
[To Be Named] - Chapter 10

Oct 5th, 2016
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  1. [To Be Named] - by Ho-Oh16
  2. A QuizUp fantasy adventure story.
  4. Chapter 10.
  6.    ~Five minutes~
  7.    I required Shadow's help to open the door. It was made of metal, fairly cold to the touch, and it was also heavy.
  8.    Once we had eventually pushed it open far enough, we slipped through the opening and entered a room. It replicated the one we had been in only a few minutes before - white walls seemed to be a popular choice in decoration.
  9.    "They really like this hospital look don't they, Shadow?
  10.    "Apparently so."
  11.    "What now? There isn't anywhere to go..."
  12.    "Perhaps there's another exit, like before."
  13.    "You have to wait."
  14.    "Thanks, Greg." I responded to his interruption. "That's just...peachy..."
  15.    "Any time." Greg replied. "Some stuff is being sent to you. Give it another minute and I will talk you through some things."
  16.    "Well, that answers your question." Shadow commented. "I have a feeling that this is another trial..."
  17.    "You're very correct in your thinking."
  18.    "So what are the others doing?".
  19.    We usually do these things as a group...I don't like being separated like this...
  20.    "They have a slightly different role in this test to you two. Everything will be explained to you shortly - your stuff should be in the room now." announced Greg.
  21.    True to his word, a small table was now in one of the corners of the room. It fit the blank and plain theme the room already had, and on it was a tiny box.
  22.    We walked over to the table and Shadow took the lid off, revealing what looked like hearing aids and contact lenses.
  23.    "Are you implying that I am not only blind but also deaf?". I honestly wasn't quite sure how to react to our new supplies.
  24.    "Not at all. You're going to need these for the trial. One earpiece and one contact lens each. This trial focuses on communication and trust. These delicate pieces of equipment are the communication, and your relationship with the others is the trust. They are necessary for the succession of the group, so I suggest you put them in now."
  25.    "I've never worn contact lenses...I'm more of a glasses kind of person." I stated while placing the small piece of plastic into my left ear.
  26.    "There's a first time for everything." Shadow helpfully reminded me.
  27.    "Sure...". I carefully picked up the lens, took a deep breath and after a momentary struggle, it was in place.
  28.    "Good."
  29.    There was a short pause between what Greg was saying. He began to speak again, but not before we each experienced a quick sharp pain in the side of our heads.
  30.    "What the-"
  31.    "Sorry, but we had to make some connections to ensure everything runs smoothly. You'll appreciate that before long."
  32.    "Thanks for letting us know in advance." I muttered.
  33.    "What next?" Shadow asked.
  34.    "A temporary blackout."
  35.    " favourite..."
  36.    "Hello darkness my old friend..."
  37.    "Please don't start singing, Shadow. Please."
  38.    And then, out went the lights.
  40.    ~Two minutes~
  41.    The countdown's figures were now a bright red. Everyone was staring at the three screens intently, anticipating what this trial would present them with. As the seconds ticked by, the countdown duplicated so there were three - one on each screen.
  42.    Between them, Rashaun, Anton and Dragon had decided that they would all monitor one screen. Anton was going to watch Shadow's feed, Rashaun would focus on mine, and DD was to keep an eye on the mystery screen. The microphone was more of a free-for-all, in the sense that 'if you feel something bad will happen, or they really need to do this, then use it as you please'.
  44.    ~Thirty seconds~
  45.    The lights flickered back on in the room, and there was now a visible door in front of me and Shadow. My eyes struggled to adjust to the newfound brightness.
  46.    "In ten seconds you will exit this room and walk into a new environment. The remaining members of your group will be able to see what you can and speak to you via your devices. However, they won't be able to hear anything you say, so you two will need to work together if you need to communicate back."
  47.    The information was being given to us quickly and in one big heap. I tried to take it all in, but I wouldn't have been surprised if I forgot some of the details.
  48.    "It's time for the trial to begin. Exit through the door and wait for contact before moving, for your sakes."
  49.    I allowed Shadow to go first, mostly because I didn't want to. The 'new environment' that Greg had mentioned was now all around us as we passed through the door.
  50.    "OK, how the heck did they get this to fit, along with the maze, the forest [and] the house, in this suspended dome? I am genuinely curious." I uttered in awe of our surroundings.
  51.    "So am I." Shadow replied. "We should hear from the others any second now."
  52.    "Yeah, I hope it doesn't take much-"
  53.    "Hello?"
  54.    "Oh my gosh...Rashaun? Hello?"
  55.    "They can't hear us, remember. They can only see what we see." Shadow said.
  56.    He waved at me, and it took me a moment to realise what he was doing. I waved back, but not at Shadow. It was for whoever was able to see his perspective.
  57.    "This is weird...I don't like it." I mumbled while smiling. I was prompted to stop waving by a distant cry, and both of us turned towards its origin.
