
GLiTCHSp@ce - Force of Heartstrings (Lyra, unfinish

Apr 22nd, 2014
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  1. >The raging sound of fire shot across the sky at an incredible speed.
  2. >A loud boom tore at your ears as you could see the ball of flames crash through the sound barrier.
  3. >You could already feel your feet ready to give in, but you kept running.
  4. >Nobody was going to get to this treasure before you.
  5. >As you tore through the endless orange forest, whipping up dead leaves on the ground as you ran, you constantly kept an eye on the orange and gray line heading straight for the nearby meadow.
  6. >You are Lyra Heartstrings.
  7. >Boxer, lyre troubadour, and treasure hunter.
  8. >Self proclaimed of course.
  10. >Not before long, the fireball flew below the treeline, and you heard an incredibly loud explotion.
  11. >The force from the impact shook the ground and the trees around you, almost tripping you over.
  12. >You stumbled forward and slowed your fall with your hand.
  13. >Your feet kept moving forward however, and you practically flew through the nearby bush and out in the grassy open.
  14. >In front of you lay a large cloud of black mist.
  15. >Pieces of grass was scorched and set aflame.
  16. >Through the smoke you could clearly make out the surface of something smooth.
  17. >It looked like an oval stone with a flawless surface.
  18. >Patterns like that of a circutry card were chissled in all over it's body.
  19. >You slowly got up on your feet, keeping eye contact with the thing every second through the smoke.
  20. >Once you were up on your feet, you took a step towoards it's direction.
  21. >As your left foot planted down in the thick grass bellow, a perfect line in the middle of the object popped open with a crack.
  22. >The line ran across the oval thing, from top to bottom.
  23. >It was as straight as an arrow, except for the middle of it, where the line bent around a glowing blood red orb.
  25. >Suddenly the two sides parted, and five metalic arms extended out from it.
  26. >They slammed into the ground, it's claws digging deep into the soft dirt.
  27. The white object rattled and shook, and stood up tall.
  28. >It's five arms supporting the white oval shaped body about four meters up.
  29. >It's red eye pulsated a few times.
  30. >It stood completelly still.
  31. >All you could do was stand there and look at it in awe and fear.
  32. >You think your mouth was hanging open.
  33. >The sunlight reflected from it's white shell, and you could clearly make out intricate circuitry patterns on it.
  34. >Afer a while, it suddenly jumped up in the air.
  35. >It's five legs spun around eachother, creating a helix.
  36. >It began spinning with an incredible speed, and it slammed down into the ground.
  37. >Dirt were flying everywhere, and it was hard to see.
  38. >All you heard where the loud noises of rock splitting wide open, the impenetratable metal on it's arms drilling away at the stone like it was sand.
  39. >Once the dirt had stopped flying everywhere, you got up from the ground.
  40. >Dusting off your mint-green jacket, you looked down in the hole.
  41. >The machine was still digging away, but not for long.
  42. >You could clearly see an orange light comming through the cracks in the rock floor.
  43. >Suddenly the hole split open and the machine dropped several feet down.
  44. >What was down there was hard to see. Most of it was covered in an orange mist.
  45. >You could make out something that looked like orange rock, and the white robot stumbling back onto it's tentacle-like feet.
  46. >You crawled back from the ledge.
  47. >Glad you were prepared for moments like these.
  48. >You smirked to yourself for your brilliant foreshadowing, and turned your head to see... no one.
  50. >You cursed and got up on your feet, cupping your hands around yout mouth.
  51. "BON BOOOON?!" you yelled.
  52. >It might have passed you how fast you were running.
  53. >You knew you were a lot more in shape than your friend, but you pushed yourself very hard today to reach the object that just escaped your grasp.
  54. >You hear footsteps echoing through the leaves, and out of the trees jogs a petite girl with a cream-white dress.
  55. >She holds a large mint-green bag in one hand, and tucks her strawhat, adorned with blue and pink flowers, on her head.
  56. >Her pink and blue hair flows behind her, but bounces back into it's signature curls once she stops in front of you.
  57. >She pants heavilly and drops the bag on the ground.
  58. >"God damn it... Lyra! Don't... run so... fast!" she wheezed, bending down to catch her breath.
  59. >You gave her a pat on the back for her effort.
  60. "Don't you worry, Bon Bon, you didn't miss a thing!" you lied.
  61. >It wouldn't have been wise to show her what you witnessed anyway.
  62. >Digging through the bag you pulled out an incredibly long climbing rope and a wide arrange of other climbing equipment.
  63. >"You're not seriously going down there, are you?" Bon Bon asked and pointed at the massive hole going straight down into the earth.
  64. "Yeah" you answered, short and direct.
  65. >"Are you even qualified to do freeclimbing?"
  66. "Nope"
  67. >"Do you even know the safety rules?"
  68. "Neigh"
  69. >You clicked the last lock in place and knotted the rope to a tree.
  70. "But i don't see any sirens around" you mocked her.
  71. >Testing the ropes a few times to see if it held, you pulled in it and leaned a few times.
  72. >You made your way to the ledge of the hole and turned around to meet your friends concerned look.
  74. >"Do be careful, Lyra."
  75. "Don't worry, i'll be back before you know it"
  76. >And with those words, you backstepped into thin air and let yourself drop far down into the orange light.
  77. "GERONIMOOOOooooooo"
  78. >You yelled as your inside twisted from the excitement of your freefall.
  79. >The rock walls were flying past you, untill they suddenly dissapeared, and you were met with a blinding orange light.
  80. >Looking to your left, you noticed the roof stretched in all directions as far as the eye could see.
  81. >It eventually came to a stop and curved around to become the floor.
  82. >The bottom was covered in orange rock, and resembled a large canyon.
  83. >Between the humongus plateaus there were large valleys slinging around like snakes.
  84. >You slowly started clenching the piece connected to your safety rope and eventually came to a halt a couple of feets over the ground.
  85. >You dropped down and landed on the rock, red dust flying everywhere around your shoes.
  86. >You were standing in a small valley, and directly above you, although far far away, you could see the weak streams of daylight flowing through the small spherical hole.
  87. >Clicking the belt on your gear, you take it off and stuff it under a rock, noting it's posission.
  88. >Looking around you, you realize that there are only two ways the valley stretches into.
  89. >You put your foot in front of the other, and before you knew it, you were wandering down a narrow path, leading you farther and farther into the red canyon.
  91. >It wasn’t long until you reached a fork.
  92. >The path split into three different valleys.
  93. >You decided not to dwell for too long and took the path in the middle.
  94. >After wandering for a short while, the sound of blades clipping through the air reached your ears.
  95. >It sounded like an attack chopper, and you looked to the skies in hopes of spotting what made the noise.
  96. >Over the edge of the tall plateau a shiny object came into view.
  97. >It’s grey arms spinning around underneath it like the rotor of a helicopter.
  98. >The arms stopped spinning, and it immediately dropped several feet.
  99. >You followed it closely with your eyes, and watched it freefall.
  100. >You realized too late that it was heading straight for you, and you jumped away just in time.
  101. >The white robotic object smashed into the ground right after you had jumped back just in time.
  102. >Rocks where flying everywhere, and you managed to get up on your feet just as a string of metal flew straight past your face and smashed into the rock wall in front of you.
  103. >You turned around slowly, spotting the machine looming over you on its long slender legs.
  104. “Shit”
  105. >You immediately regretted saying that, as the red orb on the front of its oval-shaped body was directed straight at you.
  106. >You stood there for what felt like hours, completely paralyzed by fear.
  107. >You had hoped you could avoid it when you explored down here.
  108. >A holographic grid was emitted from its red eye.
  109. >The grid scanned everything in front of it by moving up and down a few times, going straight through you.
  110. >It started getting harder to breathe, your legs ached form standing bent for so long.
  111. >Then the grid disappeared.
