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May 28th, 2015
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  1. addTip("&7You can teleport to your workshop by using &2/dvz ws&7!", DvzClass.DWARF, new String[] {"tp|teleport|tele|go|back", "workshop|ws"});
  2. addTip("&7You can teleport to the keep by using &2/dvz keep&7!", DvzClass.DWARF, new String[] {"tp|teleport|tele|go|back", "keep|mountain|fortress|dwarf"});
  3. addTip("&7You can teleport to the top shrine by using &2/dvz shrine&7!", DvzClass.DWARF, new String[] {"tp|teleport|tele|go|back", "top|shrine"});
  4. addTip("&7You can teleport to the front wall by using &2/dvz wall&7!", DvzClass.DWARF, new String[] {"tp|teleport|tele|go|back", "wall|bigwall|frontwall|outerwall"});
  5. addTip("&7You can teleport as a dwarf. Use &2/dvz {wall,shrine,keep,ws}&7!", DvzClass.DWARF, new String[] {"tp|teleport|tele|go"});
  6. addTip("&7Gravel and flint can be found outside the keep!", DvzClass.FLETCHER, new String[] {"collect|find|get", "gravel|flint"});
  7. addTip("&7Melons can be found outside the keep!", DvzClass.ALCHEMIST, new String[] {"collect|find|get", "melon|melons"});
  8. addTip("&7Sugar canes can be found outside the keep!", DvzClass.ALCHEMIST, new String[] {"collect|find|get", "sugar|sugar canes"});
  9. addTip("&7You can reinforce cracked stone brick by clicking on it with another cracked stone brick!", DvzClass.BUILDER, new String[] {"make|use|reinforce", "stone|bricks|wall|stone bricks|stone brick"});
  10. addTip("&7Use your Eye of Ender to teleport to an active Ender portal!", DvzClass.MONSTER, new String[] {"tp|teleport|tele|go", "portal|wall|keep"});
  11. addTip("&7Melons can be found outside the keep!", DvzClass.ALCHEMIST, new String[] {"collect|find|get", "melon|melons"});
  12. addTip("&7Ores spawn randomly in your workshop, so make sure to keep mining!", DvzClass.MINER, new String[] {"collect|find|get|mine", "iron|gold|diamond|ore|ores|diamonds"});
  13. addTip("&7You have a 50% chance to make a bow evertime you craft arrows!", DvzClass.TAILOR, new String[] {"collect|find|get|make", "bow|bows"});
  14. addTip("&7You need to sneak and then right click to explode, hold right click for a more powerful explosion!", DvzClass.CREEPER, new String[] {"explode|blow up|detonate"});
  15. addTip("&7Use your hammer to destroy the shrine of the dwarves!", DvzClass.MONSTER, new String[] {"break|destroy", "shrine|portal|portals"});
  16. addTip("&7Left click with your bow to fire multiple arrows at once!", DvzClass.SKELETON, new String[] {"shoot|fire", "bow|arrow|arrows"});
  17. addTip("&7Right click your spider eye to unleash your poison!", DvzClass.SPIDER, new String[] {"use|activate", "spider eye|posion|ability"});
  18. addTip("&7You can fly using your &2SHOOT &7 and &2GLIDE &7abilities!", DvzClass.BLAZE, new String[] {"fly|glide"});
  19. addTip("&7You need an open place to place down your portal, in the air for instance!", DvzClass.ENDERMAN, new String[] {"place|activate|place down|make|use", "dragon egg|egg|portal"});
  20. addTip("&7You need to place the bomb on the ground near a &2Dwarf&7!", DvzClass.WITCH, new String[] {"use|place|place down|activate", "bomb|poison bomb"});
  21. addTip("&7Once you die you get random new classes, but only when you die! Suicide only gives you the classes you already had!", DvzClass.MONSTER, new String[] {"change|become|get", "class|mob|monster"});
  22. addTip("&7Once you chose your class for dwarf you're stuck with it!", DvzClass.DWARF, new String[] {"change|become|get", "class|dwarf|profession"});
  23. addTip("&7Monster get unleashed when the dragon dies, and not before! If you're really stuck try &2SUICIDE&7!", DvzClass.MONSTER, new String[] {"get|get out|leave|stuck", "spawn|beginning|monster spawn"});
  24. addTip("&7Go to the chests in the keep or in the corner of the wall! Those are Shared Storages!", DvzClass.DWARF, new String[] {"get|make|have", "armor|food|weapon|weapons|sword|bow"});
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