
Mission schedule

Aug 15th, 2012
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  1. Go Ping:
  2. ---Will pay a full week of specialized training in any subject he knows if Armas will help him put down a flesh golem made of May Lee by an enemy of the Triads looking to enrage them. Asks for Armas specifically. ARMAS
  4. ---Will pay $10,000 for every confirmed Yakuza head brought to them. ANY AND ALL
  7. Rocco:
  8. ---Will pay $850,000 for Armas to commit his company to seeing a town officially under mafia control has no 'rock-the-boat' issues for the month it takes to get new mafia members out to it and resolve their general manpower shortage. The location has nothing of sufficient worth to draw any considerable magical threat, and at best would run afoul of human criminals, magical or otherwise, looking to claim the modest income the town can provide to its 'protectors' - BORIS, NIKIFOR, LEV, GRISHA, MATVEY, ANDREI, DMITRII, VLAD
  10. ---Will pay $52,000 for a quartet of escorts of a magical persuasion to advise and scout for taking out a non-magical nazi remnant base with minimal property damage. They are not expected to fight. – MATVEY, BAGGA, DAVGON, SHADOWBRO,
  12. ---Will pay $2,000 per Soul Binding for someone to insure loyalty in new emergency recruits. - ARMAS
  16. Zosimus:
  17. ---Will pay $120,000 for someone to guard a recently turned Conceptual Bloodliner for two weeks, as her vampirism corrupts her initial bloodline. This job has two guard positions open. – TITUS, ROSTISLAV
  19. ---Will pay $57,000 for anyone that can resolve their issues with one of the Turkish Blood Banks no longer wanting to give their due. Details available on request, but it seems they really want someone quite socially mobile. - SATAI
  21. ---Will pay $55,000 for anyone that can figure out whatever happened to one of the ambulances Zosimus Ghouls ran and lifted blood from. So far, it's been verified to be a surface-level problem, and not involve the Undersewers-otherwise, they know nothing. - NIKIFOR, BAGGA, IVAN
  23. ---Will pay $40,000 for anyone that can permanently make a nosy reporting poking about the Zosimus clan permanently halt her inquiries. The reporter is a family woman, and would be noticed if made to vanish. - SHADOWBRO, SAKE(?)
  25. ---Will pay $35,000 a head for three separate rogue vampires, one from Ibruhem, one from Yorgin, and one from Zosimus. They have no relation and none have a known location. True names are available for those accepting any of the three contracts. - BAGGA
  28. Leprechaun Bonzi:
  30. ---He will pay me ten pounds of gold if I can get him a first edition copy of Flash Comics #1, the comic book. It must be in mint condition. - Svetlana (then other operatives for acquisition, Satai coordiate maybe?)
  32. ---He will pay in a set (I variable setting thermal/kinetic/electric Shield Charm, 1 Blade Charm, 1 Arrow Charm, 1 Mind Charm, 1 Curse Charm, all rechargable) of grade-A Leprechaun-craft charms for anyone that can remove an infestation in his Pot. - ARMAS
  34. ---He will pay me by assigning a section of his pot as mine to store things in and sign a Soul Contract to deal honestly and promptly with me regarding item storage, should I find a way to remove the Giant from the Undersewers beneath his shop that keeps stealing his shipments of Magma Dwarven Beer. This storage space will let me store three items, and the Leprechaun agrees to be bound such that he's incapable of knowing what the items are outside of when I'm actively discussing them with him-it sounds like a rather potent and secretive storage system, and there's no mention of needing to kill the Giant, merely to resolve the situation. - Cammella (she can request assistance)
  36. ---Offers a vintage Semetic Clay Golem complete with its original order-papers for anyone that can find the thieves that broke into a Triad van while it was parked outside, broke one of their terracotta soldiers, and stole something from inside of it. The customers refused to give details on what was lost, beyond it being 'very red, and very pole-like'. - FEODOR, ANDREI
  38. ---He will teach the fundamental principles of Leprechaun footwork to anyone that can both calm down an angered Kronknar, and suitably, but nonlethally, chastise a prominent Were's child that robbed Kronknar's shop on a dare. This job is warned to be difficult. SATAI, ZHENYA
  40. ---The Minotaur Kronknar of the bar will pay a hammer that hardens metals it shapes to be present on spiritual and shadow planes as well as the corporeal for anyone that can help him bust up a game some Devils are running where they hunt and kill a Minotaur in a maze. The devils are all known to be no stronger than five bloodliners, each, and no more in number than six. ARMAS, HILLEVI
  43. Sometimes Merchant:
  44. ----He will pay two rechargable Blade Charms and one rechargable Arrow Charm, svartelf make, each, for up to five warriors willing to fight a horde of hobgoblins. He's confirmed they won't have artifacts or outright spellcasters to their name, but can have basic magical implements in their number. – ZHENYA, MATVEY, SATAI, BAGGA, ROSTISLAV
  46. ---He will owe me a Favor of negotiable nature if I can 'teach a lesson' to the heir of a local Bloodline family that besmirched his pride. I'm not allowed to kill or harm the kid-merely to annoy, shame, frighten and general troll him. - ARMAS
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