
Blueberry and a bat!

Jun 10th, 2017
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  1. >You are Blueberry.
  2. >A smelly, sex ridden slut. What, no that wasn't right. That wasn't you.
  3. >That was the mare on the other side of the town, or so you heard at school anyways. Rumors. Or maybe just gossip, who knew.
  4. >Although, you did have a rather messy night, yes. To say at least.
  5. >You did take a bath, and made sure to clean out yourself throughfully, yes, even down there. After all, being messy wasn't your sorta thing.
  6. >Being cum-filled, however, was! For a night, not for the day after, you weren't that sort of pony!
  7. >You'd trot over to the kitchen, rather happy go lucky, and sit down on the table, waiting.
  8. >Waiting for your mother to bring you something to eat, because gosh you were hungry!
  9. >She'd come rather soon, and, instead of food you'd find a brush, and a bucket in her hooves.
  10. "Blueberry, sweetheart, you can't just make so much mess out of your room and expect it to clean itself."
  11. "I don't want to have to replace the carpet, so please, scrub all of that cum out of it!"
  12. >You'd scrunch w-why would you have to do that!
  13. >Though, you would take the bucket and the brush into your hooves, nodding.
  14. >"Okay, but I wanna talk about something."
  15. >She'd nod.
  16. "We will. Clean your room up, now."
  17. >And, so you would carrying the supplies to your room. Your coltfriend still asleep on the floor. Of course he was.
  18. >You'd sigh, rolling him over to where he was laying down, and scrubbing. Scrubbing harder than you fucked him last night.
  19. >Whiich, speaking of, didn't even leave you sore, must be all of cum acting as even more lube.
  20. >And, as much as you wanted to lick it all up, you did scrub the carpet clean, until it looked somewhat normal.
  21. >Well, looking and smelling nicely at least. You'd attempt to lift your lover up, and place him on the bed, but something something he was too heavy.
  22. >So, you'd leave him, all rolled up in a fetal position on the floor, cute.
  23. >He was even snoring adorably, aw.
  24. >You'd exit your room, and go back to the living room, pushing over the dirty water, and the stained brush to your mother.
  25. >"There! Clean sweep!"
  26. >She'd nod, smiling, before sitting down at the table.
  27. >You'd follow shortly, sitting down with her.
  28. "Okay. So, what did my little filly want to talk about?"
  29. >You figured there was no point beating around the bush, so you'd be pretty direct about it.
  30. >"Pregnancy. More specifically, could I end up pregnant when not in heat?"
  31. >Your mother would think for a few seconds, or that's what you could tell from her expression, before speaking up.
  32. "And, you ask because?" "Wait, don't need to answer it. I know you've been sexually active, even from the last year. Would be hard not to nice." She'd say in a rather teasing tone.
  33. "Nice going last night. I was listening."
  34. >You'd blush, didn't she have anything better to do than listen to you have sex!
  35. >"W-well, yes I was wondering if there's any risk and all..I uhm, don't want a foal."
  36. >She'd nod, stopping her tease, and speaking up seriously once again.
  37. "And, yes. There is a possibility, I'm glad you've been thinking smartly. I'm glad I have such a smart filly, indeed it depends if Sandstone is even able to make kids."
  38. "But I take it you don't want to test that out, hm?"
  39. >You'd shake your head, of course you didn't!
  40. "Good. Well, you can certainly take precautions, telling you to not let him finish inside would be a bit silly, I've seen how much you enjoy it."
  41. "So. I won't, but you came to me asking if there is a risk. I take it you also want a way to prevent it, no?" "Well, you see. Unicorns can use magic, but ah. Us bats, or rather all of non unicorn species aren't so fortunate."
  42. "There are potions that will cause temporary infertility, and well, prevent you from having a child. Unfortunately, they are rather expensive, but they are your best bets if you don't want to pull out and well."
