
The Trickster and the Harlequin- A sacrafice for her

Mar 20th, 2012
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  1. The pain in your arm shoots you awake. You eyes see darkness as you try to wake up. You head still hurts like an Applejack attack. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you see the outline of something across from you. You can hear a slight whimpering coming from the general direction.
  2. ‘Harley…?’ you say, still groggy.
  3. ‘DADDY?!!’ calls the voice.
  4. A light is emitted from her horn, and you can finally see again.
  5. ‘Honey, are you okay?’ you say, standing up.
  6. ‘Yeah, they didn’t hurt me. Is Dashie okay?’
  7. You fall silent. Hearing her name, you remember what you did to her. ‘Come on, let’s see if we can get us out of—AAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!’
  9. The pain shooting up your arm is excrutiating. You look down to see what it is, and your face goes white. The Diamond Dogs have pierced your left forearm with a large metal shackle, connected to the rocky wall of the make shift jail you are being held in.
  10. ‘Daddy? DADDY?!? Are you okay?’
  11. ‘Yeah sweetie…As long as you are fine, I’m fine. How are you being held there?’
  12. ‘Um, there’s a big piece of metal around my front hoof.’
  13. ‘Good sweetie. When I say block your ears, I need you to block your ears.’
  14. ‘But daddy—‘
  15. ‘NO! Harley Quin, I am telling you as your father, A DIRECT ORDER from the man who took down a dragon. You block your ears when I say so.’
  16. ‘Yes…Daddy.’
  17. You look around the jail cell.
  18. >What are you going to do?
  19. You know what I’m going to do…
  20. >…for her, right?
  21. Always and forever, right?
  22. You find what you are looking for. A bone from what looks like a leg. You reach behind you with your right hand, hoping they didn’t search you. You smile, stupid dogs never would. You pull your trusty knife out of the back of your pants.
  23. You look at Harley ‘Okay pumpkin. Close your ears and turn of the light.’ She does as she is told, and you place the bone in your mouth.
  24. >3…
  25. >2…
  26. >1…
  28. You bring the knife down on you left arms elbow joint. Against the bone in your mouth, you scream. But the only thing that keeps that knife cutting in your arm is the thought of Harley getting free. The knife cuts through your flesh fairly easily, but it’s coming up to the hard part. After 5 minutes of cutting, you finally expose the bone around your elbow.
  29. >Come on man. Kidneys are releasing Adrenaline as fast as they can.
  30. You place the tip of the knife in between the joint of your arm. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. Pushing the knife deeper into the joint, you almost pass out from the pain. Digging deeper and deeper into the bone, you eventually hit the other side. With one final movement, you pop the knife sideways, and disconnect your now useless arm. Cutting away the final tendons, you are finally free.
  31. You stand up, feeling a bit woozy from the blood loss; you make your way to the jail door. It isn’t locked, most likely because they would never expect to have someone remove their own arm to escape.
  32. ‘Daddy…’ Harley calls.
  33. ‘I’ll be right back honey. I’m just going to find a torch.’
  35. You return a few minutes later with a torch in hand. Before you go back to Harley, you burnt your wound, stopping all blood loss from this point on.
  36. ‘Daddy, are you okay?’ she whispers.
  37. ‘Yes honey. Now let’s get you out of here.’
  38. You try the door, once again it isn’t locked. As you walk inside, you drop down next to Harley, checking her over. Not a scratch, luckily.
  39. ‘Honey, can you try teleporting out of the shackles?’ She gives you a scared nod, and her horn glows with a red aura.
  40. ‘It’s not working daddy…’
  41. ‘Don’t worry pumpkin. I’ll get you out.’
  42. You grab your left sleeve of your brand new hoodie, now blood soaked, and drench Harley’s left hoof around the shackle. With a little lubrication, and some force, you are able to slip it off her. You lift her onto your head, bringing the hood over the top to protect her.
  43. ‘Stay still honey. We should be out of here soon.’
