
Cotton Candy & Black Lace (CC&BL)-I'll be here for you-

May 20th, 2013
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  1. Cotton Candy and Black Lace-1
  2. -I'll always be here for you-
  3. 3 Libras
  6. >You are Anon of Earth, and after being on this world of pastel ponies for a year and a half now you were getting the balls to tell a mare you cared about your true feelings for her.It wasn't easily at first to get past them being marshmallow horses but after finding out there were no spells in existence to send you home as Trans-dimensional magic was extremely rare and the only unicorn to ever had the ability was a thousand years dead you were stuck here.
  8. >It wasn't as bad as you had thought it would have been, you spent a few moths in Canterlot castle learning all you could of this land, with the help from Luna, who understood the feeling of being an outsider, taught you everything you ever need to know.You in turn had helped her find her place amongst her own people, wit introducing the concept of night court not being about crimes as there was little to none, nor the fact that Celestia had already handled any and all cases in the day, but to liven it up and allow artist and musicians to come into her court and create under the night sky, Vincent Van Goat was the first to show up and after his Starry Night painting Luna's court boomed with artist and writers wanting to work under the princess of night herself.
  10. >Her happiness was more then enough for you but Celestia felt it would be a fitting reward to give you your own home in ponyville, to allow you yourself to develop more friends and find your own happiness. Luna was sad to see you move out of the castle but with a hug and a promise to meet together one night out of every month she was willing to let you go.
  12. >A Ding of the oven wakes you from your thoughts about the past, reminding you you had a cake to decorate before your friends returned from a test Celestia had given Twilight.A few curses and one burned hand later the cake was done, decorated in pink and white frosting, with congratulations written out on it,knowing twilight she passed, you smile at your creation, after all you learned form the best.Outside the kitchen the door to the Sugarcube corner opens and slams shut as one very energetic party mare bounces in and into the kitchen, her blue eyes wide saucer at the view of the cake.
  14. "Hey pinks,I'm guessing Twilismo passed?"
  16. >The party mare still staring at the cake, drool pooling out of her mouth just vacantly nods, her tail twitches and in a blink of an eye you swat a frying pan at her hoof as a deterrent.
  18. "This is for later, pinks you know that"
  20. >Dodging the frying pan she starts to whine,"But I want to have it now, we can make another before the party tonight"
  22. "Sorry party pone this is the first cake I made on my own, I want everyone to try it, after all I learned from the best," you smile at her before picking the sad eyed pony up and giving her a tight hug, the smell of cotton candy strong in your nose, a sent you've come to fall in love with.
  24. "So what happen over there? How was the Crystal empire?" You let her go as she smiles and tells you about their adventure acting out everything she had saw and heard about...
  26. >An hour later
  28. >"And the best part was Shinning Armor, THREW Princess Candice! and she went flying like a paper airplane, whoosh and caught spike and old menie King Sombrero was like 'Eye corumba!' and exploded!"She gasps excitedly panting then smiles,"is the cakes here?" she asks quietly
  30. "No pinks they took the twins to the park, they wont be back till another hour or two"
  32. >Pinkie pie nods her hair almost comically deflating and becoming straight, her expression flipping from overjoyed to depressed.
  34. 'Talk to her, tell her'
  36. "Another bad dream last night I take it?"
  38. >She nods slowly,"Yeah, they keep happening more so then ever, its really saddening, its becoming harder and harder to make others happy when I cant be happy myself."
  40. 'Tell her how you feel, you fool'
  42. >Taking the sad pony in your arms again you squeeze her tight, confetti comically flying out of her nose,eliciting a giggle from her.
  44. >"Well, at least you now what makes me smile, thanks nony, I don't know what I would do if it went for you"
  45. You nod holding her still, these were the moments she need a hug the most, when she was at her lowest of times and when she was alone.
  47. >"Alright then, I guess I'll just go to sleep till later then, once their back I'll feel much more party like, but now...I just need to rest."
