
Faerzen & Nick say goodbye

Jun 18th, 2015
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  1. 06[12:11] * Faerzen[aberrant] you see Faerzen staring odd into space, swinging his arms around in the air
  2. [12:12] <Faerzen[aberrant]> *off
  3. 06[12:12] * Faerzen[aberrant] looks over at Nick
  4. [12:12] <Nick_Varnegs> huh?
  5. 03[12:12] * Faerzen[aberrant] is now known as Faerzen_Norstov
  6. 06[12:13] * Nick_Varnegs lands near faerzen and falls exhausted to the grass, breathing heavily
  7. [12:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, it seems you.... Decided to return
  8. [12:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> Did I say something?
  9. [12:13] <Nick_Varnegs> *heavy breathing* i... said... i... was.... going... to... come... back
  10. [12:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> We were literally just speaking to one another and you leave to tell Byron to speak with me?
  11. [12:14] <Nick_Varnegs> its... just that... i didnt want the.... conversation devolving... into that
  12. [12:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> I'm not sure I follow
  13. 06[12:14] * Nick_Varnegs takes a really deep breath
  14. [12:14] <Nick_Varnegs> that's so much better
  15. [12:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> I can't see any conversation between you and Byron being anywhere near productive
  16. [12:15] <Nick_Varnegs> i just didn't want our conversation derailing into... that
  17. [12:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Into what?
  18. [12:15] <Nick_Varnegs> omnisciense took a toll on me, i used pain as a... coping mechanism okay?
  19. 06[12:15] * Nick_Varnegs looks away and blushes lightly
  20. [12:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Wait.....
  21. [12:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> You're talking about your back?
  22. [12:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> I wasn't even going to say anything about that!
  23. [12:16] <Nick_Varnegs> ... you weren't?
  24. [12:16] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  25. [12:16] <Nick_Varnegs> oh.
  26. 06[12:16] * Nick_Varnegs fully fledgedly blushes
  27. [12:16] <Nick_Varnegs> i know... im a pervert
  28. 06[12:16] * Nick_Varnegs facepalms
  29. [12:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> I was about to describe how I would be right now if I hadn't had you
  30. [12:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> And I was carefully thinking
  31. [12:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sorry I took so damn long
  32. [12:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> I...... Think a lot
  33. [12:17] <Nick_Varnegs> go on.
  34. [12:17] <Nick_Varnegs> i know
  35. [12:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well
  36. [12:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> I don't really remember what we were talking about
  37. [12:18] <Nick_Varnegs> you shredded a shopkeeper to pieces and you are quite broken mentally
  38. [12:18] <Nick_Varnegs> that was it right?
  39. [12:18] <Nick_Varnegs> you tasted my side, and i had a taste of yours
  40. [12:19] <Nick_Varnegs> and it sort of... wasn't nice
  41. [12:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well yeah
  42. [12:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> Let me try and remember what I was saying
  43. [12:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((Checking pastebin))
  44. [12:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh yeah
  45. [12:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> We were talking about this game
  46. [12:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> And how it tears us down
  47. [12:22] <Nick_Varnegs> and then i ran off because i though you noticed... this
  48. 06[12:22] * Nick_Varnegs turns around and points the scratches to faerzen
  49. [12:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> And I said I couldn't have made it here without you and Byron
  50. [12:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yeah......
  51. [12:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well without you, I would........
  52. 06[12:23] * Faerzen_Norstov takes a deep breath
  53. 03[12:23] * Archive is now known as Train
  54. [12:24] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  55. [12:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> I would almost certainly still be a miserable self-deprecating ball of mess
  56. [12:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> I may be a beacon to you
  57. 06[12:25] * Nick_Varnegs takes faerzen's hand
  58. [12:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> As imperfect and messed up as that beacon is
  59. [12:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> But you
  60. 03[12:26] * Train is now known as Archive
  61. [12:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> We're a boat, trying to navigate the treacherous seas of this game
  62. [12:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> I may be a beacon of sorts, but you are what keeps me going
  63. [12:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> You are the strength behind us
  64. [12:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> The power that keeps us moving
  65. 06[12:27] * Nick_Varnegs lets go of faerzen's hand... and tackle-hugs him
  66. [12:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> I would have quit by now if I didn't have something to fight for
  67. [12:28] <Nick_Varnegs> im glad you are here.