  43. "If you don't want condoms. Which, knowing you two would probably cost as much as a single potion would!" she'd exclaim, chuckling.
  44. >"Heeey, we don't fuck that much!"
  45. "Oh, certainly you don't. Certainly, sweetheart."
  46. >You'd scrunch, neh. That so wasn't the truth. Not a single bit!
  47. >"W-we do it like, twice a week m-month."
  48. "Most foals have sex in season, and not off it at all!"
  49. >"That can't be true.."
  50. >She'd shoot right back.
  51. "It's just the way it is Blueberry. So, there. Those are most of our options, unless you want to completly remove your chance to have kids at all in the future. There is a solution for that, but I figure you'd prefer not going that path."
  52. >You'd nod, no of course you weren't going to. That wasn't you.
  53. >"No mom. I do want to have a kid someday."
  54. "Then fine, I would send you to Zecora, in the everfree to make you a potion, but I don't want my two fillies getting hurt. Until then, try not to fuck anyone, or at least, don't let them finish inside, okay?"
  55. >You'd nod, well that was gonna be hard! You were a little slut for that warm feeling!
  56. >"I'll try mom."
  57. "Do, that's important. And remember, they don't last forever, a day at best, so if you plan on pulling out gang bangs with your friends, then just make sure you take one each the day you're about to well. Have sex."
  58. >You'd scrunch, why y-you'd never do such things! You weren't the town's slut! Begging to have as much dicks in you during one night, nope!
  59. >"H-hey, I would never!"
  60. >She'd chuckle and reply back.
  61. "Teasing, sweetheart, now go. I will give you one for today, but, of course, I'll need to have a talk with zecora later, me and your father will likely be gone for a while." "Don't use it in vain, and remember, label isn't lying, it says one day."
  62. "Even though we won't be gone THAT long.", she'd speak out softly, before walking into her bedroom, not saying much else.
  63. >You'd walk to your bedroom, intent on waking up your sleeping lover.
  64. >After all he couldn't sleep forever, that would be a bit boring!
  65. >You'd walk up to him, and lazily boop his snootle, to which he'd open his eyes, blinking a few times.
  66. >Seems he was finally waking up from his thousand years of sleep, like that fairly take, thorn rose.
  67. >"Hellooo, sleepy head! It's'd pause, looking at your watch--"12 pm!"
  68. >"Get up, and let's go adventuring, shall we!"
  69. >He'd roll his eyes.
  70. "Seriously?"
  71. >"Yes, absolutely no sleepyheads allowed, let's go do something!".
  72. >He'd obey, standing up with a sigh, and rubbing his eyes.
  73. "At least lemme wash myself! I smell of cum.."
  74. >You'd frown, but let him.
  75. >"Fine, but hurry up, I'll be waiting just outside."
  76. >And so you would, you'd patiently wait for your lover just outside the house. A few long minutes would pass.
  77. >Until he'd finally walk out, saddlebags strapped to his back. Wait, how did he get those?
  78. >"Hey, those are mine.."
  79. "I figured you wouldn't use them since you didn't take them!", he'd exclaim.
  80. >You'd sigh. "Oh, well have em', they are blue with a mango imprint on them anyways, no biggie."
  81. >"But I want them when we get home!"
  82. "Fineee, I'll give them.."
  83. >You'd nod, and start walking, why no one could take your saddlebags! He had his own anyways!
  84. >What you were doing today is, well. Probably something sexual, being blueberry.
  85. >Or, rather specifically, you were looking for a bat, you really had no success last time, which was like, few months back, but still!
  86. >You and him would spend quite the while walking around, and so, Sandstone would initiate a conversation.
  87. "So, heh. How was the last night?"
  88. >You'd chuckle, trotting over to a bench, and sitting down, no point talking during walking.
  89. >He'd follow shortly after.
  90. >"Weelll, it was fine! Safe for the fact you passed out the first time you came, that was no fun!"
