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Jan 12th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Trigger Happy!: Yo, Rune!
  3. King RuneClown: waddup
  4. Trigger Happy!: I cashed out of TF2 like 13 days ago and I'm using the money I got to try and get deals on bulk buying.
  5. Trigger Happy!: Would you offer any bulk offers on your unusuals?
  6. King RuneClown: This fox
  7. King RuneClown: ?
  8. Trigger Happy!: Fox?
  9. Trigger Happy!: Like a person
  10. Trigger Happy!: ?
  11. King RuneClown: What was yoour name on steam b4
  12. Trigger Happy!: It's always been trigger happy.
  13. King RuneClown: o
  14. Trigger Happy!: Yeah.
  15. King RuneClown: Having a hard time remembering right now
  16. King RuneClown: haven't been on steam much
  17. Trigger Happy!: I just saw your trades on outpost.
  18. King RuneClown: Ah
  19. Trigger Happy!: I think I added you either today or yesterday
  20. King RuneClown: Ahh alright
  21. Trigger Happy!: Anyways.
  22. Trigger Happy!: Would you offer any small discounts if I bulk buy unusuals from you?
  23. King RuneClown: Sure
  24. Trigger Happy!: Sweet. Just want me to leave you an offer or?
  25. King RuneClown: Yeah, that'd be convenient
  26. Trigger Happy!: Sweet, just a sec.
  27. Trigger Happy!: I can do a flat $2,000 for all of your unusuals.
  28. Trigger Happy!: Also, I have plenty of rep. Link is in my profile.
  29. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  30. Connected again and rejoined chat.
  31. Trigger Happy!: Everything alright?
  32. King RuneClown: laptop died
  33. King RuneClown: haha
  34. Trigger Happy!: Ahahah.
  35. Trigger Happy!: Anyways, is my offer showing up?
  36. King RuneClown: What was it?
  37. Trigger Happy!: I can do a flat $2,000 for all of your unusuals.
  38. King RuneClown: How much are buds in USD as of now?
  39. Trigger Happy!: Bunch of people sell for $30.
  40. Trigger Happy!: I'm not the type of guy that's gonna try to BS prices and tell you they're $23..
  41. Trigger Happy!: Had a guy do that to me yesterday.
  42. King RuneClown: I'd have to pass
  43. King RuneClown: It's not because I Don't trust ya or anything btw
  44. King RuneClown: Just not appealing to me
  45. Trigger Happy!: Too low?
  46. King RuneClown: ye
  47. Trigger Happy!: Alright, well keep me added. I might have an update for you soon.
  48. Trigger Happy!: Next few days.
  49. Trigger Happy!: If not then w/e.
  50. King RuneClown: kk
  51. King RuneClown: also
  52. King RuneClown: a little confused
  53. King RuneClown: Why 14 hours on trecord
  54. King RuneClown: for tf2
  55. Trigger Happy!: I don't play the game. I just trade. You can check my rep link in my profile. I pretty much do cash trades all the time. Like 26 pages of rep or something.