  68. 06[12:28] * Faerzen_Norstov hugs Nick fiercely
  69. [12:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> This game may try to tear us down but together we're better than that
  70. [12:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> I hope
  71. [12:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> I want to hope
  72. [12:30] <Nick_Varnegs> who needs hope when i have you
  73. [12:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> But it's hard
  74. [12:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, that was cheesy even by *my* standards :)
  75. [12:30] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  76. [12:30] <Nick_Varnegs> i know
  77. 06[12:30] * Nick_Varnegs keeps hugging faerzen
  78. [12:31] <Nick_Varnegs> what did you expect from someone that should be dead by the standards of normal time?
  79. [12:31] <IcyByron> <so can i interject>
  80. 06[12:31] * Nick_Varnegs just wont let go from the hug
  81. 06[12:32] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks
  82. [12:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hahaha
  83. [12:32] <Nick_Varnegs> ((well... you CAN))
  84. [12:32] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  85. 03[12:32] * IcyByron is now known as masterfulShooter
  86. [12:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> So
  87. [12:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> What now?
  88. [12:33] <Nick_Varnegs> ...oh
  89. [12:33] <masterfulShooter> *beeping Intensifies from -insert device-*
  90. [12:33] <Nick_Varnegs> want to visit the door?
  91. [12:33] <masterfulShooter> hello
  92. 06[12:33] * Nick_Varnegs just keeps hugging
  93. [12:33] <masterfulShooter> hello?
  94. 06[12:34] * Faerzen_Norstov swings his hand through the air to dismiss the notification
  95. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> Faerzen
  96. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> what the fuck
  97. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> hey
  98. [12:34] <Nick_Varnegs> or maybe we could like go to the-
  99. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> you started sounding ominous
  100. [12:34] <Nick_Varnegs> what was that?
  101. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> or something
  102. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> dude
  103. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> hey
  104. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> what the fuck
  105. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> HEY!
  106. [12:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sorry, Byron is bothering me again
  107. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> I HAD A JOB AND I SURE AS FUCK AM GONNA DO IT
  108. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> HEY
  109. [12:34] <Nick_Varnegs> oh
  110. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> LISTEN
  111. [12:34] <masterfulShooter> DAMN IT
  112. [12:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> UGH
  113. [12:35] <masterfulShooter> I LEAVE FOR 1 SECOND
  114. 06[12:35] * Nick_Varnegs opens his laptop
  115. [12:35] <masterfulShooter> FUCK
  116. [12:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> JUST A MINUTE
  117. [12:35] <masterfulShooter> HEY
  118. [12:35] <Nick_Varnegs> BYRON, IS NOT NECESSARY
  119. [12:35] <masterfulShooter> WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED
  120. [12:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> Let me talk with him, Nick
  121. [12:35] <masterfulShooter> OH HEY CROWMAN
  122. [12:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> I'll just be a moment
  123. [12:35] <masterfulShooter> THE FUCKS GOIN ON
  124. [12:35] <Nick_Varnegs> ((assume that was sent from esperchum))
  125. [12:35] <masterfulShooter> <i did>
  126. [12:35] <Nick_Varnegs> not much
  127. [12:35] <masterfulShooter> ((god i was gon for a long time jesus))
  128. 03[12:36] * Faerzen_Norstov is now known as visceralVanguard
  129. [12:36] <Nick_Varnegs> i... was... hugging?
  130. [12:36] <masterfulShooter> you having WING SEX AGAIN
  131. 03[12:36] * Nick_Varnegs is now known as SolemnSketcher
  132. [12:36] <masterfulShooter> >:???
  133. 03[12:36] * visceralVanguard is now known as Faerzen
  134. [12:36] <SolemnSketcher> look, im with faerzen here, lets just make a group or something
  135. [12:36] <Faerzen> Nick, are you talking to Byron?
  136. [12:36] <masterfulShooter> oh GOD DAMN IT
  137. [12:36] <masterfulShooter> FUCK
  138. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> YOU...!
  139. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> DARN STUPID
  140. 06[12:37] * SolemnSketcher to faerzen "yes"
  141. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> WHY DID YOU EVEN ASK ME TO DO SHIT
  142. 06[12:37] * Faerzen rolls eyes
  143. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO FUCKING DO IT YOURSELF
  144. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> FUCKING ASSHOLE
  145. [12:37] <SolemnSketcher> ...