  112. >The machine stood up straight and made a bunch of glitchy noises.
  113. >The circuitry pattern on its white shell sent pulses all across it.
  114. >Then a small hatch opened on its side.
  116. >A pole was extended from inside it, on the tip of its small square object with intricate lines.>The square component started changing its shape, metal plates extended in all directions.
  117. >It grew bigger and bigger until you stood there with a sight you didn’t want to see.
  118. >A big cylinder was pointed at you, inside it a long metal pole with rings around it.
  119. >The rings started glowing in a bright blue color.
  120. >Arcs of electricity zapped across the metal.
  121. >Your eyes grew wide.
  122. >This was too unreal
  123. >Snapping back from your paralyzing fear, you took initiative and sprinted to the side where you slid under its leg.
  124. >A powerful blast of energy disintegrated the place where you just stood, and realizing you had disappeared from the place, the machine turned to you.
  125. >It quickly started chasing you down the valleys, firing beams of bright energy at you.
  126. >You dodged a blast and ran to the side as it exploded in a wall.
  127. >Rocks tumbled down the side, and you ran down a path to your left.
  128. >There was no escape however, and the white robotic creature clawed after you down the narrow valley.
  129. >As you ran around a corner, you noticed a small hole in the wall.
  130. >You slid into the crack just as the machine came into sight.
  131. >Stopping a bit, it soon realized it lost track of you.
  132. >You could see the scanning grid appear once again, as it slid from side to side in search of you.
  133. >You pressed yourself tighter against the cold stone, just barely out of reach from the holographic grid.
  134. >After a while, you heard metal plates slide against each other and a hatch close.
  135. >A claw slammed into the rock just outside of the creak and dug into the stone.
  136. >It soon lifted off the ground, and you heard the machine clawing itself away from your location.
  137. >Looking out of the hole, you just barely spotted it as it jumped of the ground and spin its arms around, hovering away from you.
  138. >Relief washed over you, and you took a deep breath to try and calm yourself down.
  140. >Who ever built this thing had killing in mind, and it was clear the technology that went into that machine wasn’t from this world.
  141. >Laser canons, scanning grids, slender tentacle-like arms, sentient intelligence.
  142. >You squealed.
  143. >This was way cooler than you had anticipated.
  144. >You were about to push yourself away from the wall and back into the valley, but your hand grabbed hold of something cold.
  145. >Turning your head you noticed it was a handle of some sorts.
  146. >A ring made out of metal built into the wall.
  147. >You pulled it a bit and to your surprise, the handle slid out of the wall. A wooden box was attached to it.
  148. >There was no time to develop thoughts around this though, as the floor under you gave in and you fell several feet down.
  149. >Your scream of terror was cut short as you slammed into the floor.
  150. >A thin stream of light shone down from the hole above you, but other than that it was dark all around you.
  151. >You stumbled up on your feet, dusting of your jacket.
  152. >Immediately after you got up a stream of orange growing liquid started flowing from one of the walls.
  153. >It made a hissing noise as it hit the floor.
  154. >A stream on the other end of the small room was flowing as well.
  155. >As it grew closer, the temperature in the room started rising.
  156. “Eeep!”
  157. >You realized the magma could easily burn you, so you huddled your feet closer together to try and escape the melted rock.
  158. >Then a circular piece of rock you were standing on lifted itself higher.
  159. >The magma flowed around it, and you were trapped on a small island amidst liquid fire.
  160. >In the middle of the small lake a ton of bubbles started splashing around on the surface.
  161. >Out of the fire rose what appeared to be a large iron chest.
  162. >You looked at it in awe.
  163. >This was just like in the movies!
  165. >You slowly reached out and touched the iron locket.
  166. >It had a cool feel, and the intricate patterns on it looked hand-made.
  167. >The solid construction that went into this probably made it last for hundreds of years.
  168. >Silence filed the room except for the boiling magma bursting bubbles all around you.
  169. >You looked down at the wooden box you tugged in your hand.
  170. >It had some impressive details on it as well, but it seemed like it was only for décor.
  171. >It had a tiny handle on it as well, and you pulled in it to open the lid.
  172. >Inside was a large key.
  173. >It had an eerie glow to it, and seemed to be made out of crystal.
  174. >You took it out and looked at the chest.
  175. >Placing the key in front of it, the glow from the key intensified.
  176. >You shielded your eyes from the intense burst of light.
  177. >Then you noticed you no longer held a key in your hands.
  178. >Looking over to where the chest had been, you found a small pedestal.
  179. >On top of it were two large horns sticking out of the rock.
  180. >The horns were bent downwards as if it was a hook, and hanging on them were two blood red metallic bracelets.
  181. >Reaching out to touch them, they started glowing too.
  182. “Again?”
  183. >You said, sighing.
  184. >There had certainly not been any lack of shiny objects today.
  185. >You picked them up and looked at them.
  186. >Turning them around, you noticed five yellow spots on them.
  187. >You put them on for the heck of it, admiring the accessories in the orange light from the magma below you.
  188. >You turned your head quickly to see a rock breaking off the roof and slam into the lava.
  189. >Another rock fell off, and you could not hear someone, or something, digging away behind the rock wall.
  190. >Suddenly, the whole roof of the chamber cracked open, and you could see the menacing red org glaring at you.
  191. >Two large slender arms shot at you, and you screamed and covered yourself with your arms.
  193. >When nothing hit you, you opened one eye.
  194. >The sight before you confused you.
  195. >Right in front of you, solid red metal covered your vision.
  196. >As you removed your hands, the plates slit away, and in between them were the robotic creature.
  197. >It seemed as if it was trying to pull its arms free from something.
  198. >You followed one of its arms with your eyes and noticed it was stuck in between two gauntlets attached to your hands.
  199. >You jumped back in shock as you realized you were wearing the gauntlets, and thus you released the arms of the machine.
  200. >You lifted your hands so you could see them better.
  201. >In the middle of your forearm sat the two bracelets you found, although the five yellow spots painted on them were gone.
  202. >Farther down your arm there was attached a metal ring where the gloves themselves were fastened.
  203. >The gauntlets were three times bigger than your head, and it shouldn’t be possible to even move its fingers.
  204. >The five yellow spots seemed to have placed themselves upon your knuckles.
  205. >As you clenched your fists, so did the red gloves.
  206. >You smirked to yourself.
  207. >This could be useful.
  208. >You glared back at the machine, who tore the two legs you had smashed off.
  209. >Staring back at you, you could almost feel its rage towards you.
  210. “So ya wanna fight, clockwork?”
  211. >You taunted it.
  212. >Almost like a reflex, six hatches opened in its shell.
  213. >The laser canon from before materialized, along with what looked like two circle saws, and a bunch of other guns and weapons you didn’t recognize.
  215. >It stumbled up on the rubble of stone and pointed them all at you.
  216. “Oh fu-“
  217. >The energy beam had already charged up, and the machine launched a barrage of beams and bullets at you, concentrating its fire at you specifically.
  218. >You lifted your gauntlets in front of you for protection, and you could feel the ground shake violently as the seemingly infinite number of weapon ammunition hit you straight on.
  219. >Black smoke fell around you like a thick blanket, causing you cringe and cough.
  220. >Just as suddenly as it started, the explosions and shots stopped.
  221. >You didn’t linger, and with a war scream you leaped out of the cloud of smoke.
  222. >You were immediately met by a metal arm flinging at you.
  223. >You slammed your fist in it head on, and used the momentum form your jump to swing up and land on the thin line of metal.
  224. >You regained balance quickly and dashed down the slinging tentacle.
  225. >Another arm came flying at you from the side.
  226. >You grabbed hold of the arm you were standing on and swung under it, barely dodging the stream of sharp limbs shooting over you.
  227. >As you let yourself go, you flung high up in the air, flying out of the chamber you were standing in.