  56. King RuneClown: gotcha
  57. King RuneClown: Was me when I first started
  58. King RuneClown: lol
  59. Trigger Happy!: xD
  60. Trigger Happy!: When did you start?
  61. King RuneClown: 2011 I think
  62. King RuneClown: if not 2012
  63. Trigger Happy!: Ah, I got in around 2012.
  64. King RuneClown: nice, nice
  65. King RuneClown: yeah
  66. King RuneClown: immediately began profit trading
  67. King RuneClown: as soon as I started
  68. King RuneClown: like when I got my 1st unusual
  69. King RuneClown: it just multiplied to like 10 unusuals
  70. King RuneClown: in 1 month
  71. King RuneClown: I just sat on steam for hours and traded lol
  72. Trigger Happy!: Damn dude, you must be hella nice at traded.
  73. Trigger Happy!: trading*
  74. King RuneClown: Well, was
  75. King RuneClown: Been outta the market for a while
  76. King RuneClown: virtual markets are very easy
  77. King RuneClown: when you play this game
  78. King RuneClown: you have to realize, you can sell any unusual for any price you want
  79. Trigger Happy!: How much money have you put into tf@/
  80. Trigger Happy!: Tf2*
  81. King RuneClown: well I wanted an unsuual so I got a planets little buddy for 45$ when I first started
  82. King RuneClown: I was a nub
  83. King RuneClown: traded that
  84. King RuneClown: for smoking beak
  85. Trigger Happy!: Right, right.
  86. King RuneClown: so easy profit
  87. King RuneClown: People might call it sharking, but when someone trades you
  88. King RuneClown: and shows you an unusual
  89. King RuneClown: ask them what they want for it lol
  90. King RuneClown: give them what they want I guess
  91. King RuneClown: I got lucky a few times
  92. King RuneClown: I still give away a lot to ppl
  93. Trigger Happy!: Well I can see you've made quite a bit of profit since then.
  94. King RuneClown: yeah, usually what I did was
  95. King RuneClown: If I were to sell something
  96. King RuneClown: I'd use the search feature on outpost
  97. King RuneClown: search the item I'm selling
  98. King RuneClown: ensure that I can get it back from another person
  99. King RuneClown: sell it
  100. King RuneClown: buy the same unusual I sold
  101. King RuneClown: for less
  102. King RuneClown: easy profit
  103. King RuneClown: even it's a few keys
  104. Trigger Happy!: You're actually the first person I've seen that does that. You make sure you can buy it AND sell it.