  146. [12:37] <SolemnSketcher> k bye
  147. [12:37] <Faerzen> Nick, say you need to go
  148. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> FUCK YOU
  149. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> STAY HERE
  150. 06[12:37] * SolemnSketcher mutes and closes his laptop
  151. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> YOUR GONNA HAVE SEX AGAIN ARENT YOU
  152. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> GOD DAMN IT
  153. [12:38] <masterfulShooter> FUCKING WING SEX
  154. 03[12:38] * Faerzen is now known as visceralVanguard
  155. 03[12:38] * SolemnSketcher is now known as nick_varnegs
  157. <Faerzen and Byron talk on Esperchum>
  159. 06[13:44] * nick_varnegs is basically just finishing a card pyramid with a tarot deck
  160. 03[13:44] * visceralVanguard is now known as Faerzen_Norstov
  161. [13:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hey Nick
  162. [13:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sorry about that
  163. [13:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> That took much longer than I thought
  164. [13:45] <nick_varnegs> just a second
  165. [13:45] <nick_varnegs> im missing just a card
  166. 06[13:46] * nick_varnegs puts the two cards at the top, finishing the pyramid
  167. [13:46] <nick_varnegs> ...
  168. [13:46] <nick_varnegs> its okay faerzen :)
  169. [13:46] <nick_varnegs> i dont mind waiting for things
  170. [13:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sorry that took so long
  171. [13:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> Byron does like to talk
  172. 13:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you for being patient :)
  173. [13:56] <nick_varnegs> eh... its was what... half an hour? :p
  174. 06[13:57] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  175. [13:57] <nick_varnegs> so... what did byron tell you?... apart from the ogres and him wanting to make a "comic" about me
  176. [13:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> Mostly that
  177. [13:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> And how he is frustrated that he isn´t getting to see any horrible visions or experience murderous rampages
  178. 06[13:57] * nick_varnegs facepalms
  179. [13:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> To which I tried to convince him he doesn´t actually want to experience
  180. [13:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> As I think we can both attest
  181. [13:58] <nick_varnegs> that man is incredible
  182. [13:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yeah....
  183. [13:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> About him
  184. [13:58] <nick_varnegs> really? i dont think he wants either side of the coin
  185. [13:58] <nick_varnegs> yes?
  186. [13:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> What do you mean by that?
  187. [13:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> What about coins?
  188. [13:59] <nick_varnegs> ... we are quite opposite if you think about it
  189. [13:59] <nick_varnegs> and where does that leave byron?
  190. [13:59] <nick_varnegs> we need like a... thing that can be represented by three parts and stuff
  191. [13:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> In some ways, I think Byron is sort of like the average of the two of us, but with his own dimension added onto that
  192. [13:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> He is quite the character
  193. [14:00] <nick_varnegs> yes... he's basically... a guy
  194. [14:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> But about him right now
  195. [14:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> He´s very preoccupied trying to climb this mountain
  196. [14:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> I don´t know if he tried to hide it from you, but he almost died
  197. [14:00] <nick_varnegs> he did tell me
  198. [14:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> And he´s only a third of the way up the mountain
  199. [14:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> I gave him some advice, but I think it´s best if we leave him alone for the moment
  200. [14:01] <nick_varnegs> im worried that he may... you know
  201. [14:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> I told him to keep in touch with me when he need to
  202. [14:01] <nick_varnegs> you think this is a journey that he has to make on his own?
  203. [14:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> But with his implant, either of us talking with him and the wrong time could spell disaster
  204. [14:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> *at the wrong time
  205. [14:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> I think so, yes
  206. 06[14:02] * nick_varnegs nods thoughfully
  207. [14:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> But also, I don´t want us to be the cause of his failure
  208. [14:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> If he is in the middle of a fierce battle and you contact him
  209. [14:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> You know he is going to go into a shouting tirade again
  210. [14:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> And with his attention span, he will probably get clobbered by an ogre while he is busy yelling at you
  211. [14:03] <nick_varnegs> i told him i was going to train him on prospit
  212. [14:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> So I told him to update me periodically with how he is doing and if he needs anything
  213. [14:03] <nick_varnegs> he still is there after all
  214. [14:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I don´t think either of us should contact him at all outside of that
  215. [14:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> He agreed
  216. [14:03] <nick_varnegs> can i... still do that?
  217. [14:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> All your conversations end up being at argument matches anyways
  218. [14:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, I would think so!
