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- Kavlo added Amaxin to the group.03/05/2017
- Kavlo - 03/05/2017
- Ayy lmao, making dis for life is feudal stuff
- Amaxin - 03/05/2017
- >ayy
- Triggered
- Kavlo - 03/05/2017
- gonna add rest of the peeps once they accept muh friend requests
- ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
- lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao
- Kavlo added Feweh to the group.03/05/2017
- Kavlo added Casany! to the group.03/05/2017
- Casany! - 03/05/2017
- whats this group FOR tho
- Kavlo - 03/05/2017
- CM Life Is Feudal peeps
- Casany! - 03/05/2017
- cool
- Kavlo added Apophis775 to the group.03/05/2017
- Kavlo - 03/05/2017
- ayy lmao
- March 6, 2017
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Go and find a good spot in an area without a lord for us to claim and post screens.
- Casany! - 03/06/2017
- Make sure it's relatively flat so we don't spend hours terraforming
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- It probably won't be
- Discussion is that it'll possibly be into the side of a mountain
- Casany! - 03/06/2017
- So it's easier to mine for stuff???
- I've been in the game for 1 hour, I don't know MUCH
- So I'm going off things I've been told here
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- It'll probably be harder to terraform, but easier to mine.
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- I am building the walls now, i need someone to break rocks and bring them to me.
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Walls for?
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- The 2nd tier
- The large barn is up now
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Do you have a 100Q mallet?
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- I do
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Aight
- I may come on later
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- and 80 skill
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- I've been extra sick today :frowning:
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Dude, you're telling me. I went and took a nap bc i got sick to my stomach.
- Casany! - 03/06/2017
- I wish I could get on m8. I got all next week tho, and once I get down how to do most things on a personal server, I'll join and do the grunt work
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Feweh! Discord!
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- ?
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- he's online, just not in chat
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Ay! We need boards!
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- So did we decide wheter or not were sticking with this group or spliting off?
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- Found a server that was made on march 5th by some life is feudal youtuber, options for it are okay
- Not actually too many people on it atm since it only came up yesterday and you have to direct connect atm since they're having problems with the server listing.
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- YouTube
- Mr Feudal
- Hi there folks, I'm Mr Feudal, I love Sandbox, FPS, survival and Crafting games. I love the Medieval Genre in games and I hope to share some great moments an...
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- What's the server info?
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- Hold on
- I'll get it
- I started yesterday
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- I'd prefer a server, with a good skill limit, not horrible growth mutlipliers, etc
- OH
- I did the math for planting on our current server based off August 4th
- There could be 2 potential crops before they stop growing for winter.
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- The skill development on the new server is cancer.
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- ?
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- it's not that bad
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Its bad kavlo.
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- What's the server called, I can check it's information
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- This is the official server of Mr Feudals Youtube Channel. Join this server if you respect the grind and love Life is Feudal. Everyone here is either new or expereinced, so please show respect to one another as we are all players of this brilliant game.
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Turns a grindy game into a supergrind
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- You gotta direct connect at the moment since they're setting it up still
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- yeah...
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- Days are longer tho
- ip for it
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Im not a fan
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- That means, slower plant growth
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Is cancerous
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- Will, I played for 6 hours and I topped out my skills. Literally can't get any more
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- What's the skill limit set at?
- And how is that possible?
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- It's cancer because you punch someones shield 3 times and they're at lvl 90 on the hammer one
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- For the trade and combat skills, it's abooooout 2500? Don't quote me on that
- But for skills like strenght and stuff it's about 100-120
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Hmmm
- His misadvertises on his website then
- Also, sever has only like, 5 people
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- The guy who owns it is a utuber who does Life is Feudal tutorial vids
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Yeah, Its real small
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Playercount over the last 48 hours is: 2
- One person connected for like 6 hours...
- looks at kavlo
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- I started yesterday and isen't on the list yet
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Any life is feudal server automatically goes there.
- Most players ever connected, is 3.
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- There was me, Kavlo, Will, Feudal and some random dude at one point today
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- ^^^
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- I just wish the skill gain was faster.
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- We talked about not getting our owner server, because we didn't want an empty server
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- I mined and terraformed for hours, and only got to like 55. LOL
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- I mean like I said it's a day old and isen't on the server listings ingame
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Let me log in and check
- adjusts his hipster hat and JUDGEMENT goggles
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- My artisan is already near lvl 90
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- WAit, it's only now at 90?
- after 6 hours of terraforming?
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- IDK about J-Day
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Sorry, Judgement hour
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Yeah, not worried about it
- I
- I'll query the server in-game to get it's specific stats.
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- The thing is , the only server we have properly played is a server where the skills are massivly increased in gain, everything in general is just a LOT faster then the base game
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Well, we played on another server before that a little
- and it was torture
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Its better if its faster than the server we're on now.
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Our current server, is the fastest
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- we need like 80% of that.
- On an empty one
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- launching to take a look
- How long is a "day"
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- I think for now atleast the whole low player count thing should be ignored since like I said, started yesterday and not on the server list ingame, 1 day is like 1-2 hours
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- night is almost as long as that
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- What's the Day/night ratio?