  105. Trigger Happy!: No one else does that shit.
  106. King RuneClown: Ye
  107. King RuneClown: hahah
  108. Trigger Happy!: I feel like you're the only other person I've met that does that.
  109. King RuneClown: hahaha yeah, easy money
  110. King RuneClown: Some other tactics
  111. King RuneClown: promo groups like deus ex
  112. King RuneClown: football club
  113. King RuneClown: bla bla
  114. King RuneClown: Join them
  115. King RuneClown: look through players inventories
  116. King RuneClown: if they have genuines
  117. King RuneClown: or any tf2 items of vale
  118. King RuneClown: value
  119. King RuneClown: add them
  120. King RuneClown: ask them if they play tf2 at all, if they don't / do, but play very little
  121. King RuneClown: ask them if they'd be willing to trade you the genuines/whatever they have
  122. King RuneClown: I got a bill's for free from some guy omnce lol
  123. King RuneClown: and got so many deus ex sets
  124. King RuneClown: All you got to do is trade them a few weps that they want, or stranges
  125. King RuneClown: bla bla
  126. King RuneClown: but easy promo items
  127. King RuneClown: also, on outpost when you see people put up an unusual hat
  128. King RuneClown: and the item they put for what they want
  129. King RuneClown: is just "offers"
  130. Trigger Happy!: Fucking genius.
  131. King RuneClown: it might indicate that they don't really know how much it is worth
  132. King RuneClown: or what they want
  133. King RuneClown: Also
  134. King RuneClown: In trade servers
  135. Trigger Happy!: Takes time, but the turnout is easily worth it.
  136. King RuneClown: when people say shit like
  137. King RuneClown: Selling unusual hat / unusual blighted beak
  138. King RuneClown: but don't mention the effect
  139. King RuneClown: chances are
  140. King RuneClown: easy item right there lol
  141. King RuneClown: ye
  142. Trigger Happy!: How old are you??
  143. King RuneClown: 18 now
  144. King RuneClown: when I traded I was like 15
  145. Trigger Happy!: 19 here.
  146. King RuneClown: My bp hasn't changed much lol
  147. Trigger Happy!: I do this trade shit to make money to live, lmfao.
  148. Trigger Happy!: I'm in uni.
  149. King RuneClown: ah nice
  150. King RuneClown: I've sold a lot of my bp
  151. King RuneClown: overtime
  152. Trigger Happy!: Currently doing pre-med. Had to sell some of my TF2 items to be able to pay for MCAT prep. xD
  153. King RuneClown: Dang
  154. King RuneClown: Where you going?
  155. King RuneClown: for uni
  156. Trigger Happy!: John's Hopkins.
  157. King RuneClown: Wait
  158. King RuneClown: Are you in us
  159. King RuneClown: ?
  160. Trigger Happy!: Yeah, I just say uni. for some reason, lmfao.
  161. King RuneClown: Yeah, what state is that in lol
  162. Trigger Happy!: Maryland.
  163. King RuneClown: ah
  164. Trigger Happy!: Baltimore to be specific.
  165. King RuneClown: I'm in indiana
  166. Trigger Happy!: I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Guess how much I sold my backpack for.
  167. Trigger Happy!: I tell people I got around $2000, but really I got $6000.
  168. King RuneClown: haha damn
  169. King RuneClown: all at once?
  170. King RuneClown: and yeah, trading is all psychology
  171. Trigger Happy!: Yup. Used $3000 to fix my car
  172. King RuneClown: damn
  173. King RuneClown: that's like a whole new car
  174. King RuneClown: you gotta be careful who you push your limits with when trading. When someone says 3 buds and it's cheap, but you're trying to get it cheaper. You sometimes shouldn't risk it lol. They might just change their mind
  175. Trigger Happy!: Right. I don't really want to rely on my parents for money. I come from a decently wealthy family. My dad is a neurosurgeon and my mom is a nurse.
  176. King RuneClown: ^
  177. King RuneClown: same, cept I'm not rich
  178. King RuneClown: Poor lol
  179. King RuneClown: my dad works a lot
  180. King RuneClown: too much
  181. Trigger Happy!: Yo, be right back in 5 minutes.
  182. King RuneClown: Ight
  183. Trigger Happy!: Back.
  184. Trigger Happy!: But, yeah, personally I didn't live a hard life at any point of my lifetime, so I'm not gonna be a fuck boy and make up a sob story but my parents did have a hard time when they first came to the US.
  185. Trigger Happy!: My dad got here back in the 70s and had barely enough to do college and shit and lived extremely poor for like 10 years.