  219. [14:03] <nick_varnegs> great!
  220. [14:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> I don´t think he will be going to sleep any time soon though
  221. [14:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> So probably after he is done with this mountain business
  222. [14:04] <nick_varnegs> dont worry i wont bother him outside our training ;p
  223. [14:04] <nick_varnegs> ok.
  224. [14:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> I will let you know when he is all clear to talk to again
  225. [14:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> When he lets me know that he is done with his climb!
  226. 06[14:04] * nick_varnegs turns around, his glaive appearing in his hand in the process and making the card pyramid colapse
  227. [14:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> :(ç
  228. 06[14:04] * nick_varnegs captchalogues his glaive again
  229. [14:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> What was that for?
  230. [14:05] <nick_varnegs> eh.
  231. [14:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> I liked it :(
  232. [14:05] <nick_varnegs> i could rebuild it
  233. [14:05] <nick_varnegs> ... now... something comes to mind
  234. [14:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmm?
  235. [14:06] <nick_varnegs> he... he talked about these right?
  236. 06[14:06] * nick_varnegs flaps his wings
  237. [14:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sigh
  238. [14:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes
  239. [14:06] <nick_varnegs> dear god i dont want to even know what he twisted my words into
  240. [14:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> He didn´t even both twisting your words, he simply made up his own
  241. [14:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> *bother
  242. [14:07] <nick_varnegs> oh
  243. [14:07] <nick_varnegs> oh god
  244. 02[14:07] * aberrantArtificer ( Quit (Quit: Bye)
  245. [14:07] <nick_varnegs> lets not go into that
  246. [14:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> I agree
  247. [14:08] <nick_varnegs> great
  248. 06[14:08] * nick_varnegs gives a thumbs up as he kneels to pick up the cards
  249. [14:08] <nick_varnegs> ...
  250. 06[14:09] * nick_varnegs begins humming a song while doing so
  251. 06[14:09] * Faerzen_Norstov helps pick up cards
  252. [14:09] <nick_varnegs> thanks faerzen
  253. [14:09] <nick_varnegs> <you see the cards are drawn by hand with red ink on a piece of yellow-ish paper>
  254. [14:10] <nick_varnegs> ...
  255. 06[14:10] * nick_varnegs takes a deep and slow breath...
  256. [14:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Is something wrong?
  257. [14:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> You seem awfully quiet
  258. [14:10] <nick_varnegs> i still think i should leave
  259. [14:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> ....
  260. [14:11] <nick_varnegs> there's just...
  261. [14:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> I thought you would say this
  262. [14:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> Please continue though
  263. [14:12] <nick_varnegs> its just that... look faerzen... i want to be here but... i shouldn't
  264. [14:12] <nick_varnegs> there's just...
  265. [14:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> The baby?
  266. [14:13] <nick_varnegs> that and...
  267. [14:13] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Nick stares a moment at the 10 of Swords in his hand
  268. [14:13] <nick_varnegs> look
  269. 06[14:13] * nick_varnegs decaptchalogues a crumpled paper
  270. [14:14] <nick_varnegs> here
  271. [14:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> What is this?
  272. [14:14] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <Isn't the stuff from the folder you had blank Nick?>
  273. [14:14] <nick_varnegs> it was my... note saying... goodbye
  274. [14:14] <nick_varnegs> ((nope))
  275. [14:15] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <my bad>
  276. 06[14:15] * Faerzen_Norstov slowly lowers his eyes and reads the note ((what does it say?))
  277. [14:15] <nick_varnegs> <the note written in shaky letters reads "i have to leave faerzen... A brief glimpse into the future was all that was needed for me to see how badly this is going to end..." ((this continues))
  278. [14:15] <nick_varnegs> "There are but a small amount of branches in the future and many of them end up in the death of one of us... At the hands of the other"
  279. [14:16] <nick_varnegs> i want you to know faerzen, i do this for the both of us, i do this because i dont want you getting hurt... I do this for a future... Knowledge made me see how badly i am going to fuck up you are my beacon faerzen, you are my light... With you i never feel lost, you burn brightly in my mind and i will never forget you... See you later
  280. [14:16] <nick_varnegs> i love you, but i shouldn't stay
  281. 06[14:16] * nick_varnegs finishes picking up the tarot cards and packing them all in their box
  282. 06[14:16] * Faerzen_Norstov sits there in silence
  283. 06[14:17] * nick_varnegs stares at the ground without saying a word
  284. [14:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> Regardless of how shaky your beacon is, isn´t having a beacon better than becoming lost in the storm of your own darkness?
