=94
  7517.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  7518.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=52
  7519.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=485
  7520.         )
  7521.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GOREBYSS (
  7522.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7523.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7524.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=55
  7525.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=84
  7526.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=105  
  7527.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=114
  7528.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=75
  7529.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=52
  7530.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=485
  7531.         )
  7532.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RELICANTH (
  7533.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7534.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=rock
  7535.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  7536.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  7537.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=130  
  7538.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=45
  7539.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  7540.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=55
  7541.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=485
  7542.         )
  7543.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LUVDISC (
  7544.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7545.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7546.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=43
  7547.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=30
  7548.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=55   
  7549.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  7550.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=65
  7551.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=97
  7552.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=330
  7553.         )
  7554.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BAGON (
  7555.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  7556.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7557.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=45
  7558.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  7559.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=60   
  7560.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=40
  7561.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=30
  7562.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  7563.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  7564.         )
  7565.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SHELGON (
  7566.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  7567.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7568.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=65
  7569.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=95
  7570.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  7571.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=60
  7572.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  7573.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  7574.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=420
  7575.         )
  7576.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==SALAMENCE (
  7577.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  7578.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  7579.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=95
  7580.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=135
  7581.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  7582.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=110
  7583.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  7584.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  7585.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  7586.         )
  7587.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==BELDUM (
  7588.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  7589.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7590.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=40
  7591.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=55
  7592.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  7593.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=35
  7594.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=60
  7595.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=30
  7596.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=300
  7597.         )
  7598.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==METANG (
  7599.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  7600.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7601.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=60
  7602.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  7603.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  7604.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=55
  7605.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=80
  7606.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  7607.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=420
  7608.         )
  7609.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==METAGROSS (
  7610.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  7611.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7612.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7613.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=135
  7614.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=130  
  7615.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=95
  7616.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  7617.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=70
  7618.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  7619.         )
  7620.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==REGIROCK (
  7621.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=rock
  7622.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7623.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7624.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  7625.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=200  
  7626.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=50
  7627.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  7628.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  7629.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  7630.         )
  7631.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==REGice (
  7632.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ice
  7633.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7634.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7635.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=50
  7636.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  7637.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  7638.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=200
  7639.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  7640.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  7641.         )
  7642.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==REGISTEEL (
  7643.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  7644.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7645.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7646.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=75
  7647.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=150  
  7648.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=75
  7649.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=150
  7650.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=50
  7651.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=580
  7652.         )
  7653.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LATIAS (
  7654.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  7655.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7656.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7657.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=80
  7658.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  7659.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=110
  7660.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=130
  7661.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=110
  7662.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  7663.         )
  7664.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==LATIOS (
  7665.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  7666.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7667.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=80
  7668.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=90
  7669.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=80   
  7670.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=130
  7671.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=110
  7672.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=110
  7673.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  7674.         )
  7675.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==KYOGRE (
  7676.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=water