  59.    "What? What is it?!" Anton called into the microphone. So far, only two of the three monitors had turned on.
  60.    "Nothing good." Shadow said. He looked into my eye and shook his head.
  61.    "That either means they don't know, or it's bad news." Dragon said.
  62.    "Or both..." added Rashaun. "Look around you so we can see what there is."
  63.    I let out a sigh and slowly turned anti-clockwise.
  64.    "I feel like a ballerina...". With that, I heard a sudden eruption of laughter and glared at Shadow.
  65.    "What? It isn't me!" he retaliated. As the laughter stopped and restarted with his response, he looked up into the trees and saw some movement. "I think we are being watched..."
  66.    I looked to where he was pointing but I couldn't see anything.
  67.    "By what? There's nothing there!" I exclaimed.
  68.    Shadow and I were currently stood on what appeared the be the floor of a jungle. Above us were towering trees, forming a vast canopy. Only a few rays of sunlight were able to reach our level, making the quality of what the others could see lower.
  69.    "No, there is. And I'm not convinced that it's friendly." Shadow said, grabbing his scythe.
  70. DD's selected screen suddenly flashed on. The majority of the screen appeared to be fragments of a map. In the top right corner, there was another window of live footage. Similarly to the other monitors, it provided a first-person perspective. However, it didn't belong to me or Shadow.
  71. "Guys, what do you make of this?" she asked, nudging Anton and pointing to the tiny video.
  72. Whoever's perspective it was, they seemed to be having a bad time.
  73. "I'm not sure..." replied Rashaun, mulling over different ideas.
  74. "Until we know more, we ought to focus on these live feeds, and try to use this map to help them." Anton insisted. "We can worry about them later."
  75. "Sure." Rashaun responded. He spoke into the mic again. "To your right, Shadow, there's a narrow opening. You should be able to get through there."
  76.    "Why are you sending them through that when there's another pathway there?" DD asked. She pointed to her own screen, and was referring to a pathway that should've been on my left.
  77.    "Because we can't see where that leads on the map, and we can for the other path." he replied. "It would be a bad idea to send them somewhere blind. If you know what I mean."
  78.    "All the same, it's not an actual path." Anton interjected.
  79.    All Shadow and I could hear was an argument over where we ought to go, and I was getting impatient. I looked at Shadow and did the best 'I am not impressed' face I could manage and I crossed my arms. I was ready to walk whichever path I wanted to see if I would grab their attention, but a howl forbade me.
  80.    What the-
  81.    A second cry interrupted my thoughts. This one sounded very human in comparison.
  82.    "Hello?!" I called out, using my hands to project my voice.
  83.    "That's a bad idea." Shadow warned me.
  84.    "I don't care! There could be someone who needs our help! I don't know about you, but I'm willing to take a chance."
  85.    "What are they saying?" DD questioned, flicking between both of our monitors.
  86.    "I wish I knew. This would be so much easier." Anton replied.
  87.     "It looks like am argument." Rashaun commented.
  88.    "Great. So they're going to kill each other before this thing has even begun.". Anton sighed and rubbed his forehead. He thought to himself and allowed Dragon and Rashaun to carry on.
  89.    "I don't want to condemn someone to death!" I finished.
  90.    "But we don't know what it is. It might not be a person. It could be something that wants us dead.  So, our best option is to stay away."
  91.    The same human-like voice cried out for help again, this time sounding closer. I stared at Shadow for a moment and quickly contemplated my options.
  92.    Help and ultimately save someone. Run and let them die.
  93.    Our staring contest was very short-lived, as the cry for help grew louder and more desperate.
  94.    "Chloe, don't do it. We can't just risk ourselves. After all, you only have your dagger, and that's not going to be helpful. That's just stupidity." Shadow stated.
  95.    "In your eyes, maybe." I replied before darting off into the trees, towards the voice-in-need.
  96.    "Where is she going? What's happening?" Anton asked, bringing his attention back to the monitors.
  97.    "I don't know." answered Rashaun. "Chloe, whatever it is you are doing, you need to stop! You and Shadow need to stick together!"
  99.    I tried to ignore him. Someone needed help, and I was going to give it to them. The cry resounded, giving me a new direction to head in. By now, I imagined that Shadow was running behind somewhere. I had no idea where I was going or what I would do when I eventually found the voice's maker, but I knew what I was doing was right.
  100.    I slowed my pace and looked behind me to see if Shadow was close by. I was unable to see him and that caused panic. I turned to face the direction I was headed, when I was met with a face.
  101.    "Chloe?"
  102.    I covered my left eye swiftly.
  103.    "Now what is she doing?!"
  104.    "Move your hand!"
  105.    Three voices were telling me to do things, but I shut them out.
  106.    "I-it's me..."
  107.    " can't be!"
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