  228. >You spotted the hole in the roof of the giant cave, and remembered that you needed to get out of here as well.
  229. >You had a murderous robot chasing you after all.
  230. >Speaking of…
  231. >You rolled around and just barely noticed the blue energy beam heading straight for you.
  232. >You impulsively swung your arm at it.
  233. >The impact from the blast exploded in your face, covering you with thick smoke once again.
  234. >Through the black veil, you saw the white machine launching itself up at you.
  236. >Realizing you no longer had control of your directions in the air, you began to panic.
  237. >You flew out of the cloud of smoke at an incredible speed, most likely caused by the impact of the energy beam.
  238. >As you witnessed the robot leaping towards you, and you realized there was nothing you could do, strange thoughts began to fill your head.
  239. >Memories of your life flashed by.
  240. >You saw your parents, your home, your family, your friends...
  241. >You saw Bon Bon.
  242. >You saw her concerned look as you fell down into the large hole in the ground.
  243. >You snapped back into reality just as three panels opened up on each of the gauntlets.
  244. >Two on the sides and one on the top.
  245. >They looked like air vents, and with a hiss they released boiling steam in a powerful stream behind you.
  246. >You felt a strange energy fill your whole being.
  247. >The will to fight flowed back to you like a waterfall.
  248. >Looking at your fists you noticed a powerful glow coming from them.
  249. >You got an idea, and swung the two gauntlets to each of their sides as far as they went.
  250. >Then, with all the might you managed to summon, you swung them back the other way, causing you to spin around like a corkscrew.
  251. >The leaping machine had no way of stopping, as it slammed straight into the glowing fist.
  252. >The impact caused both of you to fling away from each other.
  253. >The machine quickly regained balance, however, and chopped towards you again.
  254. >You lifted both fists behind your head, and when it was close enough you threw them downwards.
  255. >The robot smashed straight onto them again, and was sent flying towards the ground.
  257. >You knew it would survive the impact, and charged your gloves with your newfound energy once again.
  258. >They burst into a powerful shine, and you launched yourself down straight against the machine.
  259. >It tried to stop you by sending all its weaponry against you.
  260. >Diving head on into the stream of beams and bullets, you weren't even dented
  261. >Most of the shots bounced straight of the extremely hard surface, and the beams split into smaller rays as it hit.
  262. >The more your hunter tried to damage you, the more energy you felt pouring into you.
  263. >With an incredible force unmatched by anything you had ever felt, you flew straight into the hard rock.
  264. >The machine was smashed to bits by the impact, and a shockwave exploded from your fists and shook the entire chamber around you.
  265. >You expected the machine to blow up, but instead the glow from its red orb ceased, and it's arms fell limp against the red rock.
  266. >You stood back to admire your work.
  267. >The machines body was almost completely flat, and its insides, which consisted mostly of unidentified machine parts, lay sprawled across the large crater.
  268. >Your eyes traveled up to the small streams of daylight coming from the point in the roof.
  269. >How do you get out of here anyway?
  271. >You stood by the rope hanging from the ceiling.
  272. >Looking up, you saw the streams of the red evening sun reflect on the stone walls down to the bedrock.
  273. >You grabbed the rope with your enormous gauntlets and pulled it a bit.
  274. >Without even putting any effort into it, the rope started falling, curling up in a heap by your feet.
  275. >After a little while, the end of it smacked down on the floor and you picked it up between your thumb and index finger.
  276. >The rope had snapped, and now there was nothing connecting you to the over world.
  277. >You frowned and tried to come up with ha solution.
  278. >There had to be a way to get back up.
  279. >A weak echo reached your ears from far above you.
  280. >”Lyyyyraaaa?! Are you alright down there?!”
  281. >It was Bon Bon!
  282. >She had been waiting up there for god knows how long.
  283. >You felt a sting of guilt pierce your heart.
  284. >You were going to get up there no matter what.
  285. >No longer was she going to wait for you.
  286. >A familiar sensation tingled in the back of your head, calling to you.
  287. >You reflexively reached for the sensation with your thoughts.
  288. >Once you found it and slightly touched it, you felt an incredible power flow through you.
  289. >You gasped as it spread through your whole being with a comforting warmth.
  290. >The power increased in you to the point where it was downright uncomfortable.
  291. >Trying to contain it, you leaned forward.
  292. >All the muscles in your body flexed, your face distorted into one of pain and agony.
  293. >Then everything went black.
  294. >The cold swept over you, and you found yourself not being able to move.
  295. >You could not see or hear anything.
  296. >Then a small bright light shone towards you.
  297. >A small point amidst the endless darkness.
  298. >You stretched out your hand, trying to grasp it.
  299. >Then, in a matter of seconds, the bright spot flung towards you.
  300. >The spot grew larger and larger until it almost took up your whole vision
  302. >Then you noticed that this was not just a point of light
  303. >It was a star.
  304. >More specifically your sun.
  305. >You shielded your eyes from the intense light emitting from the ball of fire.
  306. >It still came closer, and son you were sitting right in front of it.
  307. >Slowly, you lifted your naked hand.
  308. >The burning surface of the sphere in front of you made the skin of your hand melt off.
  309. >The sight was terrifying, but you couldn’t feel any pain.
  310. >You shook the fear from your face and moved your hands closer to it.
  311. >Once you touched the bright star, it expanded rapidly, swallowing your whole body.
  312. >You could feel the skin melt, your muscles burn.
  313. >The pain was unbearable.
  314. >You screamed in pain until the only sounds coming from your mouth were guttural screams.
  315. >The charred remains of your body floated in a bright sea of burning pain.
  316. >Slowly, all of your senses faded away.
  317. >Soon, there was nothing more but your soul, floating in darkness.
  318. >After having spent your time in nothingness, your senses slowly began coming back to you.
  319. >You gained consciousness with a gasp and sat up rapidly.
  320. >You could feel lush grass under your hands as you supported yourself.
  321. >A light breeze stroke your hair away from your face.
  322. >You recognized the large orchard in front of you at an instant.
  323. >Sweet Apple Acres.
  324. >That sweet southern girl in your class worked here.
  325. >You turned your head and noticed there were no one in the vicinity.
  326. >How did you get here?
  327. >Suddenly it felt like someone struck the back of your head with a blunt object.
  328. >The sharp pain in the back of your head made you scream, and you raised both hands to try and soothe it.
  329. >Hands…
  330. >The realization made you ignore the pain.
  331. >Moving your hands in front of you, you noticed that the large gauntlets were, indeed, gone.
  334. >In their place hang two loose bracelets with five yellow dots on them.
  335. >You took one of them in your hand and rolled it around, looking at the incredible details in them.
  336. >There was a strange pattern with angular lines running all across them, and the circles seemed to float above the ring.
  337. >“LYYRAA!!!”
  338. >Someone was screaming for you.
  339. >Looking to your left, you noticed Bon Bon tumbling out of a bush near the treeline.
  340. >She ran in your direction, but tripped on a vine sticking out of the ground, falling face first into the green grass.
  341. “Bon Bon!”
  342. >You quickly stumbled up on your feet, a thundering headache still banging in the back of your head.
  343. >Running over to her, you leaned down and took Bon Bon’s hand, helping her to her knees.
  344. “Hey, you alright?”
  345. >You asked, stroking her on her back.
  346. >She lifted her head.
  347. >Under the cover of her straw hat, you noticed streams of tears running down her cheeks.
  348. “Bonnie…”
  350. >The straw in your mouth made slurping noises as you reached the bottom of your paper cup.
  351. >Its contents consumed and its purpose fulfilled, you tossed it in the bin next to you.
  352. >Bon Bon had just explained what had happened, and it felt just as surreal as it sounded.
  353. >The beam of light that pierced through the hole above you in the cavern almost scorched half of her face off.