  44. You sneak out of the jail area, and are greeted by a large mining area, filled with the mutts.
  46. You sneak your way around, hugging the wall as you do. You don’t want to draw attention to yourself, and luckily it is dark enough for you to blend with the wall. You round the corner, and find yourself staring at the back of an 8ft tall Diamond Dog. He hasn’t noticed you yet, which is a good thing. All the times you spent playing games about assassins have prepared you for this moment. You pull the hood over Harley’s eyes so she won’t see what happens next. In one movement, you sneak up to the Dog, and slice his unprotected neck. Blood painted the walls everywhere, and you move the guard to the side of the wall. Now he looks like he is asleep.
  47. You follow the signs of natural light, hoping to find the exit soon. You turn a few more corners and you can hear the sound of rain.
  48. ‘We’re almost there Harley…’ you say, still woozy from all this mess.
  49. ‘hurry please dad.’ She whispers.
  50. You come to the large open space from last time, the place they knocked you out last time. You can feel the fresh air blowing in. In just a few minutes, you will be—
  51. ‘Going somewhere, monkey?’
  53. You are surrounded by at least 5 Diamond Dogs, all carrying weapons of different sorts.
  54. >we are fucked.
  55. Nice to know that brain.
  56. >Bladder wants to know if he can let go.
  57. No, don’t.
  58. ‘Harley, I need you to get out of here.’ You say
  59. ‘What?’
  60. ‘I need you to get out of here. I need you to tell Rainbow Dash that I am sorry for hitting her.’
  61. ‘Daddy….’ You could feel the tears fall on your head.
  62. ‘Harley Quin. Your life is more important to me than anything. Tell Dash I’m sorry, sorry for not telling her I loved her sooner. Now go.’
  63. The Diamond Dogs close in on you. Their weapons at the ready.
  64. ‘Harley GO!’ you yell
  65. ‘NO!’
  66. They were only a few feet away, licking their lips.
  68. The leader sweeps his mace at you.
  70. You see a bright flash of light before you black out.
  71. You awake in a hospital, IV still attached to your arm. You can hear someone crying.
  72. ‘Harley…’ you call
  73. ‘Lokie…?’ comes a voice. A voice you haven’t heard in a year. A girl stands over you, barely 18, with long black hair.
  74. ‘Claire?’ you shoot up.
  75. ‘Oh god, your awake.’ She latches on to you, giving you a big hug.
  76. ‘Oh god Claire, I missed you so much…’ you say, holding her close.
  77. ‘Lokie, there’s something I need to tell you.’
  78. ‘Can it please wait? I feel like I haven’t seen you in a year.’
  79. She pushes you off, her face covered in tears. ‘No, you need to do something for me.’
  80. ‘What?’ you realise you are crying now.
  81. ‘I need you to wake up.’
  82. ‘But…But I am awake. I'm awake with you here.’
  83. ‘Lokie, I need for you to wake up. Harley needs you more than I do.’
  84. ‘Claire…’
  85. You feel yourself slipping away.
  86. ‘I miss you Lokie…Look after my niece for me.’
  87. You slip back into darkness.
  89. ‘Please wake up daddy…’
  90. Harley. You can hear her voice, you must pull yourself back to reality.
  91. ‘Harley…’ your eyes crack open. You can feel your chest, all wet and heavy. Harley is crying there, not even noticing you awake. You place your hand on her head. ‘Crying over your stupid old man, that’s minus 5 stars, kiddo.’
  92. ‘DADDY!!!’ she jumps up and hugs your face. You try to hug her back, but you can’t feel your left arm. ‘TWILIGHT!! DAD’S AWAKE!!!’
  93. Suddenly the room fills with p0nies. All of your friends…except her.
  94. ‘Where’s Rainbow?’ you ask.
  95. ‘We can’t find her. She isn’t at home.’ Twilight says
  96. ‘What happened down there, sugah?’ Applejack asks
  97. You regale them of how you cut off your own arm to save Harley, how you were almost free when you got attacked, and the bright flash of light.