  91. >He'd scrunch, replying briefly.
  92. "H-hey, I'm I just don't have the energy to finish over and over, I'm a colt!"
  93. >"And I'm a filly!, That's no excuse!"
  94. >He'd keep quiet.
  95. "Finee, I guess you're right, but yes. It was good, really good, just noot something I'd wanna repeat anytime soon.", he'd say with a chuckle.
  96. >And sure enough as the two of you would be giggling to yourself, you'd find a bat trotting past you.
  97. >And not just bat bat, a colt bat, from what you could tell!
  98. >Green eyes, purple, rather short mane, flushed out, blue fur, and a darker shade of same color on his wings.
  99. >He walked rather slowly, though not seemingly too confident in himself, a juice box in his mouth as he'd slowly sip from it.
  100. >Your eyes would quite literally sparkle for a moment as you'd notice him!
  101. >And, of course Sandstone would notice that, even if you didn't speak up just yet!
  102. "Oh? Like the colt, don't ya~"
  103. >"S-shut up, you'll s-spook him!"
  104. >He'd only grin, chuckling, and pushing you off the bench, you'd glare at him, but only for a moment, before turning your attention to the colt which was basically right next to you at this point, walking by.
  105. >You'd shout out in an adorable squeaky voice.
  106. >"W-wait!"
  107. >And..he would, probably confused as to why was a filly shouting after him. He'd turn around, take another sip, before blinking.
  108. "Yes?" his voice was soft, not much unlike Sandstone's, you wondered how he was like in sex, aha!
  109. >You'd be quick to speak up once again, Sandstone grinning at you the entire time. B-bitch!
  110. >"Uhm, I kind of wanted to ask something of you, if you'd like, consider it."
  111. >"C-could you maybe, uhm, have sex with me?"
  112. >The foal would look at you with the look of "what the fuck did she just ask from me?"
  113. >You'd blush intently, so intensely your cheeks would go from blue to red in matter of seconds.
  114. >Sandstone would approach the two of you, talking up to the colt shortly after.
  115. >"Don't mind her, she uh..well, really always wanted to see how a bat would feel like, compared to well me. She let me have a unicorn, and well."
  116. >He'd nod softly, seemingly understanding the situation.
  117. "Well. I don't have a fillyfriend, but you must have quite a bit of issues with her, does she usually ask ponies around for sex out of sudden?"
  118. >You'd interject before any of them could reply. "N-No I don't! I just, I was wondering if maybe!"
  119. >Sandstone was quick to put a hoof to your mouth, shutting you up.
  120. "Oh, let me do the talking, Blue."
  121. "I'm sorry if we spooked you, I kind of knew she was going to do it, but still." "Reject us if you want."
  122. >Though, the sparkle in Blueberry's eyes wasn't going away. Something was telling you she was gonna be very sad if he said no!
  123. >He'd finish his juice off, trotting over to a trash bin and placing it there, before going back to you.
  124. "Well. She really seems like she wants it, just, uhm, I've never met a filly so sexually active. Even off season."
  125. "Something wrong with her?"
  126. >"Oh no, no there isn't! She just loves sex, probably loves that more than me."
  127. >You, the batty, had enough of this shit, you'd bite his hoof and squeak out.
  128. >"Hey, no! S-sandstone goes first, then family, and then sex!"
  129. >You spoke this out with a lot of emotion, so much that it was actually unexpected from you.
  130. >Though, you'd shut up briefly after, seeing that Sandstone was rubbing his hoof, you didn't bite too hard, but still, fangs. At least he wasn't bleeding.
  131. >He'd speak up once again, shortly after. "Y-yeah, she's uhm. Special."
  132. >The colt would chuckle.
  133. "Well. I suppose I could, help you out, I have been with girls before, I'd find it weird to find someone who hasn't, I mean. Ponyville is pretty sexually active in general.
  134. "So, uhm. You guys wanna do it here?"