  354. >It was as bright as the sun and literally melted half the forest.
  355. >The beam disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared, and Special Forces closed the area shortly after.
  356. >After the news of your disappearance reached Bon Bon, she tried calling everyone to see if they had seen you.
  357. >Luckily, Applejack knew where you were and Bon Bon rushed to find you at the acres.
  358. >How you traveled that far while being unconscious was hard to understand.
  359. >It had been a few days since the incident.
  360. >The investigative teams had recovered the broken parts of the machine that tried to kill you, but you knew they wouldn’t spill information about it to anyone.
  361. >People had only caught a glimpse of the smashed shell in between the walls they set up around the “sinkhole”.
  362. >Speculations had been popping up on forums on the internet, and the news spread quickly of the surreal events that took place that day.
  363. >You looked down at your bright red bracelets.
  364. >You hadn’t managed to summon the large gauntlets after that day no matter what you tried.
  365. >A hand placed itself on top of yours, stroking your skin.
  366. >Looking up, you saw Bon Bons face staring at you.
  367. “You alright?”
  368. >You asked her.
  369. >She looked down at the table, struggling to form a sentence.
  370. >She swallowed and looked back to you with a soft smile.
  371. “N-no, I’m fine. Let’s go”
  372. >You nodded and placed some cash on the table.
  373. >As you headed away from the café, you decided to head to the park.
  374. >Bon Bon picked up the newspaper on the way, and you sat down at a wooden bench in the lush shadow of a tree.
  376. >You slumped down next to your friend, who leaned against you while opening the paper.
  377. >The first page contained poorly taken photos of the bright beam she told you about.
  378. >You lifted your arm and looked at the bracelets once again.
  379. >The intricate patterns on it always seemed to suck you in, as if it wanted to tell you all about its details and hidden secrets.
  380. >You lifted your hand in front of your face like you had down in the cave.
  381. >You closed your eyes and focused on the different things you felt around your skin, specifically the back of your head.
  382. >You couldn’t feel anything out of the ordinary.
  383. >No tingly sensation, no dots of light, no burning pain.
  384. >All you felt was the comforting breeze of the wind, and the hand of your friend stroking your face.
  385. >Opening your eyes you looked down to the concerned look of Bon Bon.
  386. “You’ve been obsessed with those bracelets since you came back, dear. Are you sure you’re alright?”
  387. “I’m fine bonnie. I just feel like there’s something going on here that I don’t understand…”
  388. >Bon Bon chuckled.
  389. “Oh, you and your conspiracy theories. You never cease to amaze me, Lyra!”
  390. >She sighed and stuffed her face back in the newspaper.
  391. >She wouldn’t understand, not without having experienced it herself.
  392. >There is no way what you did in the cave was a dream.
  393. >It felt too real!
  394. >You cursed, ripping your attention away from the bracelets.
  395. >That machine was obviously out after them.
  396. >It was prepared to kill you for them as well.
  397. >A shadow clouded your vision, and you looked up to see a man dressed in a black suit and dark sunglasses.
  398. “Excuse me? Miss Lyra Heartstrings, correct?”
  399. >He asked you, seemingly without as much as looking at you.
  400. >Of course, that was hard to see behind those glasses.
  401. “That depends…”
  402. >You tried avoiding a potentially unpleasant situation.
  403. “Don’t play smart with me, Miss Heartstrings. We know where you got those.”
  404. >The man pointed to your bracelets.
  406. >You looked back up at him, knowing that there was no obvious way out of this.
  407. “I need you to come with me. We have some questions for you.”
  409. >The dark room around you made you feel a bit uneasy.
  410. >You shifted in your hard wooden chair and felt Bon Bons arm around your biceps tighten.
  411. >At least it was comforting having her at your side, even though you almost had to tear one of the security guards face off to allow her to enter with you.
  412. >A strong spotlight switched on and directed its beams at your face.
  413. >You winced and shielded your eyes with your hand.
  414. “Alright, Miss Heartstrings, I’m sure you know why we’ve brought you here.”
  415. >The dark silhouette loomed over you.
  416. >It wasn’t very intimidating though.
  417. “How cliché”
  418. >You groaned.
  419. “Why don’t you start by telling us what you did down in that cave?”
  420. >The silhouette got up from the desk he was sitting on and walked around you.
  421. “I don’t know…”
  422. >You tried giving the person an intimidating glare.
  423. >He walked over to a corner and tossed something that sounded like a bunch of papers into a bin.
  424. >When he turned around, you could almost make out his face.
  425. >It was long, and had narrow thin eyes behind two small glasses.
  426. >He looked anything from official, as there were no badge or uniform except his pitch-black suit.
  427. >He had a smile on his mouth that made you slightly uneasy too, and you felt Bon Bon shift in her seat as well.
  428. “Let me be frank with you Lyra. There’s obviously no need to hide anything from you anymore…”
  429. >He reached up and massaged his temples.
  430. “We are aware of the events that happened that night. The sentinel that was sent down in the chasm could not have been destroyed by itself, and the only room that existed down there was a chamber containing a pedestal with two identical horns on them.”
  432. >He looked at you over the edge of his glasses.
  433. “And those bracelets look a bit old for today’s fashion standard.”
  434. “Alright, alright…”
  435. >You burst out.
  436. “What do you want?”
  437. >The silhouette dragged a chair out of the darkness and slumped down on it.
  438. >He folded his hands in front of him.
  439. “Miss Heartstrings, let me tell you something. There is a force flowing in this universe, which is more powerful than anything we know about. It is invisible, yet we feel it all around us. It’s painful, yet comforting. Cold, yet warm. We’ve chosen a word to represent this force. Love.”
  440. “What are you getting at?”
  441. “These instruments you carry.”
  442. >He grabbed your hands at lightning speed.
  443. >You tried pulling away, but his grip was strong.
  444. “There are many more like it. Do you remember the vision you had when you found them?”
  445. “Yeah?”
  446. >You had no idea what he was talking about.
  447. >It felt like he was talking about different things at random.
  448. “That vision is proof that these bracelets have been linked to your very soul. You can command these and turn them into a weapon with immense destructive power.”
  449. >He looked back up at you.
  450. >Releasing your hands, he gave you a look that would kill a weak person.
  451. “Lyra, I’m telling you this because you need to be informed. These tools can’t be taken form you by normal persons. They can only be taken by others who possess the other types of artefacts. We’ve discovered that these objects are very old, but there are still others out there hunting each other down, trying to find all the others.”
  452. >You started fiddling with your bracelets again.
  453. >You never took your eyes of this man however.
  454. >There was no telling what he could do.
  455. “What does this have to do with me then?”
  457. “The possessers are wreaking havoc around the world in order to fight their twisted war. It has been going on for hundreds of years, and countless people have been killed because of them. These “Hunters” are going to come for you, Lyra. They will find you, and they will try to take those from you by all means necessary. Once you walk out of that door…”
  458. >He pointed to the steel door behind you.
  459. “…There will be nowhere to hide.”
  460. >You looked over to Bon Bon with a terrified expression.
  461. >She seemed to share your emotions, as her eyes showed the same level of terror as yours.
  462. “There’s no way I’m gonna take part in this… whoever you are!”
  463. >You ripped off the bracelets you were wearing and slammed them down at the desk.
  464. >You got up from your chair so fast that it fell to the floor with a clack.
  465. >You started walking to the door, but a glow around your wrists made you stop.
  466. >In a flash, the bracelets were back on your hands.
  467. >You raised your hands in front of you and looked at the bracelets, puzzled by how they came back on.
  468. “Like I said, Miss Heartstrings.”
  469. >He snickered.
  470. >You turned around facing him, anger raging inside you.
  471. >Not generally at this guy in front of you, but at what you unwillingly potentially agreed to become a part of.
  472. “The bracelets are tied to your soul. They can only be removed by force by one of the other Hunters out there.”