  98. ‘How did I end up here?’ you ask
  99. ‘Harley teleported you into the centre of town, but you were already unconscious.’ Twilight says
  100. ‘ I guess I owe you another pancake day.’ You say.
  102. After a whole lot of crying and hugs, Twilight and the gang leave. Twilight is letting Harley stay with her while you are still recovering. You try to get some sleep that night, and with the aid of painkillers, you pass out fairly easily.
  103. You are awoken by the sound of crying. You open your eyes, expecting to see Harley again. It was Rainbow.
  104. ‘I’m so sorry Lokie. I should have helped you, but I was scared. I….I still love you Lokie. I forgive you for everything. But I know you will never forgive me.’ She leans in close and kisses you ‘Just let me have this before I go.’
  105. Before you pass out again, you whisper ‘Don’t go…’
  106. When you wake up, Dash is gone. Gone from the hospital, gone from P0nyville, and gone from your life. You can’t hold it in anymore, you cry then manliest tears your body can produce.
  108. You are release from hospital after a few weeks. They were able to stitch up your left arm, but it’s gone for good. The infection you were fighting from it was the hardest part. You feel better being at home with Harley again, you worried about her as much as she did about you. You had enough savings to help you keep going, but without your left arm you may not be able to work.
  109. ‘What are you going to do?’ Harley asks as you walk into town.
  110. ‘Do you remember all of Pinkie Pie’s inventions?’
  111. ‘Yeah…’
  112. ‘Well, on earth, my favourite writer came from a strange place. It was the largest island, but the smallest continent. It was filled with weird creatures, mostly dangerous. He wrote a book about an adventurer who had a very special talent. So I’m going to pinkie to ask her to make me something.’
  113. You enter Sugarcube Corner, and are greeted by a bouncing pink p0ny.
  114. ‘Hey Lokie! Hey Harley! Cake? Pancake? Bagels?’
  115. ‘Pinkie, calm down. I need you to build something for me.’
  116. ‘Like my party cannon?’
  117. ‘Not really.’ You pull out the designs you drew up ‘I need something like this. Twilight says she already has the spell to connect it’
  118. ‘Ooooo…. What’s it for?’
  119. ‘Let’s just call it my birthday present.’
  121. Pinkie worked hard on the project, and within the week it was finished. It was more beautiful than you could have imagined, and Twilight had cast the spell upon it to make it work.
  122. ‘Soooo….When can we have the party?’ pinkie asks, as you slip new gloves.
  123. ‘Well, how about on Saturday? Gives me 2 days to prepare.’ You reply
  124. ‘YAAAAAAAY!!!!’
  125. You laugh ‘Thanks Pinkie. I gotta get going. Harley hates it when I pick her up late.’ You walk out the door, and head straight for the school.
  126. As you walk down the path, you don’t seem to notice the small orange p0ny following you. Applejack pulls out her lasso. ‘You gunna get a ruttin’ whether ya like it or nut.’
  127. She winds up her shot, you not even paying attention. As she threw the lasso, you spin on your heels and grab the lasso mid-air with your brand new left hand.
  128. ‘Not today.’
  130. ‘What the buck?!?’ applejack says, before she is dragged off her hooves with your immense strength.
  131. ‘You should know better than to try and attack me?’ you say.
  132. Applejack tries to pull back, but your strength to too great for her. ‘Now how the buck are ya being able ta do this?’
  133. You roll up your left sleeve, to show where you left arm once was and then missing, was a glistening silver arm, complete with hand.
  134. ‘Pinkie Pie made me this sucker. It can out pull Big Macintosh, and has a built in p0ny detector. Its so I can get back in the work force again.’ You pull the rope harder again, until she is at your feet.
  135. ‘wha….what are ya gunna do?’ you stare at her with a smile.
  136. You pick up the small orange p0ny, and give her a hug. ‘I miss my friend Applejack, the one who gave me work when I first came here. The one my daughter looks up to when she needs strength. I’m not asking you to stop with all of this for my sake. I just don’t want to lose another friend due to anything.’