  186. King RuneClown: ye
  187. Trigger Happy!: It's an interesting story.
  188. King RuneClown: Same with mine
  189. King RuneClown: HOw old are your parents? :O
  190. King RuneClown: estimate
  191. King RuneClown: don't have to give me the exact ages lol
  192. Trigger Happy!: I'm 19. My dad is 59 and my mom is 49
  193. King RuneClown: Wow
  194. King RuneClown: Same
  195. Trigger Happy!: Haha its all good
  196. King RuneClown: pretty much
  197. King RuneClown: My parents are from pakistan
  198. King RuneClown: my father came here, I forgot when haven't really asked him
  199. King RuneClown: but he didn't have a greencard
  200. Trigger Happy!: WOAH SHIT HOLD ON
  201. King RuneClown: so he did labor and what not
  202. King RuneClown: what what
  203. King RuneClown: Are you secretly my twin
  204. King RuneClown: or like
  205. King RuneClown: my mirror
  206. King RuneClown: or something
  207. Trigger Happy!: My dad is from Pakistan too??
  208. King RuneClown: ...
  209. King RuneClown: what is his name
  210. Trigger Happy!: From Karachi
  211. King RuneClown: WTF
  212. King RuneClown: what's his name
  213. King RuneClown: say it
  214. King RuneClown: My dad might know him lol
  215. Trigger Happy!: Shoaib haha
  216. King RuneClown: Brb
  217. King RuneClown: wait
  218. King RuneClown: last
  219. Trigger Happy!: Are you Muslim?
  220. King RuneClown: yes
  221. King RuneClown: YES
  222. King RuneClown: wut
  223. King RuneClown: WUT
  224. King RuneClown: WUT
  225. King RuneClown: WUT
  226. King RuneClown: YES
  227. King RuneClown: LOL
  230. King RuneClown: BROTHER TRIGGER HAPPY
  231. King RuneClown: bruh I want to know if my dad knows your dad
  232. Trigger Happy!: BROTHER KING RUNECLOWN
  233. King RuneClown: Loooooool
  234. King RuneClown: My name is murtuza
  235. King RuneClown: How about you
  236. Trigger Happy!: My dad's last name is iqbal
  237. Trigger Happy!: My name is aleem
  238. King RuneClown: sec
  239. King RuneClown: gonna ask him
  240. King RuneClown: shoaib iqbal
  241. King RuneClown: he is sleeping
  242. King RuneClown: dang it lol
  243. King RuneClown: Do you guys have any family in indiana?
  244. Trigger Happy!: Dude this is fucking crazy.
  245. King RuneClown: Yeah hahah
  246. Trigger Happy!: No, but we have family in michigan.
  247. King RuneClown: oo
  248. King RuneClown: my dad might know someone lol
  249. Trigger Happy!: This is actually really cool.
  250. King RuneClown: hahaha yeah
  251. Trigger Happy!: Is your mom from Pakistan, too?
  252. King RuneClown: yeah
  253. Trigger Happy!: Ahaha, my mom is from Britain, xD
  254. King RuneClown: ah lol
  255. King RuneClown: well that's a difference
  256. Trigger Happy!: Finally xD
  257. King RuneClown: and our age I guess
  258. King RuneClown: Pretty sure our parents are like the same age almost lol
  259. Trigger Happy!: Best thing that's ever happened to me on steam period xD
  260. King RuneClown: hahaha
  261. King RuneClown: Do you play league of legends?
  262. King RuneClown: By chance?
  263. Trigger Happy!: I've wanted to try, but no, I don't.
  264. King RuneClown: Ah
  265. Trigger Happy!: Any fun?
  266. King RuneClown: It's pretty fun
  267. Trigger Happy!: What'd you trade for that Time Warp Ballcap?
  268. Trigger Happy!: That's seriously one of my dream hats xD
  269. King RuneClown: I don't remember haha
  270. King RuneClown: It's cause trading hasn't been a priority for a while
  271. King RuneClown: normally i have all my trades in memory
  272. King RuneClown: lol
  273. Trigger Happy!: Ahh, getting bored or tired of it?
  274. Trigger Happy!: Just looking to get out xD
  275. King RuneClown: I'm not sure tbh
  276. King RuneClown: I can't remember why either
  277. Trigger Happy!: If you had a buyout for all those unusuals what would it be?
  278. King RuneClown: Honestly, I don't even know what the market is like right now
  279. Trigger Happy!: I think all your hats combined is somewhere around 100 buds.
  280. King RuneClown: yeah in that range
  281. King RuneClown: I paid more I think
  282. King RuneClown: for some of the hats
  283. King RuneClown: but heck I started with 0
  284. King RuneClown: so whatever lol
  285. Trigger Happy!: Yeah, I think once you get past a certain point of wealth you don't really care as much about profit.