  473. >He got up from his chair as well, and turned around to face the opposite wall, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
  474. “However, we can help you survive this. If you find a way to get rid of all the other Hunters for us, then we are going to find a way to… get those instruments off your hands.”
  475. >He chuckled at the joke he made.
  476. >Neither you nor Bon Bon as much as acknowledged it, and he waved it off.
  477. “So do we have a deal, Lyra Heartstrings?”
  478. >He turned around with a smirk on his face.
  479. >You looked at Bon Bon, who gave you a concerned look.
  481. “It doesn’t look like we have any other choice dear…”
  482. >She told you.
  483. >It was either to wait to be killed or fight back and have a slight chance at surviving.
  484. >You looked back at the guy and weighed your options for a few seconds.
  485. “Alright, fine. I’ll help you.”
  486. >The man clapped his hands together and rubbed them rapidly together.
  487. “Great! Please sit down again Miss.”
  488. >You slowly walked back you the chair which lay sprawled across the floor.
  489. >Picking it up and sitting back down, you looked back up at the shadow who came walking towards you.
  490. “Now, we believe we’ve found a way to force the weapons to be commanded. The controls seem to be right here.”
  491. >He poked a finger at your heart, which was beating hard now, actually.
  492. >You had just joined what sounded like a murder game though, so you had your reasons.
  493. “The answer lies in your name, Lyra. The key to your survival can be found in the melody of your heart.”
  494. >Since when did he get so cryptic?
  495. >Before you knew it, you had been shoved out the door and now stood in front of a large stone building.
  496. >An idyllic gravel path stretched out in front of you, with trees lined up on its side.
  497. >The skyline from the city could be seen in the distance, the evening sun bleeding red and orange down its glass walls.
  498. >You looked over at your friend, who had her head down.
  499. >You stroked her back lightly trying to comfort her.
  500. “Hey, you alright?”
  501. >She wiped her face, presumably not to show you the tears that were streaming down her face.
  502. >Bon Bon managed to summon a smile anyway, and looked at you with a warming expression.
  503. “I-its fine, Lyra. Let’s just go home…”
  505. >As you lay in your bed that night, you weren’t able to sleep.
  506. >The thoughts of what had happened that day were still running through your head, especially the strangers last words.
  507. >”The answer is in your name, Lyra. The key to your survival can be found in the melody of your heart.”
  508. >You looked over to Bon Bon, who lay beside you.
  509. >”The answer lies in my name, huh?”
  510. >You brought your name, which you knew all too well, into your thoughts.
  511. >Lyra Heartstrings.
  512. >”The melody of my heart…”
  513. >You could play a melody on strings…
  514. >Sitting up in your bed, you looked over to the brass harp that lay on the night table.
  515. >You picked it up and looked over it.
  516. >The harp didn’t have the biggest place in your heart, but you had strung it from time to time.
  517. >You pulled a string and listened to the tone echo through the room.
  518. >”Wait, Heartstrings…”
  519. >You got up from the bed and over to the computer in the other end of the room.
  520. >Using modern technology, you discovered that hearts had, in fact, tiny organic strings.
  521. >An absurd thought rose in your mind, but it was worth trying anyway.
  522. >You got up from the chair and stood in the middle of the room, focusing your thoughts.
  523. >After you got the bracelets, focusing had become immensely easier.
  524. >You collected your thoughts and relaxed yourself.
  525. >You then focused on the beat of your heart.
  526. >Its rhythmic slams hypnotized you slightly, and sent you into a light trance where all you could hear was the sound of your own breath and heartbeat.
  527. >And Bon Bons…
  528. >You then felt your cheeks grow red.
  529. >Your heart became filled with a warm fuzzy feeling.
  530. >You hadn’t thought much about your affection for your best friend yet.
  531. >It now struck you how much you actually liked her.
  532. >Then in a matter of seconds, it felt like your heart grew and engulfed your whole body.
  533. >Opening your eyes slightly, you noticed golden strings in front of you.
  535. >You’ve had worse visions, so you weren’t really surprised by what you saw.
  536. >You reached out to touch the strings, and found out that they were, in fact, close enough for you to reach them.
  537. >You pulled one of them, and when you released it, it made a tone similar to that of your harp.
  538. >The only difference were that these strings filled your heart with intense emotions.
  539. >You almost shed a tear, but shook it off.
  540. >With both hands, you improvised a small melody, but had to quit playing, as the emotions that rushed through you were so intense.
  541. >You wiped a few tears from your face, unsure if you were happy or sad.
  542. >You reached back to the golden strings and thought for a while.
  543. >You remembered a melody your mother used to play to cradle you to sleep.
  544. >It had a set of simple tones, and you quickly figured out how it was composed.
  545. >String after string, you played the simple melody.
  546. >You tried to endure the feelings that rushed through you, and eventually managed to hit the last note.
  547. >Suddenly, your whole being was filled with an intense sense of power.
  548. >It was almost unbearable, but the energy felt so good.
  549. >You threw your head back and let out a light moan, as the energy was hard to contain.
  550. >That wasn’t the only thing you felt, however, as the bracelets started vibrating slighty.
  551. >Looking down, you realized you were back in your bedroom.
  552. >Bon Bon was sitting with the blanket tucked around her, staring at you with wonder.
  553. >You looked down to your fists and notied your bracelets had an intense glow to them.
  554. >You felt the familiar tingle in the back of your head again, and smirked at Bon Bon.
  555. “Hey, Bonnie. Lemme show you something neat.”
  556. >You got yourself into a cliché battle stance, such as the ones you had seen on one of your cartoons.
  557. >Then you reached for the tingling with your thoughts like you had done down in the chasm.
  559. >Once you touched it, the bracelets expanded at lightning speed and plates slid around your hand, forming themselves into two large fists.
  560. >You now got to see the whole process for yourself, and noted that the five spots on the bracelets helped shove the plates over your hands.
  561. >Once they were over the knuckles, more plates bent around your fingers.
  562. >In a matter of seconds you had manifested the two large gauntlets once again.
  563. >Bon Bon looked at them in awe as she got up from the bed tugging her blanket close to her chest.
  564. >You gasped and looked at your fists in awe as well.
  565. “Holy shit, it worked!”
  566. >Bon Bon came over to you and put hand on the cold metal plating that covered the fist.
  567. >She looked straight onto your eyes, awestruck at the oversized boxing gloves you had managed to pull up.
  568. “Are these the “artefact” that man was talking about?”
  569. >You looked down at them again.
  570. >It had to be, he did tell you, didn’t he?
  571. >Before you had time to answer the question, the monitor on the desk beside you suddenly shut off.
  572. >The light bulb that was stuck in the roof suddenly popped with a flash even though it wasn’t even on, and then you both stood in the middle of the room in darkness.
  573. >You walked over to the window and pulled away the curtains.
  574. >Outside there wasn’t a single light to see.
  575. >The difference from the skyline of the city and the sky was barely noticeable.
  576. “A power outage?”
  577. >Bon Bon asked and started walking towards the door.
  578. “I’ll check the circuitry.”
  579. >She said and opened the door.
  580. >You could make out her silhouette and could clearly see the curves of her body.
  581. >The blanket she was wearing had dropped to the floor.
  582. >You quickly rushed out into the hallway wit her blanket and fumbled over to the circuitry locker where she was.
  583. “Hey, you dropped this…”
  584. “What?”
  585. “I said you dropped this.”
  586. “No, what did I drop?”
  587. “Your blanket!”
  589. >Even though you couldn’t see anything, you were almost certain you could see Bon Bon’s cheeks glowing red.
  590. “Oh dear…”
  591. >She quickly grabbed it from your enormous fists and tucked it around herself again.
  592. >You heard some clicking noises from the locker and assumed Bon Bon was testing the power circuits.
