
When Life Gives You Limes

Mar 4th, 2016
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  1. In Pencils!3HIVnYyJgw's thread for Anon's Pie Adventure (read the comic here, it's fucking awesome, some other anon asked the following.
  2. ---
  3. >Which ponie would Baldnon take to the grand galloping gala?
  4. ---
  5. I kinda went on a little tangent because I felt like it and wrote the following.
  6. ---
  7. >>26651071
  8. I would take Lime
  10. We would spend the Gala making snide remarks at the expense of other stuffy ponies and flirtatiously bitching about stuff before going out for a walk in the moonlight. We could then talk in a calmer, more intimate setting and I'd poke fun at her frilly dress that she hates and she'd start insulting my stupid "ill-fitting" suit.
  12. >tfw no qt sour attitude limestone pony gf
  13. ---
  14. And then it got out of hand. For some reason it wasn't greentext, not sure why but it just happened I guess.
  15. ---
  16. >>26651968
  17. At this point, we're close together in the penumbra of overhanging trees filtering moon and starlight. I'm looking in her big, pretty yellow eyes and I brush that lovely asymmetrical bang off the side of her cheek. She blushes, her face conflicted between embarrassment and her efforts to hide how she's enjoying this. She blurts out an unconvincing "Pfff, you're not charming enough to pull that move off, you dork."
  19. I cup her jaw and lean to her, her eyes slowly closing despite her mouth trying to form words of protest.
  21. In the dark, alone, we kiss.
  23. I break it off and smile smugly as her breathing is heavier. She's a little dazed as her eyes are glazed over, and I push her a little; she almost falls over but catches herself ungracefully. I laugh at her a little, saying "who's the dork now?", and her barrage of half-hearted angry hooves punctuated by insults colored with barely contained smiles only make me laugh harder. I picker her clean off the ground and silence her with a deep, passionate kiss and after less than a second of weakening blows, she melts in my arms.
  25. Luna bursts out of the shadows, royally shouting "WHO GOETH THERE?".
  27. Like an explosion, we fly apart, as if repelled electrically. Not even a blink has gone by and we're standing six feet apart, innocently performing perfectly innocuous tasks such as checking makeup and looking at the stars.
  29. "Oh my, Princess Luna! Your highness, it is just me, Anon," I say, walking out into the moonlight. "I believe Ms. Limestone Pie is here as well, ah - there she is," I finish.
  31. Luna looks at us with passing suspicion, her face quickly getting brighter as she tones down her Royal Canterlot Voice.
  33. "Ah, of course! We were simply wondering who was lurking about in the dark," she replied.
  35. "No lurking intended," I start, a devious hint of a smile forming on my face still unclear in the night, "I was just enjoying your beautiful night; the stars are particularly radiant, although nothing like your highness' mane," I add flirtatiously. Luna looks to the side, obviously unsure how to react to such compliments, yet very flattered.
  37. "Mr. Anon, we aren't worthy of such kind words," she awkwardly replies
  39. "Oh but I'm serious. I heard you once wished to cast eternal night on Equestria, and for the life of me I can't see that being a bad thing. Your nights are so awe-inspiring, I could look at them, and you, forever," I coo, and with every word I feel Lime's burning glare intensify. I can't bear to look behind myself at her, because I can almost see the furious yellow stare in Luna's polished regalia chestpiece.
  41. "Ah, but, we... Well... Mr. Anon, I never knew you enjoyed nighttime that much," Luna says, befuddled aflutter.
  43. "Oh but I do, your Highness! In fact -
  45. I can almost hear a tigress' hateful growl behind the clearing of Lime's throat.
  47. "Mr. Anon, I'm afraid you're going to have to come with me," she says, jealous spite dripping from every word.
  49. She starts dragging me off and I manage to dodge a few subtle hooves to the shins while exclaiming "Ah yes, sorry to be leaving so soon your highness, do visit me in my dreams if you can,". I blow her a kiss, leaving me open to Lime's hoof. It connects with my knee with a sharp thwack, causing a couple yelps and limping-jumps as the irate mare continues pulling me away. As I see Luna's surprised face now disheartened at my departure, Lime grumbles all sorts of obscenities. She pulls me back to the castle, away from the royal gardens, and back to the halls leading to the Gala; at this point I'm not sure why she'd be going back to that boring and stuffy party. Maybe she intends to start flirting with a stallion to get back at me.
  51. Nope, doesn't look like it. She shoves me into a broom closet, and I trip over a bucket. My knee is still smarting and I flinch, crumpling in heap. Instantly she's on me, aggressive, passionate, mixing sharp kisses with bites, snaking her hooves under my shirt coat to yank it off. She straddles me, grinding her crotch on mine, her lips only parting my skin to breathe in and grunt insults. I see her left hoof take a trip lower as she touches herself. Limestone scoots lower and lower, quickly getting to my belt line, making short work of the buckle and pants. I can feel her breath on my erect member, then some lips, then her whole mouth. She moans with a mouth full of me, working herself vigorously. She starts to milk me like a machine, furious and hot, as I feel myself getting close to orgasm. I feel her cum, the muted vibrations of her moan running through my member. I'm only a few seconds from finishing as she suddenly jumps off.
  53. Lime wipes her snout and fixes her hair in a flash.
  55. "Asshole!" she snarls, breathless and flushed.
  57. "M-my dick..." I groan, "Limestone what the fuck!"
  59. She flashes you a wicked grin, giggling venomously, saying "I'm opening the door, get your clothes in order, there's probably a guard trotting over after that commotion,"
  61. "You little snake in the grass," I start, doing up my pants and fixing my shirt as she opens the door, "I swear I'll -
  63. I go quiet as a guard approaches. Limestone shoos him off, telling him she was just looking for a washroom and knocked over a bucket. She starts cantering away, leaving me in the broom closet. I dust myself off and chase after her, catching up quickly.
  65. "Lime, hold up," I call, but she doesn't take notice.
  67. "Limestone Pie, will you marry me?"
  69. She stops in her tracks. My heart is pounding in my chest.
  71. She blurts out an angry "I hate you!" and slowly turns around
  73. "So that's a maybe?"
  75. "Anon, I hate you," she states flatly, and starts walking towards me. I don't know how much longer I can keep myself from running away, at this point.
  77. "So yeah. Let's get married," she finishes.
  79. "I'm getting mixed signals here."
  81. "Anon, I hate that I love you. You're an asshole, you bitch about everything, and frankly you're one of the most toxic entities I've ever met. You hate more than I do, and being sour about life is my cutie mark. You... I... We... Just come for some tequila shots, you idiot."
  83. "'Hate you too, Lime."
  85. She smiles as I catch up to her, heading for the bar.
  87. "You know, the wedding is going to suck worse than this."
  89. "You really think so?" she replies, pervasive hope in her voice.
  91. "Yeah. I'll be wearing an even dumber suit, we'll have all sorts of relatives causing trouble, and we can get terrible pictures of how bad we dance when we're shitfaced. I'll always be there to annoy you, and you can badmouth me during our vows."
  93. "Sounds awful," she sighs contently.
  95. Limestone and I walk into the light of the Gala, chuckling as we start once again to poke fun at snooty, overdressed ponies, wondering when we fell in love.
  97. Et c'est terminé!
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