  135. >He'd speak, you'd turn your head over to Blueberry, who nodded rather eagerly at that, you might of been a bit more reluctant but..
  136. >"Fine, we'll do it here, then." "Just, not in the middle of the road!"
  137. >You'd grab your lover's, and the colt's hoof, dragging them off towards a thick, well hidden bush. Best place to be at!
  138. >Best place to have foal sex at, even.
  139. >Blueberry wouldn't hesitate one bit, eagerly laying down on the floor, and spreading her legs, the ridiculous amount of sex she had not showing up at her girl bits one bit.
  140. >Really, they seemed like the ones of a virgin, felt like one, even you never actually knew why, never bothered, she felt too good to bother asking!
  141. >She'd pop open the potion, chugging it down briefly, before giggling, and speaking.
  142. "Kay you two, I should be safe now, I think. Mom claimed os, so go on! Fuck me silly!"
  143. >"Uh, Blue, that's strange, even for you."
  144. >The colt would, however, disagree, shaking his head.
  145. "Oh, she just really seems to like me, so I suppose I should let her. We can share her, if she's not hesitant to, well."
  146. >He'd hint, putting his hoof on her butt-hole.
  147. >To which she'd squint, closing her legs.
  148. >"H-Hey, n-not there g-guys!", she'd exclaim.
  149. >He'd sigh, nodding, then turning to Sandstone.
  150. "She doesn't like it, eh?"
  151. >You'd nod, no you never tried it with Blue, and as far as you know, she didn't want it.
  152. >"No, not really she doesn't."
  153. >He'd nod. "Okay, well, you wanna go first at her, or..?"
  154. >You'd shake your head. "She's been wanting to fuck a bat for months, please be nice and do her a favor, will ya?"
  155. >And, so he would, getting closer to your lover, as you'd take the other side of her, obviously you weren't gonna stand by the side with the whole action going on.
  156. >Her fillyhood was glistening with her juices, the colt wouldn't hesitate too much, slowly sinking his length inside of her, until..
  157. >Until she'd squeak out a "W-wait, stop!"
  158. >And so he would, you'd look down at her, pulling your cock out of her mouth. Hm?
  159. >"I-I can't, he's..t-thick, it hurts a bit.."
  160. >Worst thing is, he wasn't even an inch in her, maybe that explained why she felt a bit less tighter than an unicorn.
  161. >Were bats perhaps capable of taking in bigger things, but Blueberry wasn't?
  162. >Maybe she just had small bits?
  163. >He'd pull out, sighing, before rubbing his unsheathed shaft.
  164. "Well, I don't want to force it on her, she's your lover, not mine. If it doesn't fit, well.."
  165. >Blueberry would however speak up, a look of lust, and desire in her eyes, and sound in her voice.
  166. >"I-I'm worthless! I-I can't even procreate with another of my species w-what is my mom going to say to me!" "U-useless daughter who's never going to give her grandchildren!"
  167. >She'd speak out, bursting out into tears a few moments later, well that killed the arousal for the three of you, the colt would look down at her gleaming depths, backing away and giving them a lick, as you'd get on top of her belly, and attempt to comfort her.
  168. >She'd let out a soft moan through the cries as he'd lick at her.
  169. "Blue, it doesn't have to be that way, you're still a filly, maybe you'll be able to take bats when you grow up, and if not, you'll always have me, we can have kids together, and live happily!"
  170. >She'd smile up at this, seemingly a bit more comforted. She'd swallow her tears and nod.
  171. >"I-I..I guess you're right, I won't cry over it, there are worse things."
  172. >You'd smile as well, her happiness was important to you.
  173. >The colt would blink at two of you, stopping his licks briefly to speak up.
  174. "It's fine, there's no need to push her if it won't fit, we could make it, but, it's probably going to hurt her."
  175. "And, I don't really want to hurt anyone."