  593. >When blue sparks started flying from the switches, however, you could see that Bon Bon was far away from them.
  594. >You started getting slightly frightened and backed away from the locker slowly.
  595. >A bright blue flash lights up the whole room, and an arch of lightning extends from the switches and slams into the floor.
  596. >Sparks fly everywhere, and you shield your face from the intense heat.
  597. >Several other arcs join the first, and the electricity slowly starts taking shape into something familiar.
  598. >The cracks of electricity shoot over the humanoid body before you.
  599. >You look up over the edge of your gauntlets and notice the being before you.
  600. >You wouldn’t exactly call it human, since it came out of your circuitry, but it looked human at least.
  601. >It was bald, but long lightning arcs flowed down her head, giving the impression of hair.
  602. >She looked female, and her skin color looked normal enough, but when she shot open her eyes and let them bore into you, you pulled that thought away again.
  603. >Her irises was cloudy and white.
  604. >So where her pupils.
  605. >She looked almost blind except for the fact that she had her eyes directed straight at you.
  606. >She eyed you from top to bottom, but stopped to look closer at your gauntlets.
  607. “Aaahh… So here you are…”
  608. >Her voice seemed to crackle with electric pulses as she spoke.
  609. >You noticed that she didn’t wear anything on her body, but her sensitive parts seemed absent.
  610. “I suppose I’ll have to introduce myself, Lyra.”
  611. >It sounded like she spat out the last word.
  612. >You didn’t move an inch.
  613. >You were afraid of what this thing could do, and braced yourself for the worst.
  615. “My name is Snowdrop, but most people now call me Circuit. At least those who know who I am. And those who do become so lucky to make my acquaintance, often doesn’t survive…”
  616. “What do you want?”
  617. >She looked a bit surprised, but chuckled.
  618. “I see you’re not familiar with out customs… Let me make a demonstration!”
  619. >With that, she directed a hand towards Bon Bon.
  620. >Her face twisted in utter terror as a flash of lighting shot from Snowdrop’s hand.
  621. “NO!”
  622. >You screamed as you ran forward and tossed yourself in front of Bon Bon.
  623. >You held both fists in front of you, and they absorbed most of the force, but you was still flung backwards.
  624. >You struck into Bon Bon, who was still standing there petrified.
  625. >The blast shot you into her, and you curled yourself around her naked body to shield her from the impact with the wall.
  626. >Both of you got flung through it and into the living room.
  627. >Getting up, you made sure Bon Bon weren’t hurt before you turned to face the electric woman.
  628. “Let me guess, you’re a Hunter too?”
  629. >You walked forward while rolling your shoulder, loosening up your limbs.
  630. “Very well observed. I suppose your freakishly large hands are your Artefact?”
  631. “We’ll just have to see, won’t we?”
  632. >Snowdrop, who had adopted the name Circuit for reasons that you kind of understood, just smirked as she raised a sparkling hand at you.
  633. “Quite…”
  634. >Knotting her fist, she charged it up, the arcs of lighting becoming more and more intense.
  635. >You tried shielding yourself from what was to come, but she was to quick.
  636. >She shot a powerful blast of electricity that hit you straight in the chest.
  637. >The impact sent you flying straight through a wall and out into the night.
  638. >You landed on a soft patch of grass, and rolled around in pain, clutching your chest.
  639. >Circuit hovered out from the large hole in the wall.
  640. >You managed to stumble up on your feet.
  641. >You weren’t gonna give up that easily!
  643. >Circuit came flying straight at you, and you leapt at her as well.
  644. >Swinging one of your fists behind you, you braced for impact.
  645. >You tossed it forward to attempt a jab to her side.
  646. >You hit her straight on, and you heard her scream for pain.
  647. >However, your glove got electric charges in the mall the same.
  648. >You felt jolts of electricity shoot op your arm, and screamed in pain as well.
  649. >Both of you rolled over in the grass on each side of the lawn.
  650. >You watched as the ball of lighting hovered up and shot for the darkened city.
  651. >You felt hands on your shoulder helping you up.
  652. >Bon Bon dusted off your t-shirt.
  653. “I’m sor-“
  654. >She broke you off with a finger to your lips.
  655. “Its okay, Lyra.”
  656. >You noticed she still wasn’t wearing any clothes, but this wasn’t the time to be thinking about those kinds of things.
  657. “Think about what could happen if she reaches the power plant, Lyra. You have got to stop her!”
  658. “Bonnie…”
  659. >She slapped a hand on your t-shirt, making sure all the dirt was properly taken care of.
  660. “You go get her, Lyra. I believe in you.”
  661. >You stared at her in disbelief, but gained confidence in her trust in you.
  662. >There was no way you were gonna let anyone ruin your friends life.
  663. >You were going to protect her no matter what.
  664. >Starting now.
  665. “Right!”
  666. >You turned around and looked at the blue dot flying towards the skyline in the distance.
  667. >Turning your head just one more time, you noticed a single tear run down Bon Bon’s face.
  668. “Be careful, dear…”
  669. “I will.”
  671. >You sprinted towards the small slope leading down to your neighbor’s garden and leapt on top of the roof.
  672. >You kept running and jumping from roof to roof, deciding you were closer to Circuit if you kept yourself high up.
  673. >Once you were inside the city, you caught up to the electric woman.
  674. >She looked to her side in disbelief as she saw you jumping after her.
  675. >She directed pulses of lightning at you, striking the concrete and shooting rocks in all directions.
  676. >You barely managed to avoid them.
  677. >You then came to a building that was way too high to jump to, so you leapt up on the wall and pushed away with all your might.
  678. >You launched straight at Circuit, much to her surprise.
  679. >Bringing your hands up over your head, you struck them down and shot Circuit straight for the ground.
  680. >As she hit the pavement below, the pure force of the impact caused several car alarms to go off.
  681. >You decided to follow the attack plan as you did when you fought the Sentinel, and directed both your fists down in a freefall towards the ground.
  682. >As you picked up speed, Circuit regained consciousness.
  683. >She noticed you falling towards her and smirked.
  684. >Circuit then reached for a small metal circle stuck in the ground.
  685. >In a matter of seconds, her whole body had transferred into the metal, and your fists struck empty pavement.
  686. >This created another blast, shattering windows all around you.
  687. >People flocked to see what was going on, but you ignored them.
  688. >A pulse of lighting from your left hit you by surprise and sent you flying into a brick wall.
  689. >You looked up from the rubble to see Circuit standing in front of you.
  690. “You didn’t think you were going to get me that easy, did you?”
  691. >She broke into a disgusting noise that sounded like a bad impression of a laughter.
  692. “Heh, I’m just… getting started…”
  694. >You stumbled to your feet, but Circuit intercepted you and pinned your arm to a wall.
  695. >Weak jolts of electricity shot up your arm, making it twitch uncontrollably.
  696. “You think you are so strong, Heartstrings. Oh, the countless times other Hunters have made the same mistake. Maybe it’ll shock you that I’m one of the longest living Hunters that exists?”
  697. “You…’re rea…really bad at puns… you know that?”
  698. >It was hard talking with countless volts surging through you, but you’d be damned if you couldn’t make any comments.
  699. “You… You’re forgetting… something impor…tant though…”
  700. >She dropped her wicked smile and looked at you impatiently.
  701. “What now?!”
  702. “I…’m grounded…”
  703. >You slammed your feet into the pile of rubble and instantly found it easier to more.
  704. >You noticed the only pinned one of your fists to the wall.
  705. >You raised the other glove you had and slammed into Circuit’s side, sending her flying down the street.
  706. >The electricity you felt shock you before was now shot into the ground and couldn’t harm you.
  707. >With knowledge to use the earth as your shield, you crushed your way out of the rubble and sprinted down the street.
  708. >You chased circuit all the way to a large junction, where she launched a beam of lightning at you.
