
Cadence's Ass

Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was sitting on the arm of the couch looking at the menorah they'd gotten over the weekend, "So, we don't light it until Tuesday? Right?" She asked Remy, she'd been doing some actual studying on all of this the past couple of days.
  2. Tsaaq: "Right." He smiled at her and chuckled a bit. "Have you been researching or something?" Remy asked her with a raise of her eyebrow. "I've got to say. Our menorah puts the one at home to shame."
  3. Covet: "Yes, because I know pretty much nothing about Hanukkah." She laughed, then bit her lip, "I know it's not an electric one, but loophole on the whole candle thing. They only have to be burned for at least thirty minutes. Last thing I want is for Titus or the cats to get curious and knock it over while it's lit." She looked back at Remy, "The one in Jersey is bigger than this one though."
  4. Tsaaq: He nodded and went to lay back against the pillows of the couch. "That's only because my dad is ridiculous." Remy said. "If I my mom were a dictator there probably would be a holiday off, with Beat It being played in the background."
  5. Covet: Cadence smiled and looked down at him, letting her hands run though his hair. "I could think of worse songs to be playing" She looked over at the counter, "I'm going to get a brownie. Do you want one?" She asked him as she leaned over him.
  6. Tsaaq: "I mean Beat It is a good song, no question about it. We're keeping Beat It." Remy said with a raise of his hand. "Yes, is it an edible or a normal brownie?" He inquired as he looked back at Cadence, checking out that ass in that thong mmmmm.
  7. Covet: "There's both. I was going for an edible. So nice of Steph to drop them off yesterday." She said with a grin, "I guess Felix demanded that she make him brownies for National brownie appreciation day?" I didn't know that was even a thing. She said grabbing one of the baggies with the edible for herself waiting to hear Remy's answer.
  8. Tsaaq: He rose an eyebrow as he looked at her ass again, still fixated on the booty. "Edible is fine. I'm not getting up early tomorrow." He finally answer. "And be quick. I want you back over here."
  9. Covet: She grabbed another baggie and brought them both over, "Me either, so that means we can sleep in together." She told him as she picked up her pace, then sat down on his lap, opening up a bag for him, " Here you are, hubby." She told him as she took out the Brownie for him.
  10. Tsaaq: "Put it in my mouth." Remy said as he opened his mouth so that she could put the brownie inside. His hands went from her waist to her butt, squeezing on the booty.
  11. Covet: Cadence wiggled that butt in his hands as she leaned in to feed him bites of the brownie, "Like this?" She asked him then pulled off a bite for herself tipping her head back to eat it, causing crumbs to go down her shirt.
  12. Tsaaq: He made loud chewing sounds and moaned as she fed him. "Perfect." Remy said with his mouth full. "I'm ready to be stonnneeed." He sang and went to shake the crumbs loose by jiggling her titties. "I might be going crazy but I think your booty is getting nice and fat." Remy chuckled.
  13. Covet: "Me too." She grinned laughing at him as he ate away noisely. She watched him jiggle her boobs, the crumbs falling to god knows where. "Oh babe, we're already crazy, but it's not bad fat is it?" She asked turning around to look, "I've been keeping up on my squat routine, Gonna get my Milf body ready, before I become one." She said to Remy giving him the rest of the brownie, then opened th other one so they could share it too.
  14. Tsaaq: "I'm into it." He smirked devilishly and spanked her ass so hard it started to jiggly. "Oh yeah." He whispered and went to finish his brownie. He took the newer brownie and put it in his mouth before guiding Cadence's mouth to his so they could chew and kiss AT THE SAME DAMN TIME. "It's the best kind of fat." He finally told her.
  15. Covet: Cadence scrunched up her face as she bounced feeling the sting, giving a gentle whine that was muffled when he distracted her with Brownie make out. she pulled back so she could swallow, putting her hand in front of her mouth, "The muscley kind of fat? I should have gotten us some milk."
  16. Tsaaq: He sighed and smacked her ass again. "It's just the best kind of fat I can't describe it." He shrugged. "Let me put it like this: Guys don't wanna fuck something that's all hard. Your ass is nice and soft and now it's expanding." He smirked.
  17. Covet: "Expanding. If I didn't love you so much I'd totally take offense to that. But, since it clearly makes you happy, I'll let it slide." She told him with a smirk. "Though, having kids is only going to make it bigger. I don't know if you'll be able to handle it." She told him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
  18. Tsaaq: Remy started to laugh uncontrollably then furrowed his eyebrows. "You're not serious right? Cause I love the jiggle of your tits and your ass already. Are you kidding me? I'm stoked for this. I used to think all women stayed skinny as they got older. Turns out my mom is just a genetic freak." He smirked. "But you? Youre perfect. In every way." He went to slap her ass again just so it could jiggle.
  19. Covet: "Hey, be nice to your mom." She told him as she laughed then hissed at another stinging slap. Helping the jiggle with her own squirming."She's going to be awesome just like your Grandma In." Cadence leaned in and pressed her lips to his, "You're perfect too."
  20. Tsaaq: "I am nice to my mom!" He laughed. "Oh crap. Please don't say she'll be like Grandma In, oh my god." Remy's laughter quickly turned to groans. He started to chuckle before holding her by her hips. "You're more perfect though. That's why I have to take my wife to bed." He chuckled.
  21. Covet: "Okay fine, she'll be even more awesome than your Grandma In. She'll be the best Grandma ever." She told him, "Take me and bed me Husband!" Cadence said with a laugh as she got up so he could get up.
  22. Tsaaq: Remy went to pick up Cadence and carried her to their bedroom. "I said it first. Now you're gonna get FUCKED!" He said in a deep voice as he put her on the bed, and did exactly that.
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