  176. >You'd nod at the colt, getting off your lover, and rubbing her fillyclit.
  177. >She'd let out another moan at this, until you'd pull away.
  178. >And turn to the other colt, Blue giving both of you confused looks.
  179. >"Could you perhaps lick her out, while I play with her teats?"
  180. "Sure I could!", he'd exclaim, placing his mouth back on her filly bits, and starting to lick, and suck on them, all the while you'd play with her small, filly boobs!
  181. >Sure enough her reaction was rather intense, as two of her sensitive places were assaulted, moan after moan coming out of the filly.
  182. >You and the colt would continue, just in-tune, making sure not to interfere with each other.
  183. >You could feel yourself being hard, really hard,and given that he was, if barely inside Blueberry's tight depths, certainly he was as well!
  184. >However, both you, and colt, who's name was a total mystery, thanks to you never asking, were managing to keep yourself contect, and controlled, Blueberry, however, was twitching from the simultaneous pleasure.
  185. >You did know just what this meant, so you'd stop playing with her, booping the colt.
  186. >"Stop. She'll finish too quickly."
  187. >He'd nod, pulling away from her girl bits.
  188. >To which Blueberry would frown, and speak up.
  189. >"G-guys! W-why are you stopping, I -I was so close!"
  190. >You'd giggle, lightly pushing the colt away,and moving in front of Blueberry, your shaft aligned with her filly lips, until you'd suddenly push inside, and start thrusting.
  191. >You did indeed, go all the way in, in and out, repeatedly over a short period, unfortunately for you, as Blueberry was already close before, she'd cum after, what you could tell was some 8 thrusts, she'd coat your dick in her foal juices, she'd let out a very audible moan as she'd ride out her climax on you.
  192. >And you wouldn't be holding out for far too long either, shooting a few thick spurts of cum into Blue's depths, letting out a groan as you would, not a deep, manly, one of course.
  193. >And, while you were too busy rutting your lover, you didn't even notice the other bat was busy face-fucking her, and sure enough he wouldn't hold out too long either, letting out a moan as he'd shoot out several spurts into her mouth.
  194. >To, which not to your surprise, Blue swallowed very eagerly, panting as he'd pull away.
  195. >You'd remain lodged in her for a few more seconds, before pulling away, your shaft pulling back into it's sheat.
  196. >The colt would be the first one to speak up after all of this.
  197. "H-Ha, she's amazing, y-you're crazy lucky."
  198. >You'd smirk, giggling, even though you were tired. "I get told that a lot~"
  199. >Blue wouldn't even respond, remaining laying down on the ground, cum leaking from her muzzle, and her pussy.
  200. >A-at least she was on birth control, luckily for you.
  201. >You'd lay down next to her on the grass, not caring that it wasn't comfy one bit, too busy from exhausting sex you just had.
  202. >You'd pop a question to the colt, very tiredly.
  203. >"S-so, w-we haven't really shared names, I'm uhm, Sandstone, and this here is Blueberry, and you would be?"
  204. >He'd reply very meekly.
  205. "Moon moon!"
  206. >You'd nod. "Silly name. But cute, thanks for the fun night!"
  207. >He'd snort, chuckling himself.
  208. "No, thank you for sharing your a-amazing little bat~" "Sorry I couldn't fulfill her wish."
  209. >"Nah, you should of just pushed onward, not be a wuss and back away~"
  210. "H-hey, she said it hurts!"
  211. >You'd nod. "I guess.., she'd still love it."
  212. "Probably. Maybe we'll meet when she's bigger, maybe."
  213. >"I'd hope as much, go sleep now, will ya. Feel free to sleep here with us, but beware, she's lewd from the morning."
  214. "I'll be fine, I need to go anyways. He'd speak as he'd slowly stand up on his wobbly legs, and trot off into the night.
  215. >You had no idea where he went, but oh well. Blueberry would be in for quite the surprise when she'd wake up.
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