  286. King RuneClown: yeah
  287. Trigger Happy!: What kind of music you like?
  288. King RuneClown: Dang
  289. King RuneClown: The Weeknd is my jam
  290. King RuneClown: I've listened to everything
  291. King RuneClown: except country
  292. King RuneClown: Disturbed, linkin park, rise against
  293. King RuneClown: used to listen to all that
  294. Trigger Happy!: Same dude. The Weeknd is cool. I like ty dolla sign too
  295. King RuneClown: yeah like him too
  296. Trigger Happy!: And gucci lol
  297. King RuneClown: Only heard a few songs
  298. King RuneClown: Yo gotti errybody
  299. King RuneClown: Like that song too
  300. King RuneClown: stand for it by ty dolla sign
  301. King RuneClown: I like that
  302. Trigger Happy!: yeah yeah yo gotti is cool
  303. Trigger Happy!: I like the occasional kinds of leon
  304. Trigger Happy!: I listen to everything too
  305. Trigger Happy!: except country like you said
  306. Trigger Happy!: You should look at Get Ya Money - By august alsina
  307. Trigger Happy!: And role model by curren$y
  308. King RuneClown: on it rn
  309. King RuneClown: my dad doesn't know your dad =[
  310. Trigger Happy!: demmmmit
  311. King RuneClown: Or he just having memory probs rn
  312. King RuneClown: idk
  313. King RuneClown: hope not
  314. King RuneClown: allah na karai
  315. King RuneClown: you speak urdu right
  316. Trigger Happy!: xD Sadly not
  317. King RuneClown: o
  318. King RuneClown: rip
  319. Trigger Happy!: because my mom isn't from pakistan
  320. Trigger Happy!: riperino
  321. King RuneClown: ahh gotcha
  322. Trigger Happy!: I know portugese though
  323. King RuneClown: that's actually tight
  324. King RuneClown: you could pass as portugese i guess
  325. King RuneClown: hahaha
  326. Trigger Happy!: xD
  327. Trigger Happy!: That'd be cool.
  328. Trigger Happy!: Anyways you listen to those tracks?
  329. Trigger Happy!: You read arabic?
  330. King RuneClown: Yeah
  331. Trigger Happy!: Same.
  332. Trigger Happy!: Similar to urdu anyways xD
  333. King RuneClown: Haha I guess
  334. King RuneClown: most muslims can read arabic I believe
  335. King RuneClown: I wish I could speak arabic
  336. King RuneClown: And yeah, listening to get ya money right now
  337. Trigger Happy!: The beat is nice, song gets a little stupid near the middle.
  338. Trigger Happy!: Curren$y is super smooth though
  339. King RuneClown: Yeah, I liked Get ya money
  340. King RuneClown: more
  341. Trigger Happy!: You play any sports?
  342. King RuneClown: wrestled
  343. King RuneClown: ran
  344. Trigger Happy!: Ah sweet.
  345. King RuneClown: yeah
  346. King RuneClown: I like fighting
  347. King RuneClown: a lot
  348. King RuneClown: not fighting with other ppl
  349. King RuneClown: like mma ufc
  350. Trigger Happy!: I did boxing when I was 15-16
  351. King RuneClown: taekwondo
  352. King RuneClown: all that
  353. Trigger Happy!: MMA and UFC are stupid imho. Boxing is cool, it's more of an art.
  354. King RuneClown: Yeah, tru
  355. Trigger Happy!: Ali is the greatest of all time lol
  356. Trigger Happy!: Not biased at all coming from a muslim xD
  357. King RuneClown: I really like more advanced fighting
  358. King RuneClown: I can use my legs as fists haha
  359. King RuneClown: like keep one legs up
  360. King RuneClown: leg*
  361. King RuneClown: Constantly throw kicks at your head / anywhere I Want lol
  362. King RuneClown: Reach is crazy
  363. King RuneClown: I'm lanky haha
  364. King RuneClown: super lengthy
  365. Trigger Happy!: How tall are you?
  366. Trigger Happy! is now Away.
  367. King RuneClown: I'm
  368. King RuneClown: 6' 3? Maybe more
  369. King RuneClown: not sure
  370. Trigger Happy! is now Online.
  371. Trigger Happy!: Ah I'm like 6'1
  372. King RuneClown: Not too shabby
  373. Trigger Happy!: I have a famous cousin who's half Brazilian half Pakistani
  374. Trigger Happy!: His names jessey Stevens lol his mom is my aunt
  375. King RuneClown: LOL DANG
  376. King RuneClown: i THINK i SEEN HIM ON VINE
  377. King RuneClown: oops caps
  378. King RuneClown: Hey
  379. King RuneClown: right now
  380. King RuneClown: how many keys are equal to 1 bud
  381. Trigger Happy!: 14-15
  382. King RuneClown: Alright, so it's pretty easy to get a bud for 14-15 keys?
  383. Trigger Happy!: Easy as hell yeah
  384. King RuneClown: alright cool
  385. Trigger Happy!: I mean Jahannam
  386. Trigger Happy!: Sheeit lol
  387. Trigger Happy!: Oh, hell, I have more money than I thought, could I drop another offer?
  388. King RuneClown: Sure thin
  389. King RuneClown: thing
  390. Trigger Happy!: Alright just a minute.
  391. King RuneClown: What is your cousin's name?
  392. Trigger Happy!: Jessey Stevens.
  393. King RuneClown: oh
  394. King RuneClown: Ohhhh
  395. King RuneClown: I thought when you said
  396. King RuneClown: jahannam sheeit
  397. King RuneClown: I was like
  398. King RuneClown: wut
  399. King RuneClown: his name is hell?
  400. King RuneClown: Why bru
  401. Trigger Happy!: LMFAO
  402. Trigger Happy!: Hahhaa, I was refering to when I said "Easy as hell"
  403. King RuneClown: yeah
  404. Trigger Happy!: Your ballcap is the only one on the market
  405. Trigger Happy!: What do you value it at in buds
  406. King RuneClown: Dang
  407. King RuneClown: honestly
  408. King RuneClown: I'm not sure
  409. Trigger Happy!: 7 sound fair?
  410. Trigger Happy!: God damn you have been out of trading for a while. That was posted back 8 months ago.
  411. King RuneClown: haha
  412. Trigger Happy!: How long was your break?
  413. King RuneClown: ye
  414. King RuneClown: I take on and off breaks
  415. King RuneClown: but this is probably my longest
  416. King RuneClown: Uhh
  417. King RuneClown: are you paying in buds or paypal
  418. King RuneClown: btw
  419. Trigger Happy!: It'd be in PayPal, but I have heaps of rep.
  420. King RuneClown: gimme a sec
  421. Trigger Happy!: Alright, I really cannot go any higher than $2,620.
  422. King RuneClown: Dang
  423. King RuneClown: did they take away
  424. King RuneClown: unusual hat searches?
  425. Trigger Happy!: On what?
  426. King RuneClown: like on backpack tf you have to be premium
  427. King RuneClown:
  428. King RuneClown: doesn't exist
  429. King RuneClown: anymore
  430. Trigger Happy!: If I'm understanding you correctly, you can hover over an item on and click on "Outpost" or some other links to search for the same hat on different websites.