  709. >You ducked under it and ran headfirst into her electrocuting body.
  710. >You made sure to keep your feet to the ground as you pummeled her with jabs and punches.
  711. >She managed to slip under your legs and escape your beating.
  712. >She wasn’t quick enough though, and you spun around and whammed your fists into the ground, raising blocks of rock to hit her below.
  713. >As she was struck by the first pillar, a second one erupted behind it, launching her higher into the air.
  714. >You ran up the pillars like stairs, and leapt over the last one.
  715. >You found yourself in the air over her, and she no longer had control over her movements.
  716. >You sent her flying towards the ground with another downward strike.
  718. >Pavement and rock all bounced up around her as she struck the ground.
  719. >You landed a good distance away from her.
  720. >Instantly, you turned around and slammed both your fists into the ground once more.
  721. >A wave of rock and dirt crashed into Circuit, trapping her in between two pillars or cement and rock.
  722. >You whipped your forehead.
  723. >It had been more exhausting than you had anticipated, but you would have passed out a long time ago if it weren’t for the power the gauntlets gave you.
  724. >You walked over to where Circuit lay, squeezed in between two rocks.
  725. >You sat down next to her as she raised your head.
  726. >Her look was that of burning hatred, but she looked extremely tired.
  727. “You won’t get away with this, Heartstrings!”
  728. >You just laughed.
  729. “Oh man, going with the cliché villain line, are we?”
  730. >Circuit looked confused.
  731. “What, I can’t stay in character?”
  732. “This is the real world, Snowdrop. Even though it doesn’t seem like it…”
  733. >You looked around the junction and noticed several people had flocked around the scene.
  734. >Far away you could hear sirens howling.
  735. “Well, people will come to pick you up soon. I guess I should be going…”
  736. “Oh, you’re just going to leave me here? What about my Artefact? Aren’t you going to claim your prize?”
  737. >You scratched your neck.
  738. >You didn’t really want anything more than what you had.
  739. “Nah, I’m good. The thing is I just want to make it out alive.”
  740. >You patted Circuit on the head and got up on your feet.
  741. >Stretching your back, you noticed again all the people who had flocked to the scene.
  742. >One of them snapped a photo of you, and the blitz was easy to spot in the morning sun.
  743. >You just looked at the guy for a while, but decided to leave him be.
  744. >You tapped into the energy source in the back of your mind again, and somehow managed to command your gauntlets to retract themselves.
  745. >Wonder what else you could do with them…
  747. >You then sprinted homewards as fast as you could.
  748. >The sirens were getting awfully close, and you didn’t want any unnecessary attention.
  749. >Stupid really, own that that guy with the phone had a picture of you and all.
  750. >Oh well, the guy in the agency told you he’d take care of it, you just hoped he held his word.
  751. >You soon found yourself back in your old neighborhood.
  752. >Your house was easy to spot, as it was the only one with a big hole in the wall.
  753. >You slowed your pace to a walk and came in through the lawn.
  754. >As you stepped through the hole, you saw Bon Bon sitting in a couch, looking at you with an empty expression.
  755. >You just stood there in the opening like an idiot.
  756. >The sun rose behind you, and you turned to watch it as the city got it’s power back, block for block.
  757. >You turned back to Bon Bon and pointed with your thumb to the wall behind you.
  758. “We should… fix that sometime…”
  759. >You said sheepishly.
  760. >Bon Bon suddenly broke out into tears and leapt into your arms.
  761. >She stuffed her face in your shoulder and cried until she had no more tears.
  762. >You stood there for a while, stroking her back, trying to tell her everything was going to be fine.
  763. “It’ll be all aces tomorrow”
  764. >You whispered into her ear.
  765. >After a while she pulled away from you, staring deep into your eyes.
  766. “I think you aced it today…”
  767. >Bon Bon whispered lightly.
  769. >It took a while for you to notice she was leaning closer to your face.
  770. >You felt her breath on your lips.
  771. >Your heart started beating faster, your breathing got heavier.
  772. >Before you could react, Bon Bon closed the distance between you and planted her lips on yours.
  773. >You instinctively tried pulling away, but your friend had a vice grip on your arms.
  774. >She put her arms around you and hugged you close as she moaned into your mouth.
  775. >You could almost feel her affection flowing through you.
  776. >You put your arms around her as well and let yourself melt in her arms.
  777. >As Bon Bon pulled her velvet lips from you, all you could do was pant lightly.
  778. >You stood there, starring at each other for a while.
  779. >Then the morning sun rose up over the tall buildings in the distance, painting the sky a fiery orange color.
  780. >You put your head on your friends shoulder as you witnessed the sun rise.
  781. >”How cliché” you thought to yourself.
  782. >You couldn’t have asked for anything else anyway.
  783. >It would be all aces today.
  785. >You woke up by the sound of your alarm clock.
  786. >The high-pitched beeping noise cut into your ears, so you slammed a fist into the night table and crushed it flat.
  787. >You opened your eyes when you heard the splinter of plastic fling through the room.
  788. >You sat up in the bed and looked at the shards and pieces lying sprawled across the floor.
  789. >Shrugging, you got up and donned your clothes.
  790. >Clothes, meaning an oversized t-shirt that stretched all the way to your thighs.
  791. >You wobbled down to the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee for your tired eyes before staring out the large hole in the wall.
  792. >At least you had a nice view of the cityscape from here.
  793. >A light warm breeze blew through your hair and signaled the approach of the summer.
  794. >You still had some time before school ended, but you stopped caring a while ago.
  795. >Besides, the grades you got was more than enough to push you through the rest of the year.
  796. >As you stretched your back, you realized that you were, in fact, not okay at all.
  797. >You had a terrible aching everywhere you could feel, and it HURT.
  798. >A whimper of pain escaped your lips as Bon Bon came wandering down the stairs.
  799. “Oh my, are you alright dear?”
  800. >You turned your head with a sheepish smile and waved it off.
  801. “It’s… n-nothing, Bonnie…”
  802. >you turned back facing the wall as you gritted your teeth and rubbed a sore spot on your back.
  803. >It was most likely from the beating you took yesterday, but you had no choice but to attend school as any more absence could fail your classes.
  804. >You sighed to yourself.
  805. >Back to the usual routine then.
  807. >Even with the continued presence of the pain, you wallowed through the day by drawing tiny horses in your notebook.
  808. >Lunch came, and you stumbled over to the cafeteria.
  809. >You didn’t bother with food, so you slumped down on a chair in the corner, eyeing all the other students go about their usual escapades.
  810. >A pink blur flew past your vision, stopping right in front of you.
  811. >Her pastel-colored hair almost blinded you, hadn't it been for the fact that you were used to it.
  812. “Heeeyyyy Lyyyrraaaa!”
  813. >She supported her head in her hands as she looked at you with sparkling eyes.
  814. “Good morning Pinkie…”
  815. >Your enthusiasm had left you a long time ago, but it didn’t seem like Pinkie gave it any thought.
  816. “So I’m planning to host a summer party by the end of the year and there will be balloons and music and dancing and dicks and pools and it’ll be so much fun, wanna come?”
  817. >She spoke so fast you almost didn’t catch what she said.
  818. >You just nodded in agreement for good measure.
  819. “GREAT! Nice bracelets by the way!”
  820. >Pinkie looked at the rings you were wearing on your hands.
  821. >She reached over the table to touch them, but when she made contact, she quickly backed away as if she saw a ghost.
  822. >You looked at her in surprise.
  823. >Even though she was unpredictable, you had never seen her like this.
  824. “What are you…”
  825. >She whispered, before running for the exit without another word.
  826. >You looked down at your Artefact.
  827. >Maybe she knew or felt something you didn’t?
  828. >You quickly shook the thought away.
  829. >She was just a normal girl, or as far as normal holds to Pinkie, so there was a very slim chance that she could have.