  49. 'TELL HER'
  51. >You put her down and look into her eyes, you can see her sadness and depression deep inside, and no mater how hard you tried you feel like you can never help her get over it, no matter how she tries to tell you you make her smile it still shows deep in her eyes the pain she is in.
  53. 'Next time' you tell yourself
  55. > You've tried everything to cheer her up when she gets like this but ever since you became her best friend who pinkie pie swear'ed to never tell anyone about her mood swings. Only when your around and no one else is around does she show her true feelings.
  57. 'Someday there wont be a next time,'
  59. >I pains you to see her walk so slowly up the stairs and hear her slam the door to her room shut, not wanting to deal with anything else.
  61. 'Why the hell do I have to be so, unable to tell her how I feel? Why does she get like that in the first place, alone she deflates to this depressed mare, yet when even single pony is around she flips a switch and boom its party time. Why cant I get her to smile? Yet she spends everyday of he life making others do so?'
  63. >Questions plague your mind like they do every time pinkie pie shows her inner self to you, never have you gotten an answer from her either. Rainbow Dash once saw her like this and she refuses to talk about it, only saying she was rather manic and that all. Twilight couldn't even find an answer when you approached her with a rhetorical question about a friend who might be schizophrenic, to avoid braking the promise but Twilight was unable to help only offering a book on psychology by a Sigmund Foals.
  65. >You shake your head and carefully set the cake out from the kitchen to a table set in the restaurant portion of the shop, you have everything but balloons and streamers ready for the party, once pinkie cheered up you would let her do that part, she loved using the party cannon to decorate.Setting the cake down two hooves wrap themselves around your waist. A wet spot on your back tells you she had the nightmare again.
  67. "Its ok pinks, I'm here still, you know I'll always be here for you"
  69. >She nuzzles your back as she sobs softly"I..I don't want anyone to know, they'll think I'm a freak,a monster if they ever did."
  71. "No pinke, they wouldn't, its nothing more then a nightmare, even Luna herself said so, its just your minds way oh handling these mood swings, its nothing more then a circuit breaker being rested" you turn to the crying pony and sit down to bring her in for a tight hug,"You know I care for you pinkie, no matter what you think you are your pinkie Pie the party pony, not even logic or reality can stop you."
  73. >She giggles whipping away the tears with he hooves, her mane instantly poofs back to her normal party mode .
  74. "Thanks nony, your the best big brother I never had."
  76. Damn, Bro-zoned
  78. >Inside a thousand voices cry out to tell her how you feel, to stop being a bitch and tell her but after her comment nothing but silence follows. Not even the rustling of jimmies galaxies far away could be heard.
  80. "Yeah, your welcome pinkie, your the best little sister I never had."
  82. Chances to tell party pone you love her: None
  84. Heart:'You sir, done fucked up.'
  86. Brain:'Eeeeyup'
  88. Heart:'Any chance to fix this situation?'
  90. Brain:'As much as the survival rate is when breaking a pinkie promise, none'
  92. 'Fuck off you tow, hear its your fault were in this situation, and you two brain, now both you shut the fuck up'
  94. >Pinkie lets you go and begins to bounce around"I feel a lot better now nony, glad we talked, oh look the cakes are back,Ill see you later nony I got some foals to play with."You nod as she bounces away to the front door, stealing Pound cake away from Mr.Cake
  96. >Mr.Cake wanders over and makes a 'well?' gesture with his hooves. You return with a 'Crash and burn' expression in return, you both give a sigh and nod before he turns away to save Mrs.Cake from pinkies foal onslaught
  98. Later that night, after the Congratulations on Saving the crystal empire party from a really bid meanie party
  100. >The cake had been a success, as it was your first one without having Mrs.. Cakes or pinkie pies help in baking it. The party had gone on well after midnight and ended after the last pony standing had passed out, you yourself hadn't bothered with drinking too much punch as you had a bottle with your name on it at home...well Applejacks family name really, but you earned it none the less after last apple bucking season.