  431. Trigger Happy!: See what everything else on the market it going for.
  432. Trigger Happy!: Or are you referring to something else?
  433. King RuneClown: Something else
  434. King RuneClown: like when you click an unusual
  435. Trigger Happy!: Hmm.
  436. King RuneClown: it will show you all the owners
  437. King RuneClown: of that hat
  438. King RuneClown: like let's say you're looking for a green energy nanobaclava
  439. King RuneClown: Click that
  440. King RuneClown: shows all current existing ones and the owners of them
  441. Trigger Happy!: Ohhhh.
  442. Trigger Happy!: Yeah, on you have to be premium, which is sdyubid.
  443. King RuneClown: o
  444. Trigger Happy!: Any rebuttal or counter offer?
  445. King RuneClown: I'll have to think about it, really unsure of how much the hat is now
  446. King RuneClown: I got really good offers on this back when I was selling it
  447. Trigger Happy!: Yeah, I saw.
  448. Trigger Happy!: I was just thinking if the whole backpack is a little more than 100 buds and buds are $30 now, that'd be $3,000.
  449. King RuneClown: my whole bp or just my unusuals?
  450. Trigger Happy!: Unusuals only
  451. King RuneClown: ah ight
  452. King RuneClown: What would your offer be on all my unusuals?
  453. Trigger Happy!: Oh, that was my offer for the unusuals only.
  454. Trigger Happy!: $2,620.
  455. King RuneClown: Ah right
  456. King RuneClown: hmmm
  457. Trigger Happy!: If you feel the need to counter-offer, go ahead. I'm really open to anything.
  458. King RuneClown: How is 2.7k flat
  459. Trigger Happy!: Hmm.
  460. Trigger Happy!: Can you give my like 10 minutes to think this over?
  461. King RuneClown: yeah fo sure
  462. Trigger Happy!: Can you do $2,650?
  463. King RuneClown: yeah, I'm fine with that
  464. Trigger Happy!: Awesome, I really didn't want to price-gouge myself, haha.
  465. King RuneClown: You're fine
  466. King RuneClown: Would you want the blizz beak
  467. King RuneClown: or 3 buds?
  468. Trigger Happy!: Let me check something really quickly.
  469. King RuneClown: Cause I have a guy offering me 3 buds rn
  470. King RuneClown: I was about to take it
  471. Trigger Happy!: Uh, just give me the beak.
  472. King RuneClown: Alright
  473. King RuneClown: Damn
  474. King RuneClown: I kinda feel bad
  475. King RuneClown: cause
  476. King RuneClown: this guy offered me 2 buds + 14 keys for it earlier
  477. Trigger Happy!: Haha, why?
  478. King RuneClown: I asked him to convert it to a bud if it wasn't too much
  479. King RuneClown: he did, just now
  480. Trigger Happy!: Ah, fine you can trade it to him.
  481. King RuneClown: And resent me the offer
  482. King RuneClown: You can take it down to 2640
  483. Trigger Happy!: Nah, man, it's fine.
  484. Trigger Happy!: Just tell me when you've traded him.
  485. King RuneClown: Done
  486. Trigger Happy!: Awesome, do you have a repthread anywhere? SourceOP, TF2-Trader, extremefx?
  487. Trigger Happy!: elementfx*
  488. King RuneClown: Sourceop
  489. King RuneClown: Idk if I can find it
  490. King RuneClown: been a while
  491. Trigger Happy!: It's fine.
  492. Trigger Happy!: Do you remember how many pages you had?
  493. King RuneClown: 5-6?
  494. King RuneClown: I have a big trade history
  495. King RuneClown: on outpost
  496. King RuneClown: and rep on my profile
  497. King RuneClown: a lot of positive comments
  498. Trigger Happy!: Ah, okay. I have 26 pages, you can find the link in my bio. All cash trades, too.
  499. King RuneClown: Alright, well let me just get this much over with haha
  500. King RuneClown: are you expecting me to go 1st? Because this is like all I have on here hahah like my only source of money
  501. King RuneClown: I trust you and all
  502. King RuneClown: but it'd be much safer for me because a paypal payment can be disputed with ease if anything were to happen
  503. King RuneClown: but if I lose my items, then they're gone no disputing that
  504. Trigger Happy!: I would really prefer you to go first, and by my will through my faith and you being Muslim also there is no way on Allah that I'd ever scam you or anyone else, and especially you since you're Muslim and we're honestly the equivalent of brothers although we've never met.