  830. >Another session of doodling cartoon horses later, you met up with Bon Bon to head home for the day.
  831. >This was how your life went by.
  832. >It was just as before, like the weekend only was a dream.
  833. >Except the fact that you still had the bracelets.
  835. >You sat on the roof that night and watched the stars.
  836. >The bracelets on your wrists shone in the moonlight, and the five spots on them glittered in all the colors of the rainbow.
  837. >They looked almost like the shine of an opal, and they trapped you in its radiance for a while.
  838. >A hand wrapped around your shoulder as Bon Bon leaned against you.
  839. >You snapped away from your trance, looking down into the tired eyes of your friend.
  840. >You turned back towards the moon floating up over the skyline.
  841. “How can I go back, Bonnie?”
  842. >You asked her.
  843. “Hmm?”
  844. “After what happened…”
  845. >You turned to face her.
  846. “How can I go back to my normal life?”
  847. “Didn’t you hear what the man said, Lyra? They were going to hunt you down, so they will eventually come to us.”
  848. >She stared into your eyes.
  849. >She was awfully calm about this.
  850. “Good things come to those who wait. Well, not good things in this instance, but why not spend the time while you have it.”
  851. >You lifted your hand in front of you, looking into the captivating shine of the stones in your bracelet.
  852. “The end might come before you realize it…”
  853. >Bon Bon grabbed your hand and curled her fingers around it, locking you in her grip.
  854. “…And I don’t want to lose you before I have to!”
  855. >A moment of silence followed.
  856. >You slowly curled your fingers around her hand as well, and smiled.
  857. “You’ve already accepted the inevitable, haven’t you?”
  858. >You said in a calm voice.
  859. >She stood up quickly, her hand still locked with yours.
  860. >A tear was streaming down her face.
  861. “Well what can I do!”
  862. >She yelled.
  864. “The end is coming and we all know it, but I’ll be damned if I can’t be by your side when that happens!”
  865. >Her sudden outburst left you with a loss for words.
  866. >She pulled her hand away from you, making you stand up in front of her.
  867. >She poked a finger in your chest.
  868. “Those things are going to come for you and you’re going to stop them and bash their head in and they won’t have a chance against you because you’ll be more than capable of beating the shit out of them…!”
  869. >Tears were streaming down her face like waterfalls now.
  870. >You didn’t realize how hard it must have been for her to deal with this.
  871. >You weren’t even sure if you could prevail yourself.
  872. >Looking at your friends streaming tears made you see the reality of things.
  873. >The reality that you could be killed easily, just like that.
  874. >Before you could react, Bon Bon turned on her heel and stormed back inside the window.
  875. >You tried to reach after her but you were too slow.
  876. >Sighing, you fell to your knees and stared into the dark night sky.
  877. >Why did you have to be so curious?
  879. >The following week went by rather quickly.
  880. >Maybe it was the fact that you couldn't concentrate one bit on what you were doing.
  881. >Maybe it was because you had completelly withdrawn yourself into a shell, your mind only keeping thoghts about your inevitable doom swirling in your head.
  882. >Or maybe it was because you started becoming seriously paranoid.
  883. >Ever since Bon Bon confronted you and made you realize the truth, nobody ever seemed like they did before.
  884. >For all you knew anyone could possess one of the ancient artefacts.
  885. >You had already pointed out several people you thought behaved suspiciously.
  886. >As you sat in the cafeteria, keeping an eye out for the students around you, a newscaster was preaching the news for everyone to hear.
  887. >He spoke about the absurd events revolving around your battle with Circuit, and came with bizzare accusations.
  888. >None of them were true, of course, and sounded like an intricate cover-up story.
  889. >You had a feeling that man from the agency had something to do with it, and shrugged it of.
  890. >You scanned the crowd again, but your eyes stopped on a pink dot in the other end of the hall.
  891. >Pinkies sky blue eyes bore into you, locking you in her gaze for a few seconds.
  892. >Her eyes looked distant and cold.
  893. >They had that expression, like she had seen a ghost, still plastered to her face.
  894. >There was something odd with this girl, and you started getting nervous.
  895. >Just then Bon Bon sat down in front of you, blocking your view.
  896. >You tried looking around her, but Pinkie was long gone.
  897. "Lyra, are you igoring me?"
  898. >She asked and crossed her arms.
  899. >You didn't even as much as look at her, as you kept looking over the endless crowd of people.
  900. "...I'm fine..."
  901. >You muttered through gritted teeth.
  902. >Bon Bon sighed as she planted her fingers on her brow.
  903. "Lyra, for celestia's sake, you can't go on like this..."
  904. >You managed to force your eyes upon your friends face for the first time in a while.
  905. >Her expression bore a certain kind of worry.
  907. >She was probably frightened of the other students behaviour too.
  908. >Maybe she knew what was going on and wouldn't tell you.
  909. >Is she with them now?
  910. >Can you trust her anymore?
  911. "What do you know?"
  912. >You said slowly through gritted teeth as you leaned across the wooden table.
  913. >Your friends face of shock seemed as fake as Sunset Shimmer's ''relationship'' with Flash.
  914. >You were so going to get those bastards sometime...
  915. >Bon Bon grabbed your arm, and you instinctivelly tried to pull away.
  916. >Her hands were awfully close to your only means of protection.
  917. "Lyra, we need to talk"
  918. >She said in a determined voice.
  919. >You tried to resist her pulling you out of the cafeteria and down the hall to the restroom, but she had an iron grip around your wrist.
  920. >You could only follow and hope that she wouldn't lead you into a trap.
  921. >When you entered the doors, Bon Bon threw you into the wall and put both hands on each side of you, trapping you in her gaze.
  922. "Lyra, what's going on here?"
  923. >She almost yelled at you.
  924. >You lost your trail of thought as the question caught you off guard.
  925. >She of all peopke should know, strangers are out after your head!
  926. "I... I don't understand..."
  927. "I think you know perfectly well..."
  928. >She cut you off.
  929. >It had heen a while since you've seen her this angry.
  930. >Bon Bon lets go of the wall and marches over to the mirror.
  931. >Her angry expression softening into a sad face.
  932. "Ever since that incident a week ago you've been acting so strange, so... distant..."
  933. >It seemed like she was waiting for an answer, but none could take form in your head.
  934. >It wasn't that different, you was just careful...
  935. "You rarelly eat, you suspect everyone to attack you at any moment. Believe me, i've seen the looks
  937. you give me and everyone else that passes you by... Your sleep scedule is a complete wreck, and you never seem to give those damn bracelets a rest!"
  938. >Those last words made her turn around and grab your wrist again, which was fiddling with the rings around your hands.
  939. >you slowly looked down from your friends eyes and to the shiny red circles hanging loosely on your arm.
  940. >They brought your thoughts back to the times you'd just sit in your bed, looking at them with an empty expression.
  941. >The way you categorized students after potential threat levels.
  942. >It was better to be safe than sorry, right?
  943. >No, this isn't what this is about.
  944. >It's about staying alive, and you would be damned if you were to be caught off guard by anything.
  945. >The honesty behind it all was most likelly the fact that you was scared to death.
  946. "I just can't... Take it anymore!"
  947. >You yelled and tore yourself from Bon Bons grip.
  948. >Shooting up from your crooked posission in the corner of the room, you made your way to the sinks and stared down into the darkness of the drain.
  949. >Even though it's surrounded by bright silverware and light shining directly on it, the drain is always swallowed in pitch black nothingness.
  950. "Bonnie, the hunters could be anywhere. I don't want to be caught off guard because i weren't prepared, alright?"
  951. >You look from the sink and back to Bon Bon's face reflected in the mirror.
  952. >Your eyes bore a pleading look, and you could feel tears press their way behind your eyeballs.
  953. "I just don't want to die..."
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