  7677.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7678.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  7679.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  7680.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  7681.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=150
  7682.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=140
  7683.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  7684.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=670
  7685.         )
  7686.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==GROUDON (
  7687.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=ground
  7688.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7689.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  7690.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=150
  7691.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=140  
  7692.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  7693.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  7694.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=90
  7695.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=670
  7696.         )
  7697.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==RAYQUAZA (
  7698.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=dragon
  7699.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=flying
  7700.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=105
  7701.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=150
  7702.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=90   
  7703.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=150
  7704.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=90
  7705.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=95
  7706.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=680
  7707.         )
  7708.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==JIRACHI (
  7709.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=steel
  7710.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=psychic
  7711.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=100
  7712.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=100
  7713.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=100  
  7714.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=100
  7715.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=100
  7716.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=100
  7717.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  7718.         )
  7719.         if !%%ypoke%%x!==DEOXYS (
  7720.             set %%ypoke%%xtype1=psychic
  7721.             set %%ypoke%%xtype2=none
  7722.             set %%ypoke%%xhp=50
  7723.             set %%ypoke%%xatk=150
  7724.             set %%ypoke%%xdef=50   
  7725.             set %%ypoke%%xsatk=150
  7726.             set %%ypoke%%xsdef=50
  7727.             set %%ypoke%%xspd=150
  7728.             set %%ypoke%%xstattotal=600
  7729.         )
  7731.     )
  7732. )
  7733. goto battlestart
  7735. :supereffectivechecker
  7736. set supereffective=100
  7737. for %%x in (1 2) do (
  7738.     if !atktype!==fire (
  7739.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  7740.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7741.         )
  7742.         if !deftype%%x!==ice (
  7743.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7744.         )
  7745.         if !deftype%%x!==bug (
  7746.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7747.         )
  7748.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  7749.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7750.         )
  7751.         if !deftype%%x!==water (
  7752.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7753.         )
  7754.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  7755.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7756.         )
  7757.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  7758.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7759.         )
  7760.         if !deftype%%x!==dragon (
  7761.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7762.         )
  7763.     )
  7764.     if !atktype!==grass (
  7765.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  7766.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7767.         )
  7768.         if !deftype%%x!==ice (
  7769.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7770.         )
  7771.         if !deftype%%x!==bug (
  7772.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7773.         )
  7774.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  7775.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7776.         )
  7777.         if !deftype%%x!==poison (
  7778.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7779.         )
  7780.         if !deftype%%x!==flying (
  7781.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7782.         )
  7783.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  7784.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7785.         )
  7786.         if !deftype%%x!==water (
  7787.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7788.         )
  7789.         if !deftype%%x!==ground (
  7790.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7791.         )
  7792.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  7793.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7794.         )
  7795.     )
  7796.     if !atktype!==water (
  7797.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  7798.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7799.         )
  7800.         if !deftype%%x!==water (
  7801.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7802.         )
  7803.         if !deftype%%x!==dragon (
  7804.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7805.         )
  7806.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  7807.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7808.         )
  7809.         if !deftype%%x!==ground (
  7810.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7811.         )
  7812.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  7813.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7814.         )
  7815.     )
  7816.     if !atktype!==poison (
  7817.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  7818.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7819.         )
  7820.         if !deftype%%x!==fairy (
  7821.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7822.         )
  7823.         if !deftype%%x!==poison (
  7824.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7825.         )
  7826.         if !deftype%%x!==ghost (
  7827.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7828.         )
  7829.         if !deftype%%x!==ground (
  7830.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7831.         )
  7832.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  7833.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7834.         )
  7835.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  7836.             set /a supereffective=0
  7837.         )
  7838.     )
  7839.     if !atktype!==ice (
  7840.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  7841.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7842.         )
  7843.         if !deftype%%x!==ground (
  7844.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7845.         )
  7846.         if !deftype%%x!==flying (
  7847.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7848.         )
  7849.         if !deftype%%x!==dragon (
  7850.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7851.         )
  7852.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  7853.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7854.         )
  7855.         if !deftype%%x!==water (
  7856.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7857.         )
  7858.         if !deftype%%x!==ice (
  7859.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7860.         )
  7861.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  7862.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7863.         )
  7864.     )
  7865.     if !atktype!==dark (
  7866.         if !deftype%%x!==psychic (
  7867.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7868.         )
  7869.         if !deftype%%x!==ghost (
  7870.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7871.         )
  7872.         if !deftype%%x!==fighting (
  7873.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7874.         )
  7875.         if !deftype%%x!==dark (
  7876.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7877.         )
  7878.         if !deftype%%x!==fairy (
  7879.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7880.         )
  7881.     )
  7882.     if !atktype!==ground (
  7883.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  7884.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7885.         )
  7886.         if !deftype%%x!==electric (
  7887.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7888.         )
  7889.         if !deftype%%x!==poison (
  7890.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7891.         )
  7892.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  7893.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7894.         )