  285. [14:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> I fear what will happen to both of us if we are together
  286. [14:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I also fear what will happen if we are alone
  287. [14:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Believe me, I know the risk in being here with you
  288. [14:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> The book has told me many things
  289. [14:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> But to me, it is still worth it
  290. [14:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> If you feel you must leave, I won´t stop you
  291. [14:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I would ask that you take care of the baby and do not isolate yourself in your dark land
  292. [14:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> For it is an easy place to lose yourself in
  293. [14:20] <nick_varnegs> i am not losing myself in any crag or plain... but im losing myself here
  294. 06[14:20] * nick_varnegs points to his head
  295. [14:20] <nick_varnegs> i need to seek myself faerzen
  296. [14:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> Very well
  297. [14:20] <nick_varnegs> i need to seek my inner vision... i need to find me
  298. [14:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> Let me know however I can help you in that journey to find yourself
  299. [14:20] <nick_varnegs> just... one thing
  300. [14:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> I only hope you do not lose yourself along the way to find yourself
  301. [14:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> Don´t be alone in this
  302. [14:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes?
  303. [14:21] <nick_varnegs> i just... i just want a final kiss
  304. [14:21] <nick_varnegs> a token of goodbye
  305. [14:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> Final?
  306. [14:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> You make it sound..... as though this is an end
  307. [14:22] <nick_varnegs> figuratively speaking.
  308. [14:22] <nick_varnegs> this is not an end
  309. [14:22] <nick_varnegs> but who knows how long till time reunites us again
  310. 06[14:22] * Faerzen_Norstov breathes a sigh of relief
  311. [14:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am only an EsperChat or a Gate away!
  312. [14:23] <nick_varnegs> i still love you you silly
  313. [14:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> Time has an odd way of playing with our lives, doesn´t it_
  314. 06[14:23] * nick_varnegs gives the box of cards to faerzen
  315. [14:23] <nick_varnegs> here
  316. [14:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> I don´t think I will ever truly understand how it works
  317. [14:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> For me?
  318. [14:23] <nick_varnegs> yes
  319. [14:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> ..... thank you :)
  320. 06[14:24] * Faerzen_Norstov embraces Nick tightly
  321. 06[14:24] * nick_varnegs hugs back
  322. 06[14:24] * Faerzen_Norstov runs one of his hands through Nick´s hair
  323. [14:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> I know.......
  324. [14:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> I know you may not have had the most sensible of motives in coming here
  325. [14:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I am glad you did
  326. [14:26] <nick_varnegs> <you can feel from your embrace nick shaking slightly as he mutters>
  327. [14:26] <nick_varnegs> i aam glad my recklessness leaded to this
  328. [14:26] <nick_varnegs> of every risk i have taken in my whole life
  329. [14:26] <nick_varnegs> ... going trough that gate was the best of them
  330. [14:27] <nick_varnegs> ((shit gotta go
  331. 06[14:27] * Faerzen_Norstov pulls his head back while still embracing Nick
  332. 06[14:27] * Faerzen_Norstov you ready for that kiss?
  333. [14:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((we´re almost done :D))
  334. [14:27] <nick_varnegs> ((gimme a sec switching to mobile
  335. [14:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> You ready for that kiss?
  336. [14:28] <nick_varnegs> I REALLY HAVE TO SWITCH TO MOBILE NOW
  337. [14:28] <nick_varnegs> JUST A MINUTE
  338. [14:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((doooooo it))
  339. 02[14:28] * nick_varnegs (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  340. 03[14:30] * Nick_Varnegs (webchat@ has joined #RPGStuck_Horrorterrors
  341. [14:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((yo))
  342. [14:30] <Nick_Varnegs> ((from the "you are ready for this kiss?))
  343. [14:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((did you get the things for pastebin before you closed?))
  344. [14:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((yeah sounds good))
  345. [14:30] <Nick_Varnegs> ((yes, ill pm them to you later))
  346. [14:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((nice))
  347. 06[14:31] * Faerzen_Norstov pulls his head back while still embracing Nick
  348. [14:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> You ready for that kiss?