- Also, what's the in-game date?
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- ingame date was like august 6th
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- its like august 5th, and its 1:1 i think
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- August 6th?
- Why start it in winter?
- Also,
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- If it's 2 hours for day that means...
- Standby
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- August - Winter, wat
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- What's the day?
- In-game
- I need to see the calculator
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- logging in to check
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- August 6th
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- August 6th night time, so mornin is 7th
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- And there's 6 people on right now whoa(edited)
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- Looking for a reddit thing where the guy had info give me a min
- reddit
- Mr Feudal's Domain [] • r/lfservers
- Hi there folks, this is my own Official server that's hosted by a good friend located in the United State. Below are the Server configuration...
- I personally like the server, don't mind the skill gain, new server so everyone is NOW starting, and the owner is a nice dood who makes videos teaching peeps how to play the game
- I know he's a nice dood because earlier me and Amaxin were ingame terraforming and I mentioned how we had broken like 9 prim shovels, guy tp'd over and gave me 2 iron shovels 20q
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- im down to play it i s'pose. Long as everyone is on board.
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- We got 4/6 plaster shacks made
- And the land for the other 2 is basically cleared
- us on map
- That reddit thread above also has server stats
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- hmmm
- It's 15x, I believe our current server is 100x
- Terraforming is 3x
- That's about 30% of our current.
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- Our one was x4 right
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- 5x
- Interesting
- Plant growth, is faster
- Mr Feudal: Skillcap: 2500
- Mr Feudal: Skill Multi: 15x
- Mr Feudal: Day cycle: 4 Hours
- Mr Feudal: Terraform: 3x
- THat's theirs
- Current server is:
- 3000
- 1000
- 2
- We'll have to discuss it
- making a "Life is Feudal" discord room
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- ok
- I mean me and Amaxin made 4 plaster shacks already and have room made for 2 more, so peeps can respawn and such, we're in a good spot too
- south east near the clay and rocky hills
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Where?
- I'll try for a day or so
- To see how quick progression actually is
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- its not. lol
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- what concerns me though
- Is that talking with the host, he says they don't know what's up with it not being public
- It has to be fixed by the guy who owns the server, but he's just got a free server from the guy
- Mr Feudal: I don't. As much it pains to say it, My friend needs to work on it on his end
- Mr Feudal: and hes experienced in all this aswell as me
- Mr Feudal: but I purchase my servers to make sure this doesnt happen, being offered a free server at max slot and 2x the cpu power
- Mr Feudal: hard to say no right?
- Mr Feudal: I'll be working with him on it anyways
- Mr Feudal: in the mean time, it will be Direct connect which is a real annoyance for both you and me
- where are ye?
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- from earlier
- on the map there
- south east
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- I'm on the way
- But yeah, skill progression is MUCH slower, which means more GRIND
- So, we are going to have to be much more careful what people do
- People will NEED to specialize.
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- Which means no more shield skill at 90 in 3 hits
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Yeah.
- But it also means, much slower food and such generation
- I'm not a fan of some of these PVP rules
- - If you are killed, you should SIT DOWN in the place you respawn till combat is over.
- That sort of Erks me.
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- compared to u rp killing during day
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Well, RP killing is one thing
- But if your castle is being seiged, and you die early on so you have to just sit it out...
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- I mean in theory people could also just constantly respawn and run out and zerg rush
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Not really
- They'd need weapons/gear
- And you'd be feeding resources
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- It dosen't exactly need to be running out too, someone on the wall is killed after a while of beeing wittled down, then they just respawn gear back up and are back to being a pain in the ass
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Ok
- I'm nearby
- a little north, on the beach, where is ye?
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- you'll see it, inland but more north then south near the peak uphill
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- I'm on top of a hill
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- I'm around, you might see me
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Found the group.
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- claim a house that's free, 1 should be
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- Get on, Kav
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Only prim tools right now?
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- We've got 2 iron shovels from Feudal, but that's it
- Got some copper but no iron yet, so can't make tools, p sure
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Well, we'll need a LOT of stuff before we can make iron tools
- Not a bad location though
- Willthehoss - 03/06/2017
- Headed to wqork now. Be on later yall
- Amaxin - 03/06/2017
- o/
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Aight
- I'll get started on getting my farming stuff up
- We've got about 3 harvests till winter, so I wanna get shit started soon
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- ill be on later tonight
- busy till like 11
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Low pop server ATM feweh
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- ya im ok with that
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- So, don't get TOO excited for PVP
- Low pop like
- Us and a few other brits.
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- kkkk
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- But, once it's on the public list, it should go up
- considering it's at like 5 or 6
- and everyone is currently direct connecting, I think that bodes well
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- ya thats good for us now
- we should pull in people asap
- summon our friends
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- That's the plan
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- did anyone tell the forsaken bay peeps yet
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- No, I'll prob jump between servers for a little bit
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- ?