  102. >You make your way home, past twilights Treebary, and the Carousel Boutique, to the edge of town where your house was built over looking the town on a small hill. It was a simple two story house, custom built for your height as all the ponies except Luna and Celestia was a a bit past your waist. Inside was simple as well, most of the wants in life were not available in this world, you stuck with a couch and a recline all facing a nice sized TV, on the walls were pictures from your time in Canterlot.
  103. >You and spitfire passed out drunk at some bar.
  105. >You had met Spits during a bar fight, and after you two knocking several ponies out you both went to another bar to drink some more, becoming fast friends and even getting VIP tickets from her when ever there was a big race in Canterlot. You had almost started a actual relationship with her but before anything got any further you had to move to ponyville, where you simply stayed as just friends.
  107. >Another picture was of You and Luna throwing water balloons at passing citizens of Canterlot, on Hearts and Hooves day you and Luna wanted something more disastrous and less romanced to do so you suggested raining down balloons of water on couples in Canterlot.It went over real well, especially when it rained down balloons over blueblood and his date.
  109. >The last picture of your time in Canterlot was that of Celestia with cake all over her face while chasing you down the halls of the castle. What you didn't see in the picture was Luna waiting at the end of the hall with more cake to be dropped on her sister. You nearly got sent to the moon over that one.
  111. 'good times'
  113. >The last picture is of you and Pinkie pie with all of her closest friends:
  115. Twilight you knew from her visits to Canterlot to study you,and everything you could remeber about your past and your world. She was nice to you often curious about everything you did, you in turn questioned her one everything magic, though after several failed attempts of casting magic, you stuck to studying theoritical magic instead, working with Twilight and Luna on creating a magically generated hologram like projections, allowing simple tihngs like books to become full blown movies to a game of Dungeions and Dragons a full blown Real life like rpg.
  117. >Applejack who you help during their busiest season in apple bucking, well you mostly just haul the barrels, as punching trees was more for minecraft and hooves then hands. She was all in all a good honest friend, and her family was equally as loving to you as they were to her. Applebloom wanted to keep you as a pet but applejack explained to her that You were infact not a pet monkey but an actual person who was a hired hand. It broke your heart a little to see her pout but seconds later she was happy again instead asking to be a fired since you wernt a pet hairless monkey. Big Mac, didn't say much but he didn't need to you both got along just fine, he and Aj would buck you and him would then haul the apples back. At night he would sit with you and watch the night sky, only every so often saying a rare thing about him and Cheeralee.
  119. >Rarity who, for some reason actually got along with you rather well even though she can be a bit grinding about fashion, Though having some experience about sewing costumes from your mother in the past really helped her welcome you to her shop anytime and you two would bounce ideas about period outfits that would look better now if they were to be brought back. Hell, you winessed Rarity revive a dead fashion from your world, calling it a fashion Renaissance. It had helped her buisness and popularity greatly, she even gives you a few bits for every dress you help her with, not much but its the thought that counts.
  121. >Rainbow dash was at first a complete jerk to you at first. Trying to prank you every moment she had free when she wasn't showing off, a rain cloud here, lightning bol there, the first few days were a living hell until Spitfire came down to check out your new home, she stayed the night and when Dash tried to prank you in the morning she saw you and Spits going out the house together, and you may have given her a 'friendly' kiss on the snout and she did a complete 360, in the air as well as personality, after that. She wanted to know everything you knew about spitfire and the wonderbolts, so you told her everything but your more intimate details you and spitfire to swear to keep to yourselfs. After all of that Rainbow Dash thruned out to be a great drinking partner and a even better partner to exersive with, helping you get in even better shape.