  349. 06[14:31] * Faerzen_Norstov smirks
  350. [14:31] <Nick_Varnegs> i have never felt both ready and not at the same time
  351. [14:32] <Nick_Varnegs> i think that is a yes?
  352. [14:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well then, I guess that means we just need to go for it. :)
  353. 06[14:32] * Faerzen_Norstov pulls Nick in for a farewell kiss
  354. 06[14:32] * Nick_Varnegs smirks and goes for it
  355. 06[14:33] * Nick_Varnegs pulls faerzen into a tight hug/kiss romantic combo
  356. [14:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((where making this hapen))
  357. [14:33] <Nick_Varnegs> ((yep))
  358. [14:33] <Nick_Varnegs> ((at dont kill us, your ship is safe))
  359. 06[14:34] * Faerzen_Norstov slowly pulls back
  360. [14:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> So, shall we fly back to my house together?
  361. [14:34] <Nick_Varnegs> sounds like a plan :)
  362. 06[14:34] * Faerzen_Norstov holds Nick´s hand and takes off for home
  363. 06[14:35] * Nick_Varnegs happily flies along faerzen
  364. 06[14:35] * Faerzen_Norstov touches down in his front lawn
  365. [14:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> Are you still in possession of that flower?
  366. 06[14:36] * Nick_Varnegs shows the card to faerzen
  367. [14:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> Excellent :)
  368. [14:36] <Nick_Varnegs> i said i was going to keep it didn't i?
  369. [14:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> I will hold on to these cards as well as a reminder
  370. [14:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> Stay in touch, okay?
  371. [14:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> I will do the same :)
  372. [14:36] <Nick_Varnegs> :) i will
  373. [14:37] <Nick_Varnegs> wait!... you never showed me the doors
  374. [14:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, so I gathered from the recent memo that there are 8 people on the same team as us.
  375. [14:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh?
  376. [14:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> I will send you a picture
  377. [14:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> They really aren´t anything terribly remarkable
  378. [14:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> Actually, they are quite exceptionally unremarkable
  379. [14:37] <Nick_Varnegs> nonono, i want to see them
  380. [14:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is rather infuriating :/
  381. 06[14:38] * Faerzen_Norstov rolls eyes
  382. [14:38] <Nick_Varnegs> you can find even the most amazing things about mundane stuff
  383. [14:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, they´re down here
  384. 06[14:38] * Faerzen_Norstov walks over to a spiral staircase leading down in the front yard
  385. 06[14:39] * Faerzen_Norstov leads Nick all the way down to the set of black and white double doors
  386. [14:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> See?
  387. [14:39] <Nick_Varnegs> hmmm...
  388. [14:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> They almost seem to be made of cruxite, or a similar material
  389. [14:39] <Nick_Varnegs> let me... sort of
  390. [14:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have already tried picking the lock, breaking the doors, and investigating for hidden mechanisms
  391. 06[14:39] * Nick_Varnegs places his hand softly on the black side of the door
  392. [14:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> What are you doing?
  393. [14:40] <Nick_Varnegs> ... touching the door
  394. [14:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well yes, I gathered that
  395. [14:40] <Nick_Varnegs> its cold
  396. [14:40] <Faerzen_Norstov> Are you..... suggesting
  397. [14:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> Maybe.... if I place my hand here......
  398. 06[14:41] * Faerzen_Norstov places his hand on the white door
  399. [14:41] <Nick_Varnegs> ... i dont think this is how any of this works but...
  400. 06[14:42] * Nick_Varnegs takes a deep breath
  401. [14:42] <Nick_Varnegs> there's something... that just gives me a bad feeling about this door
  402. [14:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, something terrible has been behind every single door I have encountered thus far
  403. [14:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> So I cannot say I am surprised
  404. [14:43] <Nick_Varnegs> no, this sensation is different
  405. [14:44] <Nick_Varnegs> its like... when you know you cant prevent something
  406. [14:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am not certain I follow
  407. [14:45] <Nick_Varnegs> like watching a glass cup falling to the ground and its already past your grasp
  408. [14:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> What does that have to do with this door?
  409. [14:45] <Nick_Varnegs> it feels... like bad news and destiny
  410. [14:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well that certainly isn´t what I was hoping to hear
  411. [14:46] <Nick_Varnegs> neither was i
  412. [14:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, I will be certain to ask this book about what lies on the other side before I open it
  413. [14:47] <Nick_Varnegs> ... lets go back up, i dont like this door
  414. [14:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> Very well
  415. 06[14:47] * Faerzen_Norstov returns to surface
  416. 06[14:48] * Nick_Varnegs follows swiftly
  417. [14:48] <Nick_Varnegs> i think... this is my last time?