  505. King RuneClown: Damn, that is some reasoning
  506. King RuneClown: alright, how's this
  507. King RuneClown: we can do it in fourths?
  508. King RuneClown: And you go first, is that fine?
  509. King RuneClown: in fourths
  510. King RuneClown: after every payment I'll give you some unusuals
  511. King RuneClown: cool?
  512. Trigger Happy!: If you and I are equal in all respects, I honestly think it'd be fair for you to go first as I have 26 pages of flawless cash reputation. Like I mentioned before, as far as faith is concerned I couldn't scam you. I went to Hajj earlier last year and I don't want to give you any of this "born-again-muslim" BS, but the sheer experience was really humbling.
  513. King RuneClown: Alright man, I will do it.
  514. King RuneClown: I'll give you half 1st, then you can send 1 half of the payment
  515. King RuneClown: then once again
  516. King RuneClown: That way I'm going first
  517. King RuneClown: is that alright?
  518. Trigger Happy!: That's fine by me.
  519. Trigger Happy!: What's your paypal email?
  520. Trigger Happy!: Also, is your paypal verified
  521. King RuneClown:
  522. King RuneClown: Yeah
  523. Trigger Happy!: awesome.
  524. Trigger Happy!: Okay, what will be coming first?
  525. King RuneClown: Uhh
  526. King RuneClown: I'll make sure it's half
  527. King RuneClown: Alright, ready?
  528. Trigger Happy!: Yeah, everything checks out.
  529. Trigger Happy!: Ready when you are.
  530. King RuneClown: Alright
  531. Trigger Happy! has accepted your request to trade.
  532. King RuneClown: Uhm
  533. Trigger Happy!: If you see a banner indicating people having reported me for scam, disregard it. People misuse the report system.
  534. Trigger Happy!: It's recent.
  535. King RuneClown: Alright
  536. Trigger Happy!: Yeah, you can report someone for absolutely no reason, and steam still puts the caution.
  537. King RuneClown: It says you've been on steam since november 14, 2014
  538. King RuneClown: Just a little confused about that
  539. Trigger Happy!: I started in 2012. This is a trading account. I do play games but it's mainly just CSGO I play for fun.
  540. Trigger Happy!: That's why I link this one in my rep thread.
  541. Trigger Happy!: $1,325 first, correct?
  542. King RuneClown: yeah
  543. Trigger Happy!: Minute.
  544. Trigger Happy!: Alright.
  545. Trigger Happy!: Everything alright?
  546. King RuneClown: As much as I want to
  547. King RuneClown: I can't go 1st man
  548. King RuneClown: It's literally all I've got
  549. Trigger Happy!: I'm understanding.
  550. Trigger Happy!: It's okay. I know the feeling.
  551. King RuneClown: There honestly is no reason for me to scam you. I would not do that to another person, especially a fellow Muslim
  552. King RuneClown: PayPal is disputable, but once I trade my items away
  553. King RuneClown: that's that
  554. King RuneClown: Would you go first? I honestly cannot change my mind
  555. King RuneClown: I can't go first
  556. Trigger Happy!: Well, I've had it happen to me before, if you dispute and paypal finds no evidence of anything, the payment still goes to the vendor.
  557. King RuneClown: I honestly don't know what to say
  558. King RuneClown: I guess you could video the trade
  559. King RuneClown: Or video, sending the payment
  560. Trigger Happy!: I understand it's a lot of money, but for 26 pages of rep, I've worked long and hard.
  561. King RuneClown: Dang man, I got to give it to you hahah
  562. King RuneClown: Creating your own website for a rep page
  563. King RuneClown: Not sure if you were making everything else up
  564. King RuneClown: but dang man, that's low as hell you were about to scam me
  565. King RuneClown: Not sure if you really are Muslim
  566. King RuneClown: doubt it
  567. King RuneClown: Wow man
  568. Trigger Happy! is now Offline.
  569. King RuneClown: I'm kinda astonished right now
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