  7895.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  7896.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7897.         )
  7898.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  7899.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7900.         )
  7901.         if !deftype%%x!==bug (
  7902.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7903.         )
  7904.         if !deftype%%x!==flying (
  7905.             set supereffective=0
  7906.         )
  7907.     )
  7908.     if !atktype!==psychic (
  7909.         if !deftype%%x!==fighting (
  7910.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7911.         )
  7912.         if !deftype%%x!==poison (
  7913.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7914.         )
  7915.         if !deftype%%x!==psychic (
  7916.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7917.         )
  7918.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  7919.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7920.         )
  7921.         if !deftype%%x!==dark (
  7922.             set /a supereffective=0
  7923.         )
  7924.     )
  7925.     if !atktype!==normal (
  7926.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  7927.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7928.         )
  7929.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  7930.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7931.         )
  7932.         if !deftype%%x!==dark (
  7933.             set /a supereffective=0
  7934.         )
  7935.     )
  7936.     if !atktype!==electric (
  7937.         if !deftype%%x!==water (
  7938.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7939.         )
  7940.         if !deftype%%x!==flying (
  7941.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7942.         )
  7943.         if !deftype%%x!==electric (
  7944.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7945.         )
  7946.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  7947.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7948.         )
  7949.         if !deftype%%x!==dragon (
  7950.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7951.         )
  7952.         if !deftype%%x!==ground (
  7953.             set /a supereffective=0
  7954.         )
  7955.     )
  7956.     if !atktype!==fighting (
  7957.         if !deftype%%x!==normal (
  7958.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7959.         )
  7960.         if !deftype%%x!==ice (
  7961.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7962.         )
  7963.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  7964.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7965.         )
  7966.         if !deftype%%x!==dark (
  7967.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7968.         )
  7969.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  7970.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7971.         )
  7972.         if !deftype%%x!==poison (
  7973.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7974.         )
  7975.         if !deftype%%x!==flying (
  7976.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7977.         )
  7978.         if !deftype%%x!==psychic (
  7979.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7980.         )
  7981.         if !deftype%%x!==bug (
  7982.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7983.         )
  7984.         if !deftype%%x!==fairy (
  7985.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  7986.         )
  7987.         if !deftype%%x!==ghost (
  7988.             set /a supereffective=0
  7989.         )
  7990.     )
  7991.     if !atktype!==flying (
  7992.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  7993.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7994.         )
  7995.         if !deftype%%x!==fighting (
  7996.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  7997.         )
  7998.         if !deftype%%x!==bug (
  7999.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8000.         )
  8001.         if !deftype%%x!==electric (
  8002.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8003.         )
  8004.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  8005.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8006.         )
  8007.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  8008.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8009.         )
  8010.     )
  8011.     if !atktype!==bug (
  8012.         if !deftype%%x!==grass (
  8013.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8014.         )
  8015.         if !deftype%%x!==psychic (
  8016.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8017.         )
  8018.         if !deftype%%x!==dark (
  8019.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8020.         )
  8021.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  8022.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8023.         )
  8024.         if !deftype%%x!==fighting (
  8025.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8026.         )
  8027.         if !deftype%%x!==poison (
  8028.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8029.         )
  8030.         if !deftype%%x!==flying (
  8031.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8032.         )
  8033.         if !deftype%%x!==ghost (
  8034.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8035.         )
  8036.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  8037.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8038.         )
  8039.         if !deftype%%x!==fairy (
  8040.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8041.         )
  8042.     )
  8043.     if !atktype!==rock (
  8044.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  8045.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8046.         )
  8047.         if !deftype%%x!==ice (
  8048.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8049.         )
  8050.         if !deftype%%x!==flying (
  8051.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8052.         )
  8053.         if !deftype%%x!==bug (
  8054.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8055.         )
  8056.         if !deftype%%x!==fighting (
  8057.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8058.         )
  8059.         if !deftype%%x!==ground (
  8060.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8061.         )
  8062.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  8063.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8064.         )
  8065.     )
  8066.     if !atktype!==ghost (
  8067.         if !deftype%%x!==psychic (
  8068.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8069.         )
  8070.         if !deftype%%x!==ghost (
  8071.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8072.         )
  8073.         if !deftype%%x!==dark (
  8074.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8075.         )
  8076.         if !deftype%%x!==normal (
  8077.             set /a supereffective=0
  8078.         )
  8079.     )
  8080.     if !atktype!==dragon (
  8081.         if !deftype%%x!==dragon (
  8082.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8083.         )
  8084.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  8085.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8086.         )
  8087.         if !deftype%%x!==fairy (
  8088.             set /a supereffective=0
  8089.         )
  8090.     )
  8091.     if !atktype!==steel (
  8092.         if !deftype%%x!==ice (
  8093.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8094.         )
  8095.         if !deftype%%x!==rock (
  8096.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8097.         )
  8098.         if !deftype%%x!==fairy (
  8099.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8100.         )
  8101.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  8102.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8103.         )
  8104.         if !deftype%%x!==water (
  8105.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8106.         )
  8107.         if !deftype%%x!==electric (
  8108.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8109.         )
  8110.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  8111.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8112.         )
  8113.     )
  8114.     if !atktype!==fairy (
  8115.         if !deftype%%x!==fighting (
  8116.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8117.         )
  8118.         if !deftype%%x!==dragon (
  8119.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8120.         )
  8121.         if !deftype%%x!==dark (
  8122.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!*2
  8123.         )
  8124.         if !deftype%%x!==fire (
  8125.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8126.         )
  8127.         if !deftype%%x!==poison (
  8128.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8129.         )
  8130.         if !deftype%%x!==steel (
  8131.             set /a supereffective=!supereffective!/2
  8132.         )
  8133.     )
  8134. )
  8135. @rem echo %atktype% %deftype1% %deftype2% %supereffective%
  8136. if not %aisecreturn%==0 goto :eof
  8137. goto SECresume
  8138. :eol
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