  418. [14:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((did AT tell you stuff about the door or was that for flavor?))
  419. [14:48] <Nick_Varnegs> once again figuratively speaking
  420. 06[14:48] * Faerzen_Norstov sighs
  421. [14:49] <Nick_Varnegs> ((flavor and nick being nick))
  422. [14:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> From the recent memo, I gathered that there are 8 people on our team
  423. [14:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> We should be arranged in a loop, so if you repetitively fly through the first gate of each land, you will return to your house
  424. [14:49] <Nick_Varnegs> ok?
  425. [14:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> As long as you do not get sidetracked
  426. [14:50] <Nick_Varnegs> i wonder where the second one leads me
  427. [14:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have met a couple of them, but most of the others from what I hear would not take kindly to a mysterious crow figure intruding on their lands
  428. [14:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> So I would advise zipping through them as fast as you can to return home
  429. [14:50] <Nick_Varnegs> i wont get sidetracked... there are no other faerzens are there?
  430. [14:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> Especially so you get through before Byron returns home
  431. [14:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Jurgen fuck, I certainly hope there aren´t
  432. [14:51] <Nick_Varnegs> i will tell you if that works
  433. [14:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Please do
  434. [14:51] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  435. [14:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> I would steer clear of the second gates since we do not know their function
  436. [14:51] <Nick_Varnegs> ...sometimes you just have to take... risks
  437. [14:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> It may be tempting to explore, but I would just fly through each gate before anything has the chance to go wrong
  438. [14:52] <Nick_Varnegs> if we dont try we'll never know
  439. [14:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have a feeling
  440. [14:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> That flying around like this is sort of.... cheating
  441. [14:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> We will get to the second gates in time!
  442. [14:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> But we are meant to build there
  443. [14:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> And skipping to that point may unleash something we are not yet prepared for!
  444. [14:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> But we will get there soon :)
  445. [14:53] <Nick_Varnegs> well then
  446. [14:53] <Nick_Varnegs> oh. i didnt want to mention it during our... goodbye, but your lips still taste like blood
  447. 06[14:54] * Faerzen_Norstov pulls up his left sleeve, revealing a large bite mark and a hole in his shirt
  448. [14:54] <Nick_Varnegs> uhhh...
  449. [14:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> That they do.
  450. [14:54] <Nick_Varnegs> here, let me
  451. 06[14:55] * Nick_Varnegs takes faerzen's left arm and examines bitemark
  452. [14:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> It appears when you have visions of tearing another to shreds, your subconscious makes to with the best alternative
  453. [14:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> *makes do
  454. 06[14:56] * Faerzen_Norstov winces as Nick lifts his arm
  455. [14:56] <Nick_Varnegs> ... i see what you mean
  456. 06[14:56] * Nick_Varnegs looks closely at the bitemarks
  457. [14:56] <Nick_Varnegs> ... this will heal just fine, dont worry about then
  458. [14:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you
  459. [14:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> I´m sure it will work out okay, I just wish it hadn´t happened in the first place
  460. 06[14:57] * Nick_Varnegs kisses faerzen's arm and passes his tongue trought a small drip of blood
  461. [14:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ummmm, Nick, I think it´s okay. I can go give it a proper cleaning in the bathroom
  462. [14:58] <Nick_Varnegs> its... not cleaning
  463. [14:58] <Nick_Varnegs> i know this may sound creepy but...
  464. [14:58] <Nick_Varnegs> blood has a rather unique taste
  465. [14:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ah.
  466. 06[14:59] * Faerzen_Norstov looks around awkwardly
  467. [14:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well.....
  468. [14:59] <Nick_Varnegs> ... its metallic... and warm and rusty... its just that... its special
  469. 06[14:59] * Nick_Varnegs lets go of faerzen's arm
  470. [14:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> It´s okay, but I suppose I would ask that the blood you partake in not be mine.