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Mainly because the skills on this server are tediously low...
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- but why bother with the other server
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- WEll like, I started at 33 nature's lore. I've done a LOT of herb finding already
- Current score: 33.9
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- ya, but thats the point
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- goes up by about .07 each time
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- the other server was purposely set to increase crazy
- which is in part why everything felt so pointless
- you maxed out instantly to build shit that had no purpose
- now that we're starting off will actually need basic shit up
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- Started at like 30 artisan got it up to like 80-90
- Feweh - 03/06/2017
- ima be on to terraform later and help out
- kavlo, can you make tools for when we get there?
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- Prim tools
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- not on atm
- I'll make some tools later
- were using bark boxes atm too
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- FIRST MAJOR OBJECTIVE: A house with a door to put boxes inside
- Also, I'm already thinking of some simple designs
- Kavlo - 03/06/2017
- Fair warning apop a lot of the soil near us is forest but there is also fertile soil down towards the beach you could take or just plant down there
- Apophis775 - 03/06/2017
- March 7, 2017
- Apophis775 - 03/07/2017
- NE1 comin on?
- Kavlo - 03/07/2017
- I'm with monkey and my arma 3 milsim group
- Apophis775 - 03/07/2017
- :unamused:
- Feweh - 03/07/2017
- ya mnokeys gonna be banned soon from cm discord if he keeps poaching members
- Casany! - 03/07/2017
- I'm gonna be creating a character some time soon, what should I focus on skills wise?
- I'm thinking of going into the farming field, though if you need an artisan I can fill the role
- By some time soon I mean tomorrow
- Apophis775 - 03/07/2017
- Even points into artisan and natures lore
- Let us know when you're available, because we have to explain the rules and how shit is gon work
- Speaking of which
- Kavlo - 03/07/2017
- Na I invited monkey to my arma group
- Apophis775 - 03/07/2017
- @everyone There are like 6-10 70+ quality trees nearby
- We need them for sprouts first
- They'll be a nice place to farm sprouts every ingame day or so to get a good amount of Nature from
- Casany! - 03/07/2017
- I'm planning to spend the time I got tomorrow on learning the basic controls, but I won't be available in the server till Friday. I got tests coming up in half my classes, so I don't have much time
- Kavlo - 03/07/2017
- The owner of the server we're on does life is feudal tutorials
- Apophis775 - 03/07/2017
- YEah
- Kavlo - 03/07/2017
- Google Docs
- DnD City Names
- Sheet1 #, Name, Pronunciation, Characteristic, Population 1, Westmoreland, wehst-MOAR-lehnd, 104, 000 2, Zauburg, ZOW-buhrg, 144, 000 3, Wickham, WIHK-uhm, 163, 000 4, Brim, BRIHM, 130, 000 5, Morgansport, MOAR-gehns-poart, 1, 300, 000 6, Georgetown, JOARJ-town, 217, 000 7, Guilford, GIHL...
- Willthehoss - 03/07/2017
- Helegrod
- Kavlo - 03/07/2017
- Kavlo changed the channel name:
- Amaxin - 03/07/2017
- Did you play a lot while I was asleep?
- Kavlo - 03/07/2017
- We got our monument down
- Amaxin - 03/07/2017
- What do?
- Okay I googled it. Good stuff.
- Add me to the guild if you're on
- Kavlo - 03/07/2017
- will do
- Kavlo - 03/07/2017
- Made 2 furnaces, a kilm and made MOST of a forge and anvil, all peeps need to do now for it is add shaped stones, gonna get off someone else can finish it, also out west of our base a good bit off near the bottum of a hill is some iron
- Amaxin - 03/07/2017
- Thanks to whoever stole my house btw
- Amaxin - 03/07/2017
- Kavlo, I might need your help when you're back. I seem to be, uh. Stuck mid-air.
- Feweh - 03/07/2017
- /stuck
- Apophis775 - 03/07/2017
- jumpin on
- Apophis775 changed the channel name: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz03/07/2017
- Apophis775 changed the channel name: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz03/07/2017
- Apophis775 changed the channel name:
- Apophis775 - 03/07/2017
- accident :Z
- btw, talking to these guys, this server isn't going to be as "RP" as the last one. They have no intention of doing vassals or lordships.
- Casany! - 03/07/2017
- Good. I wouldn't do good as a vassal anyway
- I'm more of a conquistador
- Feweh - 03/07/2017
- you have no idea what a conquistador is
- March 8, 2017
- Casany! - 03/08/2017
- I've taken history classes. You do realize I'm in high school
- Apophis775 - 03/08/2017
- Then you'd know conquistadors were basically vassals without land.
- Casany! - 03/08/2017
- thats the irony of it
- Kavlo added Mokey to the group.03/08/2017
- Kavlo - 03/08/2017
- Kavlo - 03/08/2017
- Mokey - 03/08/2017
- I was the victim, and as an 8ft black woman who needs no man
- I feel violated
- Kavlo - 03/08/2017
- Ay Will you gonna b playing with us much or sticking to lovehammer
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