  123. >Fluttershy was a very quite friend, and the last one of the group to open up to you.It had taken the help from both pinkie pie and Rainbow dash to convive her you were not going to eat her nor any of her animal friends, as you had long accepted meat was no longer an option in ponyville. It did help that before comming to this universe you were trying out some of the veggie fake meats to try to eat more helthier. That little fact in mind you had invited her overfor a meal setting it up for hr to see that you infact only eat soy-baed meats and not real meat from any animals. That had reassured her and she slowly opened up to you,offering to bring you fresh fish every so often as she has some usually after the otter family sometimes has more then they need. Soon you found a side about Fluttershy that only Dash knew from flight school, when she gets drunk she gets wild and sings pretty raunchy songs. The day she found your music player and into your Metal and heavier songs was the day you almost regretted..almost after all when she sang some of the songs Cradle of Filth, you she erned your repsect.
  125. >The one closet to you, in the picture, giving off the silliest grins you have ever seen, the one you wanted to give your heart to but could not, Pinkie Pie, right after leaving Canterlot she was the first to welcome you, the first of all the ponies in ponyville to accept you for who you were, no questions asked, and you were the first to accept her other half, her sadder side, the first to hear about her dreams, it was easy for her to tell you, becuase you were different from everyone else, after all you wern't a pony so you wouldent jusge her for her dreams like the others might have. So she told you the night of the picture was taken, and you console her, conforted her and she told yuo that night, you were the best big brother she never had. That was the beginning of a very long and hard path to try to go from a brother to something more, a path that dives you to spend each free night drinking your sorrows away.
  127. >Digging through your fridge you pull out some Apple Family's secret brew apple whisky and flop on your recliner. Today had been a failure to get your feeling across, as had every other attempt, as you drink down the hard drink and sigh.
  129. >The definition of insanity comes to mind:
  131. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
  133. >That exactly what you were doing, going in consoling pinkie pie and getting bro-zoned every time, going home and drinking yourself into a drunken stupor until either Luna showed up for your monthly get together or the sun rose to ruin your hung over morning.
  135. >The Dream, it was all that damn nightmare she kept having that was to blame. Every night she has a dream where she ends up hunting down and torturing her closet friends, slowly killing each one is some horrific manner, and enjoying it every moment of it. Each night it gets worse, more vivid more detailed and the more she enjoyed it.
  137. >It didn't start happening till after you moved into ponyville, Luna had investigated as a favor, only to find its her body dealing with constant overjoyed to depressed mood swings, and your arrival was nothing more then a coincidence.
  139. >That's what you wanted to believe but you felt responsible none the less. So you stood by her everyday, helping her vent her fears and frustrations, pushing your own wants away to help her.
  141. >Staring at the blank TV, you sip from the now empty bottle, was it full when you started? you don't remember but your thoughts were nothing but a blur of images and words,conflicting emotions and lost causes melding into nonsense.
  143. Tomorrow you think to yourself
  145. Tomorrow I'll tell her.
  147. >And So the Cycle continues, or so you thought...
  150. End chapter 1, Next chapter The Party has been Doubled!
  152. Notes:
  153. Well this is my first story ever to be posted any where as Terminal Bonds is my actuall first first story, but thats a work in progress, im gonna revamp what i got and continue it as i continue to work with CC&BL, as well as revamping my orgional idea for Frozen hearts. Which will feature Batpone, becuase why the fuck not. But really Gloomie is a cute character and so I myself would like to take up a batpone myself and try at it,and no it wont be grimdepred like RT's, though I do love his stories.
  154. There are more chapters done for CC&BL but I'll post them one at a time once per a thread when im able to as I dont have internet at home and my tablet sucks at copy/pasting anything, and my laptop is pretty much a desktop as i cant unplug it, and need to keep it plugged in at all times for it to run.
  155. So do tell me what you think of the story so far,any advice comments and such will be used if helpful and it will allow me to go back on anything i have completed and make the needed changes. I will keep posting this story until its complete becuase i know there will always be someone out there someone who will read it till the end even if every anon out there says its shit and such, becuase Fuck you thats why. Theres my rant with love and all the homo. And thank you for reading and again thank you to the Anons who read and comment or dont becuase we all need a little Green text.
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