  471. [14:59] <Nick_Varnegs> sorry
  472. [15:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hopefully there are not many instances where I will have it leaking everywhere to begin with
  473. [15:00] <Nick_Varnegs> i promise
  474. [15:00] <Nick_Varnegs> i will never take more than that
  475. [15:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you
  476. [15:00] <Nick_Varnegs> :| well... yeah
  477. 06[15:00] * Nick_Varnegs hugs faerzen once again
  478. 06[15:01] * Faerzen_Norstov lowers dress sleeve again to cover the self-inflicted wound
  479. 06[15:01] * Faerzen_Norstov returns embrace
  480. [15:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, you goofball, you should probably get going now :)
  481. [15:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> Thank you for visiting :)
  482. [15:01] <Nick_Varnegs> <during your hug you notice once again the scratches on nick's back>
  483. [15:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> And.......
  484. [15:02] <Nick_Varnegs> ill come around sooner or later :)
  485. 06[15:02] * Faerzen_Norstov gently pokes the area near Nick´s scratches
  486. [15:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> No more of this, okay?
  487. [15:02] <Nick_Varnegs> and?
  488. [15:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> At least, in such a violent manner.
  489. 06[15:03] * Nick_Varnegs shudders
  490. [15:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> You don´t need to punish or hurt yourself, okay?
  491. [15:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> If you ever feel like you need to do that again, just talk with me instead.
  492. [15:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> I´ll do the same
  493. [15:03] <Nick_Varnegs> ...
  494. [15:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> No questions asked, no answers needed
  495. [15:04] <Nick_Varnegs> ill... ill do?
  496. 06[15:04] * Nick_Varnegs stares awkwardly at faerzen
  497. [15:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> I mean that if I am ever in a situation where I am lonely or where I may hurt myself, I will talk with you instead
  498. [15:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> You shouldn´t feel like you need to resort to hurting yourself like that
  499. [15:05] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  500. [15:05] <Nick_Varnegs> its just that...
  501. [15:06] <Nick_Varnegs> i had no gentle tact for myself when i saw into the future
  502. [15:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> What do you mean by that?
  503. 06[15:06] * Nick_Varnegs 's eyes lose focus for a second
  504. [15:07] <Nick_Varnegs> i dont want to remember what will happen
  505. [15:07] <Nick_Varnegs> i really dont
  506. [15:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> You don´t need to
  507. [15:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> Stop, don´t worry about it, okay?
  508. 06[15:08] * Faerzen_Norstov rubs his hand through Nick´s hair again
  509. [15:08] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  510. [15:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> Just don´t hurt yourself
  511. 06[15:08] * Nick_Varnegs smiles at faerzen
  512. 06[15:08] * Faerzen_Norstov gestures to Nick´s back and Faerzen´s left arm
  513. [15:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> We can both say that that doesn´t get us anywhere nice
  514. [15:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> :)
  515. [15:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> Are you ready now?
  516. [15:09] <Nick_Varnegs> yes
  517. [15:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well then.....
  518. [15:09] <Nick_Varnegs> i have ny ragged pink clothing, my stuff and everything
  519. [15:09] <Nick_Varnegs> i think im ready
  520. [15:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> Then off you go on an adventure!
  521. 06[15:10] * Nick_Varnegs gently runs his hand trough faerzen's hair and prepares to take flight
  522. 06[15:11] * Faerzen_Norstov gently pats Nick´s lower back
  523. [15:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> Up up and away!
  524. [15:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> :)
  525. 06[15:11] * Nick_Varnegs rises and leaves but a few feathers in his place
  526. [15:11] <Nick_Varnegs> ill be back
  527. [15:11] <Nick_Varnegs> :)
  528. 06[15:12] * Nick_Varnegs leaves trought the first gate
  529. 06[15:13] * Faerzen_Norstov calls after Nick
  530. [15:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> I´ll have this box with me so I remember!
  531. 06[15:13] * Faerzen_Norstov waits until Nick leaves and pulls out the box
  532. 06[15:14] * Faerzen_Norstov walks inside to the kitchen and reaches down to pick up the missing card
  533. [15:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> JUDGEMENT
  534. 06[15:14] * Faerzen_Norstov takes the card and sticks it to the cover of the box with a small piece of tape
  535. 06[15:14] * Faerzen_Norstov places the box on his desk next to his bed
  536. [15:14] <Nick_Varnegs> you realize there's a small drop of blood in the back of the card
  537. 06[15:15] * Faerzen_Norstov mumbles to himself
  538. [15:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> so I remember........
  539. 06[15:15] * Faerzen_Norstov lingers, staring at the Judgement card next to his bed, and slowly turns and leaves the room
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