  137. ‘Well…I….Lokie.’ Applejack stutters.
  138. ‘Come on, schools almost over. Harley and Applejack might be worrying.’
  140. On the walk to the school, you have a good conversation with Applejack. It reminded you of all the ones you used to have before she became more infatuated with you.
  141. ‘So what else can that sucker do?’ she asks.
  142. ‘Watch’ You walk over to a large boulder in the ground. With sheer strength, you dig your fingers into it and lift it out of the ground like an apple.
  143. ‘Whoa…’
  144. ‘Yeah, but it’s harder to do light and delicate. It’s taking more time to learn it.’
  145. ‘Why are you bein’ so nice to me? Especially since Flutters and I are always trying to buck ya brains out.’
  146. ‘I told you. I miss my friends. I lost Rainbow Dash, and I don’t want to lose you.’
  147. Applejack blushes ‘Ya being honest? I…I’m sorry Lokie.’
  148. You give Applejack a kiss on the forehead. ‘It’s okay AJ. Just, try to find a nice Stallion or something.’
  149. ‘You still love her, don’tcha?’
  150. You stop in your tracks, and turn ‘Yeah…I still do. But she left me because I let my emotions over run me.’
  151. Applejack and you finally end up at the school, and say your goodbyes. As you walk Harley home, she keeps fawning over how cool your arm is.
  153. The rest of your night is fairly simple. You cook Harley pancakes for dinner, and she helps you work on the delicate touch. Having a new arm with such power is fun, but trying to have a light touch with it is a challenge. You explain to Harley that you still have feeling in your new hand, which helps with your new training.
  154. ‘And Twilight is working on a skin layer so I look somewhat normal.’ You say.
  155. ‘My daddy is part robot.’ She says with a yawn. You tuck her into bed, and kiss her goodnight.
  156. As the lights go out in the house, Rainbow makes her move. She floats up to your bedroom window, and sees the lump of your body in bed. Using one of her feathers, she unlatches the window and sneaks in.
  157. ‘I’m sorry Lokie. It’s my fault you lost your arm. I just came back to say goodbye.’ She whispers.
  158. ‘Too bad I’m not letting you leave.’ You say, standing on the balcony.
  160. There you stand, in front of Rainbow Dash, the p0ny who used to be your bro, your best friend. You could be angry at her for not telling you she had feelings for you, but you weren’t. You had feelings for her too, but you didn’t know anymore. She left you without an explanation.
  161. ‘But…how?’ Rainbow asks
  162. ‘I have handrails under the balcony, just in case.’ You reply.
  163. ‘oh…well I better be going.’
  164. ‘No. No you shall not.’
  165. ‘And how are you going to stop me?’ she says, flying straight for you. You grab her tail and hold her firm. ‘Let go of me!’
  166. ‘Sorry, this new hand has a vice grip feature. You ain’t going anywhere.’
  167. ‘New…new hand?’
  168. You roll up your sleeve again, and show her your new arm. ‘Pinkie Pie made this for me. Now are you going to sit down or do I have to hurt you?’
  169. She sits down on your bed, looking depressed. You kneel down in front of her, and look her in her rose-coloured eyes. You pull her into a warm hug.
  170. ‘Please don’t leave me…’ you say, trying to hold back the tears. ‘I miss you…’
  172. She pushes you away. ‘You miss your bro.’
  173. ‘No, I miss my Rainbow Dash. The p0ny I fell in love with. The one I was willing to get raped by to be with forever. The one that cares for my daughter like she was her own.’
  174. ‘And what makes you think I still feel that way about you?’
  175. ‘Bitch please…. I woke up when you came to visit me in hospital. You have very soft lips, you know that.’
  176. She blushes at this. ‘So what now?’
  177. ‘I think we should get some sleep. We have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow.’
  178. You pull Rainbow Dash up onto the bed with you, and fall asleep in each other’s arms. Both of you fall asleep with